Crafts from metal water pipes with their own hands. Crafts from plastic pipes: beautiful and useful things with their own hands

Polypropylene pipes allow to make plumbing junction in the apartment with light, flexible and stainless things, but people with a creative warehouse of the mind find such products use, not having no relation to the plumbing. Here are some examples of witty use of plastic pipes for making devices that can always come in handy in a home workshop.

Cover for knobs
A durable and comfortable overlay on the teeth of the hacksaw can be made of a plastic pipe with a diameter of 20mm. For this:

The pipe is clamped in the workbench and, retreating a little from the edge, the grinder make its longitudinal cut, the length of which corresponds to the length of the handbreaker. The end of the pipe leaving the whole.

Cut off the cutting part of the pipe.

Drill at the end of the device with a hole with a diameter of 6mm and insert a bolt into it, on which the lamb nut is screwed.

With full twisting nut, the bolt tightly clamps the pipe and reliably fixes the cover on the handbone canvas, not allowing it to move or fly from a random strike.

Figure surface machines
The surface of wooden products subject to grinding, often has concave and convex places, very uncomfortable for squeaking. Simple devices from polypropylene pipes will help make such work more comfortable and fast.

Device for processing concave surface

In order to do it, you will need:
- Pruning plastic pipe with a diameter of 20mm;
- a piece of emery paper width equal to the length of the circumference of the trimming;
- Polyurethane glue.

The manufacture of self-containers occurs as follows:

The pipe is sliced.

The inner, non-working surface of the ebb is moisturized and applied glue on it.

Split glue on paper with a spatula, pre-wrapped paper.

Wrap the pipe with emery paper.

Turn all the painting ribbon.

After two hours, paper is removed

and get a very convenient device for grinding a concave surface

Device for processing a convex long surface
In order to make it, it will take all the same as in the case of the first device, only the pipe must already be used to use thick, sewer, diameter 32mm.

Manufacturing process:

The pipe is clamped into the workbench and cut it along from two sides, trying to cut the cuts strictly opposite each other. The pipe of the pipe at the very end does not touch the edges of the reise to be cleaned the bladler disk.

Measure the desired length from the cutting end of the pipe, and cut it off.

Two identical halves of the product that must be cleaned.

Adhesive glue on the inner side of the sandpaper.

In one afternoon, the workpiece is inserted sandpaper, and the second is covered with its top.

Strip the entire design with clamps and leave to dry.

After two hours, the gluing disassemble and get a device that is very convenient to grind any long round wooden products. It is only necessary to cut off the excess sandpaper on the edges.

Case for the chisel

Polypropylene thermoplastic, when heating plastic pipes, the form of them easily changes and, thanks to this, you can do a variety of useful things. For the manufacture of a cover for the chisel, the pipe is first heated by a construction hairdryer,

and then give it the right form

As a result, a convenient cover for the chisel is obtained, a very tightly retaining tool.

For ease of use on a case, you can write the width of the working part of the tool.

The properties of the thermoplasticity of polypropylene can also be used in the manufacture of various adapters from plastic pipes, for example, for the blowing of an electroball. A pipe for this should be chosen a breather with a slightly large than a hole in the instrument.

For the manufacture of an adapter, the pipe is first heated to a sufficiently high temperature, so it is recommended to work in gloves,

then the hands are narrowing her end, insert it into the hole of the jigsaw and leave it to cool there.

If the connection between the adapter and the jigsaw after the cooling of the plastic turned out to be weak, then it can be additionally marked with a greasy tape. In this way, their PVC pipes can be formed adapters of any diameter and any form.


In order to make a homemade clamp you will need:
- polypropylene coupling with a diameter of 63mm;
- two threaded studs with a dimmeter 8mm and 20cm long each;
- Two shrink tubes.

Clamp manufacturing process:

A painting tape is wound on the coupling and cut it along two halves. The line of the cut is carried out along the border of the imposition of the "Malarki" tapes on the product.

Cut one of the resulting halves of the coupling across.

In the modern world, with its developed industry, there is a place for creative solutions to any household task. Crafts from plastic pipes have become a tool for the embodiment of fantasies in decorative art and engineering structures, up to carports for cars, greenhouses, swings and many other things.

What can be made of plastic pipes

Products from plastic pipes, thanks to their lightness, flexibility, strength and simplicity of assembly, have become a real storehouse of ideas for creativity of many modern "Kulibins" and "left-hand." With the help of pipes, you can make hands to make furniture items, garden and garden equipment, interior elements, entertainment for children and even weapons. And it's not just a low price and availability of materials. Fantasy people are constantly embodied in new forms. The following is a selection of 50 of the most interesting projects.

How to give the shape of plastic pipes

Pipes can be given almost any shape, because they are connected to each other and bend. For example, if you need to make a vault for a canopy, they may well be bent on a given radius, it depends on the diameter and thickness of the walls.

