Plant with gray leaves. Cinerty Silver: all tricks of proper landing and leaving experienced gardeners

Silver Gamma Plants Do not look like gray mice. Rather, they look like primary diplomats on a great admission. The design of flower beds in gray tones requires special art so that the gray does not become boring, but looked noble.

To create such an elegant and stylish flower garden with your own hands, it is not at all to paint everything in a row in gray tones.

On the contrary, you need to apply a variety of combined coloring. Further in this article we will look at the approximate landing plan, on his example you will see how you can combine different colors in the design of the "silver" flower beds.

In cloudy weather and in the shady corners of the plant of the silver gamut are light and allocate other colors, the sun is shining with a noble metal glitter. In the design of the club, you need to follow the rules of accents.

For "silver" flower, there are plants with leaves of various sizes, forms and invoices, motley flower beds can be surrounded by one or two dominant species. Such dominants act as an elegant accompaniment in the background of landings - for example, low choppers sage or wormwood.

Empty spaces will fill the soil solid species such as cleanie Vizantine or oatman Sizaya. Silvery-gray color diplomatically connects screaming juicy paints or shining cold colors, like a frame, emphasizing the beauty of self-auction stones. But the best silver color is combined with muted, gentle pastel colors.

Gray Rabatka - Flower Garden Scheme

If you want to create gray pests, stick to those simple rules that we offer, you can easily create your own excellent flower bed. We offer you a landing plan in which the design for your flower beds thought to the smallest detail.

The leading batch in this composition is performed two bushes Macket heart-shapedlocated at the corners of the house and attracting a look.

It is accompanied lower sixaintones (Miss Willmott's Ghost), wormwood Louis (Silver Queen) and sage Muscany.

Located in front of them bearded irisessplitting the surface into separate parts. As a contrast of the composition for this flower garden to them is suitable alpine oats.

Front plans occupy lavender and cleanie VizantineMilitolized Military Military Military Washed.

In the picture of the landing plan, the number of plants is indicated by fraction. Letters marked:

a. - Louis Ludoviciana Silver Queen: ARTEMIZIA Ludoviciana Silver Queen
b. - Iris Bearded (Iris Barbata Superstition)
from - Lavender narrowed (Lavandula Anquptipholia)
d. - Cineraria Primorskaya (Senecio Cineraria)
e. - Sixovenik (Eryngium Miss Willmott's Ghost)
f. - Alpine Ovice (Helictotrihon Sempervirens)
g. - Meliantus (Melianthus Major)
h. - Cleannoe Byzantine (Stachys BYZANTINA)
i. - Gypsophila Paniculata (Gypsophila Paniculata)
j. - Walinkle (Powis Castle)
k. - Schmidt's wormwood (Artemisia Schmidtiana Nana)
l. - Sunfield (Heliathhemum Henfield Brilliant)
m. - Sage Muscat (Salvia Sclarea)
n. - Macley heart-shaped (Macleya Cordata)
about - Military Mirtolent (Salvia Myrsinites)
p. - Spiny Slaughterhouse (Pseudolysimachion Spicatum Subsp. Incanum)

For this flower garden used the most interesting combinations with gray:

    Silvery-gray foliage gives a wax raid (cuticle) or the finest hairs that serve as protection against scoring sunlight and drying wind. Such types are best increasing in open sunny places, it is familiar to them habitat.

    Many silver species are decorative plants, their flowers are small and unwasp. Creating a flower bed composition, it is important to observe the following rules: in the background one or two high sculptural bushes, they accompany them as an accompaniment of medium-sized plants (various sage or wormwood), empty places are filled with soil plants (purple of the Byzantine or oatmeal Siza).

Wormwood for borders

Chernobyl, or Obsign wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), for a long time known as a spice to bird dishes. Popular vermouth must be the appearance of Holly Gorky (Artemisia Absintmm).

For the garden, the grass of the appearance will provide a whole range of various sizes and forms that give it an elegant appearance. The main thing is that for them there are dry places, in winter reliably covered with snow.

Be careful! Walnings incredibly multiply multiplied. If you do not control the rapid growth of this herb, it is easy to turn into weeds. Therefore, designate the place of worn on your flower bed and make sure that this grass does not cross the boundaries younger. All plants are "violators" wax in a timely manner.

Plants in Serom

The wax flare or hairs on foliage and stems peculiar to all gray plants and stems give them a variety of shades.

