The best flew from cockroaches. Professional funds from cockroaches - than etching insects disinsectors

No Soviet cuisine did without these wonderful creatures. It happened, you will hit the cloth at night, you will turn on the light, and they are fastened and shred up - they lacked any sneakers. Why there sneakers, even dichlorophos did not take! So I had to peacefully coexist: the owners live in the apartment Day, and cockroaches - at night. True, the arrogance of the latter sometimes passed all the boundaries, and they appeared even during the daytime, and without tiling, and the stepwise so walking.

Then for a while, the cockroaches suddenly disappeared, just in the right of the next scheduled date of the end of the world, probably frightened and hid. True, entomologists argue that the chemical industry in those days has already developed so well and created so many products to combat harmful insects that they could not stand it, and their immunity was not ready for such severe tests.

However, some time ago, the population of cockroach families has increased dramatically. Probably, they developed more persistent protection from people and are ready for new military actions. Today, we will look for the best remedy for Tarakanov, we learn the opinion of experts and advice of veterans of the fight against insects that have tried a variety of methods of destroying and gained both multiple victories and defeats.

The cockroach is one of the most survivable creatures on Earth. The man was able to count as much as 4,200 species of these insects, well, although not in her kitchen, but in wildlife. They have a rather bad reputation, and they belong to them very squeamishly. It is believed that they are the only ones who can survive after the end of the world. However, only one percent of the entire species manifold can really harm a person, and these are not the harmless shy "Prusaki" who live in our apartments.

Cockroaches are able to adapt to any environment harmful to them, which is why the fight against them is so complicated and at the same time fascinating for chemists who have these small, but alive insects challenged - who? On our happiness, the hands of chemists do not yet fall, and they create ever new and new funds, which only temporarily act on cockroaches. And those like a Phoenix bird are able to rise not only from the ashes, but also after the depleting "dichlorophos" of the new generation.

If a neighbor lives next to you - a lover of producing these home "animals", then you will not be able to avoid their raids. They are able to hide in slots, a thickness of several millimeters, and you do not live in a hermetic capsule, so they will find and be sure to visit. Cockroaches are very curious, constantly master new territories and know how to communicate with each other, reporting on new interesting places.

The cockroach can survive even without a head and will be quite active for several weeks. As a result, he will die from thirst, but his survivability can only be envied.

These chock insects three-quarters of their lives were brazed in millimeter climbs, they are not visible and not heard. But in the time of wakefulness, they are taken off in full and actively populate your living space with new populations.

By the way, people are so accustomed to the unpleasant neighborhood of cockroaches that when they disappeared, they began to worry very well and fear for their health and life. Not in vain because insects went somewhere. As you can see, there is nothing better than the enemy under sidelines - stability is felt.

By the way, our domestic biologists entomologists from Moscow State University argue that there is no depopulation of cockroaches. They left one places, but appeared in others, more comfortable for them, for example, in collectors, sewer channels. People themselves expelled them from their apartments, not even suspecting it. As soon as the plumbing and plumbing pipes were changed on plastic, so immediately disappeared condensate and leakage, the mold stopped to form, and this is a delicacy for cockroaches, they love it very much. I had to go there where it is more.

We will not know a few words in defense of the "enemy". These insects destroy the remains of the organicists. All that rotates and decomposes is food for cockroaches. They destroy waste, the contents of the lumps, rotting plants and the remains of animals. Of course not alone, but your weight contribution is made.

When a large horned cattle was delivered to Australia, then there was not enough insects that could recycle manure. I had to specifically bring the zhukov-nurts and cockroaches.

Operation "Liquidation", or what are the types of funds from cockroaches

What "weapon" in the fight against a cunning enemy may be the most effective? Unfortunately, there is no unequivocal answer to this question, but the chemical industry and the human ventolle is also not standing in place, so we begin to understand the classification of "ammunition".

It was well proven to react with cockroaches, containing fipronil, such a virus cockroach. The cockroach is infected with the "influenza" himself, and then spreads infection in his family, including the offspring, which is very important, because many drugs are killed by adults, but they do not act on the younger generation. As soon as you begin to celebrate the victory, the grown kids go to the path of the war and begin to take revenge for the steering ancestors. And fipronil will reliably stop the whole friendly team, regardless of age, as it would not sound cynically.

The drug against chlorpyry-based cockroaches is no less efficient. The active ingredient falls through the respiratory tract and paralyzes the nervous system.

There are several forms of issuing insecticides.


The effective remedy for cockroaches in the form of chalk is convenient because it can be applied to absolutely any surfaces. In addition, chalks are incredibly toxic for insects and quickly lead to their death.


Powder, or Dust, has long been used to expand the stumps and other insects. It is easy to use, it just needs to be scattered around the perimeter of the room. It acts quickly and mercilessly, grabs the day so that most of the literality died. Very long saves protective properties, until it is removed during the cleaning process. It is cheap.

It is incredibly toxic, so it is better to avoid contact with the substance, and it is better to go to the time of disinfection, especially if there are small children and pets in the family.


Gel from cockroaches does not evaporate, so it is not toxic for humans. It is applied to the surface or on the paper strips, after which the insects try it - they are attracted to a pleasant smell, and die.

Spray can

The tool is sprayed from the spray and penetrates insects through the respiratory system, which leads to their death.

The aerosol is convenient to use when the cluster of cockroaches has reached maximum limits. Most of them dies "here and now." Unfortunately, the drug does not give long-term protection, therefore it is better to use it in a complex with other insecticides.

Aerosol and sprayers are very toxic, it is desirable to wear a protective mask when it is desirable, and then leave the room. After some time, you need to clean the apartment well and wash all contact surfaces.


These are a new generation tools, modern technologies use for their preparation. Inside the capsule is a poisonous substance, enclosed in a pleasantly smelling shell-smelling. The cockroach destroys it and dies from contact with poison.

Time actions - three to four months. Toxic pairs do not stand out, which is safe for humans.


Move from cardboard or plastics. Inside the box is a bait that smells tempting. The cockroach goes on the smell and falls into the trap, it cannot get out of which.

Such means are practical, because neither people nor animals need to leave the premises during disinfection. No need to draw crayons, laying capsules or apply gel to all possible cockroach trails, just install several boxes in "golden" places.

Do not wait for a quick result. Traps act slowly, but no less confident than other means.


Now at the peak of popularity of ultrasound or electromagnetic devices that scare insects. But are they effective as advertising says about it?

When the device is turned on into the socket, it publishes a high frequency wave and electromagnetic oscillations that are not ashable. Cockroaches fall into panic and transmit each other a danger signal along the chain. There is no promenade, searches for food and marriage games - would go away from the apartment, where such unfavorable conditions.

