The advantage of MDF is that. Pros and cons kitchens from MDF: Features of the manufacture and operation of panels of different species

MDF is one of the most popular materials used in the furniture industry. It has a pleasant appearance, it is distinguished by practicality and reliability, relatively with other materials is very environmentally friendly. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of fine processing that allows you to create exquisite and exclusive furniture.

What is MDF?

The MDF is a fibreboard of an average density plate, which is based on a fine chip, which resembles wood dust, which is fastened with a special adhesive composition. The material is represented in the form of plates formed by dry pressing under the influence of high pressure and temperature.

History of origin

For the first time the MDF began to be used in America in the 60s of the last century. This material appeared as a result of the improvement of the production process of the Fiber Back and was called Medium Density Fibreboard, which means the Fiberboard of medium density. Expensive and dangerous health "wet" process manufacturing DVP has been replaced by dry pressing of chopped wood chips. In the USSR, the production of MDF was not established. In the CIS countries, the manufacture of this unique material was mastered in 1997. To date, the world leader in manufacturing MDF plates is China.

Technology and stages of production

The production of tree fiber plates is an improved process of making chipboard or fiberboard, despite the fact that MDF plates differ in strength. The process of making tree fibers includes several interconnected stages:

1. Preparation of raw materials

The basis of the material is small wood chips, which are obtained from logs peeled from the cortex, which are later discussed in chip. Sometimes chips can be obtained as a result of grinding woodworking waste. Further, the sepper passes the phase of purification from pollution, sand, foreign objects. The prepared billets are processed by steam under the influence of high pressure, after which they are transmitted to rotten discs. At this stage, wood fiber is minimized so small that reminds felt. Further, the material is subjected to a thorough dryer.

Prepared wood logs for subsequent processing

Wood chip

Scrap processing into wood flour

Wood flour formation

2. Bearing

The resulting fibers of wood are fastened by natural resins, which are allocated when heated from wood. Also at this stage is added a mixture of binders, including carbamide-formaldehyde resins, paraffin. The resulting homogeneous mass under the influence of the temperature is dry. Next, with the help of cyclones, air is removed from it.

3. Formation of reservoirs and pressing

The glued and dried fiber on a special formation machine under the influence of forming rollers is aligned. Next, weighing on scales and pre-pressing. Then the slab enters the main press. As a result, ready-made material is formed - MDF. Next, the tape is cut into certain sizes with a dividing saw and is cooled within 30 minutes.

4. Grinding

Finished MDF panels are grinding. It is necessary to align the thickness, imparting the surface of smoothness, removing possible defects. At this stage, the manufacturing process of the MDF panels is completed. In this form, the material can be sent to the consumer.

Plate MDF BE Decorative Coating

To endow the MDF panel with decorative qualities, they are subjected to trim, which can be in staining, lamination or veneer.

Each stage of production occurs under the control of qualified specialists. At the end of the process, the party is checked in the laboratory for many indicators: moisture resistance, density, strength, roughness. Be sure to check for the formaldehyde content.


  1. Universality of the material. Thanks to the structure of the material, it is very popular and is widely used in various spheres of human life: furniture industry, construction, interior design.
  2. Practicality. MDF is quite solid material and is not subject to small mechanical damage. In addition, due to the density, the slabs perfectly hold the fasteners, which significantly extends the service life of furniture, walls or ceiling panels.
  3. Decorativeness. A rich variational series of MDF plates allows you to choose an option even to the most demanding consumer.
  4. Ecology. In the manufacture of MDF panels, synthetic impurities are not used, which allows to compare the safety of material with natural wood. The use of natural components makes MDF safe for health. Even over time, the material does not allocate toxic compounds.
  5. Hygienicity. Warm plates are not subject to the natural process of rotting, as well as the effects of other pathogenic microorganisms that destroy the basis of the material.
  6. Moisture resistance. MDF is not affected by moisture, does not swell and does not breed.
  7. Uniform material. MDF plates are made of homogeneous mass of wood fibers mixed with adhesive composition, which guarantees the absence of external and internal defects. Plates are absolutely smooth and smooth.
  8. Lifetime. Compared to solid wood furniture, products from MDF with proper care will serve significantly longer.
  9. Heat and sound insulation.