Bright silver shine cycle leaves seaside. Metal shine is characterized by wormies. The sage medicinal is painted in a noble olive gray color. Alpine oat leaves and oatwatmeal leaves give blue. Scropphana has gray-green leaves, and the syngineer is covered with a gray-lilac flare.

The most beautiful gray perennials for your flower garden

    Sage Muscat (Salvia Sclarea). Bright fragrant twiser with ascended inflorescences for the background. Flowers from June to September. Height 80-100 cm.

    Sunfield (Helianthemum Henfild Brilliant). Beautiful and abundant blooming shrubs with olive gray foliage and flame-orange flowers. Flowers in May- June. Height 15-20 cm.

    Festuca Glauca (Festuca Glauca). The poorer the soil, the brighter the gray raid appears on the leaves. The plant needs a haircut, which will grow into a dense carpet. Flowers in August. Leaf height 15 cm, inflorescences - 30 cm.

    Maccle (Bokokonia) Heart-shaped (Macleya Cordata). An outstanding, but rare perennial with large bladed-capped leaves and golden flowers in openwork brushes. Quickly grow up thanks to Czczuchy Kornvik. Flowers from July to September.

    Scrolpoint, "Sedum Telephium Herbstfreude). Compact gray-green plants will make quiet notes in your composition. Flowers in August - October. Height 50 cm.

    Cleancie by the Byzantine, "Hare ears" (Stachys BYZANTINA). The pubescent leaves of the purity have a silver shine, especially good in the foreground. It blooms throughout the summer, it is advisable to delete inflorescences. Height 15-20 cm.

    Military Mirt College (EUFORBIA Mirsinites). Differs in thick rolling leaves. Suitable for stone fences or borders. Flowers in April - May. Height 10 cm.

    Alpine Ovice (Sempervirens). Elegant leaves and ears are ascended over low plants. Flowers from July to September. The length of the leaves is 30 cm, the height of the inflorescence is 70 cm.

    Sage Medicinal Garden (Salvia Officinalis). This magnificent grade with gray foliage will perform leading parties. Flowers in June - July. Height 20-40 cm.

The most beautiful gray annuals for your flower garden

    Gazanie Talent Silberblatt). Sunflowers of this variety will play a storm play in a gray garden. Flowers from June to October. Height 15-20 cm.

    Salvia Farinacea Silber. Magnificent variety, characterized by endurance and tireless flowering from June to October. Height 30-50 cm.

    Helichrisum Italicum (Helichrisum Italicum). His gray leaves smell the curry, and he himself grows with large beams. Flowers must be coated, they are not decorative. Height 20-35 cm.

    Cineraria (Senecio Cineraria). It is difficult to find another plant with such silver foliage. There are varieties with finely dissected leaves or compact with small leaves suitable as a rim. It blooms undetented. Height 15-20 cm.

    Melianthus Major (Melianthus Major). Numerous leaves - gray-green, ascending. Flowers are unspoken. Sculpture plant for the background. Height up to 100 cm.

    SOUNTER FASTEN (GNAFALIUM OBTUSIFOLIUM). As a plant for balconies is known for a long time, but it is well kept in the garden. Long shoots will close large areas. It blooms undetented. Height 10 cm.

    Wire (Calocephalus brownii). A peculiar creation with elongated "wire" shoots. Creates an interesting contrast with large-scale plants. It blooms undetented. Height 15-25 cm.

As part of the creation of original landscape design, it is extremely important to combine bright plants correctly and less rich in color schemes that could serve as a good background. Of course, this does not mean that the background colors do not need to pay due attention, on the contrary, the careful selection will largely determine the success of the project being implemented. Landscape designers loved the silvery cyclery - this plant could not leave anyone indifferent, its openwork leaves and velvet texture immediately attract attention. In order to enrich your garden such beauty, it is important to know the basic rules of growing and care of the plant, which will be considered in this article.

Cinery silver - annual or perennial?

Cineurial Silver, having a view of a low bustle, refers to the number of perennial plants, but most simply care for it in the first year. The fact is that from the second year, the inflorescences are beginning to be formed, represented by small yellow flowers, not carrying any decorative benefits, and to maintain the initial type of citricacy, the inflorescences are removed. To avoid such a need, some prefer to raise silver bushes as a single or twin-bowl.

