Continuously exhaust valve on the window. Supply ventilation valve for plastic windows for micro

In the apartment where plastic windows are installed, there is a low heat loss. No noises from the street are not heard. However, there are similar products and its shortcomings. They contribute to the stress of air in the apartment and the formation of condensate. This can lead to the formation of fungus and cause various respiratory diseases. Solves the problem of a trimming valve on plastic windows, the reviews of which will allow you to choose and install the ventilation element. Soviets of experts and simple users will help make the best choice.

Disadvantages of plastic windows

In order to understand the need to install the supply valve, you should familiarize yourself with the reviews of the main disadvantages of plastic windows.

The absence of drafts, compared to wooden windows, is, on the one hand, the advantage of the products presented. However, the ventilation has to be performed using the opening of the sash. In winter, such a procedure leads to large heat loss.

When the windows are closed, smells and carbon dioxide are stared in the rooms. Without a valve of supply ventilation for plastic windows, according to user reviews, condensate is formed and the humidity of the air is constantly increasing. This is not a healthy state of the atmosphere in the dwelling. A trimming valve on plastic windows, reviews about which will be considered further, is able to prevent the development of fungus and mold, remove the condensate.

In order not to reduce all the functions of plastic windows, the presented device should be applied.

Main characteristics

A trim valve is a device that performs ventilation functions. It is installed on top on the window sash and is located horizontally. According to expert reviews and ordinary users, the supply ventilation valves on plastic windows eliminate increased humidity and condensate, and also support a healthy indoor microclimate.

This device has several advantages. Valve of supply ventilation for plastic windows, the reviews about which are presented in our review, does not change the light opening of the window. It does not create drafts, no heat loss occurs, no sounds from the street. Fresh air flow occurs in sufficient quantity. According to the reviews, the supply ventilation valves for plastic windows can be adjusted.

Another positive quality can be considered the simplicity of installation of this device.

Principle of operation

After reviewing the reviews of installers, it can be concluded that the trimming vent valve for plastic windows must be properly installed to perform its functions in full.

Installation involves removing part of the rubber seal on the sash and frame frame. Instead, a special, more subtle material will be installed. Valve of the supply ventilation for plastic windows, the reviews about which is most positive, is installed with the new seal.

Through the presented device, street air falls into the apartment, and the wet internal masses are pushed through the ventilation channels back outward. The circulation process occurs due to the pressure difference.

Valve nodes

After reviewing the reviews of professional installers about the supply ventilation valve for plastic windows, you can make an idea of \u200b\u200bits device. The product consists of several parts.

The outer side is located outside the window. It takes the air from the outside. Over the outside, a visor must be installed, which will prevent ingress of the water or snow valve.

Supply ventilation valves on plastic windows, the reviews of which experts were provided with a telescopic channel. It passes through the frame, i.e. it is crashed into the plastic frame of the frame case and is fixed using the sleeve.

The inner part is directly inside the room. It is a node consisting of an exhaust nozzle, a simple filter and adjustment mechanism with the ability to skip air.

Basic requirements for work

According to expert reviews in the field of ventilation technology, ventilation valves for plastic windows work under certain conditions.

Automatic hood occurs if the temperature on the street does not exceed +5 ° C. Otherwise, ventilation ceases its work, because its implementation should be carried out by a compulsory way.

Support reviews about which we are considering today, it is properly functioning under the condition of proper ventilation in the apartment.

Also, the cracks under interroom doors should be at least 2 cm. The entrance door should be closed hermetically.

Types of valve

According to consumer reviews, there are a great many models of the supply valves on plastic windows. By material from which they are made, there are metal, wooden or plastic products.

By control method, there is an automatic and manual trimming vent valve for plastic windows. Consumer reviews make it clear that automatic varieties are more convenient to operate. They determine independently when it is necessary to open or close the vent hole. Moreover, the settings can be set, based on the indicators of humidity and pressure drops indoors.

Manual control involves changing the opening / closing of the hole for ventilation using a special rope. The required level is selected profile may freeze due to improper adjustment in winter. That is why most consumer reviews are inclined to choose from automatic supply valves for plastic windows.

Air flow

According to the method of air intake, the inside of the room is distinguished by folding, slotted and overhead valves of supply ventilation on plastic windows. Reviews of people who have tried in their premises presented devices, they say next.

One of the most economical options are folded supply valves. Cold air in this case comes through small cuts in the focus. The windows can not be dismantled. However, such structures are quite low.

Higher throughput, according to consumer reviews, have slotted supply ventilation valves on plastic windows. They are also installed without dismantling windows.

However, the air overheads are best missing. The only disadvantage is the need to customize and open the valve size. If the glass is installed, this type of product is not suitable.


The valve knob is a very convenient device. It is installed instead of an ordinary window handle. Of the advantages of this device, notice the absence of changes in the appearance of the window.

These are quite interesting supplied valves on plastic windows. User feedback assure that ventilation valve in this case can be placed where condensate is going on the window.

This is a very effective device for eliminating moisture. This valve does not freeze, as it has a direct-flow structure. Also, the valve handle has a built-in filter that does not miss the dust inside the premises.

Valve selection

Among the many variants of the models presented in the market of such ventilation technology can be lost.

