The principle of insulation of a frame house. Instructions for the warming of the walls of a frame house

Frame houses are becoming increasingly popular, at the same time, this European trend in the context of the Russian climate requires significant thermal insulation, as well as protection against wind and moisture. Specialists are recommended to carry out the insulation of the walls of the frame house not only outside, but also from the inside.

We choose materials for thermal insulation

A few decades ago, a mixture of clay with straw, sawdust or chips was floated to preserve heat in the house in the walls of frame houses. At one time, the opilk concrete was popular, but these materials have long been not in the go, although they do not lose their attractiveness due to the cheapness. In modern household-based houses for insulation, mineral wools are used (glass gamble, stone wools) and foam.

Mineral wats have a whole number of advantages - they are refractory, which is especially important for houses from wooden frames, have a small thermal conductivity, simple in laying are manufactured in a convenient form for builders (mats, rolls) and sufficiently light. The minus of this insulation - it cannot be called environmentally friendly, since it contains formaldehyde in small doses. In addition, he is contraindicated with moisture. Most often, mineral wools are used with external insulation, because for internal works, this material is not always convenient and safe.

Very quickly among building materials in the category of the most popular materials for thermal insulation, foam was gave out. It is made from the granules of polymer plastic masses, which are filled with carbon dioxide or natural gas.

The plates of foam possess a very small weight, easy to install, do not heat and at normal temperatures are environmentally friendly. The insulation of this kind is not subject to rotting and the appearance of fungus, so if it is installed, additional layers of pair and waterproofing may not be required.

Perhaps the most important dignity of foam is its modest value. Its main disadvantage is the possibility of fire and allocation of substances harmful to human health. True, there is a fire-resistant version of this material - extruded polystyrene foam, which is also more compact. All types of foam, oddly enough, can easily ruin rodents, which is its one more substantial minus.

Polyurethane Foolder (PPU) - sprayed type of thermal insulation, which has the highest degree of heat conservation and moves moisture very hard. Spraying occurs with the help of special equipment, in which the active ingredients are mixed and, falling on the surface, instantly foam, forming a dense crust. You can spray the PPU almost on any surface, even on glass and metal, regardless of its position. Vulnerable Polyurethane Foam - Sunlight. In case of direct sunlight, its operating time is reduced by about twice. But to protect the PPU from the Sun can be ordinary painting. Another minus is special equipment to work with this material.

For hydro and wind insulation, builders often use pergamine - dense paper impregnated with bitumen. However, its use as protection against moisture and wind is undesirable, since Pergamine does not let moisture emanating from the house and contributes to its accumulation inside the frame. In modern practice, the builders are increasingly used superdiffusive hydro-windproof membranes, which are huge compared to Parchum permeability and perfectly protect the house from the wind and moisture from the outside.

Warming of the walls of the frame house from the inside - preparatory work

First, we understand some of the basic principles, without complying with the insulation of the walls of such a house can be a waste of money. First, wondering how to insulate the frame house from the inside, you need to think not only about the walls. Paul and ceiling can also skip the cold! Secondly, thermal insulation materials must be reliably protected from moisture with outer and internal waterproofing. Thirdly, with the process of laying insulation, it is important to observe the gaps needed for ventilation between the material and the surfaces of the wall.

Before starting the installation of the insulation, spend cleaning of the walls, floor and ceiling from dust and dirt. If there are sticking nails or screws, you should remove them. Existing gaps between the elements of the house frame are filled with mounting foam. With the help of a construction dryer, if necessary, dry the raw framework of the frame.

Masters of the site site prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the heat loss of the building.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - step-by-step instruction

In the event that there was still an external thermal insulation using waterproofing, re-mounted inside the house another layer of protection against moisture is not necessary, otherwise it can entail the accumulation of excess moisture inside the design and its rapid destruction. We will look at the version of the insulation of the house only from the inside.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Installation of the waterproofing layer

We measure the walls of the frame house and cut into the appropriate bands we selected waterproofing material. With the help of a construction stapler, secure it to the racks, completely trimming the frame. It is best to lay the waterproofing of the brass, leaving under the top layer of about 10 cm. The mount is carried out at the junction of each 10 cm.

Step 2: Installation of vaporizolation

Even in the case of use as a heater of materials that are not afraid of moisture, it is still necessary to perform vaporizolation. The reason seemingly unnecessary costs is that in addition to the insulation itself in the framework of the walls there are other elements that should be protected from steam penetrating from the inside of the building into the walls, for example, the same wood.

