The most profitable and reliable debit card. What bank card is better for travel

Nowadays, the means for carrying out non-cash operations is a plastic bank card. Anyone them is attached to one or several personal accounts of the bank and are operated for payment for services or goods even in online mode.

What principle work plastic cards?

The payment of a plastic card can be produced from anywhere in the world. To do this, you need to find the corresponding terminal of the payment system. Payment follows a specific algorithm:

  1. First, a bank card is inspected on the authenticity and the presence of a sufficient amount of funds on it using the processing center.
  2. Next are written off the funds from the personal account of the card and the check is made.
  3. Under the end of the working day, the trading point redirects all checks in the Equiler Bank. And the last, in turn, gives a total account throughout the set of checks on the personal number of the organization. He also conveys a message about transactions using bank cards to the processing center.
  4. The processing center organizes interaction between all members of the calculation, collects information about plastic cards, generates final reports and transmits them to the bank.
  5. Based on the received information, the settlement bank delays the necessary amount from the issuer's account and credits it to the Accuer account.
  6. At the end of the credit company, which issued a credit card, writes the amount of the operation from the personal account of the cardholder, taking into account interest.

Debit and credit cards

By storage of funds, debit and credit cards distinguish. Let's see these types of bank cards:

  1. Debit. They are recommended to keep only personal cash. You can pay for goods or services only if there is a sufficient amount of funds in the account. In this category there are overdraft cards. Their plus is that with a shortage of cash on the personal account there is an opportunity to take them from the bank on credit. There are special "salary" or "student" cards, which are issued to students or workers in the organization for crediting wages or scholarships on their account. Salary plastic cards are most often debit, less often overdraft.
  2. Credit. On such plastic cards, the money is stored, which the bank under the terms of the contract gives us to use his client. At the same time, the loan framework is individually negotiated, sometimes the client's rights may include calculation and removal from the means, and not just storage. Usually about 50-70 days, credit plastic cards allow you to use an interest-free period.

Classic and platinum cards

There are other types of bank cards. By category, bank cards can be represented by both ordinary classical and "platinum". If the category of the card is more significant, then the cost of its maintenance also grows. So, there are classic bank cards, gold, platinum and more reference "black" cards, for example, MasterCard Black Edition or Visa Black. Of course, the possession of the "elite" card emphasizes the high status of its owner.

It is worth noting that the higher he has the card, the more significant privileges it can bring. Thus, many international systems give discounts for premium cardholders, and financial structures, in turn, provide special opportunities in the form of priority service, concierge service, personal manager and much more. The service complex depends on the specific bank.

What should include a bank card

Plastic card is not only a place to store cash. When choosing a bank and order, he has a plastic card to consider a number of aspects that will help not be mistaken:

  1. The very first and most basic is the reliability of the bank, which produces a plastic card. This item is especially important if you plan to purchase a debit card, since in case of the negligence of the financial institution, a person will simply lose its money. The best bank card is reliable and safe to use.
  2. Protection of the personal account of the bank card client. The company must use all advanced technologies to protect personal data and cash on the map. It is useful will be the service of insurance against loss or theft of the card.
  3. Good service. It is worth noting that many banks of Russia still cannot afford to provide customers with convenient mobile and online resources, and it makes it difficult to interact with the financial structure and using the card.
  4. Commission and interest rates. This includes affiliate programs that implement the bank. For example, if you pay for the purchases of the Youth Card "Visa" Sberbank, bonuses will be accrued, which can be spent on "youth" entertainment. Bank partners who can spend bonuses are fast food restaurants, cinemas, fashionable brands of clothing and sports shops. So, the best bank card is the one that offers the client many bonuses.

Visa or Mastercard.

Today, world space payments are represented by the two largest companies - Visa International and Mastercard International. What bank card is better: Visa or MasterCard? According to statistics, the VISA payment system is preferred to use about 56%, and MasterCard is approximately 24% of users. Despite these indicators, it is still desirable to use the MasterCard payment system, and that is why:

  • coverage - more than 200 countries, it can be used abroad, without fear of blocking or impossibility of removal of funds;
  • about 100 partner banks in Russia;
  • 30 million outlets that accept such maps worldwide;
  • safe payment of goods via the Internet;
  • masterCard MoneySend Protection;
  • the presence of mini-cards whose functionality is largely similar to the usual except that they cannot be used in ATMs;
  • masterCard Rewards Bonus Program - Paying for MasterCard Card purchases, the client receives bonus points, and in the future it can exchange them for prizes from the program catalog - currently there are more than 250 different gifts.

