Is it worth dealing with wraping wrappers? Warming at home sawdust with their own hands insulating walls with sawdust in a wooden house.

Watching sawdust was widely used in the 60s - 70s in Western countries. But later, the sawdusts were replaced with modern highly efficient insulation, more durable and reliable, which is easier to lay.

However, waving sawdust can be appropriate and now if there is an opportunity to "get" them for free. Until now, many organizations manufacturing wood are ready to give sawdust and chips for free or not quite expensive, there are costs for their transportation, for additional materials that are stacked in the mixture with sawdust, as well as the increased labor intensity of the use of this insulation.

But before considering how to warm up with sawdust and chips, we will determine how much and what kind of sawdust for insulation will require which layer you need to create ...

What kind of sawdust and wood chips need to be applied to insulation

It should be borne in mind that the larger the sawdust, the more appropriate to insulate - a little less specific weight of the thermal conductivity coefficient. Also with increasing sizes of sawdust drops dramatically dependence on their humidity.

In fact, it is recommended to use fine wood chips shrewd by ringlets. It can form an elastic thick carpet filled with air with a volume weight of less than 200 kg / m cubic meters. And small sawmills from sawing better leave aside.

It is unacceptable to apply small sawdust and chips from sawing plywood, which is not needed a lot on furniture factories and which is not needed to anyone. These waste from plywood are oversaturated with formaldehyde, and not safe. The coefficient of their thermal conductivity is high.

The thickness of the layer of sawdust

The thermal conductivity coefficient of the sawdust layer is approximately equal to 0.07 - 0.095 W / m? C depending on the humidity of the material, its size and lining density. For design and calculations, you can take the average value of 0.08 W / m? P.

Those. Compared to modern insulation (0.03 - 0.045 W / m? C), sawdust have a large television range about twice, and the thickness of their layer will be twice as much.

For regions with a climate "Moscow" when insulation, the attic of the house will need a sawdust layer thickness of at least 32 cm to achieve optimal insulation according to the standard, and better - 35 cm. For home 100 m square. In the attic you will need 30 m cube sawdust, about 7 tons.

On the wall, for its insulation there should be a layer of sawdust at least 20 cm. Under the floor with a positive temperature - at least 26 cm, which is no longer placed between lags.

It is because of these figures that the question arises, "and whether the use of sawdust is appropriate as insulation?". But still monetary savings compared with the insulation of mineral wool may turn out to be impressive with free material, especially if you do it yourself.

How to protect against rodents and decomposition

The best dwelling for rodent than sawdust, perhaps it is difficult to come up with. Yes, and all possible insects, and microorganisms will eat sawdust very quickly. Therefore, in its pure form, there is no particular sense, the material should be processed by antiseptics. The most common and affordable is the lime-puffer. But it is not cheap.

Recipe for use - 20 volumes of sawdust, one volume of lime. Water is added to this mixture, in order for the suspension and all the sawdusts are impregnated with antiseptics. But in water additionally dissolves soap, boric acid, copper sulphate (you can do everything together for complex, so to speak ...). The material is stacked in a wet form, then over a week-other water evaporates, and the dry treated insulation remains in place.

Starting composition

Additionally, it is recommended to add two cement volumes to this solution. As a result, after laying, the sawdust will contact themselves, it will be down, which will prevent their further shrinkage. When laying in vertical panels, the binding of sawdust cement or plaster is necessary.

It is unacceptable to lay fishing, wood chips in direct contact with chimneys or similar heating structures. A fire barrier from mineral wool is required at least 30 cm. The wiring is laid through sawdust only in a non-heat membrane (in metal pipes).

How to use on overlappings

Sawdust and wood chips are a stereospace material, so you need to use the usual recommendations for the use of such insulation. On the attic overlap from the side of the house, the parobararier is necessarily satisfied, it will reduce the humidity inside the heat insulation layer and will prevent its moisturizing in the cold time.

On top of the layer, the ventilation gap is left to a thickness from 3 cm to the flooring, fencing. Usually, the chips are poured on a vapor barrier film between lags, then a controller is made with a height of 15 cm and the mixture is sucked with the oft leaving. The gap under the top flooring.

How to apply wood chips for heat insulation

When the walls are insulated, wood chips can be arranged between the wall and the mesh fence. If the wall is thick of dense materials, (not a thin shield), then vaporizolation is not needed.

A vertical lattice on the suspension is installed in a step of 600 mm in the thickness of the insulation - 20 cm from the wall, on which the fine fiberglass mesh is fixed.

Between the grid and the wall below, the moisturized wood chips impregnated with cement or gypsum are gradually layered by layers of 20 cm. So that the grid is not very fused, the plywood shields are applied temporarily installed on the crate to dry out the insulation.

Brux 30 mm thick for the formation of a ventilation gap, after which siding or other cladding is mounted.

Typical errors when waving sawdust

On this video about insulation, the attic with sawdust is noticeable some actions that can negatively affect the quality of insulation.

  • The cracks are allowed during construction, which are closed by mounting foam. But this foam in layers of insulation, where water vapor on the temperature drops is condensed, it is better not to apply, since it is easily drilled with water and therefore destroys, leaving the slot open. Replaced by polyurethane foam glue.
  • There is no parobarrier from the side of the room. As a result, the insulation will occur in the cold season, the loss of heat-saving properties, with accelerated decomposition.
  • Clean sawdust without treatment with antiseptics is used, as a result of which, in a short time, their putrid decomposition and overvoltage is possible.
  • The thickness of the layer is not optimal for economic expediency - on the eyes, according to speculation and recommendations ... - as a result of the loss of money on insufficient energy saving.