  1. Easy flammability. MDF is quickly flammable when opening with open fire. In addition, the material can light up with long-term contact with hot objects. The cause of ignition can be even faulty wiring, next to furniture from MDF.
  2. Low resistance to mechanical damage. Despite the high density of the material, the chipboard may be damaged when the heavy item is dropped or impact.
  3. The need for additional drilling holes for fastening elements. Due to the hardness of the material, it is impossible to drive the nail or twist the screw in it, you must pre-drill the desired holes for the subsequent connection of the parts.
  4. Dust. During the processing of the MDF, a huge number of fine dust is formed, so it becomes necessary to use the respirator in order to avoid minor particles in the respiratory tract.
  5. Cost. Choppers are distinguished by high cost, compared with other materials - LDSP, Fiberboard. To a greater extent, this is due to the fact that the production of this material is not established in our country.

Classification MDF.

Choppers are divided into several categories depending on the external coating of the material. Allocate the following types of MDF:

  • painted;
  • laminated;
  • veneered.

Painted MDF plates

Laminated MDF plates

Veneered MDF Plates

The most inexpensive material is painted MDF. Painting does not protect the product from mechanical damage and wear. They are also vulnerable to moisture. However, painted MDF plates are distinguished by high decorativeness and allow to embody many design solutions.

The laminated MDF plates are obtained due to the coating with a special PVC film, which gives the material of decorative. Thanks to the MDF film, there may have different color solutions that differ in texture and texture. The surface can be glossy or matte. Due to lamination, the material has high resistance to moisture and mechanical damage.

Veneered MDF plates externally resemble a woody array and differ in a very attractive design. Sampling consists in gluing the finest plates of natural wood to the surface of the chipboard.


The use of MDF plates is very common in various fields of industry. This is due to high strength, reliability, environmental material. Popular use of MDF in the furniture industry. It is used to make cabinet furniture, shopping equipment, robust products. Due to the dense structure and numerous color variations, this material is widely used for the manufacture of exclusive elite furniture. The possibility of fine processing allows you to create unique furniture masterpieces. MDF plates with decorative coating are used to make furniture facades for PVC lining. Often the MDF is used in the manufacture of tabletops.

Actual use of tree fiber plates in construction:

  • in the production of doors;
  • in the manufacture of laminated flooring;
  • in the manufacture of window sills;
  • for alignment of walls;
  • when creating arches, partitions and other elements of the interior;
  • in the production of wall and ceiling panels;
  • as a heat and soundproofer.

The use of MDF plates and in other areas, for example, when wearing trams, trams, buses, in the manufacture of warehouse packaging of non-food products, is widespread. From the MDF makes the hulls of various musical instruments, as well as acoustic systems.

The appearance of MDF made a revolution in the furniture industry. This material is significantly inferior in the price of natural wood and at the same time according to technical characteristics it is on a par with it, and in some aspects even exceeds. The material is easy to process, and due to density and homogeneity allows you to produce curly products. It is not subject to rotting, drying, does not breed and is not deformed. To date, MDF is one of the most popular materials in the furniture industry.

What is better: MDF or LDSP for the kitchen? In order to understand this issue, you should compare both material.

LDSP is manufactured by pressing wood chips and high-pressure synthetic glue. These plates are covered with laminate on both sides to prevent bundle. LDSP is a good material for the production of furniture.

A wide selection of colors and patterns, easy processing and acceptable price make this material quite popular. The lamination of the facade can be matte, semi-masted or glossy.

MDF - slab made of crushed wood dust and organic compounds. MDF is a basic material that is used in the production of furniture and interior elements (plinths, decorative wall panels, moldings). MDF is also the basis for the production of interroom doors. The surface of the plate is covered with a special film or belaced with artificial or natural veneer.

Types of kitchen finishing from MDF

MDF panels can have different finishes, and it affects the strength, quality and appearance of the plate. As a rule, three main methods of finishing can be distinguished:

  • Lamination with a special film. The surface is covered with PVC film. It protects the board from moisture. Thanks to this, MDF is a pretty good material for kitchen furniture.
  • Veneer veneer. A thin layer of natural wood is glued to the surface (that is, veneer). Furniture with such a decorative finish, it looks natural. Unfortunately, the veneer is rather soft and not very resistant to damage, so requires careful care.
  • Laccurate. A layer of varnish is applied to the facade, which forms a moisture-resistant protective coating, gives the product with thermal resistance. Unfortunately, such a coating has its drawbacks. The plates remain fingerprints and even stains from water drops.

