Painting Camera with a dry filter How to choose? Types of filters for the paint chamber. We organize air cleaning in the room work drawings for painting chamber dry filtration

To clean the room from toxic emissions and to ensure air circulation, the paint chamber must have a ventilation system, which contains one of the main elements is a filter for a paint chamber.

Car staining should occur taking into account sanitary and hygienic requirements. In addition, ventilation will ensure the removal of small particles from the stained surface, which guarantees high quality of work. A special role in this is played by filters for the paint chamber.

The main task of filtration

The main task of the filter for painting cameras is to improve the quality of the surface color. The filtration system serves to capture various foreign microscopic bodies that have different origins.

  1. Spray paints and solvents. Parts of consumables are serious environmental pollutants. They should be removed only after passing through the filter for the paint chamber.
  2. Dust. Significantly reduces the quality of the color of the car.
  3. Small sails. Just like dust, the main reason for the occurrence of defects is becoming if the filters for painting cameras are not used during work.
  4. Couples of solvents. When heated, these volatile substances are dangerous to human health and therefore should go through filters for painting.

High-quality filtering is necessary at the last stage of staining, in the process of forced drying and blowing the car with hot air. It can spoil the work of the highest quality specialist in the absence of a filter for painting chambers. In the spray gun of the spray gun, you can set a liquid filter that prevents the penetration of foreign particles into the spray nozzle.

Thus, the correctly selected filter for the collapse is ensures uninterrupted operation of the equipment, high quality car painting.

At all stages of work on the painting of the vehicle, with your own hands, the filter for the painting chamber provides an even, high-quality coating.

Types of filters for compressor

Depending on the purpose, the filters for the compressor can be divided into groups.

  1. Air filters for compressor. They are made of paper or tissue. Such filters are sifted with coarse dust particles, dirt, so they should be cleaned regularly and changedly, which will extend the service life of the compressor to 15%. Filters differ in size, thread, performance.
  2. Oil filters detain oil particles. Such devices are lengthened by an interremary cycle of the compressor, as the extraneous particles from lubricating fluids are removed, which are caused by the depreciation of the unit nodes. Specialists advise use for each compressor filters of the same brand to ensure the greatest efficiency of collaboration. Oil filters are characterized by maximum temperature, pressure, performance.
  3. Panel filters are installed on the compressor body at the air inlet into the unit. They prevent major garbage from entering the compressor. This is a framework in which the filtering material is located. Such a filter must be constantly blowing with compressed air to equip high cleaning quality.

Filtration systems

Filters for painting chambers provide three-step protection, or cleaning:

  • coarse
  • main;
  • thin.

Coarse cleaning ensures filtering of airflowing air flows. This system has cell corrugated filters for a paint chamber. They are located in front of the fans. This system uses filters for painting coarse cleaning.

Basic cleaning. Filtering of harmful particles that are in the air emerging from the painting room requires serious approaches. Effective water curtain, which easily holds pollutants. But in view of the complexity of the design of such a camera, hydrophilters use hydrophilic boxes.

Cameras for painting using dry filtration have or only ceiling (single-engine structures), or ceiling and floor filters for a paint chamber (two-door structures). In single-engine systems, harmful pairs of pressure pressed to the base and outward. This type of filtering causes harm to the environment.

In two-dimensional devices, contaminated air flows are outwardly at the bottom, through the floor filter for the paint chamber. Such structures are most preferred. Systems in which ceiling and floor filters occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bboxing are particularly effectively working.

Good result provide fiberglass devices impregnated with a special solution. Through a similar rolled outdoor filter, the stream of crude air passes, the paint fog particles are settled on its fibers.

The floor aggregate is easy to install and therefore it is often used when creating the ventilation of paint boxes with their own hands.

Thin cleaning is additional filters for the camera. They will not require regular replacement, if the preliminary and maintenance are maintenance.

The filtering system can be made with your own hands. At the design stage, it is important to correctly determine its location to avoid the presence of dead zones. To do this, the ceiling and floor filters are placed throughout the chamber room. Immediately it is necessary to install a filter for spicy cleaning chamber.

If the ventilation made by its own hands uses the principle of recovery, then inside it it is necessary to install filters for a cassette paint chamber, having a high class of accuracy. Painting Powder type chamber must have an exhaust ventilation system in the underground space if there is a filter for painting chambers.

Ventilation made by your own hands should ensure air output from all areas of the paint chamber. The surface of the filter for painting cameras must be cleaned regularly and purged.

