Penalty for departure to move. Travel and overtaking before railway crossing

With difficulties in maneuvering, most novice drivers face, overtaking on moving, perhaps, causes them most doubts. The absence of necessary knowledge often leads to accidents or unwanted communication with the traffic police inspector.

Any moving vehicle is a source of danger, in connection with this, the driver is obliged to understand what action he performs :. On the railway, in addition, the concept of "detour" is relevant.

It should be noted that, in general, any intersection of the railway is allowed, in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 15.1 of traffic rules, only on moving. The driver who moved the rails outside the established place is waiting for rather harsh administrative punishment.

The very concept of overtaking is relevant for the most part when the road consists of two strips for automotive movement: one for each of the directions. When they are more, it is possible to make ahead, avoiding moving to the "oncoming".

Obgon is a type of maneuver, which is conjugate with the entrance to the transport bandwidth in the counter direction. The action is performed to advance the moving car, it will certainly be completed with the return.

Ahead is a movement without entry into the running strip of the oncoming flow at a speed greater than that of a passing car (other transport).

According to the requirements of clause 11.4 of traffic rules, the overtaking of the moving transport on the railway crossing or at a distance closer than 100 meters to it, prohibited: the commission of such actions will be an administrative offense for which a person will suffer punishment. It often makes impatient drivers who want to "slip" railroad tracks as soon as possible, subsequently paying the penalty.

However, other situations may occur on this site of the canvas.

The detour - the maneuver, performed in the presence of an obstacle, conjugate with the departure of the headflow movement either on the adjacent passing, or without departure from the battery.

If the road consists of two and more bands to move in each of the directions, on the railway crossing formally it becomes possible to commit a car or leaving the interference. And yet, it is extremely important to make sure that the road at the proper distance is free from the counter cars, before you go with your strip, as you are in a place of increased danger.

Not at all intersections of roads with railways there is a good viewing angle. It happens that the highway meets with them in the zone of steep turn. In such a place, it is better not to make ahead, as it is impossible to control the oncoming flow in the conditions of the insufficiently visible area.

Some drivers mistakenly think that on the road that has three strips is allowed to make a detour and ahead even on the ways: after all, the average is intended for both directions. This is not like this: it is considered a passing, and counter at the same time, and for leaving it will also have to pay an administrative penalty.

Another similar situation is the need for a detour arising before the car obstacles.

The obstacle is a fixed foreign object or a faulty, damaged car, a serious roadbed defect that makes it impossible to move along its lane.

It should be borne in mind that transporting transport in accordance with traffic rules, as well as the "plug" formed, is not considered obstacles.

For a detour, there are similar rules as to advance transport on the railway tracks. However, there is one nuance here. In paragraph 15.3, traffic rules said that the driver of the vehicle does not have the right to make a transport of transport facing the rails, conjugate with departure to the "oncoming". But on the path of the car, not only he can arise.

If the movement interferes, for example, a bunch of garbage, fallen tree or destroyed part of the road surface, the presence of maneuvers allows. With the prohibiting markup and the absence of other options, many drivers to drive to the destination, violate Part 1 of Article 12.16 of the Codecha of the Russian Federation.

In this case, the PDD requirements have a space that is the subject for numerous disputes. After all, marking 1.1 (single solid line) is strictly forbidden to cross on any side. The choice remains for a person, but it should be remembered that the traffic police inspector who revealed an offense will certainly be an administrative protocol on which punishment will be appointed.

Need to know:

  1. The only option in the hopeless situation can be the shooting of the traffic of a mobile phone camera.
  2. The rendered decision can be tried to appeal in court, then there is a chance that it will be canceled and on the basis of Article 2.9 of the Code of the Russian Federation, the driver will be released from administrative responsibility due to the fact that the violation is insignificant.

In most cases, motorists drive along the same routes, that is, it is known in advance that the railway crossing is to cross. Therefore, it is better to get ready to immediately get, evaluate the situation and any way to try not to violate the rules prescribed by the law: they should always be in priority.

Such engineering facilities include intersections of roads with railways, equipped with special signaling devices, publishing a loud sound when approaching the rails. In addition, adjustable moving can be served by a duty officer of Russian Railways or other employee of paths that are not intended for general use. There may be a barrier, special blocking paths metal shields.