Advantages of MDF:

MDF is widely used in the production of furniture for the kitchen due to its numerous advantages:

  • Simple in processing. From MDF, you can make the most complex and unusual forms.
  • It is made of environmentally friendly raw materials and is completely safe for humans.
  • Easily clean. This is important, especially for such a room, like a kitchen. The material has a smooth, non-porous surface, therefore not only does not absorb dirt, but also easily clean with special means.
  • Plates of this type, especially lacquered, sustainable fat. They do not remain spots from acids and chemicals, so they can be successfully used in the kitchen.
  • An innumerable colors, models and finishes mean that everyone will find something for the kitchen of their dreams. It is also possible to make furniture matte, semi-masted or glossy. The surface can be fully adapted to any kitchen style.
  • Attractive price, compared to natural wood. Furniture from MDF is available almost to everyone.

Disadvantages of using MDF.

Unfortunately, like any material, MDF also has some drawbacks:

  • Low resistance to water and moisture. Unprotected by acrylic or metal strip edge are especially subject to this. They quickly absorb moisture, we swell and deform.
  • Susceptibility to scratches. In most cases, this refers to lacquered surfaces. It is not recommended to be used as a cleaning agent containing abrasive substances.
  • With constant exposure to the steam made of the MDF, the surface can become matte and because of this a little discharge.
  • When the scratches appear on the facade, it is difficult to choose paint and paint only a damaged area. It is necessary to completely repaint the entire surface.
  • Over time, the material loses its strength and elasticity. The accessories and doors of kitchen furniture are beginning to break out.

Features Trainers from MDF

  • Resistant to high temperature - you can put a saucepan with boiling water on them.
  • Under the influence of light, the color of the surface does not change.
  • Furniture on which film is properly installed is not absorbed by water vapor and water, with time the material is not resolve.
  • Resistant to the effects of soft household detergents, as well as spots of milk, coffee, tea, wine - they do not absorb by lamination.
  • Quite resistant to the appearance of scratches and dents.
  • May sweep due to direct steam exposure.

These features belong to the worktop working surface. It should be known that in the case of installation of instruments under table tops, it should be additionally fixed on the bottom of the sheet metal or plastic, which will create additional strengthening of the structure.

LDSP - main advantages and disadvantages

LDSP material in the production of kitchen is easy to process and save the main physico-mechanical parameters. The main advantages can be attributed:

  • Tabletop from LDSP is rather durable and durable.
  • Material is resistant to scratches. Pollution can be cleaned by household chemicals.
  • Modern technologies in the production of laminated wood chips provide furniture production of various shapes and any colors.

As for the negative parties, I would like to note the following. When buying a chipboard, pay attention to E1 or E2 icons. Marking E1 on the product means that 10 grams of formaldehyde used in the production of 100 grams of wood chips. If E2 is specified on the LDSP, then the amount of formaldehyde can reach 30 grams. Perhaps the presence of a poisonous substance in the composition is the most important disadvantage of LDSP.

Comparison of kitchen furniture

To specifically decide on the kitchen furniture material, it is necessary to understand what is better - the kitchen of LDSP or MDF, and what is the difference? It is equally important to learn their advantages and understand the shortcomings.

What will last longer, MDF or LDSP

One of the most important criteria when choosing furniture is the durability of use. This must be taken into account so that there should not be changed lockers and the countertop every two or three years. It is important to decide whether the facade of the kitchen is from LDSP or MDF.

Good strength boasts furniture from MDF. Obviously, the product from LDSP will lose an attractive appearance a little faster. The durability of modular kitchens from MDF is one of the positive features of this furniture. All due to the fact that the composition of the material is practically natural and environmentally friendly. In addition, if you correctly care, the equipment will last for many years.

LDSP or MDF: What is better resisting scratches?

Another very important feature of the furniture is its resistance to mechanical damage. Furniture from MDF is resistant to external factors such as physical wear, high temperature and fatty spots. The case is worse in the case of steam or water - they damage the structure of MDF. For the surface from LDSP humidity and high temperature are not dangerous.

