Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy. Analysis of the story "Taras Bulba"

Ostap Andriy
Basic qualities An impeccable fighter, a reliable friend. Sensual for beauty and has a delicate taste.
Character Stone. Refined, flexible.
Traits Silent, reasonable, calm, courageous, straightforward, loyal, courageous. Brave, brave.
Attitude towards traditions Follows tradition. Takes over ideals from elders unquestioningly. He wants to fight for his own, not for traditions.
Moral Never hesitates when choosing duty and feelings. Feelings for the Pole overshadowed everything and he began to fight for the enemy.
World view The world is simple and harsh.
Interest in "stranger" (foreign) Not interested in politics, the opinion of "outsiders". Sensitive to the “other”.
Epoch Heroic, primitive era. Refined civilization and culture. War and robbery have been replaced by trade and politics.
Relationship in the family Imitates his father. Mommy's joy.
Place of study Kiev Bursa.
Studies He did not like to study, he often ran away. After receiving punishment from his father, he became one of the best students. Andriy is easily given knowledge without much stress.
Attitude towards punishment He does not avoid punishment, he himself lies on the floor and suffers blows. Never gave up friends. Twisted to avoid punishment.
Dreaming About exploits and battles.
Thoughts on a trip to the Zaporizhzhya Sich Thinks about battles, dreams of exploits. I was thinking about meeting a Polish woman in Kiev, I could not forget my feelings for her.
Battle behavior Cold-bloodedly calculates the threat, behaves calmly and judiciously. Can find a way out of a difficult situation, and usefully. Dives completely into the battle, while forgetting about everything. Enjoys the battle, unafraid, rushes to hell. Intoxicated by the clink of weapons, the glitter of sabers and the whistle of bullets.
Thoughts during the siege in Dubna About war. About the mother.
Attitude towards comrades Along with their father, they are the most precious thing there is. Renounced them, family and homeland for the sake of love.
Father's relationship to son Father's pride. A true Cossack. Shame on my father. Traitor son.
Doom He was tortured with terrible torment, but he did not say anything. Enemies executed him. Killed by my father.
  • "He was harsh on other motives, besides war and wild revelry, at least he almost never thought about anything else."
  • “Oh, yes, this will eventually be a good colonel! She-she, there will be a kind colonel, and even one that will plug the old man in the belt! "
  • "His younger brother, Andrii, had feelings a little more lively and somehow more developed."
  • “And this is good, the enemy would not have taken him, soldier; not Ostap, but a kind, kind warrior. "

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy

Andriy is the youngest son of Taras Bulba. Together with his older brother Ostap, he graduated from the Kiev course, where he studied willingly, without effort, dreamed of exploits and battles. He was more inventive than his brother, he knew how to dodge punishment.
Unlike Ostap, Andriy was more attached to a peaceful life, full of various pleasures. From an early age, he began to feel the "need for love." It is love that makes Andria commit a crime, go over to the side of the enemy. For him, a beautiful lady becomes the embodiment of love: “Who said that my motherland is Ukraine? Who gave it to me in my homeland? The Fatherland is what our soul is looking for, what is dearer to it than everything. You are my fatherland! ... and I will sell everything that is, I will give it, I will ruin it for such a fatherland! "Andriy was ready to serve the lady to the last drop of blood. Because of love, the Cossack betrays his homeland: “What about my father, comrades and homeland? So if so, here's what: I have no one! Nobody, nobody! " ... Andrii gave up his homeland, loyalty to his people, father and brother.
Andrii begins to fight on the side of the enemy against his yesterday's friends and comrades. Death is a worthy punishment for a person who has committed such a betrayal. Taras kills his son and looks for a long time at the “lifeless corpse” of Andriy, who “was beautiful and dead”. Andrii died for his love, his fate was tragic.

Ostap is the eldest son of Taras Bulba. Together with his younger brother, he graduated from the Kiev Academy. Knowledge was given to Ostap with difficulty, only under the threat of his father he remained in the academy.
Soon Ostap became one of the best in the academy. He was always considered a good friend and was unanimously loved for this. He was straightforward with equals. He had kindness in his heart and was moved by the tears of a poor mother. After graduation, Ostap and his brother came home. Both are young and beautiful, went with their father to the Zaporozhye Sich. Ostap all the time thought about battles, dreamed of feats of arms, wanted in no way to yield to his father, who was glorified in battles.
At 22, he was amazingly cold-blooded, he could always soberly assess the danger. Ostap was never at a loss, he was not embarrassed in battle. The body of a young Cossack breathed a fortress, and the knightly qualities acquired the strength of a lion. The Cossacks quickly appreciated strength, courage, dexterity, courage in battle. Even Taras Bulba said that in time a good colonel would come from Ostap.
Ostap remained faithful to his homeland, to his home until the end of his life. Even in captivity, when he was subjected to terrible tortures, he did not say a word, nor a cry, nor a groan escaped from his tortured chest.
He died as a faithful son of his homeland.

