The strongest breed of dogs in the world Top 10. The strongest and hardy breed of dogs

What is the strongest dog in the world? Surely every breeder came to mind this question. Therefore, we offer you more familiar with the strongest representatives of the family of doggy.

Bull terrier

If you do not know what the strongest dog in the world, then get acquainted with the bull terrier - this PSU got a leading place in the TOP 10. This specifically was displayed for dog battles. The bull terrier did not accidentally be in the ranking - from all the individuals considered in this article, this breed has the strongest bite, as well as grip.

It should be noted that the pets of this breed are pretty friendly, but it is worth proving the bull terrier, and it can lose control of himself. However, bull terriers are easy to study animals, so if you have a good upbringing, you will not have any problems.

As stated above, the pets of this species are considered the most stronger not only in our top 10, but in general. These pets, as can be seen in the photo, have a powerful physique, while proportionally folded. With its people, the dog will always be kind, but if there is a danger, the dog does not think to defend a person.

Staffordshire Terrier

The next place in the list Top 10 The strongest dogs is occupied by Staffordshire Terrier. What kind of formidable appearance was not from Stafford, as seen by the photo, his character in relation to the breeder will always be friendly.

Among all individuals, Staffordshire Terriers occupy an honorable second place in the ranking, because they have strong jaws and, accordingly, bite. The breed of dogs was displayed to participate in dog battles and possesses an excellent strong physique, as well as developed legs.

In addition, these animals are also characterized by an excellent opportunity to distinguish odors. Dogs of this breed are always committed to a person, as practice shows, they are almost not susceptible to pain. If you do not engage in time to raise an animal, the dog can deliver the inconvenience of the breeder. Dilute Staffordshire Terriers is prohibited in a number of countries due to their danger to society.


The third place in the ranking among the strongest features top 10 is boxer. This kind was withdrawn by German breeders and, like other pets, participated in dog battles for a long time. Boxer ancestors are bulllenbasers and bulldogs. A very strong bite is due to a sufficiently strong jaw of a pet.

Among all fighting species, the boxer is one of the most intelligent, smart and balanced. As practice and feeders, the dogs of this breed are believed to children with love. But always need to remember that the careless handling of animals can lead to the fact that the dog will show his character. Dogs of this strong breed should be brought up from childhood, puppies need to convey that the breeder is the main thing in this relationship. Only then the boxer will be able to become a true friend.


The next place in the ranking go Burbul. This species from South Africa was obtained for a long time for the purpose of protecting the lands and for the protection of slaves in conjunction. In general, representatives of this species are quite large and strong. Among other animals in the top 10 Burbul is the owner of the strongest jaw and, accordingly, bite.

For dogs of this type, aggression is normal, so the breeder needs to take care of the early age of the pet. If you do not take care of the animal, then with time, aggression can spread to a person. An interesting fact - breeding Burbules due to their danger to society is prohibited in Denmark.

Argentine Dog.

At one time, the filmmakers had to carry out a large-scale work on the removal of the Argentinean breed. This dog is the result of a knitting of more than ten varieties. For such pets, a powerful physique and a strong bite is characterized. They have a frightening appearance, it can be seen both in the photo and video. So these individuals are not in vain fell into the top 10 rating of the strongest species.

But let him not scare the appearance of the dog, because in nature these pets are not only very smart, but also balanced. They have a good character. The Argentine Dogs do not belong to the Fight Pets, since it was originally displayed to protect and hunt.


Rottwells occupy the next place in the top 10 - this kind was removed to protect the cattle by German breeders. These are relatively large and powerful animals, but at the same time they are smart and raised. In our ranking, they were contrary to the fact that they are very friendly, because they have a strong bite and powerful jaws.

As the reviews show, pets of this variety, although smart, can be aggression, sometimes towards children. Rottweiler itself is an excellent defender. Especially due to the fact that the pets of this breed are fearless. They are curious enough.

German dog

German Dan was initially displayed as official animals. Despite the large dimensions and terrible appearance, these pets are endowed with a friendly character. The German dog recognizes not only a breeder, but also members of his family. The bite of these dogs is really strong, in fact, so animals fell into our list of rating.

German Dogs prefer a passive lifestyle. They are lazy and do not mind falling all day with a person opposite the TV. Only if it is thorough to take up his training and upbringing, the dog will become an excellent companion.

Siberian Husky

Not every person can believe that Siberian Husky is a strong dog with a strong bite, but it is. Externally, these pets have a great resemblance to wolves, they can have eyes of different colors.

Before you have such a special, it should be borne in mind that such pets do not really like training. Husky needs permanent loads and upbringing, which is better to carry out during the game.


As can be seen in the photo and video, Doberman is a powerful dog, which is also characterized by the speed of movements. Therefore, it occupies an honorable place in the top 10 of the strongest breeds of dogs. Initially, Dobermans carried out official duties, being loyal assistants in the work of state bodies.

The elegant appearance of Doberman in combination with an instantaneous reaction makes these pets with the best guards. Also these animals are among the most fearless.

Canary Dog.

The Canary Dogs have formidable appearance, but at the same time they are absolutely not aggressive. Animals of this kind are smart and raised, they always remain faithful to their breeder and quickly traveled. For them, aggression is not typical, but if necessary, the dog will always disgrace the enemy.

Features of strong dogs

Consider advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Most individuals from the rating are smart, friendly and obedient. With the right approach to training you can get a raised individual.
  2. Such animals are excellent guards, in most cases they are with friendliness relate to children. But this does not mean that they can be used as a nangy.
  3. With the pets presented in our list, will never be scary walking down the street (the author of the video is about dogs).

