Authors of kims on literature oge. Reference materials to prepare for the exam in literature

Daria Ulyanova:


I started preparing for the exam in six months. The main thing you need to know is the terms, for example, what is a story, a fairy tale, a novel. If you really do not prepare at all, then remember that in the OGE in literature, it is mainly the eighth or ninth grade.

If you want to get the maximum score, you need to start preparing for at least a year. I was very worried that I would write badly, because I passed in another school, but when I sat down, I was surprised how easy everything was. I finished it in 40-50 minutes and left.

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The most important thing is to know the writers and what they were talking about. The exam consists of three parts: compare two poems, find epithets in it, personification and other means of expressiveness and an essay.
In my opinion, you need to correctly express your thoughts in the composition - this is a big plus. In schools, they always scare about exams, they say that everything is very difficult, but this is not so.

Alena Grossman:


I started preparing for the exam by reading the entire list of recommended literature and the analysis of these works, familiarized myself with the biographies of poets and writers. I learned all the terms. Then I looked at the kim themselves. I took all tasks from the FIPI website.

I started to prepare in September. At first I worked with a tutor to understand what and how to write, and after that I did everything myself. It is very important to be able to see the problematics of the work and analyze. It is difficult with such a volume of information to remember something and not confuse anything.

For me, the exam went smoothly. You need to concentrate and not panic if you don't know something. You should start with a task that seems easier than the rest. There is no need to "pour water" in an essay. Speak strictly to the point and use literary terminology. Of course, literacy is important.

Enough time is given to write, check and transfer everything to the answer sheet.

Ekaterina Shuklina:


I started preparing in November. First, I decided which version I would write from the first part. I was faced with a choice between poetry and prose. I chose the first one because it is closer to me. The literature teacher helped me, we analyzed all possible options from the first part, and I wrote the essay myself at home, after which the teacher checked it.

I studied all the literary terms, read the biographies of the writers. Before the exam, I read a summary of the works that we passed at school, watched retellings on YouTube.

During the exam, I was very worried, which made it difficult to pay attention. I even answered the question incorrectly due to the fact that I did not finish reading something in the assignment.

During the writing of the essay, I liked the fact that you could ask the beholder for any work.

The most important advice is to be careful and not worry. This will not lead to good.

OGE in literature- one of the optional final exams at the end of the 9th grade. The exam itself, although it is called a test, actually boils down to only five questions, each of which involves writing a short essay or a detailed answer. The main part of the exam is an essay in a form similar to the final exam in the 9th grade before the introduction of the OGE in literature.

After reviewing general information about the exam, you can start preparing right away. The 2018 version of the KIM OGE does not differ much from the 2017 version. The main change is that the maximum primary score for completing all work has been increased from 23 to 29. Other changes.

OGE test structure

The OGE test for literature consists of two parts.

  • Part 1 consists of two options: one is a fragment of a prose work, and the other is a poem. You choose what to analyze. Analysis is detailed answers to 3 questions. In the first two, you write your thoughts for 3-5 sentences, and in the third, you also need to compare the work given in the test with another, and therefore 5-8 sentences are allocated for it.
  • Part 2 is a short essay on one of the four suggested topics, the length of the essay is at least 200 words. Themes relate to works school curriculum; no excerpts, chapters or excerpts are given. In the process of writing an essay, you can use the full texts of the works.

Preparation for the exam

Trial OGE in literature online

On our website, you can take the OGE tests online for free without registration and SMS. At the moment, the section is being updated, and over time, new tests will appear in it for the entire period of the OGE. The presented tests are identical in complexity and structure to real exams conducted in the corresponding years.

Detailed parsing deployed replies part 1 and essays in part 2 based on the 2017 demonstration material.

Demonstration options for the OGE

In the section of demonstration options of the OGE, you can download tests for free for 2009 - 201 7 years.

All the above tests were developed and approved for preparation for the state final certification in the 9th grade by the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

And they are also thinking about which disciplines are better to take as an elective subject. Among the options for passing the OGE is literature.

Most often it is taken by children who in the future wish to become philologists or linguists. This subject does not cause difficulties for schoolchildren who have devoted enough time to studying domestic and foreign classics. And before passing the OGE, it will not be superfluous to find out what innovations await you in the structure and filling of tickets, what the exam schedule will be, and what requirements the commission puts forward for ninth grade graduates!

