Late period of syphilis. Syphilis Hidden Stage Late Hidden Syphilis

Hidden (latent) syphilis is the asymptomatic development of syphilitic infection, which does not have any external signs and manifestations of internal lesions. At the same time, the causative agent in the body is present, it is easily detected during the relevant laboratory studies and as it is activated, it begins to appear externally and internally, causing serious complications due to the neglence of the disease.

The increase in the incidence of hidden syphilis is due to the active use of antibiotics at an early stage of an undiagnosed syphilitic infection, the symptoms of which are taken for signs of other venereal, acute respiratory or colds. As a result, syphilis "rushes" inside and in 90% of cases it is randomly detected by the passage of profresses.

Hidden syphilis develops for various reasons and can have several flow options:

  1. As the form of the primary period of the diseasein which infection occurs by direct penetration of the pathogen into blood - through wounds or injections. With such a path of infection on the skin, a solid chancre is not formed - the first sign of syphilitic infection. Other names of this type of syphilis - beheaded.
  2. As part of subsequent stages of the diseasewhich proceeds apart - with a periodic change of active and hidden phase.
  3. As a kind of atypical development of infectionwhich is not diagnosed even with laboratory studies. Symptoms develop only at the last stage, when severe lesions of the skin and internal organs occur.

The development of the classical is determined by the penetration of a certain type of bacteria - pale trepoon. It is their active activity that leads to the emergence of symptoms of syphilitic infection - characteristic rash, gum, other skin and internal pathologies. As a result of the attack of the immune system, most pathogenic bacteria dies. But the strongest survive and change the form, because of which the immunity ceases to recognize them. At the same time, the treponam becomes inactive, but they continue to develop, which leads to the hidden flow of syphilis. When immunity weakens, bacteria are activated and cause repeated exacerbation of the disease.

How infection is transmitted

The hidden syphilis, in contrast to the usual, is practically not transmitted by the household, because it is not manifested by the most infectious symptom of infection - syphilitic rashes. All other ways of infection remain, including:

  • unprotected sexual acts of all kinds;
  • breast-feeding;
  • penetration of infected saliva, blood.

The most dangerous in terms of infection is a person who is sick of hidden syphilis no more than 2 years. Then the degree of contagious is significantly reduced.

At the same time, the asymptomatic flow of infection can make it hidden not only for others, but also for the patient himself. Therefore, it can be a source of infection, without even suspecting this and presenting a greater danger to those who close contact him (especially for sexual partners and family members).

When the hidden syphilis is found in the employees of those spheres, in which contact with a large number of people is expected, during treatment they are exempt from the fulfillment of duties with the issuance of the hospital sheet. After recovery, no restrictions on professional activity are not established, since the bang is not dangerous in terms of infection.

Varieties of hidden syphilisa

The asymptomatic form of syphilitic infection is divided into 3 types depending on the duration of the course of the disease. In accordance with this feature, the hidden syphilis is distinguished:

  • early - is diagnosed when a maximum of 2 years has passed since the penetration of bacteria in the body;
  • late - set after exceeding the specified 2-year period;
  • uncomfortable - determined if the duration of infection is not installed.

The degree of lesion of the body and the appointed course of treatment depends on the duration of the flow of infection.

Early hidden syphilis

This phase is the period between the primary and repeated manifestations of the infection. At this time, the infected completely lack of signs of the disease, but it can become a source of infection in the event of the penetration of its biological fluids (blood, saliva, sperm, vaginal secret) into the organism of another person.

The characteristic feature of this stage is its unpredictability - the latent form can easily become active. This will lead to a rapid appearance of solid Shankra and other external lesions. They become an additional and most open source of bacteria, which makes the patient contagious even with ordinary contact.

In case of identifying the focus of early hidden syphilis, special anti-epidemic activities are required. Their goal is:

  • insulation and treatment of infected;
  • establishment and study of all those in contact with him.

Early hidden syphilis most often sick faces up to 35 years old, unintelligible in sexual connections. An irrefutable evidence of infection is to identify infection with a partner.

Late hidden syphilis

This stage is determined if more than 2 years have passed between penetration into the body and identifying syphilitic infection. At the same time, there are also no external signs of disease and symptoms of internal lesions, but the corresponding laboratory studies show positive results.

Late hidden syphilis is almost always detected when conducting tests during a vulture. The remaining identified are close and relatives infected. Such patients do not pose a danger in infectious terms, since tertiary syphilitic rashes practically do not contain bacteria, and those that are, quickly die.

