The vacuum cleaner from the cooler do it yourself. Homemade cyclone for a vacuum cleaner of plastic bottle

How to make a vacuum cleaner? The homemade unit involves the presence of an engine for 6000 revolutions. This item can be removed from the juicer. Note that not all electrical appliances are designed for long service. Therefore, when choosing a motor, follow the rule: the motor must take a large load and have overheating protection.

How to do, except the detail from the juicer you can not find anything?

In this case, it is advised to equip it with a thermal fuse designed for 126 ºС. The copper cross section must correspond to the dispersion power, so this temperature for the motor you choose may not come up. It should be noted that the border of 130 ºС is an average of which most transformers are calculated.

What can be taken as the basis of the self-made unit?

Many are interested in how to make a vacuum cleaner with their own hands.

As a basis, you can take:

  • The exhaust engine with the axial model is not suitable, as it is used in the models of a cheap segment and does not have the desired power.
  • The engine has come out of the use of a vacuum cleaner.
  • Engine washing machine.
  • Engine refrigeration compressor.

Application of refrigerator engine

How to make a vacuum cleaner from choosing the item will be difficult, since the speed of rotation of the shaft from different models of refrigerators varies. If you collect a vacuum cleaner, there will be strict 6000 revolutions. The compressors of the old roller sample are designed for 3000 revolutions.

Crop-and-connecting modifications have a speed of two times less, and linear inverter units are not at all suitable for assembly.

Inside the piston compressor is the electric motor. If you cut the housing and remove the motor, then it is suitable for any purpose. It has high power and silent work.

Asynchronous engines are rarely applied. For example, the collector configuration functions from the outlet if speed adjustment is required.

Using the engine from a washing machine

The design of washing machines involves the presence of a collector engine. The speed of its operation is adjusted using a thyristor key. If the motor is powered directly from the socket, the turnoves will become high, but they will not reach the indicator of 6000 in the absence of a belt gearbox. In this case, the spin function is quite achievable.

How to make the aggregate suck dust?

In commercials often talk about vacuum created in vacuum cleaner. The engine allegedly contributes to the discharge into which the airflow retractable is rushing. But is it really? Rather, no, because with a negative pressure, the bypass valve is connected, providing equilibrium. But the essence of the work is not in this. For suction of dust, a hermetically closed housing is used, due to which the flow of nitrogen and oxygen molecules is rushed in the desired direction. Container in this case does not play any role.

If you adhere to the factory configuration, it takes a bucket of steel or plastic, the bottom of which has a hole for air intake. Motor fastening is carried out on the axis, and something similar to the cellular cell is installed on the shaft. The air flow is captured by the blades and is thrown into the perimeter. Due to this, the thrust is ensured. The hose is hermetically joined. We assume that the assembly of the vacuum cleaner is completed with their own hands.

How is the mini vacuum cleaner?

How to make a mini vacuum cleaner? The adjustment of the velocity of the unit is made according to the thyristor scheme. Any electronic part from the old vacuum cleaner, a washing machine or kitchen combine is useful.

The main thing is the cutting method, and not the engine power. But the key also overheats. It is easy to understand whether it corresponds to whether to compare the power of the device from which the scheme was removed with the engine power. If the thyristor is low, then the radiator is advised to attach it, and the forced cooling is already available.

How to make a container for a homemade vacuum cleaner?

The vacuum cleaner is designed so that there will be no work without a container.

For a homemade unit will fit:

  • ordinary bag;
  • water filled with water;
  • cyclone camera.

Put the filtration bag is problematic. If you are vacuuming crumbs from the table, this design will suit. The type of container is selected in accordance with the type of garbage. For example, the dust collection is best done by means of a filter with water or a cyclone chamber. Both types of containers are constructed with ease. The aggregate itself is in stationary. If a gardener uses such a device, then it can be watered to the trolley and move it all over the garden.

The cost of stationary models of vacuum cleaners is high, so the homemade design will be as impossible by the way.

The simplest container model is a large tank filled with water. He plays the role of aquilfilter. In this case, dust will be sinking. The inlet of the hose is made taking into account so that the stream is faced with the water obstacle. An ordinary flat-colored box for two thirds is filled with water. In addition to the ceiling above the filter surface, a partition hangs. All dust settles in water and sinking. Such a device requires periodic cleaning. This design will not be suitable for work in the garden, as the weight of the water is large. Therefore, it is replaced by air.

