Sun Yat-sen. Soviet historical encyclopedia - Song Yat-Sen

In Ufa more than one thousand streets, almost the fourth of them are named after famous people, glorified in the world, Russia, Bashkiria - revolutionaries, writers, scientists, cultural figures, war heroes, state and public figures. I go every day on the tram along Sun-Yat-hay street and every time we go to work and with Oyoy, asked myself a question: who is Sun Yat-Sen?

Finally, could not stand it reference literature and found out that this turns out to be a Chinese revolutionary democrat. He was born in the south of China, in a poor peasant family, which juts in a globitate hut and lived in the injury. Only at 15 years of Sun-Yat-Saint first put on shoes. Junoys left for the Hawaiian Islands, graduated from school. Returning to China, he entered the medical institute, so later he called him a doctor.

Sun Yat-Sen led revolutionary activities in China since 1895, and at the end of December 1911 he was elected the first president of the Republic of China. In this post, he did everything to create a unified national state with his army, authorities, finance. But soon he had to abandon the presidency in favor of the protected state of foreign states and emigrate to Japan.

Five years later, he returned to China again and resumed his struggle for bourgeois-democratic system in his country. After the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, the young Soviet republic was ready to support any "national-revolutionary liberation movement, even if it would be bourgeois-democratic." This was strictly stable to fulfill the requirement of solutions II Comintern. At the request of Sun Yat-Sen, the Soviet government sent a group of military advisers to China, headed by the Chinese Revolutionary Government, the legendary General Galin, or Ha Lin, as the Chinese called him. Only a few knew that Galin is Vasily Blucher, who committed during the years Civil War Your first feat on the Bashkir Earth. In 1918, under his command, the Ural partisan army made a heroic, 1500-kilometer raid on the White Guard reasons on the territory of Bashkiria. In honor of him, by the way, the street also named in Ufa.

But back to Sun Yat-Sen. By the spring of 1924, under his leadership, a group of military advisers developed a plan for creating a Chinese revolutionary army. A request for the necessary weapons, guns, rifles, machine guns, hand-held grenades left for Moscow Sun-Yat-Shen. Although the Soviet republic also experienced hard times, but the assistance to friends from China in service army was still rendered. Moreover, Soviet specialists were helped by Chinese comrades and in the preparation of officer personnel in the Higher Military School, which was opened in China upon proposal again, Song Yat-hay.

Unfortunately, Sun-Yat-Sen has failed to fully implement his ideas - he seriously fell ill and died on March 12, 1925. After the death of Sun Yat-hay in Ufa, the street of his name appeared, which before that was called Kopeykin Street.

Regarding his suggestions that the SCO summits and BRICS in Ufa had to be held in winter to show the guests of Sun-Yat-hay, I note that in the summer it looks not very well-groomed - broken road surface, garbage on the roads.

Although she is beautiful in itself, especially in the spring, when lilac, cherry, apple trees are blooming next to private wooden houses in the parisades, is blooming in white boiling.

The "Chinese" street in Ufa, all the more relevant that the tourist route "Red Ufa" has already been developed by officials for tourists from China.

According to the deputy head of the Republican State Committee on Tourism, Roman Shaichutdinova, this route was already shown to Chinese guests last year, it includes a visit to urban attractions related to the revolutionary past of our country, the names of Vladimir Lenin and the Hope of Krupskaya. Chinese tourists in Ufa are also planning to talk about the first years of the formation of Soviet power, the work of the Comintern. And if they have yet to tell about how in Ufa, their first president of Sun-Yat-hay is honored, that even the street in his honor was called, then we will not be seized from Chinese tourists. True, in this case they can seize the desire to see this street. There, of course, they are not lucky.

Because to show the Chinese Song Yat-Sennaya Street in this form, it means to get mistaken quite.

Biography Sun Yatrena

Sun Yatsen (Sun Zhong-Shan, Sun Wen) was born on December 12, 1866 in the village of Iuyhan Province Guangdong in the family of the peasant. From children's years faced with people's life, the arbitrariness of Chinese landowners and manchuro-Chinese authorities.

Sun Yatsen's wife Song Cinlin wrote in 1927: "Sun Yatsen came out of the people. He told me a lot about his young years. He came from the peasants. His father was a peasant, and all neighbors in the district were peasants. His family, while he and brother did not grieve, interrupted, barely taking ends with the ends. "

Until 1879, Sun Yatsen helped parents and learned from his uncle, then due to the heavy material status of the family, he was sent to Brother Sun Mey, emigrated to the Hawaiian Islands.

With the support of the elder brother, Sun Yatsen managed to get a diploma. The brother has come a state, engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry and petty trade. Sun Mei determined his brother to the English missionary school in Honolulu, the study in which was conducted on english language. In 1881, Snyn Yatsene finishes her with honors and returns to China in 1883.