Signs of the late hidden syphilis are not found in a visual examination, there are no complaints about deterioration of well-being. Treatment of this stage is aimed at preventing the development of internal and external lesions. In some cases, at the end of the course, the results of the analyzes remain positive, which is not a dangerous sign.

Unclean hidden syphilis

In situations where the surveyed cannot report the time and circumstances of the infection, the uncomputed hidden syphilis is diagnosed on the basis of laboratory studies.

Clinical examination of such patients is carried out carefully and repeatedly. At the same time, false-positive reactions are quite often detected, which is due to the presence of antibodies in many concomitant diseases - hepatitis, renal failure, oncological lesions, diabetes, tuberculosis, and during pregnancy and menstruation in women, in abuse of alcohol and addiction to fatty food.

Diagnostic methods

The lack of symptoms significantly makes it difficult to establish a hidden syphilis. The diagnosis is most often raised by the results of appropriate analyzes and anamnesis.

The following information is crucial in drawing up an anamnesis:

  • when infection occurred;
  • for the first time, syphilis or the disease is diagnosed;
  • what treatment passed the patient, and whether it was generally;
  • whether antibiotics were taken over the past 2-3 years;
  • whether the rashes or other changes of the skin were observed.

An external inspection is also carried out to identify:

  • syphilitic rashes throughout the body, including the scalp;
  • scars after the previous similar lesions of the skin;
  • syphilitic leukoderma on the neck;
  • changing the size of lymph nodes;
  • hair cover.

In addition, sexual partners are examined for infection, all family members, other persons who are closely contacting the patient.

But the decisive factor for diagnosis is the corresponding laboratory blood tests. At the same time, the diagnosis may be complicated by the possibility of obtaining a false positive or false negative result.

If the testimony of analyzes is doubtful, a spinal point is carried out, the survey of which can show the presence of hidden syphilitic meningitis characteristic of the late latent stage.

In the final diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to undergo inspections from the therapist and the neuropathologist. This is necessary to establish the presence or absence of concomitant (connected) pathologies.

Treatment of hidden syphilis

The hidden form of syphilitic infection is treated with the same methods as any kinds of syphilis - exclusively antibiotics (systemic penicillinotherapy). The timing of the treatment and dosage of the drug is determined by the duration of the disease and the degree of damage to the body:

  • with early hidden syphilis, there is enough 1 course injection of penicillin lasting 2-3 weeks, which is carried out in domestic (outpatient) conditions (if necessary, the course is repeated);
  • with a late hidden syphilis, 2nd courses require a duration of 2-3 weeks each, while treatment is carried out in stationary conditions, since this form is characterized by a high probability of developing complications.

At the beginning of the treatment of the early form, an increase in temperature should appear, which indicates the correct formulation of the diagnosis.

Pregnant women with hidden syphilis are necessarily hospitalized to conduct appropriate treatment and continuous observation of the state of the fetus. Since the infection is extremely negatively affecting the state of the child and can lead to his death, it is necessary to notice a frasonal pregnancy in time and to provide timely help a woman.

During the treatment period, all patient contacts are significantly limited. He is forbidden to kiss, having sex in any form, use the shared dishes, etc.

The main objective of the therapy of the early latent syphilis is to prevent the development of the active stage in which the patient becomes the source of infection. Treatment of late implies the exclusion of complications, especially neurosimifilis and neurological lesions.

For evaluation of the results of treatment, indicators are tracked:

  • titers that are reflected in the results of the tests and should decrease;
  • cerebrospinal fluid that should return to normal.

Normal indicators of all laboratory studies in antibiotic therapy Penicillin early hidden syphilis usually appear after 1 course. Upon late to achieve them, it is not always possible, and regardless of the length of therapy. Pathological processes in this case are preserved for a long time, and the regression is very slow. Often to accelerate recovery with a late hidden syphilis, pre-treatment with bismuth preparations are first carried out.

Forecast for life

The results of the treatment, the duration and quality of the continued life of the patient with hidden syphilis are largely determined by the duration of the flow of infection and the adequacy of its treatment. The faster the disease will be detected, the less harm it will have time to apply the body.

Complications of the late latent syphilis often such pathologies are often becoming:

  • paralysis;
  • personality disorder;
  • loss of vision;
  • liver destruction;
  • heart diseases.

These or other negative effects of infection can cause a significant reduction in life expectancy, but the results are always individual.

If the hidden syphilis has been detected in a timely manner and competent treatment, a person can fully cure. Then the disease will not affect the duration and quality of life. Therefore, with the slightest suspicion, it is necessary to immediately seek medical help.