What payment system still give preference

What bank card is better to choose? The best payment systems in Russia are Visa International and Mastercard International. All banks of our country maintain plastic maps of this format. Maps of these two companies are quite different and endowed with various functions. So, if the client does not need any excesses, then you can safely take a Visa Electron card, Master Card Maestro. They do not take a fee for additional services, only an annual service fee is expected - 150 rubles.

You can issue a card with additional features, such as a "visa" map of Sberbank or MasterCard Standart, which allow you to shoot a room in a motel or hotel, quickly pay in the restaurant or rent a car. The content of these maps will cost a minimum of 750 rubles per year.

Segment of "elite" cards

And, of course, there is a premium-card segment - Gold, Platinum and Infinite, which open all the boundaries possible for the client. They can pay both in Russia and abroad. It should only remember that Visa International is a European payment system, and all payments are associated with the euro.

Bank card for travel to Europe - Visa. And if your gaze is fixed to America, it is better to use MasterCard, the system is tied to the dollar, and you will not lose money on double currency exchange.

How to find a better bank card with interest accrual?

When choosing a product with a keshBEK, it is better not to order too high categories of cards in banks, if you can get a similar benefit from a percentage. It is also worth paying attention to the presence of a single interest-free refund for all purchases and on special categories of things. For example, the presence of a 15% return of funds is carried out on a significant category "Shopping", and not on "household goods".

In addition to the maximum percentage of payment, you should carefully read all the conditions for the service of the card and the magnitude of the commissions. Sometimes the payment conditions directly depend on the activity of the bank's client and even a monthly residue on the personal account. And if you can not perform the conditions dictated by the bank, the benefits of using a plastic card, unfortunately, should not be expected.

The client is also to remember the limits of monthly accruals. This item is very important for those who spend on a map of more than 60 thousand rubles per month. In order not to go beyond the boundaries of the supplied framework, you need to either initially choose for yourself high charge limits or consult a bank employee about an increase in the existing one.

Absolutely all plastic bank cards are identical to each other with its main function. However, credit gives its user much more opportunities than debit. When choosing a choice between them, it is necessary to realize that they are completely different in their functional possibilities.

The debit card helps the user to store and accumulate their funds, and the credit makes it possible to receive funds that the user at the moment does not possess. If we are talking about a youth map, it is better to choose debit. Yes, and many who cares for personal finance control, still stop on debit. The best bank card is the one that is suitable for the needs of the client.

Security of funds

Today, various Internet resources provide assistance to people on calculating the various parameters of their plastic card, but when concluding a contract with the bank, it is desirable to continue to cooperate with him. Contact any questions related to a personal map follows only to the bank that has released it.

In this life, we will tell our feedback, what debit card is better to issue and why.

Debit card is a payment plastic card attached to your current account, on which, usually, your personal cash is stored.

Among the many bank cards and heaps of advertising it is difficult to find a truly advantageous product in the Russian market and it is sad, because in most civilized countries, banks are struggling for each client, while under the close view of the controlling bodies, and at the lowest attempt to mislead the client or To confuse it, get multimillion-dollar claims and fines. In our country, this is a super profitable business, with a minimum of responsibility and maximum loopholes for lobbying their interests. And even among tons of not interesting offers, we managed to find three options that will be able to interest you, but at the end we will summarize and choose what debit card it is more profitable to arrange(All cards were personally tested, and some are in use to this day, but about it later).

What debit cards take

We have three applicants in the first place:

We have already overlooked them in individual articles and you can familiarize yourself with them by clicking on the links.

All these debit cards differ from conservative Sberbank and other things that have a number of advantages, such as cachek on purchases, accrual interest on the residue and other interesting chips that we estimate in a pivot table.

A small explanation, green designated the best condition according to a specific parameter, orange average and red worse.

Table "What better to make a debit card"

Tinkoff Black

Rocketbank UK

Opening smart


Online. Is free. Delivered by courier.