The device must be sufficiently powerful so that the impact on the nervous system of cockroaches was maximum. Low power devices will not give any effect.

Scientists found out that such dischargers are effective for, as they themselves communicate with each other with ultrasound. Tarakanov has a little different principle of transmitting information, so the device is not always affected by them. They can leave the kitchen, but settle in another room, and in residential premises a constantly included apparatus can harm human and pets.

So that cockroaches really left, the following recommendations must be followed.

  1. Buy a good device from a well-known manufacturer, and not a cheap fake. Its action should spread to the entire necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  2. Explore the instructions and correctly arrange the device - optimally on the meter-one and a half on the floor. You need to know that the waves do not pass through the walls, so it will act within the same room.
  3. On the path of ultrasound there should be no obstacles in the form of upholstered furniture, carpet or curtains.

Most Popular Brands and Manufacturers

In the market now you can find dozens of various drugs to destroy cockroaches.

The top 5 of the most famous poison producing products looks like this.

  1. RAID - The brand belongs to the American holding "Johnson and Son". The company is engaged in the production of household chemicals since the middle of the last century and has long been known for the domestic consumer. At the disposal of the holding - scientific laboratories, where the newest means of insects are being developed.
  2. "Dohlox" - Russian company on the market has been twenty years old. Specializes exclusively on tarakanov means wearing the same name.
  3. - Another domestic manufacturer, producing various means to combat insects. Product quality is always at the height.
  4. "Agrovel" - Creator of the famous chalk "Masha". Releases various household chemicals, including insecticides.
  5. Gektor - Brand, concentrating its efforts on creating insect funds that meet modern safety and efficiency requirements.

The best tool from cockroaches - overview of popular drugs

Cockroach can be killed by sneaker and cold. In the first case, you do not have enough shoes, and the glacier will not allow central heating in the apartment. Once in Russia, the oven stopped in Rusi in the Lut Frost, they were the hut, and they themselves went to the neighbors on the day. Thus, and got rid of cockroaches. And they are withstanding the heat to 55 degrees and do not blow on the mustache, so in the summer it was always smaller for them.

But we also need to somehow get rid of this six-year non-dusty, swelling in the kitchen. It is necessary to deal with them with other methods - chemistry. We present you the best tools from cockroaches that can only offer us the chemical industry.


Special means of the brand line "GEKTOR", intended for the destruction of cockroaches. The formula is specially designed for food industries, strictly followed by compliance with all safety standards. From a recently, there was an opportunity to purchase it and in a regular store for use in a residential apartment.

The tool is not instantly. This is due to the fact that the time is necessary, in order for most of the cockroaches to be proactical with the means. Usually for this should pass from 7 days.

It is important to note that the tool does not smell, and for use there is no need to breed any solutions, since the tool is already ready for use.

Price - 550 rubles per bottle.

GEKTOR (Hector) Powder from cockroaches


The German manufacturer claims that one drop of this gel is able to poison five hundred cockroaches. The active ingredient is chlorpyryphos, which acts on the nervous system of insects, and they are no longer able to disturb anyone. Gel is absolutely harmless to mammals, which is very pleased with domestic owners.

Price - 280 rubles.

GloboL from Tarakanov


The French manufacturer threw his strength to the struggle with the Colorado Bucket, but quite accidentally discovered that the tool created by them is very effective and to combat cockroaches.

Active substance - fipronil. By the way, Tarakan does not even need to try "treat", it can absorb his body even through the surface of the shell.

What do we have to do? The substance is dissolved in water according to the instructions. The stronger the concentration, the greater the slaughter effect. And then overflow the liquid into the bottle and spray for gold places. It is advisable to wear a gas mask and a protective rubber suit, but if you do not have, you can do by ordinary rubber gloves, protective glasses and a mask (even aqualangist).

Children and domestic animals are better to bring out the premises in advance, you should not leave the rest of the family. An hour and a half or two, two apartments need to be perforating and wash the available places.

Price - 3,150 rubles per steamed jar.

Regent from Tarakanov


This drug is valid not only on cockroaches, but also on other "home" insects. The active ingredient is chlorpyryphos, very destructive for the six-year-inhabitants of apartments. Fortunately, it is safe for four-legged and dongy.

The tool must be mixed with water in proportion one to ten and sprayed around the apartment. After the water is driving, microcapsules in the polymer shell will remain on the surfaces, inside which the poison is located.

The drug is valid for six months, which is very profitable and economically - repeated processing is not required.

Price - 980 rubles per bottle 100 ml.

Get from Tarakanov


Excellent remedy with "talking" name! Produced in the form of a gel placed in the syringe. It is enough to squeeze gel balls in gold places, and the problem can be solved if your cockroaches have not yet developed immunity to this poison. By the way, she is very poisonous for the sixth living nature, but for people and domestic animals is not particularly toxic, but should not risk and apply gel on the available surfaces.

This is a real volley fire system, the battle of insects appeared. The active ingredient is a phenipronil, at the same time killing and ticks (actively used in veterinary medicine).

Suitable for disinfection of even highly infected rooms in the presence of other sources of food for cockroaches, such as kitchen, dining room, other catering points. The gel contains a bait - a tasty smelling, from which cockroaches cannot refuse and break their heads carrying towards the country.

Price - 300 rubles per bottle 100 ml. This quantity replaces five syringes of 20 ml.

Dohlox from Tarakanov


The aerosol is simply a slaughter force - insects have absolutely no chance of survival. A very convenient nozzle makes it possible to spray the drug even in hard-to-reach places.

Unfortunately, the remedy is very toxic and has an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to spray it in the mask and be sure to leave the room for several hours, then to heat and wash all the surfaces.

This is the brainchild of the company Henkel, which also produces other forms of insecticides - traps and gels. Plastic traps with poison inside are good popularity. The cockroach eats poison, and then infect hundreds of other individuals, including his own offspring.

Quality fully corresponds to the cost. The price for the aerosol is 300 rubles, for the packaging of six traps - 450 rubles.

Combat from Tarakanov


No wonder all terrible cataclysms are called women's names. This chalk is known not only to several generations of our citizens, but also to all cockroaches, once lived before exploring this tool.

The main active substance is chlorpiffos, which blocks the life of your six-lifted pets. Since the tool is a poisonous, it is not recommended to take it with hands without gloves or other protective shell.

To achieve a maximum win in the fight against "enemies", draw continuous lines in the places of adventure of the enemy, for example, along the plinths, around the plate, washing, baths, around the ventilation grids and other suspicious holes. Do not forget to do "Arts" and inside the boxes and kitchen cabinets. It is recommended to avoid open surfaces, since the means is toxic, and you yourself can suffer from our own "ammunition".