But these breeds have their drawbacks, about them.

  1. Large animals need proper content, and a lot of money can leave for it. So get ready for costs.
  2. Life expectancy for strong and large dogs is always lower, which smaller individuals.
  3. For such animals, the manifestation of aggression is typical, so it's a walk with a ping - only on a leash.

How to choose a strong PSA?

In general, certain features for the choice of the strongest animal. You only need to understand how much the breed is suitable for more than others, everything else is small nuances.

In addition to the breed, you need to consider several factors:

  1. Dimensions of the animal. If the dog is needed to protect and guard, then it is better to choose a pet whose growth will be from 60 cm and higher. Of course, for the protection of the house or people, it is good not only that the dog is strong, but also massive.
  2. Animal weight should also be considered. The optimal option is if the weight of the pet will be about 50 kg. In general, the weight is not particularly important, but a massive and strong pet will always be able to knock off an attacker from the feet.
  3. Temperament. As you could understand the description of the species, it is important to take into account the character to have a dog. For example, Doberman will come in the event that you want to get educated PSA, while not particularly straining on his training. For training more cute with individuals, such as husky, will need more time and strength.

Video "The strongest animals"

You can learn more about such rocks from the video (video author - exclusive TV).

Each of us knows that the dog is a faithful friend, assistant, and somewhere and the defender. In the international registry there are more than 400 species separated by various categories.

Animals are divided into growth, weight, temperament, character and tactics in battle. In our article, we have prepared material about twenty strongest dogs in the world. We prove the facts of their power and endurance, as well as briefly describe the history of origin, the main features and skills that distinguish the breeds among themselves.

The story of the withdrawal of this breed began in the distant XVII century, when the monarchs of the Monastery of St. Bernard needed to save the locals during the earthquake. Hence the name of the famous breed. These "rescuers" had to dig people from under the soil of snow, and sometimes take place 3-4 kilometers to deliver the wounded to rescuers.

The PSA growth reaches about 80 centimeters in the withers, the weight category is also impressive - from 55 to 90 kg.

Pet appearance:

  • Brown, less than black color, sometimes there may be spotted;
  • Paws are usually white;
  • The body and limbs are massive.

Despite their threatening appearance, Senberry affectionate, very coolant with children and small pets.


The historic homeland of this breed since the XVII century is the same island in Canada. Even then allocated the strength and endurance of this PSA on fishing. Often the dog helped to catch immersing and pull them into land, so it was awarded the nickname "Diver".

Newfu is important to be the necessary owner and surrounding in trouble. Often, the "giants" consist in service in the police, work by guides. The pet needs caress and care, despite its impressive sizes, do not apply a rough tactic when upbringing.

Weight characteristics are about 70 kilograms, height in the withers can be 70 cm. It takes an honorable place in the list of large breeds in the world.

Let's see how Newfoundland looks like:

  • Black color, sometimes possible transition to a more bronze tint.
  • Large body with abundance of wool.
  • In appearance there are similar features with a bear.


Separate areas of South Africa are considered to be the output of this breed. A distinctive feature of the pieces is their strength and endurance in a hot climate. Burbul has a recalcitrant temper, so only a strong and domineering person can tame them, in which they will see the authority.

The growth of adult dogs of this breed can be 61-70 centimeters. It can weigh about 60-85 kilograms.


  • Massive skeletal frame and muscular layer.
  • Large and heavy figure.
  • Most often they have a brick-red coloring.
  • Short and rigid to the touch wool.

In the absence of proper upbringing and training, they will become bloodthirsty cannograms, which nothing, and no one can stop.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

This relatively young breed appeared as a result of the crossing of domesticated and hounds of "tailed" at the beginning of the 20th century. Like the previous representative, it has a peculiar character and fierce temper, as a result of which, not every owner will be able to get along with such a "beast".

In the African countries, these hunting pits are very appreciated for their strong qualities, so they became the desired participants in Safari. On other continents, the dogs help a person to follow the house, engage in law enforcement.

The PSA growth reaches about 62-70 centimeters in the withers, the weight category is average - from 32 to 69 kg.

Features of the appearance of an adult individual:

  • Powerful and muscular with harmonious physique.
  • Wool passing along the ridge line should grow in the opposite direction.

Reference! There are cases when this dog did not inferior in the bloodthirstiness of the lion. Therefore, a number of countries for security reasons imposed a ban on the import of representatives of the breed. The specified fact contributed to the emergence of the second name from Rhodesian Ridgeback - "Lion dog".

Cane Corso

This dog is a descendant of the combat pits of an ancient Rome, which were brought to the gladiator fights for greater entertainment. Representatives of this breed of inborn bodyguards, helping in service, hunting and in field conditions.

Kane Corso has a very cool temper, but see the obedient. An animal is absolutely selfish and in the Spirit does not tolerate other dogs. In case another dog appeared at home, Kane Corso will strive to win over the opponent.

The standard weight of the pet is from 40 to 50 kg, and the height in the withers is equal to 60 cm. Quite large "tales" are in their sizes in category with Akita-Inu and Leonberger.

External data:

  • black, gray and red wool;
  • bright pronounced breast muscle;
  • the surface of the wool is smooth, almost glossy.

American Bulldog.

This breed can be called the standard of power and dignity. The history of origin takes its beginning in the XVIII century. At that time, the immigrants were engaged in the farm in order to protect themselves, tamed such dogs to guard the dwelling and nearby territory, help to drive livestock.