Self-timers made of plastic pipes require the impression of certain forms. This is achieved by heating the material. For heating, a construction hairdryer or gas burner is used. It is necessary to warm up the plastic surface and while it is hot to give it the desired shape. If there are no burners, you can heat the material over the fire of the gas stove. For not strong heating, it is enough just to fill the pipe with hot water.

Heated plastic is very soft, so special attention should be paid to the chances of bending. Cut the plastic with a metal or a jigsaw.

Options for connections

You can connect pipes for homemakes in several ways:

  1. Skin compounds. In order for the inner tube dressed tightly and never dangled, an o-rubber sealing ring is installed inside it. Also from a while end should be removed the face and lubricate it with silicone tip. Such a connection is considered not very durable, but it is easy to disassemble it. With it, they make collapsible homemade structures, for example, garden furniture retained from the courtyard for the winter.
  2. The second type of connection is practically no different from the first, except that glue is used when connecting. In order for the segments, it is better to conclude needed before applying glue carefully degreased parts connected.
  3. Fitting. Can be detachable and notion. With the help of connecting couplings, it is possible to bore areas of pipes of different diameters and even material. Most often for homemade uses inexpensive plastic compression clutches. For fastening in places of bending design, you can use another type of shaped elements - taps, tees and crossmen.
  4. Heating device ("Royal" or "Iron"). It has little in common with well-known household appliances. This is a special apparatus for welding plastic pipes. Connected products are placed in the clamp of such a heater and in a few seconds they accumulate to each other. This is the fastest and most reliable method, all joints are accomplished with neat and hermetic. One thing is only bad - this heater is quite expensive and buy it for one craft is unprofitable.
  5. Use flanges. On the connected ends, dresses one flange, which is a sleeve, slightly larger diameter than the pipe itself, with a thick washer with holes located at one end. After the flange is fixed on each segment, they are connected using bolts passing through the holes in the washer. Wide rubber gaskets are used for waterproofing. Not the most popular for homemade type of connection. Flanges make the appearance of crafts more rude, not neat. But if the brutality is laid in the design of the homemade - such compounds, as it is impossible to reveal the intention of the master.

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Garden arch

The arches are used to decorate the yard or the naud. Very often they are used as an element of design of festive events. The upper part of the arch is assembled from curved pipes. To make it easier, you can heat them with a gas burner flame, but it is best to fill with boiling water and slowly bend. The upper part of the craft can be done using collapsible fitting connections. In this case, we get a folding arch, which is convenient to store and transport.

Corner of privacy in kindergarten

According to Recommendations of FGOU, the "Center for Privacy and Relaxation" becomes a mandatory attribute for kindergartens and other pre-school educational institutions. A frame of a solitude corner of plastic pipes may have a shape of a house, tent or mink. Inside you need to put pillows, soft objects, plasticine, pencils and paper, developing and distracting the attention of toys. Outside, the handwritten is covered with a cloth calm, not screaming shades. It is preferable to use pastel colors. All this will allow the baby a little relaxing, wait for stress, distract from trouble and soon return to the group to his comrades.

Scoob for beach search

Beach scube is used to search in the sand of small items - coins, hours, chains, seashells, and so on. It resembles a scoop with small holes at the bottom. For the manufacture of a scuba, you need a segment of a plastic pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm, at the bottom of which you need to drill holes for the outlet of the sand, and to the top to make a handle. A homemade scube is presented in the photo for the manufacture of which the removal is successfully applied to a smaller diameter, a plug and a thin segment as a handle.

Embroidery machine

Another interesting handicraft from PVC tubes. In fact, this is a frame on a stand intended for tensioning tissue. It is made of pipes of the connected taps at 90 degrees. This allows you to make a geometrically correct square or rectangle. The angle of inclination is adjustable by means of a loose peeper connection of the tee in the frame and the removal in the stand.

Big Diameter Pipe Well

Plastic well - the simplest use or PVC. First, a pit is digging to the level of groundwater. Then the PVC of the corresponding diameter and the length is placed in it to prevent the ground. In the well, you can put a deep pump and organize a water supply to the house directly from the tank.

Swing for children

Swing from plastic pipes, hardly withstand adults. But for children not exceeding 20 kg, it is quite feasible, and most importantly - safe. Swing can be installed in the yard and at the cottage, viewing them into composite parts with the arrival of winter. Photos present two options for a swing - for the street and for the house. Compact home swings do not require any additional materials - only the remaining PVC pipes are used in the homemade.

Child chair

A lightweight chair of plastic pipes and a cut-off bright tight fabric will probably like children. It can be the subject of the situation in a kindergarten or used as a country furniture. For the manufacture used PVC pipes, taps 90 degrees and tees. The frame is fixed with glue.

Drilling machine

Electrode or screwdriver This is a tool that always exists in the cabinet of a homemade master. Of these, you can make a home drilling machine. You just need to fix it to the movable bracket. This will allow you to make holes smooth, at a given distance from each other. Such homemade is able to replace a heavy and serious drilling unit. But it will require painstaking work. Without accurate fitting and reliable fastening of the nodes, it is not enough.