Comparative characteristics of Ostap and Andriy. Two brothers, two fates, two characters. Such similar and such different lives. In the work "Taras Bulba" Ostap and Andriy have the same childhood. They are brothers. The boys played the same games. They had a meadow behind their house - a training ground for children's games. Since the father was often not at home, the boys were raised by their mother. The youngest Andrii was my mother's joy, in contrast to Ostap, who strove in everything to be like his father, like Taras.

The boys received the same education. Taught in battles, Taras Bulba understood that sons should learn. Therefore, he sent them to Bursa. There, the boys showed themselves in different ways. Andriy studied easily, without stress. If Andrii was guilty and this was to be followed by punishment, then he dodged in every possible way, twisted himself, just to avoid it. Ostap, on the other hand, disliked studying. He ran away.

I buried my primer four times. When punished, he himself lay down on the floor and suffered blows without asking for mercy. Ostap never betrayed his comrades, for this everyone loved him unanimously. After the order of his father, Ostap began to study hard and achieved his goal, becoming one of the best. After graduating from the seminary, without having stayed at home for several days, Ostap and Andriy with their father went to the Zaporozhye Sich. Zaporizhzhya Sich is a place where initiative, a sense of responsibility, courage and other qualities necessary for a real Cossack are developed. And in the Sich Ostap and Andrii were completely different. The Cossacks accepted them as equals. Ostap in battle was calm, calculating, cold-blooded, prudent, knew how to calculate the danger that threatened him.

Andriy rushed headlong into the fight, forgetting about everything. He saw some kind of delightful bliss in battle. Andrii enjoyed the battle, rushing without fear into the heat. Taras Bulba was proud of his sons as never before. About Ostap, he said that he would make "Good.

Good colonel ", and from Andria:" Also good, not Ostap, but good warrior. "Taras, who learned about the intrigues of the" infidels ", decides to go to war with them. during the siege, both brothers were bored. Andriy thought about his mother, Ostap about war. Andriy did not have firm moral foundations. He went over to the side of the enemy.

Love for the Polish woman overshadowed everything. He renounced his Fatherland, his parents, and his comrades. Since he was more sensitive, he was drawn to beauty, he was softer than his comrades. For Ostap, comrades, friends, father are the most precious thing. He is devoted to them. Ostap is resolute, restrained, he fights fearlessly like a lion.

It was not for nothing that Ostap was chosen as the chieftain of the kuren. He is the pride of his father, and Andrii is a shame. In the scene of the capture, Ostap holds himself firmly, courageously. He fights back to the last, but there are too many enemies, and his strength is already running out. He was captured. Both brothers died a terrible death.

Andriy was killed by his father, for treason and betrayal. Ostap was executed. He died as a hero who endured all the torments and trials. Endured all the hardships of execution. They helped him - love for comrades and homeland. During the execution of Ostap, Taras looked with downcast eyes, but when his son needed support, he shouted: “I hear!

"This is" I hear! "- boundless love and tenderness for his son, pride, hatred for enemies, the threat of revenge. Taras Bulba accepted the death of his dear, beloved sons. The death of a true Cossack and a traitor - a son. Despite the same upbringing, the brothers lived absolutely different lives, they had different priorities and different values.

The story "Taras Bulba" was written by N.V. Gogol in 1835. His interest in the history of Ukraine (Little Russia), namely the struggle of the Zaporozhye Cossacks for independence from the Poles, prompted Gogol to write this story. His attitude to the role of Ukrainians in the political and cultural life Russia was ambiguous.
But the story "Taras Bulba" is one of Gogol's favorite works, where he showed that historical events the people can act. The writer himself wrote about the story: “Then there was a poetic time, when everything was obtained with a saber, when everyone, in turn, strove to be an actor, and not a spectator”.
Knowledge of the national character of the Cossacks, their customs helped Gogol to create vivid and expressive images of heroes. The family of Taras Bulba became this example. showed the customs and customs of the Zaporozhye Cossacks of those years.
The main character Taras Bulba was not poor and could send his children to study. He believed that children should be educated and strong. There were harsh customs in the Sich. Zaporozhye Cossacks taught their children discipline, shooting and horseback riding. But they will not be like that around their mother.
Two sons of Taras Bulba, who were brought up in the same conditions, absolutely different types... Studying was difficult for Ostap. He repeatedly escaped from the bursa. He was flogged and forced to study again. Frightened by his father's threats that he would be sent to a monastery, Ostap decided to study, but he still got the rods.
By nature, Ostap was kind, straightforward and at the same time stern and firm. He never "led others" and was a good companion. And in daring undertakings and undertakings he was always the first, and, if anything, he took all the blame on himself.
Ostap, brought up on the traditions of the Zaporizhzhya Sich, always honored them and always dreamed of becoming the successor of these traditions. Like his father, Ostap believes that it is his duty to defend his homeland, so he has no choice about who he will be. Ostap knows that his business is the business of a warrior.
Andrii was the complete opposite of his brother. He studied willingly and without stress, but he was more sensual, romantic and softer than his brother. Unlike Ostap, he loved to supervise his friends, he was drawn to feats. On the other hand, Andrii experienced some other feelings, and he left his friends and wandered alone.
Having come to the Sich after their father, they soon began to stand out "between other young people with direct prowess and good luck in everything." The father was glad that he raised his sons to match himself.
“She'll be a good colonel,” old Taras admired his son. - Yes, even one that dad will plug in the belt. This is what Taras said about his eldest son.
Ostap is the embodiment of courage, courage, love for the Motherland, close and dear people. These qualities are always inherent in selfless defenders of their homeland, and many Cossacks possessed these qualities. Each of them, risking their own lives, tried to come to the rescue of a comrade.
No wonder his father Taras Bulba, referring to his soldiers, said: "There are no bonds holier than comradeship." He called to protect not only his people, but all Christians. And Ostap, brought up by his father in the traditions of his people, who did not bow his head before the invaders, did not shame his honor and did not drop his own. He fought like a hero, next to his father and, dying, wanted his father to see that Ostap did not become a traitor. He endured all the inhuman torture, but did not flinch.
Comparing Andriya with his older brother, we consider him a traitor. His image stands apart, but this makes his fate no less tragic. Andrii fought as desperately as his brother, but without any calculation. He performed acts guided only by "passionate enthusiasm." But fate decreed otherwise. Love for the Polish lady made the youngest son of Taras Bulba a traitor. Taras could not forgive this to his son. Nothing can atone for treason, much less justify. Taras Bulba could not bear such a shame as the betrayal of his son. Andria was executed by his father himself, having said before that: "I gave birth to you, I will kill you."
Featuring two brothers in his tale

Ostap and Andriy Bulbenki are the sons of the Zaporozhye ataman Taras Bulba, the hero of the book of the same name by Nikolai Gogol.

“These were two stalwart fellows who still looked from under their brows, like recently graduated seminarians. Their strong, healthy faces were covered with the first fluff of hair that had not yet been touched by a razor. "

Sons differ from each other in character. The eldest, Ostap, is a cold-blooded and tough guy. He is selflessly devoted to his father, Zaporozhye, never changes his decisions. He studied great, but only in order to quickly get rid of the hated Bursa and get to Zaporozhye. His character is hardened by the constant rods of teachers. Girls are not interested in Ostap, although he is not devoid of human feelings.

“Ostap has always been considered one of the best comrades. He rarely led others in daring undertakings - to rob someone else's garden or vegetable garden, but he was always one of the first to come under the banner of an enterprising student, and never, in any case, betrayed his comrades. No whips and rods could force him to do it. He was harsh on motives other than war and revelry; at least I hardly ever thought about anything else. He was straightforward with his equals. He had kindness in such a form in which it could only exist with such a character and at that time. He was emotionally touched by the tears of his poor mother, and this alone embarrassed him and made him pensively lower his head. "

The second son, Andrii, is a softer person and more sensitive than Ostap. More tenderness is expressed in his features. Like his brother, he was not very interested in studying in a Bursa and the sciences divorced from life. He is more cunning than Ostap, his pride is more painful, and its outbursts can lead to acts of insane courage, like trying to crawl to the garden to a beautiful Polish woman.

“His younger brother, Andrii, had feelings a little more lively and somehow more developed. He studied more willingly and without the strain with which a heavy and a strong character... He was more resourceful than his brother; more often he was the leader of a rather dangerous enterprise and sometimes, with the help of his inventive mind, knew how to dodge punishment, while his brother Ostap, putting off all care, threw off the scroll and lay down on the floor, not thinking at all to ask for pardon. He was also seething with a thirst for achievement, but along with it his soul was available to other senses.

The need for love flared up in him vividly as he crossed eighteen years. The woman began to appear more often in his ardent dreams; he, listening to philosophical disputes, saw her every minute, fresh, black-eyed, tender. Before him continuously flashed her sparkling, resilient Persians, tender, beautiful, all naked hand; the very dress, clinging around her virgin and together powerful members, breathed in dreams of his some inexpressible voluptuousness. He carefully concealed from his comrades these movements of a passionate youthful soul, because in that century it was shameful and dishonorable to think of a Cossack about woman and love without having tasted the battle ... "

The passion for the Polish girl that gripped Andria, knightly feelings for the girl suffering in a town dying of hunger, made him a traitor to his father and brother. He abandons his family and fights against her. The feelings of his mother, father and brother do not interest him: he is seized with the conquest of the girl's hand. Andriy passes into the camp of yesterday's enemy just as easily as during his studies he gathered a mob for someone else's garden: he does not care what he is fighting for, and the battle for the interests of the girl with the prospect of possessing her attracts him more than the battle in the camp of his father.

Taras kills his son as a traitor, but until the very end Andrii feels love and passion not for his family, not for his motherland, but only for a charming girl ... Everything else has become alien to him.

“And he saw in front of him only one terrible father ... Andrii knew nothing to say and stood with his eyes sunk into the ground ...! Obediently, like a child, he dismounted from his horse and stood neither alive nor dead before Taras ... Andrii was as pale as a sheet; you could see how softly his mouth moved and how he pronounced someone's name; but it was not the name of the fatherland, or mother, or brothers - it was the name of a beautiful Polish woman .... He was also beautiful when he was dead: his courageous face, recently full of strength and charm invincible for wives, still expressed wonderful beauty ... "

“What would not a Cossack be? - said Taras, - and tall, and black-browed, and a face like a nobleman, and the hand was strong in battle! Gone, gone ingloriously, like a mean dog! "

Ostap Bulba takes pity on his brother, does not condemn, but does not justify either. He offers to bury him not as a traitor, but as a knight. But for Ostap personally, the betrayal of his comrades is inconceivable. He is one of those who rush to the aid of their own in battle, trying to gain a minute to save those who have already been raised with an ax.

The captured Ostap is executed in Poland. His brother dies in dull fear of his father. Ostap, on the other hand, calls on his father to support his spirit, for consolation at his death. He deliberately sets an example of stoicism before the mockery of the executioners:

“Ostap endured torment and torture like a giant. Neither scream nor moan could be heard even when they began to interrupt the bones on his arms and legs ... when the ladies turned their eyes away, nothing like a moan escaped from his mouth, his face did not tremble ... "

Alas, both brothers lay their heads young in a military meat grinder, this is the sad similarity of their fates. The death of both was called shameful: the death of Andriy was such for his relatives, and Ostapov - for the opponents who led him to the scaffold. Nevertheless, for those close to him, the death of Ostap was a glorious feat, and Andrii disappeared not for a penny. It is unknown whether his beautiful Polish woman cried for him at least once, whether the hussars remembered him with a kind word, for the sake of whom he chopped down his compatriots with a saber.

Synonyms (compare, contrast).

  • Compare their understanding of the term with the interpretation of the concept from “ Explanatory dictionary"S. I. Ozhegov and Dictionary of literary terms
  • Determine the role hero comparisons

(this is the way deeper comprehension of the author's intention and understanding of a work of art)

  • Analyze the stages of constructing a comparative characteristic

Introduction - defining the problem to be worked on.

The main part is a parallel comparison of the actions and actions of the heroes in similar situations or according to the same characteristics (similarities and differences of heroes). Conclusion - a conclusion based on the analysis (research) of the characters' characters.

  • An introductory reading of the memo when constructing a comparative characteristic
  1. It should be remembered that you need to demonstrate not only the ability to reflect, think and reason. You still need to clarify and convince.
  2. The writing-reasoning has a clear structure (thesis - proof - conclusion), and it must be strictly adhered to.
  3. You need to draw up an essay plan.
  4. Do not forget to logically separate the parts of your essay.
  5. Use synonyms to avoid repetition.
  6. Also, keep in mind that there are several ways to pass arguments. The use of quotations and the indication of the numbering of sentences should be used in the essay.
  • Usually, an essay - a comparative characteristic - is an essay-reasoning based on a comparison of two characters of a particular work of art

Now let's take a closer look at how to write an essay-reasoning correctly.