Online. Is free. Delivered by courier.


FREE, provided that there is no less than 30,000 rubles permanent account, in the current month, otherwise 99 rubles / month.

Is free

Free, subject to turnover on the map (purchases), in the amount of at least 30,000 rubles in the current month, otherwise 299 steering wheel / month.

Cashback and bonus program

Standard 1%, a maximum of 30%. The system of categories of goods, with an increased cachekkom, which is adjusted to your interests (but not really, you can read about it ), returns in rubles.

Standard 1%, a maximum of 10% + discounts from partners up to 25%. System of favorite places, with high cachekkom. Returns to the roquetubles that can be spent only from 3000.

Standard 1%, rises to 1.5% when you spent 30000 in the current month. The Bank provides one category of goods with elevated cache. Returns in rubles.

Accrual on the residue

If you do not make a shopping on the card, then 0%, if you have made purchases up to 3000 rubles, then 3%, if over 3000 rebones, then 7%

Fixed 8%

Fixed 7.5%

Translations from the card on the map

Free on any card, any bank.

For free Rocket Bank card, the rest of the Commission is 1.5%.

Free on the card opening, the rest of the commission is 1.5%.

Translations for P / account

Is free.

Is free

Free to open opening, the rest of the Commission is 1.5%.

Replenishment of funds

Is free

Free from 5000 rubles, otherwise the commission is 1.5%.

Is free

Cash withdrawal

Free from 3000 in any ATM.

Free 5 times a month (you can remove the restriction by making a salary card).

Free to 5,000 rubles per month (up to 50,000 rubles, if you spend 30000 rubles).

affiliate program

300 rubles for each friend who will make a purchase for a certain amount on the map.

500 rocketubee for each other activated by the map. Your friend will also receive 500 strokes.


The convenience of the application

It is not convenient enough, lacks many functions in a mobile application that is in dextop.

Very comfortable and fast.

Very comfortable and fast.

In the aggregate, it can be said that the obvious leader is Rocket Bank and it is it that we put on the first place and if you want to open it, but also get 500 rubles to the account, Turn the software and register the application. Tinkoff has a number of advantages, but there are much more disadvantages and hidden conditions, so he is only second place with a large margin. In third place there is an experimental discovery project, with the least amount of favorable conditions (they can afford more conservative policies, because included in the TOP10 banks of Russia). I think that looking at this tablet you will not have a question what debit card open.

Despite the fact that our choice fell on Rocketbank, you can make completely different conclusions, then leave your comment, why do you think this is.

Now you know what debit card with cachek choose. Leave your comments, with reviews, offers and wishes.

Among the variety of banking products, debit cards occupy a rather large niche. The spectrum of their use is very wide. Customers are available cards for transferring pensions and salaries, accumulation of income, bonuses and privileges, for settlements on the Internet and many others. About what debit card is better to choose - read in the article. *

How to calculate the benefit of a debit card

Accurate answer to the question of what is the benefit on the map does not exist. In addition to the provision of financial benefits, debit cards sometimes guarantee the loyalty of the bank. For example, customers who have salary cards have the right to count on more favorable conditions for issuing loans. For some proposals, banks produce free additional cards, which makes it possible to save on maintenance.

Pensioners having social "plastic" receive interest on the balance of funds comparable to deposits. Benefits when issuing loans apply to them too.

Cards with percentage accrued on the residue are very attractive if they do not have hard restrictions. Accumulating income, the client has the right to use it for any purpose, including for the payment of annual services. Thus, cards become free.

Also on some debit products is provided by Cash back. The benefit of it directly depends on the percentage established by the Bank and the conditions of the program. Sometimes customers prefer the return of money in the amount of 1%, but from each purchase and in any outlet, than a bonus of 20%, but only in a limited circle of stores.

What is particularly paying attention to when choosing a debit card

When searching for a suitable card, a rare client scrupulously examines the contract and compares the conditions in various credit institutions. Many are content with the fact that the map is allowed to take money in, replenish them in cash and non-cash, pay in stores. Do not everyone know that ordinary debit cards can generate income.