Circling for strawberries in plastic pipes

The handicraft is a thick plastic tube with holes for plants located on top. This way of planting strawberries allows ripening berries to lie on the plastic, and not on the ground, which facilitates the collection. In the photo, the plastic tube is applied as a base for a hydroponic system. Pots are inserted into the holes to which the nutrient solution for plants is supplied.

Vertical Grokes

This method of planting plants is reminded by the hanging gardens of semiramides. Pipes with plants sticking out of holes in the upper part can be placed in several rows. The foliage closes the core, creating the impression of plants hanging in the air. In addition to the original appearance, such placement of plants allows you to get good yields even with small areas. Vertical beds from plastic pipes can well be placed in narrow passenger seats and even on the loggia or balcony of the city apartment.

Fence - Fencing for the site

This use of pipes is rather decorative than applied. Such a fence will not stop the intruders, but will make a household site or a palersader carefully and good. Moreover, the craft can be painted in different colors, which will give an additional decorating effect. All that for etgo will need - all the same trimming, tees, corners of 90 degrees and plugs.

Rod-under - Stand Stand

Any fisherman knows what it is necessary for this device, and the ability to assemble it from the pipes and carry on fishing with you, makes it more comfortable. Rod-under suggests several backups under rods, which can be easily achieved using short cuts and fitting connections. The main emphasis is to create a solid, easily assembled and disassembled. For fisherman, it is possible to provide a light chair from the same material. In the photo - the stand under two fishing rods.

Trellier for plants

This is the usual racks of thick pipes with horizontally thin on them. When building a vineyard, it is necessary to count on the fact that the load on the racks and the crossbar will constantly grow, so it is necessary to take into account the margin of safety for such a self-made. Do not stop on simple rectangular stands. The plasticity of the material will allow achieving the most bizarre forms to decorate your garden!

Plastic Pipe Curtain Eaves

Stylish plastic tube cornice can be made from the materials remaining after repair. Flanges who are suitable on plastic brackets will help tightly fasten homemakes. The curtains themselves are attached to the rings, put on the pipe. Such crafts are recommended for easy curtains. Heavy curtain fabrics will not hold. Correspondures can be painted with metal colors or leave "as it is."

Rack for wine

Shelf or rack uses for storage of collection wines. For them, the segments of PVC pipes are suitable, fastened in the form of bee honeycombs. Each bottle has its own "honeycomb". The construction is a drink of 35-40 cm straight sections. They can be folded in any order, fasten each other, for example, glue and fill in collectible wine.

Pan for dogs

It is a frame of the pipes of the desired diameter, built as a cube. The side walls are also collected from the pipes or partially tightened by matter or chain. This kind of homemade is also suitable for the device of rabbits, only a cube from pipes will already be with the parties of no more than 1 meter.

Plastic pipe house for children

It can be made from a bartal roof, using for mounting on the rod of the roof of taps with a bend of 90 degrees. The walls of the house can be drilled by matter, with the windows cut in it. It is not necessary to use a classic house. Your children will surely enjoy buildings in the form of a pirate ship or space rocket.

Plastic pipe septum (shirma)

The partition in the photo consists of 3 frames with an opaque material stretched on them. Frames are connected to a movable hinge, which allows you to fold and remove the screen when it is not needed.

Support for bushes

This design resembles a support for the vineyard, only on a smaller scale. It supports plants and guides their branches in the right direction. Showing a little fantasy, you can force, for example, a Chinese rose to grow in the form of an arch around the gate.

Barrage for the doorway

Such a fence will be useful in homes where there are small children or pets. On both sides of the opening, the tubes are slightly larger diameter, in which the frame is inserted, as shown in the photo.

Polyethylene tube bow

We use the property of the elasticity of the plastic tube to create a children's bow for shooting. The neck (handle) is wrapped with a piece of tubular insulation and fix the adhesive tape. A valuant from the fishing line is fixed in the sinus at the ends of the pipes that end with the plugs. It is not necessary to get involved and shape too large bend radius. Leave a small stroke reserve for a bow shoulder when tensioning and shots.


Homemade luminaires of pipes are affected by the number of shapes and sizes. It all depends on the fantasy of a person. On the photo only a few empties of different types. The main thing when assembling the lamp of plastic pipes, in time to produce the electric wire, so that it is not to suffer with it, because the design can be quite complicated.

Dryer for linen

Of course, such a simple thing usually buy in a shopping store. But much more pleasant and cheaper to use a homemade dryer. The assembly scheme in the photo does not require explanations.

Kashpo for flowers

The simple design of Caspo allows you to place the pots with flowers not trite - on the windowsill, and in beautiful stands around the house. Now you can not fear as a result of puddle overflow on the floor and walls.

Homemade Sani.

This homemade is quite complex in the construction, we do not recommend it to use it as the first craft from the pipes. But when after working out a little experience to make durable and light sledges will not be difficult. Very comfortable, fun and beautiful.

