The rules for installing a cesspool in the private sector. Regulations of distances from the well, water supply and other objects on the plot to the cesspool

When the construction of a dacha or country house is carried out, its owners immediately take into account the device of the drainage system. The most appropriate solution to this question becomes a cesspool. But it must match SNiP. If any items are violated during design and construction, operation may be accompanied by fines and many problems.

Why should I follow SNIP

Failure to comply with the requirements entails pollution of natural water sources and the spread of infections. Before construction of the pit, the ideal option will be the introduction of its development plan. It will also be necessary to agree with involved in this civil service. This should include the SES. To obtain permits for work, this condition is necessary.

Choosing a place

Studying sanitary standards and demands for cesspool, you will need to correctly choose a place. A pit is a container for the receipt of household wastewater. To determine the location and coordination, according to SNiP, it is necessary to analyze the site and adjacent territory. When drafting the scheme, you need to consider the location:

  • wells;
  • residential building;
  • pipelines;
  • water supply;
  • economic buildings;
  • gas pipelines.

It takes into account the elements of the landscape, hill and the depths of the terrain. When planning, you should take into account the location of neighboring systems of communications, wells, houses, to take the platform for the sanitary zone. When planning a location, the direction of the movement of underground flows should be taken into account. In the relevant services you can get information about them.

Regulations and conditions

Having studied the sanitary standards and rules for a cesspool, you can find out at what place from the neighboring or home to work. It is important to choose the best place. For example, from the borders of the pit plot should be removed by 1.5 m. As for water intake wells, the sewage systems must be removed from them by 20 m. From the structures of the neighboring house and the main building of the neighbors should be removed by the sewer 10 m. From the residential building of the pit It should be removed by 8 m and more, the plumbing pipes must be removed from it by 25 m. As for gas pipes, the distance to them should be 5 m, but from underground currents - 25 m.

The standards for the placement of cesspools are also regulated by the state of the soil on the territory of the building. On clay soils, natural wells must be removed from the pit for 20 m. If there is a sublinous soil on your territory, then this figure should be increased by 30 m. As for sandy soils, the natural wells must be removed from the pit 50 m. Not recommended The location of the structure downstream of groundwater. This will eliminate pollution of natural wells.

What regulatory documents need to be guided

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to withstand the smallest distance to your home. If you cannot install a container with said step, it is possible to reduce the mentioned parameters only after agreement with some services. Specialists are not recommended to deviate from the requirements. When rotting waste, which certainly happens in the pit, gases will be released. Do not forget about unpleasant smell. With open windows in the summer, all these flavors will penetrate the house. Therefore, it is important to understand that sanitary standards should be observed. The distance from the house to the cesspool is usually 15 m.

It is especially difficult to withstand a step to the nearest water pipes. This is due to the fact that you must take into account the direction of movement of the flows underground. They flow from the drain pipe and are sent to the cesspool. If in the opposite direction, then the selected distance must be increased from 25 to 40 m.

The main document you will be guided by building a cesspool - SanPine 42-128-4690-88. Sanitary rules are prescribed here, which regulate the content of the territories of settlements. You will be able to learn about the basic requirements for the design and location, as well as the care of the cesspool. The documentation was developed by the Soviet Union, the analogues today were adopted in almost all CIS countries.

Despite the relatively long history, sanitary standards prescribed in this document remain relevant, but not all. For example, professionals in the field of sewage improvement advise to increase the distance from the container for collecting waste to residential buildings or additional buildings.

After reading the standards for the drain pit in a private house, you can start choosing a type of such structure. The simplest option is the pit without the bottom. Such structures can be arranged only with the daily volume of uncleanness of no more than one cubic meter. The pit should be located below the level of drinking water intake to eliminate the pollution of water in the well drain.

When the wells, you must consider some parameters. For example, to the location of the drinking well and pit, there are certain requirements, which depends on the properties and types of soil on the ground. This was discussed above. If in the household every day more of the above-mentioned wastewater volume is formed, the pit should be abandoned and consider similar structures from metal, brick or concrete.

An excellent option will be a plastic hermetic drive. Standards for the drain pit in a private house there are also a hermetic design. It must have a bias toward the technological hatch for cleaning. The choice of location will depend on the distance to the building and the fencing of the site, these parameters are 10 m and 1 m, respectively.

