Social payments to the Chernobyls in the year. Calculation of benefits for children "Chernobyl": what has changed

Monthly cash payment to citizens who are influenced by radiation due to the catastrophe for the Chernobyl, it is appointed on the basis of the law of May 15, 1991 N 1244-I "On the social protection of citizens who were influenced by radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP" (later in the text - Law N 1244-I) the following categories of citizens:

The size of the monthly monetary payment of the Chernobyls since February 1, 2020

  • Disabled due to the Chernobyl catastrophe
    • Size EVER - 2782,67 rub.
  • Citizens who received or suffered radiation disease and other diseases associated with the radiation impact due to the Chernobyl disaster or working to eliminate the consequences of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP
    • Size EVER - 2227,55 rub.
  • Liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe 1986-1987.
    • Size EVER - 2782,67 rub.
  • Liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe 1988-1990.
    • Size EVER - 2227,55 rub.
  • Citizens evacuated (including those who left voluntarily) in 1986 from the alienation zone
    • Size EVER - 2227,55 rub.
  • Citizens permanently residing (working) in the area of \u200b\u200bthe area of \u200b\u200bresidence with the right to remove
    • Size EVER - 556,88 rub.
  • Citizens permanently residing (working) in the area of \u200b\u200bliving area with preferential socio-economic status
    • Size EVER - 556,88 rub.
  • Citizens permanently residing (working) in the dispersion zone before their relocation to other areas
    • Size EVER - 556,88 rub.
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 18, living in the area of \u200b\u200bremoval zone and the area of \u200b\u200bresidence with the right to squeeze, evacuated and resettled from the alienation zones, dispellation, accommodation with the right to squeeze, including those on the day of evacuation were in the intrauterine state, as well as Children of the first and subsequent generations of citizens referred to in paragraphs 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the first part of Article 13 of the Law of 05/15/1991 No. 1244-I, born after radioactive irradiation due to the Chernobyl disaster of one of the parents
    • Size EVER - 1391.34 rubles.
  • Children and teenagers suffering from diseases due to the Chernobyl catastrophe or due to the genetic consequences of radioactive exposure of one of the parents, as well as the subsequent generations of children in the event of diseases in their development due to the Chernobyl disaster or the genetic consequences of radioactive exposure of one of the parents who have become disabled
    • Size EVER - 2782,67 rub.
  • Children and adolescent diseases due to the Chernobyl catastrophe or due to the genetic consequences of radioactive irradiation of one of the parents, as well as the subsequent generations of children in the event of their diseases due to the Chernobyl catastrophe or the genetic consequences of radioactive exposure of one of the parents
    • Size EVER - 2227,55 rub.
  • Children and adolescents under the age of 18, permanently residing in a zone with preferential socio-economic status
    • Size EVER - 836.24 rub.
  • Workers and employees, as well as servicemen, the faces of the bombing and ordinary composition of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Services, who received professional diseases associated with the radiation impact on the work in the Exchange zone, which became disabled
    • Size EVER - 2782,67 rub.
  • Workers and employees, as well as servicemen, the faces of the commanding and ordinary composition of the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Services, which received professional diseases associated with the radiation impact on the work in the exclusion zone
    • Size EVER - 2227,55 rub.

If a citizen has the right at the same time on several grounds, it is provided with one monthly cash payment on one of the grounds for its choice. However, persons who have the right to receive a monthly cash payment in accordance with the law N 1244-1 can receive at the same time along two reasons.