Heated towel rail in the bathroom

The manufacture of a polypropylene tube heated towel rail allows you to create a non-standard design, for placing in places for which it is impossible to choose a ready-made model. The functionality of such a self-made is much higher than the usual factory.

Mobile tent

This is the same children's house. But in this case, all connections are made with the calculation of a slight assembly-disassembly. Very practical thing - does not take up much space, easy and convenient. Attention to the tight fabric - it must be sufficiently strong and moisture-proof, to oppose the weather whims. The cracker can be used to organize a hiking kitchen or sun protection.

Football goal

To play the ball or hockey on the grass, it is not necessary to have a large iron gate. Enough light design of PVC pipes, which is also easily disassembled with the arrival of winter. Although the small gate can be used in winter to play hockey with a washer. The exercise usually consists of 3 frames, but it is possible to simplify it up to 2 or even to one frame with a cloth stretched on it.

Clothes rack

It is a vertical tube with small "process" from above for clothes or a full-fledged design for a dressing room with horizontal pipes to accommodate a large number of things on the shoulder. On the photo homemade hanger for children. For adult handicrafts should be stronger and use pipes with a slightly large diameter.

solar collector

Device for water heating. It is necessary to place it on the roof and the longer the pipe will be, the more effective the heating. Therefore, usually the "snakes" of the collector of plastic pipes are laid throughout the roof area.

Flower pots and vases

These crafts can be made of pipes and fittings of various diameters, simply scaping the fragment of the desired height. Finished crafts are customized to decorate with colored paper, and they can be placed on the pipes previously made from PVC pipes for flowers.

Stand for kitchen appliances

Knives, forks, spoons of different sizes can be inserted into vertically mounted pieces of plastic pipes. Crafts are very comfortable, and most importantly practical. It looks in the kitchen creatively. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Stand for scissors pencils

Stretched together segments of pipes of different diameters, set vertically, are a good storage of not only scissors and pencils. For compactness, they should be copped into one block. This can be a completely functional hardware organizer.

Holder for cloth or hair dryer

PVC pipes secured in the bathroom segments will reliably keep tongs for curling hair and hairdryer, and they do not sleep with contact with hot elements of the appliances.

Holder for a watering hose

So that the hose was not lying in the form of an untidy, not robbed heaps, it can be wound on the Holder of PVC pipes made by their own hands. Practical and comfortable homemade for the household site.

Frames for paintings and mirrors

Original and even a brutal device for storing photos, crossing paintings or mirrors. Looks very effectively and unusual.

PVC pipe bench

It is quite simple, but it is necessary to use good glue to connect, because the shop must be not only beautiful, but also durable. A shop of plastic pipes for the cottage is cheap and tasteful.

Garden bench

Complicating the design of the bench can additionally make a back - it turns out a very beautiful bench. You can use tubes of different diameters, for example, 50 mm for lateral supports and 25 mm for the back and seats.

Containers for seedlings

In essence, it is small flower pots or simply dried by 5-7 cm. Segments of the desired diameter. An excellent solution to the problem for those who have lasted plastic after repair.

Drip iris system

The practical direct appointment of the plastic pipe is water supply. Drip watering occurs through small holes, which are drilled at the given distances. Now you can not care about watering the site in the intervals between giving visits. And the bay with the roots of large volumes of water you also do not threaten.

Organizer for table.

The device is glued together between PVC pipes of different diameters and height. Looks at the table creatively, suitable for home and office.

Bathroom organizer

Convenient toothbrush storage device, razor accessories and other trifles. Moreover, for each device there will be its own separate cell. It looks great in the bathroom with other PVC homemade, such as a heated towel rail and a frame for a mirror.

Shelf for shoes

Convenient storage made of fragments with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Shoes are no longer under the door, but neatly folded on the shelf. Moreover, levels can be made as much as you like.

Holder for glasses

Installed above the bar counter. The pipe large diameter is mounted horizontally and a cutout is made sufficient to pass the thin leg of the glade. The excellent addition to the interior in the style of Loft.

Place for bicycles

Homemade for keeping the front wheel of one bike and for 5, 10 or more. The number of cells corresponds to the number of bikes in the family. Do not forget about possible guests on two-wheeled transport. The craft is easy to disassemble the winter and hide into the storage room for the next season.

Stand for a drill

The stand represents a cut in which the tool is placed so that it does not have to search or he did not interfere during the repair work, lying under his feet. Comfortable, and most importantly practical handicraft.

Frame for street cinema screen

The screens frame creates a frame of PVC pipes with a white web stretched on it. It is enough just to think the legs of the tripod. Finished factory options are not suiced, and the screen made by your own will cost a penny.

Homemade plastic pipe catamaran

Pretty big and sophisticated handicraft. All fasteners need to be carefully sicked in order for, catamaran does not fall apart. As a float, you can use hermetically closing segments, large diameter.

Notebook Stand

It is a frame for supporting a laptop. Such a stand not only allows you to comfortably accommodate the table, beds or sofa, but also provides hot air with lower and lateral planes, protecting the laptop from overheating.