The doctor tells about the modern methods of treatment of syphilis.

Late syphilis is called a disease with a chronic flow, prone to relapses and characterized by the defeat of various organs with predominantly sexual transmission. For the late form of the disease, the appearance of clinical signs after a certain time after infection is characteristic. It can be intrauterine with the development of congenital syphilis and with the help of other transmission mechanisms with the development of acquired syphilis.

Symptoms of Disease

The acquired Late Syphilis has characteristic 4 period of the disease:

  • Incubation
  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Tertiary.

The incubation period begins with the moment of infection with pale treponams before the first clinical signs of the disease. Then comes the primary period. It is characterized by the occurrence of solid Shankra on the skin and the appearance of the first generalized rashes. Also develops the defeat of lymphatic nodes and vessels to the primary hearth.

The secondary period of syphilis is marked by the formation of gum and tubercles on the skin. At this time, solid chancre disappears and the above-described rash appears. In parallel, the damage to the internal organs can be observed, but it is less characteristic of this period.

Tertiary syphilis is the most severe stage of this disease. It usually develops after 3-4 years after infection if there is no targeted anti-acid treatment. It is characterized by such manifestations like:

  • Tubercles and gum on the skin
  • Disference of the appearance of the patient
  • Frequent damage to the internal organs, which leads to the disability of the patient or his death.

For the late congenital syphilis, the so-called Triad Getchinson is characteristic. It is characterized by the following clinical signs:

  • Deafness, which is caused by the defeat of the labyrinth of the inner ear
  • Keratitis, that is, the inflammatory defeat of the cornea
  • Typical hetchinson teeth are a barrel-shaped expansion of the upper middle contours that have a recess in the free edge.

Causes of disease

The development of the late syphilis occurs when the pale trepoon in the body is hit, especially with a decrease in immunity. The causative agents of syphilis penetrate the damaged skin or mucous membranes. The main paths of infection are the following:

  • Sexual
  • Household (found extremely rarely)
  • Transfusion (during transfusion of infected blood)
  • Vertical (transplacent) - infection occurs in the intrauterine period.


Diagnostic search in suspected Late Syphilis is to conduct the following studies:

  • Serological reactions that are based on the definition of antibodies to pale treponams (these may be antibodies of various classes) - the reaction of the Vasserman, the reaction of the immobilization of pale treponia, the immunofluorescence reaction
  • Microscopic examination of the pathological separated (pale treponams are detected).


The lack of timely treatment of late syphilis can lead to the development of serious complications that can end with death. Especially dangerous complications are:

  • Neurosofilis
  • Hepatitis
  • Nephritis
  • Pneumonia, etc.

Treatment of disease

The late syphilis treatment is more complex, since the pale treponema has developed a certain microbial stability. It is based on the use of penicillin-row antibiotics. These drugs are prescribed or intermittently separate courses, or throughout a certain time without a break.

The duration of therapy and optimal doses of preparations depend on the following factors:

  • General patient state
  • Stages of the disease
  • Weighing man
  • The presence of various concomitant diseases has.

With the ineffectiveness of penicillins, other antibacterial drugs can be applied to which pale treponams are sensitive.

Symptoms, signs of syphilis in women and men. Reasons and how to treat syphilis

Syphilis is a venereal infectious disease with the damage to the outer shell of the dermis, internal organs, the nervous system and the bone structure in the human body.

Syphilis has a wave-like flow of course when they alternate the phases of exacerbation and the hidden periods of his current - provokes his pale treponema.

The reasons

The cause of syphilis is a bacterium called Treponema Pallidum.

Treponema Pallidum

Infection is most often happening during sexual contact, somewhat less often - when blood transfusion or during the period of fetus, when the bacterium falls from the mother to the child.

Bacteria can enter the body through small cuts or abrasions on the skin or mucous membranes. Syphilis is infected during its primary and secondary stages, and sometimes in the early latent period.

Syphilis does not apply to using one toilet bowl, bathroom, clothing or dishes, through door handles and pools.

After treatment, syphilis itself does not repeally arise, but it can be infected with re-closer to infected.

Risk factors

You encounter high risk to get syphilis if you:

  • participated in unprotected sex;
  • participated in sex with several partners;
  • male having sex with men;
  • infected HIV, AIDS virus.

Primary signs of the disease

Before starting the treatment of syphilis, it is worth learn how to manifest syphilis. So the most important sign of syphilis in the patient is manifested in the form of a solid, dense by the structure of Shankra and a significant increase in the size of lymph nodes.

