Standard dimensions of plastic doors with a box. Standard Dimensions of Door Boxes in Width, Height and Thickness

Selection of interior doors responsible business. It is important to pay attention not only to the models you like, but also on their parameters. In this article, we will look at all possible, as well as the standard dimensions of interior doors with a box without it. We hope that this material will help you carefully prepare before going to the store.

Door parameters

Today it is important to understand that in the modern market there are the designs of the domestic producer and European. Thus, the dimensions of the interior doors of domestic production ranges around 55-90 cm. As for European standards, the standard dimensions of the doors are located in such limits: 60, 70, 80 and 90 cm.

However, when choosing an interior door, it is important to take into account that the openings in the room may differ slightly. Their width directly depends on its purpose and appointment of one or another room.

So, the following dimensions differ (all measurements here and lower in this section are shown in mm):

  • The bathroom and toilet can be width around 550-600.
  • The guide into the kitchen can have a width of about 700.
  • Between rooms usually they have a width of about 800.
  • At the entrance to the residential apartment / house is usually width reaches up to 900.

As for the door thickness, it is within 40. The thickness may differ on the basis of the material used. For example, if they are sliding, their thickness is about 20. Purely wooden structures may have a thickness of 50.

Another important envelope on which attention should be paid is height. If earlier the standard was usually reduced to two values, namely 1900 and 2000, then today it is diverse on standard structures. In the market, it is possible to find facilities even 2300. Although to speak for a specific standard in Europe, the height is fixed at 2100, and we have 2000.

Important! Of course, these parameters are conditional, especially when it comes to buying finished doors. If you contact the joinery workshop, then you will be made individually for the size of your opening. As a result, dimensions may be far from the specified norm.

GOST Sizes

In this section, we suggest you look at the recommended parameters according to GOST. Thus, the standard dimensions of interior doors are repelled from the following parameters:

  1. With the door leaf 190, their width must have 50 or 60 cm.
  2. With the door canvase 200, their width must have 60, 70, 80 or 90 cm.

As a rule, manufacturers are focused by the standard dimensions of interroom doors with the goal to meet the needs of people. Although if you have the need to increase the width of the canvas, it should not cause special difficulties.

Dimensions of bivalve doors

Doors in the living room can be a real business card. As a result, you need to choose them correctly. Many prefer bivalve structures. Of course, it has a larger size for such a solution to the intercom. So, if we talk for height, then in most cases it is located in the area of \u200b\u200b200 cm. As for the width, there is a wide variety. The size can range from 128 to 160 cm. That is, this size is to share in half and it turns out that one sash can have 80 cm.

Box sizes

As for the door frame, it is very often for sale immediately complete with the door canvase. Plus, all the necessary fittings are immediately provided: locks, canopies, knobs, platbands, and so on. By itself, the box is the form n. This box allows you to securely fix and hold the door leaf. So that no difficulty arose in the process of installing the design, it is best to buy a fully finished kit.

The box is made of wooden bars. Their width can vary in the area from 1.5 cm and up to 4 cm. Although to speak for standard sizes, it is 3-3.5 cm. If this parameter is observed, then high-quality fixation of the box and door canvase is provided throughout the operational term.

As for the thickness of the box, it usually corresponds to the thickness of the partition / wall. If the walls are made of brick, then the thickness usually reaches up to 7.5 cm, and in wooden houses up to 10 cm. What if the design is comparatively narrow? For this purpose, you can use special challenges.

Sizes of the opening

Dimensions of the opening for interior doors also have certain standards. However, sometimes they can be made and not pushing out of them. So, the height ranges from 1940 and to 2050 mm. As for the width, there is a great variety here. As mentioned above, the width is completely dependent on the purpose of one or another room. The minimum opening according to the standard can be 630 mm, and the maximum 1600 mm.

Before you go to the store behind the doors, it is worth it to produce correct dimensions. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

  • The complete dismantling of the old door canvase and the box is performed.
  • Fully cleaned from possible putty, up to the base wall.
  • When measuring the width, make measurements in three positions: from below, in the middle, on top.
  • As for height, it is important to determine the base floor to which the installation will be carried out. After that, the width is measured in several places.
  • Also measured in several places and thickness.

Standard dimensions of interroom doors need to be known for proper installation of the door in the opening. To date, general standards have not been established to comply with their manufacturers. But there are construction standards, on the basis of which the openings are performed. From such indicators and will determine the characteristics of the door.