For vaporizolation use a special film or foamed polyethylene. This material is also attached to the frame racks by a construction staple close to the insulation. Sometimes builders simply turn the thermally insulating blocks into such a film, but it is not entirely right - as already noted, it is necessary to protect all the elements of the frame.The joints of the film, as in the case of waterproofing, should be made with an overlap at least 10 cm. For greater vaporizolation, all the joints and the adjoining of this layer should be glued with bilateral scotch. When installing vaporizolation, consider that its thickness does not reduce the thickness of the main insulation.

The construction of frame structures has become popular due to its simplicity. The process comes down to elementary actions, something like the collection of objects from the Lego constructor. The insulation of the frame house is also done with their own hands (this is not a step-by-step instruction, but regular recommendations).

It is necessary to think about which materials will be insulation, in some cases it is advisable to save, for example, if the house is intended exclusively for living in the summer period.

For all-season buildings, insulation should be made in all the rules, the highest quality materials should be applied.

Choosing materials

One of the main parameters to which the material must match is its elasticity. Polyfoam and related products may not come up. The fact is that the elements of the frame (if it comes to the frame of wood) will change their dimensions due to changes in temperature and ambient humidity. In this case, the gaps will appear between the bars and panels of the insulation, which will affect the overall thermal insulation of the house.

And the elastic material will fill all the space between the bars.

For metal frame houses, you can use any materials, for example, polystyrene foam.

Basalt Vata.

The most common material. It is obtained when moltening the mining basalt. Perfectly keeps heat, it has noise insulating properties. The minus is a change in properties when absorbing moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly protect it with special films.

Basalt materials are the most fires secure, withstand the heating temperature to 1000 degrees.

When buying it is better to focus on the material in the type of slabs, it should be indicated on the package that the insulation is intended for the walls, otherwise, after 2-3 years, basalt panels are boils, and cold air will penetrate through the top.


This type of insulation is made from cellulose. There are two ways of insulation with Equata:

With the help of special equipment, the wool particles are mixed with water drops, this mixture is sent to the space between the frameworks of the frame. At the same time, a dense coating is formed, filling the entire wall area;

The dry method is to fall asleep particles of eco-water into the space between the wall panels, after which the mass is rambling.

As a result, layers of insulation, which are not afraid of changes in temperature, no humidity, therefore, no additional protection is needed by various films.

The cost of material and rates for produced works are the only negative aspects of this technology.


Performed by melting glass. Sold, as a rule, in the form of rolls. It is distinguished by decent heat-insulating properties and resistance to the effects of fire, during combustion does not release toxic substances.

Be sure to check when buying that the material is intended for the walls.

Bulk materials

This type includes slag, clamzite, sawdust. It is rarely used, since there are more efficient insulation.

Sometimes used for heat insulation, as the first layer, after which other types of insulation, in particular, the ceramzite, which does not absorb moisture, is not lit, but the thermal insulating properties of it is not too high.

Tool that will need to work

The insulation of the frame house does not require any complex devices and devices. The following tools will be needed for work:

  1. Roulette;
  2. Marker (pencil, chalk);
  3. Metal cutting tool - Bulgarian, electrical scissors;
  4. A large knife for cutting the insulation material, you can use homemade made of old hacksaw;
  5. Screwdriver for fastening the elements of the sheath;
  6. Building stapler for fixing the polyethylene film (if not, you can use a soft wire);
  7. You may need other tools - building hairdryer, hammer, screwdriver, wood jigsaw and others.

In addition, you need to prepare a ladder and a long staircase to work on the roof.

Working - floor insulation

With insulated frame surfaces, dirt are removed, raw areas need to dry the hair dryer, the gaps in the design fill the mounting foam.

If the wiring is assumed inside the walls, then it should be taken in advance. The cable should be carried out according to the wiring solder, cutting the necessary technological holes in the floors, securing the junction box, placing the position of the switches and sockets.

If the house is installed in the house: heating boiler, plumbing, other additional devices, then all the necessary holes for them (for pipelines, wastewater plums, eyeliner) is better to do in advance.

To begin with, the floor isolation should be engaged. For this, a special film is attached, and each next canvas must overlap the previous one by 5-10 cm. It is shot using a stapler.

The thermal insulation material is cut by stripes or squares, depending on the shape of the cells between the boards (lags), the pieces should be tightly included. Considering that the standard width of the mineral wool sheet is 60 cm, then the width of the cell should be 58-59 cm. After placing the thermal insulation, it should be covered with a steam barrier film from above.

