Scheme of operation of the heating system. System of heating with pumping circulation - reliable heating at home

This guide is intended to hold the owners of small private houses, seeking independently organize housing heating in order to save money. The most rational solution for such buildings is the closed heating system (abbreviated - CSO), which is operating with overpressure of the coolant. Consider its principle of operation, the species of layout schemes and the device with their own hands.

The principle of action closed with

Closed (otherwise - closed) The heating system is a network of pipelines and heating devices, in which the coolant is completely isolated from the atmosphere and moves forcibly from the circulation pump. Any CSO necessarily includes such elements:

  • heating unit - gas, solid fuel or electric boiler;
  • security group consisting of a pressure gauge, safety and air valve;
  • heating devices - radiators or contours of warm floors;
  • connecting pipelines;
  • pump, pumping water or non-freezing liquid through pipes and batteries;
  • filter net coarse cleaning (mud);
  • a closed expansion tank equipped with a membrane (rubber "pear");
  • cranes, balancing valves.
Typical circuit closed thermal

Note. Depending on the scheme, the composition of the CSO additionally includes modern devices for controlling the temperature and flow of coolant - radiator thermal heads, reverse and three-way valves, thermostats, and the like.

The algorithm of the work of the closed type system with forced circulation looks like this:

  1. After assembly and crimping, the pipeline network is filling, while the pressure gauge shows the minimum pressure of 1 bar.
  2. Automatic safety group air vent in the fill process produces air from the system. It deals with the removal of gases accumulating in the pipes during operation.
  3. The next step is to turn on the pump, start the boiler and heating the coolant.
  4. As a result of heating, the pressure inside the CSO increases to 1.5-2 bar.
  5. The increase in hot water is compensated by a membrane expansion tank.
  6. If the pressure rises above the critical point (usually 3 bar), the safety valve will discharge the extra liquid.
  7. Once in 1-2 years, the system must undergo emptying and washing procedure.

The principle of the SSO of an apartment building is absolutely identical - the movement of the coolant for pipes and radiators provide network pumps located in an industrial boiler room. There are also expansion tanks, a mixing or elevator node is engaged in temperature adjustment.

As a closed heating system functions, explains to the video:

Positive qualities and disadvantages

The main differences between the closed heat supply networks from obsolete open systems with natural circulation are the lack of contact with the atmosphere and the use of pumping pumps. From here there are a number of advantages:

  • the necessary pipe diameters are reduced by 2-3 times;
  • the slopes of highways are made minimal because they serve to drain the water in order to wash or repair;
  • the coolant is not lost by evaporation from the open tank, respectively, you can safely fill the pipelines and batteries by antifreeze;
  • ZSO is more economical on the effectiveness of heating and the cost of materials;
  • the closed heating is better to regulate and automation, can act in conjunction with solar collectors;
  • the forced flow of the coolant allows you to organize an outdoor heating with pipes, inside the screed or in a furrows of the walls.

The gravitational (samotane) open system wins the SSO for non-volatile - the latter is unable to work normally without a circulation pump. The moment is second: in the closed network contains much less water and in case of overheating, for example, a TT-boiler, a high probability of boiling and formation of steam cork is high.

Reference. From the boiling of the wood boiler saves a plus buffer container absorbing the height of the heat.

Types of closed systems

Before you buy heating equipment, pipe fittings and materials, you need to select the preferred version of the closed water system. Masters-plumbing practices the installation of four main schemes:

  1. One-tube with vertical and horizontal wiring (Leningradka).
  2. Collector, otherwise - radiation.
  3. Two-pipe deadlock with shoulders of the same or different length.
  4. Tichelman loop - ring wiring with associated water movement.

Additional Information. Water warm floors also include closed heating systems. It is much more difficult to assemble radiator heating, novice to take on such installation is not recommended.

We suggest to consider each diagram separately, viewing the pros and cons. As an example, take a project of a single-storey private house with an area of \u200b\u200b100 m² with a bounted boiler room, whose layout is presented in the drawing. The magnitude of the heat load on heating is already calculated, the required amount of heat is indicated for each room.

Installation of layout elements and connection to the heat source is approximately the same. The installation of the circulation pump is usually provided in the return, the mud is mounted in front of it, the feed pipe with the crane and (if watching). Typical blockage of solid fuel and gas boiler is presented in diagrams.

Expansion tank in the figure is conditionally shown

Read more about Mounting and methods for connecting heating units using different energy carriers, read in separate manuals:

Single-pipe layout

The popular horizontal scheme "Leningradka" is one ring line of increased diameter, where all heating devices are connected. Passing through the pipe, the flow of the heated coolant is divided on each tee and cries in the battery, as shown below on the sketch.