Subsequently, they developed an instinct of distrust of strangers, which made them the most reliable and devoted defenders today. Pet's character is not the most duplicated, but if you teach from an early age, there will be no problems with obedience.

Amazing fact! In dog battles, the representative of this breed has no equal and can even fill the bull with its fangs.

Bulldogs are average in magnitude, so the growth begins from 50 cm to 70 cm, and the weight category is 28-55 kilograms.

The main features in the appearance of the dog:

  • Strongly developed jaw muscles.
  • Wide chest and large muscular paws.
  • Square shape muzzle.
  • Hard wool has a white color with small black, brown splashes.


Regions of Central Asia are home to this pet, where he found the second name - the Central Asian Shepherd. This dog has a rich history of origin, taking his beginning 4000 years ago, then representatives of the rocks defended nomadic shepherds and their herds.

The dog has a sharp mind and ingenuity, calm in various situations. It is very responsible for its duties in the service of man (in security activities at work and at home), if it is regularly trained. Sometimes it can be stubborn. Carefully take advantage of the puppy's education, do not use force, otherwise it can lead to the development of aggressiveness. Adults are loved to warn the owner about the presence of a stranger with their bark.

Growth parameters are 65-79 cm, weight minimum 40 kg, a maximum of 80 kg.

Appearance Alabaya:

  • Proportional physique and powerful muscles.
  • The thoracic is well developed.
  • Tough and thick wool of black, brown, gray and tiger. Often, several main shades of the palette are combined.

English mastiff

The ancient English breed takes its beginning to several millennia to our era. In ancient Babylon, they helped to hunt on wild animals, and even predators.

In practice, they regularly proved their loyalty and devotion. Almost all "tailed" of this category from birth has a pronounced strong instinct of bodyguards. Over time, the dog ceased to consider the protection the main goal of their lives, however, their low timbre Laya will definitely scare up a stranger.

In truth, giant dimensions: weight - from 80 to 90 kilograms, height in the withers - approximately 75 cm.

What does mastif look like:

  • Large-sized individual with wrinkled muzzle.
  • Short, tightly adjacent wool.
  • The color scheme can be diverse:
  • A large head is quite large compared to the torso.

Akita In.

Historically confirmed facts of the output of this breed appeared approximately 8,000 years ago in Japan. Then people adhered to hunting traditions and found the use of such a dog exactly there. Also, Akita was able to protect the house and the adjacent farm in heavenly time: under constant raids.

She is the biggest dog from the category of Spites. Does not bother without reason, so it is worth listening to its security instincts.

External data:

  • Ferry-fawn, white or tiger color.
  • Ears raised up, with rounded tips.
  • Strong physique, but a small weight of 30-40 kg and high height - 65-71 cm.
  • Developed muscular frame.

With love relates to every member of the family, with the exception of other pets, in which the opponent sees.


Rottweil, located in the southwestern part of Germany, is considered the city of origin of representatives of this breed. There used dogs as carriers and watchdis. After that, the four-legged guards received their "salary" - meat products.

Rottweilers are the best rescuers who are willing to risk life in order to save human life. They differ in realness, observation and lightning reaction if the threat arises. Often they are rewithted as guisters.

In the home atmosphere, these animals change their behavior, become more lazy and affectionate.

Standard growth is 59-70 centimeters, length in withers 117-137 cm.

Among the outstanding external features of the pet can be allocated:

  • Black color with brown and brick marks.
  • Their type of figure is inclined to obesity, so the pet must be properly feeding and maintaining its active lifestyle.
  • Has large dimensions and driven muscles,
  • Showing interest, small folds and wrinkles arise on the face of the PSA.


At the end of the 19th century, in the German city of Leonberg, the chapter of the municipality wanted to create an unusual symbol of the city - a dog-lion. According to the final, it was possible to cross several types (Sernbernar, Newf and the Pyrenean Dog) so that the desired color turned out.

The dog is an unsurpassed guard, which without grinning and excessive aggression, move the person who has encroached on someone else's cattle or property. Thanks to acute hearing, strength and endurance of them, excellent guides, shepherds and companions are obtained.

Features of appearance:

  • Like a lion, the dark color of the muzzle in combination with bright red wool throughout the body. Possible white-gray color.
  • Large body with powerful legs.
  • Long ears hanging to cheeks.
  • This is a long-haired animal that requires special care.

Staffordshire Terrier

The story of the output of this individual began approximately from 1700 when crossing bulldogs with terriers. After the fierce fighting in England, aggressiveness and rabies from this species began to be observed, so people still have the impression that Amstaff is a cruel and bloodthirsty killer, but this is not the case.

Excessive aggression is associated with a foggy pedigree. "Clean" fighter dog without fear and reproach will be able to protect the owner. It will prevent danger at the subconscious level.

Despite its massiveness, terriers are active and movable for service as a guard. A distinctive feature of the nature of such a dog is the inability to bring it out of themselves. Dogs love children, so they can act as a companion and a faithful friend.

The growth is pretty small - 45-59 cm, the weight is equal to 30 kg.

External appearance of such a breed:

  • Cornish and strong housing with a powerful head and neck.
  • Highly planted and sticking up ears.
  • Massive jaws have a dead grip.
  • Standard for color can be: black, brown, red, tiger. Perhaps the combination of listed shades.

Siberian Husks

These fluffy beauties will not be able to help a person on the hunt, will not protect the house from hacking, however, their difficult work is worthy of admiration. There is an assumption according to which the breed was bred by nomadic tribes in the 20th century to overcome huge distances along the snow-covered expanses of Siberia.