The thickness of the insulation layer can be different. It is necessary to navigate the region of living and the required degree of insulation: the lower temperature in winter, the thicker will be the floor and more layers of minvati must be laid. If several layers are steal, then they must overlap the joints of the previous ones by about 15 cm.

After placing thermal insulation, you should cover it from top of the film of vaporizolation. For better tightness, you can smoke the joints with bilateral scotch. It will be not only good protection against moisture, but also additional wind protection.

After that, you can start the floor on the floor of plywood or OSB-slab material, this layer will be the basis for the first floor.

The insulation of the walls of the frame panel house with their own hands is a bit more complicated than the floor.

The technology is approximately the same as when the floor insulation.

The wall is trimmed on the one hand, for example, plywood. Between the plates should be the gaps - about 2-3 mm. These gaps can be filled with mounting foam, and then cut the surplus protruding over the plane.

After that, it can be started to pull the waterproofing film, for protection and frame, and the house itself from moisture from the outside. The joints are recommended to cry with scotchpie (some types of film have self-adhesive bands at the ends).

Now you should put the insulation slabs, if a distance of about 60 cm is withstanding between the boards, then the sheets will fit tightly, if not, it will have to temporarily fix them (you can, for example, pull the scotch band along the entire length of the wall).

The average thickness of the insulation is 15 cm, however, if necessary, several layers can be applied with overlapping previously laid on the joints, by about 10-15 cm.

A steam barrier film is stretched on the insulation, to protect against moisture, which will go from the inside of the house. It is necessary to neatly pull the film on the corners, as rather repeating the contours, otherwise there may be difficulties with the ultimate finish.

After fixing the pairosk, OSB or plywood panels are nailed, which will later be attached finishing materials (wallpaper, tile, lining). To save, if it is precisely decided to separate with lining or similar materials, it is possible, instead of leafy materials, use boards, they can be selected at some distance from each other.

Council. The finishing of the outer walls can be carried out not only from the inside of the house, but also outside. That is, first the internal panels are nailed, and all further operations on wool laying are made from the street.

It can be convenient if the house is not very big.

The insulation of the inner walls is needed, most of all for sound insulation, so there is no need to install the film.

For this, the materials are applied by soundproofing, it can be the same mineral wool, foam plates, various combined materials.

The insulation of the frame house with their own hands is a responsible process, and when working with the ceiling, not very comfortable. It is best to carry out work while the roof is not yet fully ready, it will be more convenient to produce work.

The rules are simple: a booster membrane is applied again, it is stretched from the inside of the house and is attached to the ceiling beams.

A sheet material (plywood, OSB) or boards is installed on it (the distance is withstanding about 40 cm between the boards).

From above laid mineral wool, according to the same rules as in other cases. Overlapping the previous junctions (with the allowance). It is important to overlap the entire ceiling, together with the planes that are located above the walls.

If the attic room does not heal, then the vapor barrier film will not need. You can wash sheet material.

The ceiling insulation is important, since with improper insulation warm air will very quickly go beyond the top of the house through the top.

Roof insulation

It is of great importance if the attic will be heated and used as a residential premises. In other cases, it is not necessary to led work, or you can be heated at a minimum.

There are a number of subtleties that can help in work:

The most convenient way - insulation outside: the insulation is easier to lay, the film is easier to pull.

Immediately after the installation of the rafter design, it is recommended to attach a vapor barrier film, not it - to nourish sheet material or board.

Using the staircase, you can climb outside to the roofs and lay out the insulation.

Top to pull the film and install the crate, and then the roof itself.

Features of insulation with various materials

In addition to mineral wool and analogues, various types of insulation are applied.

Polyfoam and similar materials

The foam is difficult to lay, avoiding the gaps between it and the wooden frame, so you have to thoroughly apply all defects. This kind of materials do not let the air, you need to carefully consider ventilation of housing. Polyethylene films still need to be used, although the foam and the moisture is not afraid, the booster membrane must protect the frame of the house.

Finally, polystyrene foam is very loved by rodents who do labyrinths in it, it is necessary to take into account.


This material, although it allows you to apply it manually, without special equipment, but specialists do not advise this to do.

Equouth gives shrinkage to about 15% over time, so you have to make some stock when it is applied.

When applied manually it is almost impossible to achieve such quality and final heat insulating properties, as when using a tool specials.


It is often used for insulation or floor, or ceiling, you can warm overlap between floors. A feature is the need for a good basis on which the insulation is laid out. There should be no cracks, otherwise the ceramzite will fall out.

