Preserve the beauty of the skin for a long time. Beauty and youth for many years is real! Nutrition and protection


At any age, a woman is concerned about the question: "How to prolong the youthfulness of the skin?" It becomes especially relevant after 30 years. Each representative of the fair sex, of course, wants to have young, healthy and radiant skin. However, with age, there is a weakening of skin tone, and this is the main sign of its aging. Women notice the first wrinkles, and some even change the shape of the face. But to prolong youth and prevent unwanted aging of the skin ahead of time is within the power of every modern woman. To do this, you need to choose the right care system. There are simple recommendations that will help in the fight for youth, elasticity and beauty of the skin.

How to prevent aging?

1. The most important step in skin care that many people forget about is thorough cleansing. Uncleaned skin "does not breathe", the pores are clogged, which undoubtedly affects the appearance. Make-up left on the face at night interferes with the nighttime skin regeneration process.

2. Daily skin care includes hydration. Skin needs to be moisturized at any age. The lack of moisture in the most detrimental way is reflected in the skin. You need to choose a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin type and recommended by dermatologists for a particular age group.

3. Also important "drink" the skin from the inside. It's no secret that you should drink at least 2 liters of water a day. It is water, since any other drink, be it black tea and coffee, only contributes to the removal of water from the body, so their use should be limited.

4. Lack of sleep also affects the skin condition in a bad way - swelling and circles appear under the eyes. Recommended sleep about 8 hours and if possible, should go to bed before midnight. After all, it is from 10 to 12 pm that there is a so-called “beauty dream”, which helps women look rested and rejuvenated in the morning.

5. Very important protect skin from direct sunlight, their impact in the most merciless way ages the skin. Do not forget about sunscreen, which can minimize the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

6. A great and easy way to keep youth is nourish the skin with natural masks. Honey, oil (vegetable, olive, palm) and egg yolk are best suited for this. These products are able to saturate the skin with essential vitamins and elements. It is advisable to make masks 2-3 times a week.

7. Should to refuse from bad habits. Alcohol and smoking are extremely harmful not only to the skin, but to the entire body.

8. Extremely skin friendly useful fiber, ideally it should be consumed daily from 30 to 40 grams. In addition, it is effective for the whole body and helps to get rid of accumulated toxins and toxins.

9. Proper nutrition- an important factor for maintaining beauty and youth. Experts recommend diversifying your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, such as grapefruit, melon, spinach, sweet peppers, apricots. Do not neglect seafood, they are rich in omega acids, which are very effective in combating dry skin and slowing down the mechanisms of its aging.

10. And, of course, indispensable for physical exercise. They are a prerequisite for maintaining youthful skin. The main thing is to choose a suitable physical activity for yourself. It can be aerobics, dancing or just walking. Do not forget about the daily morning exercises, it will help to cheer up.

A competent approach to the process of facial skin care will allow every woman to maintain elasticity, youth and a wonderful appearance of the skin, protecting it from premature aging. The implementation of simple recommendations will undoubtedly affect the skin in the most wonderful way and will allow you to preserve its youth without expensive salon procedures.


The first item on my "rejuvenating" list is sleep.

Now, every hour of lack of sleep settles on my face with a light blue under the eyes.

Write down on a sheet the basic rules of healthy sleep and glue in a prominent place:

I have a friend who opens the window even at -25. Her skin, by the way, glows with youth and health at her 40s. But here we focus on our body. It may be enough for you to open the door for air circulation.

    For youthful skin, you need to sleep at least 8 or even 9 hours. And no, not from 2 am to 10 am. It's time to remember that the whole body is better restored if you fall asleep before 22.00.

    The mattress should be neither hard nor soft. The pillow is neither high nor too flat. And by the way, I was approached by the psychologist's recommendation to sleep with my husband under different blankets. At the same time, the quality of sleep has improved, and maintaining relationships at the same excellent level is not a problem.

    Buy a beautiful bed, which you will be happy to lay down in the evening. And by the way, have you noticed that falling asleep on a clean bed is much more pleasant?

Tip number 2. Water is the guardian of youth.

The second tip is also simple. But why is it so difficult to stick to it?

Save yourself life hacks that will help you start drinking more water. How I tear it from my heart, but long youth requires decisive measures:

  • Place water bottles around the house.
    Near the computer, on the work surface in the kitchen, on the dressing table. It is not necessary to drink all at once. Take a couple of moderate sips and get on with your business.
    If you add a bunch of mint and a slice of lemon (orange / apple) to the water, you get a very tasty drink. Such water is also useful and well absorbed.
    You should have a bottle of water in your bag. Is always.

