Correct cable twist. Methods for performing the correct wire twist

Surely everyone who dealt with the repair of electrical wiring knows how to make a twist of the wires. At first glance it seems that there is nothing complicated in the simplest weave, which is then isolated and stacked in the junction box. But everything is not so simple, because It is such an unreliable way of joining is one of the main reasons. In order for your homemade twist to serve for a long time and was safe, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the simple advice provided below.

What is the danger of such a connection?

A twist is the easiest, and at the same time a complex method of connecting wires. Immediately, we note that in Pue 2.1.21 () lists all the permitted methods of compounds, and the twist among them is not. She is prohibited!

2.1.21. The connection, branch and edge of the wires of the wires and cables should be carried out using crimping, welding, soldering or shifts (screw, bolts, etc.) in accordance with the current instructions approved in the prescribed manner.

If when twisting you do not tighten the connected cores - the contact will be bad, high. Even if you tighten well - the twist can relax. Such contact will be warmed. And the stronger the greater the current will flow through it. The heating "saves" isolation, and because of this a short circuit will occur, with all the ensuing consequences - sparks, fire, electric shock!

No wonder the rules of the PUE is strictly forbidden to use this method in electrical work. Despite this, most of the electricians, and even experienced, uses this method in everyday repair work.

If you are applied, only for checking the performance of the chains or the organization of very short-term lines, for example, at the time of repair to connect the power tools and other things. But in this case it is better to take advantage of a variety of terminals.

So, how to correctly make a twist of the wires? We will talk about it now!

detailed instructions

First, consider the easiest option when you need to make two single-core conductor from the same metal (for example, copper).

The technology is as follows:

  1. We carefully clean both insulation veins about 5 cm. To do this, you can also use a special.
  2. Golden veins clean up with a metal glitter with knife or emery paper.
  3. We cross two veins and twist them clockwise with each other, so that they wrap each other in the helix (see the scheme below).
  4. Isolate the finished twist with the help of a tape. It is also recommended to use that reliably protects the bare area from the external environment.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The peculiarity is that it is necessary to leave the veins at least 5 cm and twist the passage to be inextricly and reliable contact.

I would also like to give a couple of tips on a more difficult situation when it is necessary to make a twitch of a single-core and stranded wire. In this case, first repeat the item "1" and "2" from the instruction provided above. Next, it is necessary to cross the products and the stranded wire thoroughly climb on the middle of the single-core (at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end). When all the coils are screwed up, the free end of a single-core conductor must be beatened with the paratats in the direction of turns, as shown in the photo below. After that, the connection is isolated and placed in the junction box. By the way, in the same way you can make a good twist of two stranded wires.

Your attention should be paid to the fact that it is impossible to make an aluminum and copper twist in any way.

The first and main reason - a galvanic pair is formed between aluminum and copper, as a result of chemical reactions, when moisture gets (it will be in any case), the electrolysis begins and the connection is destroyed. Contact resistance increases until it disappears completely, while he begins to warm and burn. With constant current, such a connection will especially collapse.

The second reason - in copper and aluminum, a different thermal expansion coefficient, under load, when the contact is warm up - the conductors will expand "in different ways", and after cooling the twist will weaken and resistance will increase even more - like a snowball.

The third reason - an oxide protective film is always formed on the aluminum surface, due to which the contact resistance also increases, so it is coated with quartzeline paste to connect aluminum wires, and the terminal carriers are sold for them already filled with this paste.

Here are such schemes you can use with your own hands when twisting:

An interesting device will allow you to quickly exercise fastening:

A twist of wires as such is prohibited by PUE, but if used in a pair with other means, it does not contradict:

It is important to note that none of the above options makes the twist of waterproof, so if you decide to make the veins under the plaster in the wall, and without a box, be sure to exhibit the connector.