For better effect, clamzite is used in the form of a maximum crushed fraction, in combination with such materials as sawdust. In this case, all empties will be filled.


So, it's not so difficult to insulate the frame house with your own hands, the step-by-step instruction will not need to work. All work on all types of overlaps is carried out approximately equally.

Frame construction technologies, as already verified by experience, provide high performance parameters. One of the advantages that do not forget to mention the enthusiasts of frame house-building is environmentally friendly. Frame houses are often called healthy housing. It can be said that this is the case if certain key factors are provided in the construction and insulation of the building:

Environmentally friendly materials

Based on frame technologies - wood. We will not argue with the fact that this natural material, despite the rapid development of today's most than any "cosmic" materials and technologies, does not lose its relevance in the centuries, remaining and in our days one of the most popular in the construction of housing.

Of course, the framework technologies are not on the spot, and many modern building innovations are actively used in the frame home-building today. Although supporters of the "carcassniks" love to emphasize that in them the likelihood of any harmful particles from the materials and chemicals used to be minimized. And in order for the house to be always supplied with clean water, autonomous sources and a developed system of filters are used in classic frame structures.

Energy Efficiency

Along with mineral and cotton plates, the insulation of frame houses is often performed by plates of foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

They speak in the context of which builders of "Canadian houses" are usually proud of. The walls of "skewers" are really distinguished by excellent thermal insulation characteristics, while maintaining the comfortable conditions of the internal microclimate both in winter frosts and in the summer. It is considered, and this is not without reason that the owners of frame structures will noticeably save not only on heating, but also on ventilation, air conditioning.
An additional barcode that does not forget to mention the defenders of the frame house-building - it is precisely in the frame houses more often "fit" alternative energy sources - for example, solar collectors. During the construction of frame houses, they also go to the move, recreated from the recycling, the so-called. Recycling materials. The classical argument in favor of "frame house-building was the argument of optimal expenditure of materials - with frameworks, the number of construction waste is reduced to a minimum.

About how to build warm frame house Alone, do it yourself, quite interesting and vividly describes in the next video. See, think, discuss. Someone will definitely benefit.

Let us turn directly to the issue of the insulation of frame houses.

Wall insulation: thermal insulation materials

The insulation of walls of the framework houses is usually performed between the frames between the frame racks. Let's consider in more detail what kind of insulation variants that are optimally suitable for the walls of the frame house and how to carry out insulation.

I propose in this article to consider such insulation suitable for thermal insulation of frame structures:

  • Mineral wool (with a density of 30-50 kg / cubic meters;
  • Glass gaming (with a density of 17-20 kg / cubic meters);
  • Polyfoam (with a density of 25 kg / cubic meters);
  • Extruded polystyrene foam (with a density of 20-35 kg / cubic meters);

Please note: we did not consider the article such types of natural insulation, like sawdust, straw, flax, slag, and the like, the use of which requires to increase the thickness of the wall compared to the insulation that we indicated in the list. At the same time, each of those not included in the examination of insulation deserves its consideration, other articles of our magazine are dedicated to them.

As for the insulation list listed in our considered list, the mineral wool of the above density deserves special recommendations, because With all other equal parameters, it has several advantages to which users pay attention in their feedback:

  • Not combustible;
  • Quit sound;
  • Convenient in work (comparing with EPPS).
  • In contrast to the glass gambles of the Ministry of Service of the desired density in vertical structures, it is somewhat more convenient, in any case it is not crushed and not settled).
  1. Please note: the fact that the authors of this article recommend using mineral wool is not at all that the remaining insulation does not advise. This is their opinion on the basis of own observations and research, an attempt to answer the question of which insulation is better to apply for the insulation of the walls of the frame house.

Important nuances

Any cotton (stone, glass gamble, minvata) must be in the plates. Roller will not work.
The thickness of the insulation (in the boundaries of 100-250 mm) is calculated for a particular area of \u200b\u200bthe house with regard to the climatic zone.
The insulation plates are placed by layers of 50 mm with a mandatory overlay to avoid cold bridges.


Wall insulation is made between frame racks. If you have taken for insulation of minvatu or glass wool, they are placed by the versius between the racks. The sheets of foam or polystyrene foam cut in size and after the insertion is fought polyurethane foam.

In Section, the insulation is under the desired dimensions and insert into the space between the dust and the resistant. When the cross-section is driven by less than the rack, the half-meter layer of the insulation can be vested from the outside from the outside.