Periodically, such a hermetic pit will have to be cleaned. It is used for this assessing machine. It is not recommended to have a pit that deeper than 3 m, otherwise emptying turns out to be not effective due to limited hose length. After all, Il, formed at the bottom, will remain there.

Getting acquainted with the standards for the drain pit in a private house, you can find out what you need to provide a free entrance of the car. During the operation of the drive, methane is possible. In order to eliminate the accumulation of explosive gas, you should equip the tank ventilation. Regulatory requirements include the installation of a 10-centimeter tube, which will rise above the surface of the Earth by 60 cm.

Detailed information on the compliance distance to communications

Standards for the drain pit in a private house also provide compliance with the distance to communications, namely gas and water pipes. If the pipeline is made of reinforced concrete or asbestos cement, then the distance to the pit should be 5 m or more. To cast iron pipes with a diameter of no more than 200 mm, the distance is 1.5 m. When pig-iron pipes have a more impressive diameter, the distance increases to 3 m. To the gas pipeline, the pitch is withstanding a step at 5 m.

Features of the compilation of the scheme

In a private house, with your own hands, the drain pit is quite equipped. For this, brick is quite often used. At the first stage, it is necessary to make a plan plan, where all buildings on the site and the distance between them should be indicated. It is important to mention the boundaries of the site. You will denote garden tracks, water intake wells, gazebos, green plantings and ferrous water.

Armed with a circulation, you will need to set the leg on the plan in the place where the pits are assumed. A circle radius with a scale of 1 to 100 should be 12 cm. If the circle does not concern buildings on the territory, you can continue to draw a geometric shape with a radius of 20 cm. Focus of attention at this stage must be focused on how the line has passed to the source of the water intake. From this point, it is necessary to draw a circle with a radius of 2 cm. Here you should pay attention to the fencing of the site. If the circles lines did not cross the location points of the objects, the pit is located correctly.

Features of the arrangement of pits from concrete rings

If you want to equip a cesspool, sanitary standards, adjustable SNiP, must be studied. This was discussed above. Next, you can choose the type of construction, which can provide for the use of concrete rings. The standard system of this type consists of 2-3 products. Each ring will be able to accommodate up to 1.5 cubic meters.

Deciding with the sizes of the well, you must prepare the pit with dimensions of 90 cm larger than the diameter of the rings being installed. Walls should be cleaned and aligned. The bottom is well compacted. To arrange a hermetic bottom, it is necessary to make a filling of the solution or laying bricks. For the hardening of concrete goes about a week. In order to simplify the task, you should use ready-made concrete rings with a bottom.

As soon as the bottom gained strength, you can start the installation of the rings. Products are lowered in a well with a crane or winch. If they have twisted and stuck when diving, the pit should be expanded. The drain pit in a private house according to the standards should be hermetic, therefore, the blows and formation of cracks should be excluded. To prevent problems on the top of each ring, lay the boards.


The docks are covered with cement mortar to which liquid glass is added. For waterproofing, use rubber seals. After the installation of the wall of the container from the outdoor is strengthened with brick or stones. You can use the construction garbage or soil, taken upon digging of the kittle.

Even at the stage of designing a private house, you need to take into account many parameters and rules for the location of various buildings relative to the fence. Even in its own section of the structure, you cannot be located in an arbitrary order. The rules for installing the hedges and the construction of buildings within the site are regulated by SNiP. In addition to the requirements imposed by SNiP, local standards should be taken into account. Requirements and recommendations SNiP are preferably carried out, because non-fulfillment threatens a fine or a suit of dissatisfied neighbors. And mostly the court decision is not made in favor of the violator.

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Requirements for the very fence

With the arrangement of its site, information on the norms of construction of the fence itself is important. For a private house, the requirements for the fence are as follows:

In other cases, restrictions are practically no, the best materials that meet these requirements are:

You can agree on the height and transparency of the adjacent fence with the neighbors.
In this case, consent is better to be issued in writing and assured. It will be an official document that can help, even if the neighbors change with time.

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Distance from the fence to the house

It is very important at the design and construction stage correctly arrange the house relative to the hedge. To find out at what distance to build a house before the fence, you need to use the established standards.

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Fence on the side of the roadway

The segment of the hedge overlooking the road, the so-called red line is usually equipped with a gate and gate. The smallest distance from the fence to the house is set to 5 m. Violation of the borders of the building in a smaller side can cause problems when issuing documents in BTI, and does not comply with fire safety standards.

