Scandinavian style in the kitchen interior - modern ideas of nordic design. Cuisine in Scandinavian style - all design secrets from pros Scandinavian style in the kitchen interior

Features that highlight it are dictated by the climate surrounding Scandinavians the medium and their cheerful attitude towards life.

Main features

  • Naturalness. Everything should be filled with the beauty of the northern nature. That is why in this style, preference is given to light rocks of the tree, emphasizing natural and giving homemade comfort.
  • Good lighting. In Scandinavia, a short day and little of the world, so they are trying to catch the most in the interior. To do this, large windows are used for natural light and a large amount of chandeliers and lamps for artificial.
  • Universality. In the Scandinavian direction, everything is done to obtain maximum functionality in everything - from furniture to decorations. The retractable systems are often used, there are many shelves, as well as modern urns and closers.

Let us go from the common to the private and consider the details of the kitchen interior in Scandinavian style.

Color palette

Regarding the color palette, this interior is quite interesting.

The main color is white, and all his shades allow you to play with the design, setting the desired mood with warm and cold tones.

Most often used such shades:

  • Snow
  • Lactic
  • Cream
  • Milk shaken
  • White sand
  • Ivory
  • Lotus.
  • Creamy
  • Camellia
  • Egg shell

Interesting the interiors of kitchens, where the designer with basic color was able to skillfully combine the elevated shades of beige, green, gray and blue.

Put accents Contrast colors (asphalt, black, graphite) and juicy tones (yellow, turquoise, blue, green) will help.

Standard: white ceiling, smooth light surfaces, snow-white or bright apron and floor under the bleached tree or tile. Functional furniture and abundance of lighting is something that gives the kitchen a special comfort and warmth.

Paul and walls

Rate the design of the kitchen in Scandinavian style, the following photos will help us, especially with regard to choosing the color solving wall and floor. They clearly look through the desire for light colors and environmentally friendly materials in the finish.

Scandinavians give preference wood Floor Wood. The cold shades tree makes the kitchen lighter, and warm - fills comfortably and gives a certain Country style loop.

They also prefer to make the same floors throughout the dwelling or throughout the kitchen-studio. This visually expands the room.

For the floor, parquet, engineering boards, laminate or massive board are preferably used. Moisture-resistant laminate uses the greatest demand.

The kitchen in Scandinavian style, which is good to study well, can have a floor covered with ceramic tiles. Also use porcelain stoneware.

Floor tiles There should be only about the headset. In the dining area, there must still be a wooden floor.

In terms of color, the tile can be white, dark gray, light gray, beige-brown (this option is most practical). The plinth is selected by the color of the walls, while it has a greater height.

Wall decoration is always bright. For it, paint is most often used in such a palette:

  • Snow-white
  • Light gray
  • Egg shell
  • Milk shaken

A variety of Scandinavian style in the kitchen interior is well confirmed by various wall finishing options, such as wallpaper.

It is possible to use an interesting combination with brick masonry borrowed from Loft style. It can be placed only partially so as not to break the overall design.

Brickwork will help combine the kitchen and the hall, but it is worth using with caution and in moderate volume.

Furniture on Scandinavian cuisine

Scandinavians try to order furniture from natural materials, that is, a tree. But the examples are not rare when the facades are made of MDF.

In general, they adhere to these rules when ordering furniture for their kitchen:

  • Color of facades. The most popular is white. Also used facades under a light tree, in honey-gold and cognac shades. A contrast countertop (as a rule, from the wood array) is allowed.
  • Furnitura. Mainly use simple handles from metal. Some manufacturers produce furniture without pens with a special opening system.
  • Texture. Smooth and smooth surfaces, more often glossy or chrome, less often - matte. The gloss reflects the light and gives an additional effect to expand the space.
  • Functionality. In the headset there is everything you need, and nothing superfluous. There are high top cabinets and abundance of open shelves (styled dishes, they attached to the room more comfort).

The structure of the Scandinavian cuisine has one feature - often about on consists only of the lower sections Or has the top number of boxes, but not for the entire length of the headset. Instead, shelves are mounted under spices, scenery and other kitchen utensils.

This technique allows you to make the working area spacious, free and highlighting it with hinged lamps.

On the Scandinavian cuisine, as previously mentioned, all elements must be practical and universal. Smart storage systems, retractable exhaust, built-in equipment - all these inherent attributes of this style.

The dining area is usually small, and in some cases even very small. The table can be small sizes, sliding, retractable or folding, or even completely replaced by a bar counter.

The ideal option will be. It can have a countertop of a rounded or rectangular shape, be a folding or suspended type.

Chairs are divided into two groups: wooden and deliberately modern. The first have a retro-design, curved back and multicolored pillows, the second are made of plastic and chrome metal.

The discreet design of the chairs attaches a light charm and perfectly emphasize such an interior. The main thing is that they are not massive.

The accessories choose the most diverse: chrome or out of matte metal, translucent plastic or black forged handles. Some designers offer projects in which accessories are not at all - cabinets open or travel due to only easy pressing on the facade.