The benefit on the debit card is made up of several components:

  1. Proper selection of bank. Large organizations rarely offer customers super-profitable conditions. But their plus is stability. Unlike Korifeev, beginners and small banks often "throw out" to the market of services, tempting offers to attract customers.
  2. Service cost in the first and subsequent years of the use of the card.
  3. Commission for opening an account. Many cards do not have it, but there are bank offers with a fee for opening up to 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Card status. Premium, platinum and gold maps have a lot of privileges and bonuses, preferential conditions of use. But at the same time - expensive service. They are good at large volumes of revolutions.
  5. Availability or absence of non-reduced residue on the map.

Those who want to use all the possibilities of debit cards will not be more important to inform about the profitability of the proposal, the presence of bonus programs, Cash back, discounts from the bank's partners.

1. Return to a percentage card from purchases or services purchased in bank partner stores is practiced by almost all credit organizations. The minimum bonus is 0.5% of the amount of acquisition. Example serves "Thank you from Sberbank." Maximum refund is more than 10%. By providing such a gift, the bank exhibits loyalty to regular customers and encourages them to use not only cards, but also by other services.

4. Cards with discounts from bank partner stores help to save on the purchase of goods and services.

When choosing a bank to open a debit card, it is necessary to take into account not only the terms of the use of "plastic". It is worth paying attention to the availability, prevalence of self-service devices, binding to international payment systems and the availability of other services convenient for the client.

The Tinkoff Bank does not have a network of offices. Due to the lowest maintenance costs, it offers customers favorable conditions on card and other products. Popular Tinkoff Black is drawn up on the official website in 5 minutes. Its conditions suggest an accrual of 8% for the balance of funds and Cash back to 30%.

A salary card from VTB24 when connecting the service package "Privilege" allows you to receive up to 9% per year to the balance of funds on the account. In addition, the bonus is Cash-back from 1 to 5% and discounts in bank partner stores up to 40% of the purchase price.

Alpha Bank Visa and MasterCard Platinum and Platinum Black / Black Edition cards not only have certain privileges, but also are profitable. They assume accrual to 8% on the balance of funds. For each card, an individual cumulative account opens. For all offers there are discounts from bank partners in the amount of up to 10%.

Find the best profitable debit card - the task is not from the simplest. To select suitable suggestions, look at the cost of maintenance, the magnitude of the keshback and percentage size to the residue .. In this article we will look at banks and their debit card rating:

    Tinkoff Bank (Tinkoff Black)

    Alfa Bank (Cash Back Map)

    Raiffeisenbank (Visa Classic)

    Sberbank (youth card)

    Promsvyazbank ("Your Keshbek")

    VTB24 (multicart)

    Rosbank (# can +)

Tinkoff Bank (Tinkoff Black)

This is one of the most popular debit cachex cards in the Russian Federation and the Middle abroad. Monthly can be obtained up to 10% of Kesbak to the rest of up to 300,000 rubles. What is very important, Cachebc from Tinkoff is really a refund! Monthly you get money to your account, which can be disposed of as you wish.

TinkoffBlack XBEK percent:

  • Cachebc with regular purchases - 1%
  • Cachebc with three categories chosen by you personally - 5%
  • Kesbek in partners of the bank - up to 30%.

Additional advantages Tinkoff Black:

  • One card is four currencies. Make a multi-currency card and instantly change the currency when it is convenient for you;
  • Favorable currency exchange. In Tinkoff Bank, the exchange rate of currency is as close as possible to stock exchange;
  • Payment through the phone. You can pay all your purchases through Google Pay, Apple Pay or Samsung Pay;
  • Remove for free Cash without a Tinkoff Bank ATM cards you need only a phone with NFC.

If you have a contribution or more than 30,000 rubles remain on the map. By the end of the estimated period, then the maintenance of "plastic" is completely free. In all other cases, the cost of service is 99 rubles / month.

When placing a bonom card Tinkoff Black Edition, you get a concierge from Prime, autoconsen from Alfred, insurance on trips to 5 people coated up to 100,000 US dollars, cachek up to 10% for booking housing via, 5% caches for tickets and 10 % for rental cars. Also, you have access to the Business Hall of Lounge Key airports.