Painting cameras with dry filtration (painting chambers with dry filters, dry paintings, dry curtains) are a simple and efficient way to organize a painting area, as they do not require large capital expenditures when purchasing and installing, they have a high degree of exhaust air purification, compact and economical . The modular design of the chambers makes it easy to change its dimensions and a complete set depending on the amount of work or the range of painted products.

Painting cameras with dry filters are equally comfortable for painting both small parts and products with large linear dimensions. They allow you to quickly and without high costs to create normal sanitary and hygiene conditions at workplaces and significantly improve quality color.

Cameras can be used as an independent element, as well as enter into another painting equipment, such as "clean rooms". The design of chambers with dry filtration allows them to produce their multiple disassembly and the assembly with the preservation of all technical characteristics and appearance. Perennial operation of paint chambers on furniture, carpentry and metalworking industries in various regions of Russia showed their high reliability and efficiency.

The use of paint filtration chambers allows not only to repeatedly reduce the concentration of solvents and paints in the workplace of the malaria, but also significantly reduces the overall concentration of harmful substances and dust in the placement room.

The design of the painting chambers allows you to independently add option nodes in the process without any preparatory work. This makes it possible to more accurately select the desired configuration of equipment corresponding to the processing of specific products.

Main technical characteristics

Name of parameter
Model of the painting chamber
MT 20 1001.
MT 20 1002.
Overall dimensions of the chamber, d / w / in, mm
Overall dimensions of the working area, d / w / in, mm
Fan performance, m³ / h
Fan electric motor power, kW
Plaza installed filters, m²
fiberglass paint-fiberglass 3,6
cardboard labyrinth 3,6
sveTI lyuminescent tree built-in 2x30 W, pcs
luminescent built-in 4x30 W, PC
Maximum consumed by MO kw
Weight, kg

Composition of cameras in the minimum configuration

Painting Camera MT 20 1001
Painting Camera MT 20 1002

1 PC.

1 PC.
filter frame L \u003d 2000 mm 1 PC. filter frame L \u003d 3000 mm 1 PC.
1 PC.

1 PC.

1 PC.

1 PC.

1 PC.

2 pcs.

2 pcs.

2 pcs.

2 pcs.

2 pcs.

Staining technologies are conjugate using often non-flawless in sanitary and hygienic and environmental terms of paint materials (LKM). Moreover, "not essential" this manifests itself not throughout the long-term period of their operation in the form of coatings, but in the process of manufacturing and applying to painted surfaces.

The production of LKM is accompanied by the formation of a large amount of solid waste, contaminated wastewater, gas (volatile) emissions. An important, simultaneous environmental and economic problem, remains improving the technological processes of application of the LKM, the need to make them safe and bringing the best result. It is the desire to guarantee high quality of work, optimal sanitary and hygienic working conditions for personnel, effective environmental protection against harmful emissions ─ served as the main prerequisites for the appearance of paint (paint) cameras (Cabin). Their integral part is filtering equipment. Filters for painting chambers are actively involved in solving most tasks arising when using this type of equipment.

The quality of staining and preserving the health of staff is equally important for any size and camera performance; The issues of environmental protection are topically the most more important than the volume of the LKM used and, accordingly, the larger the waste in the form of dry particles and evaporation. And if the paint chamber used in the garage of a special damage of the environment will not apply, then round-the-clock involved painting productions of large auto plants are capable of providing the most hard pressure on nature.

Dry and water painting cameras

The importance of filters indicates the fact that it is depending on the method of air purification, and, accordingly, the design and principle of operation of the filters used, painting chambers are divided into two large class ─ water and dry.

Painting chambers with a dry filter, dry painting chambers, dry filtering chambers, dry-type painting chambers ─, no matter how varying their name, the painting chambers with a dry filter are distinguished by the fact that the air is cleaned without the presence of water.

Dry filters (cardboard, coal, fiberglass, etc.) are used in the painting chambers with a hydrophiltrator, the other name of which ─ painting cameras with a water curtain, but the hydraulic filters are taken part of the air purification work. The paint chamber with a water curtain is equipped with nozzles and inclined shields forming a veil through which the air is contaminated with a colorful aerosol of air, purified from particles of paints and varnishes.

Only very primitive painting chambers are equipped with a single filter on the inlet air duct cleansing the trim air. The overwhelming majority of modern designs have a multistage filtering system.

Air purity inside the paint chamber ─ one of the key conditions for ensuring high quality coverage. Cleaning the supply air, the parameters of which have a direct impact on the quality of staining, as a rule, is performed in two stages: first pre-filtering using coarse filters, then with the help of ceiling filters of fine cleaning.

Regulatory document "GOST R EN 14799-2013 Air filters for overall air purification. The terms and definitions "subdivides air filters for air purification filters from particles and air purification filters from vapor and gases. The first is classified in accordance with their filtering ability to four groups:

  • Group G ─ coarse filters; classes ─ G1, G2, G3, G4;
  • Group F ─ Fine Cleaning Filters; classes ─ F5, F6, F7, F8, F9;
  • Nehra (from High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) ─ highly efficient air purification filters; classes ─ H10, H11, H12, H13, H14;
  • ULPA ─ ultrahis-efficient air purification filters; Classes ─ U15, U16, U17. (ULPA from ULTRA Low Penetration Air Filter or air purification filter with ultra-low particle spock; skill ─ particle concentration ratio after filter and to it).

In "GOST R EN 1822-1-2010. Highly efficient ERA air purification filters, HEPA and ULPA. Part 1. Classification, Test Methods, Marking, "There are still effective ERA air purification filters (Efficient Particulate Air Filter).

Coarse and fine filters are general-purpose filters. The general purpose filter class is determined by the percentage of efficiency, i.e. the concentration of the most penetrating particles before and after the filter.

For any air filter, such parameters are important as the effectiveness of dust cleaning; Nominal productivity or air flow, i.e. the volume of air passing through the filter per unit of time (m 3 / hour); primary and recommended finite aerodynamic resistance; Dustproof ─ The dust mass caused by the filter and accumulated in it when the value of finite aerodynamic resistance is achieved.

The task of coarse purification filters, ─ to catch the main part of atmospheric dust, ensuring the necessary purity of the outer air that has occurred to the ventilation system of the painting chamber. After all, even if it was taken into the area with an almost perfect environmental (what to talk about cities and industrial zones) there is a considerable amount of dust, vegetable fibers, microorganisms, disputes, and so on. And in the urban atmosphere, a lot of silicon oxide SiO 2 and the products of incomplete combustion of fuel. Pre-filtering is needed not only to facilitate the operation of ceiling filters and increase their life, but also to protect the ventilation and thermal equipment of painting chambers.

In the air intake systems, coarse cleaning filters ─ cellular flat (corrugated and mesh), pocket, panels can be used.

The panel filter is a flat design of several filters or cell with parallel surfaces.

Frames of cell corrugated filters (FVG or Foole) are made of metal. The filter material ─ synthetic fibers may possibly with the addition of cotton, from the outlet of the air relies on the waveform mesh. The grid mounted on the air entry side will increase the strength of the filter.

Corrugating allows you to increase the filtration area, improve the aerodynamic characteristics and dust, make the filter more compact.

To clean the supply air from dusting, the filters of cell folding (fasteners) are used, consisting of a set of frames between which the filter material is pulled.

For the same purposes, filters are used by the cells of the FIR, FIV, FIU.

Filter Cell mesh (fary) ─ Effective means against large-sized particles ─ woven mesh stainless or galvanized steel frame.

In the filters, the grids made of polymeric materials ─ polyethylene, propylene, viniplast are used.

In FTIA filters, the material from fiberglass or chemical fibers is held by the grid from the back.

In a pocket-type filter (FBK - a filter air pocket or a FIX ─ filter cell pocket), the filtering material is made in the form of pockets made of cross-linked or thermally paved filtering material attached to the "Forming" frame from metal (galvanized steel, aluminum) or plastic.

For better tightness, the pockets of the pockets are additionally sick. Excessive inflating and adhesion of adjacent pockets prevent special limiters. At the end of the pockets there is a tape binding them, which does not allow them to fly under the influence of air flow. Pockets can bloat without touching each other, thanks to which it is possible to use all 100% filtering surface. The size and shape of the pockets are chosen in such a way that the air flow is maximum and uniform over the entire surface of the filter, and dust evenly accumulated. The shake of the frame with the filter material is performed using the seal.

Important parameters of pocket filters: the height and width of the frame, the amount (from two or more) and the depth of pockets.

Advantages of pocket filters Simple installation and moderate cost, and compared with panel filters ─ higher dusting, life and filtration area.

Ceiling filters

Quality color, largely determines the appearance and durability of products. In turn, it itself depends on the purity of the air in the painting chamber.

Mounted, as a rule, throughout the ceiling area, the ceiling filter for the painting chamber helps to provide the necessary parameters of the pre-purification and, if necessary, heated atmospheric air, freeing it from dust in size than 1 microme. From the larger it is already delighted with a coarse filter. Powered through the ceiling filter, the air is washes the painted product, as a rule, downward flow.