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Monetary form of providing social support for citizens

Providing social support measures in the form of services

  • Social service at home of elderly and disabled citizens

Natural form of providing social support for citizens

Providing social support measures of citizens in the form of social benefits

  • Social benefits former juvenile prisoners of fascism
  • Social benefits for orphans and children left without parental care
  • Social benefits to citizens who have special merits and outstanding achievements
  • Social benefits to citizens who are influenced by radiation due to the catastrophe for the Chernobyl
  • Social benefits to citizens who are influenced by radiation due to the accident on the "Mayak"
  • Social benefits to citizens affected by nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsky landfill
  • Social benefits to citizens from special risk divisions

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Despite the fact that the accident at the Chernobyl NPP occurred more than 30 years ago, its consequences are noticeable - this is a seriously spoiled health by the participants in the elimination of the accident living in the disaster zone and their children. Also in the history of the USSR there were other technogenic accidents associated with radiation. The victims in these accidents are supposed to be an extensive list of benefits and payments.

In the history of the USSR there were large technogenic catastrophes, some of them led to the radioactive infection of the terrain and caused damage to the huge number of people. The saddest catastrophe - The Chernobyl accidentwhich occurred on April 26, 1986. But there were also other accidents. So, September 29, 1957 occurred "Kyshtym Accident" - Catastrophic situation at the Chemical Combine "Lighthouse" (closed city of Chelyabinsk-40, currently - Ozersk). The tank with radioactive waste exploded. However, since 1948, radioactive waste merged into the Tcha's River. In addition, since 1949, the Soviet authorities conducted nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsky test landfill (now the territory of Kazakhstan). Due to the imperfection of technologies, the territory turned out to be infected, negative health effects and are now felt servicemen, landfill employees, residents of the surrounding settlements.

To ensure the social protection of the victims, the Law of the Russian Federation dated 15.05.1991 N 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP" was adopted. The norms of this law are applied to affected with other man-made disasters with radiation infection.

A generalized list of citizens - federal beneficiaries under the law:

  1. Victims as a result of the Chernobyl catastrophe:
    • obtained irradiation and overlooking the radiation disease, as well as other diseases due to the effects of radiation due to the catastrophe for the Chernobyl, or during the work on the elimination of this catastrophe;
    • received disabilities in connection with the Chernobyl catastrophe, including those participating in the elimination of consequences; evacuated from zones of alienation and dispersion; obtained disability due to bone marrow donation to save victims on the Chernobyl
    • participating in 1986-1987 in the work on the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe; held service in the zone of alienation worked at the facility "Shelter", doctors that received excess doses of irradiation;
    • engaged in the work in the zone of alienation, permanently residing or working on the territory of the area of \u200b\u200bremoval, areas of residence with preferential socio-economic status engaged in the work in the displacement zone;
    • voluntarily left for a new place of residence from the displacement zone after 1986;
    • servicemen, employees of the internal affairs bodies, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which passed or pass military service in the zones of alienation, squeeze or zones with preferential socio-economic status;
  2. Affected by radiation infection on the "Lighthouse":
    • those who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident on the "Lighthouse" and in the conduct of protective works along the Tcha River in 1949-1962;
    • evacuated or voluntarily left from settlements that were subjected to radioactive contamination due to the accident on the "lighthouse" and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Tcha River;
    • those who lived in 1949-1956 in settlements, which were susceptible to radioactive infection due to waste discharge into the Tcha River;
    • resisting in settlements that were subject to radioactive infection due to the accident on the "lighthouse" and the discharge of radioactive waste into the Tcha's River;
  3. Resident in 1949-1953 in settlements undergoing radiation infection as a result of tests at the Semipalatinian landfill.

The list of settlements affected by the Chernobyl accident is revised every 5 years, since the radiation situation is inconsistent.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1074 "On approval of a list of settlements in the zone of radioactive pollution due to the Chernobyl disaster", several settlements of the Bryansk region are classified as an alienation zone; to the dispersion zone - some settlements of Bryansk, Oryol, Tula and Kaluga regions; Settlements of several more subjects of the Russian Federation refer to the area of \u200b\u200bresidence having a preferential economic status.

What benefits are relying by law

Cash payments and pension preferences

The victims of the Chernobyl accident and other man-made disasters are entitled to several types of payments:

  • monthly cash payment (EVER), as well as obtaining a set of social services;
  • disability pension (if the victim has disability);
  • social or insurance pension.