Having achieved a branch, the stream is divided into 2 parts, about a third its in the radiator, where it is cooled and returns to the main

Passing the warmth of the room, the cooled water returns back to the highway, mixed with the main flow and moves to the next radiator. Accordingly, the second heating device gets water cooled by 1-3 degrees, and again selects the desired amount of heat.

Leningrad horizontal wiring - one ring line bypass all heating appliances

Result: In each subsequent radiator, increasingly cold water comes. This imposes certain restrictions on the closed one-tube system:

  1. The heat transfer of the third, fourth and subsequent battery needs to be calculated with a reserve of 10-30% by adding additional sections.
  2. The minimum diameter of the highway is DN20 (internal). The outer size of the PPR of the pipes will be 32 mm, metalplastic and stitched polyethylene - 26 mm.
  3. The cross section of the supply pipes to the heaters - DN10, the outer diameter is 20 and16 mm for PPR and PEX, respectively.
  4. The maximum number of heating devices in one ring "Leningradka" - 6 pcs. If you take more, there will be problems with increasing the number of sections of the last radiators and an increase in the diameter of the spreading pipe.
  5. The cross section of the annular pipeline does not decrease throughout.

Reference. A single-tube layout is vertical - with the lower or upper distribution of the coolant for risers. Such systems are used to organize a samoneca in two-story private cottages or operate under pressure in apartment buildings of the old building.

A single-pipe system of heating of a closed type will cost inexpensively if it is soldered from polypropylene. In other cases, it will decently hit the pocket at the expense of the price of the main pipe and fittings (tees) of large sizes. What does "Leningradka" look like in our single-storey building, demonstrated in the drawing.

Since the total number of heating devices exceeds 6 pcs. The system is divided into 2 rings with a common reverse collector. Noticeably the inconvenience of mounting one-pipe layout - you have to cross the doorways. Reducing the duct in one radiator causes a change in water consumption in other batteries, so the balancing "Leningradka" is to coordinate the work of all heaters.

Advantages of the radiation scheme

Why the collector system received such a name is clearly visible on the presented scheme. From the comb, installed in the center of the building, the individual coolant feed lines are diverged to each instrument of heating. The eyeliner is laid in the form of a ray along the shortest path - under the sexes.

The collector of the closed radial system is powered directly from the boiler, circulation in all circuits provides a single pump located in the furnace. In order to protect the branches from convulsion in the fill process, automatic valves are installed on the ridge - air vent.

Strengths of the collector system:

  • energy efficiency scheme, since it allows you to clearly dose the amount of coolant sent to each radiator;
  • the heating network is easy to enter into any interior - the supply pipes can be hidden in the floor, walls or over a suspended (stretched) ceiling;
  • the hydraulic balancing of the branches is made using manual valves and flow meters (rotameters) installed on the collector;
  • water is supplied to all batteries of the same temperature;
  • schema's operation is easy to automate - the operating valves of the collector are equipped with servo drives that closes the flow of thermostat;
  • The SSO of this type is suitable for cottages of any sizes and floors - at each level of the building there is a separate collector, distributing the heat of battery groups.

From the point of view of financial investments, the closed radiation system is not too expensive. A lot of pipes are consumed, but their diameter is minimal - 16 x 2 mm (DN10). Instead of the factory comb, it is fully allowed to be used, paved from polypropylene tees or twisted from steel fittings. True, without rotimetrov, the adjustment of the heating network will have to do with radiator balancing valves.

The camshaft is placed in the center of the building, the radiator lines are directly packed.

The minuses of radial layout are a bit, but they are worth attention:

  1. Hidden installation and testing of pipelines is performed only at the stage of new construction or overhaul. Laying radiator liners in the floors of an attached home or an apartment unrealistic.
  2. The collector is extremely preferably located in the center of the building, as shown in the drawing of a one-story house. The goal is to make eyelid to batteries of approximately the same length.
  3. In the event of a leakage of the pipe, deputy in the floor screed, find the place of defect without the thermal imager is quite difficult. Do not take connections in the screed, otherwise the risk of encountering the problem shown in the photo.

Connection leakage inside concrete monolith

Two-pipe options

In the device of autonomous heating of apartments and country houses, 2 varieties of such schemes are used:

  1. Tupic (another name - shoulder). The heated water is distributed by heating devices through one highway, and it is going to flow back to the boiler over the second line.
  2. Tichelman loop (associated wiring) is a ring two-pipe network, where heated and cooled heat carrier moves in one direction. The principle of operation is similar - the batteries are obtained from one highway, and the cooled is reset into the second pipeline - the return.

Note. In a closed backway system, the reverse line starts from the first radiator, and the feed ends on the latter. To disassemble the scheme presented below.

