Supporting tomatoes in the greenhouse throughout the season: what fertilizers and when to enter. When, how and what to feed tomatoes for a good crop of the feeding of tomatoes during the ripening period of fruits

The pledge of growing delicious and large tomatoes is their regular feeding. At each stage of development, the tomato requires certain vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the normal growth of the plant. The combination of organic and mineral fertilizers will allow you to get large tomatoes, increase the number of fruits and their ripening speed.

Root feeding Tomatov

Over the years of practice, gardeners managed to come to a single opinion that tomatoes need to be picked up at least 3 times per season to achieve their majority and juits.

Stage 1 - Fertilizer after planting seedlings

For the first time, tomatoes need to be filtered in 12-14 days after planting seedlings under film shelters or in open ground. At this stage, the plant requires nutrients that increase its overall stability and activate the growth of green mass.

  1. Fertilizer based on herbal mixture. You will need to take:
  • 2 kilograms of nettle;
  • 2 kilograms of plantain;
  • one glass crushed into dust;
  • fresh - 2 liters;
  • 25 liters of water.

Place all the elements of infusion in the five-dimension capacity, mix it up to a homogeneous mass and leave for two days. After the stated time expires, the infusion dilute with 25 liters of water. Under each bush you need to pour two liters of herbal infusion.

  1. Nutritional mixture based on ubbamide and wood ash. In the ten-tier tank with water, dissolve 25 grams of carbamide and 3 glasses crushed into dust of wood ash. Stir the mixture to dissolve all components. Make the resulting liquid of 0.5 liters per plant.


Stage 2 - Making fertilizers before flowering

To increase the amount of fruits, before flowering, support the potassium tomatoes and.

  1. A solution based on cowboat and nitroposki. In ten liters of estate water, dissolve 15 grams of nitroposki and one liter of fresh cowboat. The resulting solution of rain tomatoes, avoiding entering the leaves. One bush consumption is 1 liter.
  2. Nutritional mixture based on superphosphate, cowboat and wood ash. Prepare the infusion of a cowboard: take 5 liters of fresh cowhide, fill with 5 liters of water. Let it breed three days, mix it every day. Then, in the water bucket, pour the liter of infusion from the cowboat, pour the glass of crushed wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous state. Water on a liter under the plant.
  3. Support based on superphosphate, sulfur manganese, wood ash. Preparation of the solution: In ten liters of water water temperature, dissolve the pinch of sulfur manganese, a glass of wood ash and 20 grams of superphosphate. The resulting mixture, paint each bush, spending on each 0.5 liter.

Stage 3 - Putting fertilizers during the formation of stock

The third wave of feeding is the main, in the complex process of making nutrients. After all, it is at this stage that the fruits are formed. For fertilizer, use:

  1. Solution based on humate, nitroposki, superphosphate. Nitroposki crystals and superphosphate dissolve in one liter of water. Pour the resulting mixture into the water bucket, add 10 milliliters of humate. Stir until the complete connection of all components. Consumption per square meter is 5 liters. On average, one plant accounts for 2 liters of working mortar.
  2. , wood ash, boric acid. Boost five liters of water, pour 4 cups crushed in wood ash dust. Leave the infusion alone until completely cooling. After that, pour the iodine halfupress, add a teaspoon of boric acid. Insist 24 hours. Before use, turn the infusion with clean water. One liter of the mixture will take ten liters of water. The rate of consumption on one bush is one liter.

Extreme treatment

Increase the speed of ripening and large-groundiness allow not only root making of fertilizers, but also spraying the plant and fruits. You can increase yields:

  1. Boric acid based solution. Processing before the start of flowering in order to stimulate the growth of the already formed buds, as well as to activate the appearance of a new ovary. The working solution is prepared on the basis of a tablespoon of acid and bucket of water. One liter is enough for a spraying of one weave of plantings.
  2. Solution based on stimulants "Tomato", "Zajaz". Processing stimulants will increase the number of wounds, accelerate the growth of tomato, the development of fruits. As statistics shows, yield after spraying increases by 25%. Preparation of solutions:
  • based on the Tomato Preparation. Two ampoules with a stimulant dissolve in a water liter, add a few drops of detergent, stir the solution. Consumption per square meter of plantings is 0.3 liters;
  • based on the preparation "Zajaz". Packing with powder dissolve in 3 liters of water. Ten square meters of tomatoes are 0.5 liters.