Working area (countertop, apron, household appliances)

The work area is as convenient and functional as possible. At the same time, it serves as a frame of design, filling it with the force of northern design.

As a rule, from an array of wood or artificial stone and contrasts with the color of the kitchen facades.

Apron is a place for creativity. It can be classic: white, stylized under brickwork, or possess interesting color decoration.

An apron in the kitchen made in the Scandinavian style, as a rule, lay out in one of two options:

1) white lined with ceramics. In this case, a cable tile, mosaic, bleached brick, panel block made of plexiglas are preferred.
2) Color, catchy. It will be a strong accent, so an interesting pattern is allowed here, bright mosaic, photo printing. Preferred gamma: shades of gray, red, shades of blue.

Household appliances on the interior of this type should be ultramodern. Steel facade on the refrigerator, elegant extract and stylish induction stove will be very appropriate here.

Some designers offer to accommodate a small suspended TV in a thin case. It does not take place, does not overload the space and takes attention during cooking and lunch.


Light is something without which it is impossible to imagine the Scandinavian interior design. The maximum amount of light is the main criterion of this style.

The greatest attention is paid to windows. Often they are not stolen by anything, make the most large as possible - sometimes along the whole wall or on the floor to the ceiling.

The more light sources, the better.

Instead of one chandelier, it is better to use several miniature suspended and wall lamps.

In Scandinavia, lamps are considered an important element of the interior, so much attention is paid to their design. So, the advantage is given:

  • Chandeliers with elements of chromium, copper, wood, or out of the painted wire.
  • Crystal chandeliers. They are especially appropriate in large studios, combining the functions of the workspace, dining room and living room.
  • Ordinary incandescent lamp without a ceiling. They are suspended on black or colored wire.
  • An ordinary lamp equipped with a simple metal lampshade.

Massive lamps with motley and intricate lamps and female lamps in Scandinavians - taboos. The best solution is simple and numerous lamps.


As previously said, in the northern countries, open-type windows are preferred, without any drepacks familiar to us in the form of curtains, curtains and curtains. The only thing that is allowed is a white monophonic rolled curtain without drawings or other accessories.

But our housewives love comfort, beauty and good mood in everything, so it is allowed to decorate with light curtains or. They are performed from translucent tissue. The use of openwork-lace curtains or Roman curtains is also allowed.

For the space that also performs the function of the living room or the dining room, it is best to use curtains from flax neutral painting. Here the curtains of any pastel tone and curtains with a typical print will be the location.

Sample similar curtains in the kitchen in Scandinavian style can be seen in the photo reflecting the Scandinavian style. They are the most typical window drapery.

The next important "textile" question is the dining table drape. The tablecloth uses light tones - white, blue and other pastel tones. On the floor as an additional decor you can place a small multicolored rug in a cage, a rhombick or strip.

Decor and accessories

When decorating the Scandinavian cuisine, you should stick to the basic rules for this style.

According to the northern mistress, items must be primarily useful, to be in a convenient place for it and are laid out strictly around the shelves. The most important subject of the decor, they consider wall clocks at the same time beautiful, and useful for the scrupulous northern hostess.

Walls can be decorated with a variety of paintings in the passecut or vintage photos in a beautiful frame. Free space on the shelves can take vases with floral compositions, culinary books, decorative or enamelled with a beautiful drawing of dishes.

There will be an excellent decoration of the kitchen window sill, dining table and even the working area. Particularly successful for the desktop will be a ridiculum with a curly parsley, a small decorative pepper or a small lemon tree.

It should not be considered that this design is distinguished by the lack of bright colors: its rigor is combined with a mischievous and colorful decor. It may look like multicolored posters or towels with unusual prints, complemented with bright covers on the chairs.

It is desirable to decor elements echoed with each other. For example, a floor mat can be performed in the same design that the pillows on the chairs.

Another element that can be used as a decor for the nordic design of the kitchen is a horns or animal heads, on which the Scandinavians have traditionally hunted. An excellent option can be their imitation of paper or textiles.

An excellent addition to them will be artificial or natural fur skins on the floor, chairs or chairs in the kitchen-living room. We should not forget about such a useful thing as a chalk board with a menu that can become an excellent design element.

On the free shelves, books, flowers in vases, postcards, enameled or decorative dishes are exhibited. Indoor plants can be placed on the windowsill, table or even a countertop.

The kitchen in the Scandinavian style is not only a convenient and practical place for cooking. It will be the place where all the members of any family will be happy to spend time.

Its functionality, minimalism and the unusualness of the national decor will make a pleasant time spent at the dinner table. The unevenness and restraint of the design will bring to your opportunity to relax and relax after a tense working day.

