Topic: “Two lives, two destinies.” (Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, the heroes of the story “Taras Bulba” by Nikolai Gogol). Comparative description of Ostap and Andriy from the story "Taras Bulba"

COMPOSITION: Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

Ostap and Andrii are one of the main characters in the work "Taras Bulba" written by Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba, Andriy the youngest. They are Cossacks. At the beginning of the work, they returned home to their father and mother from a theological school (bursa). Gogol writes: “These were two stalwart fellows who still looked sullenly like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor. Despite the fact that Ostap and Andrii are siblings, significant differences are periodically encountered in their characters.

Andriy is prone to ostentatious luxury, while Ostap is simple in everything that concerns life. Andrii is also sure that personal desires and aspirations are more important in the world, and Ostap highly values ​​the sense of camaraderie, is talented, mature, wise, infinitely loves his homeland ... Andrii is secretive, but he respects his father. Ostap is honest, sincere in the manifestation of his feelings, straightforward, kind. In battle, Andriy is passionate, reckless, brave. Ostap is cold-blooded, confident, knows how to lead. Andrii is ready to submit to his father's water, and Ostap turns to his father for moral support.

Despite the differences in character, both the life of Ostap and the life of Andriy
ends tragically. Taras Bulba kills Andriy, his youngest son, for betrayal, and Ostap, his eldest son, dies as a true Cossack as a result of execution.

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

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(based on the story of N. V. Gogol "Taras Bulba")

Option 1

Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" is an epic story about the glorious heroic past of the Ukrainian Cossacks, their struggle against the Polish gentry. This is a sad story about Taras Bulba, his sons Ostap and Andriy, about many other Cossacks who left their homes and created the Zaporozhye Sich - a powerful military camp.

Taras Bulba had two sons. The main thing for a father is that his sons fight bravely, always defend their honor, stand up for the faith of Christ, and if otherwise, then let them at least disappear! The eldest son embodies the continuation of heroic traditions, the folk, national path of an irreconcilable struggle for the freedom and independence of Ukraine, and the younger expresses an anti-national tendency towards rapprochement with feudal Poland. The situation depicted by Gogol corresponded to the historical truth.

The fate of Ostap reflected the fact that the feudal-royal Rzeczpospolita carried the enslavement of the Ukrainian people, suppressing their struggle with a superior military force. Ostap, like his father, frankly and selflessly loves his homeland, remains sacredly loyal to the Cossack brotherhood and public duty. Ostap looks menacing and courageous, one can feel inner strength in him. To him - a stern, courageous and unyielding warrior, “it seemed that the battle path and the difficult knowledge to carry out military affairs were written in his family”.

Ostap was always cold-blooded and never lost. For twenty-two years, he could foresee and measure the danger in order to better overcome it later. In Ostap, the features of the future leader are noticeable. The author compares Ostap with a giant, because giants, heroes have always been the defenders of their native land. The greatness of Ostap's soul lies in loyalty to the Zaporozhye ideals: to die for his native land.

Andrii is an individualist and egoist in his mental disposition. He was distinguished by delicacy, passion, ardor of feelings prevailing over reason.

Andriy's facial features are youthfully gentle, soft. “Andrii ... did not know what it meant to ponder ... or measure his own or other's forces. He saw frantic bliss and rapture in battle ... ”He was a hot-tempered young man, he did what the cold-blooded and reasonable Ostap would never have done, and worked miracles in battle.

Passion for beauty, grace of speech, education of the voivodship's daughter, tinsel brilliance of Polish aristocratic culture leads him to a break with the traditions of his people, to betrayal of his fatherland.

The writer did not hide the sincerity and depth of Andriy's love for the Polish lady, but did not justify, but accused him and showed that, having preferred the feeling of love over civic responsibilities, he failed to rise above the level of an ordinary person. For the sake of personal feelings, he is able to abandon his father, comrades and homeland.

Gogol compares the brothers, showing them clearly, emphasizing heroic service to the common good in one brother and individualism in the other. In the image of Ostap, Gogol embodied courage, strength and courage, love for the motherland and freedom, hatred for the enemy - best qualities, inherent in the selfless defender of the native land. The image of Andrii is sharply isolated in the story. He is opposed to the people's character, and his shameful death is a necessary moral retribution for betrayal, betrayal of the public cause.

Option 2

Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" reveals before us the pages of bygone days from the history of the Ukrainian people. It was a harsh and difficult time, which forged the powerful characters of the people's defenders - the Zaporozhye Cossacks. Their images embody the ideal of a warrior - a freedom-loving, with a broad and pure soul, selflessly devoted to his homeland and comrades in arms.