Outdoor casing walls of a frame house

Such a trim is called draft. It is important. And when we are asked whether it is impossible to fix the finishing material directly on the frame racks immediately, we explain that the presence of a trim along with all the shakes of the frame will form its rigid design, the framework of the frame. And the skin, and the lower / top cover are mandatory. In the absence of one or another, the frame will not have the necessary stiffness.

Materials for black sheat

Let's say about the most actively used:

    The oriented chipboard is considered material to be reliable, inexpensive, and it has an attractive appearance resembling a natural tree.

    OSB - oriented chipboard.
    Oriented Strand Board, OSB - material in sheets of several layers of wood chips (thin sins), combined with complex chemical resins with the addition of synthetic waxes and boric acid. Wood chips in layers are laid in different ways. In the outer layers, it is focused longitudinally. In the inner - transversely.
    OSB-1 - applied under reduced humidity (in furniture production, for plating in construction, for packaging)
    OSB-2 - used for the manufacture of supporting structures in rooms with dry microclimate.
    OSB-3 is used for the manufacture of bearing structures in rooms with high humidity.
    OSB-4 is used for the manufacture of different kinds of design intended for significant mechanical loads in conditions of high humidity.
    OSB with one-sided varnish.
    OSB laminated (used for multiple formwork in concrete work, withstands up to 50 cycles.
    OSB tipped.

    The cement-chipboard is roughly tougher and heavier than the OSB, which makes it difficult to lift it up for facing floors in the absence of forests and winches

    CSP is a cement-chipboard.
    Sement Bonded Particle Board) - sheet construction material of a composite type of wood chips, portland cement with the addition of special additives to reduce the harmful effects of wood extracts for cement. CSPs are used quite actively in construction, including frame, for outdoor and inner wall sheat. The cement-chipboard competes with its competitors such as chipboard, plywood, flat slate, plasterboard, dry-fiber leaf, OSB. One of the deficiencies of the CSP is considered low tensile strength. But since the material itself shows sufficient strength to longitudinal deformation, it is traditionally used to enhance the framework of the houses.

  • SML - glass chamber.

    The real characteristics of the CML of various manufacturers in fact may differ significantly from each other. On ordinary sheets, as a rule, there is no labeling, which does not allow to distinguish between the sheets of various classes and manufacturers between themselves. Mandatory label is available only on the panels of the premium standard of quality.

    This material can also meet in the form of such names as the "Novolist", "glass chamber," magnesite plates "," Stroylist "and simply" Magnezit "- so you need to understand that this is all about the same thing. This is a leaf construction and finishing material manufactured on the basis of a magnesiac binder. The compositional composition includes caustic magnesite, magnesium chloride, foamed perlite plus fiberglass (as reinforcing material). Sometimes there is also a nonwoven synthetic material. There are Russian manufacturers, but mainly carry from China (he has long been holding leadership).
    The proposed thicknesses - 3mm, 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm. The most frequently used sheet format: 1220 x 2440 mm.
    The most popular density is from 750 to 1100 kg / cubic meters. Colors - from white to gray-blue.
    Some CML classes are successfully applied in wet rooms, material and outdoor material is used. Differs high strength and good adhesion. The glass champ sheet is used in the finish finish, decorating the sheets with acrylic paints.

Please note: on all specified materials it will be necessary to perform a finish. Popular has become cladding siding. Someone is quite suitable to just shook the walls. Under the stucco, it is appropriate to put thin layers of foam with a density of 25 kg / cubic meters, 30 mm or the same density and thickness extruded polystyrene foam. Plaster layers can be applied to the grid without insulation, but it must be borne in mind that in this case there is a risk of cracking.


Sometimes you can meet the advice-recommendations to leave as a finishing trim to the board. It should be understood that the board for these purposes should be appropriately processed. And you need to remember that in this case it is necessary under the board in a special way to arrange wind-and water protection walls.

Important! No need to sew the frame of the frame, without making the preliminary draft firing of the OSB. If the board is used as a finishing finish, it is fixed on top to OSB. Why is that? The fact is that if the board is searched directly to the frame racks, without OSB, the board can be turned off, and such a danger will arise at least twice a year in the off-season. And we have the task to give our frame spatial rigidity, and not to expose it to meaningless additional loads in the form of unpredictable consequences from the behavior of the object. Guided by this, we recommend the cover of the board only on OSB.