Modern and effective insulation failed to fully displace the materials from the market and materials tested by generations. For thermal insulation of the house, universal and affordable wood sawdust are not rarely used. Saving funds and decline in the cost of construction are the main factors forcing the choice in favor of such a heat insulator. To make objective conclusions about the feasibility of using sawdust as a heater, it is necessary to consider their pros and cons.

Wastes of sawing and processing wood are chips of various sizes, which depends on the parameters of the equipment. Preference is worth sending an average fraction, with dust it is difficult to work, and large particles increase the thermal conductivity. These remnants were widely used in economic purposes: bedding for animals, mulching material, thermal insulation of houses. Speakers in pure form have significant disadvantages and are not used for thermal insulation. Before use, they are processed by the compositions from rotting and fire, stirred with different substances: sand, lime, copper vitrios.

The heat and sound insulation properties of wood chips are comparable to mineral wool, the materials are stacked the same in the thickness of the layer. In addition to the bulk method, it is used in the manufacture of building materials.

Wood-block - a mixture of sawdust treated with copper vigorous, and cement. The substances are connected in the ratio of 1: 8 and fall ashamed between the walls covered with waterproofing web. Moisture, highlighted from wood during the mischief, contributes to the binding of the composition.

Ovilk concrete - blocks made of chip, sand, cement and water solutions. Dry components are mixed, and water is gradually added. Fire resistant blocks with low thermal conductivity are generated from the solution.

Arbolit - lightweight concrete, 90% of the composition of which occupy woodworking waste. Materials make plates and blocks that are distinguished by strength and resistance to burning. Arbolitis is sensitive to moisture, therefore requires waterproofing.

Advantages of using the natural heat insulator

  • Environmental safety is one of the main advantages of the product. Sawdust as a heater retain all the beneficial properties of wood and do not pose a hazard to human health.
  • Economic Benefits - Woodworking Waste Have Low Cost, some enterprises give them in a gift provided self-leveling.
  • Reliability - the practice of using chips for thermal insulation of the house has hundreds of years.

Such a term indicates the quality of the material that did not find a worthy alternative.
Universality - sawdusts insulate walls, attic floors and floor of the building. Easy installation allows you to perform all processes with your own hands. Bulk insulation fills all the slots even in hard-to-reach places.

Disadvantages of natural insulation:

  • high flammability;
  • use rodents as housing.

Cons of wood chips are known for a long time, so they learned to cope with them. Different substances are added as protection against rats and mice: harated lime in proportion to 10% of the total volume, tobacco - 10-15% mixture, boric acid.

To ensure fire safety, sawdust is processed by antipirens or are included in the composition of non-combustible substances.

Methods of insulation ceiling

For thermal insulation of overlaps, silk and large fractions are used, mixed with lime, copper vigorous or brown. The work begins with the laying of a substrate that prevents the wake up of a small trunk. A common option is a dry cardboard, it is laid out with an allen at 15 cm and fastened with brackets. The substrate should pass steam so that the condensate is not formed, causing the rise of mold. Cardboard copes well with its functions, but is a flammable material if financial capabilities allow it to be replaced by a vapor-permeable membrane.

The insulation of sawdust is formed in several ways: dry, with the addition of cement, in a mixture with clay.

The dry option implies a backbone in two layers. The first is stacked by a large fraction, a small tube is poured on a layer of 15 cm and is rambling. For better shrinkage, moisturizing is allowed, the overall layer of thermal insulation reaches 25-30 cm. Protect sawders can be coated from clay, slag or sand.

The mixture of chips and cement creates a solid and reliable coating for the insulation of the ceiling. Substances are stirred in a 20: 2 ratio and moisturized. Before folding the insulation, a sand pillow is pillow with a height of 3-4 cm. The solution of sawdust and cement is tamped to a thickness of 10 cm. After its frozen, the surface is covered with floorboards or plywood.

In the manufacture of a mixture with clay, it is stirred, and dissolved in water, and after the sawdust is covered. The finished composition should not be spread, it is applied to the ceiling overlap with a layer of 10 cm. Each section is rambling and smoothed, cracks after drying the clay.

Features of the heat insulation of the floor

Use sawdust as floor insulation is economically profitable and safe. The material necessarily undergoes preliminary treatment with antiseptics, quenching lime, broken glass and copper sulphal are added to scarering rodents. Flashing with one chips over time gives a shrinkage, so there are always substances that are always added to the floor insulation, which contribute to the hardening of the insulation.

Saws are mixed with lime with plaster or cement, water is added if necessary. The solution must be preserved when compressed. The mixture with a plaster is hardly hardening, so it is prepared in small portions.

Before performing thermal insulation, moisture-resistant primer is applied to the overlap and the vapor barrier film is laid. The composition is laid out composition and thoroughly tram. After the mixture is frozen, the floor covering is placed.

Prevent floor freezing can be prepared with clay. The resulting solution has a liquid consistency, therefore requires calculating to the base of the waterproofing film. A mixture of clay and sawdust is prepared in a concrete mixer, a layer is applied to a surface to 10 cm and recalls the board. For drying, the solution will be required for 1-2 weeks. The finished insulation is covered with moisture mastic and closes the finish wooden flooring.

