Repair of an apartment in a new building forces. Stages of repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building

February 04, 2018 no comments

The apartment in a new house is the object of dreams of everyone who has come across worn communications and morally obsolete planks. It is the new building that is able to offer you the championship in possession of square meters, and implement them any of their desires. How to make budget repairs is a question more than the current one.

Buying such housing "flies in a penny", and often the design innovations are simply not there. However, not always the quality and aesthetic properties of repair rely on high price tags of materials and services. If we compete to the issue of arrangement, you can do relatively low costs and implement very practical and durable ideas without prejudice to the beauty of the finish.

In order not to overpay the unnecessary, stock patience and give the house at the shrinkage. Usually, developers are offered to arrange the ownership of even 100% of the readiness of the house, which will still give errors in all respects. The walls are still in moisture, and small cracks can demonstrate everywhere. This is a normal phenomenon, so do not panic.

Here is a small set of rules that are being armed with each apartment owner in a new building:

- choose finishing materials adapted to a slight shrinkage with moderate elasticity;
- if the walls are monolithic, and not dry plaster (drywall), use the reinforcing grid on the entire perimeter;
- Try not to use wallpaper, but prefer paint for walls. Just still decided to glue wallpaper - Buy vinyl or textile collections;
- For the floor, use plastic mixtures and materials that are not inclined to cracking: linoleum, laminate, vinyl tile, etc.

The first repaired object is always a bathroom. To begin with, it is worth buying a "construction" toilet, which at the end of the finish will change the new one. Repair begins with applying plaster on walls, and libez on this topic can be obtained from any cycle on "How to make repairs in a new building with your own hands" in a video or text format. The type of materials always depends on the quality of the base surface and the owner requirements. High adhesion and durability can provide gypsum mixes applied to well-projected walls. This will ensure not only a reliable connection of all layers, but also protection against moisture, generating fungus inside the wall.

After the blacks finish is ready, you can start alignment, insulation and cutting the ceiling. This is done using special mixtures, mounting foam, glass gambles. All these options are acceptable under hinged or tensioning. If the painting of the ceiling is planned, then it is worth we to weigh all the risks associated with the shrinkage of the new home.

How budget repairs are being made to the new building is the favorite theme of many TV shows, where examples of inexpensive and efficient solutions are clearly demonstrated. For example, even the most inexpensive tile will look premium, if you save the corners from plastic lining and make a spike under 45 degrees, snag it on the corners. It looks expensive, but the work is noisy and dirty.

After the tiles are laid on the walls and the floor of the bathroom, you can move to the kitchen. It also uses water-repellent materials, and can be used ceramic tiles or glass panels, chipboard as apron. The most inexpensive option is a tile that is glued to the wall in the place where the lumen between the two rows of furniture headset will be. If you plan a direct option, then the apron must fit the form of a rectangle. Corner and P-shaped kitchens suggest tile laying around the perimeter of furniture alignment.

After the most untidy work there is a finishing and installation of furniture, technicians. Along with this, the sockets, switches, lamps are mounted. Now it makes sense to proceed to repair rooms. Here, as for the kitchen and the bathroom, the principle of championship of the commissioning of communications is valid. First - vertical and horizontal shoes in the walls, masking wires in special boxes on the ceilings. The next stage is the alignment or preparation of the ceiling to mount the design of plasterboard or film on the guides. Walls and floors will be the following points in the list of tasks.

After alignment of the walls and ties of the floor under zero, the installation of doors is made. While we are talking about the installation of boxes and cloths, while the platbands are attached to the wall after salary by wallpaper. This stage can be implemented immediately after installing the doors, and behind it - lay outdoor coatings. About materials with which you can make high-quality repairs in a new building with your own hands, it is worth talking separately. After all, it is from the segment to which they belong to will depend on the price tag, and then the overall budget of the event. Of course, if it does not take into account the cost of the work of specialists. But we consider exactly the implementation of all levels of repair with your own hands.

So, all finishing materials are divided into wear resistance classes. If we talk about flooring, then this is a range of 21 - 34, where the lowest scale indicators belong to household collections, and the highest - commercial. Between them there is a so-called "semi-commercial" type, equally suitable for all objects. The most expensive materials are contractual, intended forces with high traffic, temperature scatter, risk of moisture or ignition. This includes the properties of textured embossing, allowing to exclude the slip and serve as an excellent means for noise absorption. Such materials are racks for machine cleaning, not whimsical care.

The household, not always boast such a thickness or density, but in conditions of usual use you will not need supernatural specifications. Remember that for relaxable rooms of the bedroom and living room, you can always choose flooring and material for lining of walls from the budget segment itself. The properties of these materials are always enough to show the stability of the shape, brightness and contrast of the print as well as high operational parameters at low and medium loads.

For hallway, kitchen and bathroom, it is better to choose moisture-resistant, washable materials. It is better to exclude carpet and give preference to linoleum. It is inexpensive, and will last long. Walls can be painted, go with wallpaper or shuffle a texture mixture. The last option is usually expensive, because it needs to be applied for certain skills, experience. Here, rarely, who can do without the help of a professional.

What is the savings?

The main criterion for saving on repairs in the new building is an independent execution of absolutely all tasks that do not require the involvement of an expensive professional tool. List to learn any operation can each, another question: is it necessary for the acquisition of expensive equipment, which will continue to take place in the storage room? Before starting a new stage, always weigh the cost of the equipment and the price of this service within your area. Sometimes the help of professionals costs much cheaper, and in time - always faster. You can attribute such a statement to the dissipation of PVC pipes, the assembly of the shield, tensioning the ceilings, etc.

In any case, if you decide to cope with your own, then get ready for protracted and painstaking work. To do for yourself - it means that it is responsible to approach each task with which you may never have come across. Ideal if you have anyone to consult with anyone. If not, contact your Internet resources for help.

Video: Where to start repairing the apartment in a new building:

Inexpensive apartment decoration
In the new building:

  • Real repair deadlines
  • Studio up to 40 m2 - up to 5.000 R.M2. For up to 1.5 months
  • Apartment up to 70 m2 - up to 5.300 R.M2. For up to 3 months
  • Apartments Over 100 m2 - from 5.500 R.M2. for a period of 3 months
  • Fixed price with material:

  • No additional expenses during repair
  • Calculation of the exact value after calling the measurer
  • Hidden work will not be able to affect the cost of repair
  • Acceptance and unloading of a clean material on its own, without the need to participate the customer!
  • We solve all the problems for you:

  • Calculation of precise volumes of finishing material
  • Development and coordination of project documentation
  • Selection, Purchase and Delivery of Material
  • Coordination of Water Supply Turning
  • Installation of fire alarm, air conditioning routes
  • Compilation of acts of hidden work
  • Compliance with construction legislation standards
  • Testing for the tightness of the water supply system, heating and electricity before the start of the final work, in the presence of the customer
  • Garbage removal
  • Calculator Turnkey repair value with M2 materials

    New building Secondary housing Cottage / Townhouse Office

    "Turnkey" Designer Repair Overhaul Chernovaya Finishing Repair Repair

    Repair cost
    turnkey without materials:

    Chernoval Materials:

    approximate cost
    Soft materials:

    Cost of turnkey repair with rough material:

    Sample Cost of turnkey repair with rough and finishing materials:

    Attention! All prices are approximate and provided for familiarization.
    To compile an accurate estimate of repair, you need to cause a measurer. The service is free!

    Apartments in the new building turnkey - Photo of work performed

    Fixed cost of rough material under the contract - design as a gift - order free measurements!

