The project of direct cuisine is 5 meters. Direct kitchen - Secrets of convenient planning from designer

The design of a small kitchen is difficult to make beautiful, and even more difficult - comfortable. There is little space, to arrange furniture on it so that nothing bothered, did not fall under the legs and did not fall on the head, difficult. But you need to still build a fridge and other indispensable technique, place dishes and tools, organize a dining area.

However, a typical kitchen is 5 sq.m - not a hopeless case. You can arrange a design so that the interior seemed at least not close. And even more than one - original and interesting.

Kitchen layout for 5 sq.m

Layout and design kitchen 5 sq. M - This is primarily not finishing even, but the location of the furniture - you need some miracle to arrange everything so that to someone who is preparing, and to someone who takes food, where to turn around.

Here are examples of layouts look like - from linear to the island, which in a small kitchen does not embody

Linear layout

The most classic option that allows you to build not only a beautiful, but also convenient design. Furniture in this case is built into one line at the wall, as a result, the stove, refrigerator and a pair of a kitchen headset are standing in a row, to replace the dishwasher. Pros of such a layout are as follows:

  • there is a lot of space;
  • you can comfortably arrange a dining area, not oppressing the working one.

The main minus idea is in the kitchen with a linear layout of a few workplace.

Parallel layout

If you have a small kitchen in 5 sq. M, it is possible to place furniture in parallel in two cases:

  • you will not make a dining area - this option is possible if you like to cook, and you can eat at the table in the living room;
  • you have a non-standard small cuisine - it is not only 5 m2, but also narrow.

In any case, in parallel layout, the furniture is built on both sides.

Pluses - a lot of working surface. Cons - In fact, all the space occupies a headset.

Planning in the form of the letter "P"

Such an arrangement makes sense if the dining area you have tiny, and consist of a small table and a small stool. In this case, the headset is built in three walls, as if covering the kitchen.

Pros - a relatively many working surface, minuses - may not be unfolded.

It is important to remember that there should be at least seventy centimeters between the furniture, otherwise the one who will prepare in your kitchen will be crammed in movements.

Corner layout

A reasonable solution is relevant not only in 2019, but also. The furniture is built up in two walls, the rest remains free.

Pluses - work places are still greater than with a linear layout, and the feeling of flameshots is less than when "P" -mplating or parallel. Cons - Most likely, it will be covered with access to the window.

Scandinavian style - Tile with a blue tint, the same colors accents in the design headset

Bar Stand Planning

Bar rack is a novelty in Russia, but in Europe is used everywhere. Another thing is that in the design of a small kitchen 5 sq. M. It will look good in two cases:

  • if it is adjacent to the headset - this is not quite a "real" rack, but it leaves a place for maneuver, allows you to eat and looks quite interesting;
  • if she is adjacent to the wall - on the wall itself in this case, you need to hang the picture or draw graffiti to look at it it was interesting.

Replace the bar rack can window sill - in a small kitchen, it will also come for a solution.

But if you need a bar counter, as in American bars, it is better to wait for the improvement of our own housing conditions.

Tricks to increase space

An interesting fact: on how a person perceives the room, not so much its true size, how much how it is framed. It plays the role of everything from the gamma in which the interior is made to the texture of each square meter of the finish.

And this is good because it allows, without increasing the room to truly increase it visually.

Built-in furniture and equipment

Built-in furniture is simply called furniture: in fact, this is a kitchen set in which there are special niches for equipment. The arrangement is obtained ergonomic, the place becomes more, and you can actually embed any technique. Usually this:

  • the stove - it looks like a flat tile, which is installed on the surface of the kitchen cabinet, and it is better to put it on the left or right from the sink, about forty centimeters;
  • the oven - the solution is optional, only for those who like to cook, and in terms of volume it is usually less than that which can be found in large plates;
  • refrigerator - an indispensable device may be less than standard;
  • dishwasher - Equipment it has long been no longer a luxury, but a necessity that allows you to significantly save time;
  • hood - without her in the kitchen will always be stuffy, and no repair will help;
  • gas column - if you have gas, and the water is turned off every summer, it is not necessary to do without it;
  • tV - you can find a special television corner, in which he will perfectly get up.

You can add the picture with a washing machine, kitchen processor, microwave. For everything in a modern built-in headset there is a place.

The only minus is price. Set separately the couch and equipment - cheaper.

Storage systems

The correct, thoughtful layout of storage systems allows you to avoid mess in the kitchen and find a place for everything. The secret is to prepare the project in advance. It may include:

  • Dryer. Without it, it will be difficult to do without it, if you are not going to wipe each plate after washing separately. A good location for the dryer is a closet or space over the sink.
  • Open cabinets and shelves. With them the kitchen will look at least a little more spacious than closed. Big minus - not all objects on them will look good. In addition, they are going to dust.
  • Closed lockers. More cumbersome, with them the interior seems more closely. But in them you can put anything, it will be hidden from prying eyes.
  • Combined option. Locker with glass doors. On the one hand, protects against dust, on the other hand, everything is visible in it, and it seems not so heavy.
  • Secret shelves. In any apartment and in any kitchen there is a lot of places in which no one uses in everyday life. An example is a space under the sink. There, too, you can put a shelf.
  • Horizontal boxes. Can be mounted in the couches, under the cabinets - in fact, anywhere. With them, the place also saves, especially if you make several offices.
  • Vertical boxes. Excellent location for storing bottles, cans and jars.
  • Railings. A fashionable solution is a magnetic tube or a pipe to which the necessary things are attached with hooks. Great place to store kitchen tools.

In a real Khrushchev - small, close - preferably to maximize the space in height. There should be narrow shelves or rails on the walls, otherwise things will simply have no place to accommodate.

If you like minimalist trends, you can leave the walls free, take the maximum space from the floor.

Niche, Erkers and Balconies

If you have a niche, a terrain or a balcony in your kitchen, then you are a happy person - it means that your repair and finishing plan can include additional square centimeters or even meters.

  • Niche. In Niche, you can make an additional locker - it will not be visible, but it will be convenient to use it. Or you can fit the TV in it if it is closer to the ceiling.
  • Bay window. Ideas for small kitchens 5 sq. M. With a fridge and an erker are usually similar to each other. The best of them is to make a dining area in Erker: a table and a chair or make a dining table from the window sill. It is not recommended to put in it - it will close the window. The same problem with storage systems.
  • Balcony. It can be done in the wall between the kitchen and the balcony of the arch, and lay the dining area on the vacated space. And you can warm it up and transfer everything to him to store, setting up a small storage room.

The main thing, before being taken by the arch, all planned - be sure to check if it is carrying the wall. Otherwise, the redevelopment will have to be coordinated with the management company. And if this is not done, it is quite realistic to get a fine.

Gloss and mirrors in the kitchen

Reflective surfaces are the best person's assistant who has a small kitchen space. They allow you to visually expand the space. A properly placed mirror dwells it at all.

We can be used:

  • stretch ceiling - glossy, it will make the ceiling below actually, but visually above;
  • brilliant tile - just make sure that its color design is suitable for the rest, and the surface is not too slippery;
  • wall mural - they can have a shiny surface, and maybe not, but they will perform their main task;
  • mirror wall - just do not have it close to the stove, otherwise it will constantly be dirty and in fat;
  • brilliant wallpapers - may have plastic as part.

The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you will have no beautiful harmony, but a mantleless.

Transformers and other ideas

Furniture-transformer is also a great way to make a small kitchen more adapted for everyday life. Most often this is a transformer table:

  • separate - is moving away when you need, the rest looks like a small table;
  • retractable - put forward from the main headset;
  • corner - leans from the wall when there is a need for it, the rest of the time is folded.

And you can still make a desk from the window sill, especially if you live alone and love to sit, pick up my legs. You can put a narrow sofa in the corner, which is comfortable to sit while eating, and if necessary, decompose and put several people on it.

Of the other ideas are the best - use bright, cold colors. They visually increase the room, even if you do not use other tricks.

Practical and convenient design

If you have never been decorated and all design tips for you look mysteriously, but there is a good proven output - ready-made styles.


Minimalism is the best styles that can only be offered for landscaping of a small room. It is characterized by conciseness and functionality. And, that is nice, in order to arrange it in the kitchen of Brezhnevka or Khrushchev, you will not need a designer.

  • colors - bright, cold, kind of white, gray, blue, for contrast of black spraction;
  • finishing - glossy, on the floor tile, on the walls of paint or plastic panels, ceiling or tension, or in plaster;
  • furniture of simple outlines, without delights and decorations, as little as possible;
  • accessories - exclusively those that you need in cooking.