In this part, it describes in detail the process of OSB clamping (as the most universal and most frequently applicable option). In addition, compared with all the above options, OSB plates have significantly significant moisture resistance. OSB sheets on the area more, which will allow you to make less junctions.

For the sheat, they usually take OSB plates with a thickness of 10-12 mm.
Fastening OSB to racks, upper and lower strapping, step fasteners.

The OSB is attached to the racks, the junction passes in the middle of the rack.

The lower strapping sheets of the OSB must overlap entirely. Upon top strapping option can be chosen depending on whether one or two floors at the house.

If a single-storey house is built, the upper strapping overlaps completely, and the edges of the OSB plates take place with the edge of the strapping.
If the house is two-storey, it will be better to position the sheets in such a way that they can also come to the racks of the 2nd floor, and on the stand of the 1st, and the upper strapping let it overlap by approximately the middle of the sheet. This is not a prerequisite, but it is recommended, as it will give the entire frame design additional rigidity.

Method of fastening in the case of a two-storey house

In the first video, there are advice on how to warm the frame house so that it remains "breathing."

In the following video, on a specific example, it is described about one of the main stages of the construction of a frame house - its insulation. Consider in detail, which consists of the cake of thermal insulation of walls and gender. You will learn how to correctly insulate the underfloor space. Get many other useful tips and instructions from a specialist.

In the next video, the instruction is given, how to warm the frame house with the help of the Minsk Technonikol brand:

In the next video instruction, experts give recommendations how it is better to make the insulation of the walls of a frame house with the URSA Terra insulation, which reliably protects the walls of the house from any weather and cold weather. The video shows how to properly install the URSA Terra material to eliminate heat loss. An important point of insulation is the installation of vapor barrier and windproof. For this purpose, URSA SECO films and membranes were selected, which are optimally combined with the thermal insulation of URSA.

Paro-waterproofing and windproof walls of a frame house

These functions for the outer walls of the frame house perform a special superdiffusion membrane with vapor permeability from 800 g / sq. m per day and more.

Attention: you can meet recommendations that do not necessarily apply the membrane, and it is possible to take waterproofing films or polyethylene instead of it. Our specialists oppose the use of film or polyethylene as wind and waterproofing in such structures. Any film has low vapor permeability (up to 40 g / sq.m per day) compared with membranes. This means that the film simply does not cope with the mastering of moisture from the insulation. And this is absolutely necessary, because In the insulation, the dew point (see the dew point. How to determine the dew point in the wall at various types of insulation), and this is its legal location in this design. Moisture needs to be able to disperse. With this task, the membrane is coping with the above vapor permeability.

The accommodation of the superdiffusion membrane in the wall design depends on what the rough sewing and finishing finish.

Warming of outdoor walls of a frame house in the context

Important aspects of vapor insulation walls

Steamed frame design is performed by a vapor barrier film. It is fixed to the frame racks close to the insulation from the inside of the room with the help of a construction stapler. The jokes are made with a bunch of 10-15 cm.

If you take foam or polystyrene foam insulation, vaporizolation is also necessary. These insulation themselves do not gain moisture, but besides them, there are wooden frameworks in the thickness of the walls, and they need to be protected from the vapor from the inside of the room.

All steps of vapor barrier should be punctured carefully special bilateral scotch.

Parosolation can be performed by foil foam polyethylene, this material is convenient because it does not affect the thickness of the basic heat insulation of the wall.

Inner sewing wall

For the inner sewing walls of the frame house, it is possible to use, for example, a popular drywall or the same OSB. The latter, according to many specialists, is preferable. The fact is that if from the inside on the frame racks, fasten sheet carcarton sheets, racks, and they are not perfectly smooth, they take on all the irregularities of the trim. As a result, the plasterboard will need more leveling layers. As for the OSB, its slabs are tougher, they are better to grow unevenness.

ATTENTION: The inner firmware is often performed by popular MDF panels. If the panels are not laminated, they should be used carefully, they are afraid of moisture. And certainly they are not recommended to be used in such premises, both kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms.

According to OSB or plasterboard, perform a finishing finish. Materials like lining are also mounted on the firmware from OSB, you should not do it directly to the racks, without firmware.

Collected at a fairly compressed period, using minimal labor resources. However, with all its advantages, he still has one little drawback. If you do not produce high-quality insulation of walls and roofs, it will be used only in a summer period, since for year-round operation in our climate it will not fit.

Warming of a frame house - types of materials

The modern market offers a huge selection of building materials for insulation of frame houses. Based on the foregoing, it is very important that the insulation keeps its functionality for more than a dozen years, for this it is necessary to use only high-quality material.