Marking of door products

With marking products, everything is quite difficult. Of course, there are specific standardized indications of the notation, but in some cases general standards may vary because of the abundance of manufacturers. It often happens that performed according to identical techniques and externally similar designs can be named differently and marked.

Door dimensions directly depend on the size of the opening

First we will understand with the standard GOST 6629-88, propagating the manufacture of wooden interior doors for housing and public facilities. Based on the product standard, the following marking is applied:

  1. Type of product: P - Plot, D - team;
  2. View of the panels: o - glazed, y - reinforced with solid filling, to - swinging with glass;
  3. The width of the door design with the box (DM). Additionally, the following symbols are indicated: P - product with a hole, n - with from the outlook, L - left-sided;
  4. Height (DM);
  5. Name of state standard.

In addition to compliance with guests, official names of models, factory unique codes can be used.

Classified designs in several features:

  • On the placement in the object - there are internal (interroom) and external (input);
  • According to the material, products from metal, wood, glass and combined options are distinguished;
  • On the filling of the deaf cloth there are glazed and deaf systems;
  • In terms of the number of cloths, one-, one and a half and two-perception options are isolated.

Fig.1. Method of opening sash

Standard dimensions of swing interroom doors

Considering the dimensions of the inner doors with the box, the height, width and weight of the details should be taken into account. First, the opening is examined in which the box with the canvas will be inserted. Therefore, the initial characteristics are slightly increased. To adjust the main dimensions, you can use bar, bricks or sheets of drywall.

Sizes of the canvas

If you do not apply non-standard approaches where the dimensions of the opening for interior doors are tied to individual wishes, the main mass of manufacturers is based on the standard indicators. The ratio of indicators of opening and door systems (panels and box) based on SNiP are shown in the table:

Ploves, cmCharacteristics of the opening, see
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 68-71 205-207
2 70*200 78-81 205-207
3 80*200 88-91 205-207
4 90*200 98-101 205-207
5 60*190 68-71 195-197
6 55*190 63-66 195-197
7 60+60*200 128-131 205-207

By DIN Standard, the ratio will be as follows:

Door parameters, seeCharacteristics of the opening, see
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 70-74 206-208
2 70*200 80-84 206-208
3 80*200 90-94 206-208
4 90*200 100-104 206-208
5 60+60*200 134-140 206-208

If we consider the parameters of any sliding and swing doors, each person provides the width that it will use every day. But the Gosstandart offers the width of the kitchen of 70 cm, the bathrooms - 60 cm and residential facilities - 80 cm. On the market offering structures for a bedroom 90 cm wide, and 55 cm for bathrooms.

Fig. 2. Characteristics of the facilities for the premises

It is worth mentioning about bivalve structures that allow emphasize the status of any room. These are mainly consisting of the same type (60 cm) or different canvases (60 and 80 cm wide). From the narrowed options, manufacturers offer structures with flaps with a width of 40 and 80 or 40 and 40 centimeters.

More common width of the canvas is 35 - 40 cm, but the indicator may vary in a large or smaller side (based on the material used and the type of product). For example, the thickness in the sliding sash can be 2 cm, and the wooden canvases can reach up to 50 cm.

In height, manufacturers offer products for 190 and 200 cm, but there are also European norms - 210 cm. Custom buyers can purchase more height products (to ceiling or 2.3 m). Often designers adhere to foreign standards.

Fig. 3. The main characteristics of the doors

Box sizes

There are ready-made options (with a box and fittings). This is a P-shaped structure that is placed around the perimeter of the opening. The system allows you to securely fix the cloth.

The total height and width of the canvas with the box increases by 10-15 cm, but there should be a gap between the wall and the mounting log, therefore the panel parameters must be less than the frame characteristics (for protection against abrasion). The thickness of the panel is compared with the wall size and box. Properly mounted doors will be comfortable, organically look at the room, to respond to the standards used.

Based on the characteristics of the panel, the interior structures of the standard size of the door frame of the interior door may vary. Therefore, the designs are preferably acquired along with the navigate, frame and fittings.

For the manufacture of the box, bars of different parameters are used. The width of the material can reach 1.5-4.0 cm, but the optimal indicator is 3.0-3.5 cm. When complying with standards, a reliable design is obtained, which serves for a long time.

Fig. 4. Dimensions of the box for doors

The thickness of the box and the wall must coincide, but this indicator should not exceed the width of the opening. For wooden walls, the criterion is 10 cm, and for bricks - 7.5 cm. Therefore, the box, the dimensions of which exceed the wall parameters, will not be firmly fixed. Otherwise, special types can be applied.