When assembling vacuum cleaners for the garden, the following rules are followed:

  • Air is included on a tangent of high barrel.
  • On the axis of the container, about two third heights, the pipe is running, providing an output.
  • The garbage sits on the bottom due to the fact that it is taken out to the periphery of the centrifugal force.
  • The air flow comes in the center.
  • The smallest particles penetrate the engine in any case. Therefore, it is recommended to supply a container to supply a non-filter. It is not worth saving on it. Otherwise, you will have to constantly expose the engine with lubricant. If the vacuum cleaner skeins the water, then it will be in the barrel.

Such a homemade vacuum cleaner for gardener is large. The unit can be made versatile. For example, the barrels are cut under the diameter of the tank with standard sizes and equip the device with a van for movement. So it will be possible to remove the whole park.

How to make a mini vacuum cleaner from a plastic bottle?

Today, almost everyone has a computer. As is known, the hull is periodically clogged with dust, which prevents the cooling of many details. From time to time, the scheme should be vacuuming. To facilitate the process, you can apply a homemade mini vacuum cleaner.

For the manufacture of an aggregate need:

  • fan from computer;
  • plastic bottle;
  • hose;
  • polystyrene;
  • power supply 220 V / 14 V;
  • insulating tape;
  • pLALL.


  • Plastic bottle is cut in half. The part is taken, which remained with the plug. Filter cuts out of the foam rubber. It is inserted into the neck. The material should sit tightly.
  • A hole in which the hose is inserted into the plug.
  • The plug is screwed to the bottle.
  • The fan is taken from the computer (its corners are smoothed). It is inserted into the bottle so that when working the air flow rushed to the wide face of the bottle.
  • The place where the cooler is, is covered with an insulating tape. Wire is used for durable fixation.
  • The power supply is connected to the fan. The red wire is supplied to the plus side, and black to the minus.

How to make an industrial vacuum cleaner with your own hands?

How to make appointments? The basis of one of these aggregates is the model "Ural Mon-600".

You will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • nozzle, the diameter of which is 4 cm, and the length is 20 cm;
  • plastic bucket with handle and lid;
  • scotch;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • glue;
  • medical bandage.

Stages of work

  • First of all, the Ural garbage collector should be refined. For this purpose, the wheel from the bottom is unscrewed with a screwdriver. Holes are stuck in scotch.
  • Then the Bulgarian will be needed, with the help of which latches and scores are removed. Installed plug, revealed by insulating tape.
  • A hole with a diameter of 43 mm is drilled in the bottom.
  • The gaskets are cut out of the sealer, the thickness of which is 4 mm.
  • In the garbage collector put the gasket, the lid of the bucket and the centering nozzle.
  • Using a drill, a hole with a diameter of 2 mm is made.
  • The lid is fixed with a 4.2x10 mm screws.
  • The outer hole is made for the suction nozzle. It is planned at an angle of 15º. The hole is cut with scissors for metal.
  • The nozzle is fixed using self-samples. For sealing, use an ordinary medical bandage, which is impregnated with Titan glue. The bandage is wound around the nozzle.

Second way

To build an aggregate in the second way you will need:

  • old home vacuum cleaner;
  • oil-based filter;
  • a bucket of 20 l with a tightly adjacent lid;
  • corners of PP 90º and 45º with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • the meter of plastic pipe with a diameter of 45 mm (a corrugated pipe is suitable with a length of 2 m and a diameter of 40 mm).

Build device

  • For a start, the lid of the bucket takes. It cuts the hole at an angle of 90º. Then the corner of the same size is inserted.
  • When a corner is inserted into the lid, all the gaps are lubricated with glue using a construction pistol.
  • In the side of the bucket, a slot is made in which a corner of 45º is inserted. All slots are also lubricated with glue.
  • To connect the corrugation to the corner, you need to cut off a pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. Corrugation should fit tightly. If it does not fit on the inlet pipe, you can resort to the use of the model from the siphon on the kitchen sink.
  • The narrow end of the corrugation is adjusted to the forty-challimetable tube. The other end is connected to the vacuum cleaner hole.
  • To extend the service life of the filter on it, it is necessary to pull the caprochy stocking.