Now the dogs are used as a carrier of heavy loads in the harsh northern conditions, but many owners are breeding and trying to domesticate such pets.

Their main feature is the need for exercise and an active lifestyle (walks at least 7 hours a day). Therefore, if you are not ready to give so much time, love to be lazy, then you should not buy it.

The weight of adults is about 20-27 kg, and an increase of 50 to 58 centimeters.

We describe modern Husky standards:

  • Strong proportional physique, deep chest, straight limbs.
  • Highly planted ears that give a small external similarity with wolves.
  • Thick woolen cover, withstanding minus temperatures.

Alaskan Malamute

Another driving dog, which is able to withstand extreme Arctic conditions. An animal has an exorbitant force and endurance, because only she carries heavy loads in the north. Therefore, it is often referred to as a dog-heavy truck.

Today, Malamute can become a faithful and quiet four-legged friend at home.

Characteristics of growth and weight - 64 cm and 40 kg, respectively.

We highlight the following features of the appearance of these "tales"

  • Thick wool resembles a soft teddy material.
  • Large physique with developed muscles.
  • Triangular ears with a slight rounding.
  • Exceptionally dark eye color.
  • Color priority dark and light gray, white.

In 2010, Malamut gained the title of Alaska symbol, as the personification of this harsh territory.

Tibetan mastiff

In our top of strong dogs there is a real king of animals. The origin of this breed is mysterious and mysterious, as the animals appeared long before writing in the areas of Tibet.

The first fixed facts dealt with the Chinese emperor UI, who received such a trained PSA, which was intended for hunting and guarding the dwellings. To date, Tibetan retained its guard skills, loudly barks in danger, preparing for attack.

It is not suitable for keeping in the apartment because of its huge dimensions. Gets with children and some small animals.

Standard growth begins from 55 to 67 cm, and the weight is 67-78 kilograms.

The appearance of the mastiff is as follows:

  • Thick woolen cover, because of which it is difficult to try to try the muscles.
  • Strong average limbs and shoulder muscles.
  • Muscular neck, there is a small advantage in Figure.
  • Large head and wide wrinkled muzzle.
  • Color, bright red, brown, black colors. Possible combinations of several shades on the paws and face.

Such a formidable and majestic, at first sight of the breed, is able to show tenderness and trembles to family members, is able to be sincerely tied to the owner.


The first mention of this dog is dating about 4,000 to era. In the XVI century in the UK, the dukes loved to arrange racing and similar dog competitions as a fun.

The breed combines ease and speed that helps it be an excellent runner and hunter on forest animals, thanks to the structure of long thin limbs. On the hunt shows calm and exposure, becoming a good companion.

Allocated among other individuals with their loyalty and devotion to the owners. The tailed daily requires a number of physical exertion.

The height in the withers reaches 68-75 cm, the approximate weight is 27-40 kg.

External grayhaound data:

  • Specific, thin figure with a sloping back.
  • Developed muscular frame.
  • An elongated triangular head.
  • Shorthair animals, which greatly simplifies care.
  • Standards on the color - black, redhead, white and fawn.

It is noteworthy that he ranks first in the list of the fastest individual in the category - hunting for wild game and running. After all, the dog simply needs to increase the speed in the professional environment.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

With his fearlessness and decisive character, this dog conquered the hearts of many people. The first documentary facts about the origin of the Shepherd were recorded in the VIII century of our era. In the 70s, the animal was presented at the Paris exhibition. Today, gorgeously manifests itself with a hunter, a companion and just a good friend.

A strong and volitional character allows Caucasian wolfhound to protect their owners who are in danger. It may be aggression to strangers, can watch the courtyard for hours and look out for violators.

Note, what an adult person looks like:

  • Stiff pretty long wool.
  • Large elongated torso, wide chest.
  • The color gamut color is diverse - white, gray, brown, pegs, with the exception of a black shade.

Irish wolfhound

Such a "killed" brought the Irish for the extermination of large game (wolves and villages) approximately 2,000 years ago. There is a legend that they could deal with elk and deer.

Despite its dangerous past, the dog has a priest character, is not dangerous for a person. Of these, good storage and companions grow.

The height in the withers is the largest in the world - 80 cm, the weight starts from 41 to 55 kg.

External data:

  • A large rigid dog having a thick shaggy beard.
  • The color of the color is white, redhead, beige, brick and gray colors.
  • Muscular proportional body with long developed neck.
  • Wool color beige, black or tiger.

To date, the wolfhound is the talisman of the Irish servicemen.

German dog

The first mention of this breed began back in the early 14th century. The German dog brought the crossing of various companion dogs by crossing, as a result, a hybrid turned out, which imagined positive qualities.

Despite the Terrible View, such a giant is undoubtedly protecting his owner and shook the enemy in the event of an attack. Its aggressiveness is very low, so the family has a calm and good nature.

The dog has huge parameters in nature - the average growth is 75-85 cm, pet weight is about 85 cm.

Basic features in appearance:

  • Long, raised ears and extended chin.
  • Powerful front and rear limbs.
  • Developed spin and musculature of the body.

This breed has become popular worldwide due to the animation image of a dog in a Cartoon Scooby-Du.


The name of the breed speaks for itself, we will understand in more detail in the peculiarities of origin. Such a smooth-haired "Handsome" comes from Germany. In the past, dogs were displayed as participants in spectacular dog battles, to escape animals.

Over time, breeders managed to get rid of excessive aggression. Behind the threatening appearance hid a kindness and playfulness. These pets love babies very much.