Shankra - photo of the initial stage

Shankra is an ulcerative neoplasm or a focus of erosion, the correct round shape, having clear edges, is filled with liquid and most often occurs in a contact site with a carrier of the disease.

Syphilis manifests itself with such additional signs:

  • insomnia and increase in patient body temperature;
  • bouts of headaches, lubrication in the joints, bones;
  • edema of genitals and the appearance of such a symptom as syphilitic rash.

Periods of the flow of syphilis and their symptoms

Before selecting the right treatment of syphilis - it is worth knowing at what stage of the course the disease is developing. The disease itself has 4 stages of the flow - consider them in more detail.

Treatment of the disease is quite possible at each of its stage, with the exception of the latter, when all the organs and systems are amazed and cannot be recovered - all the difference consists in the duration and intensity of the course.

Incubation period and its symptoms

Syphilis symptoms in its incubation, hidden period, do not show itself as such - in this case the disease is not diagnosed in its external manifestations, but based on the results of the analyzes carried out using the PCR technique. The duration of the incubation period is 2-4 weeks, after which the disease passes to the stage of primary syphilis.

Primary stage of syphilis and its symptomatics

Each person should know how the disease shows itself - the sooner it is diagnosed, the earlier the treatment of syphilis will begin, the better the chances of successful recovery will be.

First of all, Treplema, after penetrating the body, it strikes nearby lymph nodes, starting actively in them to develop, multiplying.

The first symptoms of syphilis will manifest themselves in the formation of the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms of Shankra - solid, the correct form of oval, which, as the disease, will open, forming an ulcer.

The bowl of all Shankre does not cause anxiety, not painful and localizes most in the area:

  • genitals;
  • groove zone;
  • less often on hips and stomach;
  • near Anus;
  • mucous almonds;
  • vagina.

After a certain period of time, the patient diagnose the increase in lymph nodes located near Shankra - most often they are localized in the groin zone. A person can independently identify this sign - in this case, a nodule form is tested, solid to the touch.

In certain cases, due to the problems with the outflow in the patient, the Lymph diagnoses the edema of genitals, almonds and larynx - it all depends on the localization of the focus of infection, the place of introduction of pathogenic microflora.

Primary syphilis as the stage of the disease lasts about 2-3 months - if treatment is not started in a timely manner, then negative symptoms simply disappears. This does not speak about the full recovery of the patient, but rather signals the transition of the disease to the new, the next flow in its manifestation.

The secondary form of syphilis and its symptoms

The first symptoms of syphilis in the second stage of its flow appear not immediately - this phase of the course of the disease lasts long enough, from 2 to 5 years.

For this stage of the disease, it is characterized by the wave-like its current, when negative symptoms, it will manifest itself, then disappear again. The main features are the sealing of lymph nodes and the formation of Shankra to add and rash.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to such a symptom as syphilitic rash (see photo above). The rash itself, as a sign of syphilis, has a copper or yellowish shade, the neoplasms themselves can peel, can manifest themselves uncharacteristic sulphous color. In the period of latent, hidden flow, the rash can disappear, and during the exacerbation period - to reveal himself.

During syphilis in the later stages - the first feature is a sealing of rash, as well as education in their place of ulcerative neoplasms, necrosis develops. It is localized most often in the place of infection in the body, but they are not limited to them - it will be to manifest themselves throughout the body.

In some cases, the disease can be joined and the course of other bacterial infection - purulent neoplasms will be applied along the body. In addition to the rashes on the body, which the word does not cause anxiety, they do not bope and do not get off, and allergic reactions can appear, and.

According to the doctors themselves - in some infected patients, the rash manifests itself only at the initial stages of the course of the disease, in the future disappearing for many years. At the same time, other patients may suffer from periodic manifestations on the body of rashes.

During the secondary stage of syphilis, people develop such red or reddish-brown spots, and at the moment they are very infectious.

Provice regular rashes on the body can stress and weakening immunity, the depletion of the entire body and the hypothermia or, on the contrary, overheating.

Hidden syphilis

Hidden syphilis is the third stage of syphilis. Here the infection is at rest (idle), without causing symptoms.

Tertiary syphilis and his symptoms

The last stage of the course of the disease occurs immediately - the first symptoms of syphilis can show themselves after 3 - 10 years from the moment of infection.