How to perform insulation of walls with sawdust

Creating reliable insulation from natural wood material between frame walls is a rather complicated process. A large chip is used mixed with lime and plaster. Between the partition and insulation placed a waterproofing canvas. The mixture is moistened and laid by hand with 25-30 cm layers, be sure to tram well. Because of the sediment, emptiness can be formed intting the cold. The thermal insulation should fill out all the framework of the frame, its thickness ranges from 15 to 30 cm. Until complete hardening of the composition, it will take about 1 month.

  1. When choosing chips, its appearance is estimated, it is not necessary to acquire a material with a large number of foreign objects. The existing garbage is chosen manually or sieved.
  2. When using wood waste, it is necessary to accommodively approach fire safety. In places of passage of furnace pipes, they set protection from non-combustible materials, wiring are placed in special boxes.
  3. The chips is treated with an antiseptic from rotting and insects, flame retardant and hydrophobizers. These formulations should be compatible with each other, the best option is the production of one manufacturer.
  4. To create a heating mixture, it is better to use not fresh sawdust, but clamped 2-3 months. During this time, substances that prevent solid binding of the solution will be weathered from wood, and less cement will be required. If there is no possibility to purchase products of the desired condition or wait, you can improve the properties of the mixture by adding liquid glass.
  5. Thermal insulation is recommended to perform in a summer period when it is possible to dry well, preventing the development of mold during operation.
  6. Before adding a copper vapor or other chemical, it is necessary to wear protection products.
  7. Chips of various wood breeds is distinguished by its properties. Coniferous waste contains a resin that scares insects, so they are used for house insulation. Large chips go to the insulation of household buildings.

Despite the abundance of modern materials for insulation, sawdust - that is, the waste of the woodworking industry is considerably popular. Many of us still use sawdust as a heater due to the desire to make their home more environmentally friendly, or maybe due to the fact that sawdust is an efficient and reliable way of insulation, standing relatively inexpensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

So, sawdust are used to insulate houses, in particular, floors, walls and roofs. And let many vintage ways to do this have already been completely sunk in the summer due to the advent of more modern materials, they remained among them and those who were not lost today among these new products. Of course, first of all we are talking about sawdust, which today are quite widely used due to all their advantages.

  1. First of all, it is an eco-friendly material that can be used without fears for their health or health of its loved ones.
  2. In addition, often sawdust can even get for free if there are familiar on the sawmaker, which will give a spey just like that.
  3. And if you warm the ceiling in the house with this material, then in all indicators such a warming layer (of course, if a sufficient thickness is to be held), it will not give way to the same mineral wool.

Regarding any significant shortcomings, then sawdust as the insulation does not have them.

Important information! Not everyone is convenient to use bulk material for insulation - they prefer the use of slabs from sawdust. But, as they say, taste and color ... Be that as it may, and the qualities of both types of thermal insulation are about the same.

What is worth knowing when insulating sawdust?

Sawdust, which remain when processing wood, are not suitable for insulation. The fact is that they should be predetermined by special processing - to cover with an antiseptic, well dry and mix with haired lime (it is necessary in order to protect the material from harmful rodents).

The proportions in this case will be as follows. 1/5 of the whole mass will occupy lime, and everything else - it will be sawdust. To work, it will be necessary to lay any shield, from the tree or metal, pumped out the material on it and mix thoroughly using the shovel. Then the formed mixture is falling asleep between the gender lags, overlapping beams and so on. Fixing layer thickness should be approximately 25-30 centimeters.

In addition, we must get rid of the bulk properties of sawdust. If this is not done, then with time, the material will be seen by weighting its thermally insulating characteristics. To prevent this, it is necessary to do the following: mix sawtresses (85%) with lime (10%) and plaster (5%). The preliminary drying here, of course, is not required, but it is worth considering that the gypsum freezes quickly, because of which the material should be prepared by small "portions", so that it does not harde it before. If there is no lime, it is perfectly suitable for lime dough instead, but it is necessary to use it in half a smaller number. In turn, the gypsum can be easily replaced by cement.

About methods of insulation of sex in a wooden house

Wall insulation with sawdust

Stage 1. We begin with the preparation of the mixture. Mix lime, plaster and sawdust in a 1: 1: 10 ratio. The resulting mixture is poured by boric acid (this will be our antiseptic). Add about 10 liters of water and check the humidity: compress the lump of the mixture in your hand, if it has not crumpled, it means that it is ready for use.

Stage 2. We fall asleep sawdust in the necessary sites, we will be tamped and leave for a while, so they "dose".

Stage 3. After 14 days, we check whether voids were not formed. If so, we fall asleep sawders as the insulation is reused.

But this is not the only way to insulate this material. We can use it in the form of peculiar plasters - add clay, water, cement and newspaper paper into sawdust. Mix them and the resulting mixture plastered the inner surfaces of the walls. And if you add to the concrete to fill sawdust, then as a result, the screed will perform the function of the insulation.

Read the same way, how to insulate the floor with clay -

Video Overview

Warm ceiling

In this case, we can make a mixture on one of the two technologies presented above. Extension materials are also similar, except that copper vigor appears. Do not forget about antiseptics - they will prevent the appearance of fungi and harmful microorganisms.

There are several stages of which the ceiling insulation consists with sawdust.

Stage 1. Cooking thermally insulating material. Here you need to dry the sawdust, and also to trace so that among them there are not too small. Large chips are the optimal option for insulation at home.