Decorative interior and gifts

Creative approach will help create really original things. In the manufacture you need to not forget to decorate crafts with colored paper or paints.

Working with plastic pipes is not just a pleasure from creation. This is the embodiment of the most bold ideas and fantasies. In addition, it does not need a special tool for work, sometimes quite simple hacksaws, ruler and felt-meter. DIY can make the whole family, attracting children to this. It strengthens relations in the family and develops creative thinking.

Make a variety of crafts and a lot of useful things can be from the simplest and affordable material, such as plastic pipes. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Many owners, they stayed after repair and lie idle in Saraj. Therefore, you can safely get them and start creating. And from our article you will learn original ideas for crafts from pipes.

Plastic pipes for crafts: benefits

Plastic pipes allow you to create beautiful premium and collapsible structures. They can be used in the apartment or in the country. Perfectly will look and crafts for children.

The advantages of this material are as follows:

  • ability to use without pre-staining or with additional surface decoration;
  • compactness of the collapsible structures;
  • not toxicity when heated;
  • high strength and rigidity of parts;
  • the ability to create a variety of structures using connecting elements - clutches and fittings.

With the help of an uncomplicated material, you can create original products and make the gift of your friends and loved ones.

Methods of fastening blanks

If you are interested in the question, how to make an interesting handicraft with your own hands, then to give plastic products the necessary form you should stock up some set of tools. A gas burner will be required, saw on metal or jigsaw. Homemade products can be solid, connected by adhesive composition and bolts, or collapsible.

You can use to connect the socket with the seal. However, it takes a lot of time and effort, but the connection is unlikely to succeed quite hard.

If you still decide to take advantage of this method, then the pipes must be cleaned of contamination at the places of the future connection. The edge of the pipe that will be inserted should be covered with lubrication. When the pipe will go completely into the socket, it must be moved a little back. This will allow in the future to disassemble the design.

Using glue helps make the design more durable. Details are first processed by sandpaper at the points of the connection followed by careful degreasing. The glue should be applied on both sides of the attachment - both internal and external. When docked, the pipe is inserted tightly to the failure, and then make a turn to a quarter of turnover. After that, it is necessary to ensure reliable bonding by means of dense adjacent parts.

A very time consuming will be an option with a bolt fastening, which can be seen in the photo of crafts from plastic pipes. The master will need to place the drilling points of the holes and take advantage of the drill. It is no need to glue, and the connections will be very durable.

Products for home and apartments

To make wonderful accessories for the apartment, you do not need a detailed instruction for crafts from plastic pipes. There is enough ability to work with tools and fantasy.

If you make a lot of cuts of wide plastic pipes, and then bore them together, you can create convenient sections for shoes. The size of the blanks in length must correspond to the size of the shoes of your household. Of course, you can make a shelf with short crossbars when the shoe heel will hang.

But it looks more convenient to the designs corresponding to the gabarites of shoes and boots. Carnat cells can be clutches with glue, self-draws or bolts. According to a similar principle, cells for storing wine bottles in the cellar are made.

By connecting plastic pipes vertically, you can create a good hanger. Pipes inserted into the tee will be used as holders of clothing. And for the stiffness of the fastening inside the vertical design, it is advisable to insert a holder of a tree or a rod from a metal.

Pipes of wide diameter can be used in the arrangement of colored vases, and the medium in size of the workpiece is suitable for VAZ. Ploying such products with colorful pictures or photos, you can finely decorate them. From short trimming, original lamps on the desktop or lamps are built.

If you fix the details with the end, cropped at an angle of 45 degrees, to a wooden basis, attached to the wall, then coasters for pens and pencils. Placing the cylinders vertically, you will create a great base for tools. Well, of course, it will look great for a laptop stand, bonded by special fittings.

In the bathroom, the criterion of the pipe with three outputs is suitable for use as a hull holder. If you fix the cylinders on the door of the locker, you can insert other devices, for example, a comb, curl.

In the kitchen, there will also be a place to this homemade samples, which you can find out by studying the master class on the crafts from plastic pipes. First, these are original containers for storing forks, spoons and knives. And secondly, the cylindrical part can be applied as a holder for glasses. It is only necessary to take a pipe from 0.5 m long and make a longitudinal cut through on one side. You can insert the legs of the glasses. And the pipe itself can be attached to the ceiling or suspended cabinet.

Products for children

Diverse and crafts from plastic pipes for children. What can be offered to small family members:

  • Spacious playpen.
  • Baby swing to the courtyard.
  • Lightweight and mobile sledges.
  • Gate for football game.
  • Frame for a spacious house.
  • Summer shower at the cottage.
  • Shirma for theatrical productions.
  • Fencing for a crib and a fence restricting the exit for the baby from the room.

The defortion will also become an improvised toy storage cabinet. Perfectly fit into the interior of the children's room. Compact table and chairs and plastic pipes. Children themselves will be able to eat or arrange gatherings for dolls.