Manufacturers are more popular with good history that have long existed in the supply valve market. These are conscientious companies that confirmed the quality of their products for years of responsible work.

According to consumer reviews, the quality supply valves on plastic windows produce manufacturers such as Siegenia, Rehau and Aereco.

The main rule when choosing the presented products is not saving on quality. It should also be understood that the possibility of the occurrence of severe frosts should also be considered, choosing a trim valve for plastic windows. The reviews say that if the temperature outside the window drops below - 30 ° C, then the external elements of many designs freeze, and the constant flow of cold air occurs.

The spread of plastic windows made it possible to solve the problem of the appearance of drafts. But soon it was found that they have a serious drawback - excessive tightness. The solution in this case turns out to use special ventilation devices.


A trimming valve on plastic windows is a product that fully compensates for the impermeability of the glass. A small opening of the windows does not allow to ensure the necessary ventilation. Every year, plants produce millions, even tens of millions of valves. If they are selected and installed correctly, the flow of fresh air is guaranteed even with tightly locked sash. In the Russian market, the valves are present since the late 1990s, but their importance is underestimated by many people.

There is a ridiculous myth that the valves are invented solely to extract additional income by manufacturers. In reality, a similar design was invented in the XIX century. Then there were already invented solutions for air supply through the supply channels, while the flow rushed as close as possible to the ceiling. This made it possible to avoid the appearance of drafts. In addition, already at the stage of mass housing construction in the second half of the twentieth century, equipping apartments with fresh air systems continued.

The developers of this technique knew exactly that massively used windows from the tree were abounded by slots, and still continued their experiments. Contrary to other myths, the valves cannot be replaced with the skillful use of the "comb" and slotted ventilation. These approaches are a good addition to each other, especially since you can get a fresh air mass even in situations when you cannot open the window. To open it will not work in winter, if there is a bed nearby, or when it is very noisy on the street. Additional motives are the protection against thieves, the safety of children and domestic animals on the upper floors.


The wide variety of plastic windows, the specificity of individual buildings and locations, the features of climatic modes and the use of ventilation systems lead to a significant range of valves. To adjust the air intake in a number of models, a manual technique is used. Depending on the design of the designers, sometimes you can use laces (according to the same scheme as for the locale management). This is important because the valve itself is often placed very high. There are versions that are equipped with electric motors.

Usually the most left placement of the regulator reveals the ventilation channel by 100%. Accordingly, the right position corresponds to the complete closure of it. Difficulties can be associated with the selection of a suitable intermediate mode, choose it without the help of professionals is very hard. Automated systems are quite expensive, but the fee for them is completely intelligent. Saving thermal energy in the cold period compensates for all attachments.

The automatic type of ventilation allows you to track whether there are people indoors, and according to this, the intensity of ventilation is regulated. Such adjustment is made due to the sensors, depending on the type of their adjustment occurs under indicators of humidity or atmospheric pressure. The system that bothers the pressure is equipped with a curtain with the upper suspension. This curtain goes up, either down in accordance with the air flow, that is, there is no need to use a barometer. Pressure meters are often made based on nylon tapes.

The bottom line is that the nylon under the action of moisture is compressed, and therefore air passage is increasing. Speaking about the division of valves, it should be noted that they relate to one of three groups:

  • slit;
  • overhead;
  • folded category.

Sloves can support the optimal flow of fresh air. It goes through the channel 17-40 cm wide and a height of 1.2-1.6 cm. To prevent the penetration of harmful insects and dust, the intake lid is used. It is able to additionally stop entering the house of rainwater. The hole on the reverse side of the drawing (inside the building) is equipped with a regulating system.

Slit valves can be supplied in the upper fractions of the sash or in horizontal separating profiles.The advantage of such products is the increased bandwidth and ease of consolidation. If we talk about the folded type of exhaust system, which puts on the PVC windows, its important advantages are low cost and simplicity. For the passage of air, narrow cuts of small size are used, made in the focus. The folding block is characterized by increased noise protection characteristics.

In addition, such structures are mounted very easily. There is a serious weakness of insufficient passage of air. Therefore, folding equipment in rooms is not consistent. If it tries to put it there, it will only create a lot of problems. The overhead climatic apparatus according to developers (and consumer estimates) is characterized by the highest throughput.

The disadvantage of him is quite serious - such equipment will not be able to put on the glass-paste already used. Be sure to prepare the platform in advance. In addition, overhead aggregates contribute to penetration inside outdoor noise. They are badly kept warm. The general conclusion of specialists - for home use such blocks are not suitable.

There is another embodiment of a constructive solution - a trim valve in the form of a handle.This option allows you to exclude a violation of the design concept of the window. It provides the natural mode of air penetration, which is extremely valuable in the offseason and in the cold season. The valve combination with the exhaust device allows you to stabilize the microclimate. The valves in the form of a handle belong to the direct-flow format, and the condensate in the room is excluded.

Once there is no condensate, then the window even in the most student winter day does not stop. Valves are necessarily equipped with internal air filters. The goal of them is prevention of clogging of premises with dust particles. These filtration blocks should be replaced once every 6 months. An important option is microwing, helping to reduce the need for opening windows.