Important information! Fresh chips are categorically not recommended to use - better give her some time (about a year) in order for it "departed".

Stage 2. Next, we will need clay in the number of five buckets. We take her, smear with water, after which we fill with water completely and leave to win for a while. After the clay is softened, add to it a little sieve, constantly stirring all this. When her density can be classified as the average, it means that all the necessary components in the correct quantity can be processed.

Stage 3. Before putting the insulated layer, it is necessary to pre-cover the surface with a polyethylene film or pergamin. Moreover, this first layer should be further consolidated, for example, by mounting stapler. If Pergamine is used (and he, we recall, are sold by sheets), then additionally fasten with a scotch. We put the insulation layer.

What is the best way to insulate the roof of the house,

As you know, when drying the clay can crack, so we give insulation for some time to get burned. You should not worry if after some time on the clay surface there will be a grid of cracks - this defect is enough to simply eliminate, filling the crack with the same solution or ordinary clay.

Video instruction

As we see, the insulation of the ceiling sawdust differs significantly from the similar procedure with a floor or walls. The main difference is the thickness of the insulation layer. For a conventional layer, 10 centimeters are quite enough, but for a sauna, for example, it will take at least 15. This method of insulation is good because there will be no danger even if the temperature is too high. Therefore, sawdust as a heater is a strong competitor for modern materials.

Features of using sawdust with concrete

If we use wood chips with cement, then the technology in this case will differ little from the previous options, except that the composition of the mixture itself. In our case, cement, lime and sawdust in the ratio of 1: 1: 10 are required; In addition, it is necessary to add 5-10 liters of water and a copper vapor. The latter, as already mentioned, will be an antiseptic.

Important information! Instead of copper vitriol, we can use the boor - this is also quite efficient.

To let the solution necessary for operation, perform the following procedures:

  • We take all the materials and mix until a homogeneous mass comes out.
  • We add water and the antiseptic to the same time, but they are pre-stirred in separate presidents.
  • Then add water, the antiseptic to the solution, in parallel, permanently stirring it.

The degree of readiness of this solution is checked by the traditional method for us - we take it into the palm and firmly compress. If the solution does not comply with moisture, it means that it is already fully ready for use. But in no case do not remove with bulk materials, since our mixture should not reach the consistency before crumbling in the palm of palm.

Before laying the material, the stele is all the same pergamine or polyethylene, but at the same time it is necessary to constantly ram the mixture in order to remove the formed emptiness. When the insulation is constricted with the insulation, give him some time so that he froze.

Important information! Do not have any influence on the insulation before it is not frozen.

Actually, we figured out how the sawdust as a heater is used, which is the feature of this material, the advantages and (if you can call them) disadvantages. There are several methods of laying insulation, which differ not only on the necessary materials, but also on the surface for which the solution is prepared.

Deciding to build a house of a frame type, many think about how it can be inspired, without investing in the possibility of significant funds in the acquisition of the insulation. Indeed, trade enterprises offer a rich assortment, but, as a rule, the price is often quite significant. However, people's experience suggests a solution that is characterized by a great efficiency and years of verified efficiency. Solution This is ordinary wood sawdust.

If insulation with sawdust is performed correctly, the house becomes truly warm. And, which is important, the wallet is applied minimal damage. However, resorting to this method of insulation, it is necessary to understand that saving money, to achieve the desired result, you have to spend more considerable time and make much more effort.

Is it true that sawdust are truly the perfect insulation?

Answer is responsible: the sawdust is not perfect at all, but just a good and cheap heat insulating material. Wood sawdust and chips possess in the role of the insulation with great advantages, but they are not deprived of the flaws.

Woodworking waste is attractive because:

  • they have sufficiently good thermal insulation properties;
  • due to its price, they are among the cheapest insulation;
  • find them and purchase quite easily;
  • their environmental safety is not in doubt that it is important for those who live in a warmed house and for insulation persons.

However, the listed advantages cannot be fully attributed to the processing of plate-type cooker and MDF. They contain a large amount of dust complicating the performance of insulation and reduces the environmental characteristics of the insulation obtained with them.

Most recently, the required amount of sawdust could be gained in any carpentry workshop, the leadership of which even thanked for the liberation of the premises from the materials that was considered garbage. Now woodworking waste is, though inexpensive, but still a commodity, which, except individual builders, is widely demanded by smoking and sausage production. In Perm, for example, woodworking enterprises offer sawdust at a price of 10 to 20 rubles per bag.

Disadvantages of sawdust are concluded in the following moments:

  • the sawmill mass must be treated with the help of special substances that prevent their defeat by the omnipresent rodents and insects;
  • preparation of the insulation and its installation are quite prolonged processes.

What to pay attention to the preparation for work

Getting Started with the arrangement of insulation, which is planned to provide a frame house, it is necessary to really appreciate its capabilities, since it will require not only some special means, but also certain skills.

Preparation of instruments and materials

Arrangement of insulation with sawdust requires:

  • sufficient amount of sawing-inlet mass, which is quite natural;
  • limes;
  • cement;
  • boric acid or other antiseptic;
  • shovels, watering cans and tanks for mixing.

Calculation of the required amount of sawdust

Sawdust as a heater is best suited for. The calculation of the required amount of this material is made taking into account both the climatic features of the location of the house and the purpose of the structure itself.