Also in this issue are of great importance to climatic conditions. If you grow a cinerochion in the cold region with a short summer, it is unlikely that it will survive the winter, and they are treated as an annual. And in warmer regions, the bushes are sprinkled with sawdust or dry leaves, and in the spring, those parts that still frost, remove and the growth of new shoots begins. Such wintering allows you to save time and efforts to grow a new seedlings next year.

Plant Description

The plant belongs to the family of comprehensive and also has other names - a cross, seasale, silver dust. There are about 5 dozen major types of cyclery, which can be divided into two groups: decorative and blooming. The second can often be found on the windowsill as domestic flowers. However, due to unusual shape and color, deciduous varieties are also popular, but to more extent in landscape design. Silver Cinery is well suited for decorating gravel gardens, alpine slides, camouflages, etc. Given the high decorative value of the plant, you can cut down a few beautiful branches before cooling and put them in the vase. They will be good to watch not only in the latest form, but also as the original drying.

This type of plant has lowered by the leaves of an unusual lace form, which are covered with a whitish felt troop, which causes the name - the flower really looks silver. Plant height usually does not exceed 25 centimeters.

The crossover also has its medicinal properties, although it is used in folk medicine not so often. Funds based on plants can be useful in intestinal diseases and bronchial asthma.

Methods of sowing and growing plants from seeds

Cineral seeds can be purchased in the store, or assemble from a flowering plant. Practice shows that the best option for growing the plant is sowing on seedlings at home, and only after this transplant to the ground. Direct sowing to the Earth is not recommended only for this type of cyclery, there are such varieties that can be suited by a similar method. But in silver dust the gentle shoots and most unsuitable for weather adversities, so it is better to wait until they fix it slightly. You can start to plant from the end of May.

The seeds are very small, so they are not cheese - they are simply poured on the surface of well-moistened soil in tanks for seedlings and a little finger. After the container is tightly closed with a film or glass to create proper conditions for growth. Watering is produced as needed, but with extreme caution, it is best to do this with a pulverizer. Prerequisites are good lighting and temperature of about 20 degrees. The first shoots should appear after 10 days, and it is worth noting that the grades of this variety have very worthy.

When each of the sprouts will issue two true leafs, you can begin picking according to individual vessels. The root system is very gentle and poorly tolerates trauma, so you have to show care. When separating one sprout, it is getting together with a lump of land so as not to damage the roots and ensure quick adaptation in the new soil. After a half or two months, the seedlings will take a form of small attractive bushes, the sizes of which reach 10 centimeters, and when warm weather is already installed on the street, you can begin to transfer to the ground.

When and how to plant seedlings in the ground

Time for landing should be selected so that the threat of nightly colds has already been completely passed. The plant is sunlide, and it is perfectly suitable for well-lit plots. The soil should be a weakly acidic or neutral, along the roar structure. During the transplantation to the ground, it is also worth leaving an earthen com, since when it is purified, the likelihood of injury to the root system is high. For landing, it will be enough to dig up a shallow pit, moisten it, put the plant and carefully shook it. This is an emission plant, so the distance between the bushes needs to be made approximately 20 centimeters, and between the rows - 25.

It is worth paying a particular attention to the watering, since when it is excessive, the plant will begin to rotate, and with a lack of yellowing and dry. In general, the cyclery is well tolerates heat, so it does not require frequent watering. It is necessary to make water between rows under the root, the leaves themselves are better not to wet.

Video: Cineral decoration landing

The process of disembarking the finished seedlings in the ground is quite simple and no special secrets. However, that Flowerba acquittles all expectations, it is better to make sure that everything will be done correctly. This video will help in this - it demonstrates the procedure for planting a cyclery.

Reproduction of stalling and dividing bush

In addition to the ease of growing seeds, the plant can also be propagated by the division of bushes or stalling. The first approach is used infrequently, although it is not inferior in its efficiency. To carry out the procedure, you need to remove a bush from the soil and make division in such a way that each part has both ground shoots, and roots.

The pavement is carried out at the beginning of summer while side shoots begin to appear on the bush. They need to be cautiously cut using a sharp knife, and then place in small containers with well-humidated soil. To roighten the cutting, you need to create a greenhouse effect, covering the capacity by polyethylene. In about 20 days, the roots are already formed, and the cuttings can be transplanted into the open ground. This is a convenient way for those who do not have the opportunity to grow seedlings in large quantities, but wants to plant a lot of plants. All of the described methods of reproduction give a good result, and which one to choose - depends on you.