    Design finish in a new building

    Apartment design in new building

    • We offer a full range of services for finishing and repair work in a new building:

    • - Repair work from scratch by design projectwhich is developed according to the selected style and your wishes;
    • - In your, pre-developed design project, observing all the technical requirements and dimension;
    • - No project with detailed advice In the course of the repair of the experienced pro-builder;
    • - increasing the useful living space by joining the loggia with full insulation balcony, transfer of batteries or installation of electric heating floor;
    • - Designing internal partitions: Installation, dismantling, transfer, device arch;
    • - Installation sound and thermal insulation In the apartment on the ceiling, walls and by floor.

    Turnkey new building finish

    Bathroom design

    We save our reputation and work only with proven suppliers.




    LCD "Communarka"

    moscow, LCD communark, ul. Clear, 5.
    Apartment - 44 square meters. m. | Work - 235.000 rubles. Material 75.000 rub. | Terms - 2 months | Repair in a new building after municipal repair

    Preparation: Dismantling of the old municipal repair, building partition
    Engineering systems: Comprehensive wiring of new wiring under the screed, a new pipe layout.
    Floors: Screed, ceramic tile, high wear resistance linoleum.
    Walls: Stucco under the lighthouse, putty with a wolf cage, painting of walls.
    Ceilings: "Tempets" ceiling - putty, painting without plaster
    Bathroom: Laying of ceramic tiles, plumbing box, bathing bath with glass curtain

    LCD "Union Odintsovo"

    Moscow region Odintsovo, ul. Makovsky, 26.
    Apartment - 72 square meters. m. | Work - 385.500 rub. | Terms - 2.5 months | Overhaul of new buildings with material

    Interior Design: Design project of the bathroom and lighting.
    Engineering systems: Development and coordination of electric trajects in Mosenergosbyt OJSC.
    Floors: Cement-sand tie, bulk, cladding with ceramic tiles, parquet board laying.
    Ceilings: Multi-level plasterboard ceiling, plaster for lighthouses, bathroom - moisture-resistant plasterboard.
    Bathroom: Laying electric heating floor, installation of the installation of toilet bowl, hidden layout under watering can and tropical shower.

    LCD "Domodedovo Park"

    M.O. Domodedovo, m. Domodedovskaya, ul. Creativity, 7.
    One-room - 37 square meters. m. | Work - 210.000 rubles. | Materials - 90.000 rubles. | Terms - 1.5 months | Repair of new buildings from zero p44

    Design: Development of interior design with full visualization of the project and placement of furniture, technology.
    Kitchen: Design Electricians and cooking areas, plates and hoods.
    Engineering systems: Coordination and disabling hot and cold water supply and heating.
    Floors: The cement-sand tie device, laying the fast floor allyur and ceramic tiles.
    Walls: Plaster for beacons, putty, pasting wallpaper with a pattern.
    Ceilings: Stretch ceiling with mounting lights and point lamps in the living room.
    Bathroom: The design of the bathroom with elements of the decor using a 3D selection program and layouts of the tile. Installation of hidden hatch and installation of electric heating floor.

    LCD "Olocky O3"

    M.O, Krasnogorsk, M. Volokolamskaya, Street Svtain, D.15
    Apartment - 63 square meters. m. | Work - 349.500 rubles. | Terms - 3 months | Overhaul in new building

    Interior Design: Bathroom design project.
    Engineering systems: Development and coordination of electric trajects from the developer.
    Floors: The cement-sand tie device, cladding with ceramic tiles, laminate laying.
    Walls: Plaster under the lighthouse, putty with a wolf cage, coloring.
    Ceilings: Stretch ceiling, bathroom - Rack ceiling.
    Bathroom: Construction of the shower, installation of the installation of toilet bowl, laying of electric heating floor, laying tiles.

    LCD "Moskovsky"

    moscow, Moscow LCD, ul. Bianki, 7.
    Apartment - 60 square meters. m. | Work - 285.000 rubles. | Terms - 2.5 months | Finishing an apartment from scratch in new buildings with material

    Easy redevelopment: To the repair of naked concrete walls, the add-in partition.
    Engineering systems: Comprehensive wiring of ceiling, plumbing polypropylene.
    Floors: Bulk floor, cork substrate, laying of moisture resistant laminate.
    Walls: Plaster, putty with a wolf cage, coloring.
    Ceilings: Stretch ceiling with matte web. Point lamps and sides.
    Bathroom: Connecting the washing machine, installation of the installation of toilet bowl, heated towel rail is water.

    LCD "Solntsevo Park"

    moscow, m. Salaryevo, ul. Gritty pilot, d. 11
    Apartment - 59 square meters. m. | Work - 290.000 rubles. | Terms - 2.5 months | Repair of new buildings

    Interior Design: Bathroom and kitchen design design.
    Kitchen: Assembly and kitchen installation.
    Engineering systems: Development and coordination of electric trajects.
    Floors: Cement-sand tie device, laminate laying.
    Walls: Plaster under the lighthouse, putty with a wolf cage, painting, mounting apron for a kitchen from tile.
    Ceilings: Stretch ceiling.
    Bathroom: Construction of the shower, bath connection, electric heating floor laying.

    LCD "Peredelkino nearby"

    moscow, m. Salaryevo, ul. Samuel Marshak, 24
    One-bedroom - 63 square meters. m. | Work - 240.000 rubles. | Terms - 2 months | Inexpensive repair of new buildings in the houses of the P-44T series

    Selection, delivery and lift of the clean material on the floor.
    Engineering systems: Increase the number of electric fir.
    Floors: Bulk floor, laying of laminate, tiles.
    Walls: Plaster visual, putty, shook wallpaper.
    Ceilings: Single-level stretch ceiling with cornice.
    Bathroom ceiling: PVC panels.
    Bathroom: Waterproofing floor, installation of a metal bath, laying of wall ceramic tiles, sink cabinets, installation of toilet bowl.

    Examples of work Interior design of apartments, made by the company site A framework of the Apartment Repair Treaty.

    Our main pride is the opinion of our customers.

    Found a company on the Internet. There were many marks from different firms. I stopped on this, because I liked it that the measureer (he was then a member of me) a young Russian guy.
    He suggested many practical moments by location of switches, lighting and sockets in the kitchen. Advised in choosing chisty materials and their combinations. Accompanied all stages of repair and often came to check the work, called me.

    Hello everyone! I would recommend these guys to you. Very quickly done, all on time. Works broke into several stages, payment under the contract only after passing each of the steps to me personally. Very comfortably! Plus, the foreman is always in touch, advises on all issues.
    We had Alexander, an intelligent guy.
    Marina and Valentine

    They got the keys to their long-awaited odnushki and it was necessary to make repairs .. All the draft material was purchased by the workers themselves (all prices were stipulated in advance in the contract!), Wallpapers, tiles, and so on. ordered on the Internet. The foreman sent a photo of all stages of work, we ourselves could not come. It was nice to meet the budget, everything was done carefully, without dirty traces on the walls and the like, and most importantly on time!
    In the general firm, they were satisfied, they themselves already newly!))

    Many thanks to Mikhail and his brigade. They came across them accidentally and very well! Prior to that, there was a negative experience of communicating with repairmen and with frantic rates for repairs at the parents. Mikhail explained everything clearly and was clear and considered within reasonable, put an acceptable time frame, which almost coincided with real (but the cant was our, ordered not that tile and chose a plunic for a long time).
    In general, thanks !!!