Now boxers are breeding for the protection of dwellings, as a reliable guide, to accompany the police. In more dangerous situations, dogs can cling to the enemy, stronger than him.

Growth and weight standards - from 55 to 65 cm, 27-30 kg, respectively.

We define a number of characteristic features of this breed:

  • The most common color is a tiger, blue, black. There may be coloring like "Dolmatinian" or marble.
  • Powerful front and rear limbs. Developed spin and musculature of the body.
  • Wrinking muzzle, large canine teeth.
  • Redhead, brick or tiger color.

To withdraw the most powerful breed of dogs in the world, people tried from a long time. Throughout history, four-legged friends helped a person, defended housing and property from strangers and wild animals. Subsequently, breeds became larger, but about the dogs whose strength was tested by time, as a rule, legends were composed and they were perpetuated in art.

Characteristic of a strong dog

Each person has its own representation of a mighty and strong dog. Some love huge and calm Senbernarov, and others prefer to the measure of aggressive Tosa-Ina or vigorous Kane Corso. But all these dogs unites a strong body, the strength of the spirit and the need for proper education.

Objectively say which breed is stronger than others, because each of them was displayed for specific purposes.. Some dogs will say that fighting dogs hold the palm of the championship, because in ferocity and perseverance for them there are no equal. Owners can rightly argue, because the "fighters" will not be able to chase and drive with clock and drive. Therefore, the assessment of the force is subjective and each owner will say that it is his breed that surpasses the rest.

10 strong dogs all over the world


This one of the large breeds of dogs owns a subtle natural bowl, which is due to what is used in search and rescue operations when avalanche conversion. The dog is capable of finding people under 6-meter snowflowers. Thanks to the fearlessness and the outstanding track list, the title of "heroic breed" was obtained.

For such dogs, an extraordinary devotion is characterized and the desire to please the owner, which makes them beautiful guards. Despite the external tranquility and equilibrium Senbernarov, surrounding people experience a natural feeling of fear at the sight of such a majestic beast.

Senbernara is slow, but perfectly know how to navigate in space and easily find the way home.

Despite the impressive sizes and physical strength, the nature of the breed is soft and good-natured. Such dogs are important to feel part of the family and benefit, otherwise they develop depression.

Senbernar Wrighttes Brandy Bear dragged the largest cargo weighing 2905 kg per distance of about 5 meters.


Calm, dusty and huge dog. The weight of an adult individual sometimes reaches 75 kg, which corresponds to the parameters of the average person. Newfoundlends are alien to the manifestation of aggression, they constantly feel the need to protect their owner. Having envy a sinking person, the dog immediately rushes him to save him, why they were called "divers".

When choosing a security guard, this breed is not the best option, due to their peacefulness and kindness. However, one powerful look is already a psychological impact on others.

Newfoundland is more suitable as a home dog, because they are strongly tied to children and adults, jeep when one family members disappears. These dogs are launched with cats and other animals. They are afraid of slush, dirt or rain and will only be happy to make the owner with a company when a caretaker on nature or during the hunt. In the reservoirs feel like "fish in water."


Confident and brave dog, in relations with the owner always seeks to take a leadership position. Due to the complex nature, it is hard to train, especially for novice dog breeders, but with proper upbringing manifests itself as a flawless guard and a true friend.

About Central Asian Shepherds It is difficult to say that they are fit and affectionate. Formed in the harsh climatic conditions of Turkmenistan. The dog, the export of which for a long time was forbidden, in recent decades has actively spread around the globe.

With external peace of mind and calmness, for Alabaev is characterized by internal distrust of strangers. They require attitude towards equal. Congenital intelligence and flair help them behave in different ways to serve in the family. The dog is ready to obey and unquestionlessly obey the teams of the leader of the flocks (which he considers the owner), if it succeeds to prove authority. How to choose the nickname Alabay.

Alabayam is needed a big courtyard, fenced with a fence, as they tend to continue to "expand" their territory.

Staffordshire Terrier

This representative of the North American rocks combines the features of Terrier and Bulldog. By nature, this dog is a protector. Guards both entrigated property and a host family. If the threat occurs, becomes aggressive.

Among other things, Staffordshire Terrier is a hardy wrestler who will not calm down until the enemy is defeated. This quality is worthy of a security guard, but represents a real threat to others if the dog was not sufficient enough.

Staffordshire Terrier respects strength and needs confident owner who can demonstrate power over him. If a person has achieved respect, he will be happy to serve and obey everything. These dogs get along well with all family members, but it is impossible to leave them alone with young children.

Tosa In.

The dog was replaced 150 years ago in Japan. It is considered one of the strongest breeds in the world due to exceptional qualities, for which even got the name "Sumo Fighter among Dogs."

For Tosa-Inu, it is characteristic of ruthlessness, durability and power, because of what the breed has gained widespread among dog battles. He has a healthy fraction of aggression, which coupled with a frightening appearance makes it an excellent security guard. However, it is difficult to cope with the nature of such an animal, which is why the right sequence of actions is required, the assistance of an experimental film.

Because of the natural smallness, see such a dog rarely anyone succeeds. Most of the animals still live on Japan's islands, guarding property owners.


Top 5 opens an unusual, but very interesting breed. It is assumed that the ancestors of these dogs from the African deserts of ancient Egypt, from which subsequently penetrated into Europe during the campaigns of Alexander Macedonsky. External qualities have not changed since then, however, mixing with European PSI contributed to the formation of excellent health and endurance.