With the role of the ceiling filter with a fine cleaning for the painting chamber, rolled filters are successfully cope with, in particular, which is a fibrous structure from polyester threads of a polyester cloth. Dust accumulates evenly throughout the depth of the material. The impregnation with a special composition negates its migration inside the filter, and the separation of already detained particles from its surface.

The use of thermal fastening technology ─ a guarantee of high strength making non-woven material susceptible to mechanical damage during installation and operation. Holding grid on the air outlet side contributes to even greater filter strength.

The main parameters of rolled ceiling filters are: dimensions ─ width and roll length ─ Usually, 2x20 m, thickness 10-25 mm, weight, incl. Depending on the thickness ─ 200-600 g / m 2.

You can buy such filters for painting cameras at a price of from one and a half to two and a half thousand rubles and more in one meter with a width of one and a half or two meters.

Cleaning the removed and outdated air

The title of this chapter uses the terms from the regulatory documentation ─ not replaced by this day GOST 22270-76.

Filters for cleaning exhaust air are necessary not only to prevent emissions to the environment harmful waste for it arising when applying paintwork coatings, which in itself is very important. In addition to the significant environmental function, they have and technological ─ prevent the circulation of colorful fog in the chamber, not only adversely affecting the quality of staining, but also leading to the precipitation of particles of paint on the chamber walls and its sticking on the equipment of exhaust ventilation ─ blades of fans and air ducts.

Due to these reasons, the exhaust ventilation section must be equipped with the filtration system of the removed air.

Purification of exhaust air containing suspended particles of paint without stained with painted products and evaporation of solvents included in the paintwork materials provides a floor filter for a paint chamber. Common version of the floor filter ─ rolled filtering materials from fiberglass. Due to the inhomogeneous density ─ as the air flow is approached, the fiber diameter decreases, and their laying density increases, ─ it is possible to ensure high filtering efficiency and dust holding ability. At the base of the painting chamber, a set of dry filters can be installed, which retain the overwhelming majority of particles of dry paint in the exhaust section.

Widespread use of paper and cardboard labyrinth filters of paint chambers, which serve to capture the paint fog, whose action is based on the use of the inertia effect of moving particles. Easily replaceable, they have a high restraining ability.

An additional deeper purification of the increasing air is also possible both from dry particles of paint, "breakdown" through the floor filter and evaporation of solvents with coal filters with interchangeable cartridges. Cartridges are containers filled with activated carbon, during air through which it occurs from solvent vapors.

For the successful operation of the painting chamber, not only the quality of filters installed in it, but also their correct timely service, which is in constant control, if it is provided for by the regulations, ─ cleaning, and timely replacement. Most often ─ after 100-200 hours of operation, it is necessary to change the historical filters and, if there are, ─ filters of the final cleaning of the air removed. Approximately several times longer serve filters of coarse purification of outdoor air and ceiling filters.

As the requirements for the quality of products are growing, and the issues of economics and ecology are increasingly intertwined with each other, the value of filter equipment increases, including. filters of paint chambers, from which the efficiency of the wide range of industrial production industries is increasingly dependent.

Painting of cars with your own hands - the procedure is responsible, requiring compliance with a number of conditions. Specialized Camera for painting cars with their own hands - this option is chosen by many car enthusiasts. Buying such an object will cost weekly, so some prefer to secure themselves what the paint chamber requires with their own hands - drawings, materials, assembly.

The painting of the car in this way has a number of serious advantages before using collapse in its own garage. Due to tightness, it is possible not to worry about falling into the stained surface of foreign particles of dust and dirt.

In addition, the design eliminates the occurrence of unwanted air twists, due to which the enamel will fall on the surface not well enough, flots, pumerals and other defects are formed.

Painting the car do it yourself

Puffer do it yourself - it is beneficial, however, for the construction will have to work hard. With a competent approach and conscientious attitude to work, you will be able to independently build a chamber for painting cars, which will help avoid serious financial spending and organize everything in your own taste. Below we will look at how to make a paint chamber with your own hands, and what steps are needed for this. \\

First stage

Before building a paint chamber with your own hands, you must imagine how it will look, and prepare everything you need. Draw a project on paper, where the future painting chamber will be depicted along with all the nodes:

  • premises;
  • heat generator;
  • thermal gun;
  • ventilation system.

These are the main items, each of which includes a set of smaller elements - doors, thermal insulation, lighting system, and the like.

Painting Camera

Let's talk about the room

Before making a paint chamber with her own hands, you are looking for a suitable room. It can be a metal garage or a big workshop - the main thing is that you have the space and the ability to equip everything accordingly.

