Varieties of Titan glue, their characteristics and instructions for use. Technical characteristics of "Titan" glue, species and instructions for use how to glue titanium glue

Attention, fakes!

Unfortunately, cases of appearance on the shelves of falsification from unfair manufacturers have become more frequent. It affected our Titan Wild glue.

Packing such a fake at first glance does not differ from the original ...

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Titan Wild mounting glue

Repairs in the modern world is not possible without using mounting adhesives. At the same time, the spectrum of the glued materials is so wide that sometimes coming to the selection of glue brands for polystyrene foam, PVC, linoleum, wood, parquet, etc. It is possible to "break" the head before the start of repair work. In addition, you must not forget about environmental conditions, remember that the construction glue must have reliably adhesion at different temperatures, sometimes large humidity, mechanical loads or exposure to direct sunlight.

With this task, Titan copes with confidenceWild , rightfully holding the popularity in the Russian market of construction adhesives. This waterproof and heat-resistant glue has unsurpassed adhesion with almost all materials used both in construction and repair and in everyday life:

        polystyrene foam and PVC (plastic),


        parquet and parquet board,

        ceramics and glaze,

        tree and cork,


        artificial leather



        the cloth,

        carpet and other floor coverings

Mounting glue is used to glue materials with each other (in different combinations), as well as for gluing to concrete, cement-lime, gypsum and plaster surfaces.

The use of titan glueWild it finds a place in both domestic needs and industrial / production purposes.

Universal glue Titan Wild can be used as ...

For gluing decorative polystyrene ceiling tiles Glue, as a rule, use a transparent polymer without filler. Titan ceiling glue has a transparent color, so it does not hurt a presentable view of even the most expensive ceiling tiles. Titan polystyrene foam glue is ideal for any products frompolystyrene (foam).With it the ceiling tiles glued in a moment and forever!

adhesive for flooring. Titan is ideal for fastening with the surface of such floor coverings as linoleum, carpet, laminate, plywood, cork plates and carpet flooring. The mounting glue is capable of withstanding heavy loads, does not exfoliate even after a long time.

glue for parquet. It's believed that parquet It is a rather capricious outdoor material, and for its gluing it is necessary to use only specially intended for this substance. Glue universal titanium breaks stereotypes, it perfectly copes with any task, including with mounting parquet boards.

MDF, PVC and other wall panels ... There are many mounting adhesives specializing in these materials. But if there is a titanium at hand, there is no need to exercise additional spending, it can easily cope with the above materials, replaced by any so-called. "liquid Nails".

This is only a small list of how you can use this universal glue. If you wish, you can apply it at home (For repairing shoes, "resuscitation" of broken furniture, when repairing your car, etc.). Such properties as moisture resistanceand elasticity allow you to use titanium as sealant.

In general, manifest your fantasy, and Titan will cope with any task set before him!

Among the sets of ceiling finishes are most common, it is considered to be ceiling by ceiling slabs, they attract a worthy appearance, simplicity of laying, low cost.

It is important that you can make a ceiling with this material yourself. The main thing is to choose the appropriate glue, which will ensure a reliable compound of ceiling tiles with the surface of the ceiling.

Of the adhesive materials offered on the current market for this purpose, the most suitable - glue titanium for ceiling tiles made by Polish manufacturers.

Than attractive titanium glue

It is important to universal use of this glue. It is used to glue products from polystyrene foam, plastic, glass, wood, floor coatings, other materials.

Titan glue has the characteristics necessary to effectively glue ceiling tiles:

  • high grasp;
  • viscous consistency;
  • fast drying.

The convenience of using titanium glue for ceiling tiles is that it is equipped with a special adhesion of the adhesive mass.

Main characteristics of titanium glue

All properties of glue determines its composition - vinyl acetate copolymers in an organic solvent (denatured alcohol).

  1. It has excellent adhesive properties - high adhesion to the surface, a fairly viscous structure, quickly dries. This is very important when installing ceiling plates, where fast fixation is needed.
  2. It is safe for health - its composition does not contain solvents.
  3. Economic in use - flow per 10 m2 area is 0.5 liters.
  4. Babeless, does not contain fillers.
  5. Keeps its properties with significant temperature differences - from -30 ° C to +60 ° C.
  6. Moisture-resistant, that is, the strength of the adhesive compound is not reduced when moisture is hooked on it.