The main trend of minimalism is the lack of unnecessary items. If you do not use something, throw it away. If you are rare, remove into the storage room.

Required built-in technique, minimum things on open spaces. No fabric curtains are exclusively rolled or blinds. "Revip" decoration will help flowers in pots or in a vase, but not more than a couple of pieces.

High tech

From English "High-Tech" translates as "high technology", and it is such an impression that should remain from the kitchen in this style - as if you were in place, where everything is on the first word of technology.

  • colors - black and white design or enclosures of gray;
  • finishing - glossy, on the floor tile, plastic or metal panels on the walls, plastering ceiling;
  • furniture of bizarre forms, metal and plastic;
  • accessories are a real working technique and, possibly, penetrating in some places.

No fabric curtains on the window, exclusively metal blinds.

Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style came from the north, from countries with the cold sea. It is best suited for a private house, but you can equip the usual kitchen in the panel high-rise building.

  • colors - light, but with a noticeable emphasis on cold blue tones;
  • finishing - on the floor tile, preferably made of natural stone, wallpaper, brick or decorative plaster, ceiling, too, plaster;
  • furniture - a good, simple, preferably from the tree;
  • accessories - Carpet, Curtains, Live Flowers and Sea Landscape on the Wall.

If you know where to find a carpet made by your own hands, in the Scandinavian style it will fit as a native.


Modern is smooth lines, complex designer solutions. But, since you have only a tiny kitchen for five meters at your disposal, it is better to use such elements in planning:

  • colors - natural, soft, such as beige, brown, milk, gray, with bright accents from red and other warm and bright tones;
  • finishing - on the floor Wood or tile, wallpapers with vegetable patterns or brick, ceiling in plaster;
  • furniture - with bizarre bends, preferably soft;
  • accessories - Vase with live flowers, fancy lamp on the table.

It is necessary to design the modernity so that somewhere on the walls there were letters of leaves or taking off butterflies. They are not obligatory, but their presence makes the style more recognizable.

Colors for small kitchens

If it seems to you that styles are too boring, you can come up with everything yourself, from coloring until the design. Colors must be:

  • Light. The dark looks cool, but they make and so small room even closer.
  • Agreed. You need to use either the shade of the same color or contrasting colors. Otherwise, it will not be beautiful and it will not work and look like an alay.

It is necessarily necessary to accent, preferably bright. At the same time, the colors should not be more than two or three, otherwise the interior solution will look controversial.

Decoration Materials

The decoration of the kitchen differs from the layout - the main purpose is practical.

For the floor, tile or linoleum are suitable, they are not too dirty and the more comfortable. At the same time, the tile with a long use is that it cracks, but the linoleum can flow from hot, lose all colors in the sun or turn out to be wiped.

High-tech may seem gloomy, but no one will interfere with otherwise expanding accents

For the walls it is better to use washable wallpaper, tile, plastic panels, paint, plaster or brick. All materials are sufficiently stable, equip them kitchen - one pleasure.
The ceiling is most often placed either a suspended stretch option, or plaster.

The main thing is to remember that the kitchen is not a bedroom, here the materials must be selected neatly.

Purest minimalism - light colors, thoughtful layout, nothing superfluous

Lighting and backlight

The lighting should be as natural as possible:

  • Window and main source. The main source in this case is the lamp in the middle of the kitchen.
  • Window and sources for zones. In this case, the source is located above the table and in the working area.

Make a candy from the kitchen five meters, the photo of which will be pleased to lay out on the Internet or show your friends, not so difficult. The main thing is to think about everything, sketch sketch and carefully embody.

The main colors are warm, soft and very much red - it works like the main focus

The heart of any house is a kitchen. Every day all family members will be gathering every day and discussing the news of the past day. Therefore, the design of the kitchen zone needs to be paid to special attention, try to make it comfortable and multifunctional.

Especially acute the question of creating the necessary functionality and comfort when designing 5 square cuisine. M., After all, on such a limited space, it is very difficult to place the entire necessary set of kitchen furniture and technology, while leaving a place for the dining area.

However, carefully and competently approaching the planning of such a small territory, you can bring comfort and convenience and for such an area.

Planning solutions

The five-meter kitchens encountered in Khrushchev, typical panel houses or high-rise buildings of the old housing stock allow the owners to apply a linear or angular furniture layout during design, as other planning solutions are simply not suitable for a small space.