What is good deadlock closed home heating system:

  • the number of "shoulders" - dead-end branches - limited only by the power of the boiler installation, so the two-pipe layout is suitable for any building;
  • pipes are fitted with an open or closed way inside building structures - at the request of the homeowner;
  • as in the radiation scheme, equally hot water comes to all batteries;
  • ZSO is perfectly adjustable, automation and balancing;
  • correctly unfolded "shoulders" do not cross the doorways;
  • according to the cost of materials and installation, the dead-end layout will be cheaper than one-tube, if the assembly is carried out with metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes.

Optimal Battery Connection Option - Two separate branches envelm rooms from two sides

Designing a closed humerus of a cottage or residential house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 squares does not represent a special complexity. Even if you make branches of different lengths, the scheme will be able to balance by deep balancing. An example of a wiring in a single-storey building of 100 m² with two "shoulders" is shown above in the drawing.

Council. When the branches should be selected, the heating load should be taken into account. The optimal number of batteries on each "shoulder" - from 4 to 6 pcs.

Attachment of heaters with associated movement of the coolant

Tichelman's loop is an alternative version of a closed two-pipe network, which involves the combination of a large number of heating devices (over 6 pcs.) In a single ring. Take a look at the scheme of passing wiring and notice: through no matter how the radiator either proceeds the heat carrier, the total length of the route will not change.

From here there is an almost perfect hydraulic equilibrium of the system - the resistance of all sections of the network is equally. This is a significant advantage of Tichelman's loops over other closed wiring entails and the main drawback - 2 highways inevitably cross the doorway. Bypass options - under the sexes and above the door jammer with the installation of automatic air vent.

The disadvantage - the ring loop passes through the opening of the entrance door

Choice of the heating circuit of a country house

  1. Tepique two-pipe.
  2. Collector.
  3. Two-pipe passing.
  4. One-tube.

From here Tip: You will not be mistaken if for the house with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 200 m². You will choose the first option - a dead-end scheme, it is suitable in any case. The radiation layout is inferior to it in two indicators - the price and possibility of mounting indoors with the finished finish.

A single-tube version of the heating network is perfect for a small house with a quadrature of each floor up to 70 m². Tichelman's loop is appropriate on extended branches that do not cross the doors, such as the heating of the upper floors of the building. How to choose the right system for houses of various shapes and floors, look at the video:

Regarding the selection of pipe diameters and mounting, we will give several recommendations:

  1. If the dwelling area does not exceed 200 m², it is not necessary to carry out the calculations - use the advice of the expert on video or take the cross-section of the pipelines according to the schemes above.
  2. When you need to "hang" on the branch of a dead-end layout, more than six radiators, increase the diameter of the pipe to 1 size - instead of DN15 (20 x 2 mm) take DN20 (25 x 2.5 mm) and label to the fifth battery. Further lead the trunk of the smaller cross section indicated initially (DN15).
  3. In the building under construction, it is better to make a radiation layout and select radiators with lower connections. The underground highways will necessarily insulate and protect the plastic corrugation in the places of crossing the walls.
  4. If you do not know how to properly solder polypropylene, then it is better not to associate with the PPP pipes. Install the heating from stitched polyethylene or metalplastic on compression or press fittings.
  5. Do not lay the joints of the pipelines into the wall or tie, in order not to have problems with leaks in the future.

The heating of the suburban cottage rooms can be organized in various ways - furnaces, gas or electric convectors, infrared devices and other air heaters. But for residential rooms, traditional water heating remains the preferred option. The device of such a system in a private house or apartment begins with the choice of the correct scheme that takes into account the layout of the building and the alignment of heating equipment.

How the system works

If you plan to independently carry out heat in the room, it is worth understanding the design and principle of water heating. Three components of any scheme:

  • installation generating heat energy and transmitting it water;
  • pipe laying;
  • heating devices located in heated rooms.
One of the ways to organize heating in a dwelling for 2 floors - two-pipe shoulder layout

Note. Shut-off valves - cranes, balancing valves, mixing valves - are always part of the wiring. Additional equipment -, are part of the boiler or mounted separately.

The principle of operation of the system is based on the transfer of heat from the source to the heating devices by means of a liquid working body - ordinary water capable of absorbing a large amount of energy (specific heat capacity - 4.18 kJ / kg ° C). In some cases, non-freezing liquid is used - an aqueous solution of ethylene glycol or propylene glycol. How does this happen:

  1. Burning hydrocarbon fuel or consuming electricity, the installation heats the water to a temperature of 40 ... 90 degrees.
  2. The hot heat carrier moves through pipes using a pump or naturally (due to convection) to water radiators.
  3. A heat exchange occurs between heating devices and air rooms - water flowing through the battery cools 10-20 ° C, the atmosphere of the room warms up. Plus, the hot surface of the radiator highlights infrared thermal radiation.
  4. The cooled heat carrier returns to the highway to the heat generator, where heats up to the desired temperature again.
  5. Excess water, formed during thermal expansion, enters a special container. When the temperature in the system drops, the fluid is shrinking again and leaves the expansion tank.