If you have erected a light country house and your intentions are not constantly living in it, then the sawing insulation with a thickness of about 15 cm is complicated in full. With the insulation of a residential building, the approach should be different: the thickness of the heat insulator should double and bring up to 30 cm. Only then can be hoped that in the house where people will constantly live, will always reign warm and comfort.

Do not forget about security

Before the start of work, it should be found in the house those elements that are able to cause a fire. As a rule, they are mainly represented by electrical wiring and chimneys. To protect yourself from a possible fire, the chimney pipe must be set up suitable for this, and the wires enter into a metalworking or in the box.

We turn the sawdust in the insulation: how it is done

Work begins with the manufacture of thermal insulation mixture. In order for this mixture to be high quality, it follows from the following ingredients and in the following proportions:

  • 1 water bucket with antiseptic added to it;
  • 10 buckets of sawdust;
  • 1 cement bucket;
  • 1 bucket of lime.

When preparing the insulation mixture, it is necessary to closely monitor the moisture of the mass, which largely depends on the humidity of the main component - sawdust mixed with chips. If necessary, water should be added using a watering can.

How to understand whether the consistency of the preparing insulation is correctly selected? It's easy enough to do it. It is only necessary to take a handful of mixture into hand and squeeze it. If the lump does not crumble, then the proportions of the components are selected correctly.

When the insulation is ready, they should carefully fill the cavities of the walls of the frame house.

Note that sawdust as a heater can only be used only provided that the walls of the frame house have a sufficient level of vapor permeability, since a permanent air flow is needed for sieve. Therefore, the walls cannot be covered with rubberoid, polyethylene or tone, that is, with materials that interfere with the circulation of air masses.

Features of the process of insulation

The thickness of the insulation of the insulation, which is laid in the frame house, is given by the distance separating the outer and internal trim. The distance is equal to the width of the transverse racks.

Placing the prepared insulation mass, it should be placed in layers, carefully tamping every next layer. To make sure that the insulation laying is made without flaws, after a few weeks, it is necessary to make sure that there are no emptiness in the walls. If such emptiness is detected, they should be filled with sawdust mass, without forgetting to carefully tumble it.

Glinobeton - one of the variants of sawing insulation

Glinobeton, the bulk of which is the sawdust, is also among the inexpensive and efficient insulation. Its feature is that a certain amount of clay is introduced into the previously described composition. Moreover, the introduction of clay in the insulation mass is made after the end of its preparation.

The material thus obtained does not need to be mumbling. Its use guarantees a higher level of noise and thermal insulation, but at the same time determines some loss of strength.

Sawdust in combination with chips can be used as insulation and in other versions. For example, mixing in equal proportions of sawdust, cement and sand, you can get ophink concrete.

A somewhat different recipe is prepared. When cooking, sawdust is mixed with glue.

Thus, sawdust can be used for the manufacture of heat insulator, which ensures the preservation of heat in the frame houses. Recipes for the preparation of insulation, containing woodworking waste, quite a lot, and they can all be worthy of individual developers.

Almost everything we told, you can see here:

Thinking about the construction of your own home, before each owner, sooner or later the question arises about choosing materials. And this applies not only to the design of the structure, but also that products from which thermal insulation will be mounted. The modern market of insulation can offer a huge range of a wide variety of materials, ranging from mineral wool and ending with extruded polystyrene foam. But even the most expensive material does not guarantee the full conservation of heat, without his unnecessary losses, while the budget due to its purchase is significantly reduced. Many specialists have increasingly began to return to the long-known, but gradually forgotten methods of thermal insulation of buildings. And above all, we are talking about the insulation of the floor, the ceiling and walls with wood sawdust or chips. In the article, we will talk about the insulation of the house sawdust.

Features and varieties of sawdust

  • Sawdusts are called particles of recycled wood, obtained by sawing, externally they look like a small pipe.

  • There is also such a kind of wood waste as chips. Differences between them in the manufacturing method, so for the production of chips in the wood, it is necessary to plane or drill, it also has a slightly larger size (approximate length 3-5 cm) than sawdust.

  • The sawdust can also be different fractions from 5 mm and up to 3 cm. Length depends on the technological processes of the woodworking industry, that is, which type of tool is used in each particular case.
  • This is an environmentally friendly material, which besides low cost (on average per bag, the price ranges in the range of 10-70 rubles, and often they are given them on the pylons for free) has a lot of other advantages. Among more significant, it is possible to note the excellent thermal insulating and sound-absorbing properties and a relatively small proportion of the product. Basically, carpentry waste is made of solid wood, such as spruce, pine or ash.

Heat ceiling sawdust

The ceiling insulation issues should be engaged in private house-building from any material, be it a wooden house, or made of brick or foam blocks. After all, it is precisely through the ceiling, a significant heat loss occurs, on average it is about 20%. The most economically advantageous way to heat the structure is to lay a thick layer of sawdust.

Of course, laying wood processing products is not easy. Before proceeding with direct installation, you will have to carry out great preparatory work. First of all, this procedure is aimed at protecting against fire, as the tree almost in any form is extremely flammable, that is, it is easily flammable and has a long burning time.

Required materials and tools:

  • wood sawdust shallow and large fraction;
  • sand, clay or slag;
  • lime and copper vigor (or boric acid);
  • material for the substrate (corrugated cardboard or any other breathable materials, that is, with good steam-minded);
  • sealant and mounting foam;
  • antipirens, hydrophobizers and wood antiseptics (if the ceiling boards do not have protection against mold and fungi, fire and water, then pre-comprehensive processing should be carried out);
  • building stapler and brackets to it.