Monthly cash payment is appointed by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, its size is indexed every year and is constant for all subjects of the Russian Federation. Data on the amounts of EVER and recipient categories - in the table.

Categories Amount, rubles
- disabled due to the Chernobyl accident;
- liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident;
- disabled children, due to the Chernobyl accident;
- Disabled because of the caregings. associated with radiation impact;
- who became disabled due to the accident on the "Mayak";
- aimed at eliminating the consequences of the accident on the "Mayak" in 1957-1958
2 590,24
- received radiation disease because of the Chernobyl accident;
- liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1988-90;
- evacuated in 1986 from the exclusion zone;
- children suffering from diseases because of the Chernobyl accident;
- gained careballs due to radiation impact;
- Received a total effective dose of irradiation over 25 SZV (BER)
- received radiation disease because of the accident on the "Mayak";
- aimed at eliminating the consequences of the accident on the "Mayak" in 1959-1961;
- evacuated and left from the zone of pollution (by "Lighthouse" and r. Tcha)
2 073,51
- Children under 18, children 1 and 2 generations living in the zone of infection;
- Children 1 and 2 generations suffering from diseases due to the impact of radiation on parents
1 295,13
- Children under 18, living in a zone with preferential socio-economic status 778,41
- received a total effective dose of irradiation from 5 to 25 SZV (BER);
- Children under 18, children 1 and 2 generations, effective dose of irradiation Over 5 CW
- living or working in areas of living with the right to squeeze; with preferential socio-economic status; in the dispersion zone;
- living in settlements where dose of irradiation over 1 mzv (0.1 Ber)

According to the law, all recipients are still eligible to receive a set of social services (NSU), which include:

  • providing medicines according to the doctor's prescription and within the standards of medical care;
  • payment of sanatorium-resort treatment according to the appointments of the doctor;
  • free travel to the site of sanatorium-resort treatment.

NSU can be obtained both in kind and money. Initially, the conditions for obtaining social services for Chernobyl residents differ from other categories - the approved amounts are already taken into account the receipt of a set in monetary form.

If the prefictment wants to receive free medicines, spa treatment and free travel to it, he submits a corresponding statement, But in this case, the cost of a set of social services is deducted from the amount of EVER (in 2018 the amount is 1075.19 rubles).

In addition to the right to receive a monthly cash payment and a set of social services, victims of the Chernobyl accident have the possibility of early exit to the insurance pension. However, the retirement conditions depend on the category of the beneficiary. Such conditions must be met for this:

  • insurance experience at least 5 years;
  • not less than 30 pension points.
  • age of at least certain age.

Age for retirement of old age is reduced for 10 years For those who were evacuated from the alienation zone, participated in the elimination of the accident or worked at the station; for 8 years - those who were evacuated from the adjacent territory, worked at the site of the accident from 2 weeks in 1987; for 5 years - those who worked at the site of the accident up to 5 days, worked on construction or sanitary processing in 1986; For 4 years - those who worked or lived in the dispersion zone until 1993 at least 2 years.

It is important that raising the retirement age, begun in 2018, will not affect the victims of the Chernobyl catastrophe.

If the beneficiary does not have insurance experience or it is not enough to decorate the insurance pension, he still has the right to elevated payments - For "Chernobyl residents" there are increased social pensions:

  • 250% of social pension - liquidators, disabled 1 and 2 groups, children who have lost due to the accident of both parents (24799.32 rubles);
  • 200% of social pension - for the alienation zone (9919.70 rubles);
  • 125% of social pension - Disabled 3 groups, relatives of the deceased (5269.88 rubles).

All pension payments are both social pensions and insurance, if necessary, is completed to the size of the subsistence minimum in a particular region.