Tip #3. Do you want to stay young? Learn to temper.

Did you know that a contrast shower tightens the skin, preserves youth and elasticity, eliminates cellulite and improves blood circulation? And it also becomes stronger immunity, sleep and headaches go away.

Of course, winter swimming is ideal in order to preserve the youthfulness of the skin.

And, of course, a couple of secrets for taking a shower, which will give the skin elasticity and freshness:

  • For youthful skin, take a shower under warm water (not hot!) At the end - turn on the cold one. It is worth pouring over from the feet and gradually rise higher.

    Breathe deeply. Exhalation helps the body cope with such a mini-stress. Alternate pouring: 1 minute of cold water, 2 minutes - warm.

    End cold if it's morning or you don't use moisturizers. Finish warm if you plan to pamper your skin with an oil or nourishing cream.

  • If you shower 2/3 times a day, I advise you not to use skin gels every time. Household chemicals are very dry skin, which leads to early aging.

    Especially do not wash your face with soap (or any other means) more than once a day. Great in the morning to wipe the skin with an ice cube (chamomile, for example).

  • Use different towels for hands, body and face.
    You will thank yourself later for such a trifle.

Minimize (and ideally completely eliminate): rolls, cakes, sweets and chocolate. And from everything that will make your skin become covered with pimples, rashes or redness. After all, our covers are so closely related to what and how we eat.

The basis of your diet should be vegetables and fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products (also not fatty) and very few cereals. For lovers of sweets - honey, dried fruits and nuts. Remember that nuts are quite high in calories, and dried fruits are often soaked in sugar syrups.

Youth and beauty of the skin largely depend on nutrition. Your face and body will thank you.

Tip #5: Lubricate screws and dowels.

You need to moisturize not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It is necessary. I had a friend who did not use body creams, believing that "there is nothing to stuff the skin with all sorts of filth." Is it so?

If we are talking about purchased inexpensive body lotions, then it is possible. But I prefer oils. They are truly a treasure trove of benefits for the skin of the face and body, prolonging youth.

  • Apply the oil to damp skin with light tapping movements. So it is better absorbed, and massage for the skin is a useful thing.
  • Body butter is also applied to damp skin. Ideally, after that, be naked for several minutes until everything is thoroughly absorbed. Well, you tease your husband at the same time.
  • Choose "your" oil, suitable for your skin type. The universal option is coconut.
Essential oils Problems to be solved

Tea tree oil

Acne and inflammation on the skin, excessive oiliness of the scalp and hair, dandruff. It has a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Ylang Ylang Oil

Wrinkles, various skin imperfections. It has rejuvenating and smoothing properties.

Broccoli oil

Split ends, dullness and brittle hair. Wrinkles and signs of aging on the skin of the face.

lemon oil

Wrinkles, oily facial skin, age spots.

lavender oil

Oily facial skin, inflammation and acne, oily scalp, dandruff.

sandalwood oil

Brittle, dull hair, dry facial skin, inflammation on the face, signs of aging.

Peppermint oil

Fading skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, oily scalp and face.

Chamomile oil

Pigmentation, allergic skin reactions, acne. Brittle hair, irritated scalp.

Carrot seed oil

Stale complexion, pigmentation, wrinkles. Split ends, brittle and weak hair without shine.

rosemary oil

Withering skin, wrinkles, inflammation and acne, scars and scars.

Tip #6

Positive thinking also helps to keep the skin of the face, and the whole body, young! Have you noticed that the corners of the mouth are lowered in angry and sad aunts, there are more wrinkles, the skin of the face is grayer?

If you are also used to thinking standard and gray - we have something to work on together. We urgently need to reconfigure!

You can start your journey into the world of positivity and lightness from the basics: Louise Hay, Joe Vitale, Peel Norman (look for books by their authorship).

Do you believe that our physical condition and the state of the soul are closely interconnected? How can skin be tightened, a face radiate youth, if in your head one thought is sadder than another? Shoulders down, speech replete with stop words and negative messages? I doubt.

Write down the following affirmations on your sheet and stick to the mirror:

  • I radiate youth, health and beauty.
  • I am the love.
  • I love myself and accept myself completely. With all its flaws.
  • My body is strong, my back is strong and even, my shoulders are straightened, my legs are healthy and beautiful, my skin is elastic, and my face is young and smiling.
  • The whole universe helps me stay healthy and happy, save energy and be filled with love.
Sport improves blood circulation, trains the cardiovascular system, allows you to keep muscles and tendons in good shape, strengthens joints. The skin becomes more elastic, its color noticeably improves, and the cheeks acquire a natural glow.

And, of course, the main thing is regularity! Today you run, tomorrow you dance, the day after tomorrow you do yoga, and the next day you have good sex (better workout, m?)

Tip #8: Don't sweat it, you better steam it.

How I love baths and saunas! Perhaps this is the coolest tip that will help maintain youthfulness and elasticity of the skin. Going to the "steam room" perfectly helps the skin get rid of toxins and toxins. The pores open, a natural deep cleansing occurs.

Of course, there can be no talk of alcohol in the bath. And, of course, if you have contraindications - sit in the cold, and keep the youth of the skin of the face and body using other methods.

All kinds of scrubs and peels in the sauna - that's what will help keep the skin young! I'll tell you a couple of simple, but cool scrubs that will not leave any lady indifferent.

1) Coffee scrub (for the body, rough skin of the hands and feet).

  • Half a glass of coffee grounds.
  • 2 tablespoons of coarse sea salt.
  • 2 tablespoons of oil (coconut, olive).
  • 4-5 drops of vitamin A and E.
  • 4-5 drops of essential oil (whatever you like).

The scrub is quite abrasive. Be careful with it if your skin is prone to dryness or there are inflammations on the body. Do not use on face!

2) Oatmeal skin scrub.

  • 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal.
  • 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
  • 2-3 tablespoons of fat sour cream (kefir).

Massage the face and décolleté area.

3) Clay scrub.

  • 1-2 tablespoons of clay.
  • 1 tablespoon of water.
  • 1 teaspoon coconut oil.
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt (fine or medium).

Suitable for the whole body.

4 recipes for miracle face masks that will help maintain youthful skin

While drinking some water, I wrote down my plan for the next week in detail. And I’ll start running, and eat right (here’s just a birthday cake).

And, of course, I will make face masks. To keep the skin of the face healthy and young, it needs to be pampered from time to time.

Store masks, I brushed aside immediately. How do I know what they put in there? As my grandmother says: "Don't put on your face what you won't eat."

Catch 4 cool recipes that will help keep your skin youthful.

No. 1. Mask with spirulina.

This seaweed is very popular now. It includes vitamins A, B, C and E, which our skin needs so much. Smells really creepy. But what will you not do for the sake of youthful skin, m?

  • Crush a couple of spirulina tablets into crumbs.
  • 1-2 teaspoons of water.
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite facial oil (I have olive oil).
  • 1-2 drops of lemon juice (not worth it if you have hypersensitive skin).

Mix everything, apply on a damp clean face for 20-25 minutes. Wash away. Rejoice in tightened facial skin.

No. 2. Mask with aloe for youthful skin.

  • Half an ampoule of aloe (sold in any pharmacy; issue price is a penny).
  • 1 teaspoon of your favorite oil
  • 1-2 drops of vitamin A or E.

We apply on the face for 30 minutes. Turn on relaxing music. We meditate, closing the household on the other side of the door. The skin will thank you for it with smoothed wrinkles.

Number 3. Honey mask for the skin.

Honey is a universal remedy. It helps to improve immunity, improve health and maintain youthful skin! And many consider honey even a conductor of energy ...

  • 2 tablespoons of honey (liquid, always warm).
  • 2 teaspoons of your favorite facial oil

All. Apply the mask on a cleansed face for 30 minutes. We breathe in the incredible aroma of honey. We remember our grandmother, warm summer days, milk with a fragrant crust of bread. We love ourselves.

The skin of the face after this mask will become velvety and silky.

No. 4. Egg mask on guard of youth.

4 habits to help you keep

beauty and youthfulness of the skin

Old as the world, but such an effective egg mask. Helps keep the skin youthful. Moreover, it is suitable for both dry skin (we use the yolk as part of the composition), and for oily skin (we replace the yolk with protein).

I have dry skin, so I take:

  • Egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • 1 teaspoon olive oil.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of honey.
  • A couple of drops of vitamin A or E.

Actually, my brief synopsis on the topic " How to keep skin youthful» I declare it closed. From today I will definitely start taking care of my skin in every possible way!

Eternal youth is the cherished dream of any woman, and at any age. After all, you must admit that none of us wants to grow old, and in order to look younger than our years, any of us is ready for a lot. In this article, we will give recommendations, following which you can find your “rejuvenating apple”, while the quality and habitual routine of your life will not noticeably change. Ready to check?

Why are we getting old?

The biological point of view presents aging as a gradual loss by the body of its important functions, including a slowdown in regeneration and the loss of the ability to reproduce. Over the years, our body finds it increasingly difficult to cope with diseases and resist sometimes aggressive external conditions.

Human aging is studied by the science of gerontology. But even gerontologists hesitate when answering the question unambiguously: why do we get old? They have already put forward several theories of youth loss, each of which has its own reasons, but does not give a complete picture of the prerequisites and conditions of aging. They need to be considered as a whole. Therefore, we present the main theses and conclusions from them:

  • Poisoning the body with intestinal poisons. The intestines, which throughout life digest food and help us absorb nutrients, cannot process them without waste. And what remains in it forms toxins and slags, which eventually begin to poison the entire body. The more microbes in the intestinal flora, the lower the life expectancy.
  • Aggressive forms of oxygen (oxidants), which are produced in the human body during its life, accumulate and have no way out, destroy it.
  • The process of cell division, which continuously takes place in our body, is not endless. Sooner or later, the amount of "raw materials for division" is reduced, the cells of the body are updated less and less.
  • Each person has their own biological clock. Parts of the brain - the pituitary and hypothalamus are responsible for the production of hormones by the glands, under the influence of which the vital activity of all cells occurs. The genes of our body are programmed for withering and destruction, but the duration of the normal functioning of the hormonal system is different for everyone, laid down by nature.
  • Throughout our lives, damage to our body accumulates, which also causes aging.

Based on the above reasons for aging, let's try to deduce for ourselves a behavioral algorithm that will help us not only look young for a long time, but also feel "25".

How to preserve youth without compromising the quality of life?

Contrary to common prejudices, in order to look great at any age, you do not need to radically change your life. In order to maintain health, beauty and youth for a long time, significantly improve your well-being and improve the overall quality of life, you just need to make minimal adjustments to your usual routine.

As for keeping the body youthful, here are some tips for women of any age:

  • rational nutrition with the inclusion of ecologically clean dishes with a low calorie content in the menu;
  • sufficient sleep duration;
  • regular gymnastics;
  • hygiene and systematic procedures for skin care;
  • reduction in the number of emotional and physical overloads, sufficient rest after them;
  • giving up bad habits or reducing them;
  • adding variety to your life.

The closest way to youth is a healthy lifestyle, and our advice will be based on the observance of its components.

Gerontologists have suggested that reducing calories consumed by about 25-30% below the norm can significantly prolong the youth of the whole organism: the life cycle increases, the risk of oncological diseases decreases, memory sharpens and reactions improve.

It is worth trying proper nutrition, as the main key to maintaining youth. Include in your body as many fresh fruits, vegetables, cereals and other foods rich in "master" vitamins A, C, E, which serve as natural antioxidants and help us fight toxins. Even if you can't reduce your portion size, make sure your diet is rich in the following foods - sources of youth: carrots, cabbage, tomatoes, bell peppers, citrus fruits, apricots, rose hips, nuts, grapes, pumpkin.

By removing too spicy seasonings from your diet, you will be surprised how much faster you began to fill up and how noticeably your portions were reduced.

Youth and attractiveness are directly related to movement. And the category of movements can include not only walking, fitness or exercise equipment, but also, for example, good regular sex.

By the way: special studies have been carried out, the conclusions of which convince that if you have sex every day for 6 months, you can really rejuvenate yourself physically and look 5 years younger than you are.

In addition to the pleasant side described above, make it a rule to use public transport as little as possible, preferring to walk, exercise at least three times a week, and ideally sign up for aerobics, dancing or swimming - your quality of life will only improve, it will become much more interesting and intense.

In order not to go on diets, but always be in good physical shape, many women practice fasting days, and they do it right. Arranging such a day, you do not cause significant harm to the body, while a long diet can hurt your metabolism. It is especially good to arrange fasting days after you had a hearty dinner last night and are afraid that excess weight will not be slow to grow into your figure.

So, what is the best way to unload ? Try to spend a whole day on one product by choosing from the following options:

  • water;
  • kefir or yogurt;
  • tea with milk;
  • apples;
  • cucumbers or green salad;
  • green tea with honey;
  • skim cheese.

Tip: to solve the problem of poor sleep and the “got up on the wrong foot” syndrome, falling asleep with a half-starved stomach for just a few days will help.

No wonder they say that Tibetan herbs and oils are the elixir of eternal youth, because in all Tibetan cosmetic recipes natural products are the main ingredients. Let's focus on the most health benefits of popular herbs for our youth, beauty and longevity:

  • Ginseng- one of the most important and popular plants in Tibetan medical practice. Its composition is saturated with essential oils, peptides and saccharides, which are simply irreplaceable in the care of aging, losing skin elasticity. It has a regenerating and tonic effect, provides a normal level of water-salt balance, promotes oxygen saturation of the skin and hair.
  • Saffron- a source of vitamins B and PP, essential fatty oils and salts of phosphorus and potassium. It is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, smoothes and soothes it, improves its elasticity.
  • Honeysuckle- a storehouse of ascorbic acid and astringents. Strengthens blood vessels, actively tones and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Lofant- a plant that contains essential oils and tannins, vitamins, various types of acids in high concentrations. It is actively used in cosmetology as part of masks to smooth the skin and maintain a long-term effect, as well as to nourish and strengthen hair.

With decoctions and infusions of these herbs and flowers, you can regularly wipe your face or rinse your hair: the effect of them can compete with a complex of medical procedures or the use of popular branded cosmetics to preserve youth.

In the arsenal of modern cosmetology today there are many procedures and tools that can help any of us in the struggle for youth. You should not neglect them, but you should also approach the choice of rejuvenation methods selectively, relying solely on your case. Let's name the most popular today anti-aging cosmetic procedures that are performed in salons and medical centers:

  • Laser peeling - cleanses the skin of old cells, age spots and spider veins. The effect of the procedure can last for several years.
  • Mesotherapy or hyaluronic acid injections – wrinkles on the skin are filled with special cocktails of active preparations selected by a cosmetologist.
  • Photorejuvenation - effective for facial contour defects, reduced skin elasticity and pigmentation, performed using light flashes. Painful sensations during the procedure are insignificant, the effect will last about a year.
  • Botulinum toxin injections (Botox) stopping muscle work. As a result - smoothing of small wrinkles, "crow's feet" around the eyes and on the forehead. The effect of the drug will last a year, but mimic reactions will be significantly reduced.
  • Facial contour plastic surgery - It is produced mainly by injections of hyaluronic acid. After this procedure, an instant effect is noticeable, which lasts about 6 months.

We offer you to watch an interesting video about the effectiveness and pitfalls of modern cosmetic procedures for rejuvenation.

“It’s impossible not to be nervous at all,” you say. Of course, but you can change your attitude to nervous situations and increase your stress resistance in simple ways. Nerve cells are not restored, let's take care of their safety, and at the same time prolong our youth. A few simple practical tips:

  • by reducing the use of overly invigorating coffee and tea, you can permanently eradicate lack of sleep, improve the quality of sleep and successfully deal with the constant feeling of anxiety - the constant companion of all coffee lovers;
  • surprisingly, if you walk and sit with your back straight for at least a week, you can notice how much your memory has improved and your resistance to stress has increased;
  • turning off the TV and hiding your gadgets a couple of hours before bedtime, you not only fight back the stress and anxiety that daily pour on us from the news feeds, but also free your imagination, give free rein to the flight of thoughts: it is 2 hours before sleep that are most suitable for creativity and creativity;
  • use your phone only for business, and you will not only protect yourself from unnecessary information and stress, but also understand that there are much more than 24 hours in a day.

In order to stay young longer, we need to take care of the timely removal of harmful substances that accumulate throughout life and clog our body from the inside. Even eating right, you need to take measures to cleanse the body, especially the intestines. Several ways to naturally and regularly cleanse the body in ordinary conditions:

  • compliance with the correct drinking regimen (it is necessary to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of clean water daily);
  • the use of freshly squeezed berry, fruit and vegetable juices (beet-carrot juice has a particularly strong effect);
  • herbal infusions will relieve you of toxins: herbs such as St. John's wort, chamomile, birch buds, immortelle are especially useful;
  • cleansing folk remedies. So, a paste made from 10 heads of garlic, 10 lemons and 1 liter of natural honey is very effective. Use such a "potion" on an empty stomach for 4 tsp until the remedy is over;
  • cleansing and rejuvenation with a tea made from strawberry, raspberry and rosehip leaves.

How not to harm your health in pursuit of youth?

Often dreams of eternal youth push us to feats, which we have to regret for years. Unfortunately, as a result of rash actions, we often get not the desired rejuvenation and beauty, but health problems.

It is worth remembering that in the attractiveness of a woman, her light, cheerful disposition and kindness, charming smile, grooming and culture of speech, and not at all painful thinness or the absence of wrinkles, play an important role. Do not get carried away with exhausting diets to look thinner or younger than the age indicated in the passport: exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract often has the opposite effect.

Be careful with cosmetic procedures that can be detrimental to your skin and health in general: before you "transform", be sure to consult your doctor.

Use our practical advice and in a short time you will notice how your body has rejuvenated, your mood has improved and self-esteem has increased.

How to properly care for facial skin in order to maintain attractiveness, youth and freshness for a long time? After all, our appearance affects our mood, well-being, the general condition of the body. And this connection is mutual: the better we look, the better we feel. And the better we feel, the more beneficial it affects our nervous system, the condition of the skin and hair.

How to prolong the freshness and youthfulness of the skin.

In order for our reflection in the mirror to please us for as long as possible, and for the skin of the face and body to retain freshness and elasticity for a long time, proper, thorough, daily and comprehensive care is necessary. It consists of cleansing the face, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting against the effects of adverse factors: sun and frost, dry indoor air, dust and polluted air in megacities.

Caring for different types of facial skin, it is necessary to use different methods and cosmetics. But there are general rules, the observance of which will help maintain it in a healthy state.

Proper skin care.

Delicate facial skin requires daily, comprehensive, proper care. A few simple rules, performed regularly, will help keep her healthy, young, well-groomed and beautiful.

Rule 1

We wash our faces every morning and clean our faces every evening. But we do not always do it right: sometimes there is not enough time or desire.

How do you wash? Warm tap water? Without thinking about the fact that this water is hard in composition and contains chlorine. The feeling of tightness and dryness after such a procedure is felt almost immediately. And it disappears only after applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream. Replace this washing procedure with another one, and you will feel the result in a week: dryness will decrease, the acid balance will normalize, preventing the growth of bacteria and the spread of infections, the skin will become more elastic and the face oval will be corrected.

To do this, you will need a beautiful, small, plastic or ceramic container of your favorite color (positive emotions in the morning will favorably affect good condition) and a mixture consisting of table and sea salt, and soda. There is no need to be afraid that soda will dry out dry skin - its amount in the composition of the mixture is negligible, but it will soften the water, you will feel it. Salt is known as a disinfectant, and sea salt will enrich the epidermis with trace elements.

Composition of the mixture: 3 tbsp. table salt and grind the same amount of sea salt in a coffee grinder. Add half tsp. soda. Mix everything thoroughly and store in a jar with a lid to avoid hydration of the mixture and the formation of lumps. Pour water into a basin with a capacity of one and a half to two liters in the evening, in the morning it will be at room temperature and less chlorinated. Add a pinch of the prepared mixture (half a teaspoon), dissolve in water and wash your face, easily rinsing your face with water without rubbing. If your face is oily, add a few drops of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

You will achieve even greater and tangible results if you prepare an infusion of herbs suitable for your skin type every 3 days. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator and added in the morning and evening to the water for washing. Then wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in this infusion. On a day off, when there is no need to apply makeup in the morning, let your skin rest and do not apply anything after washing. Yes, it takes extra time, but only 5 minutes more, and the infusion is prepared in the evenings. But beautiful, elastic, healthy skin is worth the effort and time.

Rubbing with infusion of herbs can be replaced by the use of ice cubes from these infusions. Cubes can be stored for a week, but not everyone easily tolerates a sharp temperature drop. But when you get used to rubbing your face with ice and do it regularly, you will notice an improvement in your condition, as the skin of the face is hardened, blood vessels are strengthened, and nutrition with useful substances improves.

Rule 2

Do not wipe your face the way you wipe the skin of the body, although it also requires a delicate attitude. Use soft towels or paper towels. But the skin of the face should not be wiped, but blotted with a few light movements, leaving a certain amount of moisture for superficial and additional moisturizing of the skin.

Rule 3

Determine your individual skin type and apply the methods and cosmetic care products specifically for your type. A nourishing cream designed for dry skin and applied to oily skin will lead to disruption of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of additional skin problems.

The use of facial cleansers and make-up removers designed for oily skin is not suitable for dry skin care, as it can increase dryness, lead to flaking and redness.

Rule 4

Apply day and night creams correctly. Day nourishing and moisturizing face creams perform mainly the function of protecting the skin during the day. These creams are on the skin of the face 8-9 hours a day, so the choice of day creams must be careful. It should be borne in mind that for use during the summer months, it is necessary to choose creams of a light consistency, with an UV protection factor of at least 15. And in winter, it is more advisable to use thicker and greasy creams, and do not use hydrated creams in the morning, which can cause hypothermia of the skin, if the temperature is low. The cream is applied with light, patting movements so as not to stretch the skin without rubbing it. Wipe off excess cream with a cosmetic disc or tissue after 15-20 minutes. And then apply makeup.

Many simply do not know that the cream must be applied to the area near the auricles. But these 2 additional movements will help to avoid longitudinal folds that appear with age due to changes in skin elasticity and the appearance of dryness.

Rule 5

According to the rules of facial skin care, a special eye cream is applied to the area around the eyes, which is in any series of high-quality cosmetics. The skin of the eyelids and around the eyes is thinner and more sensitive, with a different indicator of acid-base balance, has the ability to increase hydration, retaining and accumulating penetrating water for a long time. Edema under the eyes can be not only the result of kidney and heart disease, lack of sleep and overstrain, but also the result of an improperly applied cream. So the choice of skin care products for the eyelids can be an indicator of whether the cosmetics of this series or company suits you. If there is no allergy to eye cream, then all cosmetics will do.

Rule 6

Find in the morning 3-5 minutes. The exercises are very simple, after 2-3 times they are performed automatically. The result will appear in one and a half to two weeks: the skin of the face and neck will become more elastic, the oval of the face will tighten, wrinkles will decrease, and the general condition will improve. If there is a catastrophic lack of time in the morning, you can perform at least 2-3 exercises or just smile at yourself several times in front of the mirror, and complete the complex in the evening.

Rule 7

And once a week - a SPA-complex, all procedures of which can be successfully and efficiently performed at home. It takes 15-20 minutes every evening, or an hour and a half on a day off. Results in 2-3 weeks will be noticed not only by you, but also by everyone around you.

Rule 8

The nutrition of the skin of the face is carried out not only and not so much by the use of creams. More efficient and effective from natural products, vegetable oils, aromatic oils. You can pick up several mask recipes for your face type and alternate them, applying depending on the season and seasonal changes in skin condition.

Masks take, on average, only 30-40 minutes, along with preparation, application, removal and a quiet 15-20 minutes of their action. But the effect that they have, improving the complexion, saturating the skin with vitamins and nutrients, smoothing wrinkles, cleansing and leveling the surface, removing dead cells, is not given even by expensive cosmetics.

It is not difficult to find time, 2-3 times a week, for applying masks and proper and comprehensive care. And the result will be beautiful and healthy skin, compliments about how wonderful you look, your good mood and well-being.

Greetings, dear readers of my blog! Today I would like to touch upon an issue that worries, if not all women, then most of them. This is a matter of preserving female youth.

The modern world worships the cult of youth. This trend is not only in the field of fashion and cosmetology, but also in the production of clothing, footwear, sports and many other areas. It must be admitted that this state of affairs suits an increasing number of people. Today, few women want to look like a respectable matron at 50-60 years old, as it was 40-50 years ago. Sociologists note a certain rejuvenation of the generation of women and men who are over 40. They look much younger than their peers 30 years ago. And the same situation with other generations, who are 20-30, 50-60. This phenomenon has not yet found an intelligible explanation, but today grandmothers tend not to sit with their grandchildren, but to work actively, travel, build a personal life, learn new things, in a word, live actively. Such a desire should naturally be supported by the preservation of health, youth. skin and bodies. in different age periods, what will help to do this?

In this article, we will try to deal with modern ways to save beauty and health even in adulthood.

What helps keep you young

For women, in maintaining youth, and, consequently, attractiveness, the main role is played by the hormonal background of the body in different age periods. If at the age of 40 years the hormones responsible for the condition of the skin, hair, nails are in full in the female body, then after 50 years and 60 years, many of them cease to be produced. Alas, hormone therapy cannot restore the function of the ovaries and adrenal glands and restore youth to a woman. But, the modern cosmetology industry works wonders. With the advent of hyaluronic acid and Botox, women who crossed the 50-year mark using these drugs look 10 years younger than their peers who age naturally. Plastic surgery in cosmetology is also popular. Women are beginning to resort to her services already. after 30 years performing operations not only on the face, but also on the chest, buttocks, and thighs. But the radical ways preservation of youth can restore it temporarily, and the operation has to be repeated again and again. Are there other options that for many years will allow a woman to look young and lead an active lifestyle?

Secrets of youth

To preserve youth, you need to start working on yourself from the age of 25. This is painstaking work, the results of which are visible not immediately, but years later. External signs of aging appear first on the skin. The first wrinkles on the face - "crow's feet" are already visible at the age of 25-27. Therefore, a woman should pay special attention to the rejuvenation of the skin.

How to take care of your face to stay young

The condition of the face indicates the age of a woman. In order for it to be tender, radiant and elastic, it is necessary not only to use appropriate care products, but also to protect it from the adverse effects of sunlight, dust, and dry air. This will help the means developed in the main preventive areas of aging. skin:

  1. Cleansing, removing impurities and excess fat from the skin surface. New types of facial cleansing are appearing on the cosmetic market. For example, vacuum cleaning Spot Cleaner to use at home. This is not a bulky, expensive device, but a small device that fits freely in the hand;
  2. removing the upper, non-functioning layer of the epidermis;
  3. Sunscreen, containing substances that protect the skin from damage by solar radiation;
  4. Antioxidants that bind free radicals - one of the causes of skin aging;
  5. Substances that nourish the upper skin layer, making it more elastic and resilient;
  6. Lifting systems that tighten aging skin.

Among home remedies for skin over 30 years old, I recommend:

  • baobab oil for wrinkles around the eyes
  • linen mask for skin tightening
  • cranberry oil - anti-aging bomb
  • milk masks for eternal youth

Body youth

Youth of the face contrasts with a flabby body. This is what happens when, trying to look younger, women pay attention only to the face, not taking care of the body. To maintain a healthy, strong and beautiful body, physical activity is necessary, first of all:

  • On the spine;
  • on the joints;
  • On the muscles.

You can choose the methods of physical activity with the help of specialists in various available sports, or in groups of physical fitness, fitness, dance, tourism, etc. It is important that physical activity is not directed to only one group of muscles and joints. The uniformity and optimality of loads ensure the prolongation of the youthfulness of the body as a whole, and in particular the bone and muscle structures. For body tightening and toning, I recommend this one, which really work and does not take time.

Body youth achieved, including swimming and water procedures. They perfectly form a beautiful relief of the body.

Of the water procedures, it is worth noting both the sauna and the Russian steam bath. They remove toxins and toxins from the body, which is very important for rejuvenating body cells, renewing blood composition, strengthening blood vessels, and cleansing skin pores.

If there is not enough motivation to take care of your body, then do not forget that girlfriends look at the face, and the man looks at his feet. How

Products that help you stay young

Nutrition plays an important role in the rejuvenation of a woman's body. When choosing a diet, according to age and physical activity, one must not forget that any diet should not adversely affect the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet at any age should compensate for the energy costs of the body, but not exceed its nutritional needs. Food in 35 years should differ in qualitative and quantitative composition from nutrition after 40 years and older.

The older the female body, the less calories it needs. Therefore, the diet should be selected according to age and physical activity. About how to eat right to lose weight, I wrote

Nutritionists recommend after 45 years reduce the amount of sugary foods in the diet, and at an older age, generally abandon sugar and sweet flour dishes. Sugar can be replaced with honey and fruits. It should be borne in mind that a high-quality set of trace elements, vitamins and a sufficient amount of water are very important for the female body. Also, do not forget to clean the body, I recommend it for the lazy. It is necessary that not only the skin, but also the hair and nails be healthy and young. With age in the female body, not only the production of hormones decreases, but calcium is also washed out of the bones.

To replenish the hormone estrogen (female sex hormone), which is responsible for the youthfulness of the female body, here what to eat:

  • Nuts (all types);
  • Apricots, fresh and dried;
  • lentils;
  • Flax seed (in the form of a decoction or ground).

good product that helps raise the level of estrogen in the blood, is natural coffee.

  • Ginseng - "the root of life", "grass of immortality", tones the remedy in case of loss of strength as a result of mental or physical overwork, increased stress, low blood pressure, for rehabilitation after debilitating diseases. Ginseng improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, the organs of sensitivity, in particular, sharpens vision and hearing, normalizes the supply of the brain, filling tissues with oxygen, accelerates wound healing, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs and liver, has a positive effect on the activity of the reproductive organs, in particular in the case of decrease in sexual function.
  • Eleutherococcus - normalizes blood pressure, increases vitality, renews strength, helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, which causes the development of atherosclerosis of blood vessels, acts as a natural antibiotic, has an antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process.
  • Radiolu rosea - in case of depletion of the nervous system and physical strength, impotence, vegetative-vascular dystonia and many other bad conditions, as well as if a person needs to increase the endurance and resistance of the body. The peculiarity of Rhodiola is that it has a strong effect on skeletal muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. In addition, radiol stimulates the energy activation of cells.
  • These plants activate the body's defenses, helping it cope with various stresses and aging. Before using preparations with these herbs, do not forget to consult a doctor.

In parting, I would like to say that the elixir of eternal youth has not yet been invented. But this elixir is in the soul of women who do not give up old age, remaining young in their inner content. They are attractive not only outwardly, but also with their optimistic attitude to life, the manifestation of constant interest in all the problems of our amazing modern world.

How long you keep your youth depends only on your desire and mood.