The following feature is that furniture components from LDSP and MDF break approximately the same. In the case of resistance to mechanical damage, for example, scratches, the championship holds LDSP. This material is persistent to many household chemicals.


An important aspect is the comparison of LDSP and MDF on the content of harmful substances in its composition. The latter negatively affect the human activity.

Furniture from LDSP is made using formaldehyde. This substance is used as a binding element. Although the products are divided into Classes E1 and E2, and in the first version of the poisonous substance, less, furniture from LDSP toxic, and this adversely affects health.

In MDF, the stove composition of the plate is close to the natural tree and does not have any negative impact on a person. However, as for the cost, the tabletop from LDSP is cheaper than the product from MDF.

Aesthetic value

What is better: MDF or LSPD for the kitchen? An attractive appearance of furniture is another main feature that is very important when buying. Much depends on the desires, needs and financial capabilities of the client. It is quite simple to impress guests by installing in your home beautiful kitchen. There is a large selection of colors and patterns on the market, so there is no problem to find what is really like to taste. If you want the kitchen of the rounded shape or with stained glass windows, then give your preference MDF. LDSP is not so plastic material, and it cannot accept such outlines. However, the color scheme is much wider and more diverse in furniture from LDSP.

The right choice of material from which your kitchen furniture will be made is of great importance. The type determines the nature of the furniture, and the result of the interior style is created. After read easy to determine what is better, MDF or LDSP for the kitchen.

After analyzing all the main features of MDF and LDSP, as well as the disadvantages and advantages of each material, we can say that the most environmentally friendly and durable material is MDF. However, as for the diversity of flowers, the furniture from LDSP can be made practically in any color. If you look at the prices of furniture, then the more accessible kitchen is from LDSP. The final decision on the issue of what is better, MDF or LDSP for the kitchen will depend only on your choice.

Sooner or later both in the house and the apartment have to make a major overhaul. With such a large-scale event, it is replaced by all modified elements time, including interior doors. From the previous place, the old structure is quite simple, but it's not so easy to pick up new, despite the huge selection of the attributes under consideration in the markets and in stores. After all, it's not so easy to choose from such a variety, which not only harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, but will be made of high-quality material and will be able to be faithful to the truth for many years.

Taking advice to the attention of the advice and recommendations of specialists, it is precisely such properties with structures made of fiberglass of medium density of the plate, abbreviated by MDF, who came to replace the most popular models, based on the woody array.

Consider in more detail what the basis is used by manufacturers, and what are the advantages of doors from MDF.

What is meant by the MDF the basis

You can fully decipher the MDF abbreviation, this is a fiberglass of medium density of the stove. When forming the plate used all kinds of wood waste.

In the manufacture of MDF plates, a similar technological process used by producers in the production of rigid-density wood plates is activated. However, one difference is still envisaged - the production process of the MDF is presented does not provide for the basis of the components harmful to the human body, for example, phenol or formaldehyde.

The process of gluing wood fibers is carried out exclusively by natural properties that nature awarded wood.

The process of connecting the fibers is performed in the following sequence:

  • the wood base is placed in special equipment, which supports both high temperature and a large pressure;
  • under such an effect, the wood begins to highlight a lignin, gluing natural substance;
  • after the forced drying, the slab is obtained in a solid and reliable execution.

Such a production process helps to create an environmentally friendly material of increased strength and reliability.

Scope of application

Manufacturers offer their customers to buy MDF plates in various designs, whose scope is very extensive. Products can be used for:

  • finishing walls or genital panels;
  • in the furniture industry;
  • for decoration of the embossed facade of cabinet furniture;
  • as the basis for interior doors.

It is also worth noting that it is fibrillery plates that are currently being considered as the most popular building material, thanks to easy processing and excellent performance characteristics.