Stages of work

All work begins with protecting ceiling beams and boards from possible adverse factors. As a rule, high-quality buildings are already erected from the processed material. But if such a procedure was missed for some reason, then it is necessary to spend it now.

How to handle

Wood structures protect comprehensively, with the following sequence:

  • antiseptic agents preventing putrefactive phenomena and insect protecting;
  • fireball preparations, for fastness resistance and elevated temperatures;
  • hydropobicators, which prevent moisture from entering the structure of wood and leash previously applied, at the same time water-repellent substances should not prevent the exit of excess moisture from the boards.

It is necessary to comply with the compatibility of all means among themselves. It is advisable to choose the product line of one manufacturer.

Laying the substrate

  • After the required protective work, it should be seen all the seams, joints and existing foam and sealants. Mounting foam is used in places with large gaps, small cracks and cracks are sealed with sealants on acrylic, polyurethane, thiocola or silicone basis. The bitumen composition is though good for the roofs, but does not withstand high temperatures, but in principle, no one forbids it.

  • All the cracks are not recommended only, since due to the special structure of the foam, it is very quickly flammable, which is extremely dangerous in cases of thermal insulation of structures with wood sawdust.
  • In addition to the gaps in the ceiling overlap, all other holes that are in the roof design are closed. This is necessary so that the insulation does not fall ascend or during the wind gusts, the heat insulating layer did not occur. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the places through which air will pass, for example, small attic windows. Such a measure is needed for drying of laid widths, as well as for their ventilation.
  • You should not forget about the trimming of the protruding parts of the foam in the ceiling beams, otherwise the emptiness remains in these places through which the cold will go and get cold. When all the holes in the ceiling are embedded, sealant and foam are dried and aligned, you can lay the substrate. This procedure is necessary in order for the small pipe from the sawdust to be sat down from the ceiling and did not create additional dust in the house. After all, as it were, all the gaps were not carefully embedded, the possibility of their occurrence was not excluded, so it is necessary to progress in advance.
  • The substrate must be necessarily with parapropuscable properties, otherwise warm air and steam, lifting up, will linger between boards and materials, forming an unnecessary condensate, and in the future the development of bacteria, mold and rot, that is, the failure of the entire design is not eliminated.
  • The cardboard will suit any, from old boxes, packaging and so on, the main thing is that it is dry.

  • Ceiling boards are cleaned of dirt and dust and cardboard sheets are stacked in several layers. It is necessary to place the material of the brand 15-30 cm so that between the seams accidentally did not hit the sawdust. Next, all the stakes of the substrate are fixed with the help of a bracket, it is desirable to put them at a short distance from each other and keep track of all the layers of cardboard. Thin cardboard is best put in 2-3 layers. The edges in contact with beams are also fixed with brackets, and then throughout the perimeter tested with sealant or by mounting foam.

Select sawdust and ways of their backfill

  • Wood-chip material need to choose dry or slightly wet, with the lack of odors of unusual wood. The best sawdust is pre-treated with solutions of flames and antiseptics. When the mass is driving, you can add 10% of the lime (fluffs) and a little copper sulfate (or bora), mix thoroughly.
  • There are several basic ways to install thermal insulation from wood-chip industry. Sawdust can be filled both in a clean dry form and mixed with cement and diluted with water (or it is used initially wet material). With a cement mixture, you should work as quickly as possible, as it freezes for 30-60 minutes, after which it will not work out carefully.

Dry fashion

  • For a dry method of sawdust, it is recommended to fall asleep in two layers. The first consists of a larger fraction or chips, and the second falls asleep with the finest products. Such a measure will help to avoid unnecessary dust in the house, which may arise due to the backfill of only small fine-flow products.

  • Also, large sawdust is not possible as it should be tamped, and this must be done so that the heat insulating layer does not pass through itself heat, and kept him and even gave back to the room.
  • The large-scale material is falling asleep with a layer of 10-15 cm and tampering, it is stacked on it as much as a layer of small sawdust and is also thoroughly pressed and covered.
  • It is allowed to moisten a slightly layer for better shrinkage. In general, it is enough insulation with a thickness of 20-30 cm. Also recommended on top to lay ash, slag (necessarily in fully burned and cooled), sand or clay. This, firstly, will help protect the heat, and, secondly, will prevent the appearance of rodents and the development of mold.

Wrap sawdust with cement

  • Method of installation of thermal insulation from wet sawdust with cement. For its implementation, it is necessary to stockpur with a chip material that is stored for at least a year and having a slightly humid composition. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the sawdust does not have foci of the development of bacteria, fungi or mold.
  • The ratio of chips, water and cement in the composition should be as follows: 20: 3: 2. At the same time, the solution is best to start small portions to use it. Dry components (opil and cement) are thoroughly mixed, and then water is gradually added, while the mixture continues to interfere.

Tip: Do not forget that the chips should be previously processed by various protective equipment and mixed with lime, as well as with copper vitrios. If such procedures were not performed in advance, it should be all adding to the prepared solution.

  • The prepared insulation is poured between the beams of overlapping on a substrate or a layer of sand and tamper. As a result, a heater should turn out to be 5-10 cm thick. The mixture is well seized and after complete frozen it is possible to move away from it, it will be a little hurt, but should not be a presenter.