It should be borne in mind that individual elements of the house: canopies, porch, veranda, staircase - and any extensions more than 0.5 m are also taken into account when measuring the distance to the fence.

Required ranges of the distance from the fence from the roadway

If the road is passage, the distance can be reduced to 3 m.

In addition to the requirements of SNiP, there are still fire safety standards that sometimes do hard:

  • The house of stone, brick, concrete must be from the fence at a distance of 6-8 m;
  • Frame buildings with fireproof insulation - 10-12 m;
  • Wooden house - 12-15 m.

The distance of 5 m has its advantages and is preferable from the practical side:

  • The longer the distance from the road, the less noise from passing cars will be heard;
  • Remoteness from exhaust gases and dust roads;
  • The ability to hide privacy from the views of random passersby.
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Fence, adjacent to the neighboring plot

Frequent conflicts and litigation are associated with the location of buildings at close range from the mid-level line. To avoid quarrels and misunderstanding with neighbors, it is worth carefully treating the existing requirements for the location of the house from the neighboring fence.
The distance to neighboring houses is determined by the requirements of fire safety:

  • Non-combustible materials (stone, reinforced concrete, concrete) - 6 m;
  • Non-combustible and hard-burning materials with wooden floors - 8 m;
  • Tree and frame structures - 10 m.

Often conflicts with neighbors arise due to the plot shaders when building a multi-storey cottage. The high house, too closely located to the neighboring fence, can cause bad growth of plants and trees. However, no one wishes to the detriment of their own interests to place the house in the middle of the site.

In any case, on this issue it is better to refer to specialists who are based on the situation, the size of the site and other parts will be offered the best option. It is worth remembering that the minimum distance of the construction to the adjacent fence should be at least 3 m.
This location is quite legal and rarely disputed by the neighbors.

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At what distance from the fence to build a bath

The location of the bath depends on many parameters: the material used for construction, the method of sewage adjustment. According to sanitary and fire standards, the minimum distance from the bath to the fence adjacent to the neighboring area is 3 m.

Such a distance is due to the specificity of the construction: the drained wastewater from the bath should not fall on the next area. In addition, the bath can cause a fire or a thick shadow on the next plot.

According to the rules, a half-meter will be saved, equipping the sewage drain and drainage system, then the distance of 2.5 meters to the hedge of the neighbors is considered to be permissible. In addition to the mid-second line, it is necessary to take into account the distance to the neighboring house - 8 m. Reduce it to 6 m in the event that the bath is built from materials 1-2 grade (brick, concrete or stone).

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Additional nuances in the construction of a bath

  1. The distance from the bath to a residential neighboring house may increase if there are windows overlooking the bath building.
  2. It is necessary to take into account the location of other buildings: from the sheds and economic blocks you need to retreat at least 1 m.
  3. Bath location rules may change if the neighbor has already built a house and household buildings.
  4. A residential building for fire safety should be at least 8 m, from concrete and bricks - 6 m.

If there is a doubt, it is better to apply to local governments that will help determine the place of construction of the bath.

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The location of the garage - to the hedge

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Location of the toilet and cesspool

According to sanitary and household regulations, the toilet from the fence of the neighboring section is possible at a distance of meters or more, taking into account the location of the drinking water source. According to the requirements of the well or well, a distance of at least 12 m is observed.

When arranging a cesspool, a lot depends on the type of soil and groundwater location. Usually the location of the pit to the fence varies from 1-3 m, if there is no source of drinking water nearby, the distance to which can reach 50 m.

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Other buildings

Coordination of the construction project in local permissions can be insurance against litigation, but to navigate on the standards of SNIP is still extremely desirable to avoid unpleasant situations.

Skreck for neighbors

Village Yama

As far as I remember, it should be at a distance of at least 8 m from the windows of a neighboring house.

A neighbor who climbed into the cesspool to help, almost immediately lost consciousness. For example, a cesspool is more willing to take migrant workers. If adult Russians are climbing in not three, then nonsense in six.

"SP 53.13330.2011. A set of rules. Planning and development of the territories of gardeners (summer cottages) associations of citizens, buildings and structures. Actualized edition of SNiP 30-02-97 *" 6.8 The minimum distances between buildings on sanitary and living conditions should be M: from Residential structure or residential building to the shower, baths (saunas), restroom - 8; from the well to the restroom and the compost device - 8. The designed distances should be observed between the buildings located on adjacent areas.