Symptoms of syphilis on this, the fourth stage exhibits itself with the appearance in the form of the formation of gum - these are specific, infiltrative tuberculos, having a clear face, are localized on tissues and mucous domestic organs. Over time, they can disintegrate and transform into scars.

According to doctors - gums affect all organs and systems, provoking hazardous consequences and complications. For example - if such tubercles are formed on the bones or the joint is affixed, then the patient may develop:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • periostitis;
  • or other similar pathology.

The defeat of infection of intra-painted lymph nodes leads to development in the body, and when the CNS is defeated, when the brain suffers, the patient's personality is steadily to degrade. If the treatment is not started in a timely time - the likelihood of the occurrence of death is high.

If we summarize all the signs of the last stage of syphilis, it is marked by such symptoms:

  • damage to the dermis and bone tissue of the musculoskeletal system, joints, internal organs and systems, education in the patient Gumm;
  • the heart and vascular system is affected, coronary arteries are narrowed;
  • defeat not only brain, but also the CNS;
  • under the defeat of the syphilis and its flow at the fourth stage, deafness and paralysis appear, the patient is disturbed by constant depression and the split personality, right up to madness;
  • the body is based on tumors and nodes, which are gradually growing, increase in size and after independently open, forming ulcerative foci, bleeding and not healing for a long time;
  • and in the course of the flow of syphilis at the last stage, the deformation of bones and joints is developing - frequent cases in which ulcers first of all destroying act on the nose bone;
  • the first signs of deformity in appearance, which provoked by the destructive action of the disease are shown.

A patient with this diagnosis should be remembered that each stage is healing, but here is the fourth - it is unlikely because there is a large-scale damage to the internal organs and systems that are no longer possible. In this case, the person is diagnosed with a disabled person and assign a certain group.

Neonatal or congenital syphilis

Neonatal syphilis in pregnant women leads to the death of the fetus in 40% of infected pregnant women (the birth of a dead fetus or death shortly after birth), so all pregnant women must undergo diagnosis on syphilis at the first premium.

The diagnosis is usually repeated in the third trimester of pregnancy. If infected children are born and survived, they are at risk of serious problems, including delays in development. Fortunately, syphilis during pregnancy can be treated.

Manifestations of the disease in both sexes

In men Syphilis affects the most common sex dick and scrotum - precisely on external genitalia and show themselves, above all, the disease in the form of negative symptoms.

Among women The disease most often amazes small sexual lips, vagina and mucous membranes. If sexual partners practice the oral or anal kind of sex - accordingly there is infection and the subsequent defeat of the anus circumference, the mouth cavity, mucous throat and the skin in the chest and neck.

The course of the disease is long, if not to treat it in a timely manifestation, differs in its wave-like manifestation of negative symptoms, shifting, both active form of pathology and hidden flow.

How is syphilis diagnosed?

In the process of diagnosing such a serious illness, it is not necessary to make yourself a diagnosis even with the pronounced characteristic symptoms, signs. The thing is that rash, the seal and an increase in lymph nodes can manifest itself and with other diseases as a characteristic feature. It is for this reason that physician disease is diagnosed by visual inspection of a patient, identifying characteristic symptoms on the body and through laboratory research.

In the process of comprehensive diagnosis of the disease, the patient passes:

  1. Inspection at the dermatologist and venereologist. It is these experts to inspect the patient, its genitals and lymph nodes, skin pickups, the collection of anamnesis and the direction of laboratory research.
  2. Identification of treponam in the internal contents, gum and chancre liquids by applying PCR, direct reaction to immunofluorescence and by carrying out dark-axis microscopy.

In addition, doctors spend various testing:

  • finding - in this case, in the composition of blood under the conditions of the laboratory, the presence of antibodies against the virus, as well as phospholipids of tissues, which are destroyed by it are detected. This, VDRL and other.
  • tremponne, when the presence of antibodies to such an excitator as pale treponema is diagnosed in the blood composition. This is Reef, RPGA, IFA, research on the level of immunoblotting.

In addition, doctors prescribe and conduct instrumental methods for finding GUMM - this is a study with ultrasound, MRI, CT and X-rays.

Modern treatment of syphilisa

Modern treatment with effective drugs allows us to talk about the timely cure of the patient, but only if the disease has not passed into the last stage of its current, when many organs, bones and joints are destroyed and amazed, which cannot be restored.

Treatment of pathology should conduct an exclusively qualified venereologist doctor in a medical hospital, based on the results of an inspection, patient survey and results conducted by laboratory and instrumental research.