Advantages of MDF Towels

If you make a comparative characteristic of the doors under consideration with analogs made from the wood massif, then several undeniable advantages can be emphasized:

  1. Minor mass of the door canvase. This characteristic is undoubtedly important, especially if the subject of the interior is installed in the room where small children and faces of old age live.
  2. The base does not change its initial species due to excess moisture.
  3. MDF slab can affect microorganisms or malicious fungi.
  4. The analyzed models inherent reliability, mechanical strength and long service life.
  5. Products are not cracking and do not change their structure with sharp changes in temperature.
  6. There are no components harmful to human health.
  7. The basis of the MDF, and not even the most dense, has excellent sound insulation properties, and this means that the sounds close to the door made from the foundation under consideration will not penetrate the sounds from another room, and besides inside the heat will be well preserved.
  8. Large selection of models allows buyers to choose the most suitable execution to harmoniously add the finished interior in any decoration and color.

And the main advantage, according to buyers, is quite acceptable price, because few wishes could afford to buy a model from a solid wood massif.


Given the huge list of advantages, which we considered the shortcomings of the MDF cloths are not so much:

  • the direct hit of fire can cause fire;
  • mechanical strong blow straightens too subtle base;
  • doors made of thick fiberboard, manufacturers offer to buy at an inflated value.

From the title of wood-chip, it is already clear from which they are made. Wipers and chips are connected with hot pressing. Raw materials are taken from woodworking waste (most often these are deciduous and coniferous rocks). All natural components are fastened with each other by synthetic resins and formaldehyde. The latter is dangerous to human health. Poor-quality plates may contain forty times more of harmful substances than the environmental norm allows.

A good slab from bad distinguishes the smell. If you feel a sharp unpleasant odor, then you are low quality products.

Now such plates have become laminate, sealing harmful resins inside the product and not giving them to evaporate. The surface of the chipboard is covered with a film from melamine, which is very similar to its texture and color, natural wood, well, or has a similar color.

The MDF abbreviation came to us from the English language and means that you have a stove from the wood fiber of medium density. It is characterized by a more smooth texture, since particles are used in the manufacture of so small, which are similar to dust.

These particles are bonded among themselves resin from the carbamide, the content of formaldehyde in which has a permissible standard in accordance with the European E1 class.

Compare basic characteristics


For chipboard, this indicator varies in the range from three hundred to six hundred kg / m3. It depends on the board of plates and their quality. The MDF is not as large with the scatter: from 720 to 870 kg / m3. This means that the second type of slabs is more durable and dense, so that in the conditions of high moisture MDF adequately show itself and sometimes even exceed some types of wood.

Appearance of the surface

The chipboard is distinguished by a relief surface, so that for applying any coating, the scrupulous grinding will be required, otherwise the appearance will not be very aesthetic.

MDF immediately after manufacture, have a perfectly smooth surface and has no defects.


Chipboard very stubborn plates. Even a simple design leads to chips. It is not surprising that most often these plates are used for the manufacture of elements or frames hidden inside furniture.

MDF due to their advantage is often used to create interesting designer facades. No chips, elegant bends and skillful pattern: MDF plates - Esthet's dream.

Pros and cons

If you carefully read the article, we should have come to the conclusion that MDF unequivocally ran ahead. But every type of slabs is what boasts.

Classification of chipboard

Sometimes on the plates you can see the designations that do not seem obvious at first glance. Let's look them.

Placing a plate into the water for 24 hours, manufacturers determine to which of three classes it belongs:

  • Moisture resistant (thickness increases by only 15%)
  • Class A (22%)
  • Class B (33%)

For home furniture, especially for bathrooms, moisture-resistant plates are used, which show themselves well in the process of use. Paraffin is mixed to increase resin resistance.

Obviously, class B is the cheapest, has a rough surface and subject to chips.

There is a separation of litter plates: the first, second and without a variety. Even the plate of the first grade may have flaw, but the lower the grade, the more them.

In addition to the above, the chipboard is distinguished by the degree of grinding, by the fact that the technological process was used to obtain the final product: extrusion or lamination, as well as the magnitude of the shavings used.

Classification MDF.

These plates also differ by what technology was used. All-refined is plates, so to speak, without delights, such as it is. Laminated differ in a variety of colors, because they are covered with a polymer film. Moisture-resistant plates are manufactured at higher temperatures and from high quality wood.

In appearance, MDF is divided into:

  • Covered with thin layer of veneer.
  • With a glossy polymer surface.
  • Covered paint.

