Leo weekly horoscope from May 7th.

Aries stars are advised in the next seven days not to neglect asking for help and support from loved ones. Believe me, they will be happy to do something useful for you.


Celestial bodies remind Taurus that on August 7 there will be a partial Lunar Eclipse. This event will not give the most favorable tone in the first days, but soon this influence will dissipate, and from about Wednesday everything will be exceptionally well.



Gemini stars recommend in the next seven days to be as frank as possible in communicating with people. Their excessive suspicion is unlikely to play into their hands, so there is no need to be cunning, but it is better to speak directly about your goals, motives and views.


For Cancers, the heavenly bodies indicate that in the coming week it is worth doing some inner work on yourself. Many of the taboos you set up have long prevented you from living a full life. It's time to start breaking far-fetched prohibitions in order to feel your freedom.

a lion

In the coming seven days, the stars offer the lions to finally enjoy the results of their long labors. This is the final, but intermediate. There will be further activities to achieve final success soon.


Virgo celestial bodies recommend this week not to forget that on August 13, Mercury becomes retrograde. In this regard, it is worth hurrying up and solving all matters related to communication on weekdays. Weekends are best devoted to some of your activities, which can be done in peace and quiet.


In Libra, the stars indicate that the influence of a partial Lunar Eclipse will be strong in the coming seven days. In order not to succumb to the inherent tension of this period and the negative impact, you should maintain a fair amount of optimism and not react to minor troubles.


For Scorpios, the heavenly bodies offer this coming week less time to spend on reasoning and quickly respond to changing circumstances. Act on your intuition. This is the best thing for you this week. And not only now!


Sagittarians are advised by the stars to master new things gradually in the next seven days. But you should not immediately dive into the pool with your head. New areas of knowledge, interests or activities may seem too deep, which will greatly reduce enthusiasm due to lack of time.


For Capricorns, the stars suggest not to break with their past in the coming week. It may well happen that you suddenly have a chance to achieve some of your old goals. Do not miss something to change in life for the benefit of yourself.


The heavenly bodies recommend Aquarius in the coming seven days not to try to change the opinion of those people who are obviously biased about themselves. You don't need such an inflexible society, because you can't build friendship, business relationships, let alone love with such people.


To Pisces, the stars indicate that Mercury will turn retrograde this coming week on August 13th. This means that if you have any plans related to communication with people, then it is better to implement them on weekdays so as not to fall under the negative influence of the first planet of the solar system.

From May 7 to 13, the Sun will be in the sign of Taurus. This time will be favorable for hardworking and persistent people. You will feel how you become more persistent, self-possessed, hardy, purposeful. This period favors all financial affairs - transactions with securities, investments in banks, firms, production. A good time for business, applying for a job, acquiring large, beautiful and expensive things. Success awaits those people who occupy a position related to financial responsibility or have a profession related to art.

Try to visit the forest more often, in nature, in the garden. Beneficial effect of indoor plants. There must be something alive and natural in the house.

Venus will be in the sign of Gemini. You can easily meet new, interesting people, acquire useful connections.

From May 7 to 10, with the aspect of the Sun in opposition to Jupiter, there may be problems in the field of worldview, recognition of authorities. Conflicts with bosses or teachers are possible, and not over stupid things, but on rather serious issues. Probably, you will have increased touchiness, a desire to attract attention to yourself. Pride should especially be avoided. Pay attention to nutrition, it is not recommended to overeat and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The main concerns of Aries this week will be matters related to family, children, household and leisure. You deserve to go on vacation, so try to plan your expenses correctly so that you don’t be left without a livelihood later.

You will also have many pleasant moments associated with your loved one.

On weekends, household chores will bring pleasure, on Sunday unexpected guests may come.

The need for creative self-expression will intensify for Taurus this week. Choose classes in which you can show all your talents, express all the colorful depth of your imagination.

In family matters, it is recommended to actively develop and strengthen partnerships. If you have experienced serious relationship difficulties lately, now is the time to work on and resolve all problems.