Both cards are free to use within the limits set in tariffs. Tinkoff Black Edition will be served free if you spend on purchases from all accounts in the amount of 200,000 rubles or if you keep on cards, accumulative, brokerage accounts and tinkoff contributions at least 3 million rubles. In other cases, Black Edition service will cost 1990 rubles / month.

Alfa Bank (Cash Back Map)

Annual percentage on the balance of the debit card of Alfa-Bank - 6%.

Kesbak conditions:

  • 10% of the gas station;
  • 5% from accounts in food institutions;
  • 1% of other purchases.

Return is carried out at the total amount of shopping on the map from 10,000 rubles / month. Maximum return amounts are also installed; So, when making purchases from 10,000 rubles. per month you can get no more than 15,000 rubles. Kesbek for the month.

Service is free if purchases for the amount of more than 10,000 rubles. per month or have a balance on account of more than 30,000 rubles.

Raiffeisenbank (Visa Classic)

Visa Classic is the most popular debit card at Raiffeisen. It can be like ruble and currency. It is impossible to change the currency, so approach the choice as much as possible. Monthly service fee - 59 rubles.

Remember that you cannot shoot and translate funds more than 200,000 rubles / day and 1 million rubles / month. If the amount of replenishment is less than 10,000 rubles or carried out through the Internet bank or in a mobile application, then it is completely free. If you replenish your account by more than 10,000 rubles, the Commission will be 100 rubles.

Remove funds most profitable through Raiffeisen ATMs or partner banks - then it will be free. For the removal of funds in the department or ATMs of other banks you will need to pay 150 rubles / or $ 5 / commission + 1% of the amount. We do not advise you to shoot foreign currency through the Bank's cashier. In this case, the Commission is 0.7% (min. 300 rubles) in rubles or as much as $ 10 / € 10, if you have a currency account.

RNO "Paying Center" ("Corn")

With this debit card you will receive up to 6.5% per annum with a monthly payment of interest. When using the "interest on the residue" service, the revenue income rises to 7.5% per annum. In addition, you get up to 3% keshback bonus rubles for all purchases and up to 30% for purchases from partners. If you talk about contactless payment, then "corn" supports PayPass and SamsungPay. If you have an ADNDRID-smartphone of another brand or iPhone, then so far you can not use the phone.

You can get a "corn" card in any salon of the network "Svyaznoy". She accepts any online shopping. Foreign purchases in dollars and the euro are automatically converted at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank (youth card)

The card is produced for customers with age from 14 to 25 years. The service is only 150 rubles / year. This is one of the lowest indicators among our top.

Maximum you can replenish yourself an account for no more than 10 million rubles. No, we are not sealed. The bank actually offers such more debit cards for young customers. Daily removal limit: 150,000 rubles, despite the fact that during the month it is impossible to remove more than 1.5 million rubles. These amounts should be enough even the most picky student.

For the removal of funds in ATMs of other banks, it will be necessary to pay 1% of the amount, but not less than 100 rubles. You will also get free mobile banking on the first 2 months. Then he will cost 60 rubles. But you can save, abandoning SMS informing. Then mobile banking and then will be completely free.

At the "Youth Map" there is a Keshbek "Thank you" in the amount of 0.5% of any purchases and up to 11% of partners. You can buy goods from the Bank's partners for the bonus "Thank you." 1 bonus \u003d 1 rub. Discounts. Exchange bonuses for discounts up to 99% from the Bank's partners. Contactless payments are also available here, connecting to GooglePay and Apple Pay. In addition, with a youth card you can buy goods with a 20% discount from partners of the bank. And the main feature of the "youth card" - you yourself choose the design. That is, on your card can be depicted both family photos and funny meme.

Promsvyazbank ("Your Keshbek")

You can submit an application for issuing a map both online and in the bank's department. For each purchase, bonuses are accrued that can be used at the rate of 1 bonus \u003d 1 ruble.

Thanks to the map "Your Keshbak" from Promsvyazbank, you get up to 5% for three selected categories (for example, beauty, gas stations and health) and 1% for all purchases. Service is free if you spent more than 20,000 rubles for a month. Or have such an amount in the account, otherwise the fee will be 149 rubles. per month. SMS notification Paid: 39 rubles / month. The cash issuance fee is provided only upon receipt of money in ATMs of third-party banks.

