The origin of the word carnival. The meaning of the word "carnival

encyclopedic Dictionary


(Franz. Carnaval), view of the people's festival with street processions, theatrical games.

Ethnographic Dictionary


massive walking, accompanied by processions, rudge, theatrical games, etc. Usually coincides with the carnival.

Dictionary Efremova


  1. m.
    1. Spring People's Festival in Italy, later in France, Spain, Latin America and some other countries with street processions, Masquerad, theatrical games, etc.
    2. Costumented folk walking, festival with dancing, games, etc.

Dictionary of Ozhegov

Karnava BUTL but, m. People's festival with processions, street masquerad [ origin. Spring holidays in Italy].

| arr. carnival Aya, OE. Pageant.

Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


French - Earnaval.

Latin - Carnem Levare.

The noun was borrowed by the Russian language from French in the second third of the XVIII century. Literal value - the last day before the post. Now it is used in the meaning - a holiday with processions and a masquerade.

Derivative: carnival.

Dictionary Ushakov


karnava L., carnival, husband. (italian. Carnevale).

1. In the Romanesque countries of Western Europe - the Spring Folk holiday, accompanied by a disguise and mimic games (corresponding to the Russian carnival). Roman carnival.

2. Festive revolutionary political demonstration with allegorical images of slogans ( neol.). May Day carnival.

Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron


(IT. Carnevale, from Lat. Carno - Meat, Vale - Hello) - In Catholic countries, originally time from the day of the Epiphany to a clean environment (in the first week they led. post). In different areas, carnival time has a different duration: in Venice begins from the day of St. Stephen (26 Dec.), Only 11 days preceding the net medium continues in Rome in Milan - until Sunday Invasit (see), it hugs on the Rhine only 8 days. Carnival rapid hours are universally accompanied by various kinds of fun, games, rebeling, especially in Italy, where K. is a purely popular holiday. One of the favorite fun of the Roman K. - the shootout is so called. Confetti (gypsum or chalk balls). In Portugal, the beans and peas are thrown in each other; Carelessly sprinkle with flour, pour water. In Lima (Peru), the main pleasure of carnival time is to pour passersby water, and it is not always clean. In Rome, horse racing (Corso) are also arranged during C.. Final Act of Roman K. - Holiday Lights (Moccoli). With the onset of twilight, lights appear on the windows, stage, crews; In the hands of each crowd - a lit wax candle; These candles are indifferent to each other steal and ignite again. In the southern, Italian Tyrolet solemnly burning the personification of the carnival - Khpanka straw, mixed with firewood; Two hostile rati, one - in the distrect harlequin clothes, with rattles, the other - in white shoes, with humps, fight around a fire on the main rural area, where traditional carnival cakes are boiled (see Schneller, "M Ärchen Und Sagen Aus Wälschtirol" 1 867, p. 232-235). In the Middle Ages, carnival time with a particularly pomp core in Venice; In the era of its decline (XVIII century) Gloss K. moves to Rome. By the same type, but in more modest sizes, K. and in other cities of Italy, as well as in Spain, France, Germany, were celebrated. In France during K., the solemn procession of Boeuf Gras is performed: water bulls with gilded horns and decorations from the ribbons are watering the streets. In French and partly at Swiss Catholics, the last three days K. are called Jours Gras. Something similar to K. is found in Germany under the name Fasching already in the Middle Ages. Intermediates and interludes (Fastnachtsspiele) accompany K. from the XIII to the XVII century. (Intermedia of Hans Folts, Gansa Rosenpit, Hans Saks). At the end of the XVIII century. and early X I x in. Celebration K. is distributed in many French, as well as in German Prince and South cities: Cologne, Koblenz, Munich, Nuremberg. The value of K. in Germany weakens, but still still K. - People's holiday in Mainz and especially in Cologne. Western European K., like our Maslenitsa (see) - the remains of those pagan festivals that marked the transition from winter to the spring, from the old year to the new one. Distinctive features of the ancient Roman spring festivals - purification of water, ignition of fire on an exterior altar, rod, procession, a frantic runway on the streets, horse racing - have a lot in common with the ZP.-European K. Sun. Miller ("Russian Oil and Western European Carnival." M. 1884) considers it a heritage of ancient Rome, reflected in the duration of carnival festivals. The churches, outraged by the remnants of the Vakhanalia and Saturnali, was finally limited to the people's rampant rampant days before starting. post. Another view of the duration and many characteristic features of the carnival festivals was expressed by the author of the review of the Book of Sun. Miller ("Journ. Min. Nar. Pr.", 1884, № 12). He believes that winter and the beginning of spring - time after cleaning the fruits, the time of use mined for summer and autumn, the time of hopes for the upcoming fees, why festive fun and falls at this time of the year. He also sees the relationship between the Zap. European K. and the ancient Greek Dionysies that arranged in honor of Vakha (see), which Sun. Miller does not mention see more Fahne, "Der K." (Cologne, 1853); v. Reinsberg-D Üringsfeld, "Das Fe Stliche Jahr" (LPC. 1863).