That's all you should know about how to make the wire twist with your own hands. We strongly recommend that you use more modern methods, and twisting is used only when installing temporary wiring! In no case do not make a twist under voltage, because To date, there is no so secure way. Any electrical work must be made when the light is disconnected!


The electrical chain is accommodated in the area of \u200b\u200bactually the entire frame, providing the placement of electricity for household and industrial instruments, depending on the designation of the structure. In fact, the cable is supplied from the central network, which is subsequently placed in the panel, from which it is still somewhat, is bred in various ends of the room and are connected to the distribution box, from where the final wires come out, connected ultimately to outlets, switches, etc. . It is in the distribution. Boxes create the largest number of compounds, and there is sometimes not used soldering iron, welding, connectors, and used twist wiring, To perform which special devices do not need, tool, but only those things that are actually present in each (knife, passage).

How to make a twist of wires

In order to bring in fact that the impossibility of the occurrence and ignitions, the twist in the junction boxes must be performed qualitatively made. If a person performs a similar action for the first time, it is better to read the rules of such a connection attentively, and only after that it is taken to perform work. We will figure it out how to make twists to do what their types are and with what problems can be encountered when performing these works.

To begin with, it is worth saying that the connection of two wires from different metal with a twist is not recommended. This is written quite a few analytical articles and arguments, why it cannot be done:

  • the various coefficients of temperature expansion (metals react differently to heating and cooling, as a result of which the contact is gradually deteriorating);
  • the appearance of an oxide film on an aluminum wire (it does not allow to fully carry out the current, the wire heats up and collapses with time);
  • structural destruction of aluminum in the electrolysis process (these two metal constitute a galvanic pair, and after exposure to a wet medium, metal ends are susceptible to heating, and subsequent destruction).

Copper and aluminum wire twist

It is impossible to connect copper and aluminum directly. However, in many homes, aluminum wires were held, which must be combined with copper, and the twist is sometimes the only way of compound. In this case, it is important to adhere to certain rules that will serve such a consolidation of the maximum period.

  • First, it is worth noting that the conductors need to pay a qualitatively with each other. If their diameter is a significant amount, the turns must be at least 3, and if the diameter is up to 1 mm, in this case it will be necessary to pay the wire with each other more than five times to provide high-quality transmission of the electrical stream. Also, after that it is very important to treat the bare surface with a special varnish, which has the properties of resistance to water and moisture.
  • When connecting a copper and aluminum wire, it is better to use a special steel plate placed between them. This will avoid their immediate contact. Thus, the service life of such a connection will be much larger. If there is no such components at hand, then you can resort to the processing of copper bare wiring, which will also allow to avoid mechanical contacts of these two metals.
  • The ideal solution to the compound of the copper and aluminum conductor is the preliminary application for the copper vein. Especially such pre-treatment is often used when connecting the one-and stranded wire, when a wire consisting of several conductors is converted into one-core.

Twist of the wires of different sections

A similar type of work implies the unambiguous use of additional funds for the connection. Such devices can be screw clamps, self-arc terminals, bolts, copper-tin tips, holes like "Walnut". Also, not to buy additional components, you can apply a soldering or welding, others.

If the difference in the diameter of the wires is a minor value, for example, 4 and 2.5 mm, then it is not so difficult to produce their jigs. To do this, it is necessary to wrap them with high quality with each other, after which it is necessary to apply welding or soldering. Such a fixation of two conductors will serve not one year without complaints.

In other cases, the twist of the wires will not have reliability and durability. In such situations, without additional components simply not to do. In various situations, these or other devices are used:

  • if significant, it is best to use a self-arms terminal;
  • for branching from the main line in the distribution. The shield is used by the shrinking, which among specialists is also called "Walnut";
  • to attach wires with a large diameter, a copper-lug tip is applied.

Errors when performing twisting wires

The most common problem of connecting the conductors in this way is the winding of one wire to another. It is absolutely wrong. Wirings should evenly wrap each other, thereby ensuring reliable passage of electric current and create mechanical strength so that such a fixing has served for many years.