So the treatment of syphilis at home, its own and folk methods and recipes is unacceptable. It is worth remembering that this disease is not easy, which can be cured with hot tea with raspberries - this is a very serious infectious period that destroys the body from the inside. At the very first suspicions, the symptoms of the disease - immediately consult a doctor, to undergo a survey and appointed course of treatment.

The course of therapy occupies a lot of time - the process of recovery is long and the main thing is to stock up with considerable patience.

As medical statistics and practices are shown - launched cases can be treated for more than one year. It is possible to talk about recovery only after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis - healthy, but not to stop it after all acne and ulcerative formations come from the bodies, seals lymph nodes.

The main thing is that the patient must remember, passing the course of treatment - at this time completely eliminate any sex.

Even if the partner has the results showed a negative result in the causative agent in the body - it is still recommended to undergo a course of preventive treatment. The course of the treatment of syphilis provides for several directions - this will be discussed further.

Course treatment with antibiotics

Each patient, a man and women, during the passage of the course of treatment, prescribe antibiotics - to them the causative agent of this infectious disease is sensitive. So the drug itself, the duration of its admission and the dosage appoints the doctor individually, taking into account all the tests and results of the patient's inspection.

Disease is sensitive to such groups of drugs:

  • preparations containing Penicillin in their composition;
  • macrolids and antibiotics Ceftriaxon.

So antibiotics containing Penicillin in their composition, quite effectively act on the treatment in time, adversely affects pathology pathoge. When diagnosing primary syphilis, it is they who give excellent treatment dynamics.

Today, dermatovenereologists do not practice the first shock dose of the administration of penicillin - a technique of intramuscular administration of the drug with an interval every 3 hours, which ensures its constant concentration in the body.

Penicillin (means from some types of mold fungus)

So preparations containing penicillin, perfectly help in the fight against the early stages of the neurosofilis flow, but so far the nervous system has not undergone irreversible changes in their work, as well as in the innate nature of the defeat of the body with syphilis.

If the third stage of the flow of syphilis is diagnosed - before the course of receiving Penicillin it is worth passing 2-week therapy with such drugs as tetracycline or erythromycin.

Azitromycin - a new generation drug

Syphilis and its treatment with azithromycin, macrolides also show good results, in their penicillin group. At the same time, side, negative consequences from the drug are minimal.

The only limitation for the appointment of azithromycin eats the diagnosis in the patient's HIV infection. Daily reception 2 gr . Azithromycin allows you to cure even the late forms of syphilis for a semi-annual course of treatment, but the congenital form of treatment is not carried out by this drug.


Treatment of syphilis by this drug as ceftriaxone also gives its positive results and dynamics - it is prescribed even to pregnant women and in particularly launched cases. All compounds that are part of this drug suppress the inner synthesis of division and the growth of the cells of pale treponam.

The treatment diagram is simple - 1 injection per day, a course of treatment for at least six months. The only limitation is to treat the congenital form of syphilis by these drug doctors do not conduct.

If the doctor diagnoses the hidden form of syphilis, the treatment regimen and preparations are similar to the course of receiving immunostimulants and physiotherapeutic procedures.

Subsequent observation

After you begin to treat from syphilis, your doctor will ask you:

  • periodically pass to make sure that the body positively responds to the usual Dosage of Penicillina;
  • avoid sexual contact until the treatment is completed, and blood tests will not show that the infection has been fully cured;
  • inform your partners about the disease so that they also have been diagnosed and, if necessary, treatment;
  • complete diagnosis on HIV infection.

Complications associated with syphilis

Pregnant Mothers and Newborn

Mothers infected with syphilis are at risk of miscarriage, premature genera. There is also a risk that the mother with syphilis takes the disease to his fruit. This kind of illness is known as congenital syphilis (mentioned above).

HIV infection

In people with syphilis, the likelihood of HIV infection significantly increases. Patient's body ulcers facilitate the penetration of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into the body.

It is also important to note that people with HIV may experience various symptoms of syphilis.

Prevention of syphilisa

Today, doctors and scientists have not yet invented special vaccines, which are the effective prevention of syphilis.

If earlier the patient got this venereal infection - it can get infected and overcome them again. As a result, only preventive measures will help to avoid infection and thereby prevent the defeat of internal organs and body systems.

First of all, it is worth excluding indiscriminate sex with an unverified partner, especially without a condom. If such sex was - immediately treat genitals with an antiseptic and visit the doctor for preventive inspection and examination.

The presence of syphilis once does not mean that a person is protected from him. After it is cured, you can change it again.