Tomatoes in the process of their development need a lot of nutrients, but especially the nutritional need arises in plants during the ripening of fruits. Tomato feeding during fruiting has several goals: providing plants with necessary nutrients, accelerating the ripening of fruits and an increase in yield. In this article we will tell you how you can feed tomatoes during fruiting, as well as how other planned feeding of tomatoes should be carried out.

Why fertilize

The aim of each gardener growing tomatoes is to obtain a good crop of delicious sugar fruits. But is it possible to achieve this without applying feeding? Some vegetables believe that in fertile soil, tomatoes can not be fertilized, and their opinion has the right to exist. However, to obtain a quality harvest in full, it is recommended to carry out at least three planned feeding during the season:

  • the first 10-15 days after the seedling seedlings in the ground - this feeding is carried out in order to maintain the plants in the process of adaptation and help increase the root mass;
  • the second planned feeding should be held before flowering or during it - it contributes to the tying more fruit;
  • the last planned feeder is carried out in order to increase the taste characteristics of fruits and an increase in yield.

Since, during ripening, tomatoes are taken from the soil a lot of nutrients, then plants can be watered with light organic solutions every two weeks until the entire harvest matures. At each stage of its growth, the tomato bushes need certain microelements and macroelements, and if they do not provide full nutrition, the plants will begin to develop more slowly, or worse, to root.

Especially acutely feel the lack of nutrients greenhouse tomatoes. Excessive humidity and high temperature contribute to the extension of green mass on the bushes, but this negatively affects the number of fruits. In order for greenhouse tomatoes, the marking is formed, they must be fed not only in accordance with the plan, but also additionally before flowering, and then during the entire period of fruiting.

Video "How to fertilize"

From the video you will learn how to fertilize tomatoes.

Feeding after landing in the ground

In the first two weeks after disembarking, plants are rooted and addictive to new conditions. Next, the period of intensive growth and the formation of the root system will begin, so the main substances in which young seedlings will need, nitrogen and phosphorus will be. The first gives a powerful impetus for the growth and formation of vegetative mass, and the second contributes to the formation of a powerful root system.

  1. Cow-based solution. For preparation, it will take: 1 liter of manure, 0.5 glasses of ash, 1.5 spoons of superphosphate and 10 liters of water. All components are mixed and used for the root feeding of seedlings at the rate of 0.5 l / 1 plant. The feeding should be made after abundant irrigation, otherwise the root burn is possible.
  2. Solution based on litter. It is prepared as follows: 1/3 part of a bucket of dried litter poured a bucket of water and insisted a week with daily stirring. The distance-up solution is diluted with water 1:10 and bring under the roots at the rate of 1 l per bustard. If seedlings are weak, feeding can be repeated in 10 days.
  3. Green tea is the most efficient nitrogen fertilizer for tomatoes on a completely natural basis. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind 5 kg of grass or any weeds, pour 50 liters of water, after which you add a glass of ash and a bucket of a cowboy. All components are mixed in a big barrel and insist about two weeks (until the fermentation process is completed). Then the solution must be dissolved with water to a volume of 100 liters and used for watering 2 l / each bush.

It should be known that before making any fertilizer, the soil is preferably well to pour - this event will save the young roots from possible burn, and will accelerate the suction of the nutrients with the root system.

Fertilizer during flowering

By the time of formation of buds, the growth of bushes slows down, so you need to know in what quantity and than to feed tomatoes during flowering. Now the plants need more potassium and phosphate feeding, but nitrogen making must be minimized. So, choosing complex mixtures with potassium and phosphorus content, pay attention to the nitrogen content and prefer the preparations in which its concentration is minimal or not at all.

The most useful for tomatoes among mineral fertilizers is the superphosphate, including the famous "exhaust" on its basis, which is used for feeding many gardeners. But do not forget that mineral mixtures are recommended not to apply no later than 1.5 months before harvest, so use natural and harmless folk recipes:

There are many finished drugs, which can also be used to feed tomatoes during the period of fruit tying. The simplest and affordable means - boric acid. Its solution in the proportion of 5 g / 10 liters of water is recommended to spray bushes during the dissolving of buds. More active tapery of fruits contribute to such drugs such as bud, ovary, ideal, senor of tomato, epin.