The positive properties of titanium glue with excellent technical characteristics of the material are explained.

His only drawback is that he needs for some time - just a few minutes, for grasp. While the glue does not freeze, the tile must be pressed to the ceiling.

Preparation of the surface of the ceiling to sticking

The success of the work in many ways depends on the proper compliance with the global ceiling tile technology.

Before glueing the tile, it is necessary to put the ceiling in order, make its surface smooth, dry and clean.

  1. When detaching plaster, it must be deleted. It is convenient to do with the steel spatula.
  2. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the old whitewash, up to a concrete base, or to upload the ceiling by glue, which is pre-divorced by the technical alcohol to the required consistency.
  3. After the primer, the surface of the ceiling is dried within 4 hours.
  4. All existing gaps, cracks, recesses that are in the ceiling are embarrassed by putty.
  5. If the ceiling is made of a well-absorbed material absorbent material (chipboard, drywall, plywood), it must be pre-primed. This will warn the possible swelling of the material when changing the season and will help to avoid its seasonal movements.

Titan glue, whose technical characteristics allow you to use it to fix ceiling plates made of polystyrene to the surface of the ceiling of plaster, concrete, cement - It is recommended to practice in rooms with sufficient ventilation.

Before sticking the ceiling tile, all windows and doors are recommended to close so that there are no drafts. After completing the work, the room must be used.

When the glue is completely dry, its smell is not felt.

The drying time of glue is about 40 minutes.

Titan glue, the instruction on the use of which is printed directly on the package, comes in plastic cylinders of various capacities.

Using this glue, observe a specific sequence when working with it:

  • titan glue in accordance with the instructions for use is applied to the tile point, squeezing on the back side of the sheet directly from the cylinder;
  • the glue should be applied with a thin layer in the center and edges of the tile;
  • withstand 2-5 minutes, you need to press the tile to the ceiling for a few seconds, attaching a slight force;
  • surplus glue to remove the spatula.

Using this method of applying glue titanium for sticking ceiling tiles, the ceiling coating is reliable and durable.

As important and fixed assets for construction and repair today, sealants and adhesives are. They found their use when fastening outdoor, ceiling, wall tiles, when the surfaces are covered with wallpaper and in the process of carrying out other works. You can also follow the successful experience of a multitude of consumers and purchase a similar composition, especially since it is produced in several varieties.

The solution of the problem

The glue is used in everyday life, with it, you can connect parts of a broken toy or restore interior items, as well as eliminate furniture defects. However, so that work is crowned with success, it is necessary to properly approach the choice of glue. As one of the best, the composition is produced under the brand "Titan". About him and will be discussed in the article.

Application area

Glue "Titan" can be used when carrying out a plurality of construction work. This should include the repair of insulation systems, installation and installation of thermal insulation plates made of expanded polystyrene. This mixture is suitable for fastening products from almost all building materials. Between the layers of thermal insulation using the composition you can adjust the slots, close the cracks that could occur outside or inside the building. It applies to suspended ceilings, roofs, walls and other things. The glue "Titan" after applying and drying can be masked using different finishing materials by type of plaster and paint.

Reviews of basic characteristics

The composition described in the article is an effective material that has been distributed not only among builders, but also of ordinary users. The latter argue that "Titan" has pretty good technical characteristics. With it, it is possible to provide durability and a dense fastening of materials from wood, foam and polyvinyl chloride. You can glue the above materials on cement, gypsum or concrete.

It is characterized by glue with excellent adhesion with many construction surfaces, it should be attributed here:

  • stucco;
  • linoleum;
  • plastic;
  • parquet;
  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • skin;
  • paper;
  • carpet;
  • glass;
  • the cloth.

Glue, according to buyers, perfectly curls with surfaces at different temperatures, it is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical loads. The composition of thermo- and moisture constructions. It is suitable for outdoor and internal work, while the product does not lose its operational characteristics, even if the use is carried out with an impressive temperature range ranging from -30 to +60 o C.

The glue "Titan" is quite quickly grasped, it retains high elasticity, and after drying it does not become fragile and does not smell. The composition likes to consumers also for the reason that it is safe, environmentally friendly and does not contain among the ingredients of toxic solvents. You can find this glue in different versions, each of which is distinguished by its properties.