For Gemini, a period will soon come when psychic sensitivity will increase. Try to combine your romanticism and more realistic, do not idealize the idea of ​​life, and especially family relationships. May increase criticality to family members. Analyze your actions, do not overdo it with the emotional manifestation of words.
In the field of health, you should avoid injuries and emergencies, as you are risk-averse.

In the coming week, representatives of the sign of Cancer will be busy looking for new experiences, and they will not keep you waiting long. You will probably be invited to a fun party where you will meet a person who can later develop a strong and lasting relationship.

If you have bad habits, the week will be favorable for getting rid of them.

Take the weekend to educate yourself.

Your energy will be directed to conquer heights in the professional field. It is recommended to learn to control forces in the right direction and at the right time, to master self-discipline. Try to get rid of stiffness, do not accumulate negative energy in yourself.

In matters of family relationships, you will become specific, you will understand what place you occupy in the family and society. Try not to make quick and rash decisions.

At the end of the week, visit relatives, please them with small gifts and treats.

Virgo in the coming week can expect a lot of troublesome things. The workload will probably increase, but you can easily solve all the problems and show your best qualities. Due to your mobility and regularity, you can expect a bonus or a salary increase.

Spend your weekends to your heart's content - read an interesting book or go out of town.

In the near future, Libra expects something new in life. Most likely, interesting acquaintances will be made that will affect your worldview and fate. The new energy will infuse you with a thirst for life and open up unconventional paths to realization.


Scorpios will be able to achieve success not only in work, but also in the financial sphere. Of course, it will not do without the help of the leadership, but before that you have been moving towards the achieved position and heights for a long time.
On Wednesday, it is not recommended to get very tired, it is recommended to save your strength, as in the evening tasks may arise that will need to be solved quickly and efficiently.

Do your homework on weekends.

Don't take on too many responsibilities this week. Divide responsibilities among colleagues.

In love, omissions and disagreements are possible, try to understand yourself before criticizing your partner. At the weekend, pull yourself together, forget about insults and invite your soulmate for a romantic walk.

Capricorns in the near future will most likely have to go on a business trip. There may be a clash of interests with colleagues in it, try to show your perseverance, and you can easily emerge victorious from this situation.

Show restraint and frugality in financial matters, it is recommended to avoid expensive and unnecessary purchases.

At the beginning of the week, you may experience a lack of energy, closer to the weekend your mood will improve, and you can easily cope with the accumulated cases. Do not get involved in conflicts, keep emotions to yourself.

Spend the weekend in solitude, think, meditate, do meditation, yoga. Useful fasting or cleansing the body.

Pisces this week will become true connoisseurs of family life and will try to spend all their free time with relatives and friends. At home you will feel most comfortable. All your attention will be directed to cleaning, home improvement.

Weekends also spend time at home with your family, you need to sleep well and gain strength.

The coming week will be difficult, which is fraught with an unstable emotional state: temper, excitement, obsessive thoughts. Astrologers' tips will help you avoid problems during these seven days.

This week, according to the forecast, will be an active time, which is best suited for communication with friends, like-minded people and family members. At the beginning of the week, pleasant emotions await us, many issues will be resolved thanks to a collective discussion. This is the best period for learning, solving financial issues, new acquisitions. As for the mood, in the second half of the week it will become undulating: self-doubt and fear of uncertainty will appear. The recommendations of astrologers for each Zodiac Sign will help to cope with a chaotic emotional state.


This week, astrologers do not advise representatives of the Fire Sign to overload themselves with responsibility and take on new business and projects. The period from May 7 to 13 is not the most suitable period of time for planning and important events. The stars advise Aries to stop planning for a while and prefer free and sudden routes to well-thought-out routes.

This is the last week of Uranus in your sign. It is recommended to take a timeout. Ahead of you is serious work, a new stage of life, and now astrologers strongly recommend doing something that supports your spirit, serves, stimulates and does not let you go out. In many situations this week, you can rely on a lucky break, because in these seven days, capricious fortune will be favorable to you.


The influence of Venus weakened in Gemini can make Taurus strive for the ideal in everything. Such a desire will limit your freedom. Astrologers recommend refreshing your life with light adventures, it is advisable to deviate from your chosen course and try something new, exciting, unusual. Practicality and prudence in these seven days will be opposed by romance, adventurism, humor, and the stars are advised to trust the free flow.

In these seven days, it is desirable for you to change the situation and stop controlling this world. Both the beginning and the outcome of the coming week are largely determined by chance. You will have to show willpower in order not to succumb to the influence of unpleasant circumstances and maintain a trusting relationship with the Universe.


Gemini this week, it is important to capture the atmosphere of the situation and match it. Please note: Venus will reside in your Sign during these seven days - the patroness of love, beauty and female energy. That is why the stars are advised to show more sensitivity and attention to the mood of a loved one, colleagues at work and other people who are close to you. It is desirable to respect the opinions of others and to reckon with the beliefs and desires of others.

The coming week is your time, which can and should be spent as seriously and responsibly as possible. Life energy will become less every day, the influence of Venus is not the best helper for you. You have to face a difficult choice or a risky business. It is important to strengthen your precautions: it is your foresight that will be the best protection against possible problems and complications.


This week, Cancers may feel that they are getting closer to their main goal, that you are being helped by someone from above. This will be partly true: a strengthened Neptune in Pisces will become your faithful companion in the next seven days. At the beginning of the week, you will receive a hint, a secret sign that will help you understand how to proceed. Astrologers call this week a time of change, spiritual practices and attempts at self-knowledge. The influence of Neptune will bring with it a change of priorities. Trust your inner instinct.

Astrologers also recommend paying attention to weekends. On Sunday you will have a chance to make the right decision, to find peace and harmony in life. On the eve, it is advisable to talk with family, parents or other people you trust: they will give you wise advice, on which your future success will depend.

a lion

This week, astrologers advise Leos to focus on their careers. The events of the coming days may require you to choose between personal and business life, but you will only win if you prefer work-related and financial issues to family matters. The fact is that the strengthened Mars will act as the patron of this week. His stay in the constellation of Capricorn is associated with monetary luck and gaining financial stability.

Despite the fact that the events of this period will be quite favorable for you, it is advisable to find a person in your environment with whom communication will give you positive emotions. This will help you not lose your balance. The most favorable day according to the horoscope is Wednesday. Try to assign all the most important questions to it.


In the period from May 7 to 13, the influence of retrograde Saturn will control the events in the life of Virgos. Old unresolved issues, problems, conflicts may return. The stars advise Virgos not to give in to emotions and obsessive thoughts: a cold mind is your only valuable ally this week.

At the beginning of the week, as astrologers report, you may have clashes with superiors, conflicts with colleagues. Saturn will bring with it restless situations at work caused by dissatisfaction with your work or behavior. In love, everything will be exactly the opposite: prudence will be replaced by romance, sensitivity, emotionality. In this area, the stars promise you unexpected, but pleasant moments. So if you know how to manage emotions and switch your mood on your own, problems will not take you by surprise.


This week, Libra will temporarily lose their peace-loving nature and diplomatic skills. You will tend to treat others very straightforwardly, ignore their opinions, stick to your own line. People, especially those close to you, will be acutely aware of these changes and will begin to resist such an assertive style of communication. As a result, you may feel a strong discord between your behavior and the unusual reaction of others.

The second issue this week is the weakened position of your patron, Venus. Your strength is barely enough to take up the fulfillment of the duties assigned to you. There is a high probability of getting nervous disorders and injuries. This will be especially pronounced on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Astrologers recommend to please yourself with new purchases and pleasant communication with your family.


For risk-averse Scorpios, this week astrologers recommend doing without adventures. Otherwise, you risk making many annoying mistakes. Reinforced ambitions will make you go against common sense, you will not be able to stop until you are left without money, luck or the support of loved ones.

Also, the week that will be held under the auspices of the retrograde Jupiter, which is in your Sign, is a financially expensive time to maintain a love relationship. Astrologers recommend putting off expensive gifts for your loved ones - the choice may turn out to be unsuccessful. This week you will be unusually attractive to members of the opposite sex. Do not be surprised if excessive attention is shown to you, and do not refuse gifts. This is a good chance to find your love, which will fall out to lonely Scorpios.


The coming week is most suitable for contemplation, self-knowledge, various spiritual practices. Astrologers recommend engaging in self-development, reading more good literature, listening to classical music, and becoming spiritually enlightened.

From an astrological point of view, this is a spiritual time that needs to be spent away from material worries and problems. Refuse large purchases, it is better to start saving money. But in matters of love, it is desirable for you to give freedom to both yourself and your partner. Under the influence of a semi-weakened Sun, you will be prone to impulsive and sometimes aggressive actions, you will begin to act contrary to the opinion of loved ones. Those people whose authority you previously considered may suddenly step aside this week. This is especially true of those situations when they begin to control, patronize or restrict you in some way.


Almost the entire week, Capricorns will be in a state of internal disharmony, increased nervous excitement, the cause of which will be the influence of Uranus in the constellation Aries. The stars do not recommend trusting strangers, communicating with strangers and bringing their problems to the public. However, no one should lie: this week it is important to remain honest with yourself and people. It is possible that you may be drawn into dark and even illegal activities, which is why words cannot be trusted - their price is low this week.

The influence of Uranus will limit your activity, which will cause internal discomfort. But in the middle of the week, the influence of this restless planet will open new horizons for you. Your ideas will find support from those close to you. From Wednesday, your desires may begin to come true by themselves, without any direct effort on your part.


In the period from May 7 to 13, astrologers do not advise Aquarius to take an active part in public life and have fun in companies. Idle pastime will make you spend an unforgivable amount of money. This is especially true on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. These days it is undesirable to borrow, as well as to remember existing debts. This can be a cause for disappointment caused by financial collapse.

The end of the week is going much better. A strengthened Saturn will help you achieve your goals through secret diplomacy. Astrologers call this period a great time for studying psychology and self-improvement. From May 11 to 13, listen to your intuition - it will not deceive you.


Representatives of the Pisces sign are advised by astrologers to subdue their ambitions. This week you will be inclined to go ahead, to achieve your goals at any cost. Any obstacles in the way or disagreement with your point of view will be perceived as a hostile challenge, as a signal to attack.

The horoscope from Pavel Globa will help you succeed in all areas of life, or at least maintain success and stay afloat. Stars always have their own plans for a certain period of time.

According to the changes in stellar sentiment, this week should be the last period of relative calm. Every day you have to live with the feeling that in order to achieve success you need to give all your best. Unfortunately, there is simply no other way. Everything will be consistent and predictable, so random luck will be a huge rarity. The Woman`s day portal shared the main thoughts of the astrologer regarding the coming period. There will be no problems, but it cannot be called easy either. Be yourself and be patient, because you will need it very much.


The numbers will love you between May 7th and May 13th. This will be especially true on Tuesday and Monday. Most of all, at the beginning of the week, representatives of such professions as an accountant, financier, cashier, salesman, and mathematics teacher will be lucky. What is remarkable is that, in all seriousness, it is necessary to try to do so that the creativity is preserved. The fact is that even in professions associated with incredible accuracy, some tricks can come in handy. Walk more, because in these seven days you may be overtaken by back pain. The lower part of the spine will require special care. It's better not to lift weights.

As for the love sphere, then the lonely Aries will be more lucky. You can find your love and fulfill desires if you remain yourself. Aries family will get a chance to get close to their loved ones, because you will have a lot of trouble.


Take care of yourself. Change your image, style. Even the choice of haircut will be extremely important in terms of attracting good luck. This is especially true for women, because the weaker sex has a huge variety of styles. Choose the one that proves to be truly versatile. It is better for both men and women Taurus to try to create serious relationships. If you are still alone, then in the process of searching it is better to immediately reveal all your cards and trump cards.

Do not drink a lot of alcohol, because the pressure of the representatives of your Zodiac Sign will be increased. A very important point is the advice of people around. Even your enemies may casually mention some shortcut to victory in their conversation with you or with someone else. Every word carries enormous weight this week. In finance, as in love, you will need a lot of caution. Don't buy anything expensive.


Honesty and openness will help to marry a man to the weaker sex. It’s better for Gemini men to simply not back down if women ignore you or avoid you. A little more persistence never hurt anyone. Try to learn from all failures, especially love ones. It's time to realize that each person needs their own specific approach.

Try to devote as much time as possible to communicating with loved ones, friends and soulmate. All these people can be a source of good luck for you. Communicate, share problems and achievements. On weekends, Pavel Globa advises to clean up the house, go shopping, buy something important. It is better not to start new cases. Get rid of debt at work, do self-analysis.


Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are the three best days for you. The energy of the stars will be special, so try not to withdraw into yourself, but stay on a positive wave. If you feel tired, try taking a vacation at your own expense or abstracting from unnecessary problems. In general, the astrologer recommends that you work as little as possible now. Relieve stress in the most convenient way for you - do what you love. Hang out with nice people only. This is especially true on May 13 - the most unfavorable day of the week.

As for the choice between logic and the sixth sense, then in all areas you better try to brush aside excessive seriousness and thoughtfulness. This is especially true for love. Love compatibility with other Signs will now be about the same. Spend time looking for your soulmate or together with her if you already have one.

a lion

Focus on amorous affairs in the coming period. To attract love into your life will help you to be extremely honest and open in relationships or in the process of finding them. Do not be afraid to confess your love, hint at the need for a wedding, make an offer. This is a great time to take your relationship to the next level. In principle, you have a choice - either to follow the path of attracting love, or the path of "labor". This period will be perfect for doing almost any work - both intellectual and physical.

Sports are best done at a moderate pace. Walk more, be outdoors more often. Travel and trips will benefit your mood. According to Pavel Globa, business trips are a great option for a change of scenery this week. Work tirelessly if your superiors require it.


To attract wealth and love will not work at the same time. The astrologer advises you to choose the path you will follow. Decide in advance what you want to achieve and how. These seven days will be very positive for independent Virgos who do not depend on anyone. This is typical for those who have their own business, or those who are freelancers. If you are dependent on someone, then the astrologer recommends that you check all incoming and outgoing information. Be extremely careful now. Don't make quick decisions because they can be devastating.

In love, you should do what your heart tells you to do. Do not listen to other people's advice in amorous affairs. Don't be humble if you don't feel the need to. Take what is rightfully yours. Dress appropriately for dates and events so you don't stand out too much from the crowd. Eat right and do not drink a lot of alcohol - take care of your stomach.


Concentrate on the present time. Don't try to know the future, because it won't make much sense now. Follow the daily routine, go to bed on time. Don't be afraid to take life lessons from those around you. Perhaps someone can help you see your bright future, touch your luck. Remember that it is better to ask something again than to reap the fruits of your pride or cowardice later.

In love, you have to make very difficult decisions. If everything goes down the path of destructive, then try to offer to take a break from each other. Do it as diplomatically as possible. Offer to do different things in different places over the weekend to miss each other. Avoid quarrels, because one of them may be the last. Invite friends and family home. So you can distract yourself from a showdown or from loneliness.


Scorpios will have a lot of new emotions this week. Be careful on May 8th. This is the most dangerous day of the week. The signs of fate will have the most significant significance during these seven days. Those of you who do not notice a variety of little things should properly distribute your attention. Try to improve your skills. Listen to the advice of wiser people, show interest in new knowledge and information.

When it comes to financial matters, you should pay attention to your debts. Do not borrow until you pay off previous debts. The astrologer advises shopping on May 9, 10 or 11. In love, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards your soulmate. Perhaps for all the time that you are together, your attitude has somehow changed. It's time to ask for forgiveness for past grievances and analyze your own actions. Do not judge others until you understand yourself to the end.


Sagittarius should activate all their internal resources on Monday, Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. In the middle of the week, the energy of the stars will not be as favorable as we would like. Watch your health and look for free minutes to communicate with loved ones. If you can't meet someone, talk on the phone. Don't try to change what you can't physically change. Change your attitude to this - it will be easier. In your work, success awaits you if you do not stop there. Look for new sources of income.

Clean your house, put your personal things in order, plan everything for this week and for the next few weeks, if possible. Try to evaluate yourself from the outside, be diplomatic and do not allow yourself to be impulsive in love.


Capricorns will help fulfill their desires this week by the ability to wait and quickly respond to good chances. If you do not have the opportunity to grab a larger piece, then do not be too upset. Watch your health - start taking vitamins, eat more fruits and vegetables, less fried. You may be very tired, but this is normal.

In the financial sector, everything will go according to plan, but in love you will have to begin a period of confession and honesty. Don't lie to those you love, give them more freedom and don't be jealous of them. There is no such person now to whom you could find your key immediately. In any case, you will have to worry a lot, or at least keep some troubles in your thoughts. Love the person who gives you his warmth, do not be offended by the words, because it's just a sound.


Aquarius will have to adjust their thoughts correctly so that the flows of financial energy go in the right direction, as well as love, sexual energy. On May 12 and 13, luck will be with you, so try not to lose heart. Pavel Globa advises to spend the weekend with the maximum benefit for mood and state of mind. On weekdays, try not to break loose, not to be nervous. Respect other people's thoughts and priorities.

This week the Universe will demand change from you. Your life can change radically, so it's better to start with thoughts and inner peace. So that luck pursues you in the love sphere, try to avoid excessive emotionality. In the financial sector, changes will also benefit you, so change your money for essential goods. Simply put, go shopping, but make a list ahead of time so you don't overspend.

In the period from May 7 to 13, we all have to stay focused on the goal, think strategically, and do what is important. It will take the lion's share of self-control. You have to do what is necessary in time to don't lose your luck out of hand, but the ability to make only balanced, thoughtful decisions will also be important. This week, there are great risks to spoil a successful combination of circumstances with erroneous actions, abrupt and inappropriate steps. Many representatives of the zodiac circle are waiting for a test, during the passage of which harshness, criticism, and pressure will interfere. This will not be the best time for interviews, entering a new position, looking for a new job.

Aries representatives should put self-discipline, responsibility and common sense at the forefront. This week you should show maximum seriousness and determination. The influence of Mars strengthened in Capricorn will push for adventures, risks, so it cannot be called favorable. Astrologers recommend starting any business with planning and cutting off false options. Calculate this week their forces , prepare spare moves in advance. A responsible business, test, brainstorming awaits you, the success of which depends on the ability to keep your word. You can only count on yourself
Taurus should not lose this week self confidence and your strength. Difficult conflict moments are possible within seven days, but everything will end to your advantage if you manage to maintain restraint and dignity. Astrologers report that the positive influence of Saturn is on your side. They advise you not to deviate from your chosen path without good reason. Separate difficulties await those who cannot find their place, calling in life. The coming week is an extremely unfavorable time for any changes that are somehow related to a career. Do not radically change your life, let events develop without your direct participation.

It is advisable for Gemini to spend this week on alert. For you, the likelihood of risks, crises, quarrels with colleagues and officials, obstacles will increase several times upon reaching the goal or solving complex issues. The support of the patron-Mercury under critically difficult circumstances is not excluded. In solving material problems, courage and efficiency are important. Astrologers advise setting yourself up for victory, even if the chances of winning are close to zero. In conversations, one should not forget that brevity is not only the sister of talent, but sometimes the key to success. Do not waste time on long explanations, act according to your intuition.
Cancerians should not let their guard down this week: the atmosphere will be tense to the limit, but you still have a chance to come out of any game as a winner. Be prepared for criticism, protest, backlash, broken promises, anger and aggression from people. The influence of the Moon this week will help you hold back the blow, maintain harmonious relationships with partners, bosses and loved ones, and not focus on petty disagreements. Business communication during these seven days will be constructive if you control yourself and control emotions . Do not abuse your position in society, power or money. Trying to fit the system or people to your picture of the world this week is more expensive. Do not enter into competition or litigation, keep a peaceful attitude.
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