Do not quit yeast to the cesspool's cesspool, even if he got! Summer, hot ...

I saw this joke, Woni was, hahahahaha

Celebrate and drain pit with their own hands. The construction of the house and the installation of the sewage system in it has long become an immutable rule, the construction of the cesspool of the tires is designed so that the latter is slightly raised above the ground level.

Moreover, it will be no less in the neighborhood)))))))

I have breakfast actually. . SPACE!

Late, my already got a glove on the hood)))

))) Nightmares)))

That's what you pushed someone's idea ...

The cesspool is a reservoir, where wastewater is collected from the sewage of the house. Upgrade cleaning of toilets and cesspools ensures cleanliness of your site and comfort for residents at home and neighbors.

Teenage thoughts adults are not engaged in such

At what distance should the celastic pits in SNT be built?

The main thing is 1 m. From the fence, and the rest is not important. You can even in front of its windows ....

Celebration pit from concrete rings is a convenient and intelligent option, you can handle it yourself. You can easily install it in a single hand, it's hardly possible, so call the neighbors and friends or hire employees.

And that would not be near and above and against the well or well

How to make a neighbor organize their own cesspool on his site?

You can - your plot. Just declare it that you no longer need his waste, let him make a pit on his plot.

If there is a water intake on the site, then the cesspool is disposed of diagonally and as far as possible from the source. All these rules are effective and if you are tightly surrounded by neighbors, the distance to residential buildings should not be less than 15 meters, and have a common ...

Talk to the neighbor, give him a time limit for the arrangement of my cesspool and at the end of this period, if, of course, nothing will be done, dismantle its sewage system located on your land plot

At what distance from the residential building should there be a sewer well of a neighbor? Simple-cesspool

Proper cesspool is a few possible ways to ruin. 1. It is possible to make a capacity to be honest, that is, hermetic. Everyone if a neighbor ... Question with drains as hung 50 years ago, it costs now.

When placing a cesspool in order to obtain a resolution from the Vodokanal and the SES, the written consent of the neighbors is needed, if this distance is not suppressed. That is, if you have a dispute with a neighbor, and it has a water from the central water supply and there is a cesspool, "it means you sometime or former owners have given such consent. Otherwise, it cannot be, he would simply be allowed to cut into the water supply. Therefore, now you will not hold on to it. If you have a country cooperative and any documents for these things have no one by any of themselves, you can scare it with SES.

At what distance from the neighboring site should be a cesspool

5 meters minimum it seems, and not near the neighbor's house, closer to the road

Bring a neighbor and get a discount. The most common type of wastewater disposal cesspool. According to environmental requirements, it is supposed to do with a concrete bottom so as not to pollute the groundwater.

Your neighbors also love to pick up in a cesspool at that moment. When you come to your kebabs?

We have a shit in the village of shit in early spring. All. Strictly. The kebabs are still early.

The device of the surface homemade septicity of a cesspool for home, cottage, cottage with their own hands. Surface septic tank was spied at one neighbor. So, you have a country house that you use in the warm season and do not use the country in the winter?

There is no)

Only warmed, everyone goes and engaged in their affairs

Any neighbor is shit in our time. First of all, it is necessary to put a fence of a meter three height. And if there is no possibility that the whole family exit in gas masks, there will be laughter and further mutual understanding.

My neighbors love to dig in the teeth after eating a delicious kebab cooked by me.

Our people love their pit - transferred it to themselves under the door, although in the house there is a sewage and a trash can 100 steps

The location of such an element as a cesspool of sanitary standards regulate the following SNiP and Sanpin. In case it does not affect the neighbor, the representatives of the administration must compile an act with which you can file a lawsuit in court.

Village pit need advice. Tell me what should be the minimum distance between the pit and the fence of the neighbors?

2 meters. All facilities and plantations.

And with what fruit your neighbor was so called? I will not tell you to sit down the cesspool ... We have such under the toilet, many, many years, SES did not visit us, nor nearby at home. And we would not come to us, but the complaint ...