Reviews of Universal Clee "Titan"

If you intend to use glue, produced under the Titan brand, should first deal with its main varieties. For example, "universal", the composition of which is characterized by moisture and heat resistance, is a polymer mixture formed when gluing transparent seams. Drying time varies from 30 to 40 minutes.

For work, with the words of consumers, the mixture is applied to the dry and clean surface, and after it is left for several minutes to dry. After that, according to customers, the details must be combined with each other. If you have to work with porous surfaces, then their processing is carried out twice. Buyers especially emphasize that when mixing with denaturated, Titan glue can be used as a primer.

Reviews of glue "Stirosorov": features of its use

This composition is a glue mastic, which is used to connect parts from polyurethane and expanded polystyrene. It perfectly glued with the following surfaces:

  • gypsum;
  • concrete;
  • plaster;
  • cement-lime bases;
  • brick;
  • wood;
  • plywood;
  • plasterboard.

According to consumers, this mixture can be used to equalize the bases and gluing the ceiling tiles. Glue "Titan", the instruction manual of which should be studied before starting work, you need to mix, and then apply to a tile with several points using a narrow spatula.

The tile at the next stage is applied to the ceiling, shifts several centimeters and pressed well. Within 20 seconds, with the words of consumers, grasp. This period is enough to adjust the product. Fully the composition will dry in 12 hours. Reviews confirm.

Production of titanium glue with their own hands

Make glue "Titan" at home is quite real. For this, the old linoleum and acetone is usually used. By applying this method, you can get a universal adhesive composition, which is characterized by a high level of gluing. The linoleum at the first stage is cut into separate pieces, the dimensions of which are 3x3 cm. The material is stacked in the container that can be sealed.

The amount of acetone used should exceed linoleum volume by 2 times. Acetone is poured into a container with pieces and is placed in a place that is protected from direct sunlight. To withstand glue is necessary within 12 hours. If you decide to use Titan glue, which glitches this composition, you must learn before the acquisition of such a mixture. Some homemade craftsmen make such funds independently. If at 12 o'clock the linoleum was dissolved, the glue can be used for its intended purpose, otherwise it is necessary to leave it for some time.

Lisen manufacture of glue

Lisun from the "Titan" glue can also be made at home. For this, only two ingredients are used. Among them are the Glue "Titan" and hair shampoo. In the cellophane package it is necessary to add two pieces of shampoo and three pieces of glue. The bag is tied and shakes well. The composition must then be mixed until thickening. This can be assumed that Lizun is ready.

Universal glue

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for increase ]

Glue Titan (Titan) is a good universal glue for construction work.

Titan glue (Titan): Specifications

The glue has excellent adhesion to many construction surfaces. It interacts perfectly with concrete, gypsum, plaster surfaces, PVC, plastic, linoleum, parquet, ceramics, wood, MDF, leather, glass, paper, cloth and carpet. Glue perfectly grips surfaces at any temperatures, racks to mechanical stress and UV radiation. Glue has good water resistance and heat resistance.


How to choose glue for repair work
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On the advantages of "liquid nails"
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Glues for rubber coatings
Outdoor rubber coatings are quite popular with a device of sports and playgrounds, tennis courts, treadmills, bikes and stadiums

What to glue cork covers
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Solvent 646 - Features of Application
Solvent 646 is a homogeneous transparent (or with a yellowish tinge) liquid, with a specific odor. The smell will destroy after work quite quickly

Choose the adhesive composition of the universal destination, which is suitable for almost all materials? Pay attention to Titan glue. Thanks to the excellent adhesion, the tool is used to work in the fresh air and within any premises. It interacts with a huge number of different materials, leaving after a smooth steady seam. The existing components are completely environmentally friendly and have no sharp smell.

Instructions for use

Glue "Titan" consists of vinyl acetate copolymers, which are dissolved in organic solvents. Available in plastic bottles with a capacity of 250 ml to 1 liter. The volume can be more for industrial tasks. The tool is used only on specially prepared dry and clean surfaces. Shelf life - up to 1.5 years.

"Titan" - glue with a good set of positive properties:

  • high resistance to moisture;
  • resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • flexibility, transparency;
  • small consumption;
  • convenience when gluing tiles to the ceiling;
  • quickly settled;
  • perfect for internal work.

The composition of the means does not include substances dangerous to human health.


While working with construction glue, you should be careful and not to allow it to enter the mucous membranes and on the body. If accidentally fell into the eye or in the mouth, you need to immediately rinse them with running water, and if necessary, seek medical help. In the room where repair work is carried out, ventilation must be. Store glue is allowed only in hard-to-reach for children.

One packaging of such a means will replace many types of glue, simplify and accelerate repair work. Before applying glue, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and dry the surface. If the surface is porous, several layers of the means are applied.

Be sure to release the ceiling or walls from the old bliss and apply a layer of primer, otherwise the properties of the adhesive will change.

"Titan" for the ceiling

For ceiling tiles "Titan" is consumed in smaller quantities, it is applied by a dotted line. The ceiling is necessarily cleaned of contaminants and degrease. The tile is connected to each other after the adhesive will eat a bit for 2-5 minutes. In order for the construction glue to completely dry, you need a little less than an hour. Fully ready work will be in a day. After use and complete drying, the means remains a transparent smooth seam, which is almost impaired. Easy to use and quick result make the perfect option for this kind of work.

Main technical characteristics

The acquisition of universal glue will be excellent budget savings, because in any house there will be an application. Surface clutch space is highly resistant to frost, wind, water and other atmospheric influences. Often, during repair work, a separate means for gluing tiles, linoleum, polystyrene foam, but Titan Wild glue and its other varieties solve all tasks immediately.

Mounting glue is featured convenience and simplicity to use. The tool is produced in hermetic packaging, and to open it, you just need to turn the cap once once. To easily apply the tool with one touch, it contains a dispenser with which the glue is squeezed with a thin strip to any hard-to-reach place.

In the production of adhesive composition, all the features of the external influence on the combined surface are taken into account. Any temperature differences, exposure to direct sunlight and moisture does not have any effect on the titanium glue. Weather conditions do not affect the technical characteristics of the means.

What cake "Titan"?

The means is suitable for construction work, as well as for household purposes. Glue is working with almost any materials, including wood, paper and glass. It copes perfectly with plastic products, linoleum, laminate and parquet board, easily glues any tissue. It is convenient to apply on concrete and cement, surface. The product is produced in several types of packaging.

How to dilute the tool?

Dilute means if necessary, can be denaturated or ethyl alcohol. If the glue thickens, a small amount of alcohol will lead its consistency in order, it will be better to penetrate the gap, but the time for complete drying will be needed more.

Forms of release

The polymer remedy is available in different forms depending on its purpose.

  • For mirrors

TYTAN mounted glue is made of synthetic resins and is suitable for gluing various mirrors on any surface. The advantage of the means is that it does not harm the fragile and the sensitive mirror and works firmly with many materials. The glue has a beige color, its storage period is one year.

  • "Titan Wild"

Resistant to high and low temperatures is the glue "Titan Wild". The product is suitable for all non-air materials, therefore applied almost everywhere.

  • For thermal insulation

For gluing foam, there is a special type of glue, which is used in thermal insulation works. The composition is easy to use, quickly grasps, it is not necessary to additionally breed. Works well with polyurethane plates and other materials for thermal insulation. The tool simplifies the work and superproof sticks the plates.

It helps to insulate any room also the Titan foam, which is produced in packing with a reliable modern valve. Foam is in the cylinder and is used to fill various joints, insulation of facades and roofs. Modern packaging helps significantly reduce material consumption.

  • Mounting glue for ceramics and stone

Eco-friendly tytan adhesive adhesive for ceramic materials and stone is very quickly grasped. This species is used for gluing with wood, plasterboard, other surfaces that quickly absorb glue.

How much is the glue and where it can be found

The product is popular, therefore it can be found in almost any construction store. The agent is also for sale in the economic departments of supermarkets, shops and markets. The cost of glue begins from 60 rubles and comes to 350 rubles depending on the volume and species.

The main advantages of the Titan line are considered to be the stability of the compositions to moisture and changes in weather conditions, high strength, as well as a quick effect. Universality means allows to apply it not only during repair and construction work, but also for domestic purposes. Glue "Titan" is produced in different kinds, all nuances of use explain in detail the instructions, because everyone can choose an effective tool for their needs.