Noted before the great post. Similar to East Slavic Carnival or meat source from Slavs Catholics (see Bold Tuesday). Distributed mainly in Catholic countries. Accompanied by mass folk festivities with street processions and theatrical ideas.

The carnival appeared in the IX-X centuries. By this time, the earliest mention of the periodic city festivals in different cities of Western Europe belongs. The first carnivals appeared in Italy - the Venetian Carnival, where there were large independent cities before all. Then the carnavals in France appeared, later in Germany: Mainz, Düsseldorf and Cologne.

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The origin of the word "carnival" is definitely not clear, it is assumed to communicate either with the Italian word "carne" (meat), either with "carrus" (wagon) [ ] .

Supporters of origin from "Carne" indicate the options of this word in italian dialects, arguing that the source are words carne Levare. "Delete meat" prohibited in the post.

There is a version of origin from the Roman Name of the Festival Navigium Isidis - "Carrus Navalis".

Folk etymology - the origin of the word from carne Vale. "Farewell to meat" (cf. meatopuster).


People's festive forms usually constituted the second, unofficial half of the holiday, while the first was associated with the implementation of certain church rituals. Only in the XVIII and XIX centuries. They were divided, and the carnival began to exist as one of the types of mass entertainment.

The main part of any carnival is a procession on the main streets of the city. The leading motive is an abundance that needs to be saturated before the great post. It can be expressed in huge bugs of agricultural products, colors, eats that are fed by everyone. All occurring during the procession is underlined gaming character. The main figure on the carnival is a jester. He defines the tone and procession, and the view, which is then unwriting on the central square of the city.

In each city, the carnival developed on a specific scenario that established over many years. At the head of the carnival, urban merchant corporations were usually stood. For example, the Maslynk Carnival organizer in Nuremberg traditionally was the Corporation of Butcher, and in France - winemakers.

The cities of Europe (including some Russian), conducting traditional carnivals, unites the Association of European Carnival Cities (FECC).

Detailed description of the carnival is available in the novel Francois Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagruel".

Researchers point to the relationship of the West European Carnival and Russian Carnival. A foreigner who visited Moscow with Ivan Grozny wrote: "Maslenitsa reminds me of an Italian carnival, which at the same time goes the same way ... The carnival is only different from the carnival, that in Italy day and night at this time there is a worsor horse and walking urban Guardians and does not allow an excessive richness; And in Moscow, the most guards are in wine and together with the people of themselves. "

see also

In the Middle Ages, this day destroyed the barriers between the estates, ignored the rules of decency and allowed an open ridiculation of power. It was the time of uncontrolled fun, recreation and permissiveness. Schools and courts closed. Misunderstanding and quarrels were forgotten. Even wars stopped their move.

As the carnival originated and what kind of traditions came to this day, Anna Buckle learned.

Carnival is an unimaginable reincarnation. Bright outfits, universal babysitting, incendiary dances and jokes - it is difficult to discharge such a procession. Therefore, every year, in February, thousands of people go into place of the origin of this holiday - to Europe. The word Carnival itself has Italian origin and translates as: goodbye meat. The fact is that initially this event meant farewell to meat food and entertainment before the great post. And only on the day of the carnival, people allowed themselves, almost everything. The most important difference in carnival from other holidays is the cancellation of all social statuses. And if on other official holidays, the hierarchical differences of people said demonstratively, then the carnival was full of their opposite. Man how - as if reborn. The carnival platform opened the opportunity, completely unusual for a certain type of people, relationships.