  • After the insulation is put in order to normally walk on the surface of the attic, it is best to arrange a flooring from a board or other solid material. If frequent movements are not planned, then it is allowed to leave the roof in such a state (that is, without covering the insulation layer).

Floor insulation sawdust

The insulation of the floor with wood sawdust is an environmentally friendly solution, profitable and from an economic point of view, at the same time such a method allows you to create conditions for a comfortable stay, reduce heat loss and reduce consumption for heating.

  • Used fishing for floor insulation, as well as in the case of ceiling insulation, require pretreatment from rodents, insects and the development of pathogens of microorganisms. For this purpose, special finished funds are applied or exhausted dry lime and broken glass. It is only very careful about the composition in which the glass is added. Most often, from such a tool refuse to benefit limestone and copper mood.

  • The differences between the insulation of the floor from the heat insulation of the ceiling is that to plug the insulator, which gave the shrink in the sexual design is extremely problematic. So, you should take care in advance and choose a method in which the mixture will not be reduced in time, which ultimately will lead to heat leakage. In practice, this means that with the protection of the floor protection from the freezing, most often fall asleep sinking of sawdust, and smashed with various components and further hardened.
  • In order to prepare such a composition, it is necessary to add plaster or cement to Opil. The following proportions are recommended: 85% of the mass is sawdust, 5% gypsum and 10% lime-flump or limestone dough (which is two times more than dry lime). You should not forget that the gypsum is captured almost instantly to extend a bit of a solution of the gypsum solution can be replaced by cement, which, although there is a short time of life, but still, it is greater than that of the gypsum mixture.
  • It is not necessary to dry the sawdust before the kneader, cooking the insulation is in small portions and thoroughly mix all the components. If the sawmills seem too dry, then some water or lime milk will be added to the mixture. Check the degree of readiness, it is possible to compress the prepared composition in the hand - if the lump is not crumbling and does not spread, but it keeps the form well, it means that the mass is ready.
  • If the floor is insulated in an already exploited room, then the flooring is dismantled, the overlap is processed by antiseptic primers and moisture-resistant mastic, and then the substrate from vapor insulation material or film is placed.

  • The prepared mixture of sawdust is neatly stacked on top to the substrate and thoroughly tamper, the height of the layer is about 10 cm for the first floor and up to 20-30 cm for inter-storey overlap, which should be considered, since the floor will be raised on the second floor.
  • When the mass is thoroughly tamped, it is necessary to leave it, the ripening time is from 2 weeks to a month.

Warming insulation with sawdust

  • The method of insulation of the floor with a mixture of sawdust with clay. Such a method involves a laying on a substrate of a waterproof material, such as a polyethylene film of a large thickness (150-220 microns). It is because of this feature that such an equipment is not suitable for the insulation of the ceiling, since breathing materials should be present in the construction of the heat insulation of the ceiling overlap, and non-forming condensate, which invariably leads to the formation of mold and rot.

  • The film can be glued to the concrete base or secure on a wooden surface. This will help keep it in the right place without mixing. The substrate is stacked in order to avoid leakage of the solution, since the glove mixture and sawdust will be in a fairly fluid state.
  • For the kneading need clay and water. By consistency, the solution should resemble liquid sour cream. That is, 100 liters of water 5-6 clay buckets (it is important to adjust the density, depending on the material). To mix the mixture with sawdust, it is best to use a concrete mixer or a building mixer. It is recommended that it is recommended to produce gradually, take 1-2 buckets of liquid clay and add sawdust, until the mass thickens.

  • Apply, such a warming follows a uniform layer to 10 cm in thickness. It is possible to press it with a flat smooth item with a large volume of the surface (for example, a wooden with a wide board or shield).
  • To froze the mixture, it takes from 7 to 15 days, depending on temperature and humidity. Falling, cracks can be formed on the surface, which are easy to close the same clay. Also, if this insulation is assumed in a wet room, it should be covered with its moisture-resistant mastic. Next, you can lay wooden flooring and exploiting the floor.

Dry method of laying sawdust

  • It assumes the Falsefield device. Owls are processed with antipirens and antiseptics. It is possible to do this by watering a dry mass by protective solutions from the watering can and thoroughly mix so that each particle is covered with a means. After the insulation is prepared proceed to the draft floor.
  • For this, all wooden products (lags, overlapping beams) are also covered by protective compositions. After that, the rough floor of the boards is mounted on the base, and the layer of waterproofing is placed on it. Through the hydrobrilever, sawdust with a thickness of at least 10 cm. It is recommended to shed fishing with lime milk (lime, diluted to a very liquid state). This will increase the resistance of thermal insulation to biological expansions.

  • It is worth considering that insulating the floor sawdresses for the subsequent execution of the screed is not allowed. Since such a layer has low strength and can give a significant shrinkage. Before you lay the finish coating, you need to give time to the exit of extra moisture, it is about 2-4 days. It is also possible that a width of 2-3 cm sawdust will occur for the allotted period. That is, in the future, you should either plug an additional layer, or at the backfill stage immediately make it thick in the range of 12-14 cm, which is more optimal. In addition, a small shrinkage is possible over the next year.
  • If sawdust will not have good waterproofing and ventilation (gap between the finishing floor and the layer of the insulation), then soon they will lose their heat shield properties. Therefore, it is necessary to think about it at the floor planning stage.