Agree to your toilets in one place have been and there will be less problems on the standards, cesspools are generally prohibited by the "products" to move the grass and peat and then in the form of a compost in the garden

According to sanitary and household standards, the construction must be placed on the right distance from those in neighboring sites: from a residential building or house to a bath, a shower or restroom - 8 m; From the well to the restroom and the compost device - 8 m. From home to restroom at least 12 meters. The boundary of the neighboring area should be 3 meters from the residential structure (or at home), in 4 m - from buildings for the content of small livestock or bird, in 1 m - from other buildings, in 4 m - from the trunks of low-speed trees (2 m - from the average), in 1 m - from the shrub. Usility of cesspools of the style of the latch-closet and the superior restrooms are allowed when placing at least 1 m from the boundaries of the site. During the surplus restroom to the red line of the street or passage - it should be at least 5 meters. The specified distance (at least one meter to the boundary of the neighboring section) must be measured from the near to the bore (fear) of the edges of the pit, and not from the rear wall of the building. SNIP 30-02-97

Tell me, the neighbor arranged near the fence of a cesspool (toilet). And around the perimeter of the fence fell in old trees. To do

Garden standards are observed? If so, you can't do anything.

Requirements for the cesspool are not unambiguous, but at least, which should be a distance, it is 15 meters from the house. If required,

the distance of the cesspool from the neighbors to SNiP

In the section Country life to a question at what distance from a neighboring fence should the toilet with a cesspool? Posted by the author Marina Kabanova is the best answer is a toilet from the fence like a house-building at a distance of 1 meter, but a toilet from a residential building at a distance of at least 12 meters. Also, it is impossible to merge uncleanness just in a cesspool. Or Mounted Canalized Systems - Septicistics with FC / PPA

Answer from 2 response [Guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with the answers to your question: at what distance from the neighboring fence should the toilet with a cesspool?

Answer from Valentina Tkacheva [newcomer] Due to the fact that now the developers are actively crushed across a private building, we have a neighbor toilet at a distance of 2 meters from the corner of our house! And from the entrance door it turned out that from the door to our fence in a straight line 3.5 meters, fence, and from the fence to a neighbor toilet 1 meter. Please give an exposure about this situation, taking into account that we do not have a cottage, but a big neighborhood with this neighborhood! And where should I contact for the neighbors obliged to transfer the toilet from our fence at 12 p / meters!? Is there a system of fines to neighbors, since they are going to do it voluntarily ???

Answer from Lisi4ka [Guru] 1 ... 1.5 meters

Answer from єofanzadunay [MASTER] Construction standards and rules Snip 30-02-97 "Planning and development of the territories of gardeners of citizens, buildings and structures" 6.7 Minimum distances to the border of a neighboring garden area under sanitary and living conditions should be, M: from the Garden House - 3; from the construction for the content of small cattle and poultry - 4; from other buildings - 1; from the trunks of tall trees-4, the mid-diluted - 2, from the shrub - 1.6.8 The minimum distances between buildings on sanitary conditions should be, m : from the garden house and the cellar to the restroom - 12; to the shower, baths and saunas - 8; from the well to the restroom and the compost device - 8; before the construction for the content of small cattle and birds, soul, baths, saunas - 12; from the cellar to The compost device and the construction for the content of small cattle and poultry - 7. The discovered distances should be observed both between the buildings in one section and between the buildings located on the adjacent areas. 6.9 is allowed to adjoin economic Buildings to the garden house. At the same time, premises for small livestock and birds should have an isolated outdoor entrance, located no closer than 7 m from the entrance to the garden house. It is possible to unite the economic building and a garden house under the observance of sanitary requirements.6.10 Garages for cars can be separate, built-in or attached to the garden house and economic buildings.

Answer from Vladimir Z [Guru] Yes, in fact, it would be better to have a toilet to with you, and a cesspool is a neighbor. The neighbor is not to buy a peat toilet - there will be no smell, the product easily overwhelms the year for 2 and is ready as compost.

Answer from 2 response [Guru]

Hey! Here are still themes with the necessary answers:

The arrangement of a cesspool is cheap, quickly and comfortable. In order for it to be legitimate and secure for hosts, neighbors and the environment, installation should be carried out taking into account sanitary standards for cesspool (sewer) pits.

Important! Failure to comply with the requirements affecting the location of the cesspool is fraught with solid fines. Also, by law, you may be removed (reconstruct) a dangerous structure in your own account.


Before the construction of a cesspool, it is necessary to obtain permission. To do this, the SES is provided:

  • Scheme of the location of the object on the site.
  • Project project, and it must comply with sanitary standards and rules.

If documents are submitted that do not fit into the requirements of the law, the permission will not be able to receive.