The length of the twist depends directly from the diameter of the conductors themselves. It should be noted that the minimum threshold of this characteristic should be at least 3 cm. The rest all depends on the diameter of the wires: the greater the diameter, the greater the length of the created twist, but there are no specifically prescribed norms on this Each specialist for himself decides which one should be this value so that the connection is reliable and high-quality.

In such a sphere, such as electricity, all work must be carried out strictly, accurately and without a single error. Some wish to sort out such works on their own, not trusting third parties to fulfill the responsible mission. Today we will talk about how to connect the wires in the junction box. The work should be performed qualitatively, because it depends on it not only the efficiency of electrical appliances in the house, but also the fire safety of the room.

About distribution box

In an apartment or house from the electric shield, the wires are bred by different rooms. Usually there are several connection points: switch, sockets, and so on. In order for all the wires to be collected in one place, we created junction boxes. They are started with wiring from sockets, switches and connected in a housing floor.

In order for the repair during repair, the wires are hidden in the walls, the wiring is laid on the basis of special rules prescribed in PUE (rules of electrical installations).

Distribution boxes are classified by mounting. So, there are boxes for outdoor installation and internal installation. For a second option in the wall, it is necessary to prepare a hole in which the box will be inserted. As a result, the lid of the box is located on the same level with the wall. Often the cover is covered with wallpaper, plastic. In extreme cases, an outdoor box is used, which is attached directly to the wall.

There are round or rectangular junction boxes. In any case, there will be a minimum of 4 outputs. At each output there is a fitting or a thread to which the corrugated tube is attached. This is done to quickly replace the wire. Old wire pulls out, a new wiring is paved. It is not recommended to lay the cable in the stroke on the wall. If the wiring is scorified, you will have to drain the wall, disrupt the finish to carry out repair work.

For what you need junction boxes

There are many factors that speak in favor of the existence of junction boxes:

  • the power system can be repaired in a matter of hours. All connections are available, you can easily find a plot on which the wires are burned. If the cable was laid in special channels (corrugated tube, for example), then per hour can be replaced by the failed cable;
  • at any time, you can inspect the compounds. As a rule, malfunctions occur at the connection points. If the outlet or switch does not work, and there is a voltage on the network, check, first of all the quality of the connection in the dispensing box;
  • it creates the highest level of fire safety. It is believed that dangerous places are connections. With the use of the box, they will be in one place.
  • minimum temporal and financial costs when repairing wiring. No need to search in the walls of the wires that failed.

Connect the wires in the box

There are several ways with which the conductors can be connected in the junction boxes. Note that there are simple and complex ways, however, with proper execution, all options will ensure the reliability of wiring.

Method number 1. Scruca method

It is believed that the cruel method is used by amateurs. At the same time, it is one of the most reliable and proven options. Pue does not recommend using a clench, as the contact between the wires is unreliable. As a result, the conductors can overheat, the room threatens the fire. However, the twist can be used as a temporary measure, for example, when testing the collected circuit.

See also:

Specialists argue that even for a temporary connection of the wires, all work must be carried out according to the rules. It should be noted that regardless of the amount lived in the conductor, the methods of twist are approximately the same. Nevertheless, there are some differences. If multicore wires are connected, then you should adhere to the following rules:

- It is necessary to clean the insulation of the conductor for 4 cm;

- we spinning each conductor for 2 centimeters (on the veins);

- the connection is performed before the junction of non-promoted livers;

- twist the cores need only fingers;

- Ultimately, the twist is delayed with the help of pliers, passage;

- The bare electrical wires are closed with an insulating tape or a shrink tube.

It is much easier to use a twist when connecting single-core wires. After the conductors are cleaned of insulation, they need to be twisted manually along the entire length. After with the help of the passage (2 pieces), the conductors are clamped: the first passages - at the end of the insulation, and the second - at the end of the connection. We increase the number of turns on the connection with second passages. The connected conductors are isolated.