To ensure normal growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to provide him with all the conditions necessary for this. For cyclery, such parameters are important:

  • high-quality soil. The best option will be purchased mixture for decorative crops;
  • the temperature must be installed at the average level of 20 degrees, while sharp oscillations should not be;
  • for watering you need to use warm water, which was previously estimated. Greens can not be saved, moisture should only fall on the soil;
  • the light should be intense, but scattered;
  • feeders produce only during the plant development period;
  • it is necessary to delete the shockless or unwanted flowers in a timely manner and dried leaves;
  • you can use special solutions for disease prevention.

Diseases and pests of plants

As for the disease, the most often problems arise if there is a leaflet with moisture when irrigating moisture - this may cause gray rot (the disease is manifested in the form of a rich formation on a bustard of gray mold). Light brown spots on the leaves are a sign of alternaria. There may also be problems like rust and odium. All the notes described are treated with special preparations that can be purchased in stores for the garden and the garden.

Photo of cycherry silver on flowerbed

Once after seeing this flower, it will be difficult to confuse him in the future with any other plant. Gorgeous leaves of an unusual shape covered with white "velvet" - a wonderful picture that can decorate any flowerbed. It looks great at the location around the perimeter - bright colors against the background of the silvery cyclery create an excellent composition.

In the garden palette, plants of noble silver and "gray" tones, which look very elegant, retain decorativeness throughout the season and serve as an excellent background for others, brighter paints. Silvery leaves perfectly shade blue, blue, purple and white flowers, and are also a mandatory component of the monochrome "white garden". Since many of the volatile plants love poor and dry soils, as well as heat resistant, they are widely used on alpine slides and in rockers.

Monochrome flower beds look fashionable and stylish, and in addition, they are capable of creating a mood. Monochrome flower beds are attracted, forcing a person to consider the composition, looking for various shades. A feature of the monochrome flower garden is also its ability to visually expand the space, due to which it is often created at the boundary of the site. Especially skillful flowerflowers can create a flower garden, which every time of year will have a different color.

The silver garden is suitable for sunny, open areas with well-drained and dry soils. If a Mediterranean-style garden is created, it can be all performed in gray colors, but sometimes a separate flower garden or composition is made using this color.

In nature and in cultural landings, it is often possible to celebrate plants with silver-gray leaves. We have been thickets of willow or coltsfoots, and sea buckthorn gardens, in warm climates - olive and cypress groves, lavender fields, planting rosemary, cumshots and mochads, as well as "gray-haired" perfection plants.

It is believed that silver-blue compositions are designed primarily to create gardens in the Mediterranean style - silver, fun and cool. But silver will fit in the gardens of other styles. In regular compositions, symmetrical landings of blue fir trees or cut-off hedges in gray tones are sometimes used. Silver-blue colors are completely indispensable if your garden is decorated in Modern styles, avant-garde, neoclassic and non-hereniss. Landscape style also perfectly admits the presence of silver in landscape compositions.

When creating a flower garden in the "maritime" style, it means the mandatory symbolic presence of water, which is depicted using silver, blue, blue, white, gray shades of leaves and colors. In mixboraders of coniferous and decorative, trees and shrubs often include plants with silver coloring leaves and needles.

Flower beds from annuals in any style, especially carpet flower beds, where the drawing is clearly expressed, do not cost without these cold tones. In the mixtures of perennials, which uses a wide variety of forms of plants of bright colors, silvery gray shades often include for equilibrium composition. They serve as a buffer between poorly combined colors, fill it with light, form the poles of calm, make other paints rich more and more. Silver tones are often present in alpinearia and rockers.

Colors White, gray and silver are close to perception - they are neutral and are closer to the cold range, but always attract attention. Gray is ambiguous, it has unique properties: fills the garden with light and visually spreads the boundaries of the garden or mixlener, which is especially important in small gardens. It softens the cold colors (blue, blue) and combines light paints (pink, cream, white, purple, apricot), and red, yellow, orange, purple tones begin to literally shine in the presence of gray, showing their expressive character.

Like white, silver color has many shades depending on the environment: it can be yellowish and greenish, pinkished and bluish, "gray" and almost white. Depending on the lighting, weather and textures of the leaves, it happens with sparkling and dim, matte and metal, cold and warm, modest and elegant, neutral and noble, magical and mysterious. This game of paints will never seem boring and monotonous! Extremely important in silver garden or flower beds a variety of and properly selected accessories: in the form of gray-blue balls, silver moths, benches, supports and obelisks for curly plants, galvanized, tin and tin containers, garden sculptures.