With manual assembly of the box, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the vertical racks in accordance with the height of the panel, the thickness of the horizontal strip, the size of the gap and the threshold. The parameters of the horizontal bar are calculated by the width of the door.

Dimensions of openings

When creating partitions and walls, it is possible to determine the width of the opening by the standard where the parameters of products with frame and fittings are indicated. In this case, the width of the panel is folded with a double frame indicator and a bilateral gap. As a rule, it is 1.5 cm. For example, 90.0 + 3.0 * 2 + 1.5 * 2 \u003d 99.0 cm.

Also calculate the height of the opening: without the neck it will be equal to 200 + 3 + 1.5 + 0.5 \u003d 205 (0.5 - it is the distance between the panel and the floor for the air exchange, may increase to 1 cm, and for the home with liquefied gas - up to 1.5-2 cm). In the presence of a hole, the height of the opening is determined by the addition of the size of the opening and the parameters of the canvas, the width of the mounting seam and the box.

Fig. 5. Measurement of openings

What is the cloth thicker, the better?

Thick cloths well emphasize the design of the living room made in the Baroque style, Renaissance or Ampire, and the sliding partitions and thin screen will complement the openings of the dressing rooms and storage rooms. With an increase in the thickness of the door, its mass increases, which increases the requirements for attachments. It may be necessary to install additional loops, which will increase the cost of the structure. Therefore, the canvas should be chosen by massiveness and other characteristics according to feasibility, optimality.

There are many products on the market with a thickness of 30-40 cm thick. But in the assortment there are thinner sliding partitions from MDF (about 2 cm). Recently became popular designs from kanenic glass thickness from 8 mm.

Along and bivalve doors

Effectively in the design there will be double swollen doors with two sash. The width of the products depends on the model and passage parameters of the living room. Parameters for such doors are sometimes accepted with an increase of 1.5-2.

Standard dimensions for dual systems with a box are 120-150 cm. This allows you to put full-fledged bivalve structures. The width of double doors is 1-1.4 m.

With minimal dimensions, double doors can be offered with one stationary flap width in ½ or 1/3 of the standard value (for example, one-time options). Another part of the canvas will be full. With an optimal width of the opening, the same flaps are put, which increases the aesthetics and passability of people.

Doors with hidden box

Compared with standard designs, doors with an inner box have great advantages.

Fig.6. Door diagram with hidden box

The dimensions of the opening must comply with the regulations of the manufacturer of door systems: the vertical should be smooth wall, the altitude is allowed to deviate 1 mm, and the wall thickness should not be more than 8 cm. An ideal clearance width is 1.7-2 cm ± 1 cm (the clearance is considered optimal at the bottom of the web 4).

Doors to order

The factories are offered a large range of interior doors with a box and fittings, including non-standard options. But there are cases of inconsistency of products available to the existing impact. In this case, you can adjust, enhance or reducing the height and width to the required indicator. An alternative solution becomes an order of design with non-standard dimensions.

The cost of manufacturing doors to individual order will be higher in comparison with the purchase of finished products. But this will make it possible to realize interesting ideas. For example, you can put the door coupe.

How to measure the opening

If the door has a thoring, the length of the opening can be calculated by summing the height of the threshold with the parameters of the panel, box and the mounting seam.

Fig. 7. Measurement of the width of the opening Fig.8. Determination of indicators with a damage and without it

According to standards, it is easy to find out the width of the cloth. For a 90-centimeter opening, the web is suitable with a width of 80 cm. This can be calculated as follows: 90-15 * 2-30 * 2 \u003d 81 cm, and extra centimeters will be masked by platbands.

When determining the size, it is better to take into account the gap, which will remain between the cloth and the box. But this indicator is 1-2 millimeter, so it can not be taken into account with exemplary counts.

This article provides an example of calculating the doorway and the table of the main doorways. Relying on this example you will learn to count any doorway.

Whatever learning to count the doorway must know the standard dimensions of the doors.
The main dimensions of the doors: 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 mm.
The width of the most common interior door is 800 millimeters. Doors to the kitchen 700 mm (600 mm for modern furniture may not be enough). The bipologen doors in the living room are collected from two to 600 mm or of two to 700 mm.