The best option that allows you to maximize the working surface and leave free space for the dining table, will be the use of an angular layout.

Furniture and household appliances placed along two combined walls will create a compact working triangle, convenient for use when cooking. Watching various photos of 5 square kitchens. m. decorated using this option, you will be sure to convenience and multifunctionality of the corner layout.

Linear layout involves the location of the kitchen headset and household appliances along one wall. This solution will be easier for the first, and often it applies when it is possible to install a refrigerator in another room, since if it is installed here, then there is no place for the work surface, it can be disastrous, which is completely inconvenient when cooking.

However, if the kitchen room is used only for cooking, without the selection of a separate dining area, you can consider P-shaped or parallel layout.

In the first case, the headset will be located immediately along the three walls, it is especially good for this option with the possibility of installing the middle zone headset at the window opening.

Parallel alignment involves the installation of furniture on two opposite to each other walls, usually a wash, a cooking surface and a product area, along the other - a fridge, a glass cabinet, a microwave, etc. are placed along one.

Thoroughly understand how harmonious one or another planning move will fit into your kitchen interior of 5 square meters. m., as far as convenient and comfortable, he will be for the owners of the apartment.

We select furniture

The functional of the kitchen room largely depends on the proper choice of furniture for its design, finding optimally suitable options.

Regarding the kitchen headset, it is better to use the services of firms and companies that produce this type of furniture to order, individually, or pay attention to modular headsets that will allow you to compose from individual modules most suitable for the size of your kitchen furniture.

Remember that in a small space, even an extra pair of centimeters of the working surface will serve a good service, so do not neglect them.

Also worth paying attention to the length of the top row of lockers, if possible, make them not standard size, and almost to the ceiling itself, it will allow you to create additional storage space for dishes, products, kitchen smallements. Additional several shelves in a small kitchen of 5 square meters. m. definitely will not be superfluous.

As for the dining area, the five-meter space, in addition to kitchen furniture and technology, is placed a small rectangular table, for example, a size of 90 cm by 60 cm and less, square options with a side of no more than 60 cm.

For families consisting of two or one person, round dining tables with a diameter of no more than 80 cm. Such options will allow you to easily move around the kitchen without hitting the worktop.

Pay attention to the dinner chair to be unimpeded under the table, otherwise you risk getting permanently standing on the passage and interfering with the free move chairs.

Color decoration

Design ideas of 5 square kitchen. m. Have a huge set, but still there are some limitations. In such a small room, it is better to avoid dark shades, bright contrasts, layouts of many color solutions, the best option for the design of a five-meter kitchen will be a selection of bright colors and monochromicity.

Summary will increase the limited space white, so in a small kitchen it should be as much as possible, and when selecting the facade of the headset, and when the window textile is selected.

Of course, it is possible to use not only a pure white color, but also all its shades: dairy, vanilla, pearls, etc.

To prevent the sensation of the sterility of the room, you can add any neutral, pleasant tones to white shades, for example: beige, peach, cream, soft blue, light gray, etc.

However, try not to overload the interior with a color mix, so do not use in the interior design of more than 3 colors.

As you can see, even a small five-meter kitchen can be turned into the most convenient and functional room, the main thing is to correctly plan the space, correctly pick up the furniture, which will be the maximum of ergonomic and is spacious, to unmistakably play on the color solutions of the interior. All this will make a small kitchenette for a truly cozy and comfortable.

Photo kitchen 5 square meters. m.

What are the direct kitchens, how to choose a comfortable kitchen set with a linear layout, 75 real photos of direct kitchens in the interior.

A straight kitchen is a layout option, in which all the elements of the kitchen headset are located along one wall. The placement of the refrigerator, washing and plates in one row is not always convenient for the hostess: such a layout violates the principle of a triangle - the main for kitchen ergonomics. Therefore, if it allows the area, the straight kitchen set is often combined with an island or peninsula.

Who will fit a linear kitchen

  • if you have a small kitchen (in a Khrushchev or other typical house with small-sized apartments), you do not need little and a lot of packages for storing supplies
  • your kitchen with a complex layout is a narrow, elongated, with protrusions, niches, uncomfortable doorway or access to the balcony.
  • you have a studio apartment, or the kitchen is merged with the living room.
  • you live alone / you are a young family without children
  • you do not like to cook a lot, you have the most simple set of household appliances (make a cup of coffee in the morning, heat the bun in the microwave or weld spaghetti)
  • you want to equip a full-fledged dining area in the standard kitchen: put a large dining table with chairs, and even better - a small straight or corner sofa.