In the same year, he enters the English Missionary College, and in 1884 - in Queens College, where he studies until 1886. Then Sun Yatsen comes medical school contained by the English mission, and in 1887 - in the newly discovered Medical University in Syagan. He graduated with honors and a diploma of the best student.

In the Manchu Zing Dynasty, Sun Yatsen saw the personification of all the troubles and the main cause of the inequality and backwardness of China.

In 1894, the young patriot created the Antimanchuric Revolutionary Organization of Synzunha (the Union of Renaissance of China), which was undertaken on October 25, 1895 in Guangzhou (Canton) armed performance against the Qing authorities. But the performance ended in failure, and Sun Yatsen was forced to emigrate to Japan, and then in the USA and the countries of Europe. There, he actively developed plans for the preparation of new antimanchuruzhu uprisings in China.

In London, the agents of the Qin Government arranged Sun Yatsen trap. In 1896, he was deceived tipped into the building of the Manchurian diplomatic mission in London, from where he intended to secretly send to China; Only by chance Sun Yatsen managed to free themselves from the conclusion.

British Song's Friendly and Local Press took an active part in his challenge. Qing diplomats were stated: if Sun Jatsen is not released, ten thousand people will gather near the walls of the mission, and then the representatives of Godman will only have a penalty. It was one of the first effective manifestations of solidarity of the foreign public with the struggle of Chinese revolutionaries. Sun Yatsen was released from imprisonment.

Having gained freedom, he wrote the book "Kidnapped in London", which made him famous in Europe, including in Russia. Among the people with whom, being in the emigration, Sun Yatsen supported the relationship, were Russian populists, acers, Social Democrats. Later through them, he met with the experience of the Russian revolution of 1905 - 1907.

In the summer of 1905, he created a new, more massive than Synzhanha, revolutionary organization Tunmanha (Union League) in Japan.

The program of the Allied League was developed by Sun Yatsen "Three Folk Principles":

1) nationalism (overthrowing of a foreign manchuro-Qing dynasty and the restoration of the sovereignty of the Chinese (Han) nation;

2) democracy (state institution);

3) folk welfare (equation of land rights in the spirit of the ideas of the American bourgeois economist George).

During 1895 - 1911, he led by Sun Yatsen revolutionary organizations held ten armed uprisings against the Qin monarchy, until, at last on October 10, 1911, the Xinhai Revolution began, broke out in the city of Students and proclaimed the Chinese Republic.

During the successful uprising against the Manchurian government, the republic was proclaimed in Students on October 10, 1911 and the revolutionary government of Hubei Province was established, who appeal to the people of the Manchurian monarchy to the people of the whole country. The uprising quickly spread to the southern and eastern provinces of China, and by December, the power of the Qin dynasty was preserved only in the territory of the three provinces: Zhali, Henan and Gansu.

Upon returning to China from emigration in December 1911, Sun Yatsen was elected the first temporary president of the republic, which officially entered the duties on January 1, 1912. On this day, a solemn ceremony of Sun Yatsen's joining the post of temporary president of the Republic of China was held in Nanjin (Nanjing). On February 12, the widowed Empress Lun Yu on behalf of the last Manchur Emperor of the Minor Pu and and the entire Qing dynasty renounced the throne. But the authorities were transferred to the "liberal" general Yuan Shi-Kai, which became the temporary president of the Republic of China on February 15, 1912.

For his short Board, Sun Yatsen managed a number of democratic laws and orders aimed at protecting freedom and property of citizens. The bourgeois-democratic constitution was adopted, all the old acts about the purchase and sale of people, the abolition of corporal punishment, was proclaimed freedom of printing, assemblies, prohibited the importation of art objects abroad, was stopped by speculation rice, etc. He refused to approve the candidacy of her senior brother for prominent The official post, manifesting its principle.

However, the conquest of the revolution of 1911 was not able to preserve. The objective factors that influenced the defeat of the Republican revolutionaries should include the weakness of the bourgeoisie and proletariat. The feudals, compliars and militarists were still strong. As a result, the president was their goldenman Yuan Shikan, and Sun Yatsen was forced to resign.

Resigning, he took up the propaganda of its plans for the economic development of China. But the concentration elements were strong among his supporters. They hoped by parliamentary by eliminating Yuan Shikiya.

During the military dictatorship, Yuan Shiki Sun Yatsen created in emigration (Japan, 1914) a new revolutionary organization Zhonghua Gamindan (Chinese Revolutionary Party). On June 21, 1916, Suan Yatsen returned from emigration. On September 18, 1917, the official opening of the parliament took place in Guangzhou. It was decided to start a military campaign against the Militarist North.