Parts of an essay

Put forward a thesis,full refutation or proof of which will be discussed in detail in the main part of our text.

Introduction you should start with some introductory word. However use introductory words not necessary at all. The introduction can be up to three sentences. It is also important to end the introduction correctly. With the last sentence, you need to finish the first part and start the main one. For example, the phrases "let's talk about this" or "let's figure it out" are a great logical conclusion to the introduction.

Now let's get down to writing the main part. In it, you need to prove the thesis that we put forward in the introduction. We need to give two proofs and limit ourselves to this amount. Arguments should be weighty and based on a given topic. It is necessary to design fragments from the text very competently. You can use quotes if the volume allows you to do so. As with direct speech, we place punctuation in the same way using quotation marks. If the quote is impressive, then you can take an excerpt from the cited source, enclose it in quotation marks and put an ellipsis before and after it. An ellipsis indicates that a passage began and ended in the middle of a sentence. If the passage you have chosen has a punctuation mark at the end, then also put it in the quote without ellipsis, but in quotation marks.

The third part is conclusion. Often your score depends on the ending. It is she who can spoil the whole composition, or, conversely, correct some of the inaccuracies that have been made. Like the introduction, the concluding part should not exceed the volume of the main part. For the ending, it is enough to use several sentences. In this part of the essay, it is highly desirable to use those very introductory words. The purpose the final partis to summarize the main partand the combination of the arguments given before, together. There should be no questions in the conclusion. You just need to confirm the arguments that you gave in the main part.

Essay-reasoning plan

  1. First, we write the introduction.
  2. Next, we are concerned with posing the problem.
  3. We are writing a commentary on this issue.
  4. We describe the position of the author.
  5. We express our position.
  6. We give the arguments based on the text.
  7. We write a conclusion.

2. Securing the material.

1. Comparison of Ostap and Andriy (in the table)

1. What do the heroes have in common

  • Students identify 4 similarities

(both came from the family of a Zaporozhye Cossack, both received the same education in a Bursa, both were fond of the military life and customs of the Zaporozhye Sich, both were young, distinguished by courage and dexterity).

2. How do they differ from each other


Ostap is stern-looking, courageous. - Andriy is more gentle, beautiful.

2. Attitude towards learning

Ostap was capable of learning, but had no desire to learn. - Andriy studied willingly and without stress.

3. Manifestation of character

Ostap was smart, honest, straightforward, did not know how to cheat, never let his comrades down. - Andrii is more inventive, cunning, he knew how to dodge punishment.

3. Behavior in combat

Ostap is cold-blooded and reasonable. During the battle, he weighs the position of the enemy, quickly realizes by what means to repulse the enemy. - Andriy is a hot, unbalanced person. He does not set himself a specific goal, but acts as the feeling prompts him, which prevails over his reason.

4. Attitude towards the Fatherland

Ostap was distinguished by his ardent love for his homeland, he was ready to give his life for it. - Andrii betrayed his homeland. Love for the Polish woman became dearer to him than his homeland.

5. Endurance, will

Ostap is a man of strong will, great endurance - he courageously endures inhuman torment and torture. - Andriy is a weak-willed person, he does not struggle with his feelings, but succumbs to the influence of the Pole and enemies.

  1. The author's attitude to his heroes

NV Gogol condemns Andria for treason. The hero dies, in his words, “ingloriously, like a mean dog” (p. 199).

Ostap evokes the author's deep sympathy and love. The writer portrays him as an epic hero, defender of the homeland, compares him to a lion, says that “a battle path was written for him in his family and the difficult knowledge of doing military affairs”. As in Taras Bulba, Ostap embodies the best traits of a Russian man who is ready to die for his homeland.

(along the way, material is selected for selective citation (phrases, sentences) and entered into the table)

2. Collective compilation of the introduction.

A peculiar reflection of the life of the Cossacks of Zaporozhye at the end of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th century is the story of N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". It resolves issues not only historical, but also deeply moral: about the duties of the Cossack to the fatherland, comrades, questions of duty, honor.

In solving these problems, the role of the two heroes of the story - Ostap and Andriy - is especially important. Putting them over and over again before a serious choice, the author affirms the idea that the road of honor is the road of fidelity to the duty to the motherland, the road of honor and deep patriotism (the idea of ​​the composition).