Operating principle

Almost all products for window ventilation are capable of working without any sources of energy. It is enough to use the difference in air pressure in the house and in the open space. But that such a system solve its task effectively, it is necessary that the differential has a decent level. Its optimal indicator is from 10 Pa. No need to independently calculate all pressure parameters, it is necessary to navigate only for 3 main criteria:

  • full operation of the ventilation system at home;
  • heating air on the street is a maximum of up to 5 degrees of heat;
  • the possibility of moving air from some rooms to others in the required amount.

The latter parameter is ensured by the fact that the gap in the intermediate doors is at least 20 mm. A tributary valve due to the objective principles of its work does not cope with ventilation, if there are hot days. Each design is designed for a specific temperature range. Deviation from the established norms entails negative consequences immediately. Filter products can be protected from harmful effects of contaminated air.

Manufacturers: Review and reviews

Domestic valves supplied under the brand "Window Filters", assessed by consumers very high.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent noise resistance;
  • the ability to act perfectly in the cold;
  • purification of dust;
  • insect protection;
  • reliability when installing.

If we talk about products AirBox.The one has already come about, the benefits are also obvious - the ability to install with your own hands and a soft price. Aereco products allow you to adjust the airflow automatically, effortlessly. As for the structures from "Domzent", they must be put directly above the battery. Such blocks perfectly restrain the noise, stop insects, can be harmoniously combined with the project of the structure.

As for blocks KIV-125, then they can be both Finnish and Chinese by origin. The design supplied from Finland exceed their Asian analogs with increased thickness and strength. The density of the insulation material also increases. The inner headings are white and dark, respectively. Designs Vallox.also done on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The company declares that its products fully meets modern requirements. It is characterized by recovery at 75%. These devices are characterized by the dependence on electrical energy (which is growing thoroughly). Dust is filtered, fine particles are also not skipped.

The company supplies outdoor type valves with auxiliary heating and with humidity recognition. In the production process, a tightness test is performed. Electronics can be controlled by smartphone. If necessary, it is easily added to devices that measure the level of carbon dioxide indoors. Technical description of products says that with their help, it is possible even in a small space to provide clean air and removing the dirty air mass without disturbing the roof and overlap.

Not only the function of removing evil odors and prevent mold pollution is supported. The air indoors becomes land and gets rid of characteristic sharpness. Fully excluded the occurrence of drafts. The input channels are equipped with protective filters, 100% eliminating pollution not only dust, but also pollen plants. Because it is possible to conclude that the Finnish complex completely solves the task.

No less quality product is supplied from Germany. Verifying example valves turn out to be a convincing example Marley.. Their developers have tried to provide maximum cover from flower pollen. For this purpose, an insulating coating of a special brand has been formed. Additionally, such a layer prevents the noise to penetrate the noise and restores the spread of condensation. The cold does not go to the house, and the heat does not leave arbitrarily outside. The tap block is designed for walls with a thickness of 25-58 cm.

The manufacturer guarantees:

  • smooth (stepless) adjustment of air intake;
  • reliable thermal insulation of the inside of the channel;
  • combination of elegance and simplicity;
  • the opportunity due to the turn of the blend compensate the main mounting errors.

How to choose?

Valves for conducting plastic windows can be made from:

  • wood;
  • become;
  • plastics.

The cheapest structures cannot adjust the air supply. The only thing that they are capable is to reduce the impact of strong wind. It is very important to determine how effective the operation of systems is. The recommended influx rate per one tenant is 30 cu. m in 60 minutes. As for the level of absorption of noise, it should be the same as the plastic packages themselves.

Fold and slit design are optimal for self-installation. The disadvantage of the overhead elements is visual notice; If you need to mount the hidden block, you need to choose other structures. The versions of the production of Aereco are different using the air jet intake. Adjustment can be carried out in the inclined or directly directed. This firm also managed to provide excellent functionality. Its structures can stabilize moisture in the room due to the special function.

In terms of performance, the systems of domestic production AIR-BOX differ. In addition, they are perfectly installed and not too expensive. Products of Russian firms are gradually coming to the market. Among them, the products "Mabitek" are best suited. The most widely used polymer windows have protection against noise 30-35 dB. A similar level of protection just should be at the valve.

It is important to take into account that for winter uses will have to carefully select the design of the software:

  • main material;
  • characteristics of air flow;
  • the difference of external and indoor temperatures.

In order for the valve well to fulfill its task so that it is not covered with ice, equipped with high-quality heat shield. Additionally, it is required to use a "thermal gap". This gap is formed from the plastic of a special kind, placed inside the valve. If it is difficult to give preference to manual or automated adjustment, it is worth choosing valves with a mixed setting. Not at all suitable for adjusting the structure should be immediately rejected, because the need for it is very large.

"Air-Box" from "Mabytech" is distinguished by increased versatility and fitness of installation on the packages of any design. If necessary, it is put in fold, that is, completely unnoticed by. The design of the Standart series implies the division of the valve into two stakes. The outer block is located below, and the inner - upstairs. The action is ensured by the airborne environment, the system will not be able to work with incorrect operation of exhaust ventilation channels.

The manufacturer supplies valves with improved acoustic properties. Such a family is called "Comfort". Such products can be chosen for a certain type of installation. The classic approach implies an indispensable milling of the window profile. All "comfortable" products are adjusted manually. The valves with the microweling option allow for an hour to deliver 5-7 cubes to the room. m air.