Sun Yatsen became Generalissimus of South China. But he had no real power. The troops of the "Southern Federation" belonged to various provincial militaristic cliks. And when in early May 1918, the leader of the Guansean Group, General Lu Yuntin, demanded the shifting of the Supreme Commander, Sun Yatsen had to resign and go to Shanghai. He decides to move away from active revolutionary activities and completes already partially written labor "Program of the country's construction", consisting of three independent books: "Spiritual construction" ("Sun Wen"), "Material construction" ("Industrial Plan") and "Social Construction" ("The first steps of democracy"). He hoped to use foreign capital to create socialism in China.

Sun Yatsen enthusiasm met the Great October Revolution. At his request, the Soviet government sent to Guangzhou to the capital of the Revolutionary Government of the Southern China, a group of military specialists.

For his political adviser, Sun Yatsen invited the old Russian revolutionary M. M. Borodin in the fall of 1923, with the help of which the National Party was reorganized, which became a coalition of all anti-impeller and anti-imperialist forces. Sun Yatsen installed a close correspondence with Soviet diplomats.

In Soviet Russia, Sun Yatsen saw the faithful and reliable ally of fighters for freedom freedom and independence. "The goals of the Chinese Revolution," he emphasized, - coincide with the goals of the Russian revolution, as well as the goals of the Russian revolution coincide with the goals of the Chinese revolution. Chinese and Russian revolutions go on one way. Therefore, China and Russia are not only in close relationship, but in their revolutionary relations a truly make up one family. "

In 1924, at the congress of the Komintan Sun Yatsen

proclaimed its three main political attitudes - an unbreakable alliance with Soviet Russia, an alliance with China's compature, a support for working and peasant masses.

The death of Sun Yatsyna on March 12, 1925 prevented him to bring to the end of China's national liberation. He died of cancer of the stomach and liver in Beijing, where, despite the difficult illness, came to achieve national unity, stopping the internecine wars and cohesion of all China's forces to combat militarism and imperialism.

The day before the death of Sun Yatsen made up the will of the Chinese people and dictated the message to the Soviet Union, whose texts were knocked out on the white sandy wall in the Memorial Pavilion Sun Yatsen on the territory of the old Temple of Beijing in the north-western. In a pavilion, the clothes and Sun Yatsen's headdress are mounted. For a long time Sunyatsen Frenc - Zhongshan-Zhuang became the favorite clothes of many Chinese. The dust Sun Yatsen is resting in a majestic mausoleum in Nanjing - the city, where he was elected the first president of the Republic of China.

Political views of revolutionar

Soviet historiography put Sun Yatsen's guilt that he did not understand the class character of public contradictions, the importance of the anti-imperialist and anti-impeller tasks of the brewing revolution and reduced all existing contradictions to purely national conflicts between the Chinese and Manchules. Fearing the open intervention of the Western powers into the course of the future revolution, he did not put forward any anti-imperialist slogans in his program. Moreover, he repeatedly assumed imperialist countries in the fact that revolutionaries will strive to comply with all previously concluded contracts and agreements if the Western powers will comply with neutrality.

During when Sun Jatsen was in Japan, there were a lush color of various kinds of chauvinistic theories about the superiority of the "peoples of the yellow race" over the "peoples of the White race", which included composite element In the campaign of preparation for war. Appealing to public opinion. Sun Yatsene reminded that now China expects from Japan and active assistance in the fight against the Manchurian dynasty supported by foreign powers, representatives of the "Peoples of the White Race", which in the middle of the XIX century appeared in the Far East as the enslavers of the Yellow Race.

By the period of the stay of Sun Yatsen in Japan, he has the origin of the ideas of solidarity of Asian countries and the beginning of his personal participation in the national liberation struggle of Asian peoples against the oppression of colonizers. So, he helped Filipino revolutionary. In turn, the Philippine revolutionaries sympatheted Sun Yatsen in his struggle for the overthrow of the Qing dynasty and even provided material support for the Union of Renaissance of China. However, this support was the support of the same revolutionaries, and there was nothing from the imperialist powers to wait.

Vera Sun Yatsen in the possibility of receiving revolutionary effective help From the side of the imperialist powers, the treacherous refusal of England and Japan was strongly shaken from supporting the uprising in the south, the shares of foreign interventory in Northern China and their collusion with the Manchurian courtyard.

The attitude of Sun Yatsen to foreign powers is beginning to change. If he previously hoped for the ability to support any of them, now comes to understanding that. that all powers, cooperating with the Qing regime, are interested in preserving the Manchurian dynasty and cannot be the allies of revolutionaries.