But that's not all, because after the completion of construction and even a few years later, a checking inspector may burn. Upon fact, the distance to the cesspool from the well and from other key points should be complied with the documents submitted. With inspector checks, do not go to the inspection, often they appear on the "pressing" of neighbors.

Important! It is not necessary to neglect the decoration of the permission, it will cost inexpensively. It is necessary to stand in the corridors of the state structure, but it is cheaper than pay a fine if the distance from the well to the cesspool will be incorrect.

It will be possible to obtain permission only if the cesspool is placed not on the territory of the neighboring site, but on its own. And it does not matter the residential volume (someone else's) site or not and whether it is in someone in property.

Types of structures

The location of the drain pit in a private house is distinguished by distances, depending on the type. Classification occurs based on the tightness of the structure. Types:

  • A simple pit is a pit in the ground, where the drains are reset. There is no tightness in the design, so the drains can be distributed in any direction. There must be maximum distances from all key points on the site.
  • Pit with hard walls. They less create emissions into the soil, and therefore safer. Through the walls are not seeping, they go only into the thickness of the soil, through the filtering bottom - the mixture of sand and rubble. Since the drains still leave the limits of the cesspool the distance from home and from the well also maximum according to the standards.
  • Sealed pits or plastic containers - do not miss the sewage into the soil at all. The purge cleaning occurs by pumping. It is allowed to observe the minimum distance from the well.

Important! In Sanpin, any cesspool should be mounted only according to the project and after the approval of its relevant control bodies.

Standard standards

Snip's cesspool is an object of increased environmental hazard, so the placement should be placed in certain standards, namely:

  • The distance between the well and the cesspool is 20-50 meters. The same standards relate to the distance from any source of drinking water - well, columns, another type of water intake.
  • From the foundation of your own house, neighbor, the foundations of other buildings at least 10-12 meters. If you place the extrak closer, in the event of a violation of the integrity of the stock repository, there is a risk of erosion of the foundation and as a result of the destruction of the building.
  • The distance from the cesspool to the water pipe, its pipes. Not less than 10 meters, such a distance will eliminate the sewage in the water supply in the event of an accident on the sewer pipeline.
  • The depth of the pit should not be more than 3 meters, and then in the case of deep groundwater. If they are high, it is allowed to install only hermetic tanks or septic. And in the first and in second case, it is necessary to observe the distance of 1 meter from the bottom of the pit to the level of groundwater. The emissions of the effluent in the soil is dangerous pollution of groundwater, and hence the sources of water fence.
  • To the border of the site (fence) should be at least 1.5 meters, and it is better to do more, then it will be possible to exclude troubles with neighbors.
  • The highway, the road, if there is not far from the site - from 5 meters away.
  • Dettle from the stream, river - from 10 m.
  • If there are trees and shrubs on the site, then cesspools are needed, septic colors at a distance of 3 or more meters. The decision to remove the rag in the garden is not the best, because the roots of the plant from the overabundance of moisture can simply bend, besides, not all of them are so moisture.
  • To bring closer to the garden, the cesspool is also impossible, placement standards - 20-30 meters.

Important! Street toilet arrangement also requires compliance with similar norms, if the sealed container is not used as a bump. Toilet in the country, although it is used not as often as in a private house sewage, it needs to be placed according to the above standards.

If there are communications on the plot

When the location of the site is such that underground communications pass on it, then a certain distance should also be observed. The remoteness of the cesspool depends on the type of pipes:

  • Asbestos-cement or reinforced concrete - from 5 meters.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of up to 20 cm - 1.5 m.
  • Cast iron with a diameter of more than 20 cm - from 3 m.
  • Gas pipes from 5 meters.

Important! When the pipes are separated from the cesspool on the plot, the rule should be guided, the further, the better.

Punishment for non-compliance

They punish the norms of the location of cesspools and street toilets with the fear of the ruble, that is, they write out a fine. Its size depends on several factors:

  • Whether there were previous cases of violation by a citizen of environmental legislation.
  • How much is violated norms. It is meant if the cesspool is closer than you need to the foundation at home the penalty will be less than if a potentially dangerous object is placed closer than 20 meters from the drinking water source.

The specific amount of punishment determines the court, it is in a judicial procedure a measure of punishment for such misconduct and is determined. Violation of environmental norms is dangerous for many people, so fines are measured by thousands of rubles.