  1. Available. You will find plates in any store, and the range will be very wide, since the number of factories, both domestic and foreign, manufacturing chipboard is enormous.
  2. Cost. These plates will afford everything. Even with all its shortcomings, the chipboard remain the first to sell on the furniture market.
  3. Resistance to moisture. This criterion concerns laminated plates.
  1. Difficulties in repeated operation. If you often move or for some other reason you need to disassemble the wardrobe, be prepared for the fact that the second time the screws will hang out in the holes. To fix them, use glue or sealant. Squares may also appear.
  1. High resistance moisture and high temperatures. Even in the case of a flood, such plates can maintain the original form for several hours.
  2. Convenience during multiple operation. No chips and problems with re-screwed into the holes screws.
  3. High density and durability. With this, the stove thickness varies from 4 to 22 mm.
  1. High price. It is at least one and a half times higher than that of chipboard. And if you choose a plate with a decor or a special coating, then even higher.
  2. Softness. When you hit, a dent can remain.
  3. Easy flammability.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that each of the plates is good in its own way. The buyer needs to be focused on your own taste, calculate the possibility of a wallet and choose what is best fit into the design room. Perhaps it is necessary to look at the compromise option when furniture frames are made of chipboard, and beautiful original facades from MDF. The cost will be average and for the flight of fantasy there is a place.

Angelica Bondar

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Date: 2012-03-12 10:13:36
Thanks to the modern assortment of kitchens, a variety of their models, shapes and styles, it is possible to choose an optimal product for the premises of any layout. Today, the buyer reveals a wide selection of products that differs in manufacturing materials and design. Special place among them occupy kitchen MDF. Advantages and disadvantages These products tend many buyers to give their preference to them. Due to the high performance characteristics of MDF, this material gains increasing popularity. Products in some aspects even bypass wooden counterparts, since they are resistant to change of humidity.

Advantages of Kitchen MDF

One of the main advantages of such kitchens is that they are not scary moisture. Therefore, if the hostess accidentally shed water on them, it will not bring any harm. This result was made possible through the use of a special technological method in the manufacture of MDF. With its production, special substances are used, combined with a wooden filler. As a result, the resistance of the tree to high humidity increases significantly.

Besides advantages of Kitchen MDF These are resistance to the effects of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. The material is reliably protected from their reproduction. Kitchens are characterized by hygienicity, and almost all detergents will be suitable for their cleaning.

Kitchen MDF is safe to use. They include carbamide resin, for the manufacture of which natural components are used, besides, it is considered non-toxic substance. If compared advantages of Kitchen MDF With chipboard, over time, harmful phenolic compounds are distinguished into the atmosphere.

Other advantages of kitchen MDF

If we talk about flexibility in the use of Kitchen MDF (it is also called a fiberboard with an average density), then they are not inferior to wooden analogues. Thanks to the use of modern technologies, it is possible to produce furniture of a wide variety of high quality. Kitchens can have belonging to any modern style and direction. The external finish of the MDF can ideally imitate metal, wood or other materials.

The use of veneer is considered one of the most natural designs. In addition, he is simply gorgeous on the texture and resembles a tree. Such kitchens are perfectly combined with upholstered furniture.

When all sorts of glass inserts are used in the design of the kitchens, it looks pretty modern. As an example, you can consider matte translucent doors that will look great in the kitchen of any style. A wide selection of colors used and all sorts of shades will help you choose a kitchen for any room.

And the most undeniable the advantage of Kitchen MDF. is its cost. Practical and inexpensive they continue to conquer the market, repeatedly proving their high performance characteristics.

Disadvantages of kitchen MDF.

Basic disadvantage of Kitchen MDF. It is its high flammability. Therefore, experts recommend the detail to consider the location of the kitchen in such a way as to protect it not only from the potential contact with open fire, but also hot objects. If there is a wiring, its isolation and security should be held near the MDF.

In addition, MDF cuisine is subject to mechanical damage. You should not fear random little damage - they will not be able to harm, but if the blow strength is significant, the appearance of the product will be spoiled. The reason for this - the MDF density is significantly inferior to the Fiberboard and chipboard. Modern MDF plates are distinguished by excellent resistance to high moisture, but the plates of old production in this respect are lame. Therefore, when choosing a product you need to be careful.

The above features of the kitchen of MDF show that they can be the best option. Weighing everything in and against, you can make a right decision on choosing a material for your kitchen.