As already mentioned, in the summer of 1905, Sun Yatsen created in Japan a new revolutionary organization Tunmanha (Union League). Her program was developed by Sun Yatsen "Three Folk Principles":

1) nationalism (overthrowing of a foreign manchuro-Qing dynasty and the restoration of the sovereignty of the Chinese (Han) nation;

2) democracy (state institution);

3) folk welfare (equation of land rights in the spirit of the ideas of the American bourgeois economist George).

The political views of Sun Yatsen were reflected in his work "the program of construction of the state". As mentioned above, it consisted of three independent parts - books "Spiritual construction (Sun Wen's teachings)", "Material construction (industrial plan)" and "Social construction (the first steps of democracy)."

Among the provisions of the foreign policy, expressed by Sun Yatsen on the pages of the book "The Teaching of Sun Wen", it is necessary to note his call for compatriots to follow the example of Japan, who achieved customs independence from foreigners and abolished the entire system of non-equivance contracts, almost at one time with China or foreign powers imposed on it. Sun Yatsen has repeatedly stressed that Japan is the only state in Asia, achieving independence from capitalist powers and inserted into the path of industrial development. "China can not be considered a fully independent state; It can only be called a semi-dependent country: there is still a concession of other powers on our territory, there is the right to exteriority foreigners, our customs are still in the hands of foreigners, "he wrote.

Bichuya on the pages of his book of arbitrariness and lawlessness of Chinese militarists, Sun Yatsen contrasted the gloomy picture of Chinese reality. Idealized description of the activities of bourgeois states in Europe and America, whose policies are allegedly aimed at protecting the interests of their peoples, promoting scientists, stimulating agriculture, industry and trade.

In search of a choice of hard position. In which China was. The Militarist Transport Complex, Sun Yatsen proposed to take advantage of the "occasion sent by the sky", that is, to use the military industry created by various countries in Europe and America during the I World War and became unnecessary due to the end of the war, to develop inexhaustible natural wealth of China.

Sun Yatsen hoped for generous investments different countries In China's economy, attracting foreign scientists in the broad scale. But Sun Yatsen in the preface to "material construction" perfectly and clearly explained that by planning the attraction of foreign capital to China's industrial development, he means one indispensable condition - the monitoring of the implementation of these plans should be carried out by the Chinese government.

"My idea," Sun Yatsen's book wrote to the conclusion of the book, "it is desire to use foreign capital to create socialism in China and, harmoniously combining these two economic forces. Driving humanity forward, make them act together and thereby speed up the development of future world civilization. "

The last, the third of the books included in the "State Construction Program" Sun Yatsen, - "Social Construction (the first steps of democracy" - was pursued by the author's plan, the goal of popularizing in China's ideas of bourgeois democracy. In the conditions of feudal arbitrariness and lawlessness, which are revealed by Chinese militarists and imperialists in China. Protecting Sun Yatsen's ideas of bourgeois democracy objectively had a positive value: he called for various layers of the people to cohesion, to the struggle for democratic rights.

Dying, revolutionary thought about the future of the country. In his will, Sun Yatsen called on his associates "to fight in a union with the peoples of the world, building relationships with us on the basis of equality."

Chinese revolutionary, founder of the Gomindan party, one of the most revered political figures in China.

Sun Yatsen was born on November 12, 1866 in the village of Tsuyhan County Syanzhan (now Zhongshan, Guangdong Province). His native language was the Zhongshansky dialect of Chinese. Several years goes to a local school, then went to Hawaii, where his older brother moved. He studied English, mathematics. In 1883 he returned to China.

In 1892 he graduated from the Hong Kong Medical Institute. In 1894, he founded the antimanzhuru revolutionary organization "Union of Renaissance of China". After an unsuccessful attempt, Sun Yatsen's uprising emigrated abroad, traveled in Europe, USA, Canada and Japan, collecting money for a revolutionary struggle. In 1905, Tokyo was headed by the Association of Chinese Revolutionary Organizations - the Chinese Revolutionary Union.

After the victory of the Study Uprising in October 1911, Sun Yatsen returned to China and was elected temporary president of the Republic of China, but he was soon forced to leave this post. In 1912, he created the Gomindan Party.

Sun Yatsen has the title of "Father's Nation", assigned to him posthumously by the government in 1940. Born near the canton in 1866 in the village of Tsuihan. At birth, I received the name Wen. More famous under the names of Sun Wen and Sun Zhongshan "Central Mountain" - this name is an analogue of his Japanese pseudonym "Nakayama". In 1884, Sun Yatsen moved to Hong Kong, where he studied at the Central State School, and after her ended in 1886, together with the elder brother, he entered the medical college in Hawaii, in Honolulu, who graduated with honors. In history is known as great practices and as the founder of the homing.