Plants and flowers for silver flower garden

Many silver species are decorative plants, their flowers are small and unwasp. Creating a flower bed composition, it is important to observe the following rules: in the background one or two high sculptural bushes, they accompany them as an accompaniment of medium-sized plants (various sage or wormwood), empty places are filled with soil plants (purple of the Byzantine or oatmeal Siza).

The range of trees and shrubs in the silver gamme is large enough. From coniferous favorites are various types and varieties of ate: Canadian blue spruce, the compact varieties of spiny, reaching 1-1.5 m in height, fir conical, etc. Pines also have forms with silver needles: it's pine wimutov, pine varieties and pine and Black.

The effect of the blue needle in the cypress tree of the Gorokhorn variety "Boolear", being quite frost-resistant, it requires careful protection from the spring and winter sun. But most of all the blue and silver forms can be found among juniper: from tall, it is Virgin and rock, from the steels - horizontal, lying, varieties of Cossack juniper; Beautiful blue needle from juniper chinese and juniper scheral.

Often, flower beds from annuals and other compositions are complemented by the seaside cycle with its carved blue leaves, which are perfectly combined with red, yellow, blue colors. From large annual spanish artichoke, Mordovnik round. In the wildcard culture use silver camp with cherry, gears, rosemary, cypressian sanitary.

Many species have a bluish foliage: Muskari, Galantas, Luke (Christopher, Karatavsky, Aftalunsky), as well as liver, haggard, waterballs (most decorative in spring). Among the alpine soil plants is also a wide variety of silver forms: the Alissaum rock, some species (for example, Maskolka Biblisteina and Yaskolka Felt, Edelweiss Alpine, Clamps (Related, Lidia, Rock), Astra Alpine, shot open, etc.

The average and tall perennials also contribute to the silver palette. Extremely attractive cleaning woolly and purity Byzantine with their sowed leaves, wormwood (Louis wormwood, wormwood bitter, Schmidt wormwood, shells of steller), AnaPhalis, Lichnis crunched with purple flowers, Single Heinkeeper, Some Garden Carnations, Schalf (sage silver, sage Dubray, sage medicinal), Vasilki Mountain and blue, varieties of lavender with gentle-lilac flowers and a charming aroma (requires sunshine and shelter in winter), sediments prominent, sword-shaped leaves of irises. Some types and varieties of the host have a gray-blue foliage and perfectly complement any flower garden: the Zibodda Host and the Tsong Host.

Plants for silver flower garden

Stems reach a height of 100 cm, green leaves with a small pile. During flowering, flowers of pink or white color with large inflorescences appear. During the ripening period, small fruits appear in the form of nuts. Blossom starts in the middle of summer, the ripening of fruits - in the fall. Sage grows at least two years, main root - rod. Skes at the plant are somewhat, as a rule, they are reprehension. The fetus consists of several roots of brown-brown color.

Sunflower in the people is also called stone, although this name is not quite suitable for such a bright, beautiful and light plant. The special advantage of the sunflower is that with proper care, it can bloom, transformation landscape plot. The only nuance that is important to take into account is the duration of the flowering plant is low and amounts to no more than 1 day.

The height of the plant, depending on the type and variety, varies from 10 to 30 cm. All helifers have a number of common features. Sunflower shoots can be both scattered upright and fluttering along the surface of the Earth. The form of leaves is oval or extended lancing, and their color is all shades of green, from light-salad to dark saturated.

Flowers can be both single and collected in creeps or sweeping inflorescences. The sunflower bud consists of five cups (three inner and two outer), and the flower itself is out of five separate petals, in shades of yellow, orange, pink or lilac. In the center of the flower there is a large number of yellow stamens. The fetus of the helianmamum is a box containing a lot of seeds.

An unusual plant, oatmeal is sisaya, is a compact, spherical shape, low-spirited bushes. The main advantages of culture that determined her decorative purpose is the original shape and exotic color of the leaves. And considering the endurance and unpretentiousness of culture, this garden cereal is considered to be the leader of the design of landscape compositions and flower beds.

The lush bunch of oatmeal has a straight stem, reaching a height from 20 to 60 cm and narrow, modified leafy plates. This device - the leaves twisted into a thin tube, allows the plant to significantly save water consumption in the process of evaporation. Linear evergreen leaves form spherical shape, dense beautiful bushes. Rhizome perennial small sizes, but sufficiently thick.