It is enough to understand that not every person knows that he at the moment acts as a carrier of infection and, if the patient has regular sex life, doctors recommend a regularly to inspect the narrow-profile doctors, to take tests on the STD, thereby revealing the disease in the early stages of it flows.

What are the predictions for patients with syphilis?

Syphilis infection can be cured at any stage by introducing penicillin. However, at later stages, damage caused by the authorities is not reversible.

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Late syphilis is a type of special infection, in which any medical manifestations of disease are not detected, but the positive results of laboratory studies on syphilis are traced. The diagnosis of hidden syphilis is a rather complicated process that is based on the anamnesis information, the results of the painstaking examination of the patient, positive sample responses on the pathogen.

In order to exclude a false positive result of the analysis, repeatedly practiced research, secondary diagnostics after the cure of the concomitant somatic pathology and the rehabilitation of infectious foci. Therapy of syphilis is carried out by means of penicillin.

Ways of infection and cause of the disease

The only reason for the occurrence of pathology is to enter the human causative agent, namely, Treponema Pallidum bacteria (pale treponema). Late syphilis is characterized by the latent nature of the development of clinical symptoms. Currently, doctors are increasingly fixed by the development cases in people of this form of pathology.

  • transfusion of infected blood;
  • entry into sexual relations without the use of contraceptive means, only the use of condoms can protect the sexual organs from entering the mucous membranes of causative agents of venereal diseases;
  • frequent change of partners;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules, the use of other health items;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus mother, which is a carrier of infection;
  • infection of a bacterium that passes when the baby is passing through the generic paths of a woman; Such a path of transmission of infection is most dangerous to the child's life, as the mucous membranes of the eyes and the genital organs are affected.

Symptoms and signs

Late syphilis is the last stage of the disease, in which treatment takes place is not as easy as in the primary and secondary stages. This is the final, the most difficult period of the pathology. The disease can manifest itself in 10-30 years after the initial infection. Signs of late congenital syphilis a lot. The main thing is that the disease leads to the deterioration of the state of the whole organism.

Complications may include:

  1. Late neurosifilis is a brain disease that provokes disorders in the nervous system and a strong headache. Deadly affects the walls of the vessels that are narrowed, which is formed by endarteritic.
  2. Infection and inflammation of membranes around the head and spinal cord, which prevents normal blood supply.
  3. Hearing loss - the composition of the spinal fluid changes, which leads to poor filtration of the substance.
  4. Loss of view, light-friendly - due to the defeat by the syphilis of visual analyzers.
  5. Psychological changes - schizophrenia, personality disorder, dementia.
  6. Heart disease, stroke, increased pressure, heart rate disruption. Visceral syphilis also leads to arthritis.
  7. Diseases of pulmonary tract - pneumonia, bronchiectases. Changes are manifested by the defeat of the respiration organs with syphilis, which is why gums and education around the vessels appear. This leads to bars in the chest, in the side, which are accompanied by a cough.
  8. Weakening of muscles and joints, coordination violation - with damage to the SNS disease, nervous cells lose the ability to send and receive signals.
  9. The formation of gum at different parts of the body is most often on the limbs.

The signs and symptoms of the late syphilis can not be strongly expressed and remain unnoticed by the patient for a long time. But nevertheless, in the latent period, the disease further applies to the body.


All human bodies suffer. In particularly severe cases, symptoms appear on the bones and vessels. First of all suffer:

  • mucous membranes;
  • leather;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous system;

At a late stage of syphilis on the mucous membranes of the body, gums begin to appear, and sometimes tubercles with a characteristic peeling appear on the skin. Subsequently, they can transform into ulcers. The rashes appear in the language, and what they are more, the harder the person will speak and eat. But the most significant danger carry ulcers in solid sky, which injure cartilage and bone tissue.

Because of this, the person shows the complications of the late syphilis: there are seriously disturbed, and other diseases occur due to purulent discharges. Gumms may appear on the skin of a person, while at the same time deep under the layer of epidermis. On the skin, characteristic scars begin to appear, which are very difficult not to notice. They can be both solitary and form groups.

Due to the defeat of the skeleton, a person gets disability for life. First, the gumms are formed over the supervisor, but after they spread and capture the increasing part of the musculoskeletal system. Ultimately, they grow to a tumor, which can be removed only in a surgical path. Sometimes the bone marrow may also suffer.