Emigrated to Japan after the suppression of the Cantonese uprising, later moved to the capital of the British Empire. Later, firmly believing that the main purpose of his life is the revolution in China, returned to the east. Some of his uprisings were prepared with foreign help: the base of one of them was controlled by the Japanese Taiwan, the other - French Indochina. In 1905, being in Tokyo, Sun Yatsen organized the United League "Tunmanha", popular among thousands of Chinese students studying in the capital of Japan.

The Manchurian dynasty came the end. Sun Yatsen was elected president of the Republic of China. Soon abandoned this post in favor of the commander of the imperial army Yuan Shikiya. In 1913, Sun Yatsen proclaimed the beginning of the second revolution, but suffered fiasco and fled to Japan.

In 1922 there is a clash between him and Chen Junmin. In 1923, Sun Yatsen announces the creation of the Cantonese government and to reflect Japanese aggression and unite China, goes to cooperate with the Communists, with the hope of military financial support for the Comintern. He considers the highest goal to create a powerful power that can occupy the place belonging to it among the superpower. On March 12, 1925, Health Sun Yatsen is not withstanding the eternal revolutionary load.

The history of the global political thought of Sun Yatsen entered his teachings about the three folk principles and the constitution of the five authorities. The idea of \u200b\u200bthree folk principles was nationalism, democracy, folk welfare. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe five branches of government was the need for the ideal democratic state guided by the following branches of the authorities: legislative, judicial, executive, selective and control.

Sun Yatsen is even compared with Great Confucius and Man-Tzu. They say that they just believed that their purpose is to save China from separation. But neither Confucius nor Mainic Tzu could carry out their ideas in practice. Sun Yatsen, on the contrary, entered the history of China not as a thinker, but as an outstanding politician. He is even called "confulat in real politics." Sun Yatsen worked on China's economic reform: - Redistribution of land ownership under the slogan "Earth - peasants". Sun Yatsen often said that it was necessary to come to a new concept, refuting the old folk expression: "It's hard to know, it is difficult to implement in practice." Sun Jatsen knew that only a new attitude to practice could revolutionize China and he was always on the way to achieve a practical result.

Sun Yat-Sen and Xinhai Revolution

The southern regions of China, where the colonialists were previously entrenched and the most favorable conditions for modernization and Europeanization were created, including missionary schools and colleges, gradually became the center of the formation of radical youth, future Chinese revolutionaries. One of the most famous among them was Sun Yat-Sep (1866-1925), who studied in his youth to Honolulu, where his emigrant brother lived, and then received education in Missionary schools and the Guangzhou and Hong Kong Medical College. A well-educated, widely erudite, who who who who, who, who, who had a world, was a widespread erudite, as in his time, Kan Yu-Wei, tried to connect in his face and his teaching the tradition of classic China and the necessary innovations borrowed from the West. Created by him still in Hawaii and then recreated in Guangzhou "Union of Renaissance of China" at the end of the XIX century. combined hundreds of members in its ranks; He set a goal to the overthrow of the Qing dynasty, creating a democratic government in the country and conduct radical reforms in China. Attempts to get closer to the reformers, they met a misunderstanding from the CAN Yu-VEI and only after defeat and flight of reformers, already in Japan, in emigration (Sun Yat-Sen was forced to emigrate after the failed attempt of the uprising in 1895), these attempts gave some results ( Agreement Sun Yat-hay with Liang Qi-Chao), but not long. Soon the paths of the reformers and headed by Sun Yat-Sayne revolutionaries were completely separated.

Another attempt to raise the uprising - in the midst of the movement of their, in 1900, - again suffered a defeat. But after the defeat of the Iisetuan uprising and the second attempt of reforms, the situation in the country, as mentioned, began to change. In China and around it, in the centers of emigration of Chinese students and other persons, they began one after the other, unions and organizations that were as intended to be radical changes in the country. Organizations published newspapers and magazines in which their actions were set out, slogans and appeals were printed, sometimes also serious analytical articles. In 1902-1903 Sun revived the activities of his union and created a number of its new branches. It is by this time that the final formation of the fundamentals of his doctrine is and the famous "three principles": nationalism (overthrowing the Manchurian dynasty), democracy (republican-democratic system) and folk prosperity. Following that Sun Yat-Saint visited a number of countries and conducted a great job on cohesion of like-minded people, primarily among active emigrants. B. 1905T. He convened in Japan a constituent congress of members of various organizations, which created the United Union (Tongmanhway). Becoming at the head of the Union and starting publishing Minbao magazine, Sun Yat-Sen began to promote his ideas (three principles) and organization's program documents, including the projects of the constitutional device of the future of China (largely in the European model) and the liquidation of social inequality.