Lady arrangement

Popularly enjoy plastic pipes for cottages and gardens. A lightweight and mobile dryer for linen will fit into the country interior. In sunny weather, it can be taken to the garden, and when the rain starts - to enter under the canopy. The framework for garden furniture will be durable.

You can make a comfortable chair or chaise longue and cover them with a durable cloth. Provide the desired shape of the preparations in the manufacture, for example, a chair, you can with a gas burner. The pipe heats up and bends under the desired angle. Then it should be left for cooling time.

Decorate a terrace or a gazebo can be varied panels. Pipes must be cut into shallow rings, grind glue and hang on the wall. The partitions are also built similarly to separate the functional zones in the summer house or in the garden.

Gardening lovers can create colors vases or vertical beds. Having setting the fence from the pipes by landing the curly plants near him, after a while you can get a live fence at the house.

If you connect the pipes with each other around the perimeter, it turns out a domestic pen. And the sewer pipes themselves are beautiful feeders, the construction of which is not required long.

There are other options for using plastic blanks:

  • construction of light gazebo;
  • arrangement of a canopy under the car;
  • installing the holders for the bike.

Taking advantage of the easiest material - plastic pipes, you can create comfortable, very useful items and accessories for home and cottages. Such homemade products will delight adults and children.

PVC pipes - the optimal option is not only for the water supply, but also for making crafts with their own hands. How often does a few segments remain after repair, which are sorry to throw away and so they lie at home or in the country and are waiting for their own hours? This situation is familiar to many, so we free the place and create original crafts from pipes for your home and site.

Options for connecting pipes

Plastic pipes are a generalized name of products for creating a water supply system, sewage and heating, which are made of various polymers, most often PVC or polypropylene. There are such pipes of mass advantages, among which are high strength, ease, durability, safety and simplicity in care.

To make crafts of such a plan, it is important to know how to combine individual parts of them to form a planned design. Polypropylene tubes are connected to each other with a welding machine, which is characterized by a high cost, so the best option will be leased. But with such a device, you still need to learn how to work, so fittings are used more often for these purposes.

If we talk about plastic pipes, then most often they mean products from PVC, which are connected by such options:

After familiarizing with the technology of compounding plastic pipes, you can perform any craft. It is important only to initially draw a sketch of what is required to obtain as a result, indicating all sizes and elements of the design of the crafts.

Alone from the pipes you can create unique crafts that will delight the owner by appearance and practicality, and to more amazing guests.


This drawing is the easiest way to use plastic pipes. If there are only small trimming of pipes, then they will perfectly fit into a common idea. To perform a mobile organizer, it will be necessary to simply glue the sections of the pipes of the desired size among themselves in the intended sequence and decorate the design. This storage option will always keep the workplace in order.

The second version of the craft-organizer is stationary. In this case, the workpiece of the craft is attached to a horizontal surface or wall. So the niches are obtained for various trifles created by their own hands.

Rama or partition for the room

If there is a desire to decorate the wall at home with a mirror, but it does not have a suitable frame, it is not necessary to spend money on the purchase of a new one. To perform, you will need to cut pipes of different diameter on thin rings. On paper, you need to draw a layout of future crafts in real size and right on it to collect it from pipe trimming. You can create both a strict geometric frame and a set of chaotic scattered rings. As a result, the resulting handicraft from the pipes can be painted into the desired shade or decorated depending on the imagination of the owner.

Thus, it is easy to create a decorative partition from the pipes that can decorate not only the interior of the house, but also country plots. Of course, it will have to attach more effort, but they are worth it.

Jewberry or wine shelf

The situation with a bunch of shoes in the corner of the hallway is familiar to many, but not always there is a place to install a full shoe cabinet. In this case, you can move and perform a craft-junction of plastic pipes. To do this, you will need to take pipe cutting with a sufficient diameter so that there is a pair of shoes, and cut them on a blank about 30 cm long.

Important! Connect the components of the crafts is best with the help of self-samples so that the design is as reliable and durable.

The assembled product must be fixed on the wall to eliminate the fall. Such a junction is compact and in appearance nothing worse than the purchase organizers for shoes.

This technology can be used when building shelves in the bathroom, holder for wine bottles and even places for placing children's toys.

Vases and kashpo

From trimming pipes for sewage can be made of pots, which perfectly suit for landing in them colors and accommodation in the country area. If you first attach the bottom to the billets, for example, from a plastic bucket, or just to provide them with a stand, then put such pots can be even indoors.

Crafts-vases made of pipes of small diameter look stylish. When placing several blanks of different heights decorated with decoupage technique, it turns out a spectacular place for cut plants.

Stands and shelves

If the country house or garage is required to be equipped, then the creation of PVC pipe shelves will become an excellent alternative to buying massive wooden products. To form such a kind of crafts from pipes, the connection of segments in a certain sequence will be connected.

So, the serpent shelves are suitable for storing books and photo albums. Also on them comfortably hang clothes or towels.