In the modern world, neurosophilis is the most frequent type of organ defeat. The causative agent directly falls into the brain. Very often in the patient there are strong headaches, coordination is disturbed, such symptoms such as dizziness, vomiting, sleep disorder, visual and auditory hallucinations appear. Sometimes the patient can stop recognizing their loved ones and familiar people, but it is quite rare.


In the establishment of a diagnosis, the usual assistance can be pronounced as "positive" at Late Syphilis. A significant diagnostic role is played by the study of the spinal fluid, x-rays, counseling and inspection by the therapist, an ophthalmologist, a otolaryngologist, a neurologist and other experts.

Differential diagnosis

During the differential diagnosis of late syphilis and the inert transmission of antibodies, the numerical reactions play a significant role. Healthy people have antibody titers will decrease, and for 4-5 months there is an unexpected negativation of serological interactions. In the presence of an infection of antibody titers, the durable is either traced to their increase.

At first, after infection, serological interactions after analyzes at the Late Syphilis may be negative, despite the presence of bacteria in the body. For this reason, the diagnosis is not recommended to be carried out in the first 10 days after the appearance of children or possible infection.


Early Penicillin therapy is important, since the prolonged influence of this disease can cause unsafe for life consequences. During the primary, secondary or late stage of pathology, patients, as a rule, receive intramuscular administration of "benzatin" penicillin G. Tertiary syphilis will require two injections through weekly intervals. Neurosophilis requires parenteral penicillin every 4 hours for 2 weeks, it is necessary to remove bacteria from the CNS.

Why does the pathology be immediately treated?

Treatment of late syphilis will prevent further damage to the body systems. Children who were infected with syphilis after childbirth must pass antibiotic therapy.

Fever, nausea and headache can occur on the first day of treatment. This is called Yarisha Herxheimer's reaction. This does not mean that treatment should be discontinued. Penicillin G, administered parenterally, is the most eliminated drug for the treatment of people at all stages of syphilis. The type of medication used, the dose and duration of treatment depend on the stage and clinical manifestations of the disease.

The treatment of late hidden syphilis and the tertiary stage of pathology requires longer therapy. Increased duration of treatment is required for persons with a hidden syphilis of an unknown stage.

What drugs should be used?

Parenteral Penicillin G is effectively used to achieve clinical permission (that is, wound healing and prevention of sexually transmission infection) and prevent late complications. Treatment is carried out by the reception of medicines and antibiotics: Penicillin injections. Penicillin is one of the most widely used antibiotics and is usually effective in the treatment of syphilis. For people suffering from allergies to Penicillin, it is possible to appoint another antibiotic, for example: "doxycycline", "azithromycin", "ceftriaxone".


Dose of the drug appoints the doctor in each individual case individually. Standard dosage is as follows:

  • Recommended dose for adults: G 24000000 units) in a single dose of 14 times a day.
  • Recommended dose for babies and children: "Benzatin" (Penicillin G 50,000 units) in a single dose of 8 times a day.
  • Recommended dose for pregnant women: Pregnant women with syphilis are invited to use Benzatin (Penicillin G 2.4 million units) once intramuscularly and "plot" (Penicillin 1.2 million units) intramuscular once a day for 10 days.

When the preparations of the penicillin row "benzatin" or "contract" cannot be used (for example, due to allergies to the active substance) or not available (for example, due to exhausted stocks), it is assumed to be used with caution "erythromycin" 500 mg orally four times On the day for 14 days, or "Ceftriaxone" 1 g intramuscularly once every day for 10-14 days, or "azithromycin" 2 g once a day.

Dosage for children

Babies under 1 months, which have a diagnosis of Syphilis, should have reproductive birth certificates and information about maternal illness to evaluate whether they have congenital or acquired syphilis. Infants, as well as children aged 1 month and older with primary and secondary syphilis, should be under the control and observation of the pediatrician, as well as a specialist in infectious diseases.

All persons suffering from late syphilis must be tested for HIV infection. Especially in those geographic areas where the prevalence of this pathology is especially high. Persons who have a primary or secondary syphilis should be re-tested on HIV in 3 months if the results of the first test were negative.

Persons who have syphilis, as well as symptoms or signs pointing to a neurological disease (for example, dysfunction of cranial brain nerves, meningitis, stroke and hearing loss), or ophthalmic diseases (for example, inhabit, irrit, neuroretinitis and visual neuritis), Complex diagnostics must pass, which includes the complete ophthalmic study of the condition of the eyes, as well as a deep nuclear examination.

During therapy, it is not recommended to live sexual life until the treatment is completed. You can start sexual relationship after analyzing blood confirming that the disease was cured. Therapy may take several months.