Demonstration version of the OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in literature

When preparing for the OGE, it is important for students to know in advance in what order and in what dates they will have to take this or that subject. For the exam in literature, Rosobrnadzor allocated the following dates:

  • April 27, 2018 (Friday) - the date of early submission of the literary OGE. The reserve date for this period is May 7, 2018 (Monday);
  • June 7, 2018 (Thursday) - the main exam, upcoming to graduates high school... June 22, 2018 (Friday) - reserve;
  • September 12, 2018 (Wednesday) - the day of the additional examination. The reserve became September 20, 2018 (Thursday).

Changes in the OGE-2018 for literature

The profile commission considered that several clarifications should be made to this CMM.

  1. The instructions for work have been improved and formulated so that the student clearly and clearly understands the logic of the tasks and criterion requirements.
  2. The criteria by which tasks with a detailed answer will be evaluated have changed.
  3. The score that can be obtained for the KIM solution in 2018 will be increased by 6 and will be 29 points.

The structure and content of the CMM

The main purpose of the literature exam is to assess the level of preparation of students of general education institutions in this subject. The results obtained will be used to enroll schoolchildren in specialized classes. An important point: Literature exam is different from other subjects - in this ticket, students should not rely on tasks with short answers.

The literary OGE, in contrast, is not aimed at testing basic linguistic knowledge. Your ability to provide reasoned answers to the questions posed will demonstrate how well you understand terminology. The main goal of the OGE is to test the analytical thinking of schoolchildren, their ability to interpret literary texts, the ability to compare facts and reason logically. At the same time, the ticket is built so that the student can solve it according to his reading preferences.

On the exam, you have to complete 4 literary tasks in 235 minutes

KIM for literature was created on the principle of absolute variability - students have the right to choose tasks from several proposed options. To get the highest score for the work, the student will have to:

  • master the literary text and analyze it;
  • highlight the main semantic parts in the text;
  • determine the genre and genre of a work of art;
  • understand and formulate the main idea or problem underlying the work;
  • describe the main characters of the work, its plot features, composition and expressive means used by the author;
  • to conduct a comparative analysis of literary texts;
  • express a personal position in relation to the read work;
  • paraphrase and give feedback in writing.

The compilers of KIMs paid attention to the main theoretical and literary terms and conceptual apparatus, Russian folklore, Old Russian literary works, Russian literature of the 18th, 19th, 20th-21st centuries, as well as the classics foreign literature... Now let's consider the structure of the work in a little more detail. In KIM you will find two components and 10 tasks, of which you will need to choose 4 (3 tasks from the first part and 1 from the second).

  • The first part of the work is tasks in which the students have to analyze a fragment of a work of an artistic nature. This part is presented in two options - the student can choose the passage that best suits his level of preparation. Option number 1 - an excerpt from an epic, dramatic or lyric-epic work. In option number 2, you will find an analysis of a poem or a fable. In each option, you will need to cope with three tasks that will show whether you can perceive texts, express value judgments and understand the author's idea. The detailed answer to questions # 1 and # 2 should consist of 3-5 sentences. Each assignment will bring you up to 5 points. In task number 3, the student must not only write his thoughts about the text read, but also make a comparison with another text passage or work. The answer must be filled out in the form of 5-8 sentences, for which you can get another 6 points;
  • The second part of the work is an essay on one of four topics. This part of the OGE has a relationship with the options from the first part. Topic # 1 refers to a piece of art, # 2 - to a fable or poem. However, the student can choose topics 3 or 4 - they relate to Old Russian literature, the literary heritage of the 18th century or the classics of the 19th-20th centuries. When solving this part of the ticket, it is imperative to comply with the norm - the essay must contain at least 200 words. If the student could not write more than 150 words, then the task is considered unfulfilled and is estimated at 0 points. The maximum given for an essay is 13 points.

The maximum primary points for the literary OGE is 29 points.

Criteria for evaluating the OGE in literature

The guarantee of a high score is an acquaintance with the classics of Russian and world literature

When evaluating works, members of the commission will be guided by the following criteria:

  • the first part of the ticket evaluates how well the answer matches the task. In addition, the commission will give points for the argumentation and connection of the answer with the author's text, the accuracy of the facts and the consistency of statements;
  • when evaluating an essay, the commission takes into account seven criteria. The student must: write an essay that matches the chosen topic; argue your thought by attracting quotes; rely on literary concepts; observe compositional integrity; do not break the logic of the story; be accurate in facts; comply with all literary standards. The first criterion can give you 1 point, the rest - 2 points each. In this case, the first criterion is the most important - if the examiner puts 0 for it, then the entire essay will be evaluated at 0 points.