- This is the easiest option for design if you make the design-design kitchen yourself.

- Straight kitchen headsets are the most inexpensive. The kitchen with a linear layout is noticeably cheaper than the P-shaped or corner kitchen of similar dimensions, because it has no most expensive modules - angular tumb and end cabinets.

- Such kitchen compact. It takes less space than the angular, less rushing into the eyes, and the room seems more spacious.

- Linear cuisine has no angular, where it is difficult to reach. So it will not have to buy expensive fittings like a "magic corner" or "carousel". All cabinets and boxes are in full access, everything is necessary - always at hand.

- If you decide to buy a ready-made inexpensive kitchen or gather it out of modules, one-row headset is the best choice. Its easier to enter into the size of the room. But if the kitchen layout is non-standard, and the walls are "curves" - make a direct kitchen to order.

- Well suits for a small kitchen or small-sized studio, and for a spacious apartment with free layout.


- With a linear layout, the principle of a triangle does not work. Ergonomics of direct kitchen always loses the corner or P-shaped.

- If the direct kitchen is long (more than 3-4 meters), it will be uncomfortable to use it. You will spend a lot of extra forces and time, running back and forth between the fridge, washing and stove every day.

- If the kitchen is small, and it is also necessary to accommodate the refrigerator, it will be difficult for you to make the working surface of normal length.

  • We recommend:

The minimum length of the straight cuisine, which is convenient to use - 2.5 meters.

1. Move the washing from the wall so as not to beat the elbow into the wall

The design project of any kitchen begins with a "wet point". The sink is placed where water conclusions have already been installed - they are usually located in the corner. With the direct kitchen layout, the sink is usually with the edge. And there is a big minus: if you put a sink close to the wall, when washing dishes your elbow will rest on the wall. Presented? Uncomfortable! Especially if the wall is right. Solution: Choose a cabinet to wash - not 600, and 700-800 mm or add a pull-out bottle-cargo from the edge so that there is a small plot of table tops between the edge of the bowl and the wall. It can be closed with a wing of washing or put a dryer for dishes there.

  • If the kitchen length does not exceed 2.5 meters, if you wish, you can easily transfer the sink to another place. The optimal option for direct cuisine is when the washing is located in the middle, between the refrigerator and the stove. But if the kitchen is long, to transfer the communication is much more complicated - the pump will need.
  • Dishwashers and washing machines. Loose as close as possible to the washing. The closer the conclusion is, the better the drain will work. And do not have to wear dirty dishes.

2. Give preference to deep couch

If you have a narrow elongated kitchen, and you decide to order a kitchen set with a direct layout, make the bottom cabinets at least 60 cm. This compensates for the shortage of storage spaces. But keep in mind: There should be no less than a meter between the headcard and the opposite wall / dining table - otherwise the kitchen will become too close.

3. Basic working surface - between washing and stove

According to the rules of ergonomics between the sink and the cooking panel, there must be a major working surface for cutting vegetables and other working with products. Its optimal length - from 40 to 80 cm. Less - you will be uncomfortable, more - a lot of strength will spend in vain.

  • If the kitchen is quite small (for example, in a Khrushchev or mini-studio), pay attention to the compact cooking panels with two or three burners. The latter have a width of 45 cm instead of standard 60 cm, but are not very losing in functionality.

4. Between the stove and refrigerator, leave the "gap" at least 15 centimeters

The working surface between the cooking panel and the refrigerator performs several functions: first, you need a place to be where to put products, secondly, such an indent protects the side wall of the refrigerator from fat splashes and heating (especially if you have a gas stove).

5. If the straight kitchen is long, use high column cabinets

They can hide the refrigerator, integrate spacious retractable storage systems, oven, microwave or coffee maker. If you wish, you can even put a washing machine in such a wardrobe.

  • Wardrobes are perfectly fit into the design of the kitchen studio: they are less crushed space and better harmonize with cabinet furniture for the living room.

6. Order a kitchen with high top cabinets or antlesol

Instead of hinged cabinets of the standard height 700-720 mm, give preference to high - 900-920 mm. Places for storage will be more, plus high cabinets visually pull the kitchen up - a valuable property, if you need to visually increase the height of the ceiling.