Calculate the doorway

Calculate the doorway for the door with a width of 800 mm. Add the width of the door box, the gaps between the box and the door. The width of the gap is from two to four millimeters. We will need the average value - 3 mm. The door boxes are made from natural wood, or from pressed sawdust. Therefore, the thickness may differ slightly. The difference ranges from five to ten millimeters. To calculate the doorway, we will take the maximum thickness of the box - 40 mm. Read quarter. (40 - 10 \u003d 30)

Dimensions taken into account when calculating the doorway:
30 - The thickness of the door box of the canvas.
3 - Clearance between the door and the box.
15 - emptiness for mounting foam.
800 - width of the door canvase.
2000 - door leaf height.

Calculate the width of the doorway:
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 800 \u003d 896 (rounded to 900 mm).

Calculate the height of the doorway with the threshold:
It is important to remember that for doors with a threshold and without it, the difference in the height of the doorway is 10 millimeters, since we will leave the standard clearance under the door - 20 mm.
30 + 30 + 3 + 3 + 15 + 2000 \u003d 2081 (rounded to 2080 mm).
For an 800 millimeters wide width, a doorway is 2080 mm height., 900 mm wide.

Check over the doorway to the doorway:
The minimum width of the platband is 60 mm. We add on the platband on each side, given the minimum distance from the door to the platband (5 mm).
60 + 5 + 60 + 5 + 800 \u003d 930 millimeters.
30 + 3 + 60 + 5 + 2000 \u003d 2098 millimeters.
Consequently, when taking into account the maximum thickness of the door frame and the minimum width of the platband, our doorway closes.

Sooner or later, each owner of the apartment has to deal with the problem of overhaul, during which you need to replace the door boxes for interior doors. The task of installing the door frame in the opening of the door does not require possession of any specific carpentry skills, the main thing is accurately accuracy in operation.

How to put a door frame, a sequence of operations

Any work on the replacement of door boxes begins with the study of the width and state of the walls, the old log and opening. Often, the walls themselves, brick and concrete require cosmetic repair, finishing and restoring plaster, so before collecting the door frame, you have to remove platbands and restore the integrity of the brickwork.

The procedure for installing the door frame of the interior door is simple, and its execution is stacked in several simple operations:

  • Remove the door, cut the hand to the hand with a hand with a width and gently disassemble the old box, freeing the doorway;
  • Measure the width of the doorway at least four places. If you plan to install a new door of a greater width, you will need to trim the vertical walls of the opening with the help of a grinder and perforator. But it is necessary to do it extremely carefully, so as not to break the brickwork;
  • Measure the exact width and height of the new door. Measure the necessary dimensions of the doorway on the wall, taking into account the allowances for the thickness of the boards and the width of the gaps. The overall width of the opening will be determined as the width of the door frame of the interior door plus 25 mm to the side for mounting elements and foam;
  • Place a timber or a board purchased for an assembly of a box, stamped joints on the jambs, sew a pre-on self-drawing and try on a new door. Install the box in the doorway, check the width and secure self-drawers and foam.

Tip! If there is no complete confidence in your skills and an accurate understanding of how to install and perform the mounting of the door frame, you can participate in the process of replacing the door frame from neighbors or friends, make the trial drove with your own hands, or watch a video, for example:

What option door box choose

Interior factory making doors are often produced and sold with a set of standard width of the standard width. This option eliminates you from the need to pick up the width of the box with your own hands, but the guarantees that the door frame is assembled correct, no. Therefore, often the door of the required width is bought separately, and the board or board of the DVP-MDF separately. The standard dimensions of the door frames - the thickness and width of the doors are shown in the table:

In addition, when choosing the size of the material for the construction of the Lutki, it is necessary to take into account that the thickness of the door frame of the interior door is the standard standard, but the walls in width even within the same apartment can be very different. Therefore, for each interior door, it is necessary to check the width of the doorway, to draw up your passport with dimensions and, if necessary, to buy enough items to expand the door to the width of the walls.

For the manufacture of the logbook or door box of the desired width, most often use:

  • Ready profile made of pressed fibreboard or MDF;
  • The profiled pine board suitable in width, the surface of which is polished to the quality of the laminate or is covered with a polymer film.
  • If you have a choice, use for assembling the door frame profiled boards made of coniferous wood. Such material has good workability, high strength, and does not gain moisture as pressed materials from paper and wood fibers.

    For your information! Saws, screwed into wood according to the rules, will provide 100% compound strength, similar fasteners for pressed paper provides 30% of the calculated fastener strength.