The working cycle of heating - water is heated by a boiler installation, along the pipes are sent to radiators, where he gives heat to the surrounding air

Reference. Intensive separation of infrared heat The surface of the battery begins at a temperature of more than 60 ° C.

Before conducting heating, remember the one rule: the effectiveness of heating is practically independent of the volume of water in the system. This indicator affects only the heating / cooling rate of the house when it is started or stopping the heat generator.

We list really important features:

  • the temperature difference at the entrance and outlet of the home heater, the maximum allowable - 25 degrees;
  • source power - must be selected heat loss through the external walls + air heating for ventilation;
  • coolant consumption - the volume of water passing through the heating devices for 1 hour;
  • hydraulic resistance of the pipeline network together with radiators, ideally should not exceed 1 bar (10 m of water column).

Clarification regarding the total coolant in the pipes will give an expert Vladimir Sukhorukov in his video:

Types of boilers and other water heating devices

The efficiency of the heating in a private house depends on the installation heating the working body (water). The correctly selected unit generates the amount of heat required for radiators and the boiler of indirect heating (if available), economically spending energy carriers.

Autonomous water system can work from:

  • water boiler that uses certain fuel - natural gas, firewood, coal, diesel engine;
  • electrocotel;
  • furnaces on firewood with water contour ();
  • heat pump.

Addition. There are combined types of heaters, simultaneously combining 2-3 energy carriers, for example, coal - natural gas, firewood - electricity (one instance is shown below in the photo). There are also universal boilers where you can install diesel nozzle, gas or pellet burner - to choose from.

Most often, the boilers are used for the organization of heating in cottages - gas, electrical and solid fuel. The latter are made only in the outdoor performance, the remaining heat generators - wall and stationary. Diesel units are used less often, the reason is the high price of fuel. As a water-heated household boiler, is considered in the detailed manual.

The furnace heating, combined with water registers or modern radiators, is a good solution for the heating of cottages, a garage and a small residential house of 50-100 m². Disadvantage - placed inside stove heat exchanger heats water uncontrollably. To avoid boiling, it is important to ensure forced circulation in the system.

Reference. Previously, similar schemes were made by samoton - without a pump, with an open expansion tank. Registers and highways were welded from steel pipes with a diameter of 40 ... 80 mm (internal) laid with a slope of 3-5 mm per 1 m for a better samotek. Heating was called vapor, because the system was not afraid of boiling.

Modern gravitational system without a patching unit working from a water loop of a brick oven

Thermal pumps were not widely distributed in the territory of the countries of the former union. The reasons:

  • the main problem is the high cost of the equipment;
  • because of the cold climate, air-water vehicles are simply ineffective;
  • geothermal systems "Earth - Water" are complex in montage;
  • electronic blocks and thermal pump compressors are quite road in repair and maintenance.

Due to the high price, the payback period of aggregates exceeds 15 years. But the effectiveness of the installations (3-4 kW of heat per 1 expended kilowatt of electricity) attracts masters - craftsmen trying to collect homemade counterparts from old air conditioners.

  1. The diameter of the main pipe is at least 20 mm (internal passage), which corresponds to the outer size of metal-plastic 26 mm, polypropylene - 32 mm. The specified cross section remains the same over the entire length of the pipeline.
  2. The number of batteries in 1 branches is a maximum of 6 pcs., Otherwise you have to increase the diameter of the spreading pipe to 32-50 mm. Installation is complicated and more expensive by 15-20% (minimum).
  3. Since less heated water comes to distant radiators, their heat exchange surface must be increased by 10 ... 30%, adding the number of sections.
  4. Manual or automatic adjustment of the duct after 1 heater affects the operation of the rest of the instruments, as the temperature and water flow in the overall highway is changing.

The batteries of a single-tube system are resetting the cooled water back into the common manifold

Reference. In apartment buildings of the Soviet buildings, vertical single-pipe systems are operated, where the batteries are joined to the risers, the principle of "Leningradka" is preserved. Similar schemes, only in miniature, are used in two-storey private cottages when you need to organize samonek.

A single-tube closed water heating scheme is suitable for country and residential houses with an area of \u200b\u200b60 ... 100 m². Two floors are not a problem, the system is divided into 2 ring branches converging on tees near the boiler, the pump is involved alone.