A beautiful static plant with heart-shaped leaves, a height of 2-2.5 m. The lace leaves are very beautiful, pleasant to the touch, top with the siece-green, and below have a small grayish gun. In the wind Kurtin looks very attractive: the game of the paint just fascinates. Flowers in July-August for more than a month openwork pyramidal panicles up to 30-40 cm long. Inflorescences consist of small, white or pinkish flowers with multiple stamens (20-40) and sewers who quickly fall apart, and there is no whore. The fruit is lanceal boxes with 2-6 seeds, but in the suburbs seeds do not ripen.

Clamp is a perennial (although sometimes annual species are found) a plant from the Tolstanka family. This is a plant having a reprehensive solid stem, rarely exceeds the mark of 1 m. Quite fat, smooth, but at the same time, the fleshy leaves of the cleaves have recesses at the base. Star small flowers of the plant are assembled into dense and neat shields, umbrella or carious inflorescences of white, yellow, purple and pinkish color (it all depends on the species type). Most often, the obstacles can be found in moderate, as well as mountainous areas of the northern hemisphere.

Perennial rhizable soil grassy plant. The plant is assigned to the soil for the fact that it is very quickly growing in the curtains up to 1 meter in diameter. Stems in the purity of the Byzantine, a reprehension, tetrahedral, height from 20 to 60 centimeters. High decorativeness and special attractive plants give the roar and stem thickly sulpted with silver or gray-blue hairs, the linear leaves, narrowed at the base.

Cleancale flowers at the end of summer, in August, for a month. His flowers are very small, unbroken, pinkish-lilac or reddish, are assembled into a tight spikelet with a height of up to 30 centimeters, and not so decorative as leaves. Therefore, some flower inflorescences are immediately cut out.

Mirt College Mokhokha reaches 25 cm high. Extravagant geometry and texture of foliage, bright buds, sourcing gentle aroma - this and much more distinguishes this species into a separate group of decorative shrubs. He loves heat, therefore it is preferable to plant it in the south of the country.

Milkoliste Milkolitis - an attractive decorative perennial height of no more than 20-25 cm with semi-stranded shoots, reaching 25 cm long, which are original, like a roof tile, cover the fleshy-shaped meat-gray leaves. The foliage on the plant is preserved in winter. In the ends at the ends of the shoots, peculiar greenish-yellow inflorescences are blooming, flowering lasts 15-20 days.

Military Mirt College - a dubbed plant, which is suitable for any permeable, uncomfortable soil. Sunconium, although it will grow in half. In the harsh winters can be moderated, but with the onset of heat usually grows. This kind of dairy is perfectly combined with stones, so it is most often planted in stony gardens.

The stem branched, undeporting, at the top of herbal, in the first year of life a tetrahedral, felt-dressed. Develops in good conditions up to 100 or more shoots. The height of the stem is up to 80 cm. Leaves are pouring, oblong-egg-shaped, sweet, wrinkled, pubescent. Color leaves from grayish green to silver gray. Leaf length 3.5-8 cm, and width - 0.8-1.5 cm.

Flowers on short flowers, collected on a bloom in false mutations (6-7 pieces). Inflorescence loose, cooled. A cup of flower pubescent, a colors of a blue-violet or light pink, less often white. The fruit is dry, disintegrates on the couple of one-step nuts. Seeds have a pretty large, egg-shaft or rounded shape, smooth, black or dark brown, matte. Seed diameter is about 2.5 mm. The mass of 1000 seeds 7-10 g. Keep the germination of 3 years.

Blooms the sage medicinal on the second or third year. Flowers in June July. Fruits ripen in August-September. Flowering and ripening seed begins bottom up. Sage - Crossright, pollinated by bees and bumblebees.

The most popular and high-screen wormwood for flower beds used to create borders, pillow-shaped rugs, mixboraders and chains, on the alpine rolsters, terraces, in crevices among stones, this plant you can fill out free spaces. This is a perennial grassy plant. Gustwick, with a dense openwork densely published silver foliage with a whitish shade, this wormwood is almost rounded openwork bushes or dense curtains up to 30 cm. To the touch leaflet velvety, gentle, soft from what is covered with silky hairs.

Gasania is a bush up to 15-50 cm high. Dense narrow dark green or gray-green leaves are assembled into a root rosette, from which flowerca with single inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 3-9 cm.