    In addition, a pine box will allow you to put heavier doors, for example, from MDF, glass or wood array. Wood-fiber materials are suitable only for the easiest cardboard structures.

    Put the door frame of standard width

    The most popular size of interior doors is considered the height of a 200 cm cloth with a width of 80 cm. If desired, you can choose and install the door design of 85 width 85 and even 90 cm. But in this case, due to the increased width, the vertical rack with canopies has to be made from the board 35- 40 mm, installed reinforced, or increase their number up to three pieces.

    We collect box boxes

    The box of the door block consists of three main parts:

    • Picture of a box or locking timber. This is one of the vertical brusons in which the door lock is mounted;
    • The mounted part is a bar, which through the loop perceives and holds the weight of the door;
    • Prices or upper transverse timber connecting vertical racks.

    If the doors are obtained enough heavy or large width, the box is additionally installed in the box. Otherwise, for interior structures of the usual width, the P-shaped version of the Lutki is suitable.

    After the doorway measurement, the actual size of the box, its width and height is calculated. Just take and enjoy the door the contour it is impossible, in this case the canvas simply will not open and close. Therefore, the measured dimensions have to add the width of the gaps as on the diagram.

    Before cutting vertical and horizontal elements of the box, it is necessary to determine the method of connecting boards or a bar in one design. The most durable and simple in the manufacture is the joint of the type of Schip-groove. For this, there are two billets of vertical relative and foaling parts. To the estimated length of the rack, you need to add a double thickness of the workpiece. A similar method is placed and a pouring bar is cut. On the pertolock with the help of drills and hacksaws, spikes are cut on both ends, on vertical racks on the finished spike, the peaks are placed and the response part is cut in the form of grooves. The threshold is manufactured similarly.

    If the width of the wall is greater than the thickness of the box, the boards are increasing in good elements, as in the diagram.

    If the width of the opening in the wall is greater than the size of the box, in this case, on the outer part of the magnitude, from the side of the looped or mounted timber, the additional brusade segment is turned on as in the diagram. If the width of the opening is too large, the preliminary part of the box is complemented in a similar way.

    On the side of the louting performed on the door laced in the horizontal position. After fitting all parts and aligning the corners of the box, the joints are sampled and combined with carpentry screws. To preserve the obtained geometry of the lutki, the design is squeezed with wooden planks - struts, carefully removed from the door leaf and installed in the doorway.

    Installation of the door box

    Lutka will be installed correctly if each movement or alignment is controlled using a construction level. Because of the low rigidity, the design "plays", so immediately after installation, the opening of the box is slightly crushed with thin wooden storage. In order not to extrude the sidewalls and the ceiling bar inside the frame, use a pair of wooden struts, as in the photo.

    The box is pre-aligned according to the indications of the level gauge and make serifs on the walls, in the future they will help to quickly restore the former position of the lutki. Wooden design Brepim to the wall with long screws, for heavy doors you can use anchor mounts.

    On the perturbation and vertical stands, the electric drills drills two thin holes, 0.5 mm less than the diameter of the self-press. Next, we remove the Lutka, according to the remuneration of the drill on the walls, we pierce the holes and install a dowel under 6 millimeter self-tapping screws.

    We return the log to the place, we insert the screws and turn into 10-15 mm. After that, with the help of the level, we restore the correct position of the box and we screw the fastener for the entire length. The gap between the timber and the wall we blow foam.


    Before pouring the foam, it is necessary to check the position of the door box again according to the construction level, if necessary, carefully fill in the location of the deviation. After the mounting foam picks up half the rigidity, you need to cover the screws again and close the caps with decorative caps. After installing canopies, secrets are fed.

    To date, in the building materials market, interior doors are offered in a very large assortment. Door boxes are made of wood, stone, steel, and in some cases there are brickwork. Most models are manufactured according to certain standards. But it should be remembered that there are no strictly installed dimensions of door frames for interior doors. Therefore, you need to choose models in accordance with the dimensions of a particular doorway.

    Standard dimensions of door boxes of interroom doors

    Choosing internal doors for your home or office, not only their functional, decorative and structural features should be taken into account. It is very important to accurately determine the appropriate size of the door frames, standard for the correct installation in the opening, without any difficulties and additional financial expenses.

    All doors tend to come complete with a doorway related to a very important mounting element. It is a design similar to the letter "P". Door box size in different models is different. They are installed around the perimeter of the opening and serve to fix the cloth on the hinges.