Promsvyazbank collaborates with the Shopotam service. When making a ShoppingCard, you will receive a free address to deliver orders and you can combine the package.

VTB24 (multicart)

For purchases using multicast VTB, you will be accrued to 10% bonuses. Bonuses you can then translate money into account or exchange for goods or services from a special catalog. To increase the turn around the map, you can place up to five additional cards for your loved ones for free.

Card service is free if you make purchases for more than 5000 rubles. per month, otherwise the fee will be 249 rubles. per month

Rosbank (supercarpe +)

With a map from Rosbank, you will receive Cacheb:

  • cachex to 10% for selected categories and 1% per rest;
  • or travel bonuses for each 100 rubles. purchases.

Once a month it is allowed to change the selected categories that you want to receive increased caches. If you have chosen the receipt of travel bonuses, you can pay for them tickets and hotels on the Rosbank portal at the rate of 1 bonus \u003d 1 ruble.

The service fee is 1999 rubles, the first year is free. However, the Bank relies from the service fee if you receive a salary card more than 50,000 rubles. per month, shopping in the amount of more than 40,000 rubles. per month or have more than 500,000 rubles. on deposits and accounts.


Each cachec card has its own characteristics. One can earn bonus miles, the second to receive discounts on the gas station, and the third makes the shopping. Choose that card that is suitable for you. Be sure to pay attention to:

  • cacheb;
  • percentage on the balance of funds;
  • price lugs.

Only so you can choose a decent and advantageous debit card with Kesbekk.

Hello, dear friends! As you remember, I already told you about what they are. However, it seems to me, one theory in this matter is not enough, and therefore I decided to help you find and order the most profitable and profitable plastic. I suggest you do not pull rubber And go to the answer to the question of which debit card is better to make it right now!

What to pay attention to when choosing a card

If you are ready to become a lucky way and arrange the most profitable debit card online, then you should pay attention to such moments.

Cost service card

The desire to save is in our blood. To enormous regret, such savings often leads to a refusal of the most important things. They did not exception in this matter and our debit cards. Most often, future bank clients choose the cheapest "plastic" in the annual service, without paying attention to its functional filling. However, I advise you to do selection with perspective for the future:do not be afraid to overpay at the beginning and acquire a truly profitable banking product in which it will be present cashback and the accrual of% on the balance of own funds in the account.

The presence of these options will be able to return to you for annual service costs. By the way, sometimes it can even be a very profitable acquisition. But to become the owner of such a miracle product is a rarity, since banks extremely rarely offer their customers a shares on the design of high-quality cards completely free. Nevertheless, the moment takes place to be, and therefore I suggest you to explore the proposals of banks.

Accrual of interest rates on the balance of own funds

Personally, I like this service on deposites most. This function is very profitable, but, unfortunately, is provided by very few banks. Therefore, I advise you to seriously approach to which bank is better to open a debit card, so that you have also received the possibility of light and unobtrusive accumulation with the possibility of lung and unobtrusive accumulation through monthly interest incentives for your economy.

The cost of ownership of "plastic"

It is very important to find out how much you can open a current account, cash output in an ATM, changing the PIN code, blocking the card. Such seemingly minor nuances, ultimately can pour into a round sum.

Online Bank

Quality and convenience online banking And the ability to connect it. It is very important that you can make the same operations as in the bank, right at home at any time of the day and night. The ability to lead your accounts yourself anywhere in the world, where there is an Internet, will greatly facilitate your relationship with the bank.

Mobile app

Availability convenient mobile application It will make it possible to check the status of your bank account directly from your mobile phone.

In addition, many programs are able to provide you with the opportunity to carry out non-cash payments, transfer money, check bonus accounts with Cachebank and much more.


Especially, the limit on cash withdrawals. In order to secure your finance, banks establish daily cache limits for cashing cards in ATMs. If you decide that you need a deposit with a large cash withdrawal limit, you can always contact your bank and apply for its increase.

What bank is better to make a debit card

In many banks, you will be offered a huge range of products, ranging from and ending with plastic without fee for content. But how not to get lost in such a variety of bonuses and additional services and determine which debit card should you choose? I advise you to compare the maps of several banks that you liked the following criteria:

  • will you have the opportunity tie a card with payment systemsto output with recent funds;
  • how high-quality and functional will online banking And can you connect it;
  • can you connect sMS-bankingwhich you will monitor all your cash operations;
  • will you be granted cashbek And how common is its network.