Wall insulation sawdust

  • The most complex procedure is the insulation of the walls, as it is necessary to build a frame that is clogged with sawdust and tampering manually. For laying into a frame wall, large-scale sawdust should be harvested. If dry laying is assumed, the thermal insulation material must be well succeed and do not contain excess moisture.
  • The mixture is prepared from wood chips, lime, gypsum or cement (as it will have to work with the material on the plaster basis, and it will be very fast, and to prepare it with small portions), as well as with the addition of antiseptics to the composition. Well mixed mass moisturizes, falling asleep in the prepared frame and thoroughly tampering to avoid further sediment. Gypsum or cement in the composition over time pulls all the existing moisture, and binds the mass into the monolith.

  • Between the wall and insulation, a waterproofing material with vapor-permeable properties should be located. The effectiveness of the insulation and the degree of shrinkage depends on the quality of the murdration and density of the backfill. In a poorly rammed layer, emptiness may appear, and it means that in these places there will inevitably be inevitably the loss of heat will occur.
  • The mixture is placed by layers of 20-30 cm and tamper, then they pacide the new layer of the same height and again press up and so gradually fill the entire space. The thickness of the insulation fluctuates depending on the designation of the construction and its location (climatic zone). Thus, in the house of seasonal living, a layer of 15 cm is enough, if it is a capital house, then 25-30 cm of wall insulation is required to maintain a comfortable temperature. The frame can be performed from wooden boards with a cross section of 100x50 mm.
  • Hard the mass in the wall begins after 1-2 weeks, finally grasps for a month. Throughout this period, it is desirable to maintain the relative humidity of the air no more than 60-70% and the temperature in the range of 20-25 degrees, as well as arrange the regular ventilation of the room. If empties appear during this time, then they are better to fill them immediately and only after that move to the further decoration of the walls.
  • So that heat insulation from sawdust served as long as possible, was not attacked by rodents and was reliably protected from the development of mold and bacteria, it is necessary to add 5-10% dry lime to the total mass.
  • When insulation sawdust wooden buildings, fire safety requirements should be followed. That is, in places in passing the chimney, chimney or electrical wiring it is necessary to make additional protective measures - to arrange separation areas in which instead of sawdust there will be any other non-combustible material, hide the wires in special boxes or in metal tubes, lay out the location of sockets and switches of non-combustible substances.

  • If you buy a cardboard seems expensive procedure, you can find a free way to deliver it. It is enough to walk along the closest shops, supermarkets and ask them from unnecessary boxes. In addition, and sawdust can be obtained completely free: to ask the neighbors engaged in the construction, or to go to the nearest sawmills and sawmills, it happens that they just give waste, under their pickup.
  • After a year or two, after laying dry sawdust, they sit down a bit, and for better insulation it is recommended to plug a small additional layer.
  • Fresh sawdust contain substances that impede good bonds of cement with water, and it means that the prepared mixture will not have the necessary qualities. To avoid this, it is recommended to use sawdust, departed at least 2-3 months. If it is urgent to build, then liquid glass can be added to the composition.
  • If we compare sawdust with other insulation, the closer to the heat insulating and noise absorbing properties to them mineral wool. The flow of these two materials is approximately the same, but wood chips are a natural product, environmentally friendly and safe.
  • The main disadvantages of wood-chip products are its combustibility and lesion by rodents. But these disadvantages are easily eliminated by the use of various protective drugs. In addition, for the same purpose, the addition of lime, plaster or cement is practiced to the composition, copper mood and boric acid. Such masses "not on the teeth" rodents, and also do not ignite and do not support combustion.

  • It is best to carry out the work on laying thermal insulation in the summer season, since it is at that time it is possible to dry the mixture well, and therefore further avoid problems with the development of all sorts of bacteria and splashes.
  • Owls differ in size, and than they are less, the more water is required to moisten the mixture. And when fresh chips are used, it will require more cement, which is why thermal insulation properties will be significantly reduced.
  • The main advantages of wood processing products can be called accessibility, efficiency, durability and ease of installation.
  • By purchasing sawdust, it is necessary to stop your choice on the medium-complete material, since with small products it is very difficult to work due to a large amount of dust, and the large fraction does not have good thermal insulation properties. It is best if the waste is from the boards of the preliminary chamber drying, but if such sawdresses are very difficult to reach and there are waste from the logs of natural humidity, then the chips must be put under the canopy and dried slightly, without covering, in no way.
  • For the insulation of the house, coniferous sawdust will be the optimal option, as they already contain a resin that scares bugs and rodents. For the insulation of other economic buildings, including baths, waste from deciduous trees (for example, ash), but they should be mixed with antiseptics or ash.
  • It is better not to acquire too dirty sawdust, if the garbage is present, it is either manually chosen, or sieved through a construction sieve.
  • By adding to the copper vigor or a boor, do not forget that this is a chemical poisonous substance and be sure to apply all the necessary security measures, in, first of all, this refers to the protection of hands and respiratory tract.
  • If the mixture of the insulation is prepared for the thermal insulation of the bath, then it is better not to use a copper vigor, since when heated it highlights poisonous pairs.

Sawdust are used when building residential buildings and build buildings. This is an economical and eco-friendly material. It is used for the insulation of roofs, walls and floors, both in its pure form and with the addition of various components. It is possible to say complete confidence that it is a great way to increase the heat and sound insulation, but only subject to the following rules.