Currently, thermal insulation materials are conventionally divided into two categories - organic and synthetic.

  1. The first are natural materials that have natural origin (wood sawdust and chips, compressed straw and so on.).
  2. The second category includes types of insulation obtained by a high-tech production method using various chemical components and compositions for this, namely: mineral wool, foam, basalitin, and others.

The magnificent heat-insulating properties of synthetic materials make them unconditional winners in this group. They boast such qualities as:

  • good moisture resistance;
  • low thermal conductivity and level of flammability;
  • lack of shrinkage and long service life;
  • prostate to use;
  • security for man.

Warming at home is the most popular and well-proven way. The material has an excellent indicator of noise absorption, well maintains heat, and also has a high class of ecology.

Wall insulation from within and outside

Of the special difference from where to start work on the insulation of a frame house, from the inside or outside, no. Here who is more convenient. For example, from the street, the installation of the insulation is slightly simpler, but there is a risk that rain can begin and then work will have to collapse for a while.

Standard mineral wool insulation has a width of 600 mm. Therefore, when the framework is erected, this moment must be taken into account. In order for the material to fit tightly to vertical racks, the perfect step size between them is 580-590 mm. Such a distance will not allow the insulation to get along with time, as it will be tightly clamped.

According to established standards, the thickness of insulation for the design in the Central region of Russia is 150 mm. Therefore, it will be advisable to use slabs with a thickness of 100 and 50 mm.

Thus, in the design instead of three plates there will be enough two, thereby labor costs will be significantly reduced. Also the material is 100 mm. Less is inclined to defamations and is, consequently, fastened in the design.

Fastening of vaporizoation and OSB plates

  • In order to prevent moisture from entering the insulation, it is necessary to protect it well. To do this, on the inside, wooden frame walls must be covered with a vapor barrier film. Using a conventional stapler, roll off the roll with horizontal stripes and fasten it to the brass 5 cm. To vertical racks. Make sure the film is tightly adjacent to the surface everywhere;
  • Next, we need a vapor barrier film to close the OSB plates, which will be the basis for an internal finish. Using conventional wood screws and a screwdriver, alternately fastened the panel, if necessary, trimmed by their electric jigsaw.

Installation of insulation

Consider as an example, warming the frame with plates based on mineral (stone) wool. The material is enough of the elastic, so it does not require an additional method of fastening to fix it, just insert it between the racks. Plates should be kept tightly due to the difference in size.

Installation of the insulation is carried out in two layers using a chess order. The second must overlap the butt joints of the first, exactly in the middle. This method avoids the appearance of the so-called "cold bridges", which contributes to the emergence of condensate and dampness on the inner surface of the finishing finish, as a result, mold and fungus may appear.

After all the plates are installed, they will need to be protected from rain and strong winds. For this, by analogy with the inner walls, the external and external and exterior.

Hydro-windproof membrane is used as a material, it reliably protect the walls from the inside of drafts and drops of rain. To reliably connect the membrane, fix it to the counter-crate racks.

Saving walls outside

Depending on your chosen material for the finishing finish, it is necessary to properly prepare the base under it. For conventional siding or Haus block, moisture-resistant OSB plates are attached to the counter-crate to which guide bars are nailed.

Popular popularity in the population, which, with accuracy, imitates the structure of real wood.

Insulation scheme in context

In the event that the walls are shifted by any other finishing material (facade tiles, artificial or natural stone, etc.), to nail the guide bars to the OSB of the plates are unnecessary, the walls are left in such a form.

Roof insulation

  • Not many know that roof insulation Plays a very important role in creating a favorable microclimate in the house. High-quality insulation of this element reduces the heat loss of the house on 25-30 % So it is very important to approach this issue with full responsibility.

One of the most common means of insulation of the roof is a laying of the insulation between, and in order for the insulation to serve for a long time, the roofing pie must have a ventilation clearance.

The essence of the mineral wool skeletal house process is quite simple and looks like this:

  1. From the outer side of the roof to the upper base of the rafter, a diffusion membrane is nailed, which is fixed by the counter-crate;
  2. Next, from the inside of two layers (each 100 mm.), Using all the same chess order, the plates of the insulation are stacked. Special attention to devote to the places of the frontones and the skunk part of the roof;
  3. The insulation is mandatory closed by a vapor barrier film that is fastened with horizontal stripes from bottom to top 5 cm.;
  4. The final stage is the ceiling stitch finish finishing material (clapboard, plywood, block house, plasterboard, etc.)

Floor insulation

Another place from where the leakage 15-20% So precious in our time heat. Of course, it is possible to finish and install the system in the house, all the more so that in our time it is pleasing to this.

However, why for starters not try to warm it well. After all, the floor is, the place where there are a lot of interesting things.

Even not to consider how many kilometers on it is crawling out by your baby, and then it will make his first steps in life. The time spent on yoga and reading interesting books in addition to benefits will bring and pleasure.

Sequence of floor insulation in a skeleton house:

  • A layer of waterproofing film is rolled on the draft floor. All joints are sampled by reinforcing scotch;
  • Between the lag for the floor, the insulation is laid (the thickness is not less 200 mm.). To eliminate the formation of the gap, the width of the insulation must exceed the distance between the lags on 1-2 cm;

  • From above insulation pectoris 5-10 cm. covered with a vapor barrier carpet;
  • Further, depending on the flooring, the floor is closed with plywood sheets, or a finishing board is placed.


Today there are many different modern materials that are suitable for insulation of houses raised by frame technology. However, numerous positive reviews of the owners show that overpaying for expensive materials in this case does not make sense. With the protection of the house from the cold, perfectly copes quite acceptable at the price of mineral wool.

Therefore, we can safely conclude that mineral wool is a reliable, inexpensive and fairly effective material for insulation of a frame house. Due to its environmental friendliness and fire safety, the insulation can be used both from the inside and outside the house, and nothing else is needed.

How to choose a heater for a skeleton house. Types of insulation, their advantages and disadvantages. Stage of work on insulation design.

If the wooden house is selected for year-round, it is necessary to choose the properly to choose the insulation for the skeleton house. What properties should have a skeleton house insulation. What is his peculiarity in terms of thermal conductivity, water absorption and fire safety. How shrinkage of the insulation and how environmental is it.

What materials are suitable for warming framework. Which is mineral insulation, eco-art and basalt wool. Why so important windproof insulation and vapor barrier.

Rules of insulation of frame houses. Types of insulation. Features of the insulation of frame-panel and metal frames. As functions performs insulation for a frame building. Is the polyurethane be beneficial in the application. Stage of work when insulation of walls, ceiling and roofs.

What properties should have a heater for a skeleton house

All those who faced frame construction at a certain point are forced to think about what a thermal insulation is better for a skeleton house. To make a right decision, it is necessary to know the properties of the main thermal insulation materials offered by the modern market. In addition, you should consider the rules on which their choice is based. After reading this article, you can consciously and competently pick up the most suitable insulation material for the insulation of the walls of the frame house.

Insulation used for insulation walls of a frame house must have the following properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • fire safety;
  • low water absorption;
  • lack of shrinkage;
  • ecology.

Thermal conductivity

The material ability to transmit heat displays the thermal conductivity coefficient. The lower its value, the smaller the amount of heat passes through this material. At the same time, in the winter time, the room does not cool so quickly, and in the summer - slower heats up. This allows you to achieve savings on cooling and heating. For this reason, choosing the insulation, necessarily take into account the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of material during operation in concrete conditions.

Water absorption

The next important indicator that affects the ability of the insulation to maintain heat is considered to be its water absorption. It is the ratio of the amount of water absorbed by the insulation, to the mass of the insulation itself. This characteristic demonstrates the ability in the event of direct contact with water to absorb and hold in the pores of moisture.

Due to the fact that the wet material is well conducted, the smaller the value will have this value, the better. This is explained by the fact that when wetting air pores of the insulation fills water, which has greater thermal conductivity than air. In addition, too wet material can simply freeze, turning into ice and completely lose its functions.

Foreign safety

Under fire safety of materials, the ability to withstand the effects of high temperatures without disrupting the structure and ignition is implied. This parameter is regulated using GOST 30244, GOST 30402 and SNiP 21-01-97, which divide them into combustion groups from G1 to G4, while completely non-combustible substances are denoted by NG. For frame houses, insulation related to the NG group are most preferred.

Shrinkage insulation

Choosing a thermal insulator for a frame building, must take into account such an indicator as the ability to shrink. This value should be minimal, otherwise in the process of operation in places of laying insulation, the drawdowns of the material will appear, which will lead to the occurrence of cold bridges and the heat of heat loss.


The basis of the walls of the frame house is insulation. Since the insulating material will surround you in a frame house everywhere, you need to be sure that it is really a qualitative insulation and it does not distinguish harmful substances.