    Excellent masters! Everyone was done on time, neatly, purely and for the sane money. Very pleased, the masters took into account all my wishes, work done quickly. The price is acceptable. Very hurried with the move, I needed urgent repairs.
    The result is satisfied, we put in the budget.
    Ksenia and Sergey

    Stages of finishing turnkey apartments in a new building

    Main Stages of Repair - Schedules - Types of Work - Chernovaya and Finishing

    Preparatory work / from 3 days

    • Project documentation
      Treaty / Estimation / Design
    • Materials
      Selection / Purchase / Delivery

    Communication / from 7 days

    • Electrician and plumbing
      Stroke / Wiring / Installation
    • Heating system
      Calculation / Redevelopment

    Draft / from 14 days

    • Paul and ceiling
      Alignment / screed
    • Walls
      Partitions / Plaster / Sun

    Finishing / from 20 days

    • Finish work
      Wallpaper / Floor / Doors / Light
    • Bathroom and kitchen
      Tile / Mixers / Huts

    Types and types of work

    The final version of the repair is coordinated with the customer.

    Work with floor:

    1. We dismantle the existing floor covering
    2. We will make vibro and sound insulation of walls and floor
    3. Warm balcony, loggia
    4. Hill the screed manual or mechanized way
    5. Tell how to save on the bulk sex
    6. We consult about all kinds of flooring, such as: linoleum, carpet, parquet, laminate, porcelain stoneware, array

    Electrician and plumbing:

    1. Install a comfortable and modern electrician system
    2. Smart home with modular sensor system
    3. Beach and plug lighting, lamps, diode tapes
    4. We collect the system of electrical or water heat
    5. Installate a bath, shower, toilet with installation and mixers
    6. Connecting water pipes: Rehau, Valtec Metal Plast, Polypropylene, Copper Pipes
    7. Perform a built-in shower tray from ceramic tiles or mosaic
    8. Our engineers will design all the plumbing: leakage sensor, filter, pressure regulator, distribution combs, put on the desired height and size

    Interior decoration of the room:

    1. We will build partitions according to the design of the project or on your measurements from the puzzle block, foam block, plasterboard, brick
    2. Align the walls of any complexity for beacons or visually
    3. We will advise on the advantages and disadvantages of plastic or painted window slopes
    4. Beds Any type of flooring: linoleum, carpet, parquet, laminate, porcelain, array
    5. Collect the walls of the water-level, acrylic, oil, powder paint. Create such types of painting as: mat, gloss, overflowing, decorative and venetian plaster, effects, stripes, stencils
    6. We will select and stick paper, vinyl, fliesiline, photo wallpaper, glassy or painting wallpaper
    7. Add comfort to house lining of walls with decorative materials: stone, granite, porcelain stoneware, marble, wall 3d panels
    8. We install tension, wheels, drywall, multi-level ceiling, repair and paint an existing one. Also embedded in it lamps
    9. Mount the entrance doors, sliding and interior, including accessories with dogs and a platband. We carry out adjustment
    10. Clean and remove the room after repair so that you come to clean, new apartments

    We help save our customers to repair up to 50 thousand. Rubles

    Reducing estimates by an average of 29% - the selection of the right building materials - optimization of types of work

    Settlement through
    2 months

    Without delay! Constant control of the implementation of the repair and timing of the completion of the steps of work under the contract.
    The delivery of an object in a strictly fixed time frame.

    3-year warranty

    Free froze and consultation

    At any time convenient for you.
    Not more than 30 minutes.

    Permanent employees

    Over the years of the company, we have collected a profile team of specialists who work on an ongoing basis, have a construction education and a minimum of 5 years of construction experience.

    Go to your apartment before the start of repair

    Let's help you correctly make professional repair of the turnkey apartment

    All works are carried out under the guidance of experienced pro-workers - strict compliance with repair work technologies.

    Perform all types of repair work in a new building

    Nowadays, single design and standard planning of apartments are already becoming rare. Modern design and repair have a wide range of tools for turning the housing into a unique masterpiece, comfortable for living and equipped with everything you need. Today we will talk about repairs in the new building.

    The key to success at the initial stage of apartment repairs is definitely the choice of a construction company. The site will provide you with a complete set of finishing works and guarantees a high result with minimal material and time spent on your part. You provide a solution to all questions of repairing professionals and quietly continue to engage in your affairs. The price of repair and finishing works will remain unchanged until the end of the process.

    In essence, there are three types of repair:
    Economical repair - includes a small amount of basic finishing works and low materials.
    Overhaul - implying the entire amount of work on interior decoration, including the replacement of electricians and plumbing.
    Euro Repair - BW which provides a full range of finishes with redevelopment and use of high-quality expensive materials.

    Repair of apartments begins in a new building from the formation of an interior design project. Here, our specialists will help correctly dispose of planning capabilities and rationally use the place with your wishes. Then there is a wiring of water supply and electricity pipes, which includes gasket engineering communications. The future location of electrical appliances, switches, furniture, lighting points, sockets, and accommodation of plumbing in the bathrooms are taken into account. Following the floors of the floor - the method of alignment of the floor using the building solutions poured onto the concrete floor with subsequent drying. It is one of the most time-in-time time and means of repair elements. In the process, it is important to lay it on a dry base and with closed windows, otherwise the likelihood of cracking is high. After the above, the alignment of walls and ceilings begins. The process is aimed at improving sound insulation, the creation of a comfortable microclimate and surface preparation to apply the finishing coating. Typically, the materials used in it are plaster, shpotelka and plasterboard.

    Laying tiles on kitchen apron, bathroom and toilet - the next stage of our work. Due to high difficulty can be performed only specialized masters, We use a huge arsenal of methods for its laying, tools, thorough preparation of the surface and high-quality materials of famous manufacturers. At the same time, compared with other finish coatings, the ceramic tile has an advantage of both decorative plan and service. The next is the laying of parquet or laminate and the installation of interroom doors. Finishing walls It implies, as a rule, sticking wallpaper or painting, the variety of which in our time there is a great set: paper, duplex, vinyl, acrylic, textile, cork, metal, glass, liquid wallpaper. The ceiling in the bathroom from plastic panels is also a frequent solution. On the ceilings, in the case of an ideally smooth surface, paint is used, otherwise - stretch ceilings.

    In conclusion, I will note that if you decide to implement financial and temporary costs with the smallest high-quality or budget repair by hands of professionals - site It is a good choice. Contact us right now.

    How wonderful to be in the new, just renovated apartment!

    Here he is truly a limitless space for the embodiment of the very ideal world, which you want to surround, eliminating some habits and stereotypes, which often have a place in other cases. It is noteworthy that not only a renovation or cosmetic, but even, in a number of situations, and capital is characteristic of new buildings. But everything needs to be correctly appreciated, reasonable to think and take the optimal individual solution with us to get the perfect repairs in a turnkey new building.

    In addition, despite the frequent statements that the new apartment is handed over to "enter and live", this in many aspects does not quite correspond to the truth. And, whatever it was, what conditions are neither in the new building - at the best case, this is a progressive vision and the perfect world of someone else, which is predictable, with the minimum probability of the entire probability and completely coincides with yours.

    Sergey began to talk long and interestingly - as they and his wife, Veronica, built a variety of, even obviously incredible assumptions, as a result, in their opinion, on the realistic, the difference in the floors. For its part, we did not make any secret, but discovered him a simple truth - a neighbor provided his own materials for the draft finish, when he made turnkey apartment repair in a new building Moscow. And it's not at all that they are good or bad, dear or budget, but solely in the need for a harmonious combination of various properties and features of materials, including modified over time. However, even they have caused big doubts and Maxim decided to clarify this exciting moment. We, of course, for their part, gave all the necessary recommendations and pointed out the inconsistencies, but the client insisted on his own and received exactly what Maxim told us about Economy repair apartment.