If there is not enough space

It happens that the perpetrators of the sanitary standards are justified by the fact that the places are missing, therefore, the rules have violated. But in fact correctly put the toilet or equip a cesspool you can. If according to the standards, there is no place for the site - the output is the arrangement of the pit using a sealed container. There are also septicities and other attitudes that can be mounted on the surface, they are also sealed.

Of course, such solutions are more expensive than a cesspool, but, without observing the standards, the owner of the site primarily hurts himself. It pollutes water and makes the soil unsuitable for growing any vegetable crops, trees, shrubs.

Compliance with sanitary standards, relative to the placement of the cesspool and the location of the toilet on SNiP in the country is very important. Violation is fraught not only by fines, but also harming their own health.

The issue of wastewilling in private homes and country buildings is often solved by the construction of a cesspool. For some developers, this topic is "Dark Forest", although there are standards that clearly regulate the process of building cesspools and septicists, which is extremely recommended to violate. As you probably understood, the topic of our article: a cesspool is sanitary standards and rules for its arrangement.

Let's start with the regulatory act, and this is the Federal Law of N 52-FZ "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the population" from 1999, which regulates sanitary standards, mandatory for all citizens of the Russian Federation.

If you carefully read the text of the regulatory document, we will find out - the pit should be necessarily built with special filtration and it should not have in no case. Moreover, if the daily rate of stocks is more than 1 cube.

But there is a slight difference in the fact that when building a cesspool for the house, which will be heated, and no less than four people will live in it, the pit should be equipped with a special bottom.

Also, very often the question arises how much the distance from the residential building to the cesspool is needed? Unfortunately, no one can give you an unequivocal response to such a question, since everyone will have their own sizes.

Requirements for a cesspool is unequivocal, but at a minimum that should be a distance, it is 15 meters from the house. And all this is necessary in order for poisonous gases that allocate waste, they did not harm others and, including residents of the house itself. If you need that the distance from the cesspool to the water pipes is much closer, then here you already need to negotiate with SanEpidemadzor, with water management, etc.

Rules for the arrangement of Yama

But let's still consider some compulsory standards that need to be observed when building a cesspool with a working volume of up to 1 cubic meter of operations per day and signing a contract with all instances. Such pits are a classic example for country houses and cottages without water heating devices and household appliances. Living people - not permanent.

According to the sanitary norm, the septic device is allowed at a distance not closer than 5 meters from the summer kitchen or at home. If the volume of waste is up to 8 cubic meters per day, the distance must be at least 8 meters.

Requirements look like this:

  • If the drain is 3 cube for one day - it is necessary to install pipes closer to groundwater, at a distance of 40-50 meters.
  • It is also very important to know that the pipes must be installed up the flow of groundwater.
  • If there is an artesian well next to your home, the distance should be at least 20 meters.

But still, some homeowners have such a situation when it is practically no possible to make a cesspool a lot at a great distance, what to do in such a situation?

In this case, experts advise to equip wells or capposts at once for several houses. At this, consider the indentation from the "red line" 2.5-5 meters.

Requirements and norms of Sanpin 42-128-4690-88

There are specially created SanPiN requirements for a cesspool.

So, if there is no special sewage in your house, then you will be allowed to build a mummy pit in my yard. But remember that it must be necessarily waterproof. Above the pit should also be sure to cover it, which will close it, as well as a special lattice. If required, you can share the pit with your neighbors.

If your house is not far from the school, kindergarten, etc., then the distance should be at least 20 meters, but not more than 10 meters. If there are any questions about the cesspool, here you will need to solve it, only with special administrative councils. However, it is generally a rule that remains unchanged for everyone - the pit should be located at a distance of 50 meters from the wells, trapping Springs

Cesspool need to be cleaned at least once every six months

For disinfecting cesspool yam yards, such a mixture is used:

  • 10% of the lime of chlorine,
  • 5% sodium hypochloride,
  • 10% - naphthasis,
  • 5% - Creolain,
  • 10% - sodium metasilicate.

Additional requirements for arrangement

Prerequisite when building a cesspool is its tightness. Building materials must be dense, for example, such as boards, bricks, or blocks. Also, the pit should not pass water and drain so as not to pollute the environment.