"Masha" is not very aggressive, it exhales literally in a week. Therefore, it is worth using whether to prevent and finishing the enemy than for serious fighting.

Price - 70 rubles.

Masha from Tarakanov

Good old, but faithful weapons to combat insects. Not only cockroaches, but also flies, fleas, ants and other living creatures will not stand before the slaughter power of the proven means.

And if earlier the drug was very toxic for the main inhabitants of the dwelling, had a sharp smell, and demanded the removal of all the inhabitants from the room, now it was modified and practically does not cause unpleasant sensations. But it is better to go to stroll along the fresh air than to look when the grandmother decided to relieve cockroaches.

By the way, consumers complain that the new version with a "insignificant" aroma is much worse coping with cockroaches.

The price for the aerosol can be 85 rubles.

Dichloofos from Tarakanov

Boric acid

Very effective, and most importantly, absolutely safe to the person. It can be scattered in places of large clusters of cockroaches both in pure form and mixed with various food additives. It is especially recommended to mix boric acid with a boiled egg yolk, make small balls and scatter "mines" on the enemy trails.

If you do not have a desire to prepare ammunition yourself, then the chemical industry will come to the rescue, which produces ready-made boring balls made of boric acid and delicious food additives with the Dohlox poison. It is called this means "Sgin!".

Balls should be placed on the room and wait for the result of the sabotage. Try to avoid dusty places, as well as make sure that children and pets do not find poison. After booking "Min" Do not forget to wash your hands with soap.

For 8 balls, you need to pay 80 rubles, while the pure substance costs 150 rubles per 1 kg.

Boric acid

One tube gel is enough to get rid of malicious insects not only in its apartment, but also in the neighbor.

White gel, has a pleasant vanilla smell, but after applying it is not felt in the room. Apply to balls or strips at a distance of 2-4 centimeters from each other. Cockroaches are delicacy, eat it and infect the whole family.

In order not to rub the dried gel while cleaning, it is recommended to apply it on the sheets of paper, and after a couple of weeks just throw away. Thus, your floors and other surfaces will be clean, and cockroaches are dead.

Price - 155 rubles.

Raptor from Tarakanov

"Clean house"

Available in the form of strips for premises, where the cockroach family has not had time to gain and multiply, as well as in the form of an aerosol or powder for a radical solution to the problem.

Powder has an acute poisoning effect and poison not only cockroaches, but also flies, fleas, bugs. Very toxic, but effective. If no other means can help, then this means will be a wand-grinding. True, at the time of disinfection it is better to leave their home so as not to poison along with the cockroaches.

One square meter of the room you need only 5 grams of powder. Residual action - up to one month.

Price per steamed packaging - 15 rubles. Very cheap and effectively, but conjugate with the inconvenience of disinfection due to toxicity.


This tool is simply indispensable for livestock, which is accustomed to her torture (as if ridiculous it sounded). So it seems a cockroach with a hungry physiognomy, greedily devouring chemical poison without much damage to health. And then something new brought to the dessert (perhaps, still choose).

The "dish" attracts hungry cockroaches with their smell. Contains at once two slaughter components - cypermethrine and diazine. Made in the form of a gel and applied point at a distance of five to ten centimeters on cockroach trails. As they say, welcome to the table!

The cockroaches hosted by poison will begin to disappear about 7-10 days after applying the gel, but they will finally leave your abode of the week through three.

Price per tube (35 ml) - 45 rubles.

Clean house from cockroaches

Are folk remedies from cockroaches in the apartment

Chemical preparations, albeit effective, but sometimes "kill" all living things. Crediting the cockroaches of some chemistry, you can easily poison yourself, and pets, and plants on the window.

The cockroaches appeared not yesterday and not a hundred years ago, they still remember dinosaurs and saw the birth of a person on Earth. And from uncomfortable witnesses, it is customary to get rid of. Maybe therefore people with such dislike treat these completely harmless insects? Whatever it was, but the fight against cockroaches in housing lasts not one century. Because the cockroaches are alive to this day, then the ancestors did not really succeed in their endeavors, but some recipes left.

Folk remedies from cockroaches in the apartment are still very popular and very demanded. And most importantly, they are absolutely safe for health.

For example, you can quickly make a trap for cockroaches. Take an ordinary liter bank and put a piece of roasted bread with honey on its bottom. Lubricate the containers with vegetable oil. Insects attracted by a pleasant smell of edible, climb into the jar, and they cannot crawl back.

Cockroaches are very sensitive to smells and many strongly smelling plants for them are unpleasant - mint, Melissa, Geran, Eucalyptus. You can buy essential oils in the pharmacy and irrigated them "golden" places - the edge of the garbage tank, plinth, ventilation grids, shelves and lockers, pipes under the sink, etc.

More "advanced" ancestors were not bent and affordable chemistry, because they realized that the cockroach was so simple not to lime. They used the ammonia alcohol, kerosene, turpentine, denature. Soap these floors, furniture, thresholds.

If you live in your home, then you can still withdraw cockroaches in this way, but it is almost impossible in an apartment, until all neighbors fall on the struggle for their bright future. But, as practice shows, among the neighbors there will definitely find a lover of homework, which rather contributes to their reproduction than destruction.

Why are cockroaches come in our dwellings? There are really many reasons, which is why it is difficult to choose the most effective remedy for cockroaches in the apartment, because after some time after disinfection, they return again.

Consider the most well-known reasons.

  1. Food residues. Probably, you noticed that cockroaches appear mainly in the kitchen, that is, a room where there is always food and water. In order not to arrange restaurants for these insects, you need to carefully clean after each cooking and feeding. Unfortunately, completely cleaned the house from the crumbs will not work, but you significantly reduce their number on the table and the floor.
  2. Pets. Keep track of feeders of your favorites. They are easy prey for cockroaches, because it is always in sight and filled with food. Start the rule to remove the remnants immediately after the animal will take. Do not forget to wipe the floor, because even a small baby is a whole feast for the cockroach family.
  3. Trash can. As you often take a garbage. And the container itself must have a hermetic lid.
  4. Increased humidity. Without food, cockroaches can live more than a month, but without water - no more than a week. Therefore, they prefer where there are sources. Water leaks for them, like an oasis in the desert, are constant dampness and mold, and she is very like to taste.
  5. Cracks and cracks. No matter how sealed their living space, but if your neighbors are fans of tarakanya running, then get ready for the team that part of the team will come to you.

Cockroaches are trying, if they want to settle in your apartment, then they will do it. Whatever cleanylas you are, but remove all water drops and the smallest eating crumbs you will not work, how to close all the gaps, including ventilation.