Than to feed in the period of fruiting

Some gardeners are inclined to think that it is not worthwhile to "peach" with fertilizer fertilizers before harvesting, but there are also those that believe that the feeders in this period should be participated so that tomatoes do not have a lack of tomatoes. Supporters of high yields and accelerated ripening of fruits can use nitroposk or superphosphate with sodium humate as a fertilizer. To prepare the nutrient solution, it is possible to dissolve in 10 liters of water 2 spoons of superphosphate or nitroposki and 1 h. Spoon of sodium humate. Crystals need to be completely dissolved in water, after which there are tomatoes at the rate of 5 l / 1 m² of beds.

Supporters of organic agriculture accelerate the ripening of tomatoes can with the help of organic solutions based on ash, iodine, boron, manganese and other useful elements. The most common method of increasing the amount of fruits in gobbler is a solution based on ash.

For its manufacture, it is necessary to dissolve 2 l ashes in 5 liters of boiling water, after cooling the volume to 10 liters, after which it is to add 1 iodine bottle, 10 g of acid boring and insistfulness. Before irrigated, the remedy must once again make a proportion of 1:10. Consumption rate - 1 l for each bush.

For greater efficiency, organic feeding can be combined with ready-made drugs, such as Kemira, solver and other stimulants of fruit formation. First you need to prepare a conventional solution of liquid cowboat or litter, and then add to it 1 g of manganese, copper mood and 1-2 tbsp. Spoons of one of the above funds. Here are such simple in preparation and efficient feeders, you can increase the amount of crop and improve its quality.

Video "Undercotting yeast"

From the video you will learn how to feed the tomatoes yeast.

Supports of vegetables create tomatoes such conditions under which the development and growth of bushes occurs in parallel and as quickly as possible. It provides abundant fruiting and good taste of fruits.

Tomato feeding during crop maturation

Tomato harvest is formed in several stages. The feeders are carried out so that the plant has enough nutrients both on the formation and ripening of fruits, and for further growth of the bush.

The first brush is poured

After the formation of ovary on the first brush, it is necessary that the plant will send the nutrients to future fruits. Realize carbohydrates accumulated by leaves, potassium and phosphorus help. To do this, conduct root feeding with potash-phosphoric fertilizer. Under each bush, depending on the size, it is poured from 0.5 to 1 liters of solution (15-20 g of potassium monophosphate by 10 liters of water).

Video: Undercalinking Tomatoes Monofofat Potassium

Those who do not want to use mineral fertilizers can feed the creases of ashes: 200 g (2 cups) of the sifted ash pour into a bucket of water, well stir and immediately pour a bed of 0.5 liters to each bush.

The ash obtained from the combustion of the painted and glued wood (chipboard, dvp), use as fertilizer it is impossible.

The second and third brushes are formed

For the formation of fruits on the following brushes, a tomato bush need a sheet apparatus. So, the plant needs nitrogen. Therefore, during the formation of the second and third brushes, there is an extraxnealing feeder with a comprehensive fertilizer. It should contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in equal proportions. An example of such fertilizers can be:

  • Planfol with formula 20x20x20;
  • Polifoska 15x15x15;
  • Master Agro 20x20x20.

Plantafol - Complex fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

When carrying out feeding, you need to process the leaves on both sides on all tiers starting from the lowest.

Spraying must be carried out in the early morning, in the evening or on a cloudy day, so that the moisture on the leaves does not provoke sunburn. If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, the spraying time is chosen so that the leaves have dried up to its closure.

Video: Extra-corner feeding

There are no folk remedies for extractive feeding, which would contain a balanced amount of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. As a replacement to get the desired effect, you can use yeast. They will accelerate the absorption of the plant with nutrients made when preparing the beds and feeding to fruiting. For yeast feeding need:

  1. 1 kg of yeast dilute in 5 liters of warm water.
  2. Inhabit a day.
  3. POL-liter concentrate add to 10 liters of water.
  4. Pour to each bush 0.5 liters of solution.

Fourth brush and all subsequent

Tomato bushes continue to grow and form new fruit brushes. Contrary to the opinion of many gardeners that the nutrients needed for ripening the nutrients are already made, the plants still need nitrogen, but they also need phosphorus and potassium. The feeder is carried out by nitroammophos or complex fertilizer, which contains all three mentioned substances with the additive of trace elements, such as:

  • Kemira;
  • Wagon;
  • Solver.