German dog

Large dogs patient temper. They are attentive and devoted to the owner in any situation. Doves are in moderation by wayward and stubborn, always need to communicate. They need to give their strength as often as possible. Very love physical activity and large spaces, where you can ride plenty. Suitable as a guard dog due to majestic appearance and courage. Aggression and the tendency to dominate are not characteristic of such dogs, but the right upbringing is necessary.

Bordeaux Dog.

Spearing appearance and huge sizes of dogs of this breed inspire fear around others, even if they have not done anything yet. But the appearance of this breed contradicts its character. Such a dog is strongly distinguished by non-vulnerable, tenderness and sociability among other breeds of fighting dogs.

Bordeaux Dog. () sentiment and can be sad for a long time when the owner leaves. Unlike other incremental dogs, he relies on the natural flair and external data. It remains imperturbable until the stranger shows bad intentions. If this happens, the attacker will have to feel all the ferocity of this breed.

Cane Corso

Kane Corso ancestors were used during the Roman Empire. Highly valued hunters and farmers, due to disability, huge strength, exceptional speed and dexterity.

Dogs are well folded, energetic and devotees. Thanks to fearlessness and natural strength, they become excellent defenders and guard. Easily leaving for training, but require early socialization by virtue of their sociability.

They can become an excellent companion both during morning runs and long-haired campaigns. To maintain muscles in a tone, they need no less than 1.5 hours of physical activity per day.

All breeds are unique in their own way, because the nature and appearance of the animal is most often determined by the environment. Listed dogs have outstanding natural data and become an excellent choice if you need a reliable and devoted guard. The main thing when choosing a dog is not to forget that even the most strong PSU requires care and attention.

As such categories, fighting dogs today are not in any canine organization. This type of competition, according to specialists, is abnormal. Nevertheless, dog fights are held regularly and strongly involved in them strong representatives of the animal world, we will talk about them in this article.


The first in the top rating of the best fighting breeds became Alabai. This pet is characterized by high intelligence, brilliant mind and excellent fighting characteristics. By the way, in some countries of Central Asia, there are still compets in which these fighting dogs participate.

It should be noted that this Alabai will never finish his opponent even if it will attempt to attack without forces. By nature, Alabai in principle relate to aggressively to other animals, plus it is a very strong dog, so it is better to take into account when buying a puppy. But if the dog is trained specifically to participate in battles or protection of the territory, then aggression will certainly be present in its character.

Bull terrier

The next stage of the top rating occupies a bull terrier. Often from inexperienced dog breeders who have collided with bull terriers only on the street, you can hear about the evil character of these animals. However, in fact, Bull Terrier has loving and kind temperament, he is always devoted to man.

Of course, if necessary, they can be very aggressive, and earlier, these fighting dogs were used to infuriate battles and were among the best in dog battles. But today these times are behind and breeders for a long time working to bring the mentally healthy descendants of these dogs. In part, it succeeds, but it should be borne in mind that negative traits of character can only manifest themselves from uncompatible dogs.


Some of the best in the world and our top list are banged. Seeing this pet on the street, you are unlikely to get involved with him. As can be seen in the photo and video, this type of fighting variety has a growing appearance. To date, these fighting breeds of dogs are found not often. But if you need a calm and balanced dog, then Bandog is the best candidate in the world.

These dogs are perfectly coping with home protection and host protection. They are not particularly demanding in care and can live both in the apartment and in the aviary on the street in a private house. If you are a family man, then from childhood, start using the puppy to execute your teams. Otherwise, a naughty dog \u200b\u200bcan grow out of it, and in combination with excellent battle qualities it can be dangerous.

American Bulldog.

English mastiff is characterized by large dimensions. This species is considered one of the most ancient, it appeared as a result of breeding specifically in order to help a person in the hunt. In ancient Rome, dogs dressed in armor, they also participated in gladiator battles. As a rule, the world's largest dogs fought with bears and tigers.

English mastiff itself is a calm and balanced dog that you can understand the photo and video. However, if it is involved in danger, it will turn into an aggressive fighter, so it takes an honorable place in our top.

Bordeaux Dog.

The next place in the top list is borodic dog. Thanks to excellent fighting characteristics, this dog is an excellent security guard. Bordeaux Dogs were displayed to participate in the hunt and battles of gladiators. As a rule, during the battle, the dog can fight very aggressively, but usually never kills his opponent. He can do it only if he feels the threat of his life.

In life, these animals are very committed, they are characterized by flashes of caress. The dog will be laugh with all family members and even other animals, while they do not try to declare their dominance. As in the case of other breeds, these pets need to be brought up from an early age, so that it subsequently did not arise. With care, there are also no problems, it is only necessary to periodically clean the folds on the body of a pet, ears and eyes.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

An honorable place in the top list also occupies the Naples Mastiff. Dogs of this breed were also loyal assistants on the hunt at one time, but many breeders know about the fighting characteristics of these animals. Such a pet can easily knock down his enemy and make it stationary in a short time. However, their qualities of protection are more popular.

In our top list, not all fighting varieties are listed, but only one of the most popular and well-known. But in the world there are many more species derived specifically to participate in battles. Remember that a good dog breeder and the owner will never give his favorite to participate in such an event. Let the formidable kind of you do not scare - such dogs are perfectly getting along with people and with other animals. But you can never forget about the upbringing, this is a basis of a good character.

Character and intelligence of fighter pieces

Many people today believe that without exception, fighting varieties of animals should be at least aggressive in relation to other animals and people in particular. However, we are in a hurry to report that this is rooting wrong. Those times have long passed when fighting animals were used for their intended purpose, as well as for bears hunting or hiding bulls. Of course, at that time, such pets were characterized by angrily, aggressive character and hatred in relation to their opponent.