Gasy petals are different colors: pink, red, white, but most often yellow or orange, often with longitudinal strips of more dark and bright shades with a dark spot at the base. The outer surface of the petals is often brilliant. At the same time, there can be up to 30 color seals on shopping. Flowers are revealed only with bright sunlight, and when cloudy weather remains closed. Seeds are hairy seeds with a hokholcom.

Gotanyania is a perennial, however, in the northern latitudes is grown as an annual. The flowering period continues from the beginning of summer to frosts.

Unusual coloring of leaves and resistance to droughts made this plant very attractive for landscape designers. Where it is required to reprove the greens or emphasize the bright color color, the seaside cyclery is indispensable. Silver color and carved leaves are successfully combined with almost all popular annual and perennial garden plants.

Cineral leaves are peristo-separate or oval with wavy edges depending on the variety. They are covered with silver floods below, thanks to which the plant received the beautiful name "Silver dust". Buckets reach a height of 15-25 cm.

Inflorescences are small and inconspicuous, grown by the seaside cyclery for the sake of the leaves of an unusual shade. Flowers appear, as a rule, for the second year and need to be deleted.

Missed the bush resembles an open-air balloon. The height of the stem ranges from 0.35 m to 1.2 m, depending on the variety. There are almost no leaves on it. Branchy stems are decorated with narrow gray-green leaves. They are small, bottom of the shaggy. From above, branched stems are covered with a huge number of colors, simple or terry. Each size reaches 8 mm. Flowers are white and pink different intensity. They are assembled in inflorescences. The color of the bud can change after the blooming of the flower.

The fruit is a multiferous box with a huge number of small seeds. In one gram there are more than a thousand. They retain the germination of two or three years. The root of gypsophila reaches 70 cm. It helps her to extract water even in a dry time. But to transplant the plant with such a long root is difficult. Therefore, it needs to be planted immediately in the right place. Width bush 1 m.

This tree reaches from 30 to 67 m in height, the thickness of the barrel is from 100 to 180 cm. The crown has originally cone-shaped shape, but after converted to the rounded, incorrect form.

The bark at the white pine is light gray, but with age gradually grisges and darkens, cracks appear on it, the plates of the irregular shape with a purple tint. Thin young boot-green shoots and slightly resinous. Large branches at the tree are diverted around and up, and thin smooth, pale-brown color, over time, get gray shade.

The kidneys are light brown, ovoid-cylindrical, again a little resinous. Coupling stretch up, gathering in bundles, five needles. Their length is about 6-10 cm. They are straight or a bit curved, very flexible, have a dark green shade or sisovato-green, to the bottom becoming more light.

Cypress Gorochoploda

Cypressian is an evergreen coniferous tree, which belongs to the family of cypress and is a monocotted plant. Kiparisovik is not at all the same as cypress. Unlike its more capricious fellow, the cypressive is more resistant to cold and some of its varieties can winter without cover. The natural habitat of this coniferous tree is considered the territories of East Asia, in particular Japan, and North America. However, many species can be found almost all over the world, they feel well in Europe and Russia. In the gardens, the cypressovik cultivated from the 18th century and is gaining more and more popular every year.

Juniper Virginsky is widespread in North America (with the exception of Western regions). Tree up to 20 m high, in adverse conditions, shrub. Leaves of two types: at plants up to 3 years old and on young shoots are needed, later - scratched. Binding 3-7 mm in diameter, dark blue or dark purple, with a SIZY wax. Typically, seed and antique bumps are developing on different copies, i.e., the plant is dwarm.

Extremely durable appearance. In Western Virginia, an instance grows, whose age consists of 940 years. This species has a lot of decorative forms and varieties. It has a rapid growth, resistance to air pollution, pests and diseases, drought, without loss to transfers cold winters, is little demanding for soil conditions. It moves the haircut well, it retains the form for a long time.

View of plants of a kind of sucker who won the greatest popularity - this is a silver squash. It is a shrub or a small tree with a height of no more than 4 m. Forms an empty crown. The shoots are painted brown and red, dense leaves, leathery, silver. Flowers small, exuded a strong honey fragrance, bloom in the middle of summer and keep about 20 days.

Silver does not require any special tricks in care. Mineral fertilizers contribute only to the poorest, depleted or degraded soils. In other cases, in an alignment of garden ground, the plant feels very good. Once the season feed wood ash, compost or organic.

Loche is characterized by good frost resistance, just shoot only the shoots of this year. However, in the middle lane, a device for it is recommended for a light shelter for the winter.