Traditionally, Scandinavia is considered to be three countries: Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The severity of the climate and manifold of the natural world was also reflected in the Scandinavian interior - simple geometric forms, natural materials and light, sometimes even cold tones make this style so unlike others. Recently, he managed to love many and scored the speed of popularity, and not least due to the fact that it is possible to apply it in the kitchen of any size, and in it will definitely fit perfectly! In addition, the Scandinavian design looks great on. If you are a fan of a laconic design, but the minimalism of high-tech is too boring for you, and if the kitchen is first for you, and you prefer not only to the body and soul, but also eyes - the design of the kitchen in Scandinavian style for you!

Today we will analyze the key features of this style, open the secrets and techniques of the Scandinavian decoration and find out what needs to be done in order for your kitchen to become a real Scandinavian oasis.

Well, let's indicate the main features of the kitchen in Scandinavian style:

  • Light tones with bright splashes;
  • Many sources of natural and artificial lighting;
  • Natural materials;
  • The rigor of the forms, including in the furniture;
  • Functionality and utility of each thing;
  • Minimum decor, maximum free space.

50 shades white

Short day and frequent no sunlight Scandinava compensate for light finish and furniture. Of course, the main color in the Scandinavian interior is white and all of its variations. White color will expand the space on a small kitchen, refreshing the room and add air and interior. And in order to avoid a "hospital" effect, it can be diluted or replaced by light blue, gray, by any shades of beige, lavender or mint, and in detail and accents - bright yellow, blue or green. Read more about Design White Kitchen Read.

If your kitchen is combined with the living room, the zones can be distinguished by different color solutions (at the same time, better let it be different shades of the same color), and to combine them with common motifs in the decor, which will be discussed slightly below. It is necessary to ensure that the color of the walls contrasted with the color of the furniture. Take a look at the combination of absolutely white walls and black furniture, it looks very impressive and fresh.

Flooring of floors and walls

Best of all the eco-friendly design will emphasize the boarded floor or laminate of light shades, resembling massive boards.

It is impressive to look at the combination of light walls and dark, even black floor.

Tile - a good alternative to the wooden floor. Choose a tile of light cold shades.

In the decoration of the walls you can stay on light gray, white or paint the color of the egg shell or foam milk.

Wallpapers will also be suitable, and in the choice it is better to stay on traditional Swedish firms, do not first know what the Scandinavian design is. For example, on such as Boråstapeter and Eco Wallpaper. Wallpapers can be both monophonic and contain a picture - in this case, you can beat it with other details in the kitchen interior.

By the way, if you decide to glue the wallpaper with a pattern - it is better to do it on one wall, and the rest are made by one-photon that the interior does not get too active. Loft style can be borrowed by the idea of \u200b\u200bbrickwork, but only partially not to make the interior too "industrial". If you have a kitchen-living room, then their design can be combined just with the help of overhanging brick masonry in different zones.

What about apron? Usually it is white and imitates brickwork, although it can be color. Other suitable options for finishing apron are, and of course wooden panels. We picked up somewhat suitable for kitchen options, see which you can in the photo.

May there be light

In the kitchen in Scandinavian style, you will always see large windows and light curtains made of lightweight material. The authenticant will not hang the curtains at all (as in the photo below), but if on the contrary there is another house with curious neighbors or you just prefer privacy, then without them can not do without them.

Often the color of windows is echoing with the color of the floor covering. Even if you have small windows in the kitchen, you can curtail them with light curtains to make the room are still lighter.

The Scandinavian interior is characterized by another integral part - a variety of sources of artificial lighting. Take care not only about the chandelier, but also about point and floor luminaires. Just lamps and can be the bright color accent other than white walls and furniture. The chandeliers can be the most futuristic forms, or, on the contrary, can be retro style - inspire the photo!


The Scandinavian cuisine reigns the rigor and conciseness of forms. Mining furniture, and that that is, is utilitarian, even in large spaces. The kitchen headset and the dining group here will be made of natural materials, most often from wood, without any excesses. What comes to mind first when mentioning Scandinavian design? Of course, this is the Swedish firm IKEA and their corporate identity, thanks to which the concept of cuisine in a Swedish style was distributed. On their catalogs and it is necessary to rely on the arrangement of such a kitchen. The facades of the kitchen headset can be absolutely white, and decorate their tabletop of contrasting color, for example, black.

It is also necessary to avoid "draining" into one white spot. Simple, metal or absent at all. It is noteworthy that the surface of furniture and technology is often glossing and thereby reflects the light - you can try this technique on a small kitchen: glossy cabinets, chrome technique and the abundance of metal surfaces visually expand the space and look modern.

In the Scandinavian interior, tables and chairs from a light tree, and the minimum processing obtained or vice versa, bright colors.

If the trim and arrangement of the kitchen appreciates simplicity, then in decorating there is where to raise! It is the decor that inhales life into this northern design and gives him mischief. For example, you can decorate the walls with colored posters, the floors are a bright carpet, and do not forget about a pleasant textile: unusual towels, pillows and a windowsill. In the kitchen-living room, textiles can elaborate in different areas: the same pillows, mats in a similar style and much more. And do not forget about! Put pots with plants, even if you do not like to care for them, because you can choose something unpretentious.

