Slipping baths for weight loss: the healing force of the Schipidar. Turkish baths at home as turpentine affects the skin of the face

Turkish baths

Disruption of blood microcirculation in the body, lymphs or intercellular fluid can lead to a variety of diseases. An unpleasant consequence, for example, a set of excess weight, metabolic disorder and obesity, aging of skin, cellulite deposits, problems with potency, with muscle mass, braking mental development, lethargy and apathy. Wine to the entire flap in the capillaries, the opening of which allows you to restore and activate the microcirculation of both blood and lymphs.

The most common methods of activating microcirculation are exercise, hardening, sauna and contrasting bathing. But there are more efficient ways. This, for example, capillary therapy, turpentine baths, the effectiveness of which was opened and proven by Russian scientists and Professor Zalmanov.

The benefits of turpentine baths

Capillary therapy its goal has to bring blood and lymph into active movement along the vessels. It stimulates more intensive movement of internal flows over all organism channels. Restoration of life flows in the channels and the beginning of the normal functioning of these channels will provide the body of self-try, that is, updates. Due to the transformations occurring as a result of turpentine baths, the metabolism is normalized, the immune system is strengthened, the tide of strength and energy is felt. The baths are positively affected by the appearance of a person.

A stimulant in such baths is a turpentine (or terrentin), which refers to essential oils obtained from the resin of coniferous trees (that is, from the gils). The turpentine bath through oils stimulates receptors located on the skin, expands, arranges a kind of shake lymphatic and blood capillarm, activates all flows in them. In addition to exposure to capillaries, the baths affect the nervous and immune system by increasing the patency of nerve fibers, restoration and normalization of vegetative processes. As a result - the opening of the damper.

Turkish baths belong to the category of preventive measures. The main advantage is high efficiency and availability for all segments of the population. The peculiarity of this type of therapy is that in this way the blow is not on symptoms, but on the true causes of diseases.

For turpentine baths, specially created compositions made of yellow mortar and white emulsion, which contain high quality giving Skipidar in themselves. The proportions and the composition still century ago developed Professor Zalmanov. Bath sets for its recipe are still sold in all pharmacies, as the turpentine baths today are recognized as the best tool for restoring microcirculation, which is not yet.

The choice of composition for the bath should be approached with special care and care, since not all manufacturers properly care about the quality of the components of the products.

Turkish baths may differ in the field of exposure to the human body. According to this principle, they are customary to be divided into yellow, white and mixed.

With the help of white emulsion, rhythmic capillaries contractions are caused. The fact that the bath began to act indicate a slight burning and tingling of the skin. During the procedure it turns out to be an active effect on the vessels. They are restored, they are freed from dies, begin to function in normal mode. After the manipulations produced should be an increase in blood pressure.

Yellow solution The main goal has purification. Due to its effects, the capillaries are expanding and cleaned from toxic substances and slags. At this point, the process of sweating is significantly increased, and the blood pressure begins to decline.

Application of mixed baths It depends largely on the state of human health, from its initial blood pressure, as they combine the effect of both yellow and white baths.

The reception of turbid baths should not be too frequent. Moderation and sequence in their application will avoid unpleasant consequences. As a guide, it is better to use the instructions attached to the composition.

Rules for receiving a turpentine bath

The water temperature in the bathroom should vary from 36 to 39 degrees. The selection of temperature should be carried out with regard to the overall well-being and state of human health. Usually, preference is given to 39 degrees. The main thing is that during the procedure no discomfort was not felt.

For the time of receiving the bath, for the first time, it is better to limit ourselves to 1-2 tablespoons of a white emulsion or a yellow solution depending on the desired effect. Skipidar is diluted with the same hot water. After that, the resulting mixture is placed in a small bucket, it is added to it 3-5 liters of hot water and all this is poured into the bath. To speed up the mixing process of the emulsifier with water in the bath, you need to dial the water several times in the bucket and pour it back from the height.

Usually, the reception of the turpentine bath lasts 15 minutes. However, the time of the procedure is not strictly regulated. Here it is necessary to rely on your well-being. When the tingling and light burning starts, sweating will increase, this will indicate the beginning of the therapeutic effect, the beginning of the withdrawal of all harmful substances from the body. In the event that there are no such sensations, the next time you can increase the dosage of the composition, and if the burning is too strong, then the amount of emulsion will need to be reduced. At the very first signs of overheating, chills, or any other manifestations of discomfort should stop receiving the bath. The next time you need to either reduce the amount of composition, or change the duration of the procedure, experiment with the water temperature. For turpentine baths, the main thing is moderation and graduality, as well as comfort.

The positive effect of the bath can be strengthened with the help of a positive attitude and avoiding any thoughts about troubles, problems and diseases. To do this, it would be nice to prepare positive affirmative thoughtformers and repeat them about ourselves.

When dizziness occurs, after exiting the bath, it is necessary to immediately sit for a while. As a rule, this condition quickly passes.
If the first experience of receiving a turpentine bath turned out to be positive, then each subsequent time can be increased by the dose of the composition (approximately half of the tablespoon). The maximum dosage level should be at the level of 150-180 ml, and even in the absence of any burning or tingling. For the correct measurement of the number of turpidar, it is advisable to use one specially designated cup on which the corresponding marker marker will be made.