No less creatively looks for crafts for flowers. In the process of manufacturing, special attention is paid to the locations of the details to each other and reliability of the design. Also, they will also require pieces of plywood or other material for the manufacture of table tops in the fake from pipes.

Garden arch

Such products seen by plants look at the site sophisticated and exquisitely. They are able to decorate even any celebration. For example, if we arrange a similar army with satin ribbons, flowers, tulle, it will become an excellent scenery for an exit wedding ceremony or a photo shoot. And the manufacture of crafts does not take much time.

Arch options There are many, so the design of the crafts is selected in accordance with the wishes of the wizard. The main complexity of the formation of this craft is the need to flexing some parts of the pipes. The easiest way to do it, slightly heating the desired pipe of the pipe with the help of a gas burner.

If there is no such possibility, the connection of pipes for the craft is carried out simply at an angle. In this case, a trapezoid or triangle is formed. Make the arch with two vaults so that the transverse elements are located between them, which in the course of operation will help the greenery to host the entire surface of this craft.


Not only small products can be performed from pipes. For example, the gazebo from this material will be an excellent option to addition place. To do this, you will need to take long segments, form arcs from them and secure in the ground. A dense awning tent fabric is stretched between them, and in the inner space, install a dining table or a bench for recreation. So, without the extra time of time and finance, you can create a masterpiece gazebo, which will save from the summer heat.

Tip! You can connect the elements of the handicrafts so that it turns out a house. This is also an interesting option of a major craft from PVC pipes.

Containers for plants

If the cottage area does not differ in sufficient area, then vertical plantations are the optimal option for saving space. Thus, it is easy to grow greens, flowers and even some varieties of berries.

To do this, you need to form out of sewage pipes like oblong kashpo. You can get them by performing holes along the crafts and leaving enough space for the soil and plants. At the bottom of each craft, holes are performed for water outflow. Fastening such kashpo is comfortable on a pre-prepared wooden stand, right on the wall or fence. If you connect these beds with a thick rope, then a single design, which can be simply suspended.


For modern interiors, interesting crafts are suitable for their own hands. One of these interior details can be a lamp of plastic pipes. The product can be completely different shape, the main thing is the correct connection and the possibility of connecting electricity to craft. For the formation of such a craft should be taken only in the case of the existence of work skills with electricity.

It is not necessary to connect the elements of the crafts among themselves. If you take different pipes in length and cut holes on them of different configurations, you will get a unique lamp that will leave bizarre patterns on the walls.

Coffee table

If you wish to make a garden zone or update the furnishings of the veranda plastic pipes, too, can become a basic material. Make a coffee table of them is easy. First of all, the project of the future craft is painted and already following him, form the frame of the table. It can be different as collected from a variety of details and representing several segments installed on the stand.

As a tabletop for crafts, tend to use glass or plywood sheet. It is decorated at his discretion. The glass countertop looks spectacular and stylish, but it will need to be additionally fixed on the frame.


Crafts from pipes are a unique way of making not only a treacherous area, but even at home. There are many interesting ideas worthy of attention. If you spend some time and strength, you can get from plastic water supply or sewer products almost any thing.

If you do not be lazy and not be afraid to show the initiative and the smelting, you can work miracles from any submitted means and materials. And make comprehensive crafts from plastic pipes with their own hands of any formation and is easier.

Many plastic pipe varieties. There are pipes from which the heating network is mounted, pipes intended for water supply and sewer, etc. and are usually all relatively cheap and available for purchase in any specialized store. Often, after repair or construction, many different pipes remain, which can be an excellent raw material for the manufacture of all kinds of crafts.

It is probably prepared for the removal of a certain amount of various pipe trimming on the dump. Do not hurry to throw them away, and first read this material.

Here it will be not about special purpose of pipes, but about their use just "not for the appointment". Plastic pipes are easy, durable and durable. You can easily care for them, dust is not going to them, and the products of them are completely safe.

Most often for crafts use PVC pipes. They are durable, have increased rigidity and of them it is easy to collect a variety of structures through all sorts of corners, adapters and nozzles. Good and polypropylene pipes, but products from them will not be unintended. In addition, to create from such pipes, you will have to learn how to use the special soldering device.

Methods that pipe connected in the design

Plastic pipes are good not only for the manufacture of all sorts of household trifles, of which you can also construct all kinds of furniture items. In order for the resulting item to serve for a long time, all the details of its designs must be properly connected to each other. Consider the assembly of structures from segments made by their PVC pipes.

Methods that can be used to connect such pipes:

  • connect the segments by the termination and rubber seal;
  • by means of special glue;
  • with bolts, drilling holes for them.

In the case of a socket, the compound is easily reflected, but not strong enough. Before the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the pipes in the places of their connections from dust and other pollutants, and after applying a special silicone lubricant to the pipe inserted. At first, the pipe must be inserted to the end, but then it is recommended to push it to a centimeter back. This is done in order to subsequently be able to disassemble if possible.