The dosage of these drugs is indicated on the package.

For feeding 25 g nitroammofoski, it is necessary to dissolve in 10 liters of water and pour into each bush 0.5-1 l of liquid. The use of gumyatized nitroammophos for this feeding is undesirable. Many consider humats fertilizer, but it is not. Humaths - growth stimulants.

Nitroammofoska - Complex fertilizer, which can be used at all stages of tomato development

All root feeders are made on the wet soil, so as not to burn the urine roots.

VIDEO: Undercalinking complex fertilizer

Mineral fertilizers can be replaced with ash and ammonia alcohol. Phosphorus and potassium are present in the ash, and the ammonia alcohol is a nitrogen alcohol solution in ammonia form. To do this, it is necessary to add 10 ml of the ammonic alcohol to the 10 l (described above), and pour a 0.5 l tuka under each bush.

Tuk or tank mixture - feeding, consisting of several components.

Or carry out this feeding in another way:

  1. Spray tomatoes with a solution of ammonia - 20 ml on 10 liters of water.
  2. Hiding a balcker of ash.

The source of nitrogen can also be the infusion of grass and the distance to the manure or bird litter:

  • Cooking infusion of grass: Capacity is filled with chopped grass on 2/3, poured with water, insist 10-14 days. For feeding 1 liters, 10 liters of the ash bolt are diverged.
  • 2 kg of manure or 1 kg of avian litter is bred in 20 liters of water. There are such blends for two weeks. Add 4 glasses of ash.

Use 0.5 liters per plant.

When stopped feeding

The climatic conditions of different regions determine the duration of the feeding and the duration of the vegetation period of tomatoes. If in the northern regions, the vegetable breeds are forced to stop the growth of tomatoes after the 5-6th brush, then in the southern it is carried out after the 8-10th, and in the greenhouses even later. 10 days before the topper stops stop. This is due to the fact that phosphorus, which is necessary for the development of a healthy root system, rapid growth, the formation of large fruits, as well as the formation of full seeds, is absorbed by plants within 5-10 days.

Version - removal of the point of growth of the tomato bush.

What you can not feed tomatoes in the period of fruiting

During the filling and ripening of fruits, nitrates and calcium preparations can not be used. This is because:

  1. Nitrogen in fertilizers is located in 3 different forms - ammonium, nitrate and amide. Selites contain nitrogen in a nitrate form. Therefore, they are not used to avoid the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.
  2. During the fertilization period, tomatoes need phosphorus. Calcium preparations only slow down the crop maturation. The simultaneous use of calcium and phosphoric fertilizers has a negative effect on the metabolism of plants.

Fertilize tomatoes in the period of fruiting can be mineral and organic substances. The diagram of the feeding and the amount of nutrients that are necessary plants do not depend on where they are grown in a vegetable garden or greenhouse. Strict observance of fertilizer dosages and the procedure for their introduction will have a positive effect on the development of bushes, which will lead to an increase in the harvest and improving the quality of fruits.

24.05.2019 5 810

Undercalinking tomatoes in the greenhouse - a generous harvest is no longer a problem!

Undercalinking tomatoes in the greenhouse can turn into a real battle for the harvest, but it is necessary to competently use folk remedies, such as iodine, boric acid, yeast, ash, as well as mineral fertilizers and various drugs, comply with the rules for making nutrients during flowering, in the fruction phase And throughout the whole period of vegetation ...

What does Senor Tomato love?

A peculiar closed mini-ecosystem in which tomatoes feel better than in the open sky, and the permanent atmosphere is maintained in it, which is most suitable for pasty. The soil in the greenhouses is doubly exploited more efficiently, so the top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse is carried out more often, but at the same time without fanaticism, since the risk of "overdose" in the protected soil above. For harmonious development, tomatoam need many elements, including 4 main:

  1. Humic acids - are contained in an organcient, overwhelming, they strengthen the immunity of plants, improve the structure of the soil, stimulate the useful microflora to reproduce;
  2. Phosphorus - Without it, it is impossible to form a healthy root system and good high-quality fruits, with a shortage of element of tomatoes, the remaining nutrients are poorly absorbed, the fruits later tying;
  3. Potash salts - The main element consumed by plants with the active growth of land organs and the lack of this element is dangerous accumulation of nitrate tomatoes
  4. Nitrogen compounds - This is the main element for the correct growing vegetation of any plants, since nitrogen contributes to the extension of the green mass, which is especially important at the initial stages of development.