Dual Tube Schemes - Ring and Tupic

The characteristic difference is the division of the hot and cooled coolant for 2 lines - feed and reverse. Here two pipes come to the batteries - one water comes into radiators, through the second flows back to the boiler. For housing heating, 2 systems are used:

  1. With a stupid scheme, the coolant is on the highway to the last device, then returns through the return - flows in the opposite direction.
  2. In the Tilelman ring loop, water does not change the direction of movement after exiting the battery. That is, the coolant in both highways flows in one direction.

Two-pipe thermal network of one-story house with dead-end branches

Addition. The first system consists of one or more dead-end branches - shoulders of different either the same length. The second is done in the form of one or more closed rings converging on the boiler.

Advantages of two-pipe battery connection methods:

  • small diameters of highways - 15-20 mm (internal);
  • all radiators are filled with the coolant of the same temperature;
  • there are no restrictions on the number of heaters for 1 lines;
  • the system is amenable to automation and adjustment, changing the flow or complete shutdown of one battery does not affect the operation of the neighboring;
  • properly collected passing wiring is well balanced hydraulically;
  • low installation costs.

In the loop of Tichelmann, the first radiator on the feed line becomes the last on the reverse, and the water flows through the pipelines in one direction

A dead-end scheme is easy to assemble with your own hands - it "forgives" frivolous errors and is easily balanced. With the loop of Tichelman, it is more difficult - in a single-storey building, the double highway will definitely cross the opening of the entrance door, which will have to go with pipes from above or below the floors.

Collector system

Here, the connection of radiators is organized by a radiation method from the distribution comb, placed close to the center of the building. It connects with the boiler with two pipes, and each battery has its own two-pipe line - feed and return. Radiator lines go to the devices along the shortest path - hiding in the tie of the floor or are attached under the ceiling overlap of the lower floor.

Note. Removal of air from hidden padded pipelines is performed through automatic air vents installed on the comb.

The comb cover distributing coolant is very desirable to put in the middle of the building to make all the eyeliners are the same in length.

The radiation scheme - which preserves the advantages of a dead-end system. There are additional advantages:

  • pipes, eyeliner and cabinet with a collector hides inside building structures, so the scheme is suitable for any interior solutions;
  • convenience and simplicity of regulation (balancing), controls are located in one place - the distribution cabinet;
  • if you equip the thermostatic valves of ridges by servo drives and put an electronic control unit, you can fully automate the water heating of the building.

To connect heaters to the collector, tubes of cross-linked polyethylene Ø10 mm (internal section) protected by thermal insulation shell are used. From the boiler room to the comb, the highway with a diameter of 26 ... 40 mm is paved depending on the number of consumers.

Disadvantages of radial wiring:

  • in the affected house, it is difficult to carry out pipelines to radiators - to open the screed or cut the shifts;
  • high cost of materials and works;
  • the scheme does not work without a pump;
  • masters are laid inside the concrete monolith, it is impossible to remake or replace.

Laying isolated pipes from the collector to radiators in different rooms

Finally, the benefits and disadvantages

First, reveal the main disadvantages of this heating:

  • significant investments in construction - the homeowner carries the cost of buying materials, equipment and installation;
  • when operating, it is necessary to monitor the operation of the heat level installation, diesel and wood boilers on time to load fuel;
  • there is a chance of leakage or defrosting the elements of the heating network.

Listed disadvantages cannot be called critical. Attachments gradually pay off, with a lack of funds, the installation is performed independently. The probability of leakage is reduced to zero due to the high-quality assembly and the fill of the non-freezing coolant (antifreeze), if the heating is turned on periodically.

The plus list looks much more impressive:

As you understood, the publication is familiarized and useful to homeowners who are not determined with the method of heating their homes. More detailed instructions for the choice of heat reduction equipment, pipes and fittings you will find on other pages of our resource (transitions are highlighted in blue in the text of the article).

Among the life-supporting engineering systems of modern residential and industrial buildings water heating systems occupy a special position. They differ in the constructive features of their execution, architectural and construction requirements of placement and operation, technological features. In addition, they must be responsible for certain sanitary and hygienic requirements. All together they form concrete, specific requirements for the device, operation and content of heating systems and devices.

Water heating systems - Classification

Water heating systems Modern buildings are classified according to the following features.

1. In institutional signs:

  • for appointment: for civilian objects (residential and public buildings); production (industrial, agricultural); special purpose (vehicles, military, etc. objects);
  • according to property forms: state, collective, private;
  • according to the method of service: communal service, self-service, mixed service.

2. According to technological requirements:

  • compliance with thermodynamics;
  • reliability and safety and safety standards.

3. According to the requirements of architectural and construction norms, rules and

  • according to the methods of thermal and hydraulic calculations;
  • according to constructive features: according to the process of circulating the coolant (natural and forced circulation); at the placement of the wiring (upper and lower laying highway); According to the method of applying a wiring to heating rims (with a dead-end or associated water movement, collector); According to the constructive features of the risers and the installation scheme for them, heating devices (single-tube and two-pipe systems, vertical, horizontal); by type of pipelines used (metal, non-metallic); by type of coolants (water, antifreeze);
  • by power and type of heat generators and heat sources, method of accession: local heat generators on carbon fuel and electricity (apartment boilers, houses, roof, block) with a capacity of up to 3.0 MW; centralized sources of heat (supplying it in the heating system from NPP, CHP, COP, RTS, CCC through thermal networks and local or central thermal points) with a capacity of over 3.0 MW; heat generators on non-traditional (renewable) heat sources; on hydraulic connection with a centralized heat source (direct connection, hydraulically isolated); by the method of attaching heating systems in the thermal paragraph (4 of the basic schemes);
  • by way of automation and accounting consumed heat
  • according to certain sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The main elements and technological features of water heating systems

The main principal technological feature of water heating systems, in contrast to single-flow (single-tube) systems of water supply, gas supply and drainage, is that in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics water heating systems May be circulating, two-way, two-pipe.

The main elements of the heating system include: heat generator (heating boiler), coolant (water or antifreeze), feeding and reverse pipeline mains, circulation pump (if a system with coercive coolant circulation), security group, expansion tank and heating devices (radiators).

Heating systems - work principle

The principle of operation of the heating system is reduced to the fact that the heat generator heated in the heat generator (heating boiler) the pump is supplied to the heating devices of the building along the supply pipelines with a temperature T 1 ºС. In the topics, the heat and cooling of the coolant occurs, and, accordingly, a decrease in its temperature potential (heat generation). Cooled to a temperature T2, ° C, it enters backproof pipelines for which it returns to its original position to the heat generator for subsequent heating.

Thus, thermal cycles are constantly performed in heating systems - the heat carrier circulation in the amount of G, kg / h, and the system of the room heating at the temperature difference T1 - T2, ° C, heat in the amount of q, j / h is performed.

As is known, each coolant has its heat capacity with, J / (kg - ° C). Water has a heat capacity C \u003d 4.19 kJ / (kg - ° C), which means that for heating 1 kg of water 1 ° C it is necessary to spend 4.19 kJ heat. Knowing the values \u200b\u200bof G, T1, T2, C, one can determine the amount of heat of QNP, given by the coolant in the heating devices heated room in one hour or for some period of time Z, h, according to formulas:

QR \u003d G -C (T1 - T2), J / h (1)
QR \u003d G -C (T1 -T2) -Z, J. (2)

At the same time, to maintain a constant air temperature inside the room T PPP \u003d const, this amount of heat q PR should correspond to the loss of heat by room (building) - Q Pom, equal to the amount of heat losses through the external enclosing room designs (outer walls, doors and windows, floors Both ceilings), called transmission - q transm, and heat consumption for heating the incoming outer ventilation air - Q VENT, and in production buildings, in addition, and to heat the technological materials and products - q technicians imported from the street.

Thermal balance must be observed:

Q Pom \u003d Q Pr \u003d Q Transm + Q VENT + OHN, J / H (3)

In recent years, the internal heat gain - heat dissipation are also taken into account: from people located in the premises, from household electrical and cooking devices, from technological apparatus, from finished products and products, from solar radiation, etc. These heat dissipation Q TVF, J / h, Reduce the need for premises (buildings) in the warmth, which it should receive from the heating system. The thermal balance of the room, taking into account the internal heat generations, will look like this:

Q Pom \u003d Q Pr \u003d Q Transm + Q VENT + OHN - Q TVF, J / H (4)

To effectively fill the water heating system with the coolant (usually water) and holding the circulation ring in the filled state, as well as to empty the system, it is necessary to have three more mandatory elements - a sequence device (pump), a descent and expansion tank.

With the help of a feeder, the entire system, including a heat supply source, a circulation pump, feeding and reverse pipeline mains (feed and reverse), all indoor heating devices, as well as an expansion tank, slowly (through the reverse line) are filled with coolant (water). In the process of filling or feeding the system, the coolant displaces the air from the inner cavities of pipelines and heating devices up, in the expansion tank or to special, so-called air. In some P-shaped heating systems, air explosion (cranes of Maevsky) are installed in the upper heating plugs.

If the air from the system failed to completely remove, then air stoppers are formed, which tear the flow of the coolant in pipelines and heating devices and preventing it in the system. Often there are cases of emergency failure of systems due to violation of the circulation regime (overheating of the coolant due to air traffic jams). For effective air pressure, the supply pipeline pipeline is set with a slight bias (i \u003d 0.010) in the direction of the main riser towards the heating devices, and the pipelines perform the return flow - with the same slope from the heating devices toward the heating source (heat generator) to the drain crane.

When heating the coolant from it in the form of bubbles, dissolved gases dissolved in cold water - oxygen, nitrogen and carbon dioxide, which in the same way (through the expansion tank or air) are removed from the system during operation.

The laying of laying pipelines with a slope allows you to quickly remove the coolant in cases of emptying them for repair purposes, prevents the "hanging" of the coolant in the pipes.

The expansion tank volume V (m3) is mounted at the highest point of the system (as a rule it is an attic room), and necessarily hesitated. It is a peculiar buffer of the heating system, and its volume allows you to compensate for the change in the volume of circulating coolant - increase when heating and decreasing during cooling, as well as refund a small loss of it due to evaporation and possible leaks through system looser. Equipped with signal and overflow pipes The open expansion tank allows the personnel to periodically control the population of the system with the coolant (water), fill and replenish it with a sequence device if necessary.

In small house and cottage heating systems, such filling and feeding are driven by drinking water pipes, opening the tap on the feed line. In the absence of water supply, it is carried out either with the help of an electric or manual pump connected to the intermediate, periodically replenished with water when the container is injected. In the systems of water heating of large multi-storey buildings for these purposes, special feed pumps are installed and the feeding is carried out specially prepared by softened and deaerated water to prevent corrosion and tap metal pipelines.

At the lowest point of the heating system on the return highway of the pipeline (reverse), a waste crane is installed, with which the heat carrier (water) is made from the system, in cases of repair work or disconnect for a long time to avoid freezing during the winter period. To avoid the "hanging" of the coolant in pipeline highways and heating devices, during the descent, you should open airflows installed at the upper points of the system.

The heating system circulating pump is set, as a rule, on the pipeline that performs the return flow (reverse) in front of the heating source (heat generator). In large branched systems of building heating, several (2-3) circulation pumps are usually installed (one backup).

All mentioned mandatory elements of water heating systems are a heat generator, a circulation pump, heating devices, an expansion tank, air and a feeder, kipia devices are connected to the pipelines in a certain sequence and order, forming a complex hydraulic circulation system - a system of closed vessels and rings filled with coolant.

  • Heating of a private house
  • Expansion tank
  • Circulation pump

We live with you in the age of active construction of private housing. Building your home, it is important to understand in a pile of aspects to avoid any misunderstandings with prolabs and builders. It is also important to know the principle of the work of the home of the house, on which all your comfort depends on the cold seasons.

There were a long time of contrameproker and stoves. Today in homes there are much more modern heating systems that work not only on the corner, but also on other energy resources.

So, what is the basis of the principle of operation of the home of the house? Let's figure it out in order.

The whole principle of the operation of heating begins in essence from the boiler. The boiler serves to heat the coolant. Most often, the coolant acts water, less often special non-freezing solutions.

Boilers today are of different types and work on different stuffs, such as coal, diesel, gas, electricity.

Boilers today are installed in special premises, so-called boiler rooms. Boiler room is not limited to one boiler. It concentrated all heating nodes:, pumps, boilers of indirect heating

In this article, we will not concentrate on the principle of operation of the boiler room. You can read about it separately.

So, the boiler heats us the coolant. Further, our coolant begins to move around the pipes to the source "Distille of heat". Today, under these sources, either radiators or warm floors are more likely.

The coolant moves either naturally (such a system is called a system with natural circulation), or forced.

In the case of natural circulation, the heating system does not depend on electricity and works strictly according to the laws of physics. Such a system is the easiest way to do on the basis of radiator heating.

Disadvantages of systems with natural circulation:

  • it is impossible to automatically adjust the temperature;
  • greater energy consumption due to increased pipe diameters
  • the impossibility of using an indirect heating boiler
  • it is not always possible to hide the pipes in the wall;

In case of forced circulation, the heating system depends directly from electricity, since the system requires pumps. Such systems include warm floors, two-pipe radiator systems and others.

Advantages of systems with forced circulation:

  • More economical compared to the natural circulation system;
  • Pipes can be hiding into the walls;
  • Automatic dummy temperature control is possible.

With the principle of movement of the coolant figured out. Further, the principle of operation of the heating system is the movement of our coolant for pipes and entering it into the source of heat recoil. Such a source performs the radiator itself. In the case of a warm floor, it is pipes that warm the screed.

The heating of the house from the heat source occurs on the principle of convection or on the principle of radiation. Warm floor, for example, works on the radiation principle. The sun works on the same principle. It heats the land and the earth gives heat.

Copper-aluminum radiator, on the contrary, runs 90% on the principle of convection. It warms the air flows passing through it.

In the heating systems there is a concept as feeding and reverse. Feed - this is where a hot heat carrier comes. The return is where the coolest coolant arrives (returns).

To achieve efficient operation of the heating system, the coolant is constantly circulating in the heating system. Hot water enters the source of heat recovery, then returns back to the boiler where it is heated again. And so on a closed circle.

During heating, the coolant extension occurs. An expansion tank is mounted to compensate for this phenomenon. The tank together with the boiler is mounted in the boiler room.

Here we are with you and reviewed the basic principle of home heating at home. Want to easily understand the heating systems? Take advantage of ours.

Working system of the country house, we will look at the example of a standard one-storey house 6 × 9 with a total area of \u200b\u200b54 m2.
In all rooms, a radiator is installed directly under each window to avoid his fogging. If there are 2 windows in some room, then, it means that the radiator is located for each of them. This happens, as mentioned earlier, to prevent the windows fogging. Otherwise, if any window turns out to be without a radiator, then prepare for the fact that it will constantly fiery.

The heating of 1 m2 of the house usually requires a power of 170 W. If the house consists of the second, third, etc. Floors, then for each of them, the power should be 100 W of 1 m2. This is coming: why for the second and subsequent floors it is necessary exactly such power? The answer is obvious: heating the first floor, hot air rushes up and begins to warm the walls and ceiling of the premises of the following floors, while giving a part of its heat in favor of the floor, which is higher. From here and varies in the power we see.

IMPORTANT! During the design and calculation of the heating system, add a 30 percent power supply to the radiator. It is necessary for the rapid heating of the heating system.

After we got acquainted with the power of radiators, let's find out which means it can produce such a number of heat. Of course, this is a boiler.


Boilers are several species:
a) solid fuel capable of producing heat from firewood, coal, peat;
b) Gas, which can work both from natural gas and from imported. IMPORTANT! When moving from one type of gas to another, the replacement of gypsillers is necessary.
c) diesel, functioning on diesel fuel and supplied with fuel tanks with a minimum capacity of 750 liters;
d) electrical, which operate in the voltage range from 20 to 220 V or have a 3-phase power 380 V. The operation of the electrocotel depends on the selected model and power.

Device boilers
Some of the above-listed boilers have the following design: pump, expansion tank, security group, additional devices in the form of onboard computers. In the arsenal of most boilers, the peripheral components are absent.

What equipment is necessary for the safe operation of the boiler

Expansion tank

Installed in heating systems for compensation or to reduce pressure compensation.

Device and principle of operation
In the closed heating system, it is a hermetic capsule inside which a membrane or a rubber ball is located. At the top of the hermetic capsule is nipple, through which air or gas nitrogen injected. With the help of nipple, air can be downloaded in the capsule, thereby changing the pressure inside it and adjusting the operation of the heating system for a specific pressure.

For greater clarity, we will analyze a simple example. We pumped the coolant system to a 1 bar. Click on the nipple, located in the upper part of the expansion tank, build air in the tank, filling it with its coolant. And as soon as the pressure gauge arrow crashes down, it should be immediately discharged by air. After the procedures conducted, the system and expansion tanks will earn synchronously.

The question arises: for what purpose the air is wateed and an expansion tank is configured? The answer is quite simple. Closed-type systems are operated at different pressure in the range from 0.5 to 3 bar. The parameter depends on the chosen type of boiler and the pressure on which it is designed. Often in the expansion tank already tuned by the manufacturer, the pressure is either 1.5 bar, or 3 bar. This information is placed on the tank label, which is bought by the consumer. It is this setting that contributes to a clear access to the operation of the heating system.

Place Installation
The most appropriate location of the expansion tank is the close placement of the circulation pump of the circulation pump near the suction nozzle of the circulating pump near the suction pipe. Such a connection scheme provides stable pressure in the heating system.


After installing the expansion tank, the mechanical filter is installed. As a rule, the section for its installation is 800 microns are the most optimal option for such filters. The filter delays mechanical particles and does not allow them to enter the pump.


He constantly pumped the heat carrier on the heating system. In closed systems, a pump is used, which does not have bearings, and is lubricated by the coolant passing through it. Pumps often allow you to use several speeds and easily selected for any type of boiler.

Security group

It is located at the outlet of the boiler.
It includes:
a) a pressure gauge that provides visual observation of the pressure of the boiler, which is extremely important;
b) the automatic air vent, which independently removes air and steam from the system, occurring when the boiler operation;
c) Safety valve that allows you to automatically reset the excess pressure from the heating system.

Plum / Bay knot

Drain and bay is carried out in the self-sized part of the system by means of a crane. Such a location is most convenient.

Heat carrier

Now a few words about the heat carrier, which is filled by the heating system. In 90% of cases, this is a non-freezing liquid, 10% - water. The coolant is noticeably more convenient than water, and more often fills the heating systems. It moves in the direction of the boiler, i.e. By expansion Baku, filter, pump, boiler and security group.