However, today, these qualities of the dog can manifest themselves only if it is necessary to protect their owner, its family members or the territory that the dog is guarded. In any case, the dog will also show aggression if it will understand that his life threatens something. Naturally, several breeds can be added to the list of aggressors from nature.

But it is also necessary to take into account instinctive behavior. That is, if the animal falls into the hands of an abnormal person who will beat his pet and mock it, then this is another question. Then you can declare with one hundred percent probability that at the first convenient case the dog will give a resistance to me. And if this will occur on a systematic basis, then an animal will simply become dangerous for those who surrounding people. Therefore, even a fighting dog, think about it several times before offended.

The strongest dog, what is she? It is impossible to describe a couple of words, because force is not only the size of the animal and the developed muscle mass. And certainly this indicator has nothing to do with malice and aggression. It is estimated here, exposure, the ability to not let your own power in the case, if there is no reason for the reason. The practice has shown that even Dog-Dobryak, who and flies will not be offended, can get into the book of records, striking the public with physical data. To find out which breeds of the strongest dogs exist, you can get acquainted with the rating. For this title are fighting the most, and much more representatives are capable of getting into it.

№10 Burbul

This strong and powerful dog is called the South African mastiff. The breed is very ancient, and the Aristotle called her representatives of the "Sons of Lviv". In the homeland, in South Africa, powerful dogs defended the farms from wild cats - Lviv or Leopard.

Burbul is a real workman, without work, the physical and emotional state of the PSA worsens. Such a pet can be entrusted to the protection of the local area, and it will be very vigilantly watching. In addition, protecting family and housing, it is able to behave very violently, and in this state the dog may not even notice a bullet wound.

The owner should not "regret" of his four-legged friend, because an active 5-kilometer walk for him is only everyday need, and nothing more. I bored and did not waste excess energy dog \u200b\u200bcan be dangerous. There are a number of fixed cases when the mastiff attacked people, but experts say that this should be a certain and good reason.

Another strong dog from the family of mastiffs, but already from Japan. He is called the Japanese mastiff, Tosa-Ken, the Tokyo battle dog, a Japanese dog. This breed was removed from the sole purpose - to get excellent fighter pieces capable of showing themselves in the ring. Initially, Burbuli did not attack the enemy, and fought with him, tightly clutching him.

Gradually, the battles took a purely sporty character, who did not have anything in common with the bloody slaughter - the dog should sow a rival and hold it in that position. This unique sport has its name - the dog Sumo.

Necessary evil participants who bite, tear, show excessive aggression and bark, disqualified from competitive events. Important quality for PSA, participating in the battles - endurance.

The Japanese mastiff has a very hot and hot-tempered temper, because European mastiffs, bulldogs, bull carriers, dogs, Poistters and even Senbernara were used for his elimination. And the specificity of their work itself obliges to be harsh, strong and stubborn.

Thanks to the competent breeding, it was possible to get an ideal twist-chaser, capable of fighting for a long time in the ring. But also these dogs successfully perform the work of the guard, guard. When raising this pet, it is important that the owner is for him a real leader. A person will have to devote all his free time to upbringing and learning a four-legged friend so that he become a real assistant, unquestionedly obeying the owner.

Founder of the Freedrich Louis Doberman knew what kind of dog he is needed as an assistant to carry a difficult police service. The dog should be brave, physically, unpretentious hardy, but at the same time perfect obedient. And as a result of prolonged breeding, the Static Handsome Man - Doberman Pinscher.

Subsequently, the representatives of the rock showed themselves perfectly, during the WWI, they actively used intelligence officers, the PSIs were successfully used in the military sphere, as well as for watchman.

Dobermans are strong, independent, fearless, smart, can develop incredible speed and respond quickly in any situation. If you add to these qualities a very serious, even harsh appearance with an attentive, incredulous look, is not surprising that this dog is often called "Diavol's dog."

The representative of this breed is often headed by the rating of the most ferocious, evil dogs. But also "Caucasian", rightly, is included in the tops of the strongest dogs in the world. Really, this amazing giant deserves close attention.

He lived next to a person, defended the dwelling and the farm, both from unkind people and ferocious predators. Already the appearance of the PSA instills fear - some individuals reach 100 kg of weight and 75 cm growth. Their powerful, heavy body, a large head and loud bass give an attacker to understand that it is better to pass by, than to invade the territory of this fearless guard and defender.

Caucasian Shepherd knows how to own itself and will not show aggression without serious reason. But only if a stranger invaded the plot entranched on her ... In this case, he quietly, without warning it will decide the "problem". Caucasian needs early socialization, upbringing and training, but you don't need to teach a pet to deal with attackers, it is inherited by the genetic level.

This powerful handsome man is the most expensive dog in the world, refers to the oldest rocks and, in addition, is included in various ratings, including as the strongest breed. Who is he, the most-tibetan mastiff?

The history of the breed is calculated not in centuries, but thousands of years. There are evidence that "Tibetans" existed in ancient times. They passed hard natural selection and selection. Representatives of the rocks were intended to work in a harsh mountainous area, they protected monasteries and accompanied nomads.

Thanks to the separation of the terrain, the appearance of mastiffs has practically not changed, and genetic analysis showed that their coming ancestors are wolves. Weigh the fortresses up to 80 kg, growth reaches 77 cm, and thick wool and almost lione mane makes them very overall.