    Once a recent client Maxim W is drove to us, to thank for the newly made economy repair in the apartmentFor some reason, invariably resting the pity of the spouse, with whom he invariably agreed. Among other things, he expressed surprise the fact that, in their opinion, the result turned out much better than the neighbor living six floors, although, like, they asked to do the same with minimal improvisations. Actually, a little earlier, this particular neighbor advised and became our client and this pair use our services to make repair of an apartment from scratch in a new building. Price on turnkey repair with materials in the new building And I liked the quality of work!

    Do not risk, but to do everything exactly how it is necessary, so that today and tomorrow you were surrounded by exactly the very ideal world that you decided to surround yourself? In repair, as well as in the rest, especially when it comes to an apartment in a new building, it is necessary to take into account the many nuances, and sometimes - even just feel based on the colossal practical experience.

    Call or email us
    So that we can advise, offer and make
    Repair of an apartment in a new top key is inexpensive - exactly what you want.

    Stretch ceiling and plaster walls

    The stretch ceiling is a construction consisting of a frame mounted throughout the perimeter of the room, and the canvas fixed on this frame and stretched under the influence of high temperature to the state of the perfect smooth surface. A polyvinyl chloride film or polyester fabric impregnated with polyurethane can be used as a canvas. Stretch ceilings in recent years are very common in residential premises, due to their excellent operational and aesthetic characteristics: the gypsum plaster is applied very quickly and produced by the pulverizer. Due to the rapid grasp, the volume of the kneading should be small (especially if there is no need for skill in operation). In the process of use, it is possible to form on the wall of various patterns, shapes and images. The color of the plaster plaster is ideal white, so if you need to adjust the color of the wall into the finished composition, dyes are added (although you can also paint the finish surface, after it is plastered). This type of inner plaster cannot be used to decorate rooms with high humidity.

    Apartment design - what is it and why | The main stages of the repair of new buildings

    Design Project Here will make up the estimate, drawing sketches. If necessary, the designer will make a 3D layout. You can order a similar collage, which is the simplest option and not so costly. Here will be planned lighting, markup for electrical equipment, markup for plumbing. Upon completion of this stage, the customer in the hands will be a complete set of documents, which will be a detailed manual for work. The main stages of repair all work related to the implementation of the repair must be carried out in a strict sequence and in compliance with strict technology when performing certain types of work. Very important points are the use of primer compositions in almost all types of executable work when finishing and repairing premises and apartments. For example, the priming of walls before plastering or sticker of ceramic tiles is a reliable basis that will provide in the process of subsequent operation of the warranty, which will not go away and will not bounce off the wall. Also priming the walls is mandatory before pasting wallpaper.

    Required materials and tools to start repairing in the apartment

    The main thing is not to tighten the repair process for an indefinite time and to realize the order of work and the final result. Before starting repairing, it is necessary to preliminary training. A detailed repair plan should be developed, in which it takes into account all the little things and determine the complexity and volumes of repair work. It is better to make drawings of the premises, and determine the stages of the work of work. This will make it possible to correctly calculate the list and the number of materials necessary, as well as their physical strength and material capabilities. May be better turn to professional workersto get a high-quality end result. The help of a construction designer, which can correctly distribute the ergonomics of the premises and offer various repairs options.

    It is important to determine the priority of work on the premises, which will avoid the appearance of excessive construction trash. It is better to start working from distant rooms and finish with passing corridors. In advance, you need to purchase a cellophane film to cover furniture or rooms, tapped it instead of doors so that the dust does not penetrate. There must also be a large number of bags for the construction trash.

    Materials and tools required for repair

    Be sure to make a list of building materials. It must be remembered that the materials must be purchased with some reserve.

    Modern design and repair of a two-bedroom apartment

    Nowadays, single design and standard planning of apartments are already becoming rare. Modern design and repair have a wide range of tools for turning the housing into a unique masterpiece, comfortable for living and equipped with everything you need. Today we will talk about repairs in the new building. The key to success at the initial stage of apartment repairs is definitely the choice of a construction company. The site will provide you with a complete set of finishing works and guarantees a high result with minimal material and time spent on your part. You provide a solution to all questions of repairing professionals and quietly continue to engage in your affairs. The price of repair and finishing works will remain unchanged until the end of the process.

    Overhaul to have every family at least once in life

    Overhaul to have every family at least once in life.

    But he is preceded by no less troublesome lesson - the elimination of all that was once called new overhaul. In both options it is required to work. Having patient, it is necessary to start planning. We will enter the apartment of an apartment apartment housing stock into the hypothetical plan.

    The designed clear algorithm of actions will help to paint the preparatory stage of the work, the date of their beginning and end. Following logic, the preparation must be divided into several parts.

    • Hire command handymen. They will have to prepare the premises.
    • A negotiated with local relevant installation services near mobile capacity, usually this is a five-tone body dump truck. Conclude an agreement on the removal of the container as filling with solid household waste.
    • Prevent neighbors about the upcoming discomfort, which they are destined to survive. Perhaps among them there are those who briefly change the place of residence, and they need to prepare in advance.
    • Decide with its temporary fag.

    Repair of apartments in Moscow signing a contract

    Repair of apartments in Moscow and the towns of Moscow region are a service that is in demand from those who are used to save their time, strength and wants to get high-quality and cozy apartment for a comfortable stay.

    Chernovaya repair of apartments

    What is included in the rough repair of apartments

    We want to note that when repairing a draft apartment, the customer has the opportunity to fully think over and lay the location of all nodes in the apartment - cranes, sockets, switches, plumbing equipment. An apartment will be created, equipped with a typical project, but taking into account the wishes of the customer. This approach makes it possible to implement ideas.

    Overhaul in the apartment

    Overhaul in the apartment do for two reasons:

    Change the design and appearance of the apartment;
    - Replace all materials and equipment to new ones.
    Change the appearance and housing design want owners of apartments and in new buildings, and in secondary accommodation. In this case, you will have to contact special services to get permission to redecessing. But this can be avoided if you contact the firms that, besides construction work, will prepare all documentation.

    Where repair will cost cheaper: in a new building or secondary.

    In front of people who wish to buy an apartment, often the question is, it is better to buy - a secondary or new building. One of the main arguments to which many pay attention is repairs. Where cheaper to make repairs - in a new house or in an apartment purchased in the old house.

    Very many experts are similar to the opinion that the repair of secondary housing will rise more expensive, but at the same time stipulate that it is very dependent on what condition is a purchased apartment. If she is what is called "killed" and everything needs to be changed in it, then repair in the new building will certainly cost cheaper. After all, we free the walls and the ceiling from old coatings, change the communications, dismantle and no flood floors or walls.

    Who has to buy - from the developer or Realter?

    Anyone who decided to buy an apartment will have to solve this issue. There are several opinions here. When purchase in new building It is carried out through the Rielter, then the contract for the provision of services is signed by the transaction. And directly agreement on equity participation, even in the case of buying housing through the agency, is signed with the developer. Thus, the Agency does not give any guarantees and is not responsible, but only acts as an intermediary.

    On the other hand, by contacting the agency, the buyer can get those proposals that will satisfy all its requirements. The buyer is difficult to track the situation on the market, to identify all existing options at the moment, and the agency can help him in his search.

    Repair apartment with redevelopment

    Not always to people like the location of the rooms in his own apartment, do not like, the fact that the bathroom of a small area, as well as many other things. Of course, all these problems are partly solved. Why in part? Because the redevelopment of the room is not always possible, but even if it is possible, then it is usually limited.