Calls for constitutional reforms did not pass the ears of the Pinsky government, which was considered for the benefit to get out of events and, in turn, to raise the question of constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. Promises on this bill, first vague, were then under pressure from the reformers and under the influence of powerful - in the spirit of the classical Confucian norm - a petition campaign 1907-1908, expressed in the form of a project that proposed to convene parliament and put into action not yet developed Constitution In 1916, this project set up a few people, and the death of the omissions in 1908 sharply accelerated the course of events. The dispute now in the open went about whether to deal with the revolution or not: the reformers believed that the revolutionary explosion would provoke power and would lead to the section of China; Revolutionaries also believed that the revolution would just save China from death and rallies his people.

Tunmenhui took a course on the preparation of an armed uprising, while counting on the support of numerous secret societies, has long been in the crisis time who delivered numerous detachments of the rebels. The calculation was rather true: the crisis phenomena in the country were more and more felt about themselves to know and the peasants are here, then they were taken for the weapon. In response to this, the Zing authorities tried to conduct a more rigid policy. It was, in particular, was removed from office and dismissed a career after the betrayal of 1898, but continuing to be considered quite liberal General Yuan Shikai, who enjoyed the support of the powers. The tough policy caused even greater discontent and led to a new wave of mass performances. Farming also began in the troops, where Tunmamekhue agitators actively acted.

In a word, a revolutionary explosion was called in the country. In January 1911, the headquarters of the uprising was created in Hong Kong, headquartered by Sun Yat-hay Huang Sin. And although the attempt to raise an uprising in April 1911 in Guangzhou suffered a failure, and Juan Sin barely escaped, the revolution was already inevitable. Attempts to prevent it by providing the exhaust community of new concessions, in particular, in the form of provincial accommodation committees with limited powers (1908-1909), in the form of a new one - on the European sample - the Cabinet of Ministers (May 1911), could not help. The uprising on October 10, 1911 in the studios led to the overthrow of the imperial power. The Manchurian dynasty collapsed as a card house. Power in the country turned out to be at the leaders in the field. In the north of the country, she gradually began to consolidate in the hands of Yuan Shi-Kai, who was in November, the Prime Minister and announced the convening of the All-China Parliament. February 12, 1912, on the day of "Xin High" on the Chinese calendar, the monarchy was officially abolished. In the south of the country, Sun Yat-Sen returned to China was elected by the temporary president of the Republic of China with the capital in Nanjing, but after the monarchy overthrow and in the name of the unity of the country, he agreed to abandon the president's post in favor of Yuan Shi-Kaya. The prime minister at Yuan Shi-Kate was appointed under the terms of the agreement with the revolutionary south member of Tunmenhue Tang Shao-and.

In April 1912, a temporary parliament was created in Beijing from members of the Nanking Assembly and deputies from the provinces. But this Parliament has never managed to achieve the creation of the government responsible before him. Moreover, Baiani (representatives of the Northern Army Group) Generally forced the deputies of Parliament to vote for the ministers elected Yuan Shi-Kai. It became obvious that Yuan Shi-Kai preferred to edit without a sanction of parliament and led to the creation of a strong central government, even dictatorship. Sun Yat-Sen, at first he was reconciled with this, in the fall began to create a new political party of the Romindan on the basis of Tunmenhue, which was necessary in connection with the emerging at the end of 1912 - the beginning of 1913 by elections to the permanent parliament. But Yuan Shi-Kai, ignoring the parliament convened in April 1913, began to prepare for the fight against the Gomintan, to an armed campaign for the revolutionary republican south of the country. The Komintanovtsians, who were in parliament, prevented him, prevented him, and in November 1913 he dismissed the parliament, and in early 1914 also provincial and local democratic institutions. In March of the same year, he opened openly against the Sunytsen Provisional Constitution adopted in Nanjing in 1912, and on May 1, 1914, a draft of the new Constitution was published, according to which almost unlimited rights were provided, and many posts, titles and titles were also restored. That overthrown monarchy. In December 1914, the president-closed in the imperial regalies committed a solemn rite in the temple of the sky, which should have symbolized the loyalty to the imperial orders.

In January 1915, Japan took possession of the territories captured by Germany in 1898. The territories in Shandong and, strengthened in the Chinese land, presented to China 21 demands, the essence of which came down to the transformation of China into the state dependent on it. Potting, Yuan Shi-Kai was forced to take a significant part of these requirements, which markedly strengthened the position of Japan in China. In an effort to play this, Yuan Shi-Kai compiled on the weakness of power in the New China, and he saw the strengthening of her in the refusal of the republican system, in returning to the monarchy. Having gave her daughter to marry the last Chinese emperor Pu and, he was already preparing to proclaim himself with the new emperor of China. But the campaign for the restoration of the monarchy caused strong resistance in the country. Regionalism declared itself: the generals who were owners in a particular province did not want to obey the center. Yuan Shi-Kai was forced to abandon his plans to restore the monarchy and soon after that in the summer of 1916 died.