During the carnival, people allowed themselves almost all

The prototype of this holiday in the pre-Christian era can be called Roman Saturnalia. They were associated with the end of agricultural work. The motive was rest, and the coup of the existing world order. The power passed to the fictional king, the lower estates became higher. In short, people changed places and did something that they could not afford in ordinary life. The mask on the face was the main component of the image. She allowed to remain not recognized and avoid punishment for their tricks. People in masks could publicly criticize the unrighteous power and those who hid their immoral acts. And it was done in an extremely tough form.

After some time, the tradition of carnival spread across Europe. Now, this holiday is arranged around the world. However, in each country he has its own history and a unique style.

Venice Carnival

Carnival in Venice is considered one of the most popular in the world. He is inherent in mystery and mysticism. In addition to traditional rituals, which are a huge scale of the stage action, the Venetian carnival takes place under a special topic. This spectacle captures the spirit of visitors and not only. The scene becomes the whole city. The opening ceremony of the carnival is held on the main square of the city, in front of the Cathedral of the Holy Apostle Mark. It is from there that the first costume parade begins.

In Italy, white masks with a long nose were carried during the plague, or killers

On the carnival, in Venice, you can find a whole abundance of mysterious masks. And only there you can see the masquerade regatta of local gondolors. By the way, the beloved tourists white mask with a huge nose, has unpleasant associations for citizens. After all, in Italy, such masks were worn during the plague, and in a long nose put a sponge with vinegar, so as not to catch the disease. Also, she was worn by very mysterious people or killers.

Brazilian Carnival

Unforgettable shows, fantastic outfits, full freedom of expression - all this has found a response to Rio. Popular Brazilian carnival "came" to the country from Portugal. The capital of the procession is referred to as the city of Rio de Janeiro, where the holiday lasts four days and four nights. The main pride of the carnival in Brazil is the parade of Samba schools. The best representatives of different schools compete on Alley long 700 meters called "Sambodrom". There are from three to five thousand speakers. For each group of dancers, a certain topic is enshrined, which they are chosen annually. And, in accordance with the chosen topics, each team makes itself a platform, choreography, presentation and costumes.

Brazilian carnival has from 3 to 5 thousand speakers

Each detail in this show is thought out to the smallest detail, because in the competition not only the skill of dance schools is evaluated. Costumes, scenery, artistic embodiment, rhythmic accuracy, as well as the degree of enthusiasticity of the public are taken to the court of experts. At the time of the carnival, in Rio de Janeiro forget about work and plunge into the rhythm of the samba, which is dancing almost the whole city.

Cologne Carnival

Numerous walking, dressing, musical representations and costume balids - all this did not go around the inhabitants of Cologne. Grand carnival procession passes through the central streets and squares of the city. A few months before the main holiday, the organizers come up with the slogan of the carnival - the song that the procession will be held, and the three main characters. Traditionally, they are the Prince, Peasant and Virgin. And already in February, carnival meetings, balls and processions begin to pass in the city. And it continues for six days. From early morning, during the official opening of the holiday, the streets of the city are filled with women. They storm Cologne Town Hall and do all that they think about it. All days the city is filled with bright musical and carnival events. At the end of the carnival, a mandatory ritual is carried out - the burning of a large straw stuffed. Residents of the city believe that in such a way before the great post, they are forgiven all sins accumulated in the year.

Carnival in Nice

Holiday in Nice Residents of the city celebrate two weeks. The main characters of the carnival - giant dolls from Papier-Masha. They weigh up to two tons and tower over the wagons on eight or twelve meters. The whole prefabricated stadium is erected on the Massena Square, and at home dressed in 120 thousand square meters of plywood, which includes 120 artists.