Their programs are:

  • protection against roast summer air;
  • ventilating without cooling room during the winter months;
  • exception of drafts;
  • continued operation;
  • stable air exchange without careful adjustments;
  • fitness to maintain fresh atmosphere with a long lack of people.

The weaknesses of systems operating in microwave mode are the accumulation of dust on the surface of the mechanism and the penetration of noise through inexpensive products. The devices outside are easier to mount than inside. In addition, work from the outside allows you to rely on automation, but to set the mode yourself. It is important to recognize whether the metal parts are sufficiently protected from the occurrence of an ice layer. Compared with all these characteristics, the price parameters do not have a significant value.

In addition to the manufacturers of window supply valves already mentioned, the German brand Siegenia is attracted. The quality of her products as a whole satisfies consumers, but there are only few models that do not reduce the flow of light. Very wide valve offer is characteristic of Rehau concern. At the same time, the differences also concern their configurations, moreover, everything works automatically. In the creation of structures, reliable, environmentally friendly plastic is used.

Part of the ventilation slats contains many cameras.In accordance with the current need in the fresh air, they open a certain number of holes. But a similar solution, with all its seductive simplicity, brings into rooms, along with fresh air flows, and still all-in-law noises. You can choose this version only when the windows overlook the quiet areas of the terrain. Or in a situation where noise incoming noises will have a serious negative impact.

Otherwise, it is necessary to choose structures that are regulated by a stable pressure drop. An example of this product can be considered "Climamat", which provides adjustment of the number of incoming air, humidity in the room. The device is suitable for a complete tracking of the microclimate, for its deep stabilization. Unlike the analogues of Siegenia, the size of them is relatively small and there is no need to violate the properties of the window. The system works silently and filters the incoming air, guaranteed to exclude the occurrence of drafts. You can purchase a similar valve for any type of window profiles. He can also survive all possible loads.

Even if well-thought-out and carefully selected valves are installed from leading manufacturers, it will still have to air the room periodically. As with the purchase of other building materials, components, it is equally undesirable to make the choice of valves only at a very affordable price. But also striving to buy the most expensive product meaninglessly - almost always such expenses are invested.


Installation of the supply valve with its own hands or with the involvement of professional installers is possible only in two methods. In the first case, it is trying to install it with a complete shift of the glass package. The new package must give up the size of the old product, as the frame and slope boundary will be equipped with a valve. The laboriousness of the work is very large, the costs grow sharply. And at the same time, the stream of sunlight is significantly reduced.

By the second scheme, the installation occurs in the windows binding. The total installation time is limited to ½ hours. First you need to elect a suitable position for mounting.

There are three ways:

  • over the frame;
  • on top of a separate sash;
  • at the intersection of windows with capital walls (as mentioned above, it is allowed strictly simultaneously with the installation of the package).

When the point is defined, the device is applied, open and closed the sash. At the same time, they look so that the valve does not write to the slope. As soon as the positions are scheduled to secure, you need to take a stationery knife and make cuts on the side. Insulated material embedded when installing a package must be replaced by a different insulation. Next, the film located on the valve housings should be removed, then the products are attached using self-tapping screws.

If the set of supplies includes auxiliary seals, they must be inserted into the gaps of fasteners. From the opposite side (with respect to the valve), the former seal must be carved. To replace it, the one that is included in the kit is laid. Perform this work is not too difficult. But it is important to take into account the features of each design and manufacturer's recommendations.

Often high-quality, impeccable installation is possible only in conditions of large production. Attempts to independently install individual valves or inviting masters have little help. They most often drill a profile several dozen times, practically leading it in disrepair. The holes that appear are covered with the valve, and it is impossible to notice anything. But the reliability of such a design, service life and performance do not stand and the shades of criticism.

Therefore, it is much better to buy what is mounted without cut-in profile. In addition, such elements are often cheaper and secured with a screwdriver. And manufacturers give clear detailed instructions, allowing you to almost completely eliminate the appearance of errors. Consider work with your own hands on the example of installation available at the price of the valves.

First of all, work space should be prepared by freeing it from unnecessary elements. Next prepare sharply sharpened stationery knives and screwdrivers. Opening the window, performed the valve on the surface of the frame in the right place. Now it is required to hold the sealing gum with the orientation on the outer edges of the valve. Delete marked with cuts part of the gum must be carefully so as not to break anything and not break. At points where the work scheme provides for the fixing of the screws, it is necessary to insert the fastening dowels of the mortgage type.

Now it is required to embed a couple of sealing products exactly between fasteners.Having done this, change the rubber frame seal in the desired place on the one that is included with the ventilation. It remains to enjoy the result of your work. All necessary manipulations are performed in 15 minutes. If there are separate subtleties, nuances, then they are always indicated in the accompanying documentation.

But it is necessary to say about a few more points that are also characteristic of any model that is passed through the walls. The external parts of the air intakes should certainly cover the visors. They block leakage into the house of water and various precipitation. The telescopic channels of the compact species are combined with the enclosures and are fixed with a special sleeve. Most valves are mounted in the upper parts of the flaps.

Methods of regulation

Microwing plastic windows is configured so. First open the sash and remove a certain part of the seal. For this purpose, use a knife. After sticking the gasket included in the delivery set, 3 plugs put. The mechanism is adjusted using a special screwdriver, which is needed to adjust the loops. If the frost is strong, categorically impossible to close the inflow valve completely. To remove dust clogging an external visor, a vacuum cleaner is used. The housing itself is cleaned with a damp cloth, both procedures are conducted 2 times a year. It is impossible to clean the valve with synthetic means. If repair is maintained, it is necessary to cover the product from dust pollution.

Selecting the operation mode, it is necessary to focus on the speed of air movement as 15 cm per second.If the valve is totally closed in cold weather, it is impossible to put up with this. We will have to stick the outer slit transboving air. No need to perceive something negative minor foreign noises. This is an inevitable satellite of the normal operation of the device, especially in overhead designs.

Evaluation of the performance range When the valve is selected, taking into account the current pressure. It is not guaranteed that the passage of air through the valve, designed for 15 cubic meters. m per hour at 10 pa would be higher than through the device designed by 12 m3 at 5 pa. For stable operation of ventilating valves in the summer period, an artificial extractor, supplemented with fans, is required. It is definitely necessary to seal the entrance doors from the street or entrance. The presence of other sources of intake of cold air will determine the entire system.

Read 6 min.

Plastic windows were widely popular all over the world, as they have a lot of advantages, compared with outdated wooden frames. They perfectly copble with heat saving, so after their installation, a significant improvement in the room temperature is detected.

Complete tightness of windows, limits the receipt of fresh air to the room, therefore, the designs have two ventilation modes: macro and micro-ventilation. But, the regular designs of ventilation modes have disadvantages: in microwave - there is an insufficient air volume flow, and during macrosetting, drafts are formed. To solve the problem, there is a special device - the supply vent valve for plastic windows, which this material will tell.

Ventilation valves and their advantages

It is necessary to ventilate the room that in the room there was sufficient humidity and bacteria in the air did not accumulate.

Let's look at what the benefits they possess:

  • installation of devices is carried out without disrupting the tightness of windows;
  • the ventilation is permanently provided with windows closed;
  • lack of condensate and mold formation in wet rooms;
  • ease of use of products;
  • controlled air intake allows you to save heat;
  • automatic regulation of fresh air intake, so it is not necessary for a person to keep track of the air time;
  • the likelihood of intruders in the house is reduced, as the windows are constantly closed.

The valve design is a plastic device that is mounted on the top of the metal-plastic frame frame. Ventilation is carried out automatically - by means of a built-in mechanism in a plastic case.

What products are

Ventilation valves are divided into the following types:

  1. Slotted. These devices are divided into automatic and mechanical. The air enters the room by means of a channel size of 170-400 * 12-16 mm. The advantage of the device is the simplicity of installation that does not require removal of window frames;
  2. Fold valves. The flow of outer air into the room is provided by means of special sections of folded type. The advantages of the device are its low cost and simplicity of installation that does not require the removal of the window frame. The disadvantage is due to: low bandwidth;
  3. Overhead. The advantages of the overhead valves is to ensure the influx of large air volume. In this regard, there are disadvantages: low heat and sound insulation indicators, as well as the impossibility of installing the valve to the existing plastic window.

See also: Metal-plastic window design and choice rules

Air-Box Microwing Valve

AirBox Comfort.

Air-Box ventilation valves were developed by Russian manufacturers. The advantage of products is caused by the possibility of mounting on the windows of any design. In addition, the valve can be placed in the folding block fold, which makes the product hidden.

AIRBOX, offers three variances of the valve: STANDART, COMFORT AND COMFORT S.

AirBox Standart.

Air-Box Standart ventilation valve, consists of two structural parts: lower and top. The upper part of the valve provides the flow of air flow into the room, and the lower exercises the air from the street. The operation of the device is based on air discharge if exhaust ventilation functions in the room. With the closed windows, the device's petals are opened, which will allow an air exchange with a volume of 6 m3 / hour.

AIR-BOX COMFORT Air-Box Comfort Valve Comfort Unlike Standart has one advantage - noise protection function. Also, devices are distinguished by mounting options. Installation can be carried out both with the help of the profile milling and without it. An open-cutting type of installation is performed independently, for which it will be necessary to remove the seal and install the device. Models like Comfort S are often intended to be installed on a deaf model of windows, where the window profile is drilled.

AIR-BOX valves are widely popular due to low cost, high performance, as well as simplicity of installation. How to install the ventilation valve with your own hands, learn later.

Installing the device

Installation of ventilated valves is carried out in two ways. Consider both options to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe installation of devices.

For the first option It is characteristic of the extraction of the installed glass with subsequent replacement to a new one, which has smaller sizes. The valve is installed in the resulting gap between the double-glazed window and the frame. The process does not require the drilling of the plastic design, but has some drawbacks:

  • additional costs, as it is necessary - not only to order a new double-glazed glass, but also to call the wizard for its installation;
  • reducing glass area;
  • problematically carry out the installation of the valve independently.

Second option The most popular and does not require the replacement of double-glazed windows to new ones. Installation is carried out quickly and independently. What the installation process looks like, learn later.

Metal-plastic designs provide high gyliza tightness, they do not miss outsided sounds and cold in winter. With all its merits, it is worth noting the main disadvantage - a significant reduction in the inflow of fresh air. By installing a trimming vent valve for plastic windows, you can solve this problem.