The death of Yuan Shi-Kai shot at the time the problem of restoring the monarchy in China (in 1917 he tried to return the successor to Yuan Duan Qi-Zhui, who planned to put on the throne Pu and, but his idea failed), and the main consequence of this was The weakening of power in Beijing and the gradual transition of it, as mentioned, to local Militarist Generals. As it happened more than once in the crisis periods in the history of China in the past, the military reached the first plan in the political life of the country and for a long time. The parliament was accelerated and collected again in Beijing, then in Nanjing, but his role was already secondary: he could only authorize the existing events in addition to his will, whether it was the appointment of this or that president, a change or restoration of the Constitution. In a similar position, the leader of the Chinese revolution Sun Yat-Sen was also elected: he was elected by the president, he again lost this post, and almost everything depended on the will of militarists who had real power in a region in the south of the country. In the north, for a number of years, the president was Duan Qi-Zhui, who appeared on the Military Click Anfa, with which the Zhiliic Click led by Pay Fu. It was Duan Qi-Zhui insisted that in 1917 China officially declared war in Germany.

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author Krofts Alfred.

Sun Yatsen and his philosophy The Guangdongs played a leading role: Kan Yuey, who survived the cleaning of 1898; Tang Shayois, a graduate of the Columbia University, who led new negotiations in 1908 on compensation for Washington for American losses during the "boxing" rebellion; Sun.

From the book History of the Far East. Eastern and Southeast Asia author Krofts Alfred.

Sun Yatsen - President of China Sun Jatsen read about the uprising of the "double ten", staying in the hotel "Brown Palace" in Denver, Colorado. He arrived in Shanghai after two and a half months, where the lieutenants witnessed their respect to him as the founder of the new

From the book History of the Far East. Eastern and Southeast Asia author Krofts Alfred.

The influence of Sun Yatsen Sun Jatsen as a symbol played an outstanding role in the Chinese revolution. The memory of him is captured in two works, which he published, and in the posthumous edition of his speeches. "Notes of the Chinese Revolutionary" appeared in the press in 1918 - a brief

From the book History of the Far East. Eastern and Southeast Asia author Krofts Alfred.

Apotheosis Sun Yatshen throughout the subsequent internecine struggle The Chinese people adhered to three principles, just as the Europeans talk about the commitment of ten biblical commandments. Five "yuan" form the structure of the nationalist regime, and the Communists

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Xinhai revolution Sun Yatsen worked tirelessly in emigration for the benefit of the Chinese revolution. He and his supporters organized 10 armed performances, mainly in the southern provinces (but they all ended) .Yug turned out to be the most suitable soil for

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Qian's Son Yane Yane (Gong-Sun Yang) Shang Yana Ancient Chinese texts paid a lot of attention. Deeds to him Chapter 68 in the work of Qian Suma belongs to the number of the most interesting and saturated concrete materials about his life and activity. Preserved the book "Shan-Jun Shu",

Ermashev I.

Sun Yat-sen

The main task in my life I put myself a revolution.

Sun Yat-sen

Part I. Test time

Chapter first

Wen - Peasant Son

1. Hot earth

The sun rises here early. It sends his bright rays and hesitates all the ways that came the day. And night goes further and further north and west, in the distant steppes and semi-deserts. Sun glare climbs higher over the steps of green hills and mountains. There is no block of empty land. Everything is carefully processed: both plains, and valleys of rivers, and mountain slopes. But the land is still not enough. If it is equally divided into it between all the inhabitants of these southern places, each will get every and a half thousand square meters - not the field, and the garden. On average, one peasant farm, which means for a whole family, there is no one to one hectare. But these pathetic loskuts land belong to the landowners, not peasants. And the landowner should pay for the ground rice, fruits, difficulty. How to live a peasant?

Earth never rests. Does not know the rest and farmers. From year to year, from the generation to generation, from the century in the century, the Earth should give birth, and the peasant - continuously work, not flexing his back so that his family could somehow exist. The peasant cherishes the block of the Earth, the sweat of it later, fertilizes, richly irrigates. The only Assistant Agriculture is a generous southern nature. There is almost unknown winter. In the summer, from June to September, hot and humid - a lot of rains. Sey mainly rice.

Villages and villages are chatting tightly near each other. There is no intake, no meadow, no grazing: everything is under the crops. Peasant houses are real shacks of gray brick, clay, cane, close, low, dark; There is almost no yard, for a simple household economy there is an extraction - pretty! The peasant shacks are thick on the shreds of the earth between the sleeves and ducts of the pearl river delta, where more than twenty rivers flowing out their waters in the north, west, East Guangdong. And among the same streams, not far from the shores of the sea, and at all close to the Spit, on which the Portuguese Colony of Macau is located, there is a small village of Tsuyhan, which thousands in these places. We will remember this name.