Carnival in Nice continues for two weeks

There you can see real floral marchs. About twenty platforms are decorated with fresh flowers. To make this long and painstaking work, florists require 4000-5000 stems. Later, during a walk thousands of colors fly in the crowd. A cheerful holiday is accompanied by concerts, fireworks, and his Majesty Carnival, with his queen.

Carnival in Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Spanish carnival is inferior to his magnitude only to the Brazilian procession. Drops into a variety of suits, in the carnival participate, almost everything. Everywhere plays live music and sell various souvenirs and food. There are a variety of balls, performances and concerts. It does not work out without a parade of incendiary dances for Latin American melodies. A significant event of the holiday can also be called the choice of the Queen of the Carnival, which throughout all days will participate in the festival.

Carnival costumes can weigh more than a dozen kilograms

Talks for this are selected within the course of the year. The queen should be not only beautiful, but also quite hardy. After all, all these incredible costumes that are sewn for the carnival may weigh one's one dozen kilograms.

Carnival in Barranquil

This one, nothing like, carnival includes Caribbean folklore, dancing with elements of poetry, comedy theater, costume performances and musical groups. Carnival in Colombia was named UNESCO "Intangible Treasure of Mankind". During the holiday, which is multicultuous, everything in the city is immersed in the illusory world of dreams.

massive walking, accompanied by processions, rudge, theatrical games, etc. Usually coincides with the carnival.

Watch value Carnival in other dictionaries

Carnival - m. Catholic oilman; Oil fun, ricking, surround. Ban, to the carnival relating. Blik m. - Wheel. Carnival walks.
Explanatory dictionary of Daly

Carnival - Carnival, m. (IT. Carnevale). 1. In the Romanesque countries of Western Europe - the Spring Folk holiday, accompanied by disguise and the Mimic Games (corresponding to Russian ........
Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Carnival M. - 1. Spring People's Festival in Italy, later in France, Spain, Latin America and some other countries with street processions, Masquerad, theatrical ........
Explanatory dictionary Efremova

Carnival - -but; m. [Ial. CARNEVALE]
1. In Italy, later in France, Spain, Germany, Latin America: Spring holiday, accompanied by street processions, Masquerad (corresponding ........
Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov

Carnival - (Franz. Carnaval) is a view of a national walking with street processions, theatrical games.
Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Carnival - (Fr.), type of mass folk walking with street processions, songs and dancing. In the era of the Renaissance, K. was the personification of the sensual beginning in the life of urban lower .........
Sexological encyclopedia

Carnival - In the lowest mythology of the peoples of Europe, the anthropomorphic embodiment of the calendar holiday of winter wires, which took place on the eve of the Great Post (forty days before Christian ........
Encyclopedia mythology

Carnival - (Carnival) - historical forms of social ritual, which allow temporary cancellation of social order and during which social norms are violated (for example, ........
Sociological Dictionary

in the lowest mythology of European culture, the anthropomorphic embodiment of the calendar holiday of the Wire Wires. Carnival expresses myth aquance and cultive actions of the level of pagan culture. The beginning of the year coincided in this calendar with the spring revival of nature. This cycle was included in the later-christian - carnival was held 40 days before the Easter holiday. In Russian tradition coincides with the carnival. The origin of the names is associated with an ancient tradition of using the cult wagon - "chariot - ship". The essence of the carnival is to remove the stuffed winter on this wagon outside the settlement and burning it. In the folk Italian tradition, the carnival binds to the holiday of life: - "Long live flesh!" In the Middle Ages, the carnival was celebrated very widely, with the election of the king of the jesters, discarding many cultural "strictness". Often, carnival culture compared with the "golden age" of equality. Currently, the most magnificent carnival is celebrated in Latin America Catholic countries.

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Cultural and mass behavioral phenomenon, pounded by the corresponding "type of image" (M. Bakhtin). He performed a significant component of the medieval and Renaissance folk culture. Used in modern cultural philosophy. Multidimensional Analysis of K. In the cultural context was first implemented in the book M.M. Bakhtin "Creativity of Francois Rabl and People's Culture of the Middle Ages and Renaissance (the first version of the manuscript was completed in 1940; the first edition - Moscow, 1965; translated into many languages) . Refusing the traditionalist descriptions of the social background of the Renaissance and on the consideration of the advanced views of the Rabel-Humanist, Bakhtin focused on the study of the ancient and especially medieval origins of Roman Rabl "Gargantua and Pantagruel". Bakhtina was able to understand and solve (in the context of reconstruction, according to Academician Academician Academy of Sciences of the USSR MPAlekseeva, "People's Folk Folk Tradition of the Middle Ages") a number of features of the work of the work that has long experienced researchers are very strange. The paradoxical combination of numerous "scientists" of the images and common (and often obscene) Comicies Bakhtin has explained meaningful impact on the slave of an area of \u200b\u200blaughing culture Middle Ages I have arisen in a much earlier period, but who reached his full heyday to the 16th century. According to Bakhtin, not only the Rabl, but also J. Bokacho, W.Shispir, M.Servantes turned out to be subject to the charm of the life-affirming and bright atmosphere, characteristic of K. and other people's holidays of the time. Carnival culture has a well-developed system of ritual-spectacular and genre forms, as well as a very deep life philosophy, the main features of which Bakhtin considered universality, ambivalence (i.e. - in this case - the perception of being in constant change, eternal movement from death to birth , from the old to the new, from denial to approval), unofficiality, utopism, fearlessness. In a series of ritual-entertaining forms of folk medieval culture, Bakhtin called the festival of carnival type and accompanying them (as well as ordinary civil ceremonies and rites) Radiation acts: "Festival of Fools", "Defense Holiday", "Temple Holidays", etc. The folk culture was also embodied in various verbal lifting works on Latin and on folk languages. These works of both oral and written, were paroded and ridiculed literally all sides of medieval life, including church rituals and religious creeds ("Evening Cyprian", numerous parody sermons, liturgies, prayers, psalms, etc. ). Merry freebies of the carnival festival gave rise to a variety of forms and genres of the unofficial, and most often obscene familiar-square speeches, to a large extent consisting of curses, oaths and jugby. At the carnival area, the exclamations of the Balagans have always sounded persistently, which - along with other "genres" of street advertising ("cries of Paris", cries of sellers of miraculous means and fair doctors) - played and paroded, becoming an important element of the folk laughter culture. According to Bakhtin, the Rabel united in the novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel" all these forms, genres and motives, keeping them for descendants and thus creating a kind of "encyclopedia" of medieval laughter. Moreover, from the point of view of Bakhtin, a support for a laughing folk culture not only did not contradict the humanistic ideals of the Rabel, but, on the contrary, it was harmoniously combined with them and even helped them propaganda, because "carnival minority is the deep basis of Renaissance literature." As Bakhtin notes in the book "The Creativity of Francois Rabl and the People's Culture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance," no matter how sprayed, separated and separated by the unit "private" bodies and things - the realism of the Renaissance does not cut down the umbilical cord, which connects them with the generating body of the Earth and the people. "For example," the rehabilitation of the flesh ", characteristic of humanism, correlating and sprinkled with the" grotesque body concept ", with the predominance of the" material and bodily start of life "inherent in folk culture. Laundic folk culture, being ancient, archaic in its origins Nevertheless, anticipated some fundamental philosophical concepts that are specific for the new time. According to L. Pinsky's estimates, "in the Renaissance Epoch, the unrealistic hierarchical vertical version of the medieval official presentation of space (" Great Chain of Genesis ") has changed the historical horizontal: movement in time . In the grotesque concept of the body, which experiences the formation in populous games, the subject of which was a cheerful time running, a new historical sense of life and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe progress of mankind was born. "Wed in the text of Bakhtin's book:" And here is grotesque images with their essential attitude to temporary change and with their ambivalence becomes the main means of the artistic and ideological expression of that mighty feeling of history and historical shift, which with exceptional power awakened in the Renaissance era. "That is why it is impossible to understand the Rabel and in general Renaissance literature is impossible without taking into account their connection with the people's laughter. The medieval laughter is interpreted in the Bakhtin's book as having a "universal and minor-precision character, as a special and moreover, a positive point of view on the world, as a special aspect of the world as a whole and of any of its phenomenon." K. (this term Bakhtin attached an extended meaning, understanding under it "not only the forms of carnival in a narrow and accurate sense, but also the rich and diverse people's celebration life of the Middle Ages and Renaissance") opposed the serious, high culture of the Middle Ages "completely different, The unofficial, extinct and non-state aspect of peace, man and human relationship is emphasized.