We are talking about the product with small holes located in the top of the sash. With their help normalizes air exchange in the room. Small ventilation designs prevent the penetration of street noise, providing the inner space long-awaited silence, peace and peace. The trimming valve is suitable not only for plastic, but also wooden, aluminum windows.

In most openings, the closing density is easy to adjust. For warm pores, it is better to set out the sash in such a way that a small free space remains between the frame and the glass, and the oxygen could freely penetrate into the room.

Possessing certain practical skills and adhering to the instructions, each owner can organize an effective in the house or apartment. But what is the most pleasant - the window supply valves can be installed personally without the help of specialists.

Efficiency of ventilation (supply) valve

Many have a natural question - how effective are these small structures for air exchange? Before purchasing the supply valves, experts advise to check their effectiveness carefully examining the technical characteristics, consulted with the seller, will not be superfluous to read comments of those who have already bought them.

Check the effectiveness is simple enough, and it is not at all necessary to purchase ventilation solutions. All that is required is to remove the seal fixed on the window sash. It should not be removed or trimmed completely, enough so that he just hung in a free position for some time (optimally 2-3 days). By their expiration, pay attention to a number of criteria and parameters:

  • are there any drafts in the room;
  • whether the general noise background increased in the room;
  • the appearance of condensate "fogging" on the glass;
  • change the temperature regime in the room.

After completing the experiment, the window seal returns to the previous place.

The installation of the supply valve on the plastic window will certainly lead to a decrease in the temperature mode in the room. It is determined by the fact that the cold air from the street enters the room. If we are talking about an efficiently functioning heating system, you can see the difference within 3-4 degrees.

In the absence of an effect, it is advisable to abandon this product in favor of the supply valve installed in the wall.

Pattern ventilation valve: work principle

For competent and high-quality equipment of the supply valves on metal-plastic or wooden windows, you should carefully examine the mechanism of their work. This is one of the most responsible stages, since subsequently it will be necessary to do a hole in the frame of a length of about 30 cm and a width of at least 1 cm. At the final stage it will cover the body of the ventilation instrument.

Dismantle the supply design without opening the slot at the top of the profile will not work. The decide on the installation is assumed argumentally and weigly.

Supplicable valves for plastic windows are an important component of passive. Through a small hole, cold air is closed from the street and the direction of it inside the housing. Warm oxygen is discharged through ventkanals. Physical laws lead these masses in motion, due to which the functioning of products at air temperature from +5 degrees is ensured.

By the sultry summer, passive air exchange works exclusively in the presence of forced exhaust.

The valve on the plastic window works effectively subject to several conditions:

  • outside the air cooled to the temperature less than +5 degrees;
  • the presence of a good ventilation system in a house or apartment;
  • there is a full-fledged air exchange between adjacent rooms;
  • sealed entrance door (to level the effect of "supply" oxygen).

Many owners are concerned about the question - does the ventilation valve displays for plastic windows? Such an undesirable effect is possible, but only if the installation was carried out by amateurs. Even with severe frosts, close the hole will not completely work.

Do not be afraid of increasing the noise level in a residential space after installing the ventilation hole on the window will end. Fresh oxygen enters through a small hole, so the reduction of noise insulation will be insignificant.

Pattern ventilation valve: installation on plastic window with your own hands

Install the ventilation design is easy. An experienced wizard is enough for this 30-40 minutes.

Installation without milling

Pre-prepare several tools:

  • air exchange product;
  • well sharpened knife;
  • screwdriver;
  • half-meter ruler.

To mount the supply valve, it is necessary to dismantle part of the window seal

A trimming valve on plastic windows with their own hands is installed only after the preliminary marking of the folding sash. For this, you need a ruler. The sequence of work is determined by the design features of the valve. In most cases, it is enough to replace the standard seal on the complete.

As for other models, no more than 1 holes in the profile design are required for PVC windows. The most preferred option is the first, since it is very problematic to do a smooth and neat crack.

Manufacturers companies in 99% are equipped with a detailed step-by-step instruction, with which you can quickly equip the window on the relevant solution.

Step-by-step instructions for the installation of the supply valve are presented in the video:

Installation with milling

Under the milling it means cutting a small hole in the window opening unit.

To work, you will need several materials and tools:

  • acute building knife;
  • powerful electrolovik;
  • drill and set droplets (in most cases enough by 5 and 10 mm);
  • file;
  • template for a future valve suitable size;
  • sealant.

In order for the supply ventilation in plastic windows provided the optimal level of air exchange, it is important to clearly comply with the following sequence of actions.

Pattern Valve: Ownership Reviews

The designs described above are perfectly coping with the question of an effective air exchange indoor. And even the smallest apartment from the "Thermos" can be turned into a comfortable housing with an impeccable level of ventilation.

The owners focus on the fact that such devices are inappropriate to use in those regions of the country where strong frosts are rapidly replaced by increasing temperature. In this case, it is formed on the valve to be formed, and the unit will not be able to work in principle.

The principle of ventilation is based on permanent air circulation in the apartment. However, modern plastic and metal-plastic double-glazed windows prevent free air exchange. To ensure air intake in the apartment in the desired volume and make accommodation in it as comfortable as possible, set the trim valve to the window - compact, uncomplicated device.