    High-quality and modern turnkey repair

    The task of the overhaul of the apartment is a cardinal change in its internal content. This widespread concept involves a number of events, among which the replacement of wall and floor coverings are just a small detail. The total volume of overhaul works includes:

    Comprehensive repair of any complexity

    Repairs in the apartment allows you to create comfortable conditions for family residence. By virtue of its amusement and not the desire to carry out repair work independently owners of the property are increasingly looking for other options for solving the issue. Due to the emergence of construction organizations, it became possible to comprehensively carry out all repair work. The advantages of repair of apartments turnkey is in full delegation of tasks to masters of professional companies.

    Repairs. What should not save on.

    The apartment repair is not easy, costly. I want to make it so that the apartment turns into a cozy nest for a long time and without unnecessary costs. To do this, you need to clearly represent what should work out and how to do it. Here you can not do without a designer. It will make the necessary measurements, will make a preliminary estimate. In case of redevelopment of the apartment, the designer will make a detailed plan of reconstruction. It is with the designer that you can see how the apartment will look after repair.

    Ceramic tile is a modern, beautiful and practical material for use in the bathroom and bathroom. It is very convenient in work, wear-resistant and withstands cleaning with the most aggressive cleaning agents. Our team wants to tell you a couple of secrets about tiles. We have been working with her for a long time and saved you a lot of practical advice that you will definitely learn by ordering our repair of your turnkey apartment!

    Advantages of repairing turnkey apartment from the site

    Repairs are a complex integrated approach to the organization and improvement of your apartment for a comfortable long stay in it. In this article, we will look at the option that you do not want to repair with your own hands and forces, but decided to entrust this business to the professional team of workers led by the company's foreman.

    Features of repair in the new building.

    The company site makes a huge number of apartment repairs in Moscow and the Moscow region turnkey during the year. About half of them are apartments in new buildings. On the one hand, this is a big plus the opportunity to live in a new house built on the latest technology and technologies. On the other hand, the developer issues the keys from the apartment with the "bare" concrete walls, sometimes with a rough finish of an apartment or ready to repair, but the most budget and always not perfect.

    How to choose an apartment in a new building.

    Before ordering the repair of your turnkey apartment, you need to buy it. Increasingly, people can afford to accumulate or buy an apartment in a new building. It can be like without repair (naked walls), with a rough or finishing renovation from the developer. About repair from the developer go jokes, as far as it is bad. Therefore, our first advice to you - choose an apartment without repair, so as not to pay for it twice. Order a service to repair an apartment in Moscow turnkey and be satisfied with the result! We have a team of professionals in their business with tremendous experience!

    Clean material when repairing an apartment

    When you order a turnkey apartment renovation from the company, you must know what finishing materials will be used in repairs. Tile, laminate, parquet, each material requires its preparation. Agree, the wall prepared under the painting should be greater than the wall prepared for the wallpaper.

    Have not yet decided?

    We offer high quality repairs at affordable prices.

    Chernovaya Finish Apartments: Where to start repair?

    One of the notable features of the modern building market is the delivery of apartments in new buildings without decoration. It is beneficial to developers: you can not be distracted by finishing works. It is also attractive for buyers: buying square meters in a naked box, it is possible to make an apartment in your liking and needs, and saving is significant. If an apartment appears in your property: where to start repair, consider the stages and try to determine possible submarine stones.

    Hurry slow

    To begin with, it is worth noting that by purchasing an apartment in just a twentored house, the final finish should not. The erected building will be satisfied - these deformations are calculated, and depend on the construction technology. Shrinkage in panel houses differs from deformations in brick or monolithic. If, without waiting for the shrinkage, make a finish, then when deformations are run out, cracks may appear on the decoration walls, floors and ceilings lean. There are two events development options:

    • postpone the start of repair work for a while, giving the opportunity to settle home;
    • carry out repairs in two stages: first hold the necessary draft work and make the most budgetary repair, and the final finish postpone the time;

    The first option is suitable for those who are in no hurry and can afford to wait for the end of shrinking deformations and develop a design project in detail. The second is the necessary solution if there is no way to wait. Making a temporary repair, you can quite comfortably live in the apartment, waiting for the house to give the final shrinkage, simultaneously planning the future finish and accumulating the required amount.

    Where to start repair in a new building without finishing

    The answer to this question is unambiguous: with planning. Start repairs without a clearly composed plan of all stages of work and understanding, which you want in the final result - how to go in the dark to walk through the swamp.

    The first thing you need is a design project and estimate. Do not think that the project is beautiful pictures that require excess costs. A properly compiled design project may include a qualitative visualization of the final result. But the main task is to plan the room as conveniently as possible and functionally, take into account the placement of lamps, sockets and switches, the place of installation of sanitary devices and household appliances, taking into account the plan for the placement of furniture. According to this plan, there is a position of partitions and other designs, laying communications. Explanation of the premises and the specification of materials will allow the most accurately as possible to the necessary materials and calculate their cost.

    Ignoring the planning stage will result in excessive costs: the overruns of materials, the need to redo the already made and dismantled incorrectly erected. Without a hurry, the composed lighting and location of sockets and switches will save the newcomers from the garlands of tees and a tangler of extension cords, stretching throughout the apartment: it is not just inconvenient, but it can be dangerous - an enhanced load will have to have an increased load.

    Stages of repair in the new building

    New buildings are different - both by the technology of construction and the degree of readiness. This affects the cost of a square meter when buying housing, and subsequently - on the estimate of the repair work.

    • the apartment without finishing is generally the so-called, "free layout": the buyer gets a bare box in whom there is no interroom partitions, the walls and ceilings are not plastered, the leveling screed is not made, the apartment is not made in the apartment;
    • apartment with draft finish - assumes only a finishing finish: shook wallpaper, coloring, tile work, a device of flooring, installation of instruments;
    • the apartment with the budget finish is fully ready for accommodation, but the design can leave much to be desired;

    If you have a rough finish, you should start repairs with the construction of the necessary partitions. The next step is the wiring of communications. To some extent, these two stages intersect: if there is an accurate plan for the location of electrical appliances and plumbing, then communications can be laid at the same time with the construction of walls.

    After the walls are readily comes time to do floors. The finishing of the new building with their own hands without speaking of draft works involves the device for overlapping. The concrete screed performs several functions, and the device is necessary:

    • she "tightens" overlap plates, distributing the load;
    • screed lines the base and allows you to enter the project floor;
    • communications are carried out in the screed, the waterproofing of "wet zones" is arranged under it and thermal insulation is placed;

    The rough finish of the walls involves the presence of plaster skills. Wall plastered with a piece of screed: The layer of plaster strengthens the wall consisting of separate blocks or bricks, aligns the surface, creates a heat insulating and noise insulating effect, hides communications.

    In addition to the walls, if necessary, the ceiling is plastered, the window slopes. During the finishing of the window, you can additionally warp the slopes and replace the window if it enters your plans.

    To start repairing an apartment with a draft finish, you will first need to determine how much you are planning, location and number of lighting and outlets. How qualitatively the screed and plaster is performed. If everything suits, then you can safely move to the finishing of the apartment in a new building with your own hands: painting, pasting wallpaper.

    And if it does not suit the quality of the apartment with a rough finish, start repairing will have to dismantle and erect partitions, stripping surfaces from old materials, devices for electrical cables and water pipes, installation of communications. That is, in fact, where repairs are started during the draft decoration.

    Legal aspects of repair

    Start the decoration of the apartment in the new building is needed from her purchase. Concluding a contract for participation in equity construction with a developer, carefully read the papers for

    in order to understand exactly what you get as a result of your money. Then the notorious "free layout" will not plunge you in shock. If you can, get acquainted with the contract with the lawyer specializing in building contracts.

    Planning the purchase of an apartment in a new building, try to define in advance - whether you need a rough finish, or the option without finishing it is better. Then you will not overpay for dismantling and alteration, although on the draft finish it will have to spend more.