Method number 2. Mounting caps - Size

Very often, special caps are used to twist the conductors. As a result, it is possible to get a reliable connection, with good contact. The outer shell cap - plastic (material is not combustible), and inside - there is a metal part with a thread in the form of a cone. The insert increases the surface of the contact, improving the electrical parameters of the twist. Most often, thick conductors are connected using caps (you do not need to perform a soldering).

It is necessary to remove isolation from the wire for 2 centimeters, slightly twist the veins. When the cap will be dressed, it must be checked with force. This compound can be finished.

Before connecting, you need to calculate the number of wires. Based on the data obtained (by section), a certain type of caps is selected. The advantages of a twist with plastic caps are that it is not necessary to spend a lot of time, as with a normal twist. In addition, the compound is compact.

Method number 3. Communication of wrappers soldering

If the farm has a soldering iron, and you can work with it, the wires can be connected using a soldering. Before connecting the veins, they must be fed. Flux solder or rosin is applied to the conductor. Next, the heated sting of the soldering iron is immersed in rosin, spend several times on the wire. There should be a reddish flare.

After the rosin dry, the wires are twisted. With the help of the soldering iron, Tin is taken, the twist warms up until the tin is required between the turns. Ultimately, a high-quality connection with excellent contact is obtained. However, electricians are not very fond of using this connection method. The fact is that there is a lot of time to prepare. However, if you do work for yourself - it is not necessary to regret any strength or time.

Method number 4. Welding housing

With the help of the inverter welding machine, you can connect wires. Welding is used over twist. On the inverter you need to set the parameters of the welding current. There are certain standards for different compounds:

- conductor with a cross section of 1.5 square meters - 30 A;

- conductor with a cross section of 2.5 square meters - 50a.

If the conductor is copper, then a graphite electrode is used for welding. On the top of the resulting twist, grounding from the welding machine is connected. An electrode is brought from the bottom of the twist, the arc is incorporated. The electrode is applied to the twist for a couple of seconds. After some time, the connection will cool, then it can be isolated.

See also: Hidden wiring in a wooden house

Method number 5. Terminal blocks

Another option to connect the conductors in the box - using terminal blocks. There are several types of pads: screw, with clamps, but the principle of the device is identical. The width with a copper plate for fastening wires is considered. Inserting a few lived in a special connector, you can connect to securely. Installation using a clamping terminal connection is very simple.

In the screw terminals, the pads are placed in a plastic case. There are open and closed pads. Closed-type pads are the invention of a new generation. To connect, the wires are inserted into the socket and clamping the screw (using a screwdriver).

However, terminal compounds have a flaw. It lies in the fact that it is inconvenient to connect several conductors together. Contacts are located in pairs. And if you need to connect more than three wires, then several branches are wicked into one nest, which is very difficult. At the same time, such compounds allow to operate branches with high current consumption.

Another kind of pads - WAGO terminals. Today, two types of terminals are in demand:

- Terminals with a flat-spring mechanism. Sometimes they are called disposable, since it is not possible to reuse the terminals - the quality of the connection is worse. Inside the terminal there is a plate with spring petals. As soon as insert the conductor (it should only be single-core), the petal is pressed, and the wire is clamped. The conductor crashes into a metal. If you cut the conductor to force, then the petal will not accept the same form.

Some terminal compounds inside contain electrical paste. Such a connection is used if you need to connect the copper and aluminum wire. Pasta protects metals from oxidation, protecting conductors;

- Universal terminals with a lever mechanism are the best kind of connector. The wire purified from isolation is inserted into the terminal, a small lever is clamped. This connection is considered complete. And if you need to repeat the connection, add contacts, - Raise the lever, pull the wire. The pads can be operated at low current (up to 24 A - with a cross section of 1.5 square meters. Mm) and at high current (32 A - when the conductor is 2.5 square meters). If the wires are connected, according to which the current will be slightly specified, then you need to use other types of connections.

Method number 6. Pressing

You can connect the wires in the box by crimping using special ticks, as well as a metal sleeve. A sleeve is dressed on the twist, after which it is clamped with ticks. Just this method is suitable when connecting conductors with a large load.

Method number 7. Bolt connection

The connection of several wires with bolts is a simple and efficient connection method. To perform work, you need to take a bolt and a few washers with a nut.

It is not enough to know how to connect the wires in the junction box. Need to know which conductors are connected to each other. So, the puck is put on the bolted thread. Hooks lived, the second washer dresses, and then the next lived. At the end we dress the third washer and press the connection with the nut. The node is covered with insulation.

You can call several advantages of the bolt connection of the conductors:

- simplicity of work;

- low cost;

- Ability to connect conductors made from different metals (for example, aluminum and copper).

However, there are disadvantages:

- fixation of wires - not high quality;

- To hide the bolt, you need to use a lot of insulation;

To provide compounds and branches during electrical operations, a wire twist is used. Contacts with this switching method must be reliable. Conducting works on the device of wiring of all types - in everyday life or in industry - is subject to a meeting of requirements and rules how to twist the wires. They say that at points of contact there was no appearance of additional resistance. Neglect of this rule will lead to the heating of the contact location.

Execution of attachment according to electrical safety standards occurs similar methods:

  • Twigs.
  • Welding.
  • Soldering.
  • Screw clamp.
  • Terminum and pads.
  • Self-consuming express terminals.
  • Caps PP

The connection of wires by a twist implies the presence of advantages and disadvantages of the method. There is a regulation of PUE to prohibit such an operation. But despite him, the twist is used often.

Cocking contacts occurs during roughing. It is explained by the need to establish the fact of the correct operation of already mounted connections. Check the integrity of electrical lines, introduced the necessary corrections, install additional devices:

  • switching constructions;
  • simple and special sockets;
  • instrument for conversion, stabilization of voltage;
  • rectifiers;
  • accounting devices.

At the end of the preliminary work, the fully assembled scheme passes the test for functionality. With incorrect operation of the equipment, the absence of electricity find out the cause and area of \u200b\u200bdamage. You have to change faulty nodes, to make the twist of the wires correctly.

A faithful twist of the wires makes it possible to quickly resume power supply. The setting decide how to enroll with the elements of joining:

  • The finished combination remains.
  • Improves.
  • Changes to a new one, with another ligament in the way.
  • Elementary set of tools for manipulation with wire. Perform works is easy in field conditions in the absence of powerful consumers.

Therefore, it is worth foreseen the maximum number of connected devices, decide how to make a wire twist correctly, calculate the suitable cable cross-section, the further development of the power system in the event of a growth in the number of consumers. Then the mounted spike will last reliably not one year.

Twisting cable cable for connecting pieces of wiring to each other appeared immediately after the opening of electricity. At first, this method suited everyone. But the time is not worth it, a new electrical equipment has emerged, the need for development has increased Energy networks with high power and current power. The question arose how to properly twist the wires in the complicated realities. Twists ceased to guarantee uninterrupted operation in such conditions. But on the household level it applies widely and meets the requirements of networks with low load.

Pros and cons of scrubs

The advantages of a wicker compound seems:

  • sweep speed;
  • long term of use with high-quality installation;
  • does not require the use of complex tools;
  • ideally serves alarm network where there is no powerful electrical equipment;
  • if necessary, the contact place can be further extended or suck;
  • it is inexpensive;
  • otchainka contains two - four branches at the same time;
  • attachment is repeated in case of error or inaccurate execution.

The disadvantages are also a lot:

  • high-quality isolation;
  • not intended for use in power networks;
  • uncomfortable way of assembling wires;
  • when heated, fire arises;
  • landing stresses associated with feeders overloads.

Twist of wires with different cores

Such alms are categorically prohibited for use. Copper and aluminum wire is unacceptable! When touching these metals enter the chemical oxidation reaction, galvanized . Contact connection is destroyed. Until the load in the circuit, spike erosion accelerates. Connection in such conditions leads to sad results:

  • heating, sparkling and, as a result, fire;
  • weakening contact at the spike point;
  • reduces the size of the parts of the contact;
  • racing for power on the section of the chain breaks off thermal equilibrium and destroy the twist.

Appearance of oxide

The effect of air on conductors oxidizes the connection site. For copper and aluminum, such an aggressive environment reduces the service life. Application of expensive metals like silver or gold in ordinary schemes is not economically appropriate. The problem is solved by isolating the twists with high-quality dielectric material with the correct execution methods. Such measures prolong the trouble-free operation of the opening point and the whole scheme.

Resistance in the place of combining wires

The result of a weak contact between the cable veins becomes an increase in resistance in this place. There is heating in the transition space and the destruction of the entire connective circuit. Dense wire clutch will reduce such risks.

Varieties of compounds in electrical circuits

The twist is classified by the material of the production of residential participants of the operation, their species, the method of twisting. Section area, permissible load must be identical.

Wires with copper veins allow multiple, up to ten times, twist without damage to strength and contact. They are easily suitable for triple - quadruple connections. The aluminum cable is not as resistant to mechanical exposure. One or two attempts of the Warlock - and it is clogged.

Cable veins are single and multi-way. The scroll method must be found taking into account this feature.

For arranging temporary or mobile wiring, a more reusable twisted soft cord is chosen. Stationary and final electricity are monolithic residential.

The connection of diverse cables is allowed. The directories contain data for all types. Following the numbers, the materials are selected. for mounting from wires with different combinations lived. It is necessary to take into account the section at rates of current. Methods of the plexus of such terminates do not differ.

The connection of the wires will serve not one year if the accurate procedure for manufacturing is observed.

So we do with the following cores.

The Cambrick shifts the connection to the connection and heats up to the monolithic overlay on the scroll area. In the absence of the tube uses insulating tape. It is superimposed by three - four layers in the full-scale.

In the absence of special fixtures for splicing cables, we use a clench. The main requirement is the maximum contact area lived at the point of combination. After stripping, we twist each wire for a shell per centimeter. Talled ends are blossoming in the hairs. Manipulation is made with each contact.

Sequential connection is performed by combining oncoming beams one to another to wiring lived was mixed with each other. The spin is made from two sides in opposite directions.

When installing in parallel, the manipulation is close. Wires are suitable for a house and flowered whiskers will turn into a spit. The compounds are compacted by the passage and is isolated.

The easiest method spikes of single-robust lived called parallel. Wires bring together at an arbitrary angle, stripped areas are twisted from the clutch.

For increasing the method of simple consistent plexus, the bare wires bend, shifted towards the intersection and twisted with the screw in opposite sides.

When one wire bends before the connection and curls around the second in 2 places (at isolation and in the area of \u200b\u200bits underfloor edge), the cable is splicing by the way of parallel intersection with a refuge.

Similar consistent tinking is done with the fear of both lived. Two twisted places are formed at the base of the insulating layer.

The connection with the assistance of the bandage is required when working with a hard wire or a large cross section cable. Such a technique also has parallel and consistent versions. Pre-prepared veins from a monolithic wire of a thinner cross section, soft and material similar to the main cable. The stripped ends bend at right angles, sum up to each other. Prepared Bandezhnye lived wrapped around them uniform turnover.

Attaching the additional wire and branches for each embodiment occurs in a parallel method. Branching bandage varies topicsWhat the joined process is dried.

With the intensive development of electronic equipment, the load on electrical networks increases. Requirements for reliability of sucks of current supply branches and requirements. The connection by the method of scrubs is gradually moving into the past. It is good that is noticeable on the production facilities where the installation is carried out by progressive ways, and obsolete arresters are replaced.