An alternative is to plan a straight single-row kitchen with mounted cabinets in two tiers. At the very top, it is convenient to store what you use less frequently. Plus, the facades perfectly masked the pipe from the drawing and make the design of the straight cuisine solid and harmonious.

7. Peninsula or island will make one-row kitchen more convenient

If you have a studio apartment with an open layout or a kitchen-living room, and the area allows you to plan a straight kitchen headset with the peninsula (it requires less space) or island. Usually they serve as a desktop or bar counter, and you will have additional storage cabinets.

  • Between the kitchen head and the peninsula / island, leave the passage at least 100-120 cm, otherwise it will be uncomfortable to use lockers.
  • Direct kitchen with a bar counter can do without a dining table, but it is very important for this to choose comfortable bar chairs.

8. Choose a narrow household appliances if the kitchen is small

In a straight kitchen, each centimeter is a jewel. Put a narrow dishwasher with a 45 cm wide, and you can carve space for a comfortable wash with two bowls.

9. Let the furniture merges with the wall

Would you like in the kitchen-living room or studio kitchen "dissolved" in space? Order deaf smooth facades headset in the tone of wall decoration (light shades are the best choice).

What kitchen is better - straight or angular?

Definitely answer this question is difficult: it all depends on what your family habits and what data is your apartment. According to readers of our website and visitors to popular Internet forums, we made such conclusions:

- Direct linear kitchen is more convenient if you need a full dining area or a mini-living room with a sofa

- A small direct head disciplines: makes it regularly get rid of the rubble and buy only the most necessary thing - useless things just nowhere to storage.

- Linear headset in the kitchen-studio or in the kitchen-living room looks more strictly and neat. Especially if the interior is decorated with minimalism or Scandinavian style. Corner cuisine takes more space and stronger stronger.

- If you have a lot of small household appliances, you always buy products with a reserve and spend a lot of time in the kitchen, choose the corner planning headset.

Straight headsets for kitchen-studios

Built-in kitchen in a niche or linear kitchen with bar counter or without it - a good option for the studio.

  • For an apartment with studio planning, a design-project of direct cuisine with two polarkets along the edges is well suited: in one - a built-in refrigerator, in another - oven and built-in storage systems.
  • Look at the design of kitchens with mounted cabinets in two rows. The first tier can be made standard depth (usually it is 300-350 mm), and the upper case-mezzanine can be as deep as the lower stands (570-600 mm). Examples - in the photo below:
  • If the studio is very small (19-30 square meters), are good small straight kitchens up to 2.5 meters long. Direct layout on a small-sized kitchen is sometimes the only possible option. Examples in real apartments, see the photo below:

Direct kitchens with a headcard 2.5-4 meters

There is enough space for drawers and household appliances, and a block of high wardrobes-columns often suggests without hinged cabinets.

For almost every person, the main feature of a good workplace is convenience. Therefore, the layout of small cuisine should be carried out in accordance with this requirement of any housewife.

When arranging the kitchen, you will, first of all, will need to carefully plan each of its plot, while the layout must be thought out in detail. The main criteria here are good functionality and high level of comfort, that is, each element used should be not only convenient, but also to perform as much as possible functions. When creating a planning, in most cases, it should be repeated from the rules of saving space, because in many apartments the kitchen is a very small room.

From this video you can find out the opinion of the specialists about the main features of the kitchen planning

The kitchen is usually divided into three zones:

  • working;
  • place for eating;
  • passion zone.
Layout and design of 9 square kitchen interior. m, divided into zone

The working area contains tables for cooking and storage locations. In addition, there is so working triangle, which includes sink, refrigerator and stove. Experts recommend placing a refrigerator, sink and stove not near each other, but near cutting tables, thanks to which the necessary things will always be at hand. The area of \u200b\u200bthis triangle should not be greater than 7 square meters. M, otherwise, during cooking, you will have to constantly run from one corner to another, which is not entirely convenient. At the same time, the kitchen should take at least 5 square meters. m, otherwise its space will be too close.

Successful layout of small kitchen 5 square meters. M.
An example of an interior design of a small kitchen area of \u200b\u200b5 square meters. M.

The kitchen layout can be divided into 6 main types: angular, in the form of a rectangular trapezium, in one or two lines, as well as combined kitchens (Kitchen-Island and Kitchen-Peninsula).