    The second important point is the signing of the acceptance act. Invite a third-party specialist in construction - for a small fee, it will pay your attention to the nuances of the subsequent repair and improper developer, the elimination of which you are entitled to demand from the developer.

    Before starting repairs in a new building, keep in mind that extinguishing work with redevelopment will require coordination. And if some alterations can be done on legal grounds, and coordination in instances is required only to compile a new passport on the apartment, that is, a number of alterations, which cannot be made. Such work includes:

    • demolition of capital walls;
    • transferring "wet zones" - you can not make a bathroom over the bedroom of the neighbor;
    • reducing the living area due to non-residential;

    More accurately, the possibility of redevelopment should be found in the relevant instances.

    And finally, another legal aspect, a collision with which you can and should be avoided: disposal of construction waste and the time of noisy construction work and the duration of repair. Do not force you to impose penalties for throwing garbage after dismantling in the house container for household waste, or for the work of the perforator on Sunday, holidays or at night.

    Repair of an apartment without finishing with your own hands is a fully feasible business. Only approach it is needed with all seriousness. Otherwise, the economic benefit from reducing costs for the payment of professional workshops can be minimized or completely disappeared, replaced by unplanned expenses, headache, and the feeling that repair is akin to a fire or other natural disaster.

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    Start repair with your own hands in the new apartment

    It is no secret that many people, after buying new housing for themselves, they strive to improve him in every way and remake it in their own way. At the same time, the new inhabitants are still very lucky if they only have to repaint the walls, and on this, all cosmetic repairs in the apartment will end in the new building, since it is a premedive finish.

    In most cases in our country, after buying a new and not ready for living for an apartment, people immediately have to perform overhaul, which will serve as a full-fledged base for their new housing. In the event that your apartment is in a more fresh new building, you should take into account the fact that new houses can eventually settle that in the end it can negatively affect new repairs, hurry with which in new buildings is not worth it. Obviously, not all people want to live in gray, though new apartment for two more years before the bearing plates of the building itself at least take a little.

    For this very reason, at the very beginning of residence in your new apartment, you will be repaired, but it is best not to do any grand things at once, but to do with simple cosmetic repairs. In order for your repair to be spoiled in a few years, you will be best not to save on building materials immediately, because their quality can rather radically reflect on how long you will serve your first repairs in the new apartment.

    "Naked Walls" is what, as a rule, have to deal with buyers of apartments in new buildings

    What should be paid attention

    In practice, impeller repair in the new apartment can be divided into such subgroups:

    • Logical errors that were allowed by builders during the construction and arrangement of a new apartment.
    • Problems with communications that were not carefully thought out and mounted not correctly.
    • Incorrect sequence of work, due to which the appearance and functional component of one or another object in your apartment can be broken.
    • Wrong selection of building materials.

    In addition, it is also worth taken into account the fact that modern construction companies cannot guarantee the complete and one hundred percent quality of the repaired repair work in new apartments. That is why, today, people are very often encountered with such situations when they have to immediately redo all that the builders considered high-quality and necessary.

    The main stages of repair in the apartment

    Performing repairs in the new apartment, it is worthwhile to pay attention to the rules and techniques of repair, the non-compliance of which can lead to irreversible consequences:

  • Practice of communications, wiring and water supply.
  • The occurrence of tightly mediated walls, which in the event of an emergency will need to be immediately broken.
  • Violation of safety standards when designing electrical wiring.
  • Improper decoration of walls and ceiling, due to which in the end you may have problems in the near future.
  • Useful information

    Repair on the secondary is always somewhat different

    The question of how to start repairs in the new building appears, as a rule, in cases where buyers choose an apartment in the developer, preferring its option with the so-called "secondary". To a large extent, this choice affects the fact that the price of real estate in the secondary market is usually higher than similar objects offered by construction companies, especially at the initial stage of construction. In addition, some developers provide for their buyers a phased payment of the acquired property of real estate, which is very convenient, since you have no need to lay out the entire amount immediately.

    On a note! In addition to the favorable price, such apartments often have a more thoughtful layout.

    Nevertheless, as a rule, apartments of such a plan are rented without finishing. Alternatively, in apartments from the developer, there may be a primary finish, especially in the bathroom and in the kitchen. However, in most cases, we are talking about the simplest and inexpensive solutions: wallpapers, tiles in the bathroom, paint and blotch. Linoleum on the floor. All this has to be changed by repairs from scratch. How to start repairs in a new building with a pre-trial decoration? Let's consider in more detail.

    Painting over finishing

    Step-by-step instructions for repair in the apartment-new building implies a certain order with clearly prescribed stages. All repairs in the apartment from the developer have to start from scratch until the walls, the floor and the ceiling have only rough finish. We give a rather long and universal list. Therefore, if you do not need to perform some of the stages, due to the fact that it is for your housing that this type of work is not provided, you can skip it and move to the next one.

    Initial work

    This stage is preparatory and implies the following types of work:

  • First of all, many experts advise to put a toilet bowl. It can be cheap. The main task is to perform its function. In addition, put the sink to wash your hands and crane. With the bathroom, you can still wait. To begin with - enough.
  • If necessary, disassembly partitions. The demolition is quite simple: with the help of a grinder, perforator and sledgehammers.
  • In new buildings with the so-called "free layout" on the contrary, you will need to build the necessary partitions.
  • Then you will need to stamp channels for electrical wiring cables.
  • It is necessary to label the channels for electrical wiring cables

    Basic actions

    After the so-called preparatory stage, proceed to the main work. Sequencing:

  • First of all, we carry out wiring. This is a very important stage that needs to be performed as carefully as possible.
  • After that, it is desirable to take care of laying sewer pipes. Today, as a rule, they are made of plastic.
  • It is necessary to close the edges of the pipes with special plastic plugs.
  • Next, we equip the plumbing. We provide cold work, and then hot water. Moreover, it is not only about the kitchen, but also about the bathroom.
  • The ventilation holes are closed.
  • Finishing of slopes of windows is done.
  • Batteries are installed. The primer is covered and then painted their surface.
  • If frame cabinets are provided in the apartment, then their installation is made.
  • Installation of doors.
  • The screed is equipped and preparations for laying outdoor coverage are made.
  • We make the heat insulation of the rough floor.
  • In the presence of slots in the walls or partitions, they close them.
  • We make sealing slots


    And finally, the final stage:

  • Installation of floor covering in all rooms and rooms is made.
  • Finish finish of walls. Mounted bath, as well as sink.
  • Takes on the ceilings.
  • Watching, bodied and painted batteries.
  • Interior doors are installed.
  • The finishing of walls and partitions is carried out. For this, wallpaper can be used, paint and so on.
  • Final finishes are made.
  • So, if briefly, the apartment repair looks like. In fact, nothing is too complicated. Now, we hope you it has become more clear what to start repair, as well as how it is better to organize its sequence.

    Examples of ready-made interiors after repair (press pictures to enlarge):

    Most of the people who have a cottage to themselves, perfectly understand that it should be not only a place for working and growing a crop, but thereby corners where you can relax from the noisy city and enjoy the beautiful views of nature and the site.

    Each of us loves a beautifully decorated interior. This commitment becomes especially interesting in cases where interior decisions intersect with joy for the closest and loved ones.

    Every conscientious owner must take care of the comfort of their pets, guided by the famous quotation from the "Little Prince": "We are responsible for those who have tamed."

    Wild animals and birds that live in nature cannot count on the fact that in winter someone will help them in the same way as their domesticated "fellow".

    Sooner or later, before the majority of us, the task of buying new furniture, including chairs. At the same time, it does not always make sense to buy new furniture to a sufficiently high price, since we can renovate old chairs.

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    Procedure for repair without finishing in new buildings

    Not so long ago, receiving an order for an apartment in a new building could enter, live quietly. Today, before moving to the new home, the owners will need to make repairs. Most housing surrenders without finishing. This is a way to reduce the cost of the apartment. Residents are given the opportunity at an acceptable cost to acquire their own corner. The result is an economy option. Popularity is the type of housing Studio. The owners acquire walls without decoration, partitions. It will be necessary to paint the walls, install plumbing, align the floors, surfaces. The newly blacks and clean work is performed by new seals. The owners should not be forgotten about the pre-work. About what is the correct repairs in the new building without finishing, is written below.

    Works that can be done in the first year of operation

    Getting started in the new building, consider that the finish will be performed from scratch. This is especially true of the studio apartment. Many plan to make expensive repairs using expensive materials, which is unacceptable. The reasons for this are as follows:

    • the structure of the first year is exposed to a shrinkage, which is why cracks appear on the surface;
    • cracks are formed on the walls, ceiling, floor;
    • due to the deformations, the decoration and repair of the apartment will have to be renovated in a year, which makes numerous problems.

    The result of a shrinkage building

    Cracks on the plaster because of the shrinkage of the building

    Start repair is necessary with the following processes:

    • layout of sanitary pipes;
    • broadcasting electrical wiring;
    • laying of warm floors, pouring screed;
    • aligning the surface of the walls;
    • construction of suspended ceilings.

    The procedure for performing repair work in the new building cannot be changed.

    Alignment of walls

    Bookmark wiring

    Wiring of sanitary pipes

    Floor screed

    In the first year, it is necessary to make it with your own hands, dusty work, go to the pre-sample, then purple. It is recommended to do dirty work after receiving a bundle of keys. It is not worth it, the newcomers who received the keys to the apartment pay a container for collecting garbage. It will be serviced all the house.

    The management company is equipped from garbage for six months. If you do not start repairing immediately with all the tenants, then take out the garbage, then you will have to do it yourself. Further export is no longer included in the cost of services.

    Another important plus when performing draft, pre-work after receiving a bundle of keys in a new building - no one lives in the house, it means that it is allowed to feel boldly, work perforator, knocking the hammer at night and in the morning, which can not be done later. After completing the main work, finishing finish is performed, you can stick inexpensive wallpapers, the usual linoleum and the first year after passing is still content with this. This economy option is suitable for young families who begin to live from scratch.

    Works, contraindicated in the first year of living of housing

    The main work is made, in the house it became clean, cozy, you can take a break. There are a number of works that you want to make tenants in a new building, but experts strongly recommend refusing, otherwise they will later have to redo it, both from the pre-sighted and all the subsequent work, that is, start from scratch.

    • ceilings, make a wall drywall in the apartment of the studio, to put out on the finite, the Council to perceive not as an economy option, to take into account that the first time all seams are cracked;
    • styling the tile for the bathroom, there will be any finishing, bad tightness will lead to the fact that the water will leak to the neighbors, mold will appear from high humidity.

    The floor in the bathroom, laid out with tiles, will be a barrier when performing other repair work.

    The phrase that the miser pays twice is incorrect. The first year such an economy will help save finances, especially for those who start with scratch.

    If you still want to live immediately under normal conditions, then any repair work should be performed by professionals. You can do with your own hands, if you are confident in your skill. It is necessary to take into account that there may still be cracks in time, but you can calm yourself the fact that they will be visible only when a person rests on the sofa.

    The main order of repair in the new building

    In order not to rewor something, it is necessary that any roughing, finishing repair work is carried out in a new building, and no matter the studio apartment or not, in a certain sequence. Seeing the naked walls of his housing, each owner immediately arises the question: "Where to start?". The repair order is as follows:

    • perform space layout - do it easy. Even before the blacks work is performed, it is necessary to draw a plan for its apartment on a piece of paper (or with a computer program). Immediately decide on the plumbing site. It is necessary to outline the place of the bath or shower, toilet bowl. In the photo, located on the left, is just shown how to install plumbing. Note the kitchen, corridor. Especially exactly everything is required to plan in housing in the Studio type;

    Apartment layout

    • insert windows if they are not inserted. Usually new buildings are already rented with inserted windows. But if there was an agreement that only walls will be built, then you need to immediately think about whether you choose the window and immediately decide whether the installation will be made with your own hands or specialists. More profitable and more convenient if the work on the installation of windows is entrusted to professionals. Ideal option - if the apartment will be passed with windows;


    • wire water supply pipes, sewage. The wiring begins on the total riser and is conducted under the entire plumbing. Install the toilet, washbasin, shower. Collect the sewer is easy with your own hands. Uncertain owners should be applied to specialists;

    Wiring pipe

    • perform the installation of electrical wiring - to work, you must refer to the maximum responsibility. Usually in new buildings, the wiring is made, but it does not always have high quality. All check if there is doubt, then change. Sometimes electrical devices may be present, but they are usually low quality. Therefore, it is better to do at your discretion. Economy option for this work is inappropriate;

    Installation of wiring

    • make a tight floor - arrangement in a new building - an important stage in repair. If the building is made of concrete, then the fill of the screed is needed. Concrete solution must be pouring the draft floor, then to align everything. The easiest and most popular wet screed. The owner can make it with his own hands. With its help, the irregularities of the surface is eliminated, the slots are embarrassed;

    Floating screed

    • align the walls - to do with the walls something grandiose in the first year is not worth it. The house will give shrinkage, and cracks may appear. At first, it is better to buy inexpensive wallpapers for an apartment. It should be borne in mind that in a year again it will have to lifting the walls, smearing the cracks, that is, to start doing all the repairs renovate. If the plaster or other finishing finish was not done, then you need to do it, then align the cracks, irregularly. Additional finish should not be needed;

    Alignment of walls and ceiling

    • make the installation of the ceiling - this work is one of the difficult. The ceiling can be any. But experts are not recommended in the new building to make immediately mounted ceiling of drywall. With shrinkage at home there may be throughout, and go cracks on the seams. For a start, you can simply slip out, align the surface and paint. For the first repair of such a finish will be enough;

    Installation of the mounted ceiling of plasterboard

    • install Doors - Install Doors Need Before Sticker Wallpaper or Powder Walls. When with the ceiling, the floor is solved, the doors are installed. Much attention should be paid to the entrance doors. It is not worth saving on them, here such an economy will be inappropriate. You can immediately install durable with good sound insulation.

    Door installation

    Studio apartment began to use in great demand. Economy option for a young family. Housing is inexpensive and young families may well afford it. Before starting repair in such an apartment, we must immediately outline where there will be a recreation area, a kitchen, a corridor, a bathroom.

    Often the owners are obtained with the main carrier walls. This allows you to make a special layout, show fantasy. Someone suits the studio option, someone needs separate rooms. Partitions are made of drywall. Planning options can be different. The main thing is to decide during the repair, where you need to place a specific room so that in the future I did not have to redo.

    New housing is a huge joy. Do not be afraid of independent repair work. This approach is a profitable solution. The hosts immediately equip their own corner. With repair work, you should not rush. Before taking, we must consult with specialists.

    All stages of repair work in the new building.

    Many people dreaming about their own home are often fantasized on various topics associated with the arrangement of residential premises.

    Someone dreams of making a bar counter, others seek to create an exquisite wooden interior in an apartment or house with the use of lining and bamboo wallpaper.

    Knowing how to decorate the walls in the new building will significantly save on the costs and create a pleasant atmosphere indoors.

    Start of repair in a new apartment, wiring and preparatory work

    The apartment without decoration is easier to lead to a good look, because you do not need to take care of the dismantling of the old coating

    When purchasing new housing, each person always experiences a large mass of positive emotions, but over time, people begin to think about how this empty room without communications is turned into a cozy family corner.

    The main question that will ask himself every owner: "Why start repairs?"

    Indeed, a huge number of cases "pop up" to the surface. In the new apartment, first of all, as a rule, electric layout of lines is made.

    Cut the wires strictly horizontally and vertically

    Planning the power supply system of its residential premises, it is necessary to thoroughly study the features of all rooms and schematically outline where the electrical points (sockets and switches) will be.

    It is from this action that will depend on how the trace of the electrical cable will occur, and where the junction boxes will be.

    Sketch the mounting scheme

    Each owner, producing repairs in his apartment, should know a number of recommendations and rules when installing, which are regulated by the following publications: "Rules of electrical installations" (PUE) and "Rules for the safe operation of consumer electrical installations" (PBEEP).

    These are quite voluminous work, which are postulated to perform various electrical installation work. By organizing wiring in the apartment, not necessarily study them completely.

    Dock the guides of the terminals

    The main thing is to comply with the general requirements and below the recommendations:

    • the electrical cable when mounting on the wall should pass strictly by horizontal and vertical lines;
    • junction boxes must be removed from the ceiling at a distance of 20 - 30 cm;
    • measuring and laying a plot of an electric line between a rosette or switch and a distribution box, it is always necessary to make a margin of conductors for 20 - 30 cm for convenient connection and installation of items;
    • all electrical components in the apartment must be removed from the corners indoors by 10 - 15 cm;
    • the electrical circuit breakers in the room should be installed at a distance of at least 90 cm from the floor;
    • mounting the outlets on the wall of the room, you need to climb around the wall by 30 cm or more;
    • in junction boxes, the conductors are recommended to be allowed using terminal compounds.

    Some of the above requirements can be visualized on the scheme below.

    You should not forget that the qualitatively organized wiring of the electric lines in your residential room ensures safety with various electrical devices. Many specialists for the organization of electrical wiring recommend applying Cable for VG and WGG brands. The thickness of the conductors is selected according to the power consumed of the connected devices.

    Preparation of the surface of the walls before finishing

    To get a flat flooring, perform the installation of bulk floors

    After you have made an electrical wiring in the room, you can start, which will be made on all planes of the apartment.

    Before aligning and lining the walls of the new apartment, you need to take care of the smooth of the flooring. Many construction professionals recommend this process using bulk floors or self-leveling mixtures on a plaster basis.

    The use of such material makes it possible in a short period to create a flat floor to which you can install the finish coating.

    Surface leveling

    To date, there are two popular ways. This is the performance of work with plastering composition and method of creating a plasterboard coating. Both methods are widely used during finishing work.

    Alignment of walls with plaster composition is a traditional creation of smooth walls, which has been used for many years.

    On the aligned walls you can safely mount the finish finish

    Before applying a special solution to the walls to align the surface, it is necessary to set the benchmarks and understand how the wall is twisted. The best helper to solve this task will be a laser level or rule.

    After you have found certain irregularities, you should make the corresponding marks on the floor and the ceiling. It is according to the created marks and lighthouses (landmarks) will be displayed to create a smooth surface.

    Plastering the benchmarks and determined with the layer of plastering (2-4 cm), it is necessary to install a special grid (using a solution or dowels), after which it is possible to throw an alignment composition to it, evenly distributing it on the surface, based on the marks (lighthouses).

    Before applying a plastering coating on a concrete or brick wall, the base should be qualitatively treated with primer composition. This is necessary to improve the adhesive properties between the wall and the coating.

    Installation of plasterboard sheets and organization of finishing wall coverings

    Performing repairs in the new apartment, you can often encounter the irregularities of the walls and genital flooring. In addition to plastering the surface, there is another way to level walls: installation of plasterboard sheets. All secrets of installing GKLS See in this video:

    Seams close up putty

    Repair of premises using GLC is a fast, convenient and inexpensive option for creating a smooth wall and an excellent bridgehead for the work of the finish finish.

    On a frame made of aluminum profile or wooden bars. This design is quickly assembled and allows you to create separate decorative elements in the apartment that can even have a functional value (shelves, niches, built-in wardrobes).

    Plasterboard is attached to a frame using self-samples, which are later, as the entire surface of the material, is covered with a thin layer of putty, which is a good base for any finishing material, and wall decoration for such a base will not cause major difficulties.

    Finish coating of walls

    Wallpapers - the most democratic type of finishing matrial

    Aligning the walls and having prepared a coating for applying the finishing material and the various decor elements, you will make a big step by applying repairs to your logical conclusion. It is worth choosing one or more types of products, with which you will decorate the walls, creating an interior in the room, which will like you.

    Spacious drywall and posted wall are ideally suited for finishing the most popular material - wallpaper.

    To date, there are many varieties of this product:

    • fliseline;
    • paper;
    • bamboo;
    • leather.

    Each of the listed options has its advantages and disadvantages. In recent years, people seek to use natural materials. These include wallpapers made of paper, bamboo and skin.

    Paper wallpaper is a budget option, but their sticking is a rather complicated occupation, since they are easy to damage. Leather wallpapers are an element of luxury who can afford not every person. They create a unique comfort in any room, but capricious to mechanical damage. For details on how correctly, look in this video:

    Bamboo wallpapers are well combined with other elements of the decor, made using wooden products (lining, brushing imitation). This material is not quite simply mounted (after applying glue, it cannot be bent), but its operational characteristics will delight any owner.

    In addition to wallpaper, wall color walls are often used as an finishing finish. The paint is a universal material that is well combined with any decor elements (wallpaper, natural stone, ceramic tiles).

    When choosing various finishing materials for one room, it is necessary to represent how they will be combined with each other.

    Like any other large-scale case, the start of repair in the new building is impossible without careful planning. Most are due to the fact that either the initial comprehensive plan was not at all, or he did not take into account important nuances.

    So what to think about:

    1. Planning
    Do you need partitions in the rooms? Or maybe, on the contrary, do you want to demolish something and make redevelopment?

    Where will the furniture and large household appliances be accommodated? This depends on the layout of the electrical cable and the location of sockets and switches. And it is also fundamentally important if you plan to make a warm floor in the kitchen or in the bathroom: laying pipes under the stove and cabinets where the person's leg is expensive, expensive and meaningless.

    3. Lighting
    How will it be and where do you want to locate the lighting appliances? For them, too, you will need cables and sockets.

    4. Microclimate
    How do you organize air conditioning and? Installing the air conditioner during repair in a new building without finishing allows you to hide all the wires in the wall. When wallpapers are already pissed, it is difficult to do it. The walls for the air conditioner cables are needed at the initial stages of the apartment repair until these walls are still naked. But hanging the device already at the end, after final finishes. We'll have to call specialists twice, but the result will be as accurate as possible.

    For a comfortable life, good ventilation requires a constant influx of fresh air and extract. Hood in new buildings most often works perfectly, but it is worth paying attention. A successful option is compact, especially if the hole under the supply device has already been done by the developer: it will only be possible to call installers at the very end of repair in the new building (already after wall design). If there are no holes, the same mounting team will try it immediately before installing the instrument. This can also be done on ready-made repair: and dirt does not leave. But if you have the need and the ability to install central ventilation in the apartment, you need to plan it in advance: the air ducts will be paved under the ceilings and hide them for the finish.

    Having understood with the plan, you can proceed to the direct embodiment of the conceived.