Writer in bright colors describes the images of glorious warriors, but Special attention he gives to the sons of the old Cossack Bulba.

We meet Ostap and Andriy at the very beginning of the story, when they come home after graduating from the Kiev Bursa. There passed the period of their maturity, the formation of characters.

Ostap ran away from the seminary several times, but he was returned again. And only the threat of his father to imprison him in a monastery and not let him go to the Sich kept the guy in the bursa. His character hardened from the beatings, became harder and more severe. "Ostap was always considered one of the best comrades." He was one of the first in all undertakings, but "never, in any case, did not betray his comrades."

The younger, Andrii, “had feelings a little more lively and somehow more developed”. He studied more willingly than his brother, was resourceful and often dominated his friends in various events. But if Ostap “was harsh towards other motives, except for war and a riotous revelry,” then Andriechva's soul “was available to other feelings as well.” After studying for the brothers, a Cossack life began. They quickly gained love among the Cossacks with their youthful energy and courage. And soon the opportunity turned up for them to show themselves in the battle against the Poles. It was written to Ostap "to do military affairs".

Without getting lost, assessing the danger with composure, he immediately found a way to evade it, so that later it would be more accurate to hit the enemy. Andrii was in no way inferior to his brother, and Bulba was happy looking at his sons. It seemed that both of them deserved that the old Cossack was proud of them. But Andrii succumbed to his weakness. He was always attracted by women, and, having fallen in love with a Polish woman, he abandoned his homeland, his father, and his comrades. “My homeland is you! - he says to the lady. - And I will sell everything that is, I will give it, I will ruin it for such a fatherland! ”

Andriy's act is cowardly and there is no excuse for him. He could not fight his passions and went to the worst sin - betrayal. The father himself kills him, because such a person has no forgiveness. Ostap, on the other hand, dies like a hero - the Poles will execute him. Before the execution, he behaves with dignity, and “not a cry, not a groan” was heard from him.

Revealing the characters of the brothers, N. V. Gogol shows two people who already belong to different eras. Ostap embodied the features of the heroic past, he is harsh and devoted. And the faint-hearted Andrii is already close to a more sophisticated era. The love of a woman for him is more important than duty and honor.

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Ostap Andriy
Basic qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual for beauty and has a delicate taste.
Character Stone. Refined, flexible.
Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, loyal, courageous. Brave, brave.
Attitude towards traditions Follows tradition. Takes over ideals from elders unquestioningly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions.
Moral Never hesitates when choosing duty and feelings. Feelings for the Pole overshadowed everything and he began to fight for the enemy.
World view The world is simple and harsh.
Interest in "stranger" (foreign) Not interested in politics, the opinion of "outsiders". Sensitive to the “other”.
Epoch Heroic, primitive era. Refined civilization and culture. War and robbery have been replaced by trade and politics.
Relationship in the family Imitates his father. Mommy's joy.
Place of study Kiev Bursa.
Studies He did not like to study, he often ran away. After receiving punishment from his father, he became one of the best students. Andriy is easily given knowledge without much stress.
Attitude towards punishment He does not avoid punishment, he himself lies on the floor and suffers blows. Never gave up friends. Twisted to avoid punishment.
Dreaming About exploits and battles.
Thoughts on a trip to the Zaporizhzhya Sich Thinks about battles, dreams of exploits. I was thinking about meeting a Polish woman in Kiev, I could not forget my feelings for her.
Battle behavior Cold-bloodedly calculates the threat, behaves calmly and judiciously. Can find a way out of a difficult situation, and usefully. Dives completely into the battle, while forgetting about everything. Enjoys the battle, unafraid, rushes to hell. Intoxicated by the clink of weapons, the glitter of sabers and the whistle of bullets.
Thoughts during the siege in Dubna About war. About the mother.
Attitude towards comrades Along with their father, they are the most precious thing there is. Renounced them, family and homeland for the sake of love.
Father's relationship to son Father's pride. A true Cossack. Shame on my father. Traitor son.
Doom He was tortured with terrible torment, but he did not say anything. Enemies executed him. Killed by my father.
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  • Topic: "Two lives, two destinies."
    (comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, the heroes of Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba").

    Lesson objectives:

      Educational: teach to compose a characterization of the hero and find means of its disclosure;

      Developing : teach to work with a table, independently work with a textbook, teach to think, compare, draw conclusions;

      the development of the ability to find in the literary text the material necessary to characterize the hero, the ability to show the attitude of the author, his position in the text;

      Educational : to foster love for the history of the Motherland, a sense of patriotism and national pride;

      learn tolerance.

    Lesson Objectives:

    1. Develop the concept of a literary hero

    2. Show the features of the image of a person in the story

    N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba".

    3. To help students comprehend the originality of the conflict in the story.

    4. To instill the skills of independent work with the text.

    5. Improve your text analysis skills.

    6. To develop the oral language of students.

    7. Using the example of Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" to educate

    feelings of patriotism, responsibility for their actions,


    8. Have students should understand that a writer using various

    literary techniques shows the reader that it is impossible

    make an unambiguous and uncompromising judgment about a person.


    1. Texts of the story "Taras Bulba" by NV Gogol.

    2. Comparative table "Characteristics of Ostap and Andriy".

    3. Multimedia projector.

    4. Screen.

    5. Presentation on the topic "Characteristics of a literary hero".

    6. Music for relaxation.

    During the classes:

    Lesson steps

    Notes (edit)


    Organizing time.

    Greetings, check of readiness for the lesson.


    Learning new material.

    Announcement of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

    Before we write down the topic of the lesson, I want you to guess, whose image is this?

    <…> <…>

    -It seemed to him that the battle path and the difficult call to carry out military affairs were written<…>

    Who do you think we are going to talk about today in the lesson? What is the topic of the lesson? (Answer)

    The topic of our lesson today is "Two Lives, Two Fates." Write down the number, subject. What tasks will we set for the lesson?

    Compare the main characters of the story;

    Find, what are the similarities and differences between the brothers;

    We will answer the problematic question - why did Andrii betray the Fatherland? We will try to answer this question with you at the end of the lesson.

    Slides 1, 2, 3

    Reading by 1 student

    Reading by 2 students

    Record number, topic


    We learn about the hero of the story by his actions, from the stories of the author.

    And let's remember with you - What is patriotism? Who do we call a patriot? Who do you know from history? Who sacrificed their lives for the homeland? What war did Nikolai Gogol devote his story to?

    Who is a literary hero? What is an image? Let's turn to the dictionary. You have a dictionary of literary terms on your table. Find a definition of what is a literary hero? What is an image?

    Literary hero- this is the protagonist, the character of a literary work.

    Image- a complete whole, the totality of all characteristics and actions

    When characterizing, we will have to pay attention to common features of heroes and differences between them, read out snippets of text. The characteristic will be drawn up in the form of a table. The plan of the table lies on our tables.

    Writing in a notebook.

    Drawing up a table.

    1st group: characteristic of Ostap.

    Group 2: characteristic of Andria.

    Table layout:

    1. Appearance.

    2. Attitude towards learning?

    3. Character?

    4. Youthful dreams?

    5. Behavior during combat?

    6. Attitude towards the partnership?

    7. Closeness to parents?

    8. Attitude to personal happiness?

    9. Similarities?

    10. What are the differences?

    Working in groups

    Comparative signs



    1) appearance

    “… Two hefty fellows who were still watching seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were

    the razor did not touch. "

    sullenly as recently

    graduated seminarians,

    covered with the first down of hair,

    the razor hasn't touched yet. "

    2) attitude towards learning

    “… In the first year I was still running. They brought him back, whipped him terribly and threw him behind a book. Four times he buried the primer in the ground, and four times, having tore it off inhumanly, they bought a new one. " Taras threatened to leave his son in the monastery ministers if he did not learn all the sciences, only after that Ostap began to study.

    “He studied more willingly and without stress ...

    He was more resourceful than

    his brother…"

    3) character

    Outwardly severe, restrained, but sympathetic in soul. Clear mind, strong will, honesty, courage, restraint.

    Sensitive, gentle, but

    a little sympathetic.

    4) youthful dreams

    He dreamed of becoming a real Cossack and going to the Zaporozhye Sich.

    Boiled on one side

    thirst for achievement, but sometimes

    loved to dream and

    wander alone around

    streets of Kiev.

    5) behavior during combat

    Patriotism, hatred of the enemy, heroism.

    Boastfulness, betrayal.

    6) attitude towards the partnership

    Until the last minute of his life he remained a real comrade.

    Betrayed his comrades when he saw

    hunger, poverty, human suffering

    the besieged city; frivolity, aimlessness of life.

    7) closeness to parents

    Closer to father

    Closer to mother

    8) attitude towards personal happiness

    I have never strived for personal happiness.

    I dreamed of personal happiness.

    9) similarities

    One family; environment; upbringing

    10) traits of difference

    Appearance, character, behavior in battle; attitude towards people, the last day of life.


    Imagine "Favorite Vacation Location" - relaxation music.

    The guys take a comfortable position, if they wish, they can close their eyes and present their favorite resting place to the music. The music dies down, the students return to their usual state, and rested, continue to work in the lesson.

    Checking the table.

    Discussion of the problematic issue.

    Why is Andrii going to the besieged city?

    Why did the young man betray his homeland?

    Did the hero cheat on himself?

    (Slide 7)

    What qualities should a person who loves his homeland have, who is faithful to it?

    Write down in a notebook the keywords with which you associate the images of Ostap and Andriy?

    Students answer:

    Andriy's feelings for the girl revived and overshadowed his reason, this choice inevitably leads to betrayal.

    Andrii not only loves the Pole, but also feels a "reverent fear" in front of her; he loses his will and no longer belongs to himself - he is ready to destroy himself for the sake of love. This means that the young man is ready to sacrifice everything: family, faith, comrades, fellow countrymen. I believe that he betrayed his Motherland, because he loved recklessly ...

    Andrii entered into a tragic conflict with everyone, but he did not betray himself, this is a choice that has become a tragedy; this conflict could not have been resolved otherwise than by the death of the hero.

    Conclusion on the topic of the lesson: Gogol condemns Andria for treason. Andrii dies, according to the author, "ingloriously, like a mean dog." Ostap evokes the author's deep sympathy and love. Gogol paints him as an epic hero, defender of the Motherland, compares him to a lion, says that "a battle path was written for him in his family and the difficult knowledge of doing military affairs." As in Taras Bulba, Ostap embodies the best traits of a Russian man who is ready to die for his Motherland.


    What was the prevailing mood?

    Which hero is closer to you and why?

    What conclusions can you apply in modern life? ( Slide 8)

    Seventh graders answer questions at will.

    Self-esteem. Fill in the cards.

    Fill in.

    Homework. To choose

      Answer the question in writing:

    Why did N.V. Gogol show the sons of Taras Bulba with such different fates?

      Draw pictures: the image of Ostap or Andriy.

      P. 210 question number 3. (orally)

    "My self-esteem and assessment of the group's work"

    Questions to the student

    The answer is "Yes"

    The answer is "No"

    Was I active in the lesson?

    Were my answers original?

    Have I contributed to the work of the group?

    Did I feel the support of my group?

    Was it interesting and informative to work in my group?

    Comparative signs


    1) appearance

    2) attitude towards learning

    3) character

    4) youthful dreams

    5) behavior during combat

    6) attitude towards the partnership

    7) closeness to parents

    8) Death of heroes

    9) similarities

    10) traits of difference

    Comparative signs


    1) appearance

    2) attitude towards learning

    3) character

    4) youthful dreams

    5) behavior during combat

    6) attitude towards the partnership

    7) closeness to parents

    8) Death of heroes

    9) similarities

    10) traits of difference

    - "Ahead of the others, a knight of all the bravest, the most beautiful, rushed. So black hair flew from under his copper cap; an expensive scarf, sewn by the hands of the first beauty, was twisted around his hand.<…>And he meanwhile, enveloped in the ardor and heat of battle<…>rushed like a young greyhound dog, the most beautiful, fastest and youngest of all in the pack (Andriy)

    It seemed to him that the battle path and the difficult call to carry out military affairs were written in his family<…>The already tested confidence now began to signify his movements, and in them the inclinations of the future leader could not but be noticeable. His body breathed strength, and his knightly qualities had already acquired the broad strength of a lion. "(Ostap)

    The main character of the story, Taras Bulba, had two sons - Ostap and Andriy. The old colonel loved both of them equally, cared and worried about them. However, after certain events, his attitude towards children changes. The main reason for this development of the plot was that the characters of the sons were different. In the text of the story "Taras Bulba", the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy are given rather voluminously. The reader can learn not only about life on the Setch, but also briefly plunge into the past of these heroes. These two heroes, on the one hand, are incredibly different from each other, and on the other hand, they are very similar. That is why it is interesting to compare, compare Ostap and Andriy.