Modern cockroaches eat absolutely all - hair, glue, soap, plastic. These are real terminators, which are adjusted for unfavorable conditions every year and become simply unnecessary. This is the scourge of apartment buildings. They need to be trained centrally, immediately in the whole house, not forgetting about the attic and cellars.

For some time about the unpleasant neighborhood, you will forget until the surviving individuals reproduce in such quantities that they will become noticeable, numerous and arrogant. And you have to start the struggle first.


What do you think cockroaches leave your apartment? They do not like to live where they are not happy. You already know that they can inform each other comfortable residence, but in the same way they inform themselves similar about your aggression and the use of chemical weapons. Of course this is a joke, but it has a share of truth.

Who knows what instincts are moving with these mysterious insects why they come as the invasion of wild nomads, and just as suddenly can leave. You can rob them and destroy in different ways - success to you in this hard work, but humanity is not able to get rid of the cockroaches, and it is not entitled.

Mother two children. We have been holding a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I love to experiment, constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, modern, saturated. I love my family.

The most common home insects are cockroaches. It is necessary to get rid of them, as they will deal serious illnesses. Constantly use the chemical poisons is dangerous for a person, folk remedies from cockroaches will come to the rescue.

Cockroaches are ancient insects that have adapted to changing external conditions. They live only 7 months. But very quickly multiply. You can get rid of them, only by studying their reactions.

These pests quickly adapt to chemical poisoning substances, cease to perceive them. But some natural resources cannot carry, for example, vinegar or kerosene. Folk methods of getting rid of cockroaches are constructed on such negative reactions.

Purity first!

All products need to be stored in a closed container, follow the lack of crumbs. Be sure to regularly take out the garbage, do not save the packaging, cockroaches will find what to get used there. It is necessary to push the refrigerator, wash the floor under it, it is desirable with the addition of ammonia alcohol to the water (it does not like the sharp smell to the cockroach).

More than food, homemade pests need water. We must try to leave the shell in the kitchen dry. Lack of water on the tables, in the bathroom, on the floor will force cockroaches to seek another habitat. Preservation of cleanliness will allow you to protect your home from the unborn tenants.

Advantages of folk methods

Many centuries a man fights cockroaches. Chemicals are in progress, folk remedies. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Not everyone agrees to use chemical poisoning substances at home, choosing folk, harmless to the person.

The advantages of folk ways to get rid of domestic insects:

  • can be used if there are small children in the family;
  • recipes are simple in manufacturing and use, cheap by price;
  • people's methods will not harm people who suffer allergies;
  • application is allowed if there is pets indoors;
  • does not affect the health of people with chronic diseases, weakened immunity, elderly.

Manufacturing of folk recipes with their own hands guarantees quality, which cannot be said about chemicals purchased in stores. Thanks to such advantages, more and more people use the Councils of People's Wisdom, starting to fight cockroaches.

Disadvantages of folk methods

With the "pluses" there are negative aspects of the use of non-chemical ways to destroy home insects. Folk remedies act slowly, do not count on a quick result. They are better to apply somewhat immediately, the effect will be more noticeable.

The use of folk methods will have to constantly, often changing poison bait for cockroaches, traps, sticky tapes. Insects are getting used to drugs, the next generation does not react to the tool, so it is necessary to destroy all pests within 7 months.

Svetlana 38 years old, Kostroma

In a multi-storey house for popular recipes, it is difficult to remove cockroaches. You destroy some, others come. It is necessary to act more aggressive methods - chemicals. For the summer left with children to parents in the village, grated. Although I am not a chemistry lover.

Types of funds against home insects

All means against cockroaches in their impact can be divided into scaping and poisoning. They have different characteristics that need to be considered when used.

Means of exposureScouts
A poison substance penetrates into the digestive system when eating a cockroach poisoned bait, also through a shell when contact with poison.Scaring occurs when inhaled odors that are unpleasant for insects, for example, the smell of kerosene, the aroma of fresh cucumber, blooming geranium.
There are finally for a long time.There is a risk of returning insects after a while, so you need to conduct preventive measures to scare.
Examples: Bura, Boric Acid.Examples: turpentine, ammonia alcohol, pyrethrum.

For successful struggle with not presented guests, it is necessary to apply all methods, remembering the capacities of the cockroaches to adapt to external conditions.

Preparation for decisive actions

It is important to remember that cockroaches are capable everywhere, to eat things that are insecured from the point of view. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and process everything.

The main for cockroaches is water. If they poisoned, the presence of water will relieve them from death. To avoid salvation of cockroaches, it is necessary to remove water from the sink in the kitchen, in the bathroom (in the toilet the cockroaches will not get water). Be sure to view the joints of the pipes for leaks. Such preparation will allow the fastest to achieve positive results.

Methods of folk fighting with cockroaches

Means number 1: freezing

For this method, no poisoning substances are required, nature will help to get rid of the tormentors. Homeland cockroaches are tropics, so the cold they do not tolerate. When the temperature decreases to minus 10 o C, they die. This feature built a premises method. Adult individuals and larvae die, the cold penetrates in all corners, it is impossible to hide from it.

But during the freezing, damage to radiators, water supply pipes, heating can occur. To prevent it, you need to protect them in advance with thermal insulation. This method will only help during the cold winter, in the extreme north in autumn and spring. In the southern regions of Russia, such frosts are not always.

It is possible to sell the combination at a temperature on the street minus 5 about C. You need to open all the door of the lockers in the apartment, push the boxes, maximize the shelves, so that the cold can penetrate everywhere without obstacles. Next, you need to open windows in the apartment, go about 3 hours. During this time, the temperature in the apartment comes with street, cockroaches will begin to die.

Means number 2: sticky tape

Sticky tape should be left in places of large cluster of cockroaches:

  • under the sink;
  • behind the garbage bucket;
  • next to the refrigerator;
  • in bathroom;
  • at the entrance door;
  • in lockers with products.

Such sticky traps must often be checked, change on fresh, especially if there are many cockroaches in the room. Wooden people need to be ready to see the unpleasant picture of the insects sticking to the scotch.

Means number 3: homemade traps

In addition to sticking tape, you can make other traps with your own hands. To obtain a positive result, they must respond to two conditions. They will have a sweet bait, the insects should not exit back.

In the half-liter jar on the bottom drops honey or beer. This is a bait for insects. The edges inside the can be wrapped with vaseline or vegetable oil, which will not allow cockroach to get out back. The trap must be put in the locations of the clusters, which are indicated above, in the morning to shake out all insects in the toilet.

You can cut a plastic bottle just above the middle. Top to flip over, unscrew the lid, insert into the bottom (filled with sweet water or beer). Homemade pests will be closed through the hole to the bait, and it will be more difficult to get out, they will quickly drown. The lower part will need to be separated, pour cockroaches in the toilet. Replace the bait, put in place again. Usually you need to check every 3-4 days.

The traps made with their own hands can be used repeatedly, so they cost cheaper by disposable products.

Means number 4: Application of essential oils

Cockroaches are sensitive to smells. Finding the way to a new power source or water, they mark the road with their special pheromones. Next time go on the laid path. Essential oils are knocked down insects from the right direction, make them hungry, scare away with a strong smell.

Essential oil can be applied to the habitat of cockroaches, on the edges of the garbage bucket, process, pipes under the sink, around the drain of water.

You can also mix the essential oils with warm water, pour into the sprayer, to handle the surfaces of the lockers, shelves, surface under the bathroom, for the toilet.

Cottage discs moistened with essential oil can be turned into ventilation grid, lay in slots that can lead to neighbors to prevent migration of cockroaches.

It must be remembered that people, pets may be allergic to aromatic oils. Then you will have to use another method of dealing with cockroaches.

Means number 5: Summer Alcohol

Hope. N.Kaliningrad

Use the ammonia against cockroaches to me a neighbor suggested to me, she works nurse. Good, effective method. The ammonia does not smell, he somehow quickly disappears. For cockroaches, probably enough, what remains until the next floor washing. But I no longer use any other means.

Means number 6: Bura from cockroaches

You can mix powder with a small amount of sugar, vanilla and starch. Such a sweet bait cockroaches will not be missed.

Means number 7: Houseplants

Do not love home insect smell mint. Fashionable design direction - growing herbs in pots, can help get rid of cockroaches. Fresh mint has a resistant fragrance that sensitive insects will feel stronger than a person.

Means number 8: Pyrethrum

The use of vinegar helps to get rid of home insects. Essence is well applied, normal 9% solution. They need to handle surfaces in the kitchen, in the bathroom, plinth, shelves. Dilute with water, through the sprayer to process hard-to-reach places.

The disadvantage of this method is the resistant acetic smell, which will continue for a long time, will slowly disperse. Small children, older people, pets react poorly to such a method of dealing with cockroaches.

Means number 10: Despair method - Kerosene and Skipidar

If no method helps, cockroaches do not become smaller, there is already despair, it is time to apply a radical method - kerosene with a turpidar. The terrible smell of these liquids is rarely withstanding, the more insect-sensitive insects.

It should be wrapped with gaps, plinths, angles, surfaces under the sink, a bathroom with a chipidar or kerosene. It is advisable to repeat in a few days. When processing, you need to use gloves, ensure that there is no open fire nearby. These liquids are quickly ignited!

Skipidar and kerosene smell strongly. Therefore, it is better to leave the processed room for several days, pick up pets with you. Particularly sensitive people with blood pressure drops, migraines, heart diseases, vessels. After returning, it is necessary to carry out general cleaning.

A complex approach

Folk ways will be effective with an integrated approach to getting rid of cockroaches. You need to choose several methods at once for use. For example, to treat with aromatic oils surface, skipping small gaps. They will decompose the poisoning bait.

For a long positive result, you need to remove cockroaches with neighbors. This is especially true of apartment buildings. Otherwise, they will migrate from the apartment to the apartment on the sewer and tap pipes.

Some tricks

In the centuries-old fight against home insects, a person has accumulated a great experience, a lot of tricks for winning a victory over the past enemy.

It is noticed that the cockroaches do not like wormwood. Her branches can be decomposed on the lockers. The dried wormwood is well adding to gauze bags, distribute on the shelves with products. By the way, its aroma reduces the headache, normalizes blood pressure.

In the water for washing the floors, the decoction of the wormwood is well added, this will also serve as a scaring means against cockroaches, but will not strongly smell like vinegar.

Cockroaches Night insects, do not like light. If you leave the light bulbs in the kitchen, they will gradually leave this "non-smart" place for them. Such a trick acts only on a small amount of insects.

Julia, Novosibirsk region

Sometimes the sink remains unbearable dishes. So that the cockroaches could not enjoy residues from her, I sprinkle her daisy powder from a pharmacy - Pyrethrum. Noticed - cockroaches are not suitable. Of course, the dishes need to be washed immediately, but with a small child it does not always work. Chamomile for people harmless, wash off in the morning, everything is fine.

Prevention measures

It is important not only to get rid of home pests, but also comply with prevention measures. They will help forever forget about the existence of cockroaches.

Preventive action:

  • maintain cleanliness in the house;
  • timely eliminate the leakage of pipes so that there are no insect access to water;
  • do not allow cripples, food residues;
  • hermetically cover all the slots in the floor so that the cockroaches do not penetrate the neighbors;
  • constantly airing apartment;
  • if possible, carry furniture, carpets, things on the frost;
  • close the ventilation with grids;
  • door boxes fit into size;
  • while cleaning the apartment, use any disconnecting substances.


People's facilities of getting rid of cockroaches have many years. In efficiency, they are inferior to aggressive chemicals. A positive result has to be waiting for longer, but natural remedies do not have a negative impact on households and domestic animals. Correctly entering the method of struggle, it will be possible to successfully cope with cockroaches.

Cockroaches are one of the most lively household insects. In addition, they are present everywhere - both in country houses, and in new buildings, and in lit rooms, and clean. After all, they can migrate through the sewer pipes and ventilation mines. If at least one representative of this family appeared in your house, you need to immediately address the question of how to get rid of cockroaches at home and forever. And the appeal to the firm or service involved in disinsection (getting rid of cockroaches and other insects) such as the SES, is not at all mandatory - in most cases they use the means that with the same efficiency can be used by residents themselves. In what funds it is, we will understand this article.

Harm and danger from the presence of cockroaches

Without a doubt, the struggle with the cockroaches of black and red (plus pairs), as well as American cockroaches should be carried out until complete victory. After all, these insects not only make your life uncomfortable, but also deal with a number of dangerous diseases, including:

  • cholera (acute intestinal infectious disease, which, during development, varying degrees may end with fatal outcome),
  • dieseneria (infectious disease affecting the gastrointestinal tract),
  • hepatitis (inflammatory liver disease).

In addition, they can significantly pount your food reserves, books, leather products and even plants. Choosing effective methods of combating domestic cockroaches, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their vital processes - for example, they can eat both crumbs of food and various materials, from the point of view of a person inedible.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment at home, basic ways

Not knowledge, how to quickly and efficiently get rid of the large black and home red-hot cockroaches, does not mean that you will endure them. It is unlikely that a really adequate person will seriously take the advice of the long-haired or recommendations to sprinkle the floor with a powder of unknown origin. Obviously, the fight against cockroaches at home should pass efficiently, but at the same time with minimal time and money costs.

If you argue how the best and most effective way to get rid of cockroaches should be, then you can get the following picture:

  • the insecticide used must be intended for processing residential premises,
  • the tool should not have a sharp smell,
  • there should be enough one (maximum two) treatments for full deliverance from insects,
  • tracker treatment must completely affect the entire population of insects,
  • communicable safety for man is required
  • speed \u200b\u200band efficiency, as well as protection against repeated "invasion".

Now you can consider the main methods producing getting rid of cockroaches, comparing them with the preparations of recent developments.

Dv included in the means of recent developments

It should be understood that it is necessary to effectively deal with black and red cockroaches need a drug that is able to destroy the entire population. After all, even if there is a surviving 5% of the initial amount of pests, then after a while, the Tarakanya Colony will be able to grow by 20%. Begun to decide how to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment, you can with the help of a single option.

The composition of modern means to get rid of insects includes one or more actants. They are responsible for. In modern preparations for today, mainly there are the following active substances:

  • chlorpyryphos
  • deltametinin,
  • tefone
  • imidactopirid
  • cypermethrin
  • tetramethrin,
  • piperonylbutoxide,
  • lambda Cigolotrin.

As a rule, all means from cockroaches have a different form of packaging and packaging, and the concentration of the active substance they have different. In this regard, all these funds are divided into:

  • household
  • professional.

All domestic products are intended for use in domestic conditions. And the concentration of the active substance (DV) in them is from 0.5 to 1 %%.

The concentration of active ingredients in professional tools varies from 5 to 25 %%. And some in its composition have two or more dv. Many such drugs in order to get rid of cockroaches, not only special services can apply, but also regular users. That is, they can be used in everyday life.

The difference between these funds is only in force. Professional it is 10 times higher.

At the moment there are several, according to manufacturers, the "most effective" means against cockroaches. Moreover, there are a lot of effective ways, how to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment. You just need to divide important and no, and use only those recommendations that will help achieve the desired result.

Types of household funds:

  • Gels are a fairly effective non-driving way to get rid of cockroaches. It becomes clear that it is effective easy enough. The effect of applying the gels will be visible on the third day. Verified professional means are Globol (Germany) and Cuppe products. Such poisoning agents are implemented fully ready-to-use (represent a paste-like mixture of poisoning and attracting substances with a concentration of DV - up to 1%) and are spacked into hermetic syringes and tubes. The fact that the means began to act, you will learn in a couple of hours according to the first dead insect. By the way, it is the gels that is a proven method how to get rid of cockroaches in a private house and high-rise building;

  • Traps - they are with the adhesive basis, mechanical, with the bait of poisoned (the concentration of the bait - up to 1%) and electrical. All types of bait are effective, but with different terms and principles of action;
  • Chalks - these drugs appeared among the very first on the market, about 20 years ago, and have not yet bad success;
  • Smoky checkers - designed for both technical and in residential premises.

  • Aerosols - have a quick effect on cockroaches, and create conditions for quick death. If you decide how to destroy and deal with black cockroaches at home, you can use aerosols.
  • Powders and dryers - Dusts are the same powdered drugs. As practice has shown, apply without complications and have a certain period of residual action. We recommend only in the technical facilities;
  • Tablets are unfolded in places infected with insects and infect pests when eating.

All these types of drugs are interchangeable and in their composition of no more than 1%. Only your personal preference solves from which insects will die.

One of the recommendations is the use of a crystalline white powder - boric acid. This is a very dangerous poison related to the intercellular group, and dangerous for insects and for the human body, among other things. It is categorically not recommended to use in the house where there are pregnant or children. That's the more if there is access to water from cockroaches, the boric acid will not be a hindrance.

How to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment with professional funds, what are their advantages

Cockroaches are insects pests that are simply horrified by their views of almost all housewives. And only the most desperates begin to take any measures against them. Find the most effective remedy for cockroaches is not so simple even with the current technologies, the abundance of manufacturers and drugs in stores. And all this is one simple reason. The cockroaches have a very good immune system developed over the years, it is able to neutralize the poison to the next generation of insects. And if the cockroach has access to water, then get rid of light fright.

Therefore, professional funds from insects are aimed at full destruction. In order for the next generation of pests, it has not been taken with congenital immunity to a specific ruler, it is necessary to destroy them completely. Then no one will produce the next generation.

Professional ways of destroying and combating cockroaches represent appropriate funds are quite affordable and do not require special knowledge or equipment for their application. We offer several proven ways how to destroy cockroaches in the apartment forever:

  • liquid concentrates - microcapsulated suspensions that diluted with water (such as GET and kind) will always come to the rescue. They include insecticide chloropyrifos, which serves simultaneously with the poisoning and linaking substance;
  • sprays - unlike concentrated liquid products, they are already ready for use, that is, they do not need to be made. These are effective protectors with which you can completely get rid of insects.

To buy the strongest remedy for the cockroaches that are professional funds will not be any problems, they constantly have in the range of our store.

Preventive measures to combat insect pests

Preventive tools are used in two cases:

  1. Immediately after the destruction of cockroaches, to avoid their returns,
  2. From transit insect scouts, they define new places for the resettlement of the colony.

  • Ultrasound dischargers are not killing insects at all, but give the effect by scaring them from your apartment, so cockroaches, do not adapt to the action of the device and are not returned back. If you are caught insects, but you are afraid that they are from the neighbors and expect every day of their appearance, turn on the repeller. And your concerns will end. Insects will not move more to you;

  • Mechanical traps in the form of special sticky "houses" or sweaty bait - with their help in the refrigerator or microwave. This method is suitable for not large areas. But for the prevention of insect pests, it is effective. After all, if at least one pest appears, it will fall into the trap and you will know that pests appeared in the house. Such events will not surpass you, because you have time to destroy the enemy at the very beginning of his appearance;
  • Glue from cockroaches and other insects. With it, you can make the adhesive trap yourself. Take pieces of cardboard and apply glue on them on one side. That's ready trap for prevention.

After the cockroaches leave your home, you will have to comply with the following additional preventive measures:

  • close the ventilation grids with a grid,
  • do not leave crumbs of food on the table and the floor,

  • try to remove moisture as much as possible, especially from the kitchen sink.

On all sorts of options, apply folk remedies for the fight against cockroaches, which absolutely lost their leadership, and should not stop. The cockroaches have long developed an antidote from them in their rapidly progressive organism. For this, use professional drugs that at this time no doubt occupied the top point of leadership.

In what cases need to be applied

Take care that the removal of cockroaches in a priority dorm is more difficult than the fight against cockroaches in the apartment. After all, they can easily run from one apartment to another. However, this complexity can also touch the residents of multi-storey houses defined by the question than can withdraw the sewage cockroaches from the house. You can continue inefficient actions - for example, to pour various drugs into the drain hole, and you can convince the neighbors to engage in the "exile" of pests at the same time. Moreover, such events in the house are desirable to carry out complex means and at the same time.

After all, a couple of traps apart from the garbage collector will not save the whole house from a large number of insects. For this, poison them by professional means. Destroy them all right away. Only in this way you can save the whole house from their invasion.

The advantages of the sinusan:
  • high efficiency - most of the population of insects dies in the first hours after processing;
  • prolonged action up to 1 month;
  • affects imago, larvae;
  • moderate price in comparison with the analogues;
  • the smell will destroy after a 3-hour ventilation.

For the destruction of household pests is preparing a working solution. For it is necessary to dissolve 10 ml of sinusan in 1 liter of water indoor temperature, after which the mixture is poured into spray equipment. The flow rate of the working solution is 50 ml per 1 m² of inevitable surfaces. For absorbing materials will be twice as much.

The fight against cockroaches was carried out for 2 years. Aerosols, provided only a short-term effect. "Tagged" in the disinsector, appealed to the sanitary service. The apartment was treated with a sinusan. The effect is simply awesome - now there is not a single insect in the house. The only thing that did not like is a steady smell. The apartment warked the day to get rid of him.

Anna, Moscow


The drug is produced in the Netherlands. Requires cautious treatment and use of personal protective equipment, as it is ranked 3rd in the stomach in the stomach, to the 2nd class in the state of volatility. The composition includes:

  • cypermetrine 10%;
  • chlorpiffos 20%;
  • solvent;
  • emulsifier.

Concentrate of light yellow color with a saturated chemical smell. Acts on cockroaches at all stages of development, household fleas, imago mosquitoes, bedbugs, ticks. It has a neuro-paralytic effect, which is why the paralysis and subsequent death of pest occurs. Thanks to the tandem of two actors, there is a destructive impact even on those insects that adapted to pesticides.

It is implemented in liter packaging. Approximate price of 2300 rubles. For the processing of rooms from cockroaches 5 mg of the drug is divorced by a liter of water. A significant part of individuals dies immediately after disinsection. The residual action of Sikhlor is 4-5 weeks, which allows you to destroy the emerging larvae or those insects that managed to survive during processing.

All my independent attempts from the apartment were not crowned with success. I tried literally everything that stands on the shelves of housekeeping stores and. However, completely destroying insects did not succeed. The acquaintance advised to use professional preparations from cockroaches and gave me a small bloc of Siklora. The smell of the tool is terrible, but with its task it coped. I did not even expect such an effect. Literally two days I have swept and disposed of dead individuals. After processing, there was already a year and the cockroaches no longer attend my apartment.

Marina, Perm.


System Insecticide from the group of phosphorus compounds. Designed for disinsection of residential, medical, production facilities by a professional contingent. Effective against all types of synanthropic household pests.

The composition is similar to the sinusan and contains 48% chlorpiff. Transparent light-honey color emulsion is distinguished by a strong unpleasant smell. Produced in 1 l and more tanks. Price per 1 liter 2000 rubles.

Like all concentrates, Averfos is diluted with water, according to the instructions. The working solution is not subject to long-term storage, as it loses its properties.

Store Averfos follows in a cool dark place, avoiding direct sunlight on the tank with a drug.

After completion of the disinsection, withstood a certain time interval, the room is ventilated. In wet cleaning only those surfaces with which daily contact occurs. The residual effect of the means is preserved for 4-6 weeks, so plinths, the space for furniture during this period is not recommended.

X25 X25

Microcapsulated drug of a new generation from Spanish manufacturers. The cost of 1 liter means is high enough - 5800 rubles. Online stores are adapted for household use packing 50 ml. This quantity is more than enough for processing 100 m². Also there is a micro - narrow long bottles for home use.

C25 X25 is used to destroy in the house of all bloodsowing insects, flies, cockroaches. The hazard class 4. And even in the composition of the product includes chlorpyryphic, from other drugs it is distinguished by an improved formula. The current component is placed in microcapsule, due to which the substance becomes less toxic for others, its properties are preserved for 6 months. The only drawback of microcapsulation is the process itself is expensive, which is reflected in the final cost of products.

I work the disinsector in the Moscow company. I purchased a ksulat party, he enjoys very popular with customers. The highest effectiveness has shown in apartments with medium infestation. I can recommend Ksulat C25 to people who are afraid of chemical smells, since only his fragrance is felt in the preparation. Otherwise, he is inferior to ordinary professional concentrates to combat insects, and its prolonged action people often levelerate.

Evgeny, Moscow


Another remedy for cockroaches, whose birthplace is the Netherlands. The smallest packaging is a bottle of 250 ml cost from 2000 rubles. Smaller factory container may indicate a fake. Tetrix is \u200b\u200bused for disinsection of residential premises, children's, medical facilities, catering facilities. Effective with respect to milestones of synanthropic insects, annoying a person.

The composition represents:
  • metaphos - analogue of thiophos;
  • cypermethrin.

The combination of two active components is destructive effect on the nervous insect system, which entails his paralysis and death. The high price of the means is compensated by its economical flow rate and lack of need for a re-procedure, residual action of 60 days.

Long tormented with the neighbors and could not get rid of cockroaches. There were both aerosols and, and even. The patience came the end and decided to buy a professional agent. The choice fell on Tetrix. Correcting, acquired a liter bottle. Processing conducted in accordance with the instructions in the instructions. The effect is amazing, I just want to warn everyone who will independently use Tetrix so as not forget about the respirator. One of our comrades decided to do without it, then 3 days felt a chemical taste in the mouth and suffered from headaches.

Mikhail, Kazan.

This material is subjective, not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.

Sharing housing with insects hardly wanted. Common pests in apartment buildings - cockroaches. Nowadays, this problem is not so acute, because a huge range of inexpensive means to combat them is offered. The buyer remains to choose the option and use it, based on the instructions.

Rating of the best funds from cockroaches

Category A place Name Price
The best aerosols against cockroaches 1 275 rub.
2 205 rub.
Best gels 1 450 rub.
1 110 rub.
Best Powder 1 30 rubles.
Best capsules 1 300 rub.
Best chalk 1 25 rubles.
Best Trap Trackers 1 174 rub.
2 181 rub.

Best manufacturers

The choice offers products of different brands - recognizable and popular in the Russian market. These include:

Funds from cockroaches presented under these brands have proven themselves. They received positive feedback from ordinary buyers and experts. This product is compulsory certified to eliminate the dangerous effect on people's health.

The presented goods are distinguished by a large variety. They are in the form of sprays, traps, chalk. Depending on this, the effect of exposure, features of application and the final result are changing.

The best aerosols against cockroaches

Aerosols are a classic option to combat unwanted insects. The leader in this segment was dichlopos, but now safe, and at the same time effective means.

The aerosol from the RAID brand, which will help to fight cockroaches and other insects. The aerosol destroys mole, mosquitoes and flies, while it is allowed to use in the kitchen. The composition contains imiprotrin 0.05%, pralletrine 0.05%, digitrine 0.15%. To destroy cockroaches to process the accumulations within 7-9 seconds.

The best universal tool, it is worth keeping at hand, because it is necessary to use it regularly until the pest is completely delivered.


    universal aerosol from cockroaches and flying insects;

    convenient use;

    economical flow;


    there is a small smell;

    the best universal tool, it is worth keeping at hand, because it is necessary to use it regularly until the pest is completely delivered.

    it must be applied regularly.

Aerosol is known to Russian consumers. The Raptor aerosol is characterized by a strong composition, superior dichlorophos. With direct hits, the insects die immediately. He has the smell, but it is impossible to be called unpleasant. The tool itself is safe for a person, so it is allowed to be applied even in residential premises. The main disadvantages include the fact that with a long use of cockroaches get used to it.

Raptor - means for single processing of the room. It is able to destroy cockroaches, but over time, pests will become accustomed to him.


    strong action and effect;

    lack of unpleasant odors;

    safety for man;

    getting rid of cockroaches and larvae;


  • over time, loses efficiency.

Best gels from cockroaches

The gels differ simplicity of use and exposure. They do not scatter and retain concentration, so this is an effective way to get rid of cockroaches.


According to buyers' reviews - one of the effective means to combat cockroaches on the market. The basis of the composition is chlorpiffos at a concentration (up to 0.5%), which affects the insect nervous system directly. He has a toxicity class IV, which is safe for humans and pets. The cockroach after exposure to the paste is killed after 2-3 hours, it will take 1-2 weeks to fully get away from insects.

Globol gel no flaws - Inexpensive means capable of bringing a population of cockroaches. For this, the gel is applied only once. It affects the crawling insects, primarily on cockroaches.


    retains the effect over the entire time of use;

    affordable price;

    the first results appear after a few hours;

    does not require regular repetition of actions;


  • Disadvantages were not found.

Another gel against cockroaches, attracting a low price. This is a budget version demonstrating good performance. The active substance is fipronil at a concentration (up to 0.5%). It paralyzes the nervous insect system, and complete death occurs after 7-8 hours. A distinctive feature - packing, it comes in the syringe, which you just need to squeeze in the right place. But over time, addictive cockroaches for this gel can be traced.

One of the budget funds is easily applied and quickly gives the result. But it is better to combine long-term use with other means.


    safety for human health;

    low cost;

    packing in the syringe;



  • over time, efficiency decreases.

The best powder against cockroaches

Powder products are available and easily applied. They show efficacy against cockroaches in the premises. But this is explained by the concentration of active substances, so such funds are dangerous to health.

Powder "Pure House" contains mixtures of tetramine, pirenonylbutoxide, cypertrintin in high concentration. This is a strong composition destroying insects quickly. But this powder is poisonous and for people, so it is used only in individual protection. Because of this, in the processed rooms, it is impossible to be completed before the procedure is completed.

Strong and cheap tool, but it is dangerous to health. After completion of the procedure, general cleaning is carried out in the room.


    extremely strong means;

    low cost;

    preservation of efficiency for several weeks;

    fast result - the destruction of the entire settlement of cockroaches for 1 day;



    you need to follow the instructions for use.

The best cockroaches capsules

Manufacturers offer a large range of practical funds. Popularity acquire capsules that are easy to use and safe for health.

The tool is represented in small capsules, which are laid out around the perimeter to scare the cockroaches. It is designed no longer for destruction, but for scaring and preventing. But with direct exposure, dig paramees can kill a person in 15-20 minutes. Capsules poisonous, so when laying out the capsules, individual protection is needed.


    offensive effect;

    preventive action;

    getting rid of clusters of cockroaches in a short time;


    high price;

    does not act on pending eggs;


Best crayon from cockroaches

Smalls are already related to classical means of popular among consumers. They are easy to use.

One of the famous shallow to fight cockroaches. This is an intexcide based on contact action. Its active substances are deltamerine (0.05%) and zetacyipermine (0.1%) relating to the IV degree of toxicity (safe for humans). Meld shall cause lines through which cockroaches will not pass. It is convenient because it acts for 7-9 days from the date of application.

Mask Mashenka is suitable for both active struggle and prevention. But it acts only in certain places and over time it decreases.


    prolonged action;

    low cost;

    simple application;

    no smells;

    safety for humans and pets;


    after 2-3 weeks, it loses efficiency;

    limited area of \u200b\u200baction.

The best cockroaches trap

Safe traps won popularity. But it is not always clear to their action, so choose proven funds.

Means from the Japanese manufacturer who won popularity. The traps are made of dense cardboard and with a sticky composition. The bait attracts cockroaches that are sticking after entering inside. Kokubu Nenchaku Pro is safe, but it is placed in the right place. The sticky layer retains properties within 1 month.

The trap does not poison cockroaches, so it is not used to combat the population. It is rather a prophylactic agent against one-time appearances of insects.

A trap of prophylactic action against small groups. But it contains a poisoning substance, therefore acts against adults and larvae.


    safety for humans and animals;

    destroys cockroaches and larvae;

    no unpleasant odor;

    compact sizes and convenient shape;


    low efficiency against the population;

    high price.

What is the tool from cockroaches?

    As a universal means to combat insects, aerosols are suitable. You can choose RAID MAX or RAPOR, although the latter over time loses the effect against cockroaches.

    If you have to fight with a large population of insects in the house, it is worth choosing special gels. The best in the market is Globol gel. As a budget alternative, dohlox is chosen, but after 1-2 weeks he will lose its effect.

    As a "heavy artillery" use powder "Pure House". This is a cheap and strong tool, but for such a procedure will have to clear the entire room for 1-2 days.

    For the prevention and destruction of the small amount of cockroaches, use chalk of Mashenka or Raid Max traps. They will not give pests to spread in the house.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not advertising and does not serve as a guide to purchase. Before buying, you need consultation with a specialist.