The owners argue that their pets are balanced, calm and friendly ... But these qualities are manifested exclusively for family members, friends, desired guests and animals. Needs, at a meeting with a similar enemy, will not last. Tibetans surrounds the mass of myths and legends, but it is known for certain that they are able to fight with wolves and snowy leopards and at the same time can learn winners.

Each host should take into account that his pet without early socialization, upbringing and attention can turn into an evil sociopath, which means that it is important to pay as much time and attention to these aspects.

The stern representative of the dog world is colorful, incorruptible and very strong Alabai. The ancient breed, and since the time immemorial, its representatives were used on the territory of Central Asia as a guard, security dog \u200b\u200band for convention. In addition, Shepherd has successfully performed the work of the housing, livestock and the local area.

In addition, in some countries, Alabaev is used as battlefits. For example, in the Turkmenistan, dog battles are a centuries-old tradition, and today they are carried out not only to entertain the public, but also for the preservation of the unique characteristics of the medium-media.

Dogs of this breed are difficult to fit under a single framework - each dog is individual and needs mandatory upbringing and training, and the owner needs to find an approach to his pet. Alabai are not inclined to mildly get into the fight, they will definitely think about their actions and will take the right decision. But if the boat began, shepherd will show all his amazing abilities.

Pretty rare ancient breed, whose representatives are the highest dogs in the world. The dogs have an elegant physique, with an average 79 cm height, their mass does not exceed 55 kg. The Guinness Book of this breed is listed in the Guinness Book, the growth of which is slightly exceeds 1 meter!

Pots do not look heavy, well developed, and all their body is covered with a strong muscles. "Irish" is used to serve in the shelves of a clover sheet of shamrocks, and it has become practicing since 1908 and continue to this day.

Only males take the northerland army, they must accompany the guards during the watch. The pieces provide uniform and put on complete state-official content. In addition, the Irish Wolfhounds entrusted to the guard of the Buckingham Palace.

The dog is smart, friendly, kind, his calm and balance can be envied. But during the hunt, he is reincarnated in an aggressive pursuer who does not give extraction to a single chance. An interesting fact is that the breed was removed for the hunt for wolves and the vaccination - very terrible opponents, but the thoroughbred representatives did not arise difficulties in the hunt for them.

How does this large, phlegmatic cops managed to bypass fighting dogs and be in the top of the strongest breed? In fact, Senbernara more than once fell into the famous book of world records in the most different reasons.

In 2001, on its pages, Dog Hercules weighing 126 kg was mentioned! But Senbernar Benedictine, weighing more than 166 kg. And the dog by clicking urine turned out to be the owner of the longest language. The best rescuer is also from this breed - Dog Barry, saved more than 4 dozen people.

And in 1978, Pitets Wrighttes Brandy Bear confirmed that Senbernary are real solubs, shifting a truck weighing 2905 kg and dragged it more than 4.5 m. To beat this record has not yet managed to be able to beat this record.

Senbernara - powerful, muscular dogs covered with thick, dense wool, were actively used as mountain rescuers, and they managed to work perfectly in extreme conditions. They are able to independently make decisions, quickly respond and come to the rescue that fell into trouble. The dog does not exhibit aggression towards man and other animals and often acts on the role of a nurse for kids.

Representatives of this breed still cause various disputes - the researchers are specifically known that the species developed on the island of the same name, but where did these dogs come from here, it was not possible to figure out. In Newfoundland, they were used fishermen - dogs accompanied the owners, helped pull out of the network of the network, and sometimes the fishermen themselves. Their unique coat does not wet and allows dogs to confidently feel in the aquatic element.

How is this luxurious, large, beautiful dogs managed to surpass Senbernarov in force? One of the representatives - Barbara Allena Dark Hans managed to drag the cargo, weighing 2289 kg. Yes, its mass is less than in the previous case, but this is if not to consider the weight of the animals themselves - Barbie weighed only 44 kg, as opposed to 80 kilogram brandy Beera.

Modern NewF is a friend, a companion, it can often be seen at the most prestigious exhibitions. In addition, DFS are unsurpassed rescuers on water and good servant dogs - unpretentious, endless, diligent.

One of the largest mastiffs, and among European representatives the largest, English mastiff is an ancient dog. The Book of Records Guinness hit the 148-kilogram of this breed.

The ancestors of the mastiffs were Assyrian and Egyptian dogs involved in military battles. Their descendants performed in gladiator battles, were supervisors for slaves, as well as successful hunters. Some representatives of the breeds performed both in the role of pests - lived cattle, considering it as easy prey.

Initially, the mastiff was a real warrior - bold, fearless, aggressive. It was raised on various animals, including tigers and bulls. The giants attributed unique properties. More Assyrians believed that these extraordinary dogs could scare the evil spirits, so the figures with their image were placed at the entrance to the dwelling.

But gradually the dogs retrained, fishermen used them in some areas. Pets helped them during fishing. The subsequent selection influenced the nature of the dogs, of which they turned out serious guard, vigilant and attentive. Their force is more expressed in irrepressible attachment to their family, they are tolerant and kind for children.

The pet is guarding her territory and family. He will not immediately attack and tear the attacker, the dog will warn the uninvited "guest" with a humorous lever, and after blocking it, not letting the house or man. Owners should be known that the English mastiff appreciates personal space, and its place should be exclusively its territory.

The strongest breeds of dogs are a rather controversial concept. Some dogs are able to defeat opponents, others - pull cargoes, others to show extraordinary results in competitions or on the hunt. In any case, we are talking about strong, strong dogs, striking with their outstanding abilities.