The first information (warning) mark is located in 150-300 meters from the object behind the city feature, and for 50-100 meters within the boundaries of the settlement. It may designate a move equipped with a barrier (1.1) and an object without it (1.2).

For the convenience of estimating the distance, the roadway is equipped with signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 ("approximation to railway crossing"). They represent a white background, on which inclined red stripes are applied: three, two or one. As they approach the construction, the number of their decreases. They help to navigate and determine which zone is begins to act a ban on maneuvering, where you need to reduce the speed.

Not only to overtake, but also enter the Adjustable Moving Movement itself is prohibited:

  • if the barrier or shield is omitted;
  • if the traffic light supplies a ban signal (even if the barrier is raised);
  • when applying by an accepting sign by a red lamp, a bright flag or acceptance of poses with arms placed on the sides;
  • when making a movement of automotive "plugs", which will not fully cross the rails.

In addition, the application of the reverse gear is strictly prohibited within the object.

In no case can you try to manually raise the barrier or metal shield. Drivers of low-speed transport can move through railway rails only after permission serving employee moving.

The boundaries of the zone of the moving itself are indicated by signs 1.3.1 or 1.3.2. It is in the interval between the first and second pointer there are prohibitions related directly to movement through the railway tracks.

Such an object is considered if there is no signaling equipment on it, and the maintenance of duty or other workers controlling car movement through rails is not carried out. An unregulated railway crossing is also denoted by special warning signs (1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.4.1-1.4.6). If they are not installed, crossing paths is strictly prohibited.

Unregulated structures, as a rule, are equipped:

  1. Marking 1.12 "Stop Line".
  2. Sign 2.5, prohibiting further movement without stopping.

The probability of a safe passage to the other side of the railway canvas is in such a place is determined by the driver itself, which is obliged to assess the situation.

Overclocking on the unregulated railway crossing is also strictly prohibited by the rules of the road. In accordance with the markup, ahead or detour obstacle is allowed: there is no difference between the types of moves.

You can start moving to railway rails with a view to their intersection, you can only after traveling front of the vehicle moved to the other side, and overcame the distance from paths, at least equal to the length of your car. This rule is important to observe, as any technique can stumble, suddenly stop directly behind the rails. As a result, the traveling trail will be forced to slow down on the paths.

If there is an approaching composition in the visibility zone, prohibited and intersection. In its absence, it should be stopped for 10 or more to the nearest rail.

Overclocking before unregulated moving must be completed, as in the case of equipped with objects, not less than 100 meters to it.

So, we found out, in what situations to commit a maneuer is superimposed. Now it is worth understanding when, being near the ways, overtaking is possible, and what you need to know not to disturb the traffic rules.

As mentioned earlier, the maneuvr is prohibited at a distance of less than 100 meters to the object. Of course, on the roads, this line is not specifically designated. Help the driver here will only have an eye meter, as well as the location of the sign 1.4.1 or 1.4.4 (three red stripes on a white background). If the driver has already started the overtaking with one of them, it is necessary to complete it until the next - 1.4.2 or 1.4.5 (two bands).

Within the locality of the locality, the forbidden "Statercutter" begins immediately at the sign 1.1 (1.2). Therefore, it is important to see it in advance.

Important to remember:

  1. If you notice the desired sign during how the maneuver has begun, it will be more correct not to complete it.
  2. In order to avoid violations of the rules, it is necessary to slow down, give to go back to the car overtaken and return to my strip, taking place behind it.

Formally traffic rules allow overtaking after railway moving. However, immediately after the paths, signs prohibiting the maneuver (3.20, 3.22) are established in many places, and the speed limit is entered. Such a measure is advisable to ensure security at such a risky section of the roadway. Therefore, with overtaking, we will have to get along with the moment the sign with the sign that cancels the ban or to the first intersection.

Inside the settlement, in the absence of intersections, the prohibition is valid until leaving for the country territory. It should be remembered that the sign of the sign does not end in the exit zone from the adjacent territory, as well as in the places of the adjoining (intersection) of the dirt roads, not indicated in accordance with the traffic rules.

Punishment for violations admitted to move

The most severe punishment may not be fine - non-compliance with the law when driving through rail rails is fraught with loss of transport, health or life. It often happens so that the recovery is simply certain.

Movement on these engineering structures is regulated by the head of 15 traffic rules, namely, paragraphs 15.1-15.5. Responsibility for the offense committed in such places is provided for Article 12.10 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, and the measures of impact, according to this norm, quite rigid.

The first part of this article contains sanctions for moving the railway tracks outside the place, as well as to enter the object with the descent or completely lowered the barrier. In addition, it provides for the responsibility for the intersection of the employee to or prohibit the gesture of the worker, for stopping the car or parking within the structure.

The above-mentioned actions entail a fine in the amount of 1000 rubles or deprivation of the driver of the right to control the transport duration of 3-6 months.

The second part of the norm is governed by the observance of any other rules for moving paths. For the commission, a penalty of 1000 rubles is appointed. The third part (re-committing a violation) provides for the deprivation of the driver of rights in a duration of 1 year.

As for the maneuvering specifically, the punishment for overtaking before the railway transition and directly on it, as well as for the wrong delivery, article 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Code of the Russian Federation is envisaged:

  • part Third stipulates the sanctions for entering into a violation of traffic rules into the oncoming lane during the details, which threatens a fine in the amount of 1000-1500 rubles;
  • part of the fourth establishes a punishment for overtaking on the oncoming lane on the paths and in other prohibited places: a fine of 5,000 rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for a period of 4-6 months;
  • the fifth part contains sanctions for repeated non-compliance with the order of overtaking on the railway, for which the driver is also deprived of rights, but for 1 year.

Many of us the car is vital: for travel to the place of service, studies and in many other situations. Therefore, deprivation of the right to rule them for someone can mean loss of work, that is, financial stability. These consequences can be avoided if it is clearly followed by the law, observing marginal caution at such an elevated danger object as a railway crossing.

Before starting driving a personal vehicle, the driver must examine traffic rules, and also learn whether overtaking on moving (railway) in 2020 is allowed, and what a punishment threatens for an offense.

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According to the norms of Russian legislation, overtaking on moving without barrier is prohibited. You can perform maneuver only when complying with several conditions, and without driving on railway rails.

For violation of the rules of overtaking and travel in the zone of railway tracks, fines are prescribed. With a repeated offense, the size of the fine doubles, possibly deprivation of Wu.

The traffic police inspector may not stop the car, but the protocol will be drawn up, and after a while the driver must pay a fine. As evidence of guilt, photos and video confixations are used.

Make overtaking on moving according to the rules of traffic rules is prohibited categorically. It is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. It is impossible to carry out a maneuver, leaving the oncoming traffic on the strip. However, if the roadway is wide enough, and you can perform a maneuver, without leaving the next lane in front of the railway, as well as, without going to the rails, the maneuver is not considered a violation.
  2. Any vehicles that stand immediately before the railway transition is forbidden to overtake.

The borders of the railway transfers are marked in Russia signs No. 1.3.1 and 1.3.2.

Photo: Road signs 1.3.1 - 1.3.2 railway

Initial data

In order not to make an offense, the driver must clearly understand what is overtaking, and in what case it is about ahead.

Ahead is an increase in the speed with which the machine is moving to exceed the speed of another car. Ahead can be performed without departure to the oncoming lane.

A detour, overtaking is a maneuver on the advance of another transport, with departure to the oncoming lane. At the same time, a slow or movable obstacle on the road is carried out.

Russian drivers should consider specially attentive to the operating traffic rules and comply with them, including when overcoming the site.

This is necessary first of all in order to keep health and life to the driver and passengers of the machine.

The danger lies in the fact that many motorists strive to pass back, being in the zone of railways, and such maneuver is strictly forbidden to make.

Approaching the move, you need to reduce the speed of movement, and cross the paths carefully and slowly.

What is said about the distance in traffic rules

You can start moving only by the resolution set close to the railway tracks. On drives without barrier, audio signals also act.

The restrictions that need to be taken into account when performing overtaking in the railway area:

A situation may occur when the driver started overtaking, and only after that I noticed a prohibitive sign. In this case, the maneuver does not need to be completed.

In order to avoid an offense, you need to slow down, and skip another car, after which it is necessary to return to the passing part of the band as soon as possible and get up following the previously overtaken vehicle.

What regulatory acts are regulated

Legal acts regulating overtaking on the Railway Training, and installing the dimensions of fines for drivers who violate the legislation:

  1. - On ensuring safety on the roads.
  2. - Regulatory document, on the basis of which administrative punishment is appointed for drivers.
  3. - Rules for the technical inspection of the vehicle.

Failure to comply with the existing legislation legislation in the field of road traffic may turn to the driver not only by the accrual of a large fine, but also by depriving a driver's license for a period of several months to several years.

What threatens for overtaking on moving

In the zone of railway crossing it is categorically prohibited:

  • carry out movement by reverse;
  • make a turn, being on the crossing;
  • continue to move even after the sound or light alert is triggered;
  • cross the road with omitted, or closing the barrier, as well as when installing any other barrier.

For the commission of one of these actions, the driver relies the penalty in the amount established by the COAP standards, or depriving a driver's license.

What signs are installed on the railway crossing (before, after)

Sign number 1.1 means that the distance from 100 to 300 meters is the railway crossing. The distance for the installation of the sign is determined depending on whether the move in the populated or not by the settlement is located.

Photo: Road Sign 1.1 Railway Moving with Barrier

Sign No. 1.2 means a train without a barrier, and is installed in the same way, within 50 - 300 meters to the moving itself.

Photo: Road Sign 1.2 Railway Moving without Barrier

Announced 1.3.1, which is fixed at a short distance from the railway, and are used to designate the railway rail site, which have only one way.

Photo: Road Sign 1.3.1 Single Railway

Sign number 1.3.2 is also installed before moving, and denotes a multifunctive railway.

Photo: Road Sign 1.3.2 Multipal Railway

Immediately before moving, at some distance, the signs with numbers 1.4.1 - 1.4.6 are installed from each other, denoting the distance left to the railway.

Photo: Road signs 1.4.1-1.4.6 Approach to railway crossing

Whether the penalty is provided

Drivers who violate the rules of the road, in particular, to move railway tracks, can be punished with the norms (COAP of the Russian Federation).

The type of punishment is established by the type of perfect illegal action:

Get a fine driver may if the offense was recorded. It does not necessarily be stopped by an inspector - can be compiled on the basis of data obtained when studying photos and video recordings.

Observing traffic rules, the driver can ensure safety preservation not only for itself, but also for other road users.

For travel to the prohibitory signal

The prohibition of the area in the area of \u200b\u200bthe railway is distributed only to other vehicles.

The driver has the right to drive around various obstacles - static items, however, the barrier should be raised.

If the driver drives to a prohibitory signal, it is prescribed a fine of 1500 rubles. In addition, overtaking in the zone of the move can be caused to deprive the driver's license for a long time.

Video: Movement through the railway tracks

Stop or parking

In the rules of the road, it is noted that the vehicle stops on the railway crossing is strictly prohibited.

However, force majeure situations on the road are not uncommon, and often have to make a forced stop.

If there is a need to stop the car in close proximity to the move, you need to land all the passengers, and send them to both sides of the railway in order to warn the train driver that the car is stuck on the paths.

Otherwise, a penalty for the stop will be 500 rubles. This punishment is not high, however, in 2020 the situation may change significantly.

Is it possible to soften the punishment

According to traffic rules, the stop at the railway crossing is allowed only if it is forced. For example, if on the road arose in the form of a large divert.

To soften the punishment, the driver should take all measures to eliminate the current situation.

The final amount of penalties or the possibility of imprisonment depends on whether a citizen has mitigating circumstances.

So circumstances can be found:

  • severe spiritual excitement of the driver due to personal problems, family circumstances;
  • full repentance of the intruder in the deed;
  • preventing possible harmful consequences that could be caused by an offense;
  • making a violation of a woman in anticipation of the child.

However, mitigating circumstances can only be applied if the case is submitted to the judicial authority.

In order to reduce the size of the fine, it is often enough to pay it for up to 20 days from the date of appointment. In this case, 50% discount is valid.

Obgon on the railway crossing is one of the most dangerous maneuvers on the road. The consequences of his violation can be different - from fine or deprivation of rights, before the death of participants.

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Therefore, it is very important to know and adhere to the rules of the road at this dangerous area of \u200b\u200bthe path, as well as work options from the predicament of the move.

On the possible consequences of violation when overtaking on moving, the amount of fines and deprivation periods of rights, as well as the existing exceptions for their rules, you will read this article.

What it is

Most often an offense impatient drivers who want to slip crossing as soon as possible, thereby creating a threat to an accident at the railway tracks.

In order to avoid committing an offense, it is necessary to figure out which situations on this section of the road.

The main ones are:

  • stop (most often for technical reasons when there are other vehicles around you still in motion);
  • rarro on the red light or in front of the closing barrier;
  • detour;
  • advance;
  • overtaking.

And if everything is clear with the first two points, the latter need to be able to distinguish correctly, because the punishment for the violation of each of them is different:

  1. Detour - maneuver, as a result of which you travel around another object on the road, still at this moment (you can also do on the oncoming lane).
  2. Advance - a detour at a higher speed of another vehicle on its movement strip.
  3. Overtaking - Age of another vehicle with departure to the oncoming road strip and subsequent return to his roadway.

Most of the consequences have exactly overtaking on the move, since as a result of this maneuver can suffer both lanes and the threat will arise for a large number of people.

How is spelled in traffic rules

PDD is indicated (clause 15.1) that the crossing of the railway tracks is allowed only on equipped moving. Be sure to give way to railway transport - locomotive, Dresin, etc.

It is necessary to stop in the case of the presence of one of the signal points:

  • closure of the barrier;
  • red blinking traffic lights at the move;
  • sound signal indicating the train approaching;
  • railroad worker signal;
  • visual observation of the approaching railway composition.

There is no holistic collection of rules to the rules of conduct on the Reluities on the Relief Relief, those or other details are spelled out in different parts of the traffic rules. For example, penalties are indicated in paragraphs 12.4 and 12.5, and the punishment for travel to the Red Light is in paragraph 15.3.

In the rules of the road, paragraph 11.4 clearly describes the situation with overtaking: on the railway crossing and closer to one hundred meters before him, overtaking other vehicles is prohibited. This is a plot of high danger.

You can determine the boundaries of the moving itself according to one of the signs (Single Railway - 1.3.1, Multipal Railway - 1.3.2):

This means that the barrier with one or more railways is located on the path of movement. This sign can be located both on the traffic light and at a distance of about 20 meters from the paths.

The border of a hundred meters before the railway transition may look different:

  • in any settlement there will be one or another sign (1.1 or 1.2):

  • outside the cities and the border of 100 meters show signs with two red stripes (1.4.2, 1.4.5):

Sometimes it can happen that the prohibiting sign you noticed already entering the maneuver, then it is better to reduce the speed and skip the overtaken TC, returning to your place in the road row.

When you can

The overtaking of the moving TC with departure to the oncoming lane is prohibited in any case, the violation of this rule will immediately lead to administrative punishment.

But for a detour there are some exceptions:

  1. A detour without departure to the oncoming lane (only on its movement) is not an offense.
  2. It is allowed to lose immunity objects even with departure to the oncoming lane (if it is garbage, etc. - not to be confused with a car, which is just worth the barrier in anticipation of the opening of the move).

What is the wrong sentence for overtaking on the train

Making overtaking, the driver risks not only his life, as well as the lives of his passengers and other cars involved in road traffic.

Therefore, the punishment can be, both medium and high gravity, right up to deprivation of rights for a certain period.

The most loaded railway moving, where the offenses are often performed, equipped with photos and video equipment for fixing cases of non-compliance of traffic rules. Also on such sites are quite often attached to the patrol traffic police duty.

As for the legislative framework, it regulates the punishment in the form of a fine or deprivation of rights in violation of traffic rules at the railway crossing:

From the table, it is clear that the punishment for violating the rules of overtaking from the railway crossing is quite impressive - a fine or deprivation of driver's license. The type of punishment will depend on the decision of the court and softening circumstances.

To the latter refer to:

  • pregnant woman behind the wheel;
  • woman with a young child in the car;
  • inadequate status due to personal causes;
  • talking the offender;
  • prevent the impairment of the consequences of his act.

Practice shows that most often the fines are awarded during a primary offense, and all subsequent will certainly be accompanied by imprisonment and, possibly, additional monetary recovery.

Such strict measures were chosen for no accident, because it is worth considering the number of vehicles involved in the maneuver, hazards for people's lives in cars, a driver, as well as train passengers.

Therefore, such punishments should make sure the driver's desire to quickly drive to the sacrifice on the road.

But it should be remembered that without departure to the oncoming lane, you can not be afraid of administrative punishment for the above-mentioned road maneuvers.

In addition to overtaking and travel, there are punishments for such violations of traffic rules:

The amount of punishment also also affects other fines during the last year - than them are more, the more stricter will be a new penalty - almost 100% guarantee of deprivation of rights.

If you have accumulated debt of unpaid fines, then the driver's license becomes invalid until the maturity of the debt. Return of rights may only after fully repayment of debt and passing the exam for knowledge of traffic rules.

Is it possible to go around the vehicle and in what cases

If you in front of you on the roads of the way the car, passing around it through the oncoming lane is impossible in any case - it is as provided by law.

Your actions at this point should be aimed at helping the driver - withdraw all passengers from the salon, push out the car with the rail manually, towed or push your vehicle.

If there is no single machine except the stuck car on the crossing, you should send it 1 km from moving to feed the sign by the train driver or a bright cloth, or a flashlight.

If you are alone at all, try to sign the mark of Morse sign - one long and three short signals, which means "B" - trouble.

Return on the way when the car is already there - it is impossible. The exception to this rule is a moving, which is more than 7 meters in length, in this case it is better to move right at another strip, otherwise the car will also have a fine, a fine will also be discharged.

Standing before moving vehicles are cars built in one row before railway paths.

Excessive hasty often leads to incidents, and in the worst case to a big misfortune. Especially the hurry can cause considerable difficulties on the roads of the counter road, in the area of \u200b\u200brailway tracks and other dangerous areas of the highway. Therefore, such a topic, like overtaking on moving railway, will be described in detail in the light of the rules of the road.

What a penalty for overtaking at the railway crossing and other rules for the behavior of drivers in this section of the road will be stepped in step bypass.

Major terms

The violation of the traffic rules carry various semantic loads, despite their some similarity. To well-navigate in terms, you need to understand their meaning and differences. Now we will discuss such concepts as: overtaking, detour and advance. This will best help the motorist recognize how to properly behave in various situations on the road.

Ahead is the effect of the driver in relation to a moving neighboring car. To get ahead of TC, as a rule, speed increases. Then there is a departure to the strip of the oncoming direction or associated with the presence of broadband road fabric. Ahead is with rebuilding and without it. Unlike overtook actions, the outpacing maneuver does not end by returning to the initial position.

A trader is committed against fixed objects that have arisen on the path of the vehicle. The broken vehicle or other obstacle needs to go around, if it is not possible to remove it from the road. A detour without departure is made (on the side of the road, etc.) or with access to the oncoming path even through a solid feature. After driving a still obstacle, the chauffeur returns to the initial position.

Having overtaking a traveling vehicle ahead, the driver increases the speed of the ride and often leaves the band, intended for the counter movement of vehicles. Obdrawing car enthusiast ends the maneuver at the originally selected stage of the following.

Point 14.1 PDD reads - to overtakes prohibit on complex and dangerous areas of the highway. These include:

  • pedestrian crossings;
  • intersection;
  • bridges, overpass, tunnels and other reinforced concrete structures;
  • tram lines;
  • railroad passages and within a radius of 100 meters from paths;
  • objects denoted by prohibiting signs.

What are the train moving?

All railway crossings are divided into two types:

  • adjustable;
  • unregulated (more dangerous).

The adjustable railway site is equipped with traffic lights, barriers, duty officers, preventive designations and other mechanical obstacles.

An unregulated railway station has no traffic light or duty officer. However, it is necessarily denoted by special road signs.

The rules of DD clause 15 stipulates everything that the driver must comply with the drives of a different nature. We describe several prohibitions contained in this paragraph. On the railway crossing it is prohibited:

  • stop;
  • to stand;
  • ride reverse;
  • turn the vehicle;
  • deploy TS;
  • obtain a neighboring car.

Important! Crossing a railway tracks are allowed only in strictly allocated and marked places.

On an adjustable railway crossing

Now we are step by step discuss what is strictly forbidden on the object discussed during the road:

  • Pass on the prohibit signal of the traffic light. A red signal that blinks alternately or together with all the lights, shakes the path.
  • The barrier closes or has already blocked the road. Do not drive ahead of the barrier when it is open. It can close the back and then, feeding the car back, you will break the overlapping cane.
  • The duty worker will signal raised up with his hands or explore them.
  • Formed ahead "Cork" can provoke the location of the car on the rails if the chauffeur continues to drive.

The traffic light warns about the approach of the train, which means the driver slows down his car near the "Stop" sign. Another option is to slow down in a transverse solid feature if it is applied. When the barrier is closed, without reaching 5 meters, we make a stop near it or 10 meters before the start of the rail. The machine, "stuck" on the paths (broken and so on), should serve all possible signals to the approaching locomotive. Passengers, in turn, should immediately leave the car.

The sign in the form of a triangle with red border, in the middle of which there is a drawing "Rails, sleepers", is installed near the barrier. Warning signs: 1.4.1 - 1.4.6 are located in 150, 100 and 50 meters to railway travel.

Before moving, overtaking is prohibited, and ahead without departure to the oncoming lane is allowed. It is worth not to forget to observe some of the mandatory conditions:

  • good visibility of the waybirth;
  • rebuilding does not interfere with other motorists;
  • the fired machine does not drive to the pedestrian or bicycle path, sidebu, sidewalk;
  • no prohibiting ahead of the icon;
  • lack of continuous marking on the road.

On an irregular railway crossing

A triangular sign with a red edging, in the center of which is depicted locomotive, indicates an unregulated passage. And the red sign in the form of an octogenic with a white inscription "STOP" prohibits travelers for the maximum distance to the start of the rail. Such maneuvers like: stopping on rails, riding them with a reverse course, overtaking, turning the vehicle or turning on unregulated objects. Point 12.4 traffic rules highlights the actions of drivers on the railway paths.

Departure in violation of the rules of the road is prohibited on the railway pass, if the train is approaching. In this case, the driver must stop within 10 meters from the railway.

How to overtake before and after the ROS intersection?

In addition to the above-described warning signs, there are 2 more, meaning multi-fingered and single railways. They have the shape of white crosses with stupid and sharp angles in red edging.

  • Sign 1.3.1 reports a one-way road.
  • Road sign 1.3.2 reports that you have a multi-fingered railway. This sign has an addition to the showing noise below.
  • Out of the settlements of the designation of the railway journey is set up for 300-150 m before its location. In the urban denotation, the designation is set within 50 m.

Attention! Cut out the car and motor transport is prohibited within 100 meters prior to the start of the railway crossing. With an insufficiently good eyelid, it is necessary to be guided by special designations.

By turning a traveling vehicle ahead to a 100-meter mark, pay attention to the following prohibitions:

  • A solid feature is drawn on the road.
  • Near the "Obgon is prohibited".
  • Bad visibility or insufficient illumination.
  • A motorist moving ahead turned on the left turn signal or already overtakes other ride participants.
  • The chauffeur is not sure at the end of the maneuver, namely that it will freely take the position between the two TCs.

Obtain after the transition of the railway track is allowed. However, all previously listed prohibitions in violation of traffic rules remain in force.

What is the punishment for overtaking on the train crossing?

Administrative fines in the sizes provided for by the state reaches violators in two ways:

  • With personal detention by the traffic police inspector or DPS workers.
  • Using automatic photo cameras or video fixation.

Sometimes composed protocol about the AP falls into the judicial authority. More often this is due to the submitted statement about appealing by the accused, but not considering himself as such.

There are 12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation regulates the preventive measures of the violators of a secure ride on railway travel.

  • In the wrong place, the transition of the railway will cost Likhachu in 1000 r. The fine or his driver's license for a period of 3-6 months.
  • To travel under a closed or closing barrier or during the traffic lights is punishable. Mount the driver shines a fine in the amount of 1000 p. or seizure of Wu for 3-6 months.
  • Rolls, turns, traffic back on railway rails, as well as ignoring marking and other characters are fined the sum of 500 p.
  • Stop or continue standing on the ways is fraught with a removal of Wu for a period of 3 to 6 months. Or a penalty sanction is exhibited in the amount of one thousand rubles.
  • Incorrectly circling the obstacle on the roadway tracks, you can pay a penalty amount within 1000-1500 p.
  • Obgon, perfect before the intersection of the railway paths or on them, is fined 5,000 rubles or a driver's license is selected for a period of four months to six months.

Punishment, as you can see, are not so cheap and harmless. For a re-violation of the overtaking during the year, Wu is selected for 12 months from the beginning of the first offense. The violation of the retaining traffic rules recorded by the automatic chamber is fine with a similar amount. After seizing a driver's license, you must pass the exam to refresh the memory according to the rules of the road. Only after the examination of the exam, the intruder will receive the right to control the car again.

Is it possible to soften the punishment?

Responding to the merits of the case, immediately say that you can. But it is important to provide convincing arguments in your justification. It is desirable to remove the maneuvers on household electronic devices that will be at hand. The best help for filming is a personal video recorder or registrar of neighboring vehicles. Remember that only weighty reasons may mitigate or completely cancel correctional measures.

To submit a complaint about challenging an offense, 10 days from the date of signing the protocol on the AP. Signed by the Protocol by the staff of the traffic police, and your signature may not appear. Applying an appeal statement, it is important to specify the cause of your actions, as well as attach pictures (copies of photos and other) or other evidence of your non-involvement. You can apply in several ways to apply:

  • Personally at the traffic police department.
  • By filling out the application form on the official traffic police website in online mode.
  • Send an application by mail to the nearest traffic police department with a receipt notice.
  • Send an application or contact your local judicial body personally.

We hope that your attempts to achieve justice will lead to a positive result. Successful driving on railway tracks!

Railway moving is associated with increased danger, therefore, the responsibility of incorrectly proceeds is strict. Depending on situations for violations on the railway forwarding in 2018, not only fines are provided for the COAMA Codex, but also deprivation of the driver's license. This is due to the fact that during the move of the railway tracks there is a risk of a threat to health and life not only the driver, but also passengers and other participants in the movement.

During the intersection of trainings, drivers commit the same violations of the traffic rules, in connection with which it is very often very often in many railway sites, patrolling by traffic police inspectors who catch violators and discharge fines.

Consider common violations.

Obgon on railway crossing

Often a number of impatient drivers, so as not to stand in traffic, make overtaking before moving the entire stream of cars and are wedged on the moving itself between the machines to their lane or drive it on the oncoming lane. It is worth paying attention to that there is a distinction between overtaking and drill obstacles on the railway crossing.

So, if it was a forced measure for a crossbind of an obstacle, then a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles is provided.

In the event that there was overtaking on the oncoming lane on the railway crossing, a penalty will be appointed 5 thousand rubles or the rights of 4-6 months will be taken.

Not only on the move itself, but in front of it for 100 meters. It is difficult to determine where one hundred meters start, so road signs are installed.

In the city, the city put signs 1.1 or 1.2:

If this area is located on the highway outside the city, then for 100 meters is put sign 1.4.2 (5) with two lines:

Travel to the prohibition signal

Each railway crossing is equipped or only a traffic light or a traffic light and a barrier. It is allowed only when the barrier is raised and open and does not blink. There are also situations when they do not work, for example, because of the turning off the electricity, then the railway can stand on the crossing and serve the signals with a rod.

If traveling through the railway moving to red or if the barrier has already begun to close, the penalty of 1 thousand rubles is provided or take the rights for 3-6 months.

Such violations are considered one of the serious and create a threat to the lives of people, therefore the corresponding punishments are applied.

Also, such a fine will be discharged to the driver who will make a train of railway moving in any other place not provided for this.

Stop or parking on railway moving

Very rarely, but extreme situations occur when the driver apparently is not considered with danger and makes a stop to land the passenger, ask something either for another reason, not to mention the parking lot on the paths. All of them are violations of the rules of traffic rules.

For parking or stopping on the railway paths, it is planned to deprive Wu for 3-6 months or a fine of 1 thousand rubles.

Of course, all the extraordinary moments and random breakdowns are not insured, therefore it happens that the car breaks right on the railway tracks and shifted it. If this happened, then it is necessary to find two helpers in urgency - it can be both passengers and drivers of other cars. Each of them should go aside by the railway in order to warn the train driver, and he managed to stop before moving.

Resolution of controversial moments

As a rule, each offense can be appealed, and the railway crossing is not an exception. If the traffic police officer stopped the driver and is going to write a fine with whom he disagrees, it is necessary to find as many witnesses and eyewitnesses as possible that can testify.

You should also not forget that now most of the trainings are equipped with video cameras. If the fact of violation really was not, then this entry and witnesses will be significant evidence in court.


During the passage of railway crossings with a barrier or without it, you should always follow the rules. Any risky situation may have serious consequences. Therefore, before you break, you need to think if it is worth it. The consequences in the form of administrative fines will be the easiest punishment in this case.