South China began to settle more than two thousand years ago. There was any free land. And later, in the fourth century of our era, there were running back from the north, fleeing the invasions of the semi-dog nomads, the inhabitants of many cities and villages. Thousands of families of the poor fled here, hiding from the landowners. They wandered on mountain roads runaways. So the south became the hearth of the peasant liberty. And the long century he was the edge of the recalcitrant, rebellious, the birthplace of bold folk leaders, the leaders of the great uprisings.

And one more should be remembered: South China - the gate to the outside world. Through these gates, the first aliens from Western countries were invaded. And the south first entered them into battle. "Cantonese defense" in the thirties and forties of the nineteenth century glorified the inhabitants of the canton (Guangzhou) and the whole districts.

Not for the first time then the cantons for weapons took. People's uprisings did not subside for all south. Guangdong rebelled against Manchurian conquerors back in 1648. Eight months, the Cantonians kept the siege of Manchus, and only with the help of traitors managed to break through into the city. More than one hundred thousand patriots Palo then in battles. Other Guangdong Cities were defeated. But the struggle did not stop, the courage of the people did not fade.

About the cantonians in one then the chronicle says: "No one is afraid." Cantons were fearless patriots. The whole district knew about their bold struggle against the enemies of the Chinese people - internal and external. They knew about it in the village of Tsuyhen, from which the canton is less than two hundred kilometers.

The rebellious spirit was impregnated here, it seemed the most air. In the Guangdong Earth was born in 1814 Hong Xu-Quyan - "Hong, talented in everything," who later became the leader of the revolutionary war of Taipinov. For fourteen years, she thundered in the Chinese land and left a deep mark in the memory of the people. Taithins created the first in the history of China the peasant state, which existed until 1864. The echoes of this struggle have long rushed over the country, especially over the south. Guangdong was one of the Taipin bases.

When in July 1864, the capital of the Taipin state - Nanjing - Pala and individual troops of Taipinov began to retreat south, they also got to Guangdong, where there were many Taith warriors. They found the refuge in the villages of the pearl river delta. She was sheltered and in Tsuyhen.

Two years after the death of the Taith state, on November 12, 1866, a resident of this village, a poor peasant Sun Tao-Chuan was born a son - the fifth child. The boy was always welcome in the Chinese peasant family; The boy is the future worker! Sun Dao-Chuan was a son - the firstborn Sun Mei. A-May - called him at home. Life in the village was low-attractive, and later he left to seek happiness to the Hawaiian Islands. Parents doubly rejoiced to the new son. They were people elderly and the birth of the boy was considered good, even happy, omens.

Old Sun, in all likelihood, could not remember when his ancestors settled here, in the edge of rivers and canals. They were probably "Hakka" - came, as well as many inhabitants of these places. They settled here, should have been a long time ago, they spoke at the local, Cantonese, adverbs and were no different from the indigenous cantons. The house made of gray brick, an incelaved clay, in which the Sun Dao-Chuan family lived, was built or bought by one of the stuff. Actually, it was a wretched, close hut, in which the family lived, and her unpretentious peasant skarb was kept.

As in all housing of poor people, his decoration was the "Altar of the ancestors", in front of which set time Prayer was performed and where ritual candles were gone. With a special diligence, he was decorated on the occasion of the birth of the son. This is such an event that must be adequately noted. All the families were sent on this occasion. Eggs welded hard and painted in red, which meant that a boy was born.

When the kid has grown, he was given name-nickname Wen. He loved to climb on the roof or run around the village. Mother only turns for a moment, and Wen has already bothered. Krcki, zovi - do not get used.

And during the first years of life, the boy was very attached to his uncle, a teacher of a rustic school.

Uncle - a special man. He recently settled in Tsuihhen; Just a few years ago, he appeared in these parts and avoided talking where she disappeared more than ten years. Uncle fought. He was a soldier of the Taipin army. So the revolution, the waves of which raged around so many years, again came in the face of one of her fighters into this village and quietly climbed into the house of Old Song. In the ranks of the army of Taipinov, the uncle of Little Wen was held half of China, and in the Taith capital, he knew the days of Great Glory, he was lucky to see the leaders of Taithinov and among them Hong Xu-Quyan, his countryman Guangdunz. And although they all died, and the Taipin army dispelled, burning the flame on the hearts of hundreds of thousands of surviving revolutionary soldiers who kept him to make the young generation, future revolutionaries. Taipin soldier from the Sun family will give the covenant of the war of the youngest Suma.