Even if you do not enjoy the hunt, it is great to look at the imitation of horns or animals, for example, from cardboard.

Another nice piece of decor, due to the climate of the Scandinavian countries, is natural or artificial fur and skins.

Also great will look a chalk board on which you can write menus for a week or reminders and notes close.

So for what we love the Scandinavian design? For what he manage to successfully balancing between cold weather, simplicity of style and at the same time remain modern classics. We love him for the fact that it is perfectly suitable for small and combined kitchens with light tones and ergonomics of space. It turns out that the kitchen in the Scandinavian style is the choice of a modern man who loving a spaciousness and looking for peace with notes of mischief in the interior.

Scandinavian style in the interior is bright, spacious and cozy rooms, filled with functionality and convenience. The Scandinavian style room looks modern, while reflecting the main features of the nature of the inhabitants of Northern Europe - restraint, love for nature and attachment to the native home.

To arrange the kitchen on all the rules of the Scandinavian style, you need to think about not only the decoration of the walls and the ceiling, but also take into account the characteristics of the furniture, the features of lighting, install the appropriate technique and make it tasteful to choose the decor elements.

The main features of the Scandinavian style

Finns, Swedes, Norwegians always trembled to the design of a homely hearth, trying to make their home beautiful and most comfortable as possible.

The main features of the Scandinavian style, thanks to which they recognize and read, it is:

  • light tones, in particular shades of white;
  • natural materials - tree, stone, wool, cotton, ceramics, glass, metal;
  • a large amount of light, predominantly daytime;
  • laconicity, lack of coupling parts;
  • order, space, comfort - all elements of the interior are simple and functional.

Why is Scandinavian style perfect for the kitchen? Light shades help visually expand the space, because in modern kitchen apartments often more than compact.

Often, the hosts combine the kitchen with the living room, which is absolutely not contrary to the Scandinavian style - residents of Northern Europe believe that such a reception makes the room even more home. The cozy dining area contributes to the heat of heat into the modern kitchen, furnished by equipment.

A well-lit kitchen is another plus in favor of Scandinavians, and the minimum of decor will avoid the feeling of room litigation and facilitates regular cleaning.

Choose a color gamut for the kitchen

The main color in the Scandinavian cuisine, and any room - white, despite this interiors are absolutely not like one on another and look rather interesting. Such an effect is achieved through the use of a wide variety of shades of white - egg shell, marshmallow, milk, ivory, white sand, snow and many others.

In the photo: Pure white kitchens in Scandinavian style can be found quite rarely, we usually add warmer colors or bright accents in the form of greens or interior items.

To dilute a monochrome interior, use the most natural, elevated, close to natural shades of green, brown, gray. Pale pink, blue, lilac, cream colors are allowed. Black, graphite, yellow, green, turquoise can be used as small bright accents.

Often on Scandinavian cuisines you can store the headset of the color of the natural tree, they are not necessarily made of the array, it can be LDSP with a corresponding pattern and color.

White color is perfect for small kitchens, it visually expands the space, makes the room spacious and light. In the kitchen of a large area, the use of exceptionally white can lead to a sense of non-residential premises, a certain laboratory or operating room, especially if, according to style, the room is not oversaturated with furniture, and the whole technique is in metal cold shades.

On the picture: Gray in the design of the Scandinavian cuisine is rarely used, but with the right choice of the shade, it fits perfectly into the interior.

Black color will allow the kitchen interior more stringent and modern. Moreover, black and white kitchens do not lose their relevance.

Repair and decoration

Choose flooring

The classic of the Scandinavian floors is a natural tree, mainly in bright shades. It looks implicitly low wood, such a floor will make notes of vintage in the interior. In the countries of Northern Europe, the so-called warm floors are popular - heated, in this case, parquet or parquet board are ideally suited as an finishing coating. Wood is evenly warming up and always pleasant to the touch.

If a parquet is too expensive for you, you can use moisture-proof laminate under the tree. Pay attention to the colors are white ash, bleached oak, oak Nordic.

On the picture: In the event of a kitchen alignment with a living room or dining room, all rooms often do the same.

In the kitchen, combined with the living room, it is desirable to make a solid floor covering, scandinavits often make floors in the whole house the same. But in order to practicality, the use of floor tiles under natural stone in the working area and parquet in the dining area are allowed. You can choose a tile somewhat darker parquet, such a floor will be less marked and more original.

What should be the ceiling

Definitely white. This will help visually lift the ceilings, and if there are white walls, the whole room will seem spacious. The easiest way is to paint the ceiling or use decorative plaster. Today, stretch ceilings are popular, they are practical, fit perfectly for the kitchen and even protect their neighbors from above. Order a white stretch ceiling with matte text - it will fit perfectly in the overall mood of the kitchen.

Often in the Scandinavian cuisine mount the suspended ceilings from drywall - they allow you to organize point lighting. Plasterboard can also be painted or plastering. The interior of the kitchen with Country notes, for example, in a country house can be decorated with ceiling with outflow-released ceiling beams or ceiling trim painted with clay.

Select wall decoration for Scandinavian cuisine

Traditionally, walls in the north-European interior are trimmed with wood. The elevated shades of wood covered with colorless varnish, as it is impossible to emphasize proximity to nature. The wall tread on the walls can be painfully painted in a white or other light shade, the texture of the tree will still be viewed.

In order not to shorten the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, you can save the walls with wallpaper under painting, thereby aligning them, and pick up a bright colors. You can use the same paint that was selected for the ceiling. One of the walls or even all walls can imitate brickwork, it can be plaster wall panels, tiles or wallpapers for brickwork.

A peculiar "chip" of Scandinavians - to paint one of the walls indoors. It can be a wall in a working area or a wall that has a dining table. It is not necessary to have an artistic talent, it is enough to choose a print wallpaper. Many Scandinavian wallpaper manufacturers offer options with characteristic ornaments in traditional northern colors.

Kitchen Apron in Scandinavian style

An apron is part of the wall between mounted cabinets and a worktop. If only part of the wall is occupied by furniture, the apron is a continuation of the wall covering - paint, wallpaper, lining. To protect the apron from splashes and spots, inevitable during cooking, the working fragment of the wall can be covered with transparent glass.

On the picture: The tile for the apron does not have to be classic square, you can stay on the tile under the brick, the tile of the Cabanchik or a shallow mosaic.

If the apron is drawn up separately, it is often made white, laid out with tiles or mosaic in natural shades. Popular today skinali - glass aprons, which can be decorated with any image. A glass apron, imitating brick or stone masonry, seamy wood, will look very impressive.

Sometimes apron is decorated in contrasting shades, creating a color accent in the interior. Choose a tile or skinali, the colors are most appropriate shades of blue - turquoise, ultramarin, as well as shades of gray - wet asphalt, graphite.

We draw the work area: furniture, plumbing, household appliances

For furniture in Scandinavian style is characterized by simple rectangular outlines, concise design, lack of intricate items. Kitchen facades are usually wooden or under a tree, can be painted in white and its shades. If you want to make the interior warmer than warm, use light beige natural shades of wood. Choose the most simple accessories, easy to use, which will not rush into the eyes.

On the picture: In the kitchens in the Scandinavian style, there are often mounted cabinets, instead I use open shelves

Pay attention to the boxes and lockers, the doors of which are open by pressing. Such furniture does not provide for the presence of handles or other protruding parts and corresponds to the desire of scandins to maximum functionality.

To make the kitchen, spacious and lighter, the scandinances refuse cumbersome cabinets, replacing them with open shelves. Compensate the lack of storage space is obtained by using angular cabinets-penalties height to the ceiling. They are compact, while accomplishing everything you need.

Countertops in the working area can be wooden, from natural marble or granite or from an artificial stone - modern artificial materials perfectly imitate natural surfaces. Often the countertop make darker facades. It is beneficial from a practical point of view, a dark table will be less marked, besides, the countertime of the table top and the facade looks very harmonious.

In pursuit of the practicality and savings of the Scandinava space, the latest achievements of equipment are used - multifunctional food combines and microwave ovens, built-in brass cabinets and refrigerators, hoods. Technique Usually in metal silver shades - reflective surface light expand the room is not worse than the mirrors.

On the picture: Options for miles that perfectly fit into the interior of Scandinavian cuisine

The sink and the mixer should also be chosen in the steel shade. If the countertops are marble or granite, the washing can be made of the same material, being a continuation of the surface of the table, literally merging with it, which again contributes to the visual expansion of the space.

Choose furniture for the dining area

Wooden furniture will be the best option for food intake zone, a tabletop is suitable from chipboard or MDF, veneered with natural ash, beech, oak. For furniture from the massif, such varieties of wood, like beech, pine, oak are suitable. It is not bad to fit into the Scandinavian cuisine or a dining room with a tabletop of transparent glass, it looks weightless and makes the room more spacious.

The chairs should be simple, small and light, with a low back, for the bar rack, choose stools without a back. Bar rack is usually used in a small kitchen for a fast breakfast or snack alone, while in the dining room or living room must be a large table that holds the whole family.

Folded, sliding and other designs of transformer tables are popular among the owners of small kitchens, such furniture meets all the requirements of the Scandinavian style - functionality, no extra details.

Attention to light

The kitchen in Scandinavian style is a lot of light, first of all daylight. Often in the Scandinavian interiors there are panoramic windows, in any case the window in the kitchen should be large. Window frames are necessarily wooden and necessarily white - painted or from the elevated tree. In order to save it, you can install plastic double-glazed windows with wood imitation in bright shades.

Very rarely on Scandinavian cuisines you can find the curtains - they steal the sunlight, which should be in excess. So that the window composition does not seem empty and underestimated, the windowsill put live flowers in pots or other decorative elements. It is allowed to use concise rolled curtains that are attached inside the window opening and turn into a tiny roll. The window in the dining area can be decorate with light curtains in light pastel shades - beige, cream, olive.

Artificial lighting should also be sufficient, often several light sources are used immediately - the ceiling chandelier over a dining table, ceiling built-in lamps, and lamps in the workspace are even lamps.

Fabric lampshades in the Scandinavian style are not used, such lamps give too little light.

Popular lamps with wooden elements, elements made of copper wire or chrome-plated parts. Colorfully looks like a lamp in the form of a light bulb hanging from the ceiling in a laconic cartridge on a black or silver wire or the simplest metal label in retro style.

Finishing strokes: selection of dishes and decor elements

Scandinavian style is only natural materials, so the dishes are worth choosing ceramic, glass or metal. Regarding the color solutions, you can choose from two options - dishes in bright shades to become finishing and furniture or dishes of bright colors - as a color accent, which sometimes lacks the snow-white kitchen. Choose a beautiful dishes - it will play a decorative role, being on the open shelves of your Scandinavian cuisine.

The kitchen in the Scandinavian style is an excellent option for those who like purity, space and coolness. Such a North European interior reminds only the fallen, untouched snow. It has both gluttony, blue, beige colors, but the main role is played by white. Learn more about the characteristic features of the Scandinavian style in the kitchen interior will be described below.

The main features of the Scandinavian style

Scandinavian style is borrowed from the inhabitants of the Cold North. For the most part of the landscapes of Norway, Sweden, Denmark are snow-covered vertices, ice rivers, winding fjords, fog smoking, sparkling frills on trees and bright lights in the windows of compact houses. Thus, nature itself inspires people to use the usual frosty shades in the interior. Saturated berry-fruit colors seem to be completely alien to the exotic here, but the pure tones of water, the mountain ranges and the sky look very appropriate.

For the Scandinavian style is characterized by simplicity, conciseness, clear lines and an abundance of light. The sun is a rare guest in the northern edges, so its absence is compensated by a large number of point lamps, luminous tapes, lamps. Glossy white, silver, mirrors, glass, chrome-plated surfaces reflect the rays, making the house spacious and filling it with freshness.

Select the color for the kitchen in Scandinavian style

Nordic design assumes a calm range, but this is not a sharp black and white modern and non-industrial loft. It is closer to nature, so natural spractions are allowed here: pinkish-golden rays of sunset, greenish shades of the forest, deep blue lakes, marble overflows of stones. In order for the interior of the kitchen in a Scandinavian style is harmonious, you can simply use the color palette and textures from the Winter Northern European Landscape.

White kitchen

Clean, without any impurities, this color is an indispensable background for Scandinavian style. White must be present in the ceiling finish and, desirable, walls. It can be mirrored smooth or matte, fluffy.

Cuisine in pastel colors

When the sunset is dropped on the snow, and light gray clouds are tinted with purple-pink and gold, the time of winter magic comes. The colors of the Northern Lights will look impressively in the form of decorative accents, but it is best to apply them for lighting. Purpliers from purple to sunny yellow can easily be recreated using colored light bulbs.

Gray kitchen

In the Norwegian landscapes, he takes a lot of space: hanging clouds, fog, darker evening forest, sheer rocks, stones, roads and streams. On some sides, gray can be metallic, glossy, on the other - slightly rough or smoky-club, silver, translucent or almost black. All this allows you to unconditionally combine gray in decoration, technique, furniture, as well as decor.

Blue kitchen

Deep dark water color or cooling heavenly in any case should be smooth. It can serve as an unusual contrast background for a white, steel or wooden headset. Furniture, ceramics, wall decorations of cold blue shades look very nice.

White tree color

The texture of the clarified oak, ate, pines gives the Scandinavian interior of the kitchen calm, makes it warmer and cozy. In this color you can arrange parquet floors, facades headset, door leaf, window frames, worktop, dining area, wall fragments or beams on the ceiling.

Green kitchen

In Scandinavia, it is represented by shades of coniferous trees, moss and water. Inclipts of pastel or bluish green should be small, otherwise the kitchen style smoothly goes to Provence.

Materials and decoration of the kitchen in Scandinavian style

In the creation of aesthetic design, not only the color, and the texture of surfaces plays a significant role. Among the wide variety of finishing materials is easy to confuse, but if you show a creative smelter, then the result will certainly please.


Choosing an outdoor coating for the kitchen, it is worth remembering that it will probably have to wash. Due to low moisture resistance, the laminate is better located away from the plate and washing. Relevant in the cooking zone will be a ceramic tile, artificial stone, linoleum, filling floor. Also very harmonious here looks like a natural parquet of white oak and boards, painted with white or gray paint.

For a small kitchen in Scandinavian style, a monophonic floor is suitable, black and white chess, tile-patchwork. The last two options can be applied for finishing apron.


Scandinavian style provides for boiling-white walls without unnecessary delights. Their design should be as simple as possible. Remarkably looks in a small kitchen uniform whitewash, painting, smooth vinyl wallpapers, glazed ceramic tiles.

The apron is better to do well, for example, use brickwork, bind the surface with artificial granite or marble, stick a film with a black and gray geometric pattern. Interestingly in a niche between the tabletop, the cooking surface, the sink and the upper lockers will look a color or monophonic white mosaic, as well as tile-patchwork.


To visually increase the vertical space, the small kitchen ceiling in the Scandinavian style is desirable to do light. To do this, painting, matte tensioning film or wheels of white colors are suitable.


Harmoniously complete the design of the kitchen will help light, translucent curtains or bright Roman curtains on the windows; Cotton or linen achromatic tablecloth (white, gray, black and white small cell); narrow paths, woven carpets; Sofa pillows for dining area of \u200b\u200bsaturated colors or white, with ethnic embroidery.

Furniture and kitchen appliances in Scandinavian style

In order to be in the kitchen, it was nice, it should be accommodated for the choice of furniture and technology. These things should be reliable, functional and beautiful, while not to occupy a lot of space.

Kitchen set

Depending on the planning of the room, the headset can be direct (on one wall), M-shaped, P-shaped or placed by fragments. For a small kitchen in a Scandinavian style, it is better to choose a light facade without highlighting elements (for example, white with non-lack of wooden table top).

If you need to visually lift the ceiling, the doors should be rectangular and elongated, and horizontal elements will help expand the narrow wall. To maximize the vertical space, the headset should be high, almost to the ceiling.

Dinner Zone

A distinctive feature of the furniture in Scandinavian style is the simplicity and correctness of the lines. The design of the table and chairs is light enough, but durable. Thin wooden or metal, steel colors, legs can be located exactly at the corners of the product or be slightly displaced to the center, forming a trapezium.

For the arrangement of a comfortable dining area, compact corner sofas white, gray, blue, blue, blue. They can be placed bright decorative pillows.

Storage systems

Laconic north design implies purity and order. Best of all, the closing structures are coping with this. Open racks should be as little as possible so that the things located on them did not create a feeling of litters.

Save the place in the small kitchen will help embedded techniques, as well as various retractable, folding, transforming shelves and boxes.


Choosing a refrigerator for Scandinavian style is very easy. Classic white, silver, chrome colors perfectly fit into the winter interior. So that this miracle of technology does not occupy a lot of square, it is worth preferred to compact, embedded models with flat doors.

A small refrigeration chamber can be mounted in the headset at the height of the eyes, place under the cooking surface or window. If there is an opportunity, at the construction stage or redevelopment under the fridge, it is worth equipping a niche in the wall.

Kitchen decor in Scandinavian style

Although the harsh northern climate imposes its imprint to the interior, making it very restrained, but without cute little things to make the kitchen in a homely cozy will not work.

A black and white paintings and posters can be used as decorations, and on New Year's time - slightly snow-covered cones, fir branches, candles, stones. From the household of Scandinavians there is a sense to borrow skins, knitted things from thick sheep yarn, traditional multicolored embroidery ornaments.

On open shelves, glossy ceramics, figurines of northern birds and animals, crystal dishes will look beautifully.

Lighting in the kitchen

In addition to natural sunlight, which should easily enter the room through translucent white curtains, it is necessary to take care of its electric "substitute".

For the kitchen in the Scandinavian style, economical point LEDs are perfectly suitable (they can be built not only in the ceiling, but also in the headset), compact spherical light bulbs in ordinary black cartridges, as well as hanging chandeliers in the form of bells, snowballs, web.

Kitchen Design in Scandinavian style - Photo

Our photo gallery will help you find inspiration for the design of the kitchen in Scandinavian style.

It contains a collection of the best decisions on finishing, the location of furniture, technicians, decorations in the interior. On the pictures presented below, you can see how to make a combined, spacious or small kitchen.

The kitchen in the Scandinavian style is quite simple so that it can be arranged its room independently without the involvement of designers. First of all, it is necessary to understand the features of the style and its origin.

Scandinavian style came to our houses from Northern Europe - Norway, Switzerland, Finland, which are characterized by severe, cold winters and cloudy weather.

Methods of design of kitchen interior in Scandinavian style

For the inhabitants of the harsh climate of the northern regions of Europe, it is important to feel warm and comfortable at any time of the year, so the Scandinavian interior is adapted for such needs.

When designing a kitchen in Scandinavian style, you need to follow certain rules:

  • The design should prevail white;
  • Walls should be bright pastel tones. Since the sun is very rarely shining in the windows in the northern latitudes, the room must be decorated in bright colors. The favorite is white, but it is quite successful, it can be replaced with light beige, ivory color, melting, light gray or pale blue. Such tones will reflect light and visually increase the space. Even if the kitchen has a non-standard layout, a large number of corners, the white color will be able to hide these flaws. Walls can be covered with wallpaper, but it will be more correct to just shock them and paint on suitable color. Such walls are easy to maintain in good condition, you can only slightly update the color. The plaster can be a textured, and some part of the wall can be performed in the form of a rough brick or stone masonry, which will make the interior not so strict. On the walls of the kitchen, you can arrange all sorts of paintings of the appropriate theme, which will look very original and unusual. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the kitchen does not turn into the art gallery. How to make a kitchen with paintings, you can learn from a special article on this topic.

It looks good in the Scandinavian interior wooden panels, but they are more suitable for the bedroom or living room.

Paul in the kitchen in Scandinavian style

For a kitchen made in Scandinavian style, a wooden floor of warm shades is best suited. For this style, it is characterized by the use of a tree of all kinds of species - oak, ash, birch, beech or pine - any option will suit. The best choice is parquet or laminate, but if the material tools are limited, you can use the Lenolium under the tree. Modern manufacturers of Lenolyum produce coatings, repeating the color and structure of the tree, visually differ from the present material.

Article on the topic: Home interiors

A small rug in the area of \u200b\u200bthe table will allocate a dining place in the kitchen, adding comfort to the overall interior.

Ceiling in the kitchen in Scandinavian style

The ceiling must necessarily be light or white. This contributes to the reflection of light in the room. Cant at the junction of the walls and the ceiling should be inconspicuous, without special patterns. Restraint and conciseness, inherent minimalism, is the basis of the Scandinavian style.


It is the accessories that create a scandinavian style face that does not allow him to confuse with minimalism. The accessory should not be too much, they should be simple and functional.

Here are some basic characteristics to be relying when choosing accessories:

  • Bright colors. In all small details in the interior, you can add any bright color, maximum - two. Color accents should not be too much, otherwise it will look extremely tasteless. Bright accents can be towels, curtains, pillows on chairs, vases, coasters for dishes, flowerpads, etc. The color of accessories should be harmonized with the color of the walls and the floor. Classic options for the most successful combinations can be chosen from the photo library of kitchens in Scandinavian style. For example: yellow-white-white, brightly turquoise-gray and white, salad-protein-white.
  • Natural materials. Curtains on the windows and tablecloth on the table preferably choose from natural materials. It may be coarse unpacked flax or colored cotton. On the seat chairs can be thrown to soft cut fur.

Appropriate in the kitchen in Scandinavian style items made of glass, ceramics, wood, metal, as well as natural stones and leather that make up the basis of the style. Well fit into the interior wicker basket, ceramic jars for spices and croup.

Decor for kitchen in Scandinavian style

Bright and juicy greens in pots are very relevant in the kitchen interior. It creates a feeling of residential and cozy room. Pots can be monochrome colors or in several basic colors.

The dishes can be both homogeneous and collected from several sets. The main condition is simplicity and naturalness.

The curtains on the windows must be made of a thin transparent material, such as thin flax, kitty or muslin. Their main task is to skip as much light as possible to the room, so the curtains should always be open, or there is no absent. Well look at the windows fabric horizontal blinds.

Article on the topic: Grinding of walls Before sticking wallpaper: Do I need how much drywall dry and how to primer plasterboard, why, be sure, photo, video

Color gamut kitchen in Scandinavian style

Selecting the colors for the interior of the kitchen in Scandinavian style, it is important to adhere to these rules:

  • the main colors should be no more than three. They can be supplemented with close shades, but without leaving the framework of the three main colors.
  • depending on the location of the windows (north or south), the palette of colors is selected. For example, a warm pastel gamma shades with juicy orange or green accents are suitable for the northern orientation kitchen. For the south orientation kitchen, white is suitable in combination with blue, blue, purple and other cold shades.

It is important to know that some colors look different in the afternoon and in the evening, in the shade and in the sun. Therefore, you need to see how the same option looks at different times of the day.

If the walls and the ceiling are painted in white, the room will visually look spacious. If it allows the area, one of the walls can be saved by photographic windows of a suitable subject, or to paint with different color - it will be very beautiful and original. On other walls you can hang some decor of the same color as a single wall. This technique uses many designers. If you have a favorite color, it does not mean that it will be relevant in the kitchen interior. For example, red is very aggressive, and green can be too boring.

The color of the kitchen must be adapted by the time of day when you spend a significant amount of time. If this morning is best for the interior, orange, yellow and raspberry, which will give you energy charge for the whole day. If you spend most of the time in the kitchen in the evening, then the blue color will help create a warm, cozy atmosphere.

It is important not to rearrange with the number of parts in the interior. Nothing should unnecessarily clutter the space.

Creating the interior of the kitchen-living room in Scandinavian style

The kitchen combined with the living room has many advantages. For example, in typical apartments, where the kitchens are very small, such an association will create a space and a feeling of freedom. You do not have to break your head over the question where to give all the necessary household appliances.

The kitchen-living room is an excellent option for young mothers who can combine work in the kitchen and a care for a small child. Another convenient option for receiving guests - the hostess will not feel sorted by the company, working in the kitchen. Due to the second window to the room penetrates more light. Smells from cooking do not apply around the apartment, thanks to a strong exhaust to clean the air located above the stove. Thanks to the design of the Scandinavian style, the kitchen will become both cozy and spacious.