Can an old vacuum cleaner come in handy?

There is an old vacuum cleaner at home. What can be made from an unnecessary unit?

If the device works, it can be applied to another purpose. Some methods require technical training, since the remission of technology is danger. In particular, there should be a way in principle of motors.

This article will describe the safest methods.

Air injection device

If you connect the hose to the outlet, which is available in most models, you can get an aggregate for pumping mattresses from rubber, pools for children and other similar things. The container of the vacuum cleaner needs to be pre-filled with garbage residues.

What can I do the Vacuum cleaner "Typhoon"?

What to do from the old Typhoon vacuum cleaner? The principle of the unit is characterized by a high level of performance.

The hull of the vacuum cleaner of Soviet production is not suitable for creating an instrument for grinding herbs. It has the upper hole of the suitable diameter. "Typhoon" is an excellent option, but not the only one.

What else can you apply?

  • The device body can be replaced with a cylinder-shaped capacity. For example, a saucepan, a bucket, or the segment of the pipe is used.
  • 180 watt engine is taken from the old washing machine.
  • A hacksaw blade is used as knives. For the rack, you will need a rectangular form profile of 15x15 mm.
  • The bushing for attaching knives is pulled out on the lathe. Its height is 40 mm.
  • The engine with removed pulley is attached by spills to the container.
  • To roast knives, a water supply nuts with a diameter of 32 mm are used.
  • For the motor shaft, the hole is cut.
  • For reliable fixation on the shaft in the sleeve, a pair of holes with a diameter of 7 mm and M8 thread for locking bolts are made.
  • At the direction of the engine from the reverse side, the platforms are pulled out to increase the level of reliability of the fastening of the sleeve with locking bolts.

Production of grain crust

For the manufacture of the grain crust, a person must have experience working with appliances. Independent manufacture of the device without relevant knowledge is not recommended.

  • A sheet of plywood square shape is taken. It is fixed with an electric motor with the meaning so that the shaft is descended down by 40 mm.
  • The steel plate is installed on a thread tail. It is fixed through nuts, sleeves and washers.
  • On both sides of the axis, the front edges are drained.
  • The axial opening is performed in the middle of the plate.
  • To create a working chamber of the future unit, a hull is made in the form of a ring. Its base make up the correct design of the part involves the bending of the ribs of the rings outward. They must form flanges of 10 mm. It is with their help that the body is attached to the ground. Sito is also screwed to them.

Making an attraction for children

What can be made from the old vacuum cleaner for children? If the motor motor works, then it can be used for the ride.

For this purpose, the tennis ball is pierced by a pin through, so that the ends of the pins are on both sides of the ball.

After that, a propeller is manufactured. Polystyrene jar is used. The propeller is attached over the ball. For him, there is enough one strip. It is cut with scissors.

The propeller is punctured in the middle and sat on the pin axis. For the speed and ease of rotation, the bearing bearings are advised. They are attached on both sides of the strip.

The top edge of the pin is bended in such a way that there is no big backlash on the axis.

Such a ball can be launched into the air through an outlet. If desired, the ball is decorated with sparkles.


This article described how to make a vacuum cleaner. There are many build options. It was also described what can be made from a vacuum cleaner.

Remember that without relevant technical knowledge is not worth it. The vacuum cleaner itself will be difficult in this case. It is better to seek help from a specialist.

With large-scale cleaning of dust or dirt cope with the garbage with the help of a conventional broom will be difficult. Of course, it is best to apply a vacuum cleaner in use. So our task will explore a detailed analysis of the process of making a vacuum cleaner with your own hands. It is important to understand that this home-made unit will be somewhat different from the system purchased on the technical specifications and multi-level system. The main elements include: filter (with which air purification), engine and pump.


Assembly will be carried out on the basis of the old domestic vacuum cleaner, so the following elements will be required:

  • Various nozzles;
  • Motor part;
  • Power regulator;
  • Suction hose;
  • Electric power wire.