In contact with

Usually the garden, where there are only flowers, looks too much. therefore on flower beds always add plants that are slightly softeninge. In Europe, it is most often like a self-satisfy - also cut in the form of cubes or balls, he perfectly contrasts with any colors. In our climate, one contrast can be spherical teui, as well as plants that always make coolness and freshness on any flowerbeds - these are plants with silver foliage.
Most of these plants are created by such a reason - they have either the downsion, or a light surface of the leaves, and due to this heated less in the sun. All of them are lovers of heat, sun and sand (although, as usual, not without exception).
Silvery plants always add a southern note in the composition, perfectly combining both with bright and with delicate flowers.

Purple. The most populated plant, new varieties are larger and higher than the usual.

Sometimes very beautiful foliage tulips - How here or other bully, for example, Ryabchikov and Narcissus.

Lungwort. Plant of dry forests - it grows perfectly under the trees. There are completely silver leaves, there is a spear, this species is called median Sugar.

Fern. it nipponsky nipponseNow there are several varieties like coloring. Grows in the shade.

Hosti. - Also showingly, and especially the blue. They are not purely silver, but there are varieties whose leaves are covered with a silver bloom.

Cuff. In general, it is rather green, but also has a silver flare and looks very beautiful in any compositions. So she doesn't care where to grow in the shade or in the sun.

Carnation. Most species and varieties have silver foliage color.

Kotovnik - Plant that creates very quickly and blooms all summer blue-purple flowers. Here he is with a rose.

Lavender. In our climate (Moscow region), it is best grown grown independently from seeds, and not all areas. I did not fit on my so much, and the mother-in-law grows in the north for twenty years. Lavender is very important that the soil is sandy, without winding.

Lovely and Lavender and Kotovnik veronica grayaya.

One of the most famous plants - gypsophila. It is with silver, but very thin and almost inconspicuous foliage. Perfect partner for roses.

Lichnis Crown - he also has a beautiful contrast between gray foliage and bright flowers, but he is a twiser, so it is necessary to plant in such a place where he can be seen independently.

From plants with silver leaves are also very good:
- yaskolka. - The soil plate, looks great on a large area, but may be aggressive.
- sagebrush - Silver flood or gray leaves have most species, and almost all of them are prone to quickly grow underground - escapes, it is necessary to limit.
- Some caschi

Silver foliage is also some cereals (for example, oatmeal, elimus), geranium (geranium reard), varietal veronica and even roses.
From trees everyone knows willow, Loch silver, sea buckthorn. Very beautiful tree - poplar silverBut it is huge, therefore it is worth looking in the nurseries of his variety of smaller size.
I do not write about annuals.

Plants, beauty and originality of which will not flex with the onset of twilight, give the garden a special grace and mystery. To create a "lunar garden", use predominantly plants with white flowers or silver foliage, as it is these colors that create bright stains in the dark.

If you are an amateur of night dressers or late garden walks, choose plants to place plants, which can be overlooked in the lunar night or which will be lit with light with, gazebos or porch.

To illuminate the garden in cloudy nights, light lamps can be used, which are usually located along the tracks.

Today we will focus on a dozen plants with silver and silver-gray leaves, which not only add lights in the summer night, but also bring an interesting structure in the garden design, diluting bright colors of flower beds.

Silver color leaves may not necessarily be monophonic. The decorative effect is achieved and volatile foliage: it can be silver speckle, divorce or border. Such color leaves differ and, frequencies of shady corners.

Median Sugar

Brunner Jack Frost "Jack Frost"

Clean woolly (stakhis) Call in different ways - hare ears, bear ears. His leaves are like velvet, pleasant to the touch. In the photo stretched out and going to bloom. Someone prefers to trim the flowerons and leave only the rosette of the leaves, and someone like unpaired lilac flowers-herbastics in dense inflorescences.

Stakhis woolly (purple)

Low-grade plants with silvery leaves will decorate your roccage is yaskolka., carnations,,. All that is required by these plants is a solar place and moderately fertile soil.

Yaskolka Biberstein

Carnation of grayish blue (sisaya)

Oatman Sizaya

Veronica grayaya

It will be very by the way in the Silver Garden, making up a higher tier in the flower bed. Do not forget about decorative shrubs - the composition will revive on cloudy weather and a gloomy time.

Anaphalis Pearl and Wormwood Steller in Mixboron

Sky silver

Squint in the garden, silvery flowers, fragrant plants, equip, and then you make all the magic of the night lunar garden.