It should include feeding tomatoes in the greenhouse trace elements - iodine, boron, iron, manganese and others, their plants are partially obtained from the soil rich in organic. Since intensive farming is practiced in the greenhouses, they may not be taken and here will not be less effective, cooked with their own hands.

Undercalinking tomatoes in the greenhouse during flowering and fruiting

At the beginning of the growing season at a permanent place, mineral feeding to use undesirable - they can burn young flavors of tomatoes. Agronomas advise to do it after 3 weeks after the resettlement of seedlings to the greenhouse. During this time, they will grow enough suction roots, and will be able to consume nutrients in full.

Start feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse requires the introduction of three main mineral fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen - it is desirable to use any nitrate salts except
  • Phosphoric - it is better to use superphosphate
  • Potasy - perfect potassium for tomato in the form of sulk acid salt

undercalinking tomatoes in the greenhouse during fruiting - in the photo

For the preparation of the bucket of nitrogen solution take 25 g, phosphorus - 40 g, potassium - 15 g, instead of them is allowed to use a universal complex mixture of nitroammophos, which contains 3 main elements in the proportions suitable for tomato. In the bucket of water dissolve a complete tablespoon of nitroammofoski. The consumption of the solution in the first and second version is small, in a liter under the bush.

The next top dressing of tomatoes in the greenhouse - during flowering, when most of the bushes form brushes with buds and this time the plants require more potassium, so the nutrient solution is made up of a potash salt and, so mineral fertilizers take on a bucket of 15 g, and the organics will need 500 ml. .

The components are laid in the water bucket and mix well. If there are no organic matter, you can use (sodium humate tablespoon). Consumption is determined individually, depending on which are grown, so 500 ml are poured under the lowered, under average, 500-700 ml, under 1000 ml.

A few days after the nourishing substances were carried out under the root, it is recommended to feed the tomatoes with a non-smelting method - use a potassium saltper, collecting a tablespoon of this salt in a bucket of a liquid, which will help protect the wound from the vertex rot.

After the appearance of the first tomatoes, it is recommended to fake Tomatoes ash - 2 liter ash banks are spooking into a bucket of water. A tablespoon of boric acid is added to the finished mixture at a high risk of a flash, stirred and left overnight. Consume the entire volume of nutrient fluid no more than 10 roots.

After pouring fruits, the summer houses should take care of replenishing the needs of tomatoes in phosphorus. Mineral mixture so that it is better absorbed, complement the humats. Such a cocktail will accelerate the ripening of the strings and will make them more sugar.

Than to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse - folk remedies

In addition to purchased in specialized stores of mineral complexes, tumor tattors are conducted in the greenhouse and home tools for the preparation of which are used:

  • weed herbs
  • yeast
  • alcohol tincture of iodine
  • manure, compost, litter chickens and much more

Adherents of organic farming feed the tomatoes before the formation of inflorescences with green influence, they are prepared from weeding herbs with the addition of wood ash and liquid cowboat. In a capacity of 50 liters, grass and other components are laid at half height. It is very important that the weeds are without seeds, otherwise the greenhouse will soon flood her grass. Capacities are filled with water and covered with polyethylene. The mixture wanders the week in the absence of air. You can use this only in a mixture with water in equal parts.

All summer lovers of natural agriculture practiced the feeding of tomato yeast and the nutritional mixture is prepared from 100 g of yeast, 10 liters of water and 4 tablespoons of sugar. Capacity with yeast leaves in a light warm place at least 3 days. After fermentation subsides, the mixture can be used for its intended purpose. Under the just poured 500 ml of yeast fertilizer, and under adult bushes with urins - 1.5-2 liters. The frequency of such feeding is 10 days.

Yeast "Milk" can be used as a basis for other nutritional mixtures for greenhouse tomatoes. When ripening, the yeast solution is complemented by iodine. Increase the value of such feeding, if instead of ordinary water use herbal infusion.