The next way is more reliable, but also more laborious. But in this case, the product will be strong, reliable and durable. For good gluing before mounting the part in the connection places for the best hitch are processed by sandpaper. After processed places, they are dengulated with methylene chloride and ready to apply glue. The glue is applied both on the treated outer surface and on the inner. After the pipe docile, and bringing the pipe to failure it is worth checking on a quarter of turnover. The details should be tightly pressing each other for a minute, and so that the fixation is the maximum best to do the gluing procedure very quickly. After glued segments should dry out for several more hours.

The most time consuming method is the third. In this case, it will have to be placed and drilled a set of holes, but this option will provide the future product excellent strength and reliability. In addition, it is not necessary to mess with glue and sandpaper, and after the assembly it is not necessary to wait for something there will dry out there.

In order to create corners, all kinds of branches, etc. Mono use a variety of fittings, due to which the design of any complexity can even collect a person in these affairs. So, proceed to the consideration of the useful products that were designed by the same private craftsmen as we are with you.

Video: crafts from plastic pipes with their own hands. Part 1

Crafts designed to decorate the interior with useful features

Of the shortest cuts of a small diameter, you can make it possible to make convenient and practical organizers for the garage or workshop.

Also from pieces of pipes are obtained by good laptop stands or even the original easels for drawing.

Book shelves from PVC pipes look amazingly, besides, they can be performed in a variety of and extravagant configurations.

If you cut into the pipe with small rings, you can build truly excellent compositions that you can subsequently decorate any room.

Cutting pipes of large diameter will be good for creating shoe shelves, as an option to craft from plastic pipes in the photo.

Also from PVC tube, amazing stands for flowers are obtained,

and from the pipes of a wide diameter, the original vases will be released, which will be an excellent version of crafts from plastic pipes for giving with their own hands.

From the pipe of the middle diameter you can make vases for flowers. Especially excellent they will look if plays them with colorful pictures or photographs.

A truly amazed and delighted homemade original lamps from short trimming PVC pipes.

Also from the remains of pipes, you can build such useful things like a hanger or a bag holder in which garbage bags are folded.

Products for playgrounds

From PVC plastic pipes as an option to craft, it turns out an excellent playpen, which does not exist even in specialized children's stores.

With such pipes, delightful and aesthetic children's swings are overlooking, dried from the past summer rain in a few moments.

Also from pipes can be constructed magnificent and super light baby sledges.

Football gates performed performed from PVC pipes perfectly.

You will delight the Datvora and crafts from water pipes - frame for a kindergarten. It remains only to consolidate the blankets on it, and the "building" is ready for the game!

But the model of an extravagant summer soul, under which even adults will not be revealed.

Theatrical shirma, designed from the pipes, is also delightful.

Furniture items made of PVC pipes with their own hands

From PVC pipes, wonderful chairs are obtained. Having attached a little effort and smelting, you can create real masterpieces of furniture art.

You can make even a wonderful bunk bed for kids. It remains only to buy a mattress, and sleeping places are ready to use. Saving money is evident.

And such a coffee table is generally unlikely to distinguish from the factory, so natural, aesthetic and tasteful it is made.

an excellent idea will be built from plastic pipes racks for all sorts of objects that will be excellent to save place in the home.

Useful fittings for home and summer cottage

Where, where, and in the country area there will be a place and the use of everything that can remain from home repair, and pipe trimming - and suppressed.

Several small segments and tees - and now is ready for a wonderful and easy dryer for the linen. It is easy to wash, plus the plastic does not rot and does not rust.

After the pool or work on the garden beds, you can relax in an excellent chaise lounge made of polypropylene pipes.

From such pipes will come out and a wonderful canopy for cars. Just because of its extreme ease, it will be necessary to be carefully fixed, since it can be demolished by any sharp impact of the wind.

Excellent and arched garden entrance, made of polyethylene pipes. Give the desired bending pipes can be gradually heated by their gas burner.

For the construction of a simple gazebo, it will be enough for the pipe in the ground with one end in one place, bent, fasten the other end in the next intended place, not forgetting at the same time to wear a specially prepared peculiar agent to protect against the sun.

You can construct from pipes even unpredictable fixtures and devices such as supports under the field and wheel trolleys, stands for fishing rods or input wickets. The variety of products from these materials may be limited only by the scarcity of human imagination.

Sewer pipes - ready-made hens for chickens.

And from PVC pipes, among other things, you can make as a small guy, and an impressive seasonal greenhouse.

Wide plastic pipes are just a discovery for dackets strangled in the sowing square. Of these, you can build up vertical beds of all kinds of configurations.

Truly the crown of architectural art is such a fence made of PVC pipes. This is a rather complicated building, it is not suitable for care, as well as quite durable, because plastic serves much longer than any tree.

It is not difficult to come up with your varieties of plastic pipes. It is enough to enjoy a mixture, a wide imagination, free time, and, of course, a sufficient number of pipe trimming, remaining from repair, just that you prepared to throw out on the trash.

Video: Crafts from plastic pipes. Part 2