How to connect a single-core and stranded wire so that in the future it has not led to problems, and the contact connection served us not one year? And in general, how to properly perform connections of various types of wires?

We will try to answer all these questions in our article, and we will also analyze what these rules are connected, and what dangers are hidden behind the wrong compound.

First of all, let's analyze with what the requirements for the qualitative implementation of contact compounds are connected. After all, no wonder paragraph 2.1.21 of PUE separately stipulates the wire connection methods, and only screw or bolted compounds, crimping, welding or soldering is allowed.

  • This is primarily due to the fact that such types of compounds can provide a proper level of durability and reliability of the compound. After all, any electrician will tell you that more than 90% of all damage occurs in the contact compounds, and therefore it is paid to such a lot of attention.
  • After all, that such a poor-quality contact compound is a compound having a large transient resistance. And since we have resistance - it means heating.

  • As we remember from the course of physics, any conductor in the heated state has a greater resistance than the conductor with a lower temperature. Therefore, avalanche-like process is obtained. From a poor-quality contact connection, the conductor is heated, and its resistance increases even more. As a result, it is heated even more - until the point occurs at which it is simply melted.
  • As a result, our main task is to ensure the minimum resistance between the two connected conductors. This is achieved by providing the proper area of \u200b\u200bcontact of two conductors, as well as due to the maximum possible contact between them.
  • Immediately let's look at why we will not consider the question of how to twist the single-core wires or their stranded fellow. After all, with the right approach, and at the expense of a twist, you can provide a sufficient area of \u200b\u200bcontact and compression of the conductors with each other.

  • The fact is that in any case the contact compound will be exposed to temperature effects. That is, it will heat and cool. And as we know, heating leads to expansion of materials, and cooling, respectively, to narrowing. As a result, our contact compound, not fixed by any third element, can quickly become high quality.

Note! Surely, each of you can bring tens and hundreds of examples when the twist stood for a decade, and even now looks better screw or bolted connections. But, as they say, exceptions from the rule only confirm the rule itself. According to statistics, the twist-type compounds are damaged much more often than other types of compounds.

Proper connection of conductors

Now you can talk about how to properly connect a single-core and stranded wire, two single-core or two stranded wires. And also, what type of compound for each of these species will be optimal, and which should be used only with certain restrictions.

Connection by the method of shigs

Under the compressive method, PUE implies a screw or bolt connection of the conductors. The same type of compound can be attributed so popular WAGO terminals that use a compressive method through the use of springs or special mechanisms.

  • At the moment, the compressive method is one of the most popular connection methods. After all, the price of terminals based on this method is one of the lowest. The installation process is simple and does not require additional equipment, and the method itself is quite reliable.

  • For wires of a small cross section, a predominantly screw connection method is used - or a compressive method using a special mechanism. The essence of the screw method is that two conductor are installed in the brass tube, which are then clamped each with its screw.
  • This method is well suited for connecting two single-core copper conductors. If aluminum is used, then this material is softer, and during the clamp its screw, you can either critically reduce its cross section or transmit it at all. Therefore, for aluminum wires, the use of this method is undesirable, or it should be used extremely carefully.

In the photo - the tip for the stranded wire

  • The use of a screw compressant for connecting multicore wires is also associated with a probability in the process of screwing the screw to break the unit wires from which the conductor consists in fully or partially. To protect the wire from mechanical effects, special tips should be applied.
  • Using special tips, stranded wires can be connected both between them, both between single-linked wires - with the help of screw clamps.

  • There are screw terminals with a special clamping platform, which provides a clamp throughout the cross section of the brass tube. In this case, the use of special tips for stranded wires is optional.

  • As for the WAGO terminals and them like. Until now, there are disputes about their reliability and durability among electricians. Some argue that the use of springs in terminals is not the best option, others that it is very convenient and the springs are quite reliable.