Regulations and features of the literary OGE

Graduates of ninth grade will receive 235 minutes to work with a ticket. The profile commission recommends to correctly distribute the time allotted to the CMM:

  • up to 120 minutes - for tasks from the first part of the ticket;
  • up to 115 minutes for composition.

You should save your pockets in advance from unnecessary things that can be cheating tools. Do not bring smartphones or smartwatches into class, where you can download answers or essay texts, otherwise you may be kicked out of the classroom and your exam results canceled.

It is worth saying that it will be easier for ninth graders than for eleventh graders, because they are allowed to use the texts of literary works and lyric collections when working with a ticket. Of course, all students will not be given a set of books - they will be on a separate table, to which each student will have free access.

How does the OGE score affect the school certificate?

The mark received for the OGE in literature can correct your grade for the subject. The scale for converting points is as follows:

  • from 0 to 9 points - the student is given a "two" for the OGE;
  • from 10 to 17 points - the student receives a "three";
  • from 18 to 24 points - a ninth-grader wrote the OGE for the "four";
  • from 25 to 29 points - the mark for the examination is identical to the "five".

If a student wants to continue his studies in a specialized class or college, he will need to score at least 19 points for the OGE.

Practice putting your thoughts down on paper so you don't miss

How to prepare for the OGE in literature?

When preparing and writing a literary OGE, students can use the following tips and tricks:

  • focus on the school curriculum and make sure that you have a set of reading books on literature for all years of study;
  • check out the demo version of the OGE for 2018 to understand which topics and tasks are problematic for you. In addition, the demo will help you practice filling out the form;
  • make a schedule for reading literary works submitted to the OGE. The array of information on this subject is so large that you will definitely not be able to cope with it in a couple of nights;
  • read not only the full text of the work, but also the reviews of critics - this will help you to argue your thoughts in the essay. Tickets for 2018 may include works by M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, N.M. Karamzina, I.A. Krylova, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Griboyedov, A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, A.N. Ostrovsky, F.I. Tyutcheva, A.A. Feta, N.A. Nekrasov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P. Chekhov, I.A. Bunin, A.A. Blok, V.V. Mayakovsky, S.A. Yesenin, M.A. Sholokhova, A.T. Tvardovsky, V.M. Shukshina, A.I. Solzhenitsyn, B.N. Strugatsky and others (a list of specific works is in the codifier, which can be downloaded at the beginning of the article);
  • do not grab onto the first proposed topic - read the entire ticket to understand which tasks are closer to you;
  • do not write the full text of an essay on a draft form, wasting precious minutes - it is better to use a draft for the abstract presentation of thoughts, recording quotes and main arguments.

A text fragment (or a poem, or a fable) is accompanied by a system of written assignments (three assignments for each option) aimed at analyzing the problems of a work of art and the main means of disclosing the author's idea. Each of the first two tasks requires a written answer in approximate volume 3-5 proposals and is evaluated with a maximum of 3 points.

The third task (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) involves not only thinking about the proposed text, but also comparing it with another work or fragment, the text of which is also given in the examination paper (approximately 5-8 sentences).

Part 2 of the exam paper contains four essay topics that require detailed written reasoning. The examinee chooses one of the four topics proposed to him (the student is asked to give 115 minutes to create an essay). In an essay on lyrics, the examinee must analyze at least two poems (their number can be increased at the discretion of the examinee). The examinee is recommended to be at least 200 words long (if the essay contains less than 150 words, then such work is considered uncompleted).

The composition is evaluated with a maximum of 12 points.

Scale for converting points into grades:

"2"- from 0 to 6

"3"- from 7 to 13

"4"- from 14 to 18

"5"- from 19 to 23

The system for assessing the performance of individual tasks and examination work as a whole

Evaluation of the performance of tasks in the examination work is carried out on the basis of special criteria developed for the three specified types of tasks that require a detailed answer in a different volume.

For completing each of the two tasks of the basic level of complexity (1.1.1, 1.1.2; 1.2.1, 1.2.2), the examinee can receive a maximum of 3 points (2 points for the substantive criterion and 1 point for the speech design of the answer).