    The size of the door frames of interroom doors should be such that it allows the design to fit enough to fit into the opening. A very important parameter includes the width of the box, it is usually 25-35 millimeters.

    Thus, the door design is selected under the size of the opening. For competent installation, it is recommended that the height and width of the kit have been slightly less than the opening (approximately 3 cm).

    The size of the door boxes does not have clear standards, but you can select the conventional range:

    • the width is from 500 to 900 mm;
    • the height ranges from 1950 to 2070 mm.

    Interior doors

    The standard width of the doors, as has been obeyed, depends on the purpose of this room and its value. Most often in the opening between residential rooms, the most chassis door kit, which has a standard size of 880x2050 mm. The width of the door canvase is 800 mm. Very often, such models are used in offices.

    For the living room

    The exceptions are the door to the living room, which are considered a kind of business card of the room. In apartments with modern layout, wide openings are used for installation of interior doors, which are 1220 mm, in which stylish two-sided doors are installed, the dimensions of which are 1190x1935 mm. In this case, the width of each sash is 550 mm. In small apartments, the doors most often are single, their width is 800-900 mm. It is no less that it is not desirable, since the opening should be freely in the opening.


    In the opening in the kitchen, installed canvas that have certain parameters. At the same time, the size of the door frames is standard and is:

    Before installing the door, it is necessary to calculate whether it will be possible to enter the necessary furniture to the kitchen room. If it turns out that the standard model is narrow, then it will be necessary to refuse it. We will have to expand the opening to install the door of the increased size.

    For bathroom

    Many people think that the dimensions of the doors in the bathroom do not have much importance. But this is quite an erroneous opinion. Here, too, there are many nuances that are important to take into account. Of course, if a qualified specialist will be engaged in this case, you can not delve into the essence of the process. But when you decided to cope with the installation of our own forces, you should first get acquainted with the following information: the bathrooms have the most narrow doorway.

    Dimensions of door boxes for the bathroom:

    The most popular is the door kit whose width is 550 mm. It should be noted that almost all manufacturers make such doors. In modern planning of apartments, extended openings are often in the bathrooms. But even in this case, the owners of houses prefer to install the door canvases narrow, using special challenges when working.

    Maximum dimensions

    Maximum standard doors width - 900 mm. However, not all manufacturers produce models in this range. And it is connected, first of all, with the fact that in multi-storey buildings when planning modern apartments, such openings are quite rare. The design of the door kit is aesthetically looks quite cumbersome and does not correspond to the interior of the room. The most common interior doors whose width is 900 mm, use:

    To date, the doors made from MDF are very popular. These models are characterized by sufficiently low mechanical characteristics, so the connection of the box with the wall should be strengthened with special wooden lining.

    It must be remembered that interior doors from foreign manufacturers are performed completely according to other standards. In this regard, before their acquisition, it should be very accurate and carefully measured the main dimensions of the doorway.

    Interior doors are constantly in sight. Therefore, they should not only very harmoniously fit into the interior, but also be mounted correctly. Only in this case the door kit will be able to give the room complete and stylish look.

    Wooden door boxes

    Traditional wooden doors for many years do not lose their relevance. They continue to occupy the rating positions in the modern attribute market for the house. In addition, wooden structures with a box are becoming increasingly popular thanks to the enormous variety of design solutions, among which you can find your suitable and unsurpassed option. Each product from the massif of valuable rock has a certain set of advantages and unique properties.

    Advantages and disadvantages of door structures from wood

    The main advantage of all wooden door structures is their environmental safety, which is very important for those houses where small kids live. In addition, essential oils available in conifers and many other wood varieties have unique healing qualities, create an extremely beneficial microclimate in the room. And yet, the door boxes made of wood have a pleasant surface texture, an excellent level of heat and sound insulation, differ in durability and do not need special care during operation.

    The only drawback of such structures - they require the coating with a waterproof protective composition.

    The main characteristics and size of the door boxes made of wood mainly depend on the material used. The maximum accuracy of compliance of all presented parameters is the guarantor of fast and high-quality installation of the entire block.

    Most often, boards or bars are used for the door design, the thickness of which is 50-60 cm, and the width is 100 mm. But the most optimal option - when the thickness of the bar perfectly coincides with the thickness of the wall. Wooden door boxes, the dimensions of which do not have the standards, must be selected carefully and according to certain rules. The design should be less than the opening of 30 mm both in height and in width.