    The author introduces us to the brothers when they came to visit their father and mother after completing their studies at the Kiev seminary. They are wearing a ridiculous outfit, which is what the father notes. The elder, Ostap, was offended by such words, so he wants to settle the dispute with his fists. Taras Bulba willingly becomes a participant in a petty scuffle: he wants to check whether his son will really stop at nothing to defend his own point of view. Ostap lives up to his father's expectations, after which the "fight" ends with a family hug. Andriy does not show himself in any way in this scene. “And you, beibas, why are you standing and dropping your hands? "- Taras asks him. But Bulba's wife intervenes in the dialogue, and the conversation turns into another channel.

    In the conversation at the table, we are talking about the time in the seminary, namely about the punishment with rods. Ostap does not want to talk about it, while Andriy is determined to strike back if this situation repeats itself. In these two small episodes, an important thing can be traced: Ostap is more judicious and calmer than Andria, the younger son, on the contrary, thirsts for exploits.

    Seminary training

    On the way to the Zaporizhzhya Sich, it tells about the time when Ostap and Andriy were students at the Kiev seminary. The eldest son was not distinguished at first by special zeal. He escaped four times, he would have escaped the fifth, but Taras frightened his son with the fact that for the next escape he would send him to the monastery. Bulba's words had a strong effect on Ostap. After a while, thanks to his perseverance and willpower, he became on a par with the excellent students. You might think: what's wrong with that - I read the textbook and did a couple of tasks. But in those days, education was very different from modern education. Gogol says that the knowledge gained could not be applied anywhere, and scholastic teaching methods left much to be desired.

    Ostap loved to participate in squabbles and various jokes. He was often punished, but he never betrayed his “accomplices”. Ostap was a good friend. Resilience and toughness in the youth were brought up thanks to punishments in the form of blows with rods. Later, it was these qualities that made Ostap a glorious Cossack. Ostap "was harsh towards other motives, except for war and a riotous revelry."
    Andriy's studies were easier. We can say that he did not put much effort, although he readily studied. Just like Ostap, Andriy loved all kinds of adventures, only he managed to avoid punishment thanks to his ingenuity. All kinds of feats were in Andriy's dreams, but still most of the dreams were occupied by the feeling of love. Andrii discovered the need to love in himself early. The young man diligently concealed this from his comrades, "because in that century it was a shame to think of a Cossack about woman and love" before he tasted the battle.

    Love experiences

    Andrii falls in love with a beautiful panna, whom he accidentally meets on the street. The line of relations between a Cossack and a Polish woman is the only love line in the work. Andrii is shown not so much as a Cossack, but as a knight. Andrii wants to throw everything at the girl's feet, give himself up, do as she tells.

    Under the city of Dubno, where the Cossacks settled, deciding to starve out the city, Andria is found by a Tatar woman - the servant of the Polish lady, the one with whom Andriy fell in love in Kiev. Knowing that stealing in the Cossack environment is considered a serious violation, the young man, on pain of death, pulls out a bag of food from under Ostap, who has fallen asleep on it. This was done in order to prevent the beloved and her family from starving to death.

    Because of feelings, Andriy decides on an incredibly strong, possibly reckless act. The young man renounces all the Cossacks, from his native land and the Christian faith in order to stay with her.


    It is important to mention how the young people showed themselves in the Sich. They both liked the Cossack prowess and the atmosphere of freedom that prevailed. Not much time passed before the sons of Taras Bulba, who had recently arrived at the Sich, began to fight on a par with the experienced Cossacks. Analytical skills came in handy for Ostap: he could assess the level of danger, knew the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy. Blood was boiling in Andriya, he was fascinated by the “music of bullets”. Kozak, without hesitation, rushed into the epicenter of events and did things that others simply would not have done.

    Both of them were appreciated and respected by other Cossacks.


    The death of both heroes is shown through the prism of Bulba's perception. He kills Andriy, but does not bury him according to Cossack customs: "they will bury him without us ... he will have mourners." For the execution of Ostap Bulba avenges the burned cities and the war.

    From the characteristics of Ostap and Andriy, it is clear that these characters differ from each other, but here we cannot say that one was better and the other worse. They both had values ​​that the Cossacks were willing to defend. Andria's transition to the side of the Poles does not mean at all about his weakness, and the fact that Ostap did not try to escape from captivity is about his lack of initiative.

    Thanks to the analysis of the characteristics of Ostap and Andrii from the story "Taras Bulba", it is clear that these young people were worthy sons of their father. This comparison will be useful for pupils of 6-7 grades when preparing an essay on the topic "Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy from Gogol's story" Taras Bulba "

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