Completing the assignment increased level complexity (1.1.3 or 1.2.3) is assessed according to three criteria: "The ability to compare works of art"; "The depth of the judgments and the persuasiveness of the arguments"; "Following the norms of speech." The first criterion is the main one: if the expert gives 0 points according to it, the task is considered unfulfilled and is not evaluated according to other criteria (0 points are set in the protocol for checking the answers). The examinee can receive 5 points for the maximum performance of task 1.1.3 or 1.2.3.

Completion of the task of part 2 (essay) is assessed according to five criteria: "The depth of disclosure of the topic of the essay and the persuasiveness of judgments" (maximum - 3 points); "The level of knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts" (maximum - 2 points); “Justification of attracting the text of the work” (maximum - 2 points); "Compositional integrity and consistency of presentation" (maximum - 2 points); "Following the norms of speech" (maximum - 3 points). Thus, the examinee can receive a maximum of 12 points for an essay. The first criterion is the main one: if the expert gives 0 points according to it, the task is considered unfulfilled and is not evaluated according to other criteria (0 points are set in the protocol for checking the answers). When evaluating an essay, its volume is also taken into account. The test takers are recommended to be at least 200 words long. If the essay contains less than 150 words (the word count includes all words, including official ones), then such work is considered uncompleted and is estimated at 0 points.

The examination work takes 235 minutes.

In 2018, the Ministry of Education is not planning radical changes in the structure of testing in literature for ninth-graders.

The school administration can leave the student for the second year if he refused to pass the final state certification. Without passing the test, a certificate for grade 9 will not be issued. Also, ninth graders will receive three attempts to pass the exams.

GIA for Literature 2018 one of those subjects of the school curriculum that is not very popular among schoolchildren. Literature is not a compulsory subject for the exam, but students may well choose a discipline as an additional exam.

The examination results are not included in the certificate for the nine-year education.

The test procedure will change quite seriously. Now all schoolchildren will have to take exams after nine grades. Also, it will be allowed to choose for the examination, any disciplines from the list approved by the Ministry of Education. It is noteworthy that life safety and physical education will be included in this list.

Next year, it is planned to leave the Russian language and mathematics as compulsory exams, and the student himself must decide on the subjects of the remaining tests. Those students who became winners in the Olympiads or took a prize place are exempted from the GIA in this discipline.

In addition, amendments will be made regarding obtaining a certificate. If earlier the document was issued to schoolchildren only upon successful passing of all state exams, now it will be enough to pass the compulsory subjects at the mark “satisfactory”.

The system for evaluating work performed will also change significantly. For this, a new federal scale of points will be developed, which will be unified.

The structure of the tasks of the GIA 2018 for literature

GIA for literature occupies a special place among the examinations in other disciplines. The peculiarity is that KIMs on the subject contain only four questions, which are divided into two parts.

The main group of tasks consists of 3 questions, and the answers to them include the analysis of a poem or a passage of your choice.

The second group is represented by one question, in which it is necessary to write an essay in volume at least two hundred words on one of the four topics provided. Topics are selected based on the school curriculum.

Composition GIA 2018

The last KIM's literature assignment requires writing an essay. It is extremely important to cope with the task, since it is for it that the maximum number of points is awarded.

To write an essay the way you need it, it's worth getting to know typical mistakes that students admit.

First of all, you should avoid retelling and presenting unnecessary information. The text should be clearly structured and the arguments presented to support the point of view should be reasoned. The student should adhere to the following essay plan:

  • introduction - formulation of the problem;
  • the main part is the argumentation of their point of view regarding the problem of writing;
  • conclusion - a short conclusion from the text.

Categories of applicants for GIA in literature

Next year, all schoolchildren will be required to take the state exam after the ninth grade. With regard to literature, this discipline will remain solely for the students to choose.

At the disposal of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, categories of adolescents are determined who can register for the state exam. These may be students who have not achieved a passing grade in past years. Also, those students who have marks not lower than "satisfactory" in all disciplines have the right to apply.

According to the order, those students who have a mark "unsatisfactory" in one subject of the school curriculum are admitted to the examination, but this subject is included in the list of state exams to be taken.

At the moment, the schedule for the examination has not yet been approved. We follow the latest news.

How to become a member of the GIA 2018

In order to become a participant in the final test, a student must register. To do this, a teenager must personally fill out and personally submit an application in a unified form to the commission at the place of his study.