In addition to the above components, you will need:

  • glue;
  • polyethylene barrel capacity. from fifty to eighty liters (necessarily lid);
  • bandages;
  • scissors with which metal cutting is possible, or a well-sharpened knife;
  • drill;
  • scotch;
  • lobzik;
  • sealant;
  • bolts;
  • clamp;
  • plywood;
  • air filter;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • stud with washers / nuts;
  • nozzle in two hundred millimeters with a length and diameter of forty millimeters;
  • insulating tape.

Assembling vacuum cleaner

Now we will grab the device assembling.

First you need to retreat one hundred millimeters from the upper face. Stand and drill the hole to the hole in order to fit the pipe there. A sharp scissors or a knife should be made as follows - edit the hole, it is necessary to distinguish the inner end to the wall at a certain angle (directed down).

Posted by the element with glue, pre-degreased the working surface. The same fraud is done on the outdoor side of the aggregate. Cut with a jigsaw two small circles from plywood so that the diameter is slightly smaller than the top surface of the barrel.

For billets under the bolts, make two holes and fasten the subtleties on both sides of the lid. The remaining holes also need to drill. Remove circles and eliminate all possible burrs. Apply a sealant over the entire surface without affecting the centers of blanks. Thrust determine fasteners. Make a round hole in the center of plywood for the hairpin, and next to it a bigger hole.

From the air filter, destroy the grid of metal material so as not to be clogged with sawdust and does not interfere with the performance of the device itself. Already improved filter component set on the heel.

IMPORTANT! The hairpin must look up the nut!

Since the engine part is usually rounded the form, it is necessary to create the necessary plastic parts (they are taken from the past unnecessary vacuum cleaner). As a rule, they are included in the engine. To secure them, you should take the clamp.

Next to the box to put the power regulator. Near the engine to place the previously specified element and switch. Connect all components with each other. Connect the cable to the fork. It is worth seeing the correctness of the collected design. Take the hose. If it is short, it must be increased by any product, for example, corrugation.

Adjust the nozzle for the brush to the hose. The next action you need to attach the tube to the dust collector. Here are two outcome of the events - either it is perfect for the hole, or not. In the latter of attached cases, it is necessary to make, the so-called adapter. To do this, take a small tube.

REFERENCE. Plum tube is also suitable. It must be soldered to the bag lock.

ATTENTION! The first time will have to check the filling from the dust collector, since the device is not designed for the sensor. And do not bring to the maximum level of dust saturation in the bag.

You can make a vacuum cleaner not only from above listed materials, but also from a plastic bottle.

Since each person can say, most people have a computer, the manufacture of such a vacuum cleaner will not be difficult. In addition, this method is quite simple and will not cause various difficulties.

It is necessary to cut a bottle into two equal parts. Cut the filter from the foam rubber and insert tightly into the neck. Next, you need to take the half, in which there is a lid. Insert the hose in it. Then turn the plug on the bottle. You should take a fan from the PC and smooth its corners.

Insert inside so that the air flow is sent to the back of the bottle. Location of a cooler to wash an isolated ribbon. The latter action should be connected to the power supply fan. It is necessary to bring the wire of red to the side with the "plus", and black - with the "minus" sign.

Such a small vacuum cleaner is wonderful to serve you enough time. To all, it is easy to keep in hand and work on the elimination of the smallest dust even with minor details. In addition, the homemade vacuum cleaner from the bottle can serve as a children's toy and teach your child to the wisdom of cleanness in the game form.

When using a conventional vacuum cleaner for collecting sawdust, the bag is very quickly filled. For myself, I solved this problem - I collected a cyclone or separator to work with the power tool. Collected from affordable and cheap materials:- an empty bottle of 19 liters;
- Sewer fitting by 40 mm. (with a tap 90 degrees);
- coupling and clamp also by 40 mm;
- polypropylene tubes and fittings by 20 mm;
- Old hose from the vacuum cleaner;
- Polyethylene package and rubber band.

Cyclone assembly

In the bottom and side of the bottle were drilled by a crown of two holes by 40 mm. One hole for the hose from the vacuum cleaner, and the other for the hose through which the chips will be sucking. From the polypropylene tube, the rack was welded to hold the bottle of tipping. This was the most time-consuming work when assembling the whole of my design.