Most of the residential urban buildings refers to economical housing, which means that during the construction of height, the scheme of natural ventilation is used. It lies in the free circulation of the air inside the rooms, which is carried out due to the difference in temperatures on the street and in the building.

Air path in a typical three-bedroom apartment

Fresh air enters through window gaps, windows, open shutters, as well as small slots under the door canvases specifically provided for this purpose. The exhaust medium is excreted through the technical openings located in the bathrooms and in the kitchens, in general business vents and mines.

If there is a violation of the inflow and exhaust scheme, the microclimate in the apartments will violate that it will immediately affect the well-being of residents. Duchot, increased humidity and dust particles provoke the occurrence of diseases in humans, as well as the appearance of mold.

To establish air movement, use various devices, such as split systems or conventional fans inserted into the ventilation channels.

Channel ventilation Install in luxury houses

In apartments with hermetic double-glazed windows, there are simpler solutions, such as the installation of the supply valve on a wooden or plastic window. The compact device will supply air in constant or cyclic mode, the choice of which depends on the temperature and humidity required for the comfortable residence.

Distribution valve for PVC windows

Construction and nuances of mounting depend on the installation site of the device. For example, wall models are most often mounted under the window, close to the heating radiator or convector. It is important that at least a partially heated air flow inside the room. The window devices put directly on plastic windows - precisely about such devices and will be discussed below.

Appointment and design of the supply valve

Supply devices, like micro-leveling systems, are designed to improve the microclimate in residential areas, offices and industrial premises. They provide a full amount of fresh air, which in time heats up, rises up and moves towards the ventilation holes.

Device painted in the color of the window frame

There is one nuance, which should be remembered when choosing and installing any supply device: its work becomes effective only when the exhaust function is established. If all-friendly ventilation mines are clogged with construction garbage or the temperature on the street is the same as in the house, there will be no ventilation. In this case, the installation of equipment for forced circulation is required: exhaust, fans, air conditioners, split systems.

The design largely depends on the type of valve, but most of the popular folding models consists of the following parts:

  • outdoor unit for air intake covered by a technical visor;
  • internal module fixed on the frame from the side of the room;
  • the connecting channel cutting into the frame and resembling a sleeve.

There are also universal monoblock systems that are a single element. Installation of such models does not cause difficulties.

Option model installed in the top of the window sash

From which parts it consists of a specific model, it is better to know before buying. To do this, you can ask the installation scheme from the seller-consultant. Perhaps the selected model is not suitable for the method of installation, dimensions, form or color.

Types of window valves

Depending on the various factors, all valves on the windows for supply ventilation can be combined into groups. For example, there is a classification at the place of installation on plastic glass. If desired, the device can be fixed in the following points:

  • horizontally on the upper frame crossbar;
  • in the gap formed by two connected plastic elements;
  • in the place of touch of plastic and glass;
  • from the end of the sash;
  • on the additionally installed item.

Usually choose instruments that merge with plastic over a shade and do not interfere when opening / closing the sash.

Mounting place - top plane of the window sash

According to constructive features, the product is divided into crack, overhead and folded. The first are horizontally directly on the plastic surface of the sash. Thanks to the mobility of the frame, the device can be fixed without dismantling the glass pack.

The overhead models in the household sphere are practically not used, since their installation is carried out before inserting window structures. Fold devices "implant" in the frame, pre-cutting the hole. Installation has some nuances, so it is better not to fix the supply valve on the PVC windows with their own hands, and to instruct this responsible procedure by a specialist - a representative of the company implementing the company.

Exterior type of folding type valve

In terms of performance, the supply products may be small, medium or great performance. Instruments with minimal indicators - up to 6 m³ / h - used for small rooms that do not need volumetric air exchange. One thing is enough to equip the ventilation in the bedroom, a living room or a children's room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m².

Products of the middle category with parameters up to 35 m³ / h are suitable for large rooms or rooms where active air exchange is needed. Great performance - 150 m³ / h or more - needed for halls in which a large number of people accumulates, or for industrial premises.

Advantages of automatic devices

Regardless of the design, all products are divided into three subgroups:

  • without the possibility of adjustment;
  • with manual adjustment;
  • automatic.

The first subgroup is the simplest devices resembling insert. Through a small hole, the street atmospheric environment constantly penetrates the room. Since it is impossible to stop the feed, the productivity is small. Such instruments are well installed in utility rooms or corridors.

Mechanical models are managed manually. They also differ in simple design, nevertheless equipped with a small curtain or valve, with which you can interrupt the air supply. Devices are installed at a convenient and accessible place. If the temperature on the street has decreased sharply, it is enough to close the valve. Advantages of models - low price and simple control, disadvantage - periodic lack of ventilation.

Manual valve

The third subgroup is recognized as the most successful, as it works independently. Thanks to temperature and humidity sensors, the device turns on at the right moment, and when the microclimate in the room becomes perfect, the ventilation stops.

The most expensive models not only automatically change the modes of operation depending on the humidity and temperature, but also adjustable by automation. You can program an automatic trim valve on the plastic window so that it is closed in the afternoon and turn on overnight or performed a more active venting room before arriving home.

Rating Popular Marks

Famous manufacturers of ventilation devices do not need additional advertising, as they have long been present in the Russian market and have proven themselves only from the best side. Their products are advanced and has a lot of advantages compared to less popular competitors. Consider some of them.

1st place - Russian company Air Box

The range of suggested products is small, however, among the air ventilation valves for the Air Box windows, it is easy to find the desired option, since there is manual and automatic, with milling and without it.

You can choose a model of three series: Comfort, Standard and Comfort C. Comfort valves have two installation options - built-in and fixed on the frame from above. Depending on the installation, the performance of the device changes slightly: it reaches 31 m³ / h without milling, with the rubber of the special opening increases to 42 m³ / h. Model adjustment is done manually.

After installing Air Box merges with the plastic basis

For fans of automatic devices, the Standart series is offered. The automation is limited and is aimed at adjusting the speed of air outdoor masses. If the wind is enhanced, the moving elements go to another position, thereby weakening the pressure. It is necessary to protect the house from drafts. But the AIR Box Standart trim valve for PVC windows has a very significant minus - low performance. It misses only 5 m³ / h.

Comfort S models are designed for wooden frames. Before installing in the horizontal upper crossbar, it is necessary to cut through three holes: two to insert the elements of the device and the third for fasteners. Performance of devices - 41 m³ / h.

2nd place - French manufacturer Aereco

Today, there are three window series of aircraft supply valves on plastic windows: EMM², EHA², EMM. All of them are hygrorgulated. This means that when changing humidity in the room, the instruments independently change the position of the elements and reduce or increase air flow.

EMM Aerco Design in Cut

The presence of a protective visor in the designs of EMM² and EMM allows to reduce the degree of noise to 37 dB. The EHA² series models have an enhanced design and equipped with a manual switch. Emm modification has the ability to adjust the air jet: vertically or under a slope.

3rd place - Polish brand VENTAIR

Supply devices successfully combined aesthetics, functionality and moderate cost. The instrument performance is enough to ventilate residential premises - up to 25 m³ / h. Adjusting devices occurs automatically, thanks to pressure and humidity drops.

The advantage of models is that in winter or in windy days reduce the flow of incoming air, thereby protecting against drafts and the loss of heat indoors.

In addition to the producers listed, products under the brands of Systemair, Vents, Sinax Air, Rehau, Fläkt Woods, Gealan, Aldes, Siegenia-Aubi have proven well.

Instructions for installation of the supply valve

Household supplies have low cost, but more importantly - the possibility of self-installation. The instruments are easy to mount on the window sash, while you need a minimum of working tools: a construction knife, a screwdriver. A stepladder will also need if the installation site is high. For example, take instructions for installing a slit model.

Step-by-step procedures:

  • Step 1 - Checking the supply of the supply product. The kit includes the device itself, three seals sealing (one - 35 cm and two - 16 cm), self-tapping screws to the frame.
  • Step 2 - trimming and removing the sealer from the top of the sash. For this we take the valve and, focusing on its length, cut out a piece of 35 cm.
  • Step 3 - Installation of plastic parts. We take plastic dowels from the kit and insert them into the empty from under the remote seal.
  • Step 4 - Installation of the valve. We remove the protective film and put the device on the sash so that the mounting holes are opposite the dowels.

Photo adjustment: how to install a trim valve on a plastic window

  • Step 5 - twisting of the self-tapping screws. We insert alternately screws into the holes and with the help of a screwdriver we twist them.
  • Step 6 - Installation of seals from the kit. Instead of a remote seal, insert two new 16 cm.
  • Step 7 - Installing the seal on the adjacent frame. To create a gap between seals, change the rubber gasket and on the frame - we set the one that is present in the kit (35 cm).

At the end of the work, we close the sash, check the functionality of the supply valve. If there is an adjusting handle, move it to the left / right, seeking changes in the volume of incoming air.

By this principle, most of the slotted supply devices are mounted. However, there are models whose installation is fundamentally different. Such devices include a trim valve knob on a plastic window. Externally, it resembles an ordinary handle to open and snatch the sash, but the lower part of the case is a ventilating valve.

Valve stick before mounting

The installation is made similarly to the installation of a conventional handle, but an additional hole is cut for air intake.

Sometimes additional adjustment is required after installation. It is usually advisable if the principle of operation of the device is not yet understood. To understand the functioning of the device, you must smoothly move the handle and monitor the result. If the air flow seems weak, the magnitude of the clearance should be increased.

Comfortable air supply setting

If the installation of the device seems complicated, it is necessary to study the instructions more closely. If after that with the installation and configuration still arise problems, invite the wizard.

Video of the device and installation of the supply valves

An interesting and useful video about the supply valve on the Aereco plastic windows. Device Overview and Detailed Installation Instructions:

Briefly about the value of the supply ventilation from the manufacturer Air Box:

Video installation for installation with your own hands:

Alternative expert opinion on the efficiency of climate control window valves. Be sure to look at the roller before disrupting the integrity of the internal sealing window of the window:

Manufacturers assure that the supply valves will help to establish a comfortable microclimate, get rid of drafts and condensate on the windows. Good ventilation is the key to strong sleep and excellent well-being of all family members, but it is unlikely to wait for miracles from an inexpensive household device.