Construction of an individual residential building in settlements, including rural, is carried out in accordance with the current town-planning legislation, construction standards and regulations, as well as sanitary and environmental legislation. The simplest and less costly method of the device of local sewage is the construction of a conventional cesspool. The process of building a scan must fully meet the established requirements, otherwise the house will not be commissioned, and for violations of waste disposal norms will be rapidly responsible with the payment of fines. But these are not the main reasons. Sanitary Norms for cesspools are aimed at ensuring the health of people living in the district and compliance with environmental safety in the territory. To poison harmful substances from the sewage to the source of drinking water supply is very easy.

The autonomous sewer system can be divided into three components:

  • outdoor sewer network;
  • outdoor sewer network;
  • device for the collection, processing and disposal of wastewater.

Regulatory requirements are installed for each element.


The domestic sewer network is designed to meet the requirements established by the CP Rules 30.13330.2012 "Internal water supply and sewage system. Actualized edition SNiP 2.04.01-85 *.

The outdoor sewage network and the cesspool are designed to reflect the rules of the SP 32.13330.2012 "Sewerage. External networks and facilities. Actualized editorial board SNIP 2.04.03-85 "and SP 31.13330.2012" Water supply. External networks and facilities. Actualized edition SNiP 2.04.02-84. " That is, the above-mentioned skins from January 1, 2013 do not work.

The new arch of rules is prohibited by a cesspool without the bottom. Also, new building standards do not contain the concept of "cesspool". For the organization of a local septic system of a separate house, the concept of "septic" is used. Septic-drive (pit) should be completely sealed and eliminating the slightest possibility of finding uncleanness to the ground to prevent environmental pollution. Waste drive must ensure the safety of its operation. As the septical septica fills, they must pump the assessing machine. No less often, two times a year, the septicch must be completely cleaned and inspected for damage. The depth of the embedding must take into account the level of groundwater, but not exceed 3 meters. In the case of high groundwater, they should not fall inside the septic.

Requirements for the device

The bottom of the Septic should have a bias to the side under hatch. The tightness of the cesspool should be ensured by the sealing of internal and outer surfaces, hermetically closed cover.

Septic-drive is more expedient to construct from concrete rings on a concrete base. From above, it should be closed with a lid with an observation hatch, which serves as a hatch for pumping waste. All connections must be monitored and fully sealed.

When the drive device, the incoming sewer tube is mounted closer to the lid. When installing above, the level of primer of the soil sewer pipes and septic tank are insulated. To eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odors, the ventilation nozzles are arranged. Ventilation riser is excreted above the surface of the Earth by 70-80 cm.


SNiP 2.07.01-89 "Urban planning. The layout and development of urban and rural settlements "has a minimum distance from the foundation of a residential building to sewage objects, which should be at least 3 meters.

The minimum distance from the pit to the sources of water supply should be from 30 to 50 meters, depending on the type of soil.


When the device, cesspools should be adhered to the sanitary standards that are installed in paragraph 2.3 of SanPyn 42-128-4690-88. "Sanitary rules for the content of territories of settlements."

  1. In the absence of centralized sewer systems, yard garbagers are satisfied with a waterproof grazing and ground lid.
  2. Sanitary standards also prohibit the use of pits without the bottom.
  3. The grazha must completely eliminate the possibility of finding uncleanness into the environment without cleaning.
  4. When building a cesspool, the above-ground part should have a hermetically closed hatch, as well as the grille below the inlet sewer tube and the compartment for collecting solid waste in the sewage (food waste, tight paper, wool, etc.).
  5. The distance from the residential building of the individual building to the drive is determined by the homeowner itself, but should not be less than 8-10 meters.
  6. The distance to the drain pit from the house by sanitary standards exceeds the minimum distance of construction standards.
  7. Sewer facilities should be placed on water sources at a distance of at least 50 meters.
  8. The drive should be located in a place convenient for the entrance of an asserenitator vehicle, for which there should be no interference.
  9. The cesspool must be disinfected by various solutions: chlorine lime (10%), sodium hydrochloride (3-5%), lisol (10%), Colavin (5%). It is strictly forbidden to use dry chlorine lime.

Sanitary standards have more stringent requirements for the placement and maintenance of the wastewater drive than building rates.

For the correct location of all objects on the site, it is necessary to draw a block diagram and the planned location of the house, the source of water supply, engineering networks. At the same time, the location of similar objects in neighboring sites should be taken into account. The project of the house and the placement of cesspool should be coordinated with the regulatory authorities.


In this video, it is told about the sanitary standards for the arrangement of wells and septicists: