Lift without a scalpel - myths and reality. Selfil - aka "vampire lifting" Indications for plasma therapy

Surely not everyone will like the common name of this drug, and although they (vampires) are still kind of in vogue, it seems that the name has become outdated for a couple of years now. But for those who are wondering, the nickname is not given to the drug as a tribute to fashion, but due to the fact that Selphyl® is composed of the patient's own blood.

The most difficult thing in preparing for the passage of any procedure for the first time (for example, a laser, injections, etc.) is to figure out whether it really works or is it a marketing ploy and deceit, and the company passes off the desired as valid. Selfie is no exception. Here is the opinion about the product made by Western cosmetologists:

  • Is this product safe to use on the face? Not proven, so some suspicion remains;
  • Is it effective? Possibly, but there is no definitive data either.

Learn more about the Selffil procedure

What is Selfil? In essence, Selffil is a filler that is used to improve the contours of the face and give them volume. This is an intercellular substance rich in platelets and fibrin - if translated into an accessible language, this means that platelets are removed from the patient's own blood, the blood is brought to a serum state. Then the serum with platelets is mixed again, calcium chloride is added, and then injected under the skin. (Platelets are tiny blood cells that help blood clot.) This is sometimes also referred to as PRP—Platelet Enrichment Plasma. PRP has been used before, though in the orthopedic world - they have been chipping the tendons of patients for several years now.

How is this procedure going?

Imagine that you are in the office of your beautician or dermatologist. You sit down, a tourniquet is applied to you and a small portion of blood is drawn into a test tube. This blood in the test tube is shaken by hand several times, and placed in a centrifuge (which rotates at the speed of a washing machine in the intensive spin mode) for 6 minutes. This separates the red part of the blood from the clear part, which is the serum containing the platelets.

Then the serum is placed in another test tube, which contains calcium chloride (salt familiar to everyone) and shaken gently. Voila - now this substance begins to thicken a little, platelets begin to be evenly distributed in this semi-solid intercellular substance. This is what is eventually injected under the skin.

Some cosmetologists sometimes also mix in pre-prepared fat with this product in the hope that this will increase the "passability" of the mixture.

Is the procedure and the drug Selfil safe?

Maybe. The main doubt is that the results of the use of the drug on the tendons cannot be considered evidence of the safety of the drug in the facial area. Still, injections into the area of ​​the tendons, where there are few blood vessels, are very different from injections into the area of ​​the face, where there are much more blood vessels and nerves, and the anatomy is generally more complicated.

There is very little data on its use as an injection under the skin for aesthetic purposes. There is only one document from 2009, in which 15 patients were followed up with injections into the nasolabial folds for three months. This is a fairly small test group and a short time frame. As it became clear, the company, when registering the procedure and the drug, used the data of orthopedic studies, which have already been mentioned above. Again the question arises - is the face equivalent to tendons? Do not you say.

What are the complications after this procedure?

All the usual complications from any filler, including bruising, soreness, unwanted results, and the absence of any visible result (for this product in particular).

Other complications encountered when used for orthopedic needs are associated with allergic reactions or activation of the immune system against one's own platelets and, as a result, discoloration of the skin. However, this is in rare cases.

Who should not use Selffil?

People with bleeding disorders or taking anticoagulants (drugs that control blood clotting). Patients who have very low platelet counts or autoimmune disorders that affect platelets: All of them should probably avoid this product. When using the product, high-quality platelets are required. Also, do not use this procedure for pregnant and lactating women, a person with any cancer or infection in the acute stage.

Does Selffil improve facial contours?

Here's the bad news. Although Selffil looks attractive and promising for solving some issues of facial aesthetics, it is far from a magic wand. This is expensive and has unpredictable results depending on the patient. As a reminder, in that same 2009 study, there were only 15 patients.

The results of those patients are easily achievable with other products or lasers already on the market. Products of equal or lesser value, with a track record of more than 20,000 patients, guarantee safety and results. What would you prefer to choose? The new technology must be better than the time-tested one, so that, being equal in cost, the choice falls on it.

How long do results last?

This key information has not yet been established for this product. Probably at least 3 months.

Is this procedure painful?

It includes one blood draw injection (from your arm) and a face injection similar to Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse or Sculptra.

Can it be argued that the company that patented the procedure is misleading?

Most likely, they simply overestimate their results based on the extremely small amount of data that they received from aesthetic cosmetology patients. And the product hasn't been used enough in facial injections to really determine its safety. Only time will tell whether the drug will be able to cope with the expressed claims of cosmetologists.

Since the procedure has not yet reached the domestic market, we recommend watching a video in English (for those who do not speak it, it will also be interesting).

Lux Clinic specialists were among the first representatives of Russia who mastered the new technique. Therefore, today the Swiss lifting with Regenlab plasma, as well as its varieties such as PRGF plasma therapy and other advanced technologies, are actively used in the clinic.

Plasmotherapy has become one of the most recent effective developments in the field of rejuvenation. This technology was first demonstrated to the public in 2004 by specialists from Regenlab (Switzerland) under the name "PRP plasma therapy". This method of rejuvenation almost immediately after its appearance was widely recognized among the leading clinics and institutes of aesthetic medicine. Its popularity is due to a combination of a number of advantages that Regenlab plasma therapy has, as well as the maximum efficiency of the technology.

Plasma therapy allows doctors and cosmetologists to demonstrate excellent results. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main features of this technique, as well as evaluate the advantages inherent in such a direction as plasma therapy in cosmetology.

What is the advantage of REGENLAB plasma therapy from classical plasma therapy

Plasma therapy REGENLAB Classic plasma therapy
Patented technology to preserve live platelets and growth factors
- patented formulation of platelet activator in vitro;
- filter in vitro to separate red blood cells from blood plasma
Plain laboratory tubes with added heparin to prevent clotting. Heparin reduces platelet activity and can cause allergic reactions
Special centrifuge from REGENLAB with a special mode of operation and a special angle of inclination. Ordinary centrifuge, not designed to obtain pure plasma with platelets
The amount of pure plasma is 5.0 ml. The amount of pure plasma is 2.0 ml.
The possibility of obtaining a plasma filler to fill wrinkles ------
Course - 2-3 procedures with an interval - a month Course - 5 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks

Regenlab Plasma Therapy: Technology of the Future Available Today

First of all, let's try to figure out what plasma therapy for the face is, developed by Swiss specialists. For a long time, the best representatives of aesthetic medicine have been trying to find the optimal tool that allows skin rejuvenation with minimal involvement of third-party elements. At the same time, the theoretical knowledge that the best material for achieving such a goal is a person's own plasma existed long before the development of Regenlab technology. The problem was that special equipment was required to obtain plasma from blood, as well as to enrich it. It was his invention that became the task of the Swiss developers, and they solved it at the highest level of quality.

A unique device that allows enriching plasma with a special PRP preparation was successfully tested at the beginning of the new millennium, and today Lux Clinic specialists offer to perform Swiss plasma lifting using such equipment, as well as other consumables provided by our colleagues from Switzerland. Vampire lifting (this is the colloquial name given to the service among specialists) consists of several stages, the total time of which is minimal compared to many other rejuvenation methods. After diagnosing and determining the optimal technique, namely PRP plasma therapy, the specialist performs the following work:

      • Blood sampling from the patient in the required amount, which depends on the total area of ​​the skin area (areas) to be rejuvenated.
      • Isolation of two separate components from the received blood, autogel and platelet-rich plasma.
      • Reverse connection of the components in the required proportion and their introduction into the subcutaneous layers by injection.

The whole procedure takes a minimum amount of time. Moreover, to achieve the optimal effect, only 2-3 repetitions during the calendar month will be enough, and the amount of such repetitions largely depends on how much plasma therapy for the face costs. The results of the procedure will appear within 1-2 weeks after the first visit to the doctor. As for the main effect, the absence of wrinkles and folds on the skin as a result of plasmolifting remains for more than a year.

In addition to the already noted advantages of the Swiss technique used by Lux Clinic, the following advantages of the technology should be highlighted:

      • Minimal trauma and low risk of complications. Plasma therapy for the face, the price of which is quite acceptable for domestic users of this service, is carried out using natural ingredients and with virtually no damage to the outer skin layer. Traces of the injections made heal in the shortest possible time.
      • Low number of contraindications. Unlike some other plastic surgeries and procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation, plasma therapy has only those contraindications that apply to the vast majority of other methods. The point is that the procedure is not recommended for patients suffering from blood diseases, low blood clotting, and diabetes. As for age restrictions, plasma therapy, the price of which is quite acceptable for patients with different paying capacity, is suitable for all ages.
      • Painless and no need for long-term rehabilitation. Almost immediately after the procedure, patients can return to normal daily activities. The only limitation is associated with increased physical activity, which should be avoided for 2-3 days. The same applies to visiting a sauna, a bath, or the usual heating of the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.
      • Compatibility with other rejuvenation procedures. Plasma therapy can be used not only as a separate effective method of rejuvenation. Often it is included in complex programs where this method is combined with RF techniques, laser skin modeling, mesotherapy and other rejuvenation methods.

In conclusion, it should be added that the main thing in determining the choice of a suitable method, as well as in deciding whether plasmolifting of the skin is appropriate, is the decision of a specialist.

Everyone wants to stay young and beautiful as long as possible. Preferably forever. And in the war against time, all means are good. Mythical vampires, for example, used human blood for breakfast, lunch and (if possible) dinner.

Now the manners of folklore evil have appeared among celebrities. After all, a new word has entered the lexicon of American cosmetology - a bloody procedure. "vampire lift".

The Internet started talking about American know-how after the famous and pregnant Kim Kardashian posted on Instagram and Twitter a photo of herself, her beloved, with a bloodied face. Excited fans did not have time to blame her star lover Kanye West in assault, as the explanation followed: Kim, literally obsessed with various "youth procedures", decided to experience a new "vampire lifting". And she remained pretty.

The essence of the procedure, "illuminated" in the Kardashian reality show, is as follows: the doctor takes some blood from a vein on the patient's arm, and then separates the plasma and platelets from red blood cells in a special centrifuge. The kind doctor kindly “waters” the face of the client with platelet-rich plasma. For better absorption of the vampire cocktail, this very face is previously subjected to acupuncture.

The essence of the procedure is to fill the skin with platelets, which contain growth factors. They contribute to tissue regeneration, stimulating the division and growth of damaged cells. In turn, platelets should stimulate the formation of collagen. And this protein is responsible for the smoothness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Here you have "living water" of organic origin.

The procedure is new, extravagant and causes skepticism among many dermatologists. Although experts assure that the “vampire lifting” is harmless (if only because the liquid “native” to the patient is used), serious studies are needed to prove its effectiveness. Yes, and microneedles can injure the skin, as well as carry a potential threat of infection.

Even such an extreme and dubious procedure as “vampire lifting” has every chance of becoming popular and in demand among desperate beauties. After all, with a light hand (or rather, face) Kim Kardashian and her TV show about bloody injections of beauty will soon be recognized by millions of American housewives.

Every woman at any age and at all times wants to look young and attractive. Time is the most merciless enemy of women. But the idea and progress always come to the rescue, which offer us various ways of external rejuvenation.

Previously, most rejuvenation took place through the introduction of botulism toxin, or Botox, under the skin, and now human blood is beginning to displace it. Recently, such a technology of facial rejuvenation as “vampire facelift” (Selphyl) has been popular - injections of mixtures from human blood products into areas weighed down by wrinkles. This procedure, like Botox injections, is non-surgical.

Experts say that this procedure provides an effective tightening of the skin of the face and neck; smoothing wrinkles and makes the complexion more natural and natural; and also guarantees the elimination of skin defects (for example, acne scars).

The purpose of the procedure is to saturate the skin with platelets containing growth factors. For the rejuvenation process, the specialist uses the patient's blood directly, or rather, platelet-rich plasma. It contributes to the effective smoothing of wrinkles and avoids the risk of rejection by the body or infection.

During the procedure, the doctor takes the patient's venous blood, after which the plasma and platelets are separated from the red blood cells in a centrifuge. The doctor “waters” the client’s face with the resulting saturated plasma, having previously subjected it to acupuncture.

Another variant of the procedure is also possible, when platelets separated from red blood cells are mixed with fibrin (a high molecular weight protein that is formed from blood plasma fibrinogen under the action of the thrombin enzyme) and injected into areas requiring correction.

And not so long ago, an improved technique has appeared that allows fans of the “vampire” facelift to undergo the procedure without needles. In this case, a powerful hydrocarbon laser makes many microscopic holes in the patient's skin, and then a special ultrasonic probe “pumps” platelet-rich plasma into them.

The whole secret lies precisely in platelets and growth factor, which contribute to tissue repair, stimulate the division and growth of injured cells. They also contribute to the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the smoothness, elasticity and youthfulness of the skin.

The duration of the “vampire” facelift procedure is no more than 20 minutes; the final results appear within three weeks, and the effect lasts about 15 months.

The indisputable advantage of such a rejuvenation procedure is naturalness, in the context of using the patient's own blood.

Specialists in the field of dermatology are skeptical about the procedure, as there is not enough evidence of the effectiveness of the procedure. In addition, after undergoing the procedure, patients may experience side effects that are not associated with allergies: slight inflammation, burning, itching. Also, attention is focused on the fact that in any case, the patient's skin is injured by microneedles, which can potentially threaten infection.

But, as they say - Beauty requires sacrifice! ... And about 1000-1200 US dollars more.

Comments: 5

    God, as they say, what technology has come to. It is no longer fashionable to bathe in the blood of babies or what else they indulged in in the old days. Now blood injections are in vogue. Some kind of idiocy. A woman is beautiful at any age. At 50, it's silly to look 20.

    Some kind of horror, I would not agree to be smeared with my own blood))) And even more so someone else's. Somehow this is unnatural. Although I agree with Valentina, pumping yourself up with all sorts of chemistry is also not an option. It is good even that the procedure is not cheap, not everyone can afford it.

    I agree with Svetlana, the photo is shocking. After reading the article, I understand that beauty really requires sacrifice. Thank God it's not a sacrifice. The beauty industry comes up with more and more new methods of rejuvenation. But as they say, demand creates supply.

    When she saw the photo for the article, she was shocked, then, after reading the text, she calmed down a little. Of course, I don’t understand this, but some people are obsessed with their appearance and are not ready to let go of their youth, I think this innovation will please them.

    No, well, what technology, bish medicine has reached! It's not something you can think of on purpose. Of course, if there is money and desire, then why not? After all, not someone else's blood is used here, but your own, native blood. everything is better than any rubbish pumped up. In general, God forbid all those who dared good luck and health!

A facelift is one of the most popular and sought-after plastic surgery procedures. This is not surprising, because the effect after a facelift is simply colossal: women immediately look younger by ten years, or even more. However, venturing into a plastic facelift surgery is not so easy, because whatever one may say, this is a serious intervention in the body, which can have certain consequences. And the rehabilitation period with bruises after plastic surgery has not yet been canceled.

Today, fortunately for millions of women, there is a new type of facelift that does not involve any surgical intervention- This is the so-called "vampire lift". Why a vampire? Everything is very simple: during the procedure, the patient's own blood serves as an injection material for rejuvenating the patient's skin. Moreover, the blood is not ordinary, but slightly “modified”: platelet-rich plasma is extracted from the blood, and this “cocktail” is injected back under the skin of the patient.

The “vampire facelift” has a number of very important advantages compared to other anti-aging procedures. Firstly, blood plasma stimulates the production of collagen and promotes rapid tissue regeneration. Secondly, this procedure eliminates the risk of allergies, since own blood is used. And allergies are the scourge of our time, because many women, precisely because of allergies, are unable to use even a regular face cream with white tea extract.

It should be noted that injections of own plasma are not suitable for every patient. There is one important circumstance, namely the fear of the sight of blood, which can interfere with the implementation of this procedure. In addition, patients who want to forget about their age for several years may be confused by the rather modest persistence of the results of the “vampire facelift” - just over a year. Compared to surgical methods, this is too small.

In general, the choice of this or that procedure for facial rejuvenation should only take place in the course of discussion with a qualified specialist in the field of plastic surgery. Only he will be able to correctly assess the situation and advise a specific method in each case.

Be that as it may, besides a facelift, there are many other ways to prolong youth and beauty. For example, natural and highly effective Chinese IZKIS cosmetics have been helping women look great for many years and not think about any facelifts. After all, constant and thorough care is the main guarantee of youth and beauty.