K. not just played, it was "as if real ... the form of life itself," which the people of Middle Ages lived during the holidays - and the "other free (free)", "ideal" form. If the official holidays approved the stability, the invariance and eternity of the existing world order, consecrated the celebration of the already winning, dominant, continuously "truth", then K. "was like a temporary suspension of the entire official system with all its prohibitions and hierarchical barriers": at this time, life For a short time, it was published from his ordinary rut and joined the scope of utopian freedom. This freedom was legalized: both the state, and the church endured her, even every official holiday had their own second, popular carnival, area. The festive crowd took life through the prism of "fun relativity", during C. People changed out (renewed their clothes and their social images), elected, and then milled and beat (in the symbolic plan "killed") the jet kings and dads, ridiculed, reduced , they paroded everything that worshiped on ordinary days, indulged in various physiological excesses, neglecting the norms of decency: "The topic of birth of a new update was organically combined with the death of an old death in a merry and declining plan, with the images of the judovo carnival debate." In the grotesque image, K. in every way the moment of temporary shift (seasons, solar and lunar phases, death and renewal of vegetation, the change of agricultural cycles): "This moment has acquired a wider and deeper and deeper importance: popular aspirations were invested in the best future, more just socio-economic device, new truth. " The abundance of felling images, hyperbolic physicity, symbolism of fertility, mighty productive force, etc. The immortality of the people was focused: "In general, the world and the people there is no place for fear; the fear can only penetrate into a part that separated from the whole, only in the dying link taken in the separation from the born. The whole of the people and the world triumphantly fun and fearlessly." From aesthetic point of view, carnival culture is a special concept of being and a special type of imagery, which, according to Bakhtin, is a special idea of \u200b\u200bthe bodily whole and the boundaries of this whole. " This presentation of bakhtin determines as a grotesque concept of the body, for which it is characteristic that from the point of view of the "classical" aesthetics ("aesthetics of the finished, completed existence") seems monstrous and ugly. If classic images are individualized, separated from each other, as if cleared "from all slags of birth and development", then grotesque images, on the contrary, show life "in its ambivalent, internally contradictory process", concentrate around the moments denoting the connection between various bodies, Dynamics, temporary shift (copulation, pregnancy, generic act, act of corporal growth, old age, body breakdown, etc.). "Unlike the canons of the new time, the grotesque body is not delivered from the rest of the world, not closed, not completed, not ready, develops itself, goes beyond his limits. Accents lie on those parts of the body, where it is either open to the outside world, that is, Where the world enters the body or discovers from it, either it repels itself into the world, that is, on the holes, on the bulbs, on all sorts of branches and proceedings: an annoyed mouth, a childbearing organ, chest, fell, fat belly, nose "(Bakhtin). This type of image characteristic of the people's laughter is due to the faith of the people in its immortality: "... In the grotesque body, death does not cake anything significantly, for death does not concern the tribal body, it is, on the contrary, updates it in new generations." The concept of K., nominated in Bakhtin's book about Rabl, caused rapid controversies with its appearance and publication, and so far is far from being generally accepted. However, she played a big role in the development and stimulation of cultural research, in expanding the horizons of scientific thought. Currently, the interpretation of the concept K. continues, and possibly like the emergence of its original interpretations and its fruitful use for the study of various world cultures. Multidimensional studies of carnival culture carried out by Bakhtin contributed, in particular, legitimation of such a phenomenon of culture as "Rellazianism". Rellazianism was interpreted as not so much directly with the work of F. Barlal, as with the tradition of his philosophical interpretation, within which the cultural space is built in the context of a semiotically articulated physicality, understand as a semantically significant phenomenon (text), reading the effect of grotesca, and gives the cultural space the status of carnival (see body, physicity, text, Bakhtin M.M.).