At the regional level, some categories of "Chernobyl" beneficiaries are relying an annual surcharge on improving. However, its size is small and ranges from 100 to 300 rubles.

Housing from the state

Separate categories of beneficiaries have the right to improve housing conditions at the expense of a housing subsidy from the federal budget. So, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.03.2006 N 153, those who need to be improved by the improvement of housing conditions, which were susceptible to the Radiation impact due to accidents on the Chernobyl, and on the "Lighthouse", are eligible for housing.

The conditions for allocating housing subsidies are not different from other similar categories: the subsidy is allocated, based on the area of \u200b\u200bthe area on each beneficiary and the average price of a square meter of living space in each specific region.

Subsidy can be spent on such purposes:

  • purchase housing;
  • pay for the construction of residential real estate;
  • make an initial contribution of the mortgage loan;
  • to repay a portion of the previously obtained mortgage loan.

For the recipients of the housing subsidy, conditions are put forward, for example, they there should be no other housing, If there is a social hiring agreement - it is terminated, and if there is another residential premises, it is transferred to state ownership.

Communal benefits

For beneficiaries that have received diseases due to the effects of radiation or become disabled, communal services are offered benefits. The set of benefits covers 50% of the main costs of housing and communal services:

  • payment of hiring and maintenance (payment under lease agreements, monthly payments of the management company);
  • contributions to the overhaul of apartment buildings, both for the beneficiaries themselves and for members of their families;
  • payment of water supply, sewage, electricity - according to meter readings or by consumption standards;
  • the cost of purchased fuel according to regulations and costs for its transportation (if housing without centralized heating).

The benefits of housing and utilities services are distributed not only on the affected accidents themselves, but also on family members who lost the breadwinner as a result of a catastrophe.

Fringe benefits

In addition to the cash payments reviewed, housing subsidies and utility benefits, affected by the Chernobyl accident and on the "lighthouse" other preferences have:

  • when reducing staff, the employer is an advantage compared to other employees (regardless of work experience);
  • when transferring to another job (less paid) as a state of health - surcharge until the previous level of wages;
  • the ability to use the main vacation at any convenient time, additional paid leave for up to 14 days;
  • temporary disability allowance is paid in the amount of 100% salary;
  • extraordinary service in socio-household institutions, extraordinary reception in cooperatives, extraordinary right to buy cottages;
  • providing land for the construction of housing out of turn (for those who have the right to this);
  • extraordinary medical services, the ability to be serviced in those medical institutions to which a beneficiary was attached before retirement;
  • providing children in places in kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums out of turn, payment of their nutrition;
  • when removing from infected areas - the extraordinary right to work in a new place;
  • the right of preferential admission to the houses of the elderly and veteran pensions.

Additionally, each region of Russia can establish its additional benefits and compensation, for example, free travel in public transport. To clarify the list of benefits, you should contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population at the place of residence.

Proceedings and necessary documents

In order to take advantage of relying benefits and payments, it is necessary, first of all, to obtain the appropriate certificate:

  • certificate of a single sample by citizens subjected to radiation impact due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP;
  • certificate of citizens who were influenced by the radiation due to the accident in 1957 at the production association "Lighthouse" and the discharges of radioactive waste into the Tcha River.

To make a certificate you need to contact in the social protection department of the population In the administration at the place of residence of the beneficiary. It will be necessary to provide the following documents:

1 passport or other identity document;
2 documents confirming the applicant's right to receive status. It may be a certificate of living on an infected area, a military ticket with a record of service in the fields of radioactive substances emissions, a workbook with an appropriate entry, etc.;
3 for those who make a pension on the loss of the breadwinner - documents confirming the relationship between the affected by radiation and the applicant.

The certificate is drawn up at no more than 10 days from the date of reception of documents. After receiving the certificate on its basis, benefits are provided.

To get lost benefits and payments, you need to apply to the appropriate authority, to make a statement, provide a preferential certificate and documents on the assembled list. For example, for the design of the housing subsidy, it is necessary to contact the Department of Social Protection of the Population, MFC, or Center for Housing Subsidies. It will be necessary to provide such documents:

1 applicant passport;
2 statement on the prescribed form;
3 certificate "Chernobyl";
4 data on family members - marriage certificate, childbirth certificates;
5 certificate of family composition;
6 documents confirming the ownership of housing (if any);
7 other documents if necessary.

The order and list of the necessary documents can change from time to time, therefore it is necessary to clarify all the necessary information in the social protection department.

Recent changes in legislation

In April 2018, the State Duma "Fair Russia" party included bills concerning enhance social standards for participants in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident. In particular, it is proposed to appoint benefits and compensation for utilities for housing and utilities for living in any housing, and not only in the state, municipal or privatized residential foundation. This is aimed primarily on those who have acquired accommodation in recent years. It is also proposed to establish a commemorative date (day of participants in liquidation) on November 30 of each year.

In May 2018, the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation" On the Social Protection of Citizens, who was influenced by the Radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP, was adopted. According to the law, social support measures envisaged for children are provided to children regardless of the place of birth.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2018 No. 74 "On approval of the indexing coefficient of payments, benefits and compensation in 2018" were indexed payments to victims from radiation accidents. For 2018, an indexing coefficient is set equal to 1.025.

Features of registration and receipt of benefits

Legislation in the field of social protection of victims as a result of the Chernobyl accident and other man-made catastrophes clearly regulates the procedure for assigning the status of the Chernobyl and providing benefits and payments. Nevertheless, a significant part of the benefits is set at the regions level, so the recipients sometimes have problem situations.

Since the Chernobyl accident occurred before the collapse of the USSR, the liquidators of the consequences of the accident were subsequently different citizenship. However, the Russian social protection authorities sometimes unreasonably refuse to relatives of the dead eliminators of the accident due to the fact that at the time of death they could have other citizenship than the USSR and the Russian Federation. Such refuses are illegal, since social support measures, according to the legislation, are applied to families of the deceased accidents of the accident, without clarifying the mandatory availability of certain citizenship.

At the same time, some failures are quite substantiated. For example, compensation or benefits for paying housing and utilities services are relying directly by the participant in the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. If his widow or other relatives comes for benefits they will be denied full.

Among the problems unresolved at the moment and refusal to provide benefits to pay housing and communal services for living in acquired residential real estate. According to current legislation, such benefits receive only living in state, municipal and privatized housing. There are prospects that the State Duma will soon vote for the appropriate bill and the problem will disappear.

April 26, 2016 marks 30 years from the day one of the largest technological disasters in the history of mankind in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This accident is also regarded as the largest nuclear energy in the entire history, both by the number of people who suffered and affected by its consequences.

For citizens affected by the consequences of this terrible catastrophe, the legislation defined a number of benefits at the federal level.

So, from January 1, 2005, the monthly cash payment is provided for them (EVER) in return for the part of natural benefits.

Establishment of the specified citizens is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation of 15.05.1991 No. 1244-1 "On the social protection of citizens who have been influenced by radiation due to the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP".

Currently in the Smolensk region more 2500 citizensaffected by the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP (of them 569 Children)are recipients of monthly cash payments through the FIU authorities.

Dimensions are still established depending on the category of the beneficiary. For example, from February 1, 2016, the following sizes are installed:

Citizens who received or suffered a radiation disease - 1919.30 rubles;

Disabled due to the Chernobyl catastrophe - 2397,59 rubles;

Liquidators 1986-1987. The consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe - 2397,59 rubles;

  • - Liquidators 1988-1990. The consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe - 1919.30 rubles;
  • - Citizens evacuated (left voluntary) from the exclusion zone - 1919.30 rubles;
  • - Children and adolescents under 18, affected by the Chernobyl disaster - 1198.80 rubles.

According to the norms of legislation, it is appointed from the date of appeal to the specified payment. The size is also subject to indexation once a year based on the forecast level of inflation established by the Federal Law.

The right to establish an EDA has the following categories of children and adolescents under 18, affected by the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP:

- evacuated and resetted from zones alienation, discontinuation, accommodation with the right to sampling, including children who were in the intrauterine state on the day of evacuation;

- Children of the first and subsequent generations The following citizens:

  • ñ received or having faced radiation diseases
  • ñ people with disabilities due to the Chernobyl disaster,
  • ñ Elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-1987,
  • ñ participated in 1988-1990 in works on the "Shelter" object,
  • They were evacuated (including those who left voluntarily) from the exclusion zone or resettled (including those who left voluntarily) from the dispersion zone. At the same time, only children born after radioactive exposure of one of the parents have the right to the specified payment.

Example 1: The liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident in 1987 has a son born in 1989, which received an almost 18-year-old age. In 2015, the son was born a child (the grandson of the specified liquidator). It also has the right to establish up to 18 years old, as a child of the subsequent generation of a citizen who affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

Example 2: Citizen who has left from the dispersion zonein 1987, the right to establish an attract does not have. However, her child, born in 2010, has the right to establish an attachment until the age of 18 years. Also, the children of this child will also have the right to live in the future (the grandchildren of the citizen, who left the zone of the dispersion).

Citizens affected by radiation disasters have the right to receive two monthly cash paymentsprovided for in various federal laws. For example, the liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, recognized as disabled, has the right to eat, as a liquidator of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident on the Russian Federation of 05/15/1991. № 1244-1 and as a disabled person on Federal Law of 24.11.1995 No. 181-FZ. In area 580 citizens are recipients of two hard.

In addition, recipients EVER, according to the norms of the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ, are entitled to receive state social assistance in the form of a set of social services (NSU) in physical terms. The NSR includes the following social services:

  • ñ ensuring in accordance with the standards of medical care for the necessary drugs;
  • ñ Provision in the presence of medical testimony of vouchers to spa treatment, carried out in order to prevent the main diseases;
  • ñ Free travel in suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back.

The federal legislation provides for the right to choose - to receive NSU in kind or in monetary terms. If it is necessary to obtain a set of social services or any of the services in physical terms, the citizen recipient is still as a victim from radiation disasters, has the right to contact the territorial body of the FIU at the place of receipt ... with a statement about providing the entire set of social services or a separate part of it.Such a statement is submitted on time until October 1 of the current year and operates for the period from January 1 of the next year at the end of the year, in which an application for refusal to obtain NSS in kind is submitted. It can also be submitted up to October 1 of the current year.

The amount of funds sent to the provision of a set of social services (995 rubles. 23 kopecks) is held out of the accrued ener.

Natural benefits are provided by the relevant organizations (drug support - through therapeutic and preventive institutions, providing vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment - through the social insurance fund, travel on suburban railway transport, as well as on long-distance transport to the place of treatment and back - through the relevant transport organizations) .

State Department of the FIU in the Smolensk Region,

Chernobyl payments are provided for in our country for certain categories of citizens. They can get people engaged in the elimination of the accident, which occurred in 1986 on the Chernobyl, and as a result of this received a radiation disease.

To such a category of citizens also belong to those who have suffered a disease and received a certain degree of disability due to radiation exposure. Also, 01.01.2016, a law was adopted, which allows citizens living in places with increased pollution to receive such benefits.

All those servants of the Soviet Army, as well as military-obligated citizens who have been attracted to the elimination of the consequences of the accident today have the right to receive special social benefits. Today, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are also added to them, which are already working in modern Russia in various zones of dangerous health.

In addition, the population, which was exported from such infected territories, also made cash compensation. At the same time, working in the zone of increased radiation background with medical personnel is also paid benefits.


In the case when the officially recognized Chernobyol is registered as unemployed, it is paid in the amount of 100% of the average salary.

People engaged in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident also, like all other categories of citizens, are entitled to get certain additional social assistance, which is usually in the form of monetary compensation. It is worth considering what payments they can get.

It is important to know: even donors who donated for liquidators and evacuated due to the accident of people their bone marrow, according to the law, are classified as to persons who have the right to receive the Chernobyl allowance from the state.

So, according to the legislation of our country, the state is obliged to pay extra money to citizens in the event that after transfer to a new place of work due to poor medical testimony that are associated with the elimination of the accident, they began to receive a lower salary.

In this case, a person will receive surcharges until it is not fully restored by its performance, or it will not arrange the disability, which will further receive payments.

In the event that a citizen has fully lost its working capacity for a certain period, he has the right to receive a full reimbursement of the past earnings.

For ordinary Chernobyl, as well as their children in law, payments are provided for only 300 rubles, which should go for food.

In the case of disability, citizens receive more significant amounts:

  • in case of disability, 1 groups are payments for 5 thousand rubles;
  • if the disability of 2 groups, then 3 thousand rubles;
  • in the event of the easiest possible disability - 1 thousand rubles.

It is worth noting: monetary compensation for disability is paid as compensation for harm to health, while having an unlimited payment period, that is, the receipt of funds occurs on an ongoing basis.

Additional programs

Most of the benefits today regulates the law accepted from 15.05.1991.

Here it is worth saying first of all about the payments of the widows of Chernobyl.

According to the law, the state compensates for half of all utilities in their apartment.

As for children or grandchildren of disabled age, which were dependent on the deceased participant in the elimination of the Chernobyl accident, they have the right to get a disposable payment and a certain monthly allowance.

But the size of the latter already depends on the number of family members of the died, and which group of disability he had.

For citizens who were evacuated from the alienation zone, it is envisaged to obtain compensation for material damage due to loss of property, such as:

  • any residential premises, households. Buildings, as well as the cottages owned by a man at the beginning of 1994;
  • various things, animals, gardens, landing and crops.

Not so long ago, the victims for the lost property in connection with the move began to be paid a one-time allowance for 500 rubles per person in the family, which left the zone of alienation, and the passage is fully compensated for, and every year 100 rubles is paid to rehabilitation.

In addition, in the case of the release of a woman-Chernobyl on the decret, it should receive payments twice as much, rather than ordinary citizens.

In addition, the Chernobyl holders also have the right to a number of benefits. So, they have an additional paid vacation in law, except for the main one for a period of 2 weeks. It also concerns their children born until the accident, but their vacation depends on how many years they were at the time of the accident.

How to get a

In total in the country for payments and compensation in 2016, almost 520 million rubles were allocated from the country's budget.

For registration of a subsidy to a person who received the official status of the Chernobyl, regardless of the liquidator, he or a citizen who was evacuated, it is necessary to come to social service that supports the population.

There he will need to fill out the statement of the appropriate form, asking him to appoint him compensation. You can make an appeal at any time, regardless of how much time has passed since the accident, since the assistance of victims turns out to be without limitation.

To do this, you will need to have documents certifying the identity and the right to obtain similar benefits.

A complete list of documents will look like this:

  1. The application itself for issuing compensation.
  2. Photocopy of certificate confirming the right to receive this benefit.
  3. In the case of moving, you must also provide a copy of the re-registration document.
  4. If the applicant has disability status, then certificates of family composition are also applied.
  5. If there are under 14 years old, photocopies of their birth certificates are provided.
  6. A copy of the employment record (you can only the title page + the last place of work).
  7. A certificate of disability in which the accident is clearly indicated by the Chernobyl accident.

Please note: in case of a citizen of material assistance earlier, it also needs to be reported by providing this confirming certificate.

Watch a video in which a specialist explains the features of Chernobyl payments and the procedure for providing benefits: