The body but carefully adjust the diet. Course on health: how to adjust the diet for trace elements

Losing weight isn't so much about the perfect diet and exercise program as it is about changing the habits that got you to the weight you are. No one gets fat all of a sudden in the morning. Small but regular lifestyle changes for the worse lead to excess weight. And the same small changes in the right direction, but every day - lead to big results.

Losing weight is a bad reason to test how much willpower you have. On the contrary, the fewer attempts to force yourself you make every day, the better. That is why it is worth starting to lose weight by creating a new “friendly” environment around you.

People often try to "work hard" to change their habits. And if the smallest changes can be difficult at first, you should not test your willpower from time to time. Change the environment, and your behavior will change to adapt to it. And you don't have to live on willpower.

If you ask random people in the store to fill their baskets with only healthy products, most likely anyone can do it:most people know what proper, healthy nutrition means and how important it is in losing weight. Even if they believe in miracle belts for weight loss and cream, they still know what to eat right.Why does everyone know what to do to lose weight, but do not do it? Obviously, knowledge of healthy lifestyle alone is not enough.

We want to make rational, conscious, informed choices based on logical reasoning, weighing all possible options. Them We believe that we make decisions with our minds.

However, most of our decisions are automatic, based on templates and ready-made brain settings.Instead of slowly solving a problem step by step based on the analysis of information, the brain saves energy and chooses an answer from patterns that have formed and become fixed once.

Most of us will strive to finish the ordered portion to the end, even if there is no hunger for a long time.We often eat more when we are doing several things at the same time. If you start snacking while watching a series or social media feed, you may find yourself on an empty bag or bowl and wonder how this happened? Your attention was elsewhere, so the food went on autopilot.If we constantly eat large portions, very soon large portions will seem "normal" - and we will regularly overeat.

Setting up a "friendly environment" that helps you, uh that's the foundation. What is usually considered the main thing in losing weight is proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, etc. - also important, but someone may never get to it, because they will break the diet in a few days due to the fact that their whole life has become a struggle.

In general, when it comes to organizing a healthy diet, here's the golden rule: make a healthy lifestyle convenient and less convenient - what prevents you from losing weight.

1. Do not keep sweets, chocolate, cookies at home

Do not keep provocative food in the house. You definitely won’t win the fight with yourself if something harmful now and then catches your eye and makes you think about how you want it and how you can’t.

At 10 p.m., when you're comfortably seated on the couch to watch a series, it will be much harder to motivate yourself to get up and go to the store when you're craving a sweet tooth. Let laziness do the work for you, making it harder and more inconvenient to get the sweet/bad/caloric stuff.

2. Keep washed vegetables and fruits in a conspicuous place.

When you want to eat something on the machine, let the fruit be the first thing that catches your eye. Keep frozen berries and fruit pieces in the freezer that you can quickly shake in a blender. Make fruit desserts like a baked apple that can be refrigerated and reheated in the microwave.

3. Plan

Don't force yourself to make daily decisions.Instead, plan ahead and try to stick to the plan at least a little bit, even though you may not be able to stick to it 100% in real life.If not every day, then at least once every three days plan meals for the following days, keep a food diary in any format convenient for you - by hand, in excel or in an application on your phone.

4. Shop the right way

Grocery shopping should be meaningful: make a list of the right food and shop for it. Don't take a big cart. Be sure to eat before going to the store and you will be less likely to be tempted into something high-calorie that you want to eat right now.

5. Make blanks

Set aside a few hours over the weekend to make preparations that will save time during the week and save you the desire to eat something high in calories. Vegetables: Wash them, cut them and put them in the refrigerator. Store the meat in portions raw or cooked in the freezer. cereals cook at once for several days and pack in portions in the same way.

6. Organize the kitchen

Make the kitchen your assistant. Keep it as clean and comfortable as possible so that you feel at ease when you enter. Keep vegetables and fruits in a visible place. Use the refrigerator door as a reminderabout your goals, tracking progress, etc. Buy new utensils or appliances for cooking: a grill pan or wok pan, a steamer, etc.

7. Plan Your Workouts

Schedule workouts on your calendar the same way you schedule meetings. Prepare everything you need for training for the week: clothes, towels, shoes. The less fees for training, the easier it is to go to it.

8. Social activity

Go jogging, join workouts and other activities in the parks. The support of like-minded people is very important, while self-motivation is not enough.

9. Use smaller plates

Most people tend to eat everything on their plate. By choosing smaller dishes, you simply eat less. Use special plates that measure portions of vegetables, meat, cereals.

10. More daily activity

Park further from home or work and walk part of the way, even if the weather is fine. Switch to city bikes. Do not use elevators and escalators - walk at least down. Make yourself an “extra 10 calories” rule: treat any need to go somewhere or do something as an opportunity to spend these extra calories and the benefits that they can bring together throughout the day for the figure. Gym workouts are only an hour, so daily activity outside the gym is very important.

Healthy habits. Diet of Dr. Ionova Lydia Ionova

Adjustment of diet and diet

After analyzing your first diary entries and making two mirrored lists of habits, there are a few important changes you need to make.

1. Establish a diet in such a way that breakfast, lunch and dinner are present daily (not necessarily at the same time). At the same time, you need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. In addition to the three main meals, it makes sense to introduce a couple more snacks. You can snack on fruits, especially if you didn’t eat them every day before the program.

2. Start changing your drinking regimen. The main task here is to gradually, over several weeks, bring the amount of water absorbed per day to the norm - 35 ml per kilogram of weight (hence, a person weighing, say, 80 kg needs 2.8 liters of liquid). This recommendation is for people with healthy kidneys. If you have any problems with the urinary system, be sure to consult your doctor! If you do not reach your norm, start drinking clean water between meals. In addition, it is worth giving up sugary drinks and juices (including freshly squeezed ones), replacing the latter with whole fruits, since their glycemic index is much lower than that of fresh juices. For more information on water, see Reference Information on page 298.

3. Eliminate high-fat foods and sources of simple carbohydrates from the diet.

4. Add vegetables and fruits to the norm: eat at least 300 g of fruits and 400 g of vegetables every day.

From the book Handbook of Nursing author Aishat Kizirovna Dzhambekova

From the book Handbook of Nursing author Aishat Kizirovna Dzhambekova

From the book Overweight. New Dietetics author Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

From the book Vegetarianism (Mysteries and lessons, benefits and harms) author Mark Yakovlevich Zholondz

From the book Thyroid Diseases. Choosing the right treatment, or How to avoid mistakes and not harm your health author Julia Popova

From the book Nutrition for Hypertension author Ilya Melnikov

From the book The Healing Power of Thought author Emrica Padus

From the book Women's Health During Pregnancy author Valeria Vyacheslavovna Fadeeva

From the book My Slimness Program author Rimma Moisenko

From the book Health starts with the right food. What, how and when to eat to feel and look your best by Dallas Hartwig

It is better to give preference to boiled food with a low fat content. Raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities, as they are too low in calories.

For example, cucumbers or tomatoes can be eaten even in the evening to satisfy the feeling of hunger. But it is better to exclude fried, fatty and floury foods from the diet, such products are very difficult for the body and contribute to its slagging, the formation of harmful cholesterol.

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Effective weight loss according to Pierre Dukan: Diet for beginners, sample menu, food list.

To make it easier to understand how much you need to eat foods for weight loss, you need to count all the calories consumed per day and subtract 30% from this amount. The resulting amount is exactly the number of calories that will not cause obvious discomfort and will help to reduce weight by 1-2 kg per month.

In the post it is forbidden to eat:

  • meat,
  • dairy,
  • eggs.

Fish and vegetable oils can sometimes be eaten on certain days. But vegetables and fruits are allowed to eat, both raw and boiled or baked. You can use mushrooms. And do not overeat, because that's what fasting is for, to refrain from excesses. This type of nutrition will definitely help to lose a few extra pounds by the summer.

1. Diet without load

A moderate diet can help in non-advanced cases. However, serious dietary restrictions will lead to the fact that the body will not receive enough of the substances it needs. The exchange of these very substances in the body will slow down and, along with a slight decrease in the waist circumference, the body will get fading of organs, including the skin, which can sag in places that have lost weight.

But the immediate effect of a severe restriction of carbohydrates can be seen immediately. Loss of efficiency and irritability appear quickly. Most of you have seen this in people around you who are losing weight. Physical activity will help to avoid an overly rigid diet.

Dietetics - proper nutrition (diet) for weight loss: menu for the week

Many people refuse breakfast for the reason that, in their opinion, because of it, you can get fat. This theory needs to be thrown out of your head, since it is the most important meal of the day, and without it it is impossible to consider the basics of proper nutrition for weight loss. The nutritionist recommends:

  1. Must have breakfast carbohydrate food.
  2. Do not strictly limit the consumption of products, even sweets do not need to be abandoned forever.
  3. Diversify the menu as much as possible so that it is balanced, nutritious and not boring.
  4. Not fasting is stressful for the body.
  5. Include more fruits and vegetables in your menu.
  6. Eat citrus fruits and pineapples, as they have the ability to burn fat.
  7. Refuse too fried, salty, fatty and smoked foods.
  8. Don't forget to drink plain water.

A necessary step in any weight loss program, nutritionists consider cleansing with the modern Enterosgel sorbent. It actively absorbs only harmful toxins and toxins that enter the blood in abundance during the breakdown of body fat. It is these toxins that provoke nausea, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, stool disorders, dullness of the skin, the appearance of acne and spots on it, characteristic of the diet.

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a multi-day cycling trip with daily runs of 200-220 km 30-35 kg on the trunk (you won’t get such a load in a fitness club). Since the goal was not to lose weight, but the goal was to drive at a speed of about 20 km per hour, a good portion of carbohydrates was taken every 2-3 hours, sometimes a loaf of bread with a can of condensed milk.

First, fruits are high in fructose. Secondly, fruits stimulate appetite. Thirdly, there are a lot of organic acids in fruits, which aggressively act on the enamel of your teeth.

These are very strong reasons to get fiber, minerals, and other nutrients from vegetables, and not from fruits. One apple a day won't hurt, especially baked.

Even worse than veganism. Due to what do people lose weight eating only rice, only dairy products or only vegetables? Due to structural hunger (lack of individual nutritional components).

For life, a person needs more than 70 substances: 8 essential amino acids (all 20 are better, so as not to waste energy on transformations), more than 20 vitamins and vitamin-like substances, more than 15 minerals, more than a dozen fatty acids and much more. Eating one group of foods, a person experiences structural hunger for half of the listed substances, without feeling hunger.

Simply put, the body falls apart without feeling hungry, at the first stage painlessly. The first symptoms of destruction will appear very soon. Depending on the chosen mono-diet, this can be: hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin, indigestion, etc. Of course, you won’t have time to earn serious diseases on a mono-diet in 10-15 days, and you may have time to lose a couple of waists see. Only, when returning to the usual diet, the body will restore its previous state in a few days. A completely pointless idea.

Stereo is a little better. By consuming buckwheat and kefir, you can stretch longer than just one of the components. But even in this case, as Sergey Tkachenko rightly writes, you are expected: “Dry, flaky skin, hair loss are the consequences of a lack of fat in the body. A good figure after such a diet is rare.

Bumps, pits and cavities from cellulite ”(article - Is the kefir-buckwheat diet useful?). But these are only visible problems. The same changes will befall your internal organs. Their wilting is inevitable in the absence of marine fish and vegetable oil in the diet. The fiber in boiled buckwheat is hardly capable of stimulating intestinal motility as well as the fiber in raw vegetables. There can be no healthy diet without cabbage, carrots and beets.

Vera Kobchenko honestly warns about the numerous contraindications of the oatmeal diet, which, with the recommended addition of fruits, berries and kefir or milk, turns from mono into a quadro diet. At the same time, the body does not receive even half of the substances necessary for life.

Mono-diets are a dangerous way of self-deception. The body gets the appearance of nourishment. Something gets into the stomach, a minimum of carbohydrates provides the opportunity to move. Meanwhile, due to structural hunger (most often the supply of fatty acids stops), internal organs and functions of the body suffer. The volumes lost on the diet are restored in the near future. Health structural hunger does not add uniquely.

Dietology is a whole science that helps women keep fit. Many nutritionists recommend first of all learning how to eat right. To do this, you need to follow the rule of the golden mean - consume almost the same amount of nutrients, and also reduce the number of calories so that they burn more than they enter the body.

To get started, you should try to make yourself a menu for a week, counting the number of calories and nutrients in the foods consumed. The table above and the approximate menu list below will help in this, products in which can be replaced with equal calories.

Almost any diet involves reducing calories. To do this, you need to calculate your daily diet and subtract 20-30% from it. It is necessary to strive for this number of calories, and distribute it over several meals during the day.

In addition to the diets presented, there are vegetarian, raw, fruit, apple or liquid diets. Some should be treated with caution, as health may not allow them to be observed.

Proper nutrition can also include baby food. Boiled vegetable, meat or fruit purees are very good for weight loss, as they are quickly absorbed by the body.

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The advantages of a diet on baby food include not only the speed of losing weight, but also the convenience of eating food. After all, you do not need to cook such food, you can just open the jar and enjoy the taste at any time of the day. Well, if you have enough time to cook on your own, then you just need to boil and then grind your favorite food into a puree.

But there are downsides to this diet as well. One of which is a small amount of fiber. Therefore, if you follow a diet for more than a week, you need to include green vegetables in your diet. Another disadvantage is the minimum choice of dishes. So such a diet can soon get bored.

Interesting fact! The baby food diet was developed by Tracey Anderson, who is Madonna's personal trainer. Many celebrities have already experienced the effect of this diet.

Is it possible to lose weight on baby food

If you eat right and follow a healthy lifestyle, you will not need to think about your figure, since such food itself helps to reduce excess weight and maintain health.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: a menu for a week, a food table are the main components in losing weight without harm to health

This article will look at proper nutrition, provide tables of products that contribute to weight loss, and provide different menus that will help maintain a balance between satisfying and low-calorie foods.

To lose weight on proper nutrition, you do not need to do violence to yourself and deprive yourself of your favorite foods for a long time. You can use the usual products in a certain, correct combination and forget about the feeling of hunger.

In order for such nutrition to lead to the expected result, several rules should be observed:

  • calculate the calories of consumed foods;
  • check the composition of food;
  • prepare food properly;
  • follow the daily routine.

Being on proper nutrition, you can sometimes allow yourself even forbidden food in small quantities. This approach helps to reduce cravings for cakes, chips and other similar products, since there is no categorical ban. You just need to understand that junk food should be many times less than healthy.

Nutritionists and fitness trainers, performers of the online personal services service, told how not to gain weight in the fall, avoid vitamin deficiency and catch colds less often.

How not to gain weight

In autumn, the risk of gaining extra pounds increases significantly. We can get better without changing anything in the diet. Indeed, compared to summer, we move less and more often prefer transport to walking. The metabolism is being rebuilt: we intuitively try to eat more and more calories. And we also tend to overeat to compensate for the stress of getting colder and shorter daylight hours.

“In the fall, it is important to keep your physical activity at the same level and monitor how many calories you consume per day. I advise you to keep a food diary: write down daily what you eat and count calories. Weigh yourself once a week at a specific time, such as Sundays on an empty stomach. See unwanted weight gain - reduce the daily calorie intake. The mobile apps My Fitness Pal, Fat Secret and similar apps help keep a food diary and count calories,” advises personal trainer, nutritionist Valentin Eichman.

Valentin notes that if you are actively involved in sports all year round, you can increase the calorie content of food - due to a decrease in temperature, the basal metabolism (calorie consumption for life) is slightly accelerated.

But if you are not an athlete, in order to maintain weight at the same level, you should either cut your daily calorie content (best of all - due to the heroic rejection of flour, sweets and convenience foods), or increase the level of physical activity. You don't have to go to the gym in the rain to do this.

Rehabilitation trainer Anna Vladykina believes that home workouts give good results: “At home, you can do strength work at a very decent level, and work out private moments on simulators in the gym. I love to train at home. The barbell, pancakes and dumbbells are on the carpet in the living room, under the coffee table.

How to avoid beriberi

The best way is to accumulate vitamins over the summer, but this strategy is for the conscious. Before the advent of refrigerators, people voluntarily-compulsorily ate seasonal fruits and vegetables all summer: they were the cheapest, because they grew in the garden or were sold everywhere for a penny. And the body met autumn with a decent supply of vitamins.

Now not so. We are picky about food because the store shelves are littered with different products. To choose the right nutrition strategy for yourself, you need to either love apples-tomatoes very much, or be very conscious.

If you didn’t have time to accumulate a baggage of vitamins over the summer, catch up in the fall: local fruits and vegetables contain the most vitamins. “In autumn, I often cook vegetable stew and salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, herbs and avocados,” says Valentin.

When sun exposure decreases, we begin to lack vitamins B and D. Valentin recommends adding avocados, lentils, soybeans, shrimp, beef liver, nuts, spinach, Brussels sprouts, asparagus and other foods high in B vitamins to the diet. Beef, turkey, fish will help to fill the lack of vitamins of group D.

Anna Vladykina also advises eating more oily fish, which has a lot of useful fatty acids, and more protein foods: “You need a complete protein, there is a lot of it in red meat: beef, beef liver. Vegetarians will like warm vegetable soups, soups from legumes.

How to catch a cold less often

Choose foods that boost your immune system. The main helpers are wild cranberries and lingonberries. Prepare fruit drinks from them, not allowing to boil. Add blackcurrant - it is full of vitamin C. Drink hot fruit drinks.

“Use more spices. Buy peppercorns and grind before seasoning the dish. Add ginger to salads and hot drinks, Anna advises. “If you do not have diabetes or kidney failure, eat dried fruits: the concentration of nutrients in them is greater than in fresh products.”

Anna believes that it is better to drink vitamins under the supervision of a doctor, as they create some stress on the liver. He advises to select them according to the results of a biochemical blood test, which will show what exactly the body lacks.

If you do not feel like drinking vitamins, Valentin recommends homeopathic supplements: “Use turmeric, dried spinach, Chinese cinnamon, linseed or sesame oil. They are available in capsules or as seasonings for cooking. They sell in brick-and-mortar or online stores like iHerb.”

The most important thing for maintaining immunity is getting enough sleep. Lack of sleep accumulates over time, and immunity falls. “Office employees do not get enough sleep due to workloads and stress at work, people with a free schedule stay up on the Internet until the morning. Even if you can go to bed at four in the morning and get up at twelve, it is most useful to sleep at night, Anna notes. - If you can, take a nap or lie down for an hour after dinner. Rest breaks during the day are especially necessary for women: our health and appearance are more dependent on the opportunity to relax during the day.

A diet will never be effective if it's just a way to burn fat and lose weight. To truly change yourself and your body, you need to re-educate your taste. Sofya Rudenko, the author of the well-known blog What Sonia eats and a cookbook on dietary nutrition, told Letidor about how to become “light and sonorous”. She managed to become slim while continuing to enjoy food.

About an individual diet and your way to a beautiful figure

In fact, a “diet” is just a “way of eating”. But in practice, this word is used mainly in the sense of terrible, but temporary suffering and severe restrictions in order to lose weight. This, in my opinion, is the main mistake of losing weight. After all, life after such a “diet” for some reason initially does not cause much interest. Even the word “lose weight” itself comes from the word “bad”, that is, bad, not good. That is why I prefer to use the expressions "become slimmer" and, my favorite, "become light and sonorous." I am sure that you need to change your body and your life once and for all. And for this, a new life must be loved in the same way as a beautiful body.

weight loss result

My path to understanding and implementing this principle was neither easy nor uninterrupted. With varying success, I “fought” with excess weight since my teenage years, making all the typical mistakes, as a result of which, with torment, the lost kilograms sooner or later returned back, and even with the addition, until my weight reached a record 70 kg for me ( with a height of 162 and a light skeleton, it was quite impressive). People have different attitudes to their figure, I just didn’t want to live with such a look. Therefore, I did not stop looking for various "miracle diets", and one of them began to give visible results, which became my main motivation. However, at that time I was still very far from a healthy diet, and later this turned into serious problems for me. After some time, I had to look for a way to solve them, but at the same time maintain a new weight and choose a diet that would satisfy my good appetite. It was then that I ran into the main difficulty: to combine all these tasks and find the optimal answer. I had to dig through a bunch of information, fortunately, thanks to the Internet, access to it is unlimited. In the end, thanks to an attentive attitude to the nuances of my well-being, I was able to understand exactly how specific foods affect my body and learn how to cook delicious dishes based on the most favorable ones.

Actually, this is the essence of dietary or proper nutrition for me - to determine an individually suitable menu for a particular person, which includes a set of products, their combinations, cooking methods, time distribution (mode), thanks to which he will be able to achieve and maintain an optimal weight for himself and feel comfortable with it. I emphasize once again that, in my opinion, there is no one answer for everyone, although some general principles can certainly be identified.

Different products affect people differently. First of all, you need to pay attention to what kind of food saturates you better, and which, on the contrary, only whet your appetite. Especially highlight those products, after which “zhor” comes, you cannot stop. Often these are sweets, nuts, cheese, alcohol.

Also determine which foods cause fluid retention in your body (especially noticeable in the hands, feet, face), it also inhibits fat burning. Most often it is salt, carbohydrates, there may be such a reaction to dairy products. It is not permissible to suffer from hunger so that there is no thought of anything else. A clear sign that nutrition is not suitable for you if the weight does not change within a couple of weeks. On the other hand, if it easily increases, then this is also not your food.

I confess that I put a lot of effort into making the photos of my dishes look appetizing, but here the secrets are more likely not in the field of cooking, but in the features of food photography. As for the taste, some of these dishes fit well into the traditional diet, and I always emphasize this point. I have such recipes under the code name "the wolves are full and the sheep are safe." True, there are not so many of them in my personal menu. Because I think that one of the main points is the re-education of taste.

I have long been convinced, both from my own experience and from the example of other people, that tastes are just a habit. For example, I grew up in a traditional Ukrainian family at a time when assistant professors, which were my parents, did not receive particularly high salaries. Therefore, the basis of our food was potatoes, homemade pork, which was passed on by relatives, and honey. A lot of sugar, flour, fat. From fish, I ate only smoked mackerel, and from vegetables, pickles and tomatoes. But thanks to conscious efforts, today I sincerely love all vegetables and in almost any form, I love fish and boiled chicken fillet. I love it, but it does not mean at all that I eat only such dishes. For example, mayonnaise has recently returned to my menu. I learned how to cook it myself, roughly following the classic recipe. Only I use a healthier oil. Yes, of course, mayonnaise is fatty and high-calorie, but the body needs fats and calories, the question is in quantity. Therefore, I dress salads rather modestly, but this is enough for me for pleasure.

I don't think you can "override" yourself. On the contrary, it is important to love your body, listen to yourself and take everything only the best. You should not rush to extremes and switch from fried potatoes to boiled broccoli, it is better to start frying zucchini in a minimum amount of olive oil with garlic, for example. And eat them with low-fat sour cream. And then replace it with soft cottage cheese with herbs. I try to show my readers the maximum number of a wide variety of dishes, as I am sure that among them everyone will find something to their liking. And then you need to gradually reduce the amount of salt, fat, sugar and get used to the natural taste of the products.

Switching to a new way of eating is certainly not easy. Personally, my cooking comes out most often “triple” - for myself, my husband and daughter, separate dishes. But the further I move away from the decree and become more involved in non-household activities, the more of a problem this becomes. Therefore, I am looking for dishes that suit us all. For example, this is baked trout or turkey fillet skewers in Italian herbs. I reduce porridge to a common denominator, mixing brown rice with white, green buckwheat with steamed, and so on. Of course, you have to make concessions, but life cannot be perfectly perfect. A balanced menu is a difficult task, but solvable. I presented many of the dishes in my book “100 Healthy Breakfasts and Dinners in a Slow Cooker”.

In principle, recovery after childbirth differs from the usual putting the body in order only by the changed hormonal background, which sometimes contributes to weight loss, but more often, unfortunately, complicates the process. Plus, possible restrictions are imposed in connection with breastfeeding. So the main thing is not to despair and not give up, even if everything is not going as smoothly as we would like. Proper nutrition and necessarily sports sooner or later will definitely give their results.

In order not to get lost in today's abundance of suggestions for "speed slimness", it is very important to understand that even if "she lost weight", the method may not suit you specifically. Of course, it is possible and necessary to take into account the experience of others, but in no case should it be adopted as a blueprint.

    Most importantly, we start from the basic rule: consume less than spend (but not with a very big difference, otherwise the body will simply go into “economical mode”).

    The next point is to come to terms with the fact that there are no substances that “burn fat”! This can only be done by an organism placed under certain conditions. Otherwise, there would simply not have been full people a long time ago.

    Let's have some patience. You won't be able to figure everything out quickly and easily. Therefore, it is important not to get hung up on “diets”, not to turn your life into constant reflections about what is “possible” and what is “not”. It is important to listen to yourself, note the impact of a particular way of eating and gradually adjust it based on these observations. Love yourself and your body!