The mixed bath suits almost all people, it is only necessary to choose the most optimal ratio of compositions. White bath can only be taken by those who have reduced pressure, and yellow - who has increased pressure. Gradually arterial pressure should normal. If there are no problems with pressure, you can alternate white and yellow baths, between them take interruptions for mixed, and you can only stop your choice on mixed bathrooms. In this case, everything will depend on the personal preferences of a person, his sensations and a state of health.

After taking the bath, it is not necessary to wipe dry. It is better to climb in a warm terry bathrobe, put on the legs to wear linen or woolen socks, lie down into bed under the blanket and lie so about 30-40 minutes. During this period of time, a slight tingling and burning sensation will continue, as well as sweating. This indicates the continuation of the medical action of the turpentine composition on the body.
The turpentine bath is better taken in the morning, as it carries a large charge of energy. After bed, you need to return to the bathroom and take a warm shower, gradually moving to hot. This procedure makes it possible to warm up the cooled body and wash off everything that came out of the organism. Soap in the shower it is necessary only after receiving a turpentine bath with a yellow solution. After a hot soul, it is recommended to dump cold water. At this point, there is a feeling of complete comfort and an extraordinary tide of energy begins.

The degree of coldness of rinsing water should depend on the state of human health. So, if there are any problems with the heart or pressure, then it is worth or refusing at all, or limited to summer water. It makes sense to gradually move from the summer water temperature to the cold. The main thing is to prevent the state of discomfort.
If there is no desire to wet the hair, it is better to take advantage of a special shower hat. Also before receiving the bath, during this procedure and after it will appropriate to be abundant drink, and it is better to stop your choice on conventional clean water or herbal tea.

The effect of turpentine baths will be noticeable in a month. By this time, the overall well-being and physical form will improve. And whether to take baths and then it is an individual choice of each.

Turkish baths were developed by Dr. A. S. Zalmanov in the middle of the XX century. Living turpentine is obtained from fresh pine resin - gils, highlighting therapeutic terpene oil from it. Applied in the form of emulsions, it opens the capillaries and activates the skin receptors. The term "capillarotherapy" was introduced by A. S. Zalmanov and implies the improvement of the entire body by improving the work of the capillaries. Zalmanov believed that the capillaries were failing to deteriorate, since many organs are not supplied with oxygen and nutrients in due measure. Skipidar baths open clouded capillaries, normalize healthy blood circulation and thus contribute to the self-determination of many sick bodies, as well as to increase the common protective forces of the body.

How do turpentine baths

The turpentine baths have a double exposure to the skin, the largest organ of the human body: thermal and chemical. Our skin contains a huge amount of capillaries, sebaceous and sweat glands, lymphatic vessels and nerve endings. Its function lies not only in the protection of the body from the external environment, but also in the transfer of information and some substances the body from the outside. The hot tub in itself expands the vessels and improves the bloodstream, the useful substances in the body faster.

The main component of the chipidar, α-pinen, has a high penetrating ability and has an irritant effect on the nerve endings. Turkidar essential oils launch biochemical processes and enhance the synthesis of histamine and carbon dioxide. Histamine contributes to activation and opening of all capillaries in the body. Carbon dioxide affects the respiratory center, enhancing the ventilation of the lungs and, as a result, blood supply with oxygen.

Thus, the turpentine baths sharply activate blood circulation throughout the body, including the smallest capillaries. The quality of the supply of the entire organism with nutrients and oxygen is improved, the decay products, toxins and carbon dioxes are exposed faster from cells. The functions of the nervous and endocrine system are activated, which launch the process of self-treatment of the body and normalizing metabolism.

Varieties of turpentine baths

A white emulsion or a yellow solution is used to prepare a healing turbine bath. Mixed baths are also possible together with your doctor.

White baths. White emulsion completely dissolves input. The white turkey bath formulation causes a small lifting of blood pressure, so it is preferable to hypotonized or normal arterial pressure. Such baths do not increase body temperature and do not cause increased sweating. White emulsion causes a sharp disclosure of capillaries, restores the performance of the capillaries of the capillaries and improves the access of oxygen to all tissues of the body. Due to the amplification of capillary systole, burning or tingling in the skin can be felt.

Yellow baths. Yellow solution is a mixture of turpentine with oleic acid and castor oil. Due to the presence of oil in the composition of the yellow liquid on the surface of the water in the bath, a film is formed that retains the temperature of the solution. This contributes to increasing body temperature, increased metabolic processes in the body and lower pressure. Due to reinforced sweating from the body, excess water is derived, as well as residues of toxic substances, slags and urea. Oleic acid as part of a yellow bath also plays an important role. It binds free radicals and normalizes the oxidation reaction in the body, which slows down the process of aging cells and tissues. Under the action of yellow baths, saline deposits in the articular cavities are washed, precipitation in capillaries dissolve.

Yellow and White Baths Promote in the blood of the amino acid histamine, which has an painful and vasodilatory action.

Mixed baths - This is a combination of white emulsion and a yellow solution in various proportions. Such baths are designed for individual selection to a certain person with certain problems in the body. With their help, you can adjust the blood pressure in the patient.

Indications for the use of turpentine baths

  • Cardiovascular disease: hypotension, angina, myocarditis, endocarditis, pericarditis.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and joints: osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, rickets, gout, osteomation, osteoporosis, fractures of various types, muscle atrophy, radiculitis.
  • Vascular diseases: Hemorrhoids, varicose veins, arteriosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, Reino syndrome and other diseases.
  • Diseases of the respiratory organs: bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma, pneumonia.
  • Diseases of the urogenital system: cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, lymphangitis of penis, impotence, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: Headache, Parkinson's disease, Child cerebral palsy, Miasthenia, Migraine, Nevtit, insomnia, neuropathy, neuralgia, neurasthenia, sclerosis, polio, various sensitivity disorders and many other diseases.
  • Endocrine diseases: Sugar diabetes, obesity, hypothyroidism, climax.
  • Eye disease, ear, throat, nose: Deafness, laryngitis, otitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, conjunctivitis, sclert, keratitis and others.
  • Diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcers, gallstone disease, hepatitis, colitis.
  • Skin diseases: Psoriasis, neurodermatitis, frostbite, mastitis, scars and scars of various origin.
  • Female diseases: Climax and various inflammation of female genital organs.
  • Preventive application: rejuvenation of the body, improving immunity, improving the condition of hair and skin, cleansing the body from slags and toxins, cellulite.

The choice of means for making a turpentine bath primarily depends on your pressure. People with normal arterial pressure can take mixed baths or alternate white and yellow. Those who have pressure raised, showing yellow baths. If after several procedures the pressure is normal, you can take mixed turpentine baths, alternating them with yellow. People with reduced arterial pressure recommended a white emulsion. Make 3-5 procedures if the pressure comes to normal, alternate mixed and white turpentine baths.

Before starting the procedures, prepare a tonometer for measuring the pressure before and after taking the bath. Pressure indicators are desirable to record in a separate notebook. You will also need hours, aqueous thermometer, bowl and a cup with measuring divisions to determine the desired amount of liquid or emulsion. Put the terry bathrobe or towel, prepare in advance bed.

Now you need to prepare a bath. The water temperature must be 36-37 ° C. Take a bubble with liquid or emulsion, shake it and measure the required amount. It is initially taken 10, a maximum of 15 ml of turpentine per 100 liters of water, it is approximately half a standard bath. With each subsequent welding of the bath, an increase in the number of turpentine per 2-3 ml should be increased, gradually bringing the amount to 60 ml. Pour the solution into a bowl and add hot water to it. Then, thoroughly mix the turpidar with water, after which it can be poured into the bath and again how to mix. Before taking the bath, lubricate the armpit vaseline and the inguinal area.

After the bath is ready, you can fully immerse yourself in the water. Make sure that the water does not get into the eyes, nose and mouth, you should not even dip your head into the water. The first procedures should be taken 5-7 minutes, then gradually increase the time according to well-being up to 20 minutes. Follow the water temperature, pour boiling water to bring it up to 38 ° C when taking a white bath and 40 ° C for yellow.

Relax and observe your feelings. Tingling in the body is normal, but in case of unpleasant sensations in the heart area, the bath should be stopped. When the reception of the turpentine bath is over, turn into a bathrobe or towel, without quenching clean water, turpentine will still be absorbed into your body.

After the bath you need to lie down in bed for 2 hours. Cover warm blankets, drink raspberry tea and allow the body to relax and penetrate. With then, slags and toxins are actively excreted from the body, so this stage is extremely important in treatment and in no case cannot be neglected.

The frequency of receiving turpentine baths. You can take baths every day, every other day or every two days, the main thing is that the reception system is the same and consistent.

Easy sensations. If during the reception of the bath you feel discomfort, tachycardia or severity in the body, you should reduce the percentage of the turpentine solution, while staying in the bath or reduce the temperature of the water. The burning and tingling of the skin, light bulk in the joints are considered the norm.

Food. During the course of capillarotherapy, alcohol and chemical preparations cannot be taken, including medications. It should be refracted from smoking, taking oily and animal food, chocolate and beverages containing caffeine. And also minimize the use of salt, it delays water in the body and give an excessive burden on the kidneys and the heart. Very useful in this period fresh salads, oatmeal and buckwheat cereals and nuts. Two hours before bathing, refuse meals and limit only drinking.

Alcohol. In no case can not take baths in a state of intoxication.

Fake. Buying a turpentine solution, be sure to pay attention to the composition. The main part of the solution should be natural wiring turpentine. There is also a technical turpentine, mined from a pine tree with gasoline, this substance is not suitable for taking baths. The composition is allowed to have biologically active additives and herbal infusions.

Storage of turpentor. Store the containers with a solution in a dry and dark place at room temperature. Since the turpentine contains a large number of essential oils that are easy to evaporate, the capacity should be tightly closed, it will not be superfluous to put it into an additional package.

Be sure to follow dosages and temperature regime. Never immerse yourself in a hot bath.

Contraindications for the adoption of turpentine baths

Skipidar baths at home began to be used relatively recently. Previously, this type of treatment was carried out in sanatoriums under the supervision of the doctor. If you decide to conduct a bathroom at home, pay attention to contraindications. So, it should be abandoned from using a turbid solution if you have detected the following diseases:

  • Cirrhosis of the liver
  • Open-shaped tuberculosis
  • Excessively high or low pressure
  • Myocardial infarction, making turpentine baths allowed no earlier than six months after a heart attack
  • Motor's swelling
  • Pulmonary edema
  • Deviations from the pressure of the spinal fluid pressure
  • Shaped nephritis
  • Oncological diseases
  • Aggravated forms of skin diseases
  • Scabies
  • Heat
  • Arrhythmia
  • Heart failure

Pregnant women should also not take turpentine baths.

- This is a strong remedy for the overall health and cleaning of the body, as well as for the treatment of individual diseases. Initially, the procedures were carried out in balneological centers under the supervision of doctors, so if you take baths yourself, be sure to follow all the conditions, dosages, readings and contraindications.

People are wondering how to help the body cope with diseases and stress, increase the resistance to negative impacts of the environment and improve performance? The answer is found. This is the use of turpentine baths. Skipidar is essential oil, which is obtained from the resin of coniferous trees and is used in medicine to treat diseases of the joints and bones. Opening of turpentine baths presented the world Dr. A.S. Zalmanov. What are turpentine baths and what are their properties and features of application?

At the beginning of the last century, working on the development of methods of treatment through the impact on the network of capillaries, A.S. Zalmanov found ways to dissolve turpentar in water. Since then in capillary therapy, baths with a chipidar are widely used. With the method, an open doctor, introduces his book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body." It presents a description of the procedure, tables and schemes for which the improvement is carried out.

Skipidar is a natural preparation that is used in cosmetology and treatment. Its plus is in good tolerability by the body and the minimum number of prohibitions on it in the application and adverse reactions. Therefore, the baths with it are so popular.

Turkish baths are available in use. They are used in the treatment of diseases and cosmetology purposes.

Useful properties of the procedure:

  • derive of accumulated toxic and slag salary;
  • skin cleaning;
  • cleaning the sebaceous glands from clogging;
  • heat muscles and joints;
  • regeneration of the network of capillaries;
  • normalization of blood flux;
  • accelerating the cleavage process of trace elements.

There are three types of bath solutions, the main component of which turpentine:

  1. Emulgic white (zhiviton). Additional substances in its composition: Olive oil, salt and herbs extracts. The solution is shown to people with underestimated pressure and to stimulate capillary performance.
  2. Yellow. In its composition of Castec and fatty acids. It helps to expand the vessels, cleavage of savings in the vascular system and expuls them from the capillaries. This type of baths cause a decrease in pressure. It is accompanied by a strong sweating and flow of temperature up.
  3. Mixed. With the addition of liquids with conifer smell and plant extracts.

Ingredients that have a positive effect on the body are consistent. The instruction contains recommendations, how to taking turpentine baths at home.

Terms of application:

  1. Go to the bath every other day (less frequently, it is not more often).
  2. Observe the proportion: 15 ml of solution per 100-liter bath (adjusted individually, the concentration of a white solution is gradually increased each time per 3 ml, yellow - by 5 ml). The maximum oil content is 60 ml.
  3. To withstand the temperature of the bath within 36-42 degrees. If, with hot water, man is bad, to stay on 36 degrees.
  4. Monitor the time: to be in the bath for 10-20 minutes.

Skipidar is able to kill malicious bacteria. This causes its application for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the skin of a bacterial nature.

Features of exposure

During the turpentine sessions, the body relaxes, capillaries and vascular disclosures. This leads to normalization of nutrition by the blood of the fabrics and organs of the human body. Oxygen saturation occurs.

Slag accumulations are actively expelled from the body, it normalizes the functioning and strengthened. It gives him the strength to independent struggle with illnesses. Immunity is strengthened. Baths with solutions based on turpentor rejuvenate the body from the inside and externally.

The procedure is used for the following purposes:

  • weight loss;
  • rejuvenation at the cellular level and preventing premature aging of the skin;
  • stimulation of the functioning of internal organs;
  • normalization of the functioning of men's reproduction bodies;
  • getting rid of toxic and slag clusters;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of the functioning of the nervous system and equilibrate the state of the psyche.

The benefits of the reception of the water procedure are indisputable, it possesses:

  1. Impact against inflammation: disinfects the cracks, heals the skin damage, kills the pathogens of inflammatory processes. And also normalizes immune cells, the cell formation is inhibited, which are involved in the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  2. The impact of a local nature on the skin, subcutaneous fat tissue and muscle tissue. In addition, it improves the condition of the skin, dried dead cells. Regenerates epithelial tissues, eliminates the scars and stretch marks, normalizes the supply of capillaries in the skin. The accumulation of lactic acid in muscle tissue, provokes the formation of muscle fibers.
  3. Blood-repairing impact contributing to the slowing down inflammatory processes in the skin cover, hair lows, sweat and coarse glands.
  4. Positive effect on an inflammatory area with chronic prostatitis, the ethomate of prostate fabric.
  5. Impact on the emotional sphere.

Surgical bathing services are provided by specialized clinics, sanatoriums and boarding houses.

But if you wish, you can make a bath with a stay at home. Description and manual for its use is posted on the Internet (it is desirable to find the official website). There you can see photos and training videos, and solutions to buy in any pharmacy without a recipe.

So that the procedure has brought the expected benefits for the body, after it is not rinsed, and do not wipe the body. The influence of the Allowers will be maximal if the bath is wrapped in a soft bathrobe, lie down and relax for two hours.

Turkish baths have indications and contraindications. The bright efficacy of the procedure makes it widely applicable for therapy.

General indications for the use of baths for diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular (ischemia, endarteritic, atherosclerosis, etc.).
  2. The musculoskeletal system (coxarthrosis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.).
  3. Urinary systems.
  4. Respiratory systems (pathological processes in lungs, tracheit, etc.).
  5. Reproduction authorities (endometritis, prostatitis, Miomai etc.).
  6. Central and peripheral nervous systems.
  7. Sugar diabetes for the second type.
  8. Obesity and cellulite.
  9. Skin diseases (psoriasis).

The choice of a type of bath solution is directly related to arterial pressure and with a disease that is subject to the patient.

White solutions prescribe low pressure to:

  • coronary disease;
  • arthritis;
  • bekhterev's diseases;
  • ishiase;
  • shane-Shoulder New in mind;
  • fixedness of the joints due to injuries.

Yellow solutions are shown to patients with overpriced pressure at:

  • benign highlights on bone surfaces;
  • spinal cord lesions;
  • brain hemorrhage;
  • ishiase;
  • shane-Shoulder New in mind;
  • bone and articular diseases;
  • immobility of the joints due to injuries (after the use of white solution).

Mixed baths are used at:

  • children's cerebral paralysis;
  • damage to small terminal arteries and the arterioles of the hands;
  • pathologies of nerves and nerve endings;
  • disease eye apple and iris;
  • infarction;
  • intervertebral hernia.

Under normal pressure, the types of baths alternate, carefully increasing the amount of funds.

Another advantage of therapeutic water treatment procedures is the lack of restrictions on age. Therefore, after year, the child can take baths in the presence of testimony, but only to appoint a doctor.

Despite harmlessness, turpentine baths can contribute to the manifestation of negative impact. They have a number of contraindications.

The course of procedures is prohibited at:

  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • ischemia;
  • heart failure;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • renal pathologies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • varicose veins;
  • pathologies of skin;
  • entering the fetus from 3 to 9 months.

The deterioration of the well-being and the feeling of discomfort after the procedure may indicate individual immunity.

Over the years, articular roars and intervertebral discs begin to suffer from blood circulation disorders. They do not have their own blood supply, so their recovery after damage is difficult.

As a result of the failure of the supply of joints with blood, diseases of the musculoskeletal system arise. They are accompanied by painful sensations in the bones, joints and muscles. Turkish baths through the impact on receptors are beneficial on cartilage, muscle and bone tissue. Restore their nutrition, regenerate them.

The favorable effect of procedures for joints with their diseases:

  • facilitating diseases;
  • anesthesia;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • return of normal motor ability.

After a full-fledged course of treatment, weight is shown. Therefore, the load on the musculoskeletal system is reduced and the rapid chance increases.

With diabetes

Doctors testify to the benefits of water procedures with ghivitsa in the treatment of diabetes and reduce the risk of the appearance associated with it complications. This uses a yellow solution.

After the course of the procedures, it is marked:

  • decrease in blood sugar levels;
  • reduction of blood viscosity;
  • normalization of tone and permeability of vessel walls;
  • increase blood flow in muscles.

This leads to minimizing the chances of getting complications in the form of necrosis and dieting tissues.

Sugar diabetes is accompanied by overweight. After turpentine procedures, the patient's body mass is reduced. This allows you to reduce the dose of drugs, which is important for health .

Mixed type baths are used for weight loss. Previously, the weight loss from the application of the procedure was considered a side effect. Currently, it is widely used for this purpose. For a week, about two kilograms are reset.

Along the way, the baths help:

  • get rid of slag savings;
  • improve motor ability;
  • rejuvenation;
  • become slimmer;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • tighten the skin.

The impact occurs as follows: the capillaries are expanding and cleaned, it contributes to the acceleration of the processes of exchange, decay and the derivation of fats from the body. Weight loss occurs.

Mixed baths with ghiviths lead to weight loss if you follow dosage recommendations and methods of application. It is important to explore information on prohibitions for the body to the drug to avoid unwanted consequences.

Having influenced the skin receptors, the baths are beneficial on cartilage, muscle and bone fabric.

With their help treat:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • articular pains due to bruises;
  • tensions of ligaments;
  • radiculitis;
  • arthritis;
  • consequences of injury to the joints;
  • the consequences of surgical interventions.

If the patient is contraindicated to the procedure, baths, compresses, creams and balms for local applications are used: for hands, legs, etc. They do not have a big list of contraindications.

It is undesirable to dive into the bath with the alcohol with his head. If the water fell into the eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with flowing clear water. If discomfort is felt in the general condition of the body, the procedure must be stopped.

Due to the ability to improve blood flow, the procedure is widely applicable in gynecology for treating and preventing diseases.

When using baths:

  • the processes of inflammation of any etiology are cured;
  • menstruation is normalized (cyclicity is restored);
  • comes to normal hormonal level;
  • the exchange processes are normalized.

Widespit is widely used when infertility, spikes and inflammation of appendages. You can not take baths during pregnancy from 4 to 9 months.

When you first use a turpentine bath or after buying a means of another manufacturer, doctors recommend slightly reduce the dosage. And before you lie down into the water, take a test for susceptibility. For this, a few minutes apply a solution to the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend from the inside.

Skipidar beds for skin

It is clinically proven that the procedures obtained after injuries, burn damage and injuries are eliminated from scars and adhesions inside and outside. This property is applied in cosmetology.

Benefit for skin:

  • smoothing the cover;
  • getting rid of wrinkles;
  • reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  • prevention of new ones;
  • cessation of furunculosions;
  • getting rid of psoriasis.

After turpentine applications, the skin of the face is cleared, acquires a healthy color and looks younger.

Many spa treatments can be carried out without visiting the salon, at home. One of them is turpentine baths used with therapeutic and preventive and cosmetology targets. On the varieties of this procedure, its appointments and restrictions, as well as the stages of conducting a talk further.

Turkish baths - composition

The main component used in this spa procedure is clear from the title, is a turpentine. This organic substance is essentially a mix of all essential oils, which is extracted from pine trees. The raw material serves fresh resin, isolated through cuts in wood and subjected to distillation. The resulting compound has powerful disinfectants, warming, painkillers.

On the basis of a wivid turpentor, not only water bathing products are manufactured. It is used to produce outdoor ointments and creams. In addition, drugs called "dry turpentine baths", which are balsams for growing different parts of the body. Such funds are not able to completely repeat the effect of turpentine baths and replace them, but have a tangible effect and are recommended in the absence of bath adoption.

The invention of the methods of baths with turpentine We are obliged to Dr. A.S. Zalmanova, who opened it even at the beginning of the twentieth century, studying the possibility of therapeutic use of natural substances. One of the main directions of its scientific and practical work was capillary therapy - treatment of various diseases by influencing the capillary network. The doctor has developed ways to dissolve the turpidar for the drainage procedures, which have become the main capillary tool.

Skipidar for taking baths, on the development of Zalmanova, is underway in the form of three forms of different additional ingredients (recipes from different manufacturers may vary). These are such forms as:

  • yellow mixture;
  • white mix;
  • mixed solution.

Yellow turpentine baths

Yellow turpentine bathtubs, in addition to high-quality turpidar, occupying ½ composition, includes the following additives:

  • castor oil;
  • oleic acid;
  • water;
  • sodium hydroxide.

The impact of the yellow mixture is based on the expansion of capillaries, deriving pathological deposits from them. In addition, articular, tendon and binder mineral sediments dissolve, excess fluid are removed, breathing is deepened, blood pressure is reduced. There is an increase in body temperature, strengthening of sweating, acceleration of metabolism.

White turpentine baths

White turpentine emulsion for baths, half-folding from a wivid turpentine, includes such substances as added:

  • water;
  • crushed baby soap;
  • salicylic acid;
  • extract of JV Corn.

A white emulsified form characterized by a complete and uniform dissolution of the ingredients causes rhythmic cuts of the vessels in which they alternately expand and narrow. This leads to normalization of cardiac activity, an increase in pressure. Muscle spasms are removed, heat exchange is accelerated. In this case, this type of procedure does not contribute to intensive swelling of sweat and increasing temperature.

Mixed turbid baths

The third form is mixed Svalonanov's Mixed Turkish Baths, prepared by connecting in certain proportions, depending on the diseases and individual characteristics of a person, yellow and white turpentine mixtures. Based on the proportions, it is possible to adjust the blood pressure to the optimal level. In addition, the expansion and cleansing of capillaries is caused, other effects are achieved inherent in separate types of baths.

Skipidar Baths - Indications and Contraindications

The highly efficient hydrody method, which is discussed, is not able to bring healing in all cases, and sometimes may cause complications. Before you began to apply turpentine baths, use and harm them were carefully studied, therefore it was clearly defined to the medical course and restrictions on the possibility of applying this therapeutic method.

Turkish Baths - Indications

Applying turpentine baths, the benefits will not be felt immediately. Under the action of turpentar and additional components, many processes in the body are normalized, the tissues are better supplied with valuable substances and are cleaned of harmful accumulations, the protective functions of the body are enhanced, the processes of rejuvenation are enhanced. Because Skipopidar baths are not suitable for everyone, it is strongly recommended in advance to undergo a full examination of the body and consult with the doctor.

Procedures can be appointed with such basic pathologies:

  • cardiovascular diseases, vascular disorders (hyper- and hypotension, atherosclerotic changes, periaryitis, burgher disease, hemorrhoids, varicose veins);
  • lesions of bone-articular and muscle systems (osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, fractures, osteoporosis, ankylose, muscle atrophy, myiosite, osteomyelitis);
  • inflammation of the urogenital system (, pyelonephritis, salpingitis, urethritis, adhesitis, anomalous climax);
  • endocrine lesions (, diabetes mellitus, obesity);
  • neurological pathology (Parese, Ishias, Ganglionite, Neuropathy, sclerosis, poliomyelitis, neuritis trigeminal nerve, migraine);
  • dysfunction of digestive organs (cirrhosis, hepatitis, gastritis, ulcerative disease, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis, colitis);
  • ENT disease and lesions of the respiratory system (sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, tracheitis, inflammation of lungs and pleura, laryngitis, otitis, decline in hearing);
  • eye disorders (scarce, glaucoma, artery thrombosis, blepharitis, barley);
  • skin pathologies (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, frostbite, spikes, scars,);
  • multi-characteristic pain syndromes;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • reduced immunity.

Turkish baths - contraindications

Adult patients are capable of applying turpentine horses, if prohibitions are ignored for procedures. In such cases, there is probably a sharp aggravation of existing pathologies, a significant leap of blood pressure, allergic reactions, cardiac rhythm failure, etc. The main contraindications in which turopine baths are not conducted:

  • open form tuberculosis;
  • heart failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • aggravated dermatological diseases;
  • malignant processes in the body;
  • arrhythmia;
  • acute phases of inflammatory processes;
  • increased sensitivity to mixtures components.

How to take turpentine baths?

Mixes for conducting procedures can be purchased at the pharmacy. Type of water procedures, duration, water temperature, mixture concentration, course duration, etc. We are selected for each patient separately. At the same time, special attention should be paid to how appropriate procedure for a person, whether there are no uncomfortable sensations, whether irritability and fear are provoked. If you are planning to do the houses of turpentine baths, the use of them must be coordinated with the doctor.

  1. You need to take a bath at least two hours after the meal.
  2. The water is recruited in a bath of about half, while its temperature should be slightly above the body temperature (about 37 ° C);
  3. The turpentine mixture should be dissolved in non-metallic tank, often it takes 20 ml of solution (for the first procedure - 5-15 ml) stir in the halfly tire of warm water and pour into the bath, mix well.
  4. The body before dipping should be clean, sensitive zones (groin, genitals, the axillary region) should be lubricated with vaseline or bold cream.
  5. During the procedure, it is necessary to constantly maintain the water temperature, pouring hot water and controlling with the thermometer (from 36 to 41 ° C).
  6. The duration of the procedure should not exceed the quarter of an hour (for the first session - no more than five minutes).
  7. After the session, you should look in the terry towel or bathrobe and lie down under the blanket at least three hours.
  8. The course is often 10-20 sessions.

Skipidar baths for weight loss

Many girls practice turpentine baths in Zalmanov at home with the goal. In this case, a mixed form of solution is recommended. The effect is achieved by activating the exchange processes and blood current, the removal of excess fluids and slags. According to reviews, the procedures allow you to throw up to 7 kg per 10 sessions held daily, every other day or twice a week, but in the complex with these you should respect the diet and play sports.

Turkish baths for joints

The active ingredient of therapeutic mixture due to the ability to eliminate blood stagnation in capillaries and improve their work helps to establish the provision of joints with nutrients, eliminate inflammatory processes and restore mobility. In this case, you can make local procedures - for example, the turpentine baths for the legs. The course of treatment may take up to 40 procedures.

Turkish baths in gynecology

Procedures with turpentine effective with many female diseases, allow you to take inflammation in a small pelvis, regulate the hormonal background, normalize the menstrual cycle. In addition to different inflammatory pathologies, for 10-12 sessions, it is possible to significantly improve the situation in adhesive diseases, infertility. Skipidar baths at home for the treatment of gynecological pathologies should be applied with extreme caution.

Skipidar beds for skin

Treatment of turpentine baths that provide systemic beneficial effects on the entire body, it is possible to solve some cosmetic problems. So, the procedures help get rid of skin rashes on the face, smooth out wrinkles, increase the elasticity of fabrics, improve the complexion. Often with these goals used white emulsion.

More than a hundred years ago, the legendary Russian Pirogov Surgeon found a way to quickly heal postoperative collagen scars. For almost complete resorption, it was required only some time to rub their turpentine. At the beginning of the XIX century, Dr. Zalmanov tried the use of turpentine to rejuvenate all skin bodies. Its invention has become turpentine baths that show a positive effect on the vessels and capillaries.

To improve his own invention, Dr. Zalmanov proposed to use treatment by hot turbid bath. The advantage of such baths is to effectively influence the grid of capillary vessels of almost all skin surface.

Skipidar baths according to Zalmanov method are considered a natural (natural) method of cure. In practice, baths are white, yellow and mixed. The healing effect of turpentine baths is achieved due to the presence in their composite mixture of an actively affecting component of the Skepidar of the wing, produced from the resins present in coniferous trees.

Proper use of baths with turpentine

In the process of preparing healing baths with a heater turpentine mixture, the container is filled with a warm water, in which the temperature regime is 37 ° C. The degree of recruit water is determined so that when immersing in water, the torso was completely covered with liquid completely. But it seems to take into account that throughout the bathing in the turpentine, boiling water is added more than once. The turbid mixture should be pre-diluted in hot water, in enameled dishes, thoroughly mix the components and pour into the prepared bath, then shake the water in the bath for a homogeneous distribution of the mixture.

Upon completion of the preparation of therapeutic mixture, you can plunge into the bath and at the same time you need to immediately notice the time period. After three minutes, you need to be taken for adding boiling water. With an increase in the temperature condition of the water, you need to check the body's reaction and the health status in general. As a result, the temperature regime of water is driven by 38-39 ° C with the use of white turpentine emulsion and to 40-42 ° C - when using a yellow turbid solution. The addition of hot water is carried out with an interval of three minutes with a constant increase in temperature by 1 ° C until the desired temperature is reached.

The duration of the turpentine bath is from 5 to 20 minutes, and more appropriate to the course of turpentine baths, and then observing the body's condition multiplying the time each time 1-2 minutes. In the event of any uncomfortable feelings, it is necessary to "soften" the circumstances: to reduce the duration of the bath, reduce the temperature of the water and / or consume fewer turpentine mixtures. The course of treatment with turpentine baths consists of 15-20 sessions that are conducted with intervals a day or every day.

As a rule, the duration of receiving turpentine baths is defined subjectively in each specific case. The sign of the healing effect of the turbine mixture is the appearance of Spains or sweat on the face. As soon as the face backs out or turns the Spryan, you can complete the procedure.

The number of turpentine mixtures is also selected taking into account the tolerability of the process by the body. It is better to start with a small dose of 1-2 tablespoons, it is gradually possible to raise the amount of half a tablespoon. By the end of the course, the amount of the mixture is brought to 8 tablespoons. The combination of turpentine baths with a reception of various chemicals, hormones, antibiotics and various injections is unacceptable.

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to carefully get out of the water, but in no case do not wash the body with water. For body insulation, a warm terry bathrobe should be clothed or wrapped in a sheet, go under the blanket and lie down 1-2 hours. The entire process of receiving turbid baths requires careful observation of the body's condition. The pulse frequency should be no higher than 150 beats per minute.

On the recommendations of specialists undesirable to apply turpentine baths at home, as it requires certain knowledge and skills. If nevertheless, the turpentine mixture is used independently, its proper storage is required. The mixture for the turpentine bath must be stored at room temperature without access light, it is desirable to close the rubber cork or cellophane to prevent evaporation.

With the right use of turpentine tubing, side effects practically does not occur. But still it is recommended to lubricate a vaseline with vaseline especially sensitive parts of the body: the skin of the scrotum and penis is in men, the skin at the entrance to the vagina - in women. Use the turpentine bath with a used solution is strictly prohibited. In each case, you need to prepare a fresh mixture.

Depending on the composition of the turpentine mixture, the effect on the body turns out to be different and you need to choose the type of turpentine bath in accordance with the desired result.

White turpentine baths

White turpentine baths are intended for people with arterial pressure in a state of norm or lowering. During the application of this type of bath, the temperature of the body almost does not change and the selection of sweat is relatively weak. The composition of the turpentine mixture for white baths detects on the skin slightly annoying effect, which is manifested by a small feeling of burning or easy tingling of the skin.

The use of white emulsion significantly improves the nutrition of all tissues, accelerates collateral blood circulation and leads to normal blood pressure. If the effects of the white turpentine bath feelings of burning does not have, then another time it is necessary to multiply the amount of emulsion on 1 teaspoon. When climbing in the period of healing, white turpentine arterial pressure baths are more than 150 mm Hg. Art., It is advised to take baths with a solution of mixed composition, that is, to combine a white emulsion with a yellow solution.

Yellow turpentine baths

The use of yellow turpentine baths is predetermined for people prone to an increase in blood pressure (more than 140/90 mm Hg. Art.). The influence of yellow baths causes the expansion of all capillaries, a decrease in high blood pressure, the overall increase in the insufficient body temperature, stimulating the sweating, the removal of decay products during the exchange of substances through the pores of the skin.

When using yellow turpentine baths with normal phenomenon, the formation of films on a water surface layer with particles of a solution is considered to be normal. With the growth of water temperature, these yellow lumps are perfectly soluble.

Mixed turbid baths

Treatment with mixed turpentine baths implies the joint use of a yellow solution and a white emulsion, or alternating use of white and yellow baths.

The size of doses of turpentine ingredients depends on the degree of blood pressure. In the presence of pressure, superior 150/90 mm Hg. Art., fills in a larger volume of yellow solution, if the indicators below are most of the white emulsion. Bringing into use of baths with a mixed composition should be with a mixture of 1-2 tablespoons of each ingredient and by selecting a personal suitable dose to bring the amount of turpentine mixture to 120 ml.

According to the recommendations of Dr. Zalmanova, under pressure below 140 mm Hg. Art. Alternate baths: first two white, then one yellow. If the blood pressure is still fluctuated in the range of 150-180 mm Hg. Art., Three in a row white baths are replaced by one yellow. In the event of discomfort, it is desirable to slow down the duration of bathing and lower the frequency of their application, but do not stop the course of treatment.

Indications for the treatment of turpentine baths

You can use turpentine baths throughout the year, it is possible at home, taking into account their testimony:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • lesions of the kost-articular system;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diseases of the respiratory organs;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and liver;
  • neurological diseases;
  • sexual diseases;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • a tendency to colds.

Contraindications of treatment with turpentine baths

Like any healing method, there are digital contraindications baths:

  • attacks arrhythmia;
  • tuberculosis in open forms;
  • hypertensive disease or heart failure of the II-III stage;
  • scabies;
  • acutely leaking dermatological diseases;
  • the presence of any inflammatory processes;
  • chronic diseases in the period of exacerbation;
  • individual intolerance to individual components;
  • the period of tooling the fetus;
  • education having a malignant character.

If in the process of treatment with turpentine baths and the pains in the joints and / or the temperature increases slightly increases, then this is not considered an indication for the ceases of therapeutic course.

Skipidar baths for weight loss

The property of turpentine baths promote in the process of weight loss has been revealed quite by chance, as a side effect of treatment. After completion of the course of treatment, there is an improvement in the overall condition of the body, rejuvenation of the skin and getting rid of extra kilograms. Recently, slurging turpentine baths are increasingly actively. Of course, in this way it is impossible to achieve a phenomenal weight loss, but in a week use of turpentine baths, you can get rid of about two kilograms of excess weight. At the same time, in addition to getting rid of a certain amount of unnecessary kilos, the body's condition is improved as a whole, which makes such a method of weight loss by one of the most useful ways to maintain the shape.

Mixed turpentine baths are considered to be the most suitable. Their useful impact is due to the fact that when the capillaries expands, their purification is also occurring. All this contributes to the stimulation of metabolic processes in the body, splitting and eliminating fats, and hence loss.

According to experts, regular use of turpentine baths restores and strengthens health, heals from many diseases and remarkably rejuvenates the body.

Video about turpentine baths Zalmanova

Video on the use of Scroppit products

Video about turpentine baths