Corner layout

The corner version of the kitchen layout is one of the most successful solutions if you need a convenient working triangle. With this layout, household appliances and furnishing items are located along two walls (adjacent), which will allow you to place a dining table without any inconvenience for the passage zone. This type of planning is greatly suitable for almost all rooms, except for too narrow.

Corner layout of a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b12 square meters. M.

Planning in the form of a rectangular trapezium

A sufficiently safe and convenient layout option, in which the technique and furniture are located along three walls (due to this through traffic is completely excluded). If you decide approximately half the working area to leave free, you can use this space as a dining room. If the kitchen has a large area, an excellent option will be the use of a combined diagram, at the end of the corner working area there is a perpendicularly delivered dining table. In the kitchen-dining room, the working and dining area can be divided by a short perpendicular line of the table.

If your kitchen has small sizes (less than 5 - 8 square meters), then use such a layout option is recommended only in that situation if there will be at least 2 meters of free distance between the ends as a result.

Read also

Kitchen Planning in Khrushchev

An example of a rectangular planning of a small kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b5.5 square meters. M.

Planning in one line

With this layout in the kitchen, one or two people can accommodate freely, so this option is recommended only with extremely limited kitchen space. The working area in this case takes the order of half the entire area, so it is desirable to establish a folding or retractable table to save free space. This type of planning is perfectly suitable if you decide to equip the kitchen-living room, since all the furniture will be located on one side, and you can eat and relax on the other.

Planning a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b8 square meters. m. in one line

Kitchen in two lines

The kitchen layout in two lines is compact enough and convenient. In this case, the sink and stove are located on the one hand, and the cabinets and refrigerators on the other. There should be about 1.2 meters between lines opposite to each other.

An example of a kitchen planning of 10 square meters. m in 2 lines

Kitchen-Island and Kitchen-Peninsula

Planning type "Island" and "Peninsula" are most suitable for large areas kitchens (minimum, 16kv. M). The island kitchen implies an angular layout or in the form of a rectangular trapezium, at the center there is an additional work surface. This type of planning looks very beautiful, but requires a detailed study of the plan, which ultimately will help to avoid various inconveniences.

Planning "Island" is suitable for large kitchens with an area of \u200b\u200b10-15 square meters. M.

Ideas for redeveloping a kitchen in a typical apartment

Separately, it is worth mentioning the difficulties associated with redevelopment of typical apartments. Experts argue that the convenient kitchen layout implies the presence of at least 8-10 kV for the dining area. m. But typical cuisine, as a rule, possess a much smaller size. If you want to expand a little available free space, you can use multiple solutions to this problem. In the first way, it is necessary to get rid of the kitchen door or change it to the bargaining model. Ideally, you can remove one of the walls (or at least it is some part), which will allow you to combine two small spaces and get one, more spacious and functional of them.

An example of the planning and design of the interior of a kitchen with an area of \u200b\u200b7 square meters. M.

For, as already mentioned, the corner layout or layout in one line is perfect. Another problem of a typical apartment is not only small, but also too elongated kitchen. To visually increase the room, the interior should be arranged in bright colors and, in addition, it is desirable to give preference to direct, geometric lines. To make the interior more diverse, you can use a different multifunctional and compact technique.

Design stretched narrow kitchen in light colors

Unfortunately, difficulties are often found and when planning the kitchens of large sizes of 12-15 square meters. m. The main problem is that one large room is divided into several small zones, which is why the unity of space disappears and the feeling of discomfort appears. In this case, the ideal solution will be the "Kitchen Island" layout, in the center of the room there are plates, sink and breakfast rack.

Kitchen layout 6 meters

When developing a kitchen design with an area of \u200b\u200b6 square meters. M should be repelled immediately from several important factors: family traditions, the number of people in the family, at what time it usually takes place of food, etc. The main goal of creating a new planning is to obtain the most optimal conditions for placing furnishings and household appliances, as well as comfortable for family members.

Options for redevelopment of 6-meter cuisine

All kitchens of small areas can be divided into several different types, which usually depend on the interpretation of the entrance door, windows, gas stove, washing and other things. Naturally, in each individual case, the design of the room will be different. Below are several options for planning a 6-meter kitchen that can be used as a basis.

To have one's own housing, without doubt, it is very important for every person, but no less important role is played by how cozy and beautiful it will be. However, in this matter it all depends on you and if you try, then even rooms with a small area can be transformed in the best possible way. Living in a close and dark apartment is not the best idea, so it is worth thinking about the repair and first of all it follows.

This is exactly the place where family members are most often, and where you want to receive exceptionally positive emotions, which is quite difficult to do if the room is incorrectly selected the color gamut or unsuccessfully placed furniture.

In fact, even the kitchen in five square meters can be made charming and functional - for this you just need to know some secrets and respond to the task set. If you do everything right, then you yourself will be surprised how fashionable and elegantly your little kitchen is 5 square meters. m.

Design, photo examples, which is not difficult to find on the network, can be diverse, accordingly, there is an opportunity to choose an option of planning, taking into account all its preferences and material opportunities.

Making out the interior with the mind

Regardless of how much you want to make the room original, you need to remember that the main task is to use the existing area. 5 square kitchen design. M is oriented, first of all, on ergonomics, therefore, it is necessary to determine the location of furniture and technology and only then begin the choice of decorative elements.

It will help to achieve an ideal result, a thorough study of space will help, thanks to which you can determine where the kitchen equipment will be easily installed, and it is more expedient to put the table.

If there are already furniture available, it is not planned to purchase a new one, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions and color gamut, so that at the end of repairing the heads did not seem to be superfluous and successfully fit into the overall composition. Among other important nuances of the layout of the planning should be noted as follows:

  • the configuration of the room has a significant impact on the choice of 5 square kitchen design. Meters - In the photo you can see examples of registration of square, rectangular and elongated rooms, and each type is equipped according to a special principle. For example, for narrow interiors, a two-row arrangement of objects is not suitable, and for a square room it is quite an acceptable option.
  • before starting repair, you need to decide where the dining area will be. If there is an opportunity, it should be transferred to the living room or on a landscaped loggia, then there will be more ways to transform the kitchen of 5 square meters. m. Design, photo of which is in free access, it looks very unusual, if the place for meals is equipped with a distance from the cooking point
  • when setting up household appliances, you must certainly take the location of the sockets, otherwise the instruments will be very uncomfortable. It happens when the places of access to the mains are not enough - then in parallel with the selection of Kitchen Design Khrushchev 5 meters in the photo, it is necessary to think about the performance of electrical installation. In order to avoid electricians, you should entrust the installation of electropurting experts

Design 5 meters kitchen video

Visual expansion techniques

Obviously, the main problem with which the owners of the miniature room will have to be coped - to make it visually more, and without prejudice to practicality. It can be solved in various ways. However, the most effective is, without a doubt, redevelopment, in the framework of which the original area increases by joining the kitchen of the balcony, loggia, parts of the corridor or living room.

In principle, if you do not want to raise large-scale repairs, you can simply equip the arch in the doorway, taking care of the corridor seemed to continue the kitchen thanks to an identical decor. Browsing some 5 square kitchen interior design photos. meters, it seems that there is a lot of time on a similar alteration, but in reality it all depends on the skill of workers and the degree of complexity of the task. It is absolutely optionally to completely re-equip the room so that it becomes cozy and fairly spacious.

If you decide to demolish interior overlaps or transfer of communications, do not forget to get all the necessary permits from government instances. Otherwise, subsequently risk getting a serious penalty.

There are less cardinal ways to increase the free space, for example:

  • selecting light tones for walls allows you to compensate for the absence of natural lighting and create the illusion of the spaciousness.
  • the use of smooth color transitions is a 5-sq. m, whose photo should be able to view before making a final decision, you need to select so as not to focus on some separate part of the interior, but to create a general favorable atmosphere
  • failure from large patterns that "cut" eyes and do not focus on cooking or reception
  • selecting built-in household appliances and installation of a washing machine under the tabletop
  • replacing a gas furnace on a multifunctional and compact cooking panel
  • if you are interested in design kitchen 5 square meters. m with a refrigerator, then it is worth remembering that it is best to look high in a small interior, but narrow modifications - they seem to "pull" the walls and the room seems much more

In a traditional understanding, the zoning method during the design of small interiors does not apply, since all functional zones are very close to each other. At the same time, the design of small kitchen is 5 square meters. M must be seamless so that there was no less than 1.5 meters between the place of storage and preparation of products and the dining area.

Features planning

Studying 5 square kitchen design options. M in Khrushchev in the photo, it is difficult to believe that, having such a small area, you can place all the items necessary for such a room. The secret is a thorough preparation and selection of optimal planning.