On the rack there is a clamp for fixing the hose. And on the neck of the bottle will
package for garbage collection and pulling rubber band. After the end of work (cleaning), the bottle is lifted, and the whole garbage falls into the bag.

Basically, the cyclone was assembled for working with a mini circular saw and a jigsaw, when using a lot of sawdust, but it has proven itself well and when collecting ordinary garbage, since it is not necessary to change the dust bag now: it is almost empty.

Most people have the concept of "vacuum cleaner" associated with cleaning of premises. However, the manicure masters know that the device with such a name is necessary not only in everyday life, but also during the procedure for nail extensions.

Why do you need a manicure vacuum cleaner

Nail extension allows women to make their hands well-groomed and attractive. However, during the spill of gel or acrylic nails, a large amount of dust is formed, which contains many harmful components.

Long inhalation of fine particles leads to their sediment on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which can give impetus to the development of certain diseases:

  • rhinitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergies.

To prevent such unpleasant consequences of the manicure wizard, special vacuum cleaners are used during the removal of gel nails.

Video: Master manicure about the benefits of a manicure vacuum cleaner

How to choose the equipment

In order for the work of a Neil-specialist to be the most comfortable, the vacuum cleaner for manicure is recommended to choose from the following characteristics:

  • high performance - the device must effectively suck dust before it spreads through the room;
  • qualitative material of the dust collector - it is impossible that the bag misses the dust particles collected into it;
  • compactness - the vacuum cleaner should not take a lot of space on the nail table and interfere with a specialist to carry out the procedure;
  • silentness - a loud sound when equipped with equipment leads to irritability, loss of attention, wizard fatigue, which greatly affects the quality of the procedure and the final result.

Distinguish the following types of manicure vacuum cleaners:

  • portable desktop apparatus - is the most popular. It can be used on a permanent workplace or take with it to build nails from the client at home. Such a vacuum cleaner is a small device in the form of a stand stand, which makes a double function - collects dust and provides the ability to client comfortably arrange the hand, besides, it greatly helps the master in work. When choosing an apparatus of this type, you should pay attention to the material of its housing. The most comfortable for the client is considered to be a surface covered with a soft leatherette resistant to solvents and other means. It will also be a plus if the desktop device is additionally equipped with a lamp, which will save space on the nail table;
  • stationary equipment - used only at a permanent workplace, because it is embedded above the manicure table or under it (a lattice from the vacuum cleaner is removed on the worktop). The advantage of such an apparatus is that it does not occupy a place on the work surface, and its power is more than that of the desktop vacuum cleaner. However, the cost of such equipment is higher.

Each neil specialist can choose for itself the most suitable design, depending on whether it makes a manicure in the cabin, at home or works on the road.

Modern stationary hoods are equipped with powerful lamps, which makes it easier for the work of the master and saves a place on a manicure table.

Overview of the most popular models

Beginners Master Manicure most often take customers at home, in connection with which they ask the question of whether the desktop vacuum cleaner is best to choose.

The most popular models of mobile hoods provide the following manufacturers:

  • Ultratech - the vacuum cleaners of this company are distinguished by the practical absence of noise and a large warranty period (24 months). The device meets all the necessary requirements.
  • Salon Professional - devices are produced by the American company and are characterized by a powerful built-in fan, which allows you to instantly clean the air from contaminants.
  • Lady Victory - the manufacturer worked out that Lady Victory devices were as comfortable for the client, so their body is covered with soft material. The company offers many leatherette colors to choose from.
  • Planet Nails - the vacuum cleaners of this brand combine good quality and low cost. In addition, the Planet Nails models are characterized by their compactness.
  • SIMEI - The instrument housings are made of high-quality plastic and are equipped with a soft rubberized string for the client's hands. A large plus of the device is that a comfortable LED lamp is built into it, providing good lighting. The absorption force of the vacuum cleaner reaches a distance of 10 cm.