Camera for painting cars must have walls that will correspond to a number of requirements:

  • fire resistance;
  • tightness;
  • the ability to periodically wash;
  • the presence of heat insulation.

The last item is especially important if we are talking about the garage with steel walls - you will have to make them double and put a layer from basalt wool or other refractory heat insulating material.

The room should be sealed

Be sure to pay attention to the floor - it must resolve air flow freely to circulate. For this purpose, make a coating in the form of a multi-layer lattice - thus the bottom will be provided with a normal removal and air flow.

Two doors - mandatory fire safety requirement. They should easily open to give an opportunity for urgent evacuation in the event of fire, and sealed to prevent dust and extraneous particles to premise.

The dimensions of the chamber should be sufficient so that the Master in the process does not occur in the process for free movement. A concrete or metal frame may be chosen as the basis. Under the surface of the floor, an exhaust mechanism with filters and valves is arranged. Think about the fact that you will need moves for moving.

Paint camera with water curtain on the doors

Lighting is important

In the process of painting cars with its own hands, the lighting of the room plays one of the very important roles. It is necessary that it is quite bright, comfortable for the eyes, did not give shadows and glare.

Practice shows that fluorescent fluorescent lamps will be the most convenient option - they are placed on the ceiling. For an overview of the lower part of the machine to be sufficient, several oblong light sources hang along the walls.

Fluorescent daylight lamps

No less effective solution of the illumination problem will be lamps operating on LEDs. The lighting of this type is becoming increasingly popular for a number of advantages that the LEDs have compared to other options:

  • bright high-quality lighting;
  • minimal energy consumption;
  • small working temperature;
  • reliability;
  • durability

Today you can easily install LED lighting in the room - it will cost somewhat more expensive, but the result is worth it.

Without providing high-quality lighting, you will not be able to fully control the painting process, which will negatively affect the final result of the work.

Proper lighting in the paint chamber

Room ventilation, air purification and drying

Magnica is built with their own hands, taking into account all the requirements of painting and security technology. The key position here occupies competently arranged air ventilation. It is responsible for purification of air, and for ensuring that the ink fog is pressed into and displayed.

Depending on which principle is used in the system ventilation system, two types of cameras are distinguished:

  • with one motor;
  • with two motors.

In the first case, the air is supplied to the room from above, and the fog sets down - the required pressure is applied to it. In the end, it is displayed through the individual channel arranged for this purpose. In the second case, one of the motors injected the air, the second sucks it, pulling out of the chamber.

Ventilation of the paint chamber

The design of the air filters with high performance will be needed in order to eliminate the likelihood of falling into the painting area of \u200b\u200bforeign particles. For this purpose, it is recommended to choose air filters operating in two-phase mode - in the first phase, large types of contaminants are removed, in the second - small. It is important to take into account that cleaning and incoming and outgoing air flows are needed. The filters installed from the bottom are clogged faster - their replacement will have to carry out much more often.

The installation of filters should provide for the possibility of turbulence of air flow with enamel particles - for this you need to correctly arrange them along the perimeter of the room and take into account the air pressure.

After painting, the car will need to dry - for this, a special device is satisfied. The drying is used in a heat generator that functions on a favorable form of fuel. Some use infrared heaters for this purpose. The main requirement for drying is a uniform heat supply to avoid overheating.

Supply exhaust ventilation in the paint chamber

Some more useful information

In order to perform an internal finish, use non-combustible materials - for example, metal. Do not choose such an option as lining, as the risk of fire is increasing. Depending on how correctly finishing works will be completed, it will be possible to evaluate the degree of tightness, which is important to avoid dust and extraneous particles. Prefer the smooth easily washing surfaces - this will simplify the cleaning process.

Think about the rooms where the inventory, paint, professional equipment, security, overalls will be stored.

Work on the painting of the car simplifies the presence of automatic process control. This, of course, will affect the cost of the entire project, but, on the other hand, you will receive a number of invaluable advantages. The automatic control panel must have a durable, reliable material panel. It should be easy to use, ergonomic and convenient. Think about the possibility of an operational transition between manual and automatic modes.


Building a specialized painting chamber for a car is a time-consuming process that will require a large number of strength and energy. You will have to monitor information about existing versions and on their basis come up with your own project - as a basis you can take any ready-made solution.

The process of working on the implementation of the project is difficult, but interesting - you can apply your creative potential here, fantasy and ability to cope with difficulties.

Education: secondary special. Specialty: car mechanic. Professional diagnostics, repair, then passenger cars of foreign production 2000-2015 GV Extensive experience with Japanese and German cars.