The application is submitted in writing and it contains all the data of the student and the list of subjects that will be taken. The document must be submitted and registered until February 1.

In the event that there are reasons why the student is not able to take any subject, then he has the right to submit an additional document indicating these reasons, as well as attach to the application the relevant medical certificates or other official acts justifying the re-application.

Such an application must be submitted no later than per month before the state examination.

Early submission of the GIA for literature in 2018

Several years ago, only those students who had good reason... These schoolchildren included: adolescents who participated in sports at the federal level; children who have had serious illnesses and are being treated; students who went to study abroad.

This option for passing the test made it possible to pass all the exam on time and get free time in the future, in order to pay more attention to admission to further education (if such is included in the plans).

The disadvantage is also quite significant. An early examination can negatively affect the results of the GIA in literature. This is due to the fact that schoolchildren will have to combine schooling with preparation for the exam, which will become an additional burden on the child's body.

GIA Literature Demo 2018

Enough good stuff to prepare for the exam, it is considered demo version of GIA for literature 2018 FIPI. This manual represents the tasks that were presented at the state examination of the past time periods. It is worth noting that the assignments do not fully coincide with the exam assignments. As a rule, the demo version includes options for questions that contain data similar to those that will be on state certification.

In order for this manual to make it possible to carry out high-quality training, the codifiers of the KIMs of the official tasks of the state examination were taken as the basis for the demonstration options.

On our website you can download the latest demos to prepare for the literature exam.

Additional information about GIA 2018

As with all disciplines, you must take your passport, pen, registration form and answer form for literature. If necessary, it is allowed to bring medicines and food with you. All other personal items, for example, Cell Phones, are left in a place specially designated for these purposes.

Also, it is not allowed to use various reference books, except for the permitted ones.

On literature, the student has the right to use the full texts of works of fiction and collections of poetry. List of works approved in accordance with the course of the school curriculum.

In order for the results of the literature exam to be counted, the student must type not less than 7 points, which equates to a triple. For a score of "5" you should get at least 23 points.

The student has the right to appeal the results of the GIA. This is possible in two cases. First of all, a student has such a right when he does not agree with the results of the examination. For this, in four days, the student must write an appeal and apply to the conflict commission with a request to re-check his work.

In the second case, the student has the right to appeal if the organizers violated the examination procedure itself and the student did not get the opportunity to fully pass the exam. In this case, the complaint is filed after the fact, namely, without leaving the audience.

The conflict commission may refuse to appeal on the grounds that the student himself was a participant in violations in the exam or the complaint contains claims regarding the form and content of the tasks.

How to prepare for GIA 2018 by literature

Preparation for the GIA on literature 2018 requires not only the application of some effort, but also drawing up a plan. It is these factors that determine how successfully the state exam will be passed. It is extremely important to decide on what materials will be used in the preparation. Here, specially designed manuals such as the demo version of the GIA or online tests GIA for literature. Also, you can take into account the following list of references:

  1. Preparation for the OGE in 2016. Literature. Diagnostic work. FSES, 2016 Novikova L.V. - the manual is compiled in order to help the student develop practical skills when working with exam questions.
  2. OGE 2016. Literature. Typical test tasks, 2016 Kuzanova O.A. - the brochure includes 12 tasks with answers necessary to prepare for the GIA in literature.
  3. OGE 2015. Literature, 2016 Erokhina E.L. - a set of standard tasks for literature.
  4. OGE-2016. Literature. 20 options for examination papers to prepare for the main state exam in grade 9, 2015 - Zinina E.A., Fedorov A.V. - a manual for preparing for the GIA, contains 20 tasks in literature.

All of these manuals and brochures can be purchased at any specialized store or download the book on the official website.

Also, a demo version of the GIA for literature can be downloaded on the official website of the FIPI in the Open Bank of Assignments. This bank contains all the tasks for the GIA for previous years, and any schoolchild can download all the necessary materials there.

It is imperative to prepare for the exam psychologically. Undoubtedly, for any teenager, passing exams is a serious stress. To avoid difficulties during the exam, the student is required to tune his brain to a positive outcome of the test and to believe in himself.

Parents will need maximum support, creating the necessary conditions for preparing, and monitoring their child's sleep and nutrition.

Statistics for passing the GIA on literature for past years

Statistical data for past years show that about a quarter of students were able to write works at the maximum mark, and about 36% ... About 8% schoolchildren could not get a passing grade.

Exam Schedule