Photo gallery: Popular model of manicure vacuum cleaners

Ultratech vacuum cleaner case made of high quality plastic
Salon Professional brand vacuum cleaners are characterized by high power.
Soft Upholstery Lady Victory Vacuum Cleaner Provides Customer Hand Comfort
Planet Nails offers a large selection of different colors of a vacuum cleaner
Model Simei 858-6 is convenient because it has two engines and backlight

How to make self-hood for manicure

On the Internet there are many rollers with a review of desktop hoods for manicure. Their design is quite simple: a fan is mounted in the housing, under which a dust collection bag is installed. Therefore, make a similar hood independently will not be difficult. To do this, you need to be able to work as a soldering iron and prepare the necessary details.

Computer cooler vacuum cleaner

You can create a desktop hood from a computer cooler with the help of materials that almost everyone has at home, but if not, they are easy to find them in any economic store. So, the following details will be needed for the improvised machine:

The process of assembling the vacuum cleaner itself is performed in such a sequence:

During the spill of the extensive nails, the finished hood can be put near the desktop, and after the procedure, fliesline bags for collecting dust are easily shaking and erased, after which they can again be used in operation.

A homemade vacuum cleaner can be improved if you make a housing for it. To do this, it is necessary to make a design that resembles the roof of the birdhouse. The angle between two slots should be approximately 120 °. In one of the sides, it is necessary to cut the hole and close it with a protective lattice. From the inside to this hole should be attached to the assembled ventilation product. Wear a dust collector on the cooler and get started.

Homemade embedded extract

Stationary hoods that are used by Neil-specialists in the salons have a rather high cost. But at home, you can make a built-in model, while spending a small amount.

For the manufacture of such a vacuum cleaner, the same computer cooler will need. You can use two or even three fans immediately, then the hood power will increase much.

So, to get a built-in manicure hood, you need to follow certain stages:

  1. Determine the location on the surface of the table, where the flat ventilation grille will be located.
  2. Cut in the tabletop hole under the fan.
  3. Under the cover of the table, attach the collected design from the cooler (or several fans).
  4. On the cooler to put the bag-dust collector. You can also attach the exhaust corrugated pipe to the fan, at the end of which it is necessary to place a bag of fabric on the fliesline basis. Because of the smaller dust collectors, in this case, have to change much less.
  5. From above on the table top should be secured by the grid.

Video: Manicure hood do it yourself

The manicure vacuum cleaner is necessary in the work of a neil specialist, since such a device helps protect the surrounding atmosphere from contamination of harmful dust, thereby preventing the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract of the wizard. A large selection of portable and stationary hoods is presented in stores. But if necessary, to save them is easy to make themselves.

Children playing role-playing games are gaining in various images. And best of all, kids get to portray his parents leading homemade life. For such games, various items are needed, which can be made independently from remedies. In this case, it will be a vacuum cleaner.
For the manufacture of a toy vacuum cleaner, you will need with your own hands:
- a bottle with a handle from the air conditioner or liquid washing powder;
- a piece of corrugated pipe or hose (50-70 cm);
- wheels on the axis from the children's typewriter;
- Shopping brush for clothes;
- tape or scotch;
- Shilo and scissors.

We remove the sticker from the bottle surface. Soap helps to remove it, but the surface still remains sticky. Fully clean the bottle from glue residues allows White Spirit.

We remove the cover from the bottle and make a hole in it. Its size should be equal to the diameter of the corrugation. Exactly cut hole allows us awl. With the help of it, we make several holes in the lid, then cut with scissors or knife around the circle. Uneven edges can be pulled out with sandpaper or file.

We insert the "flush" with a lid one end of the corrugation. Fix the details together, so that the Vacuum cleaner does not fall apart during the children's games. The easiest way of fastening is to make a tire of the hole and grind the thread. We twist the cover back into the neck of the bottle.

Next, fix the economic brush on the other end of the corrugation. Its width should be about the same as the diameter of the pipe. If the brush has a handle, then it is better to cut it. Extra bristles also remove in advance.

Cut on the end of the pipe the rectangular hole inserting the brush. Fix it with the help of the isol: first the end, and then in two places along the diameter of the pipe.

At the last stage, we install the wheels. To do this, pierce a selection of two holes in the bottle, which make the axis, kpripim the wheels. It remains only to decorate a children's vacuum cleaner. For example, stick to the surface of a bottle of a logo of some well-known company for the sale of household appliances or a colorful picture.