Of course, deciding where to issue a card, and in which bank to go, you will get a lot of different proposals regarding interest, limits and conditions for the use of "plastic". Perhaps one of you will not agree with me, but in your own experience I can say that choosing a bank to open debit cards is needed from among large commercial. This is primarily due to more favorable conditions than those that offer in state structures like Sberbank.

Commercial banks have adequate competition that makes them fight for their customers. Therefore, they tirelessly improve their service, quality of service, upgrade Internet banking and mobile applications, offer customers bonuses and discounts. So if you want to get a maximum of benefits and benefit from the purchase of a debit card, I advise you to prefer to commercial banks. By the way, for those who are thinking about to settle in their wallet credit card or discover the contribution, this Council is also relevant.

The best cards in my opinion

So, to decide which debit card can be recognized as the best, I bring to your attention a small list of the most profitable, in my opinion, banking products. I emphasize that this list is based on a purely subjective assessment.. So, when a question arose in front of me regarding which debit card to get to, I immediately turned for help to my faithful and reliable friend, the Internet. He told me about the top 100 Russian banks, among whom I started my search. Immediately tell you that the first state ten of this rating will not offer you the "Golden Mountains", because it does not need support from additional financial resources. Staying the rating of the largest credit and financial institutions, I stopped at such versions:

Debit card Tinkoff Black

Among the proposals of simpler and non-monitoring banks "Plastic" looks quite attractive and interesting. I myself personally am the holder of this card and can tell you with a clean conscience that the products are perhaps the best in our country in relation to the usability of use and all the advantages that the Bank provides.

As for the conditions and percent of the tinkoff cumulative card, then, by placing an amount that does not exceed it 300 000 rublesyou will provide a passive income in the amount of 6% per annum. If you decide to replenish an account for the amount of Pozhyster, be prepared for the fact that the profitability of the card will fall in half and will be all 4% per annum. Removing in any ATM sum from 3 000 rublesYou may not worry about the Commission, it will not be just not removed. Your own account you can manage directly through the mobile app, and for the purchase, paid by the card, you will receive cashback in size from 1 to 30 percent from the amount spent. Well, having an open ruble contribution in the amount of at least 30 000 You are guaranteed to get rid of the need to pay for annual card maintenance.

Arrange the map Tinkoff

Alfa Bank

Maps from this bank occupy an honorable second place in my ranking. The undoubted advantage of this bank can be considered high cacheki from 1% for all purchases and up to 5-10%, depending on categories (for example, gas station, cafes, restaurants), willing cash without commissions in ATMs of banks of partners throughout the Russian Federation and return of the accumulation account 6% of the amount. That before the characteristics of the Alpha plastic, I can not say that it is better or worse than "Tinkoff", because they are very similar to them, however, I have a personal sympathy because of their service, the work of those support and in Overall, I did not have difficulty or problems with her, and therefore I send him to the top step of the personal rating pedestal. To make a map you need to fill out an application on the bank's website.

Order Alpha Bank card with profitable cachebek


Rocket Bank (He is "Point") is a branch "Opening". Offer excellent profitable depositwhose maintenance will not cost you money.

That up to the size of the annual% accrued on the balance of their own funds, Rocket Bank is somewhat generous Tinkoff, and offers to customers 6.5% on the residue.Of the minuses, I would only call the fact that on this bank products end, there are no credits, mortgages, there is only a mobile application and that's it. If we talk about the reliability of the bank, then the rockety bank is a convenient bank service, but now in addition to the service he has an owner. From December 2015, he watches finances and is a powerful foundation for the Bank Opening.

Map Rocket Bank


In this article I tried as much as possible and informative Tell you about the rules for choosing debit cards, made optimal, in my opinion, the rating of existing offers today in the market of the Russian Federation. I really hope that the knowledge gained in the review will help you make the right decision and not make a mistake in choosing a banking product. More information about cachekee, accrual% to the balance, annual service can be found in other articles of my blog. Be regulations, and to the ambulance!

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