GOST requirements for aluminum doors. GOST requirements for aluminum alloys doors Features and advantages of aluminum doors

GOST 23747-88

Aluminum alloys doors

Date of introduction 1989-01-01

1. Developed
State Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning at the USSR State
Ministry of Assembly and Special Construction Works of the USSR

E.L. Vugumumov, Cand. Archite (head of the topic); P.A. Kalaide; V.V. Nynikiev; A.A.Zhirkova; O.A. Zhadkevich; M.B.Priam; V.A.Novikov; V.N.Pirov; A.A. Hayzer; V.F. Zhangetin; V.V. Moloshnikova; F.G. Danilenko; I.MKapilov; N. B. Zhukovskaya; V.P.Podubny

2. Deposited by the State Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning at the USSR State University


4. Test term - 1995; Periodicity - 5 years

5. In return GOST 23747-79

6. Reference regulatory documents

7. Reprint. January 1990

This standard applies to the door of aluminum alloys (hereinafter referred to as the door) of the climatic execution of Uhl of any category of placement, except for the fifth, according to GOST 15150-69, any group of operating conditions for products with paint and varnish coating UHL according to GOST 9.104-79. Doors are designed for installation in outdoor and internal vertical construction enclosing structures.
The standard does not apply to the doors in which aluminum alloys are not the main structural material, as well as on special purpose doors (with elevated fire safety requirements, smoke, sound and thermal insulation and tightness).

1.1. Types, dimensions, design and conditional doors set by regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

2.1. Doors must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation for the doors of specific types and on working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.
2.2. Characteristics
2.2.1. Resistance to the heat transfer of doors - SNIP II-3-79.
2.2.2. Resistance to the air permeal of doors - according to GOST 25891-83 (see Appendix 1).
2.2.3. Doors must have sufficient strength and stability in terms of transportation, installation and operation.
At the same time, they must withstand 100,000 opening and closing cycles, as well as the wind load on SNIP 2.01.07-85 and static loads in accordance with Annex 1 of this standard.
2.2.4. Details of the door designs, with the exception of the liners, should have anorthic oxide or paint-and-painted decorative coating.
The color of the coating is coordinated with the manufacturer and choose on the standards approved in the prescribed manner.
The appearance and thickness of the anode-oxide coating - respectively, according to GOST 9.301-86 and GOST 9.031-74.
The paintwork must comply with the III class according to GOST 9.032-74. The layer thickness is at least 70 microns.
There is a lack of anodogue-oxide and paint coatings in places of mechanical processing of parts on non-personal surfaces of structures and in the inner planes of parts from a hollow profile.
2.2.5. It is not allowed to apply an onoxy, zinc or cadmium coatings on the product assembled.
2.2.6. Fasteners and carbon steel parts, contacting with aluminum elements, must have a zinc or cadmium coating according to GOST 9.303-84 with a thickness of at least 9 μm.
2.2.7. The size at the height of the non-abroad bottom of the door web must be no more than 1000 mm.
2.2.8. Doors with fully glazed canvas without automatic opening, installed in places with intense human streams (train stations, airports, etc.) equipped with lattices that protect the glazing from damage.
2.2.9. The force applied to the door cannon for its opening should not exceed 50 N.
2.2.10. Fixing locking devices should ensure the impossibility of dismantling them from the outside.
2.2.11. The design of the door should exclude the possibility of dismantling the canvas or filling it from the outside.
2.2.12. The limit deviations of the sizes of the frames of the boxes and the doors are assembled with the assembled form should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. one.

Table 1

2.2.13. The path of the front surfaces of the box and the door canvas relative to each other, the installation of which is provided in the same plane, should not be more than 2.0 mm.
2.2.14. The difference between the lengths of the diagonals of the boxes and the canvas should not be more than 3 mm.
2.2.15. The difference in the facial surfaces of conjugated aluminum profiles should not exceed GOST 22233-83 tolerances on the size of the parties to the profile.
2.2.16. The gaps on the front surfaces of the structures in the locations of the details should not be more than 0.3 mm. An increase in the gap is allowed to 1.0 mm, but with subsequent sealing of the joint. The gaps in the connecting places of the linear elements of filling filling (strokes) are allowed not to be sealed.
2.2.17. The limit deviation of the cut angle with the size of the profile side of the profile up to 50 mm should not be more than ± 20 ', with the size of the cut side of the profile above 50 mm - more than ± 15'.
2.2.18. The roughness of the surfaces of profiles overlooking the front side of products and mechanically processed should be the IMM according to GOST 2789-73.
2.2.19. In places pairing the frame frame with elements of filling, as well as in the coarse, the sealing gaskets without the use of glue must be installed.
Sealing gaskets must be continuous within each side of the perimeter. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed in places of filling instead of sealing gaskets to apply sealant.
2.2.20. With the closed position of the web, the sealing gaskets in the ribs should be pressed without the gap.
2.2.21. Filling the frame of the door webcase should be installed on supporting and fixing lining, having a width of no less thickness of the filling used, a height of at least 3 mm and a length of at least 80 mm. The schemes for placing support and fixing linings under the glass are given in Appendix 2.
2.3. Requirements for materials and components
2.3.1. Door frameworks should be made from aluminum pressed profiles according to GOST 22233-83. To fulfill the requirements of this standard, profiles must be exposed to reducing the longitudinal curvature and twisting angle.
2.3.2. Fastening products (bolts, screws, nuts, washers) and hinge axis should be made from steel grades 20x13 and 12x13 according to GOST 5632-72 or other stainless steel stainless steel stamps according to GOST 5632-72.
In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer, the manufacture of fasteners and axes of loops made of steel grades 08kp, 10kp, 20kp, 10, 20, 40 according to GOST 1050-74.
2.3.3. Steel parts included in the design of the doors must be made of steel grade C235 according to GOST 27772-88 (from 01/01/89) or ST3CP2-1, welded according to GOST 535-88, as well as from steel of other brands, physical and mechanical properties which are not lower than the specified.
2.3.4. For translucent filling of the door canal frame, glass and double-glazed windows, manufactured by regulatory and technical documentation, approved in the prescribed manner should be used. In this case, the thickness of the glass should be 5-6 mm, double-glazed windows 15-28 mm.
On the shelves with solid translucent filling directly on the glazing, special decorative signs should be applied, located at an altitude of not lower than 1 m.
2.3.5. For non-transparent filling of the door cauldly frame, apply:
Sheets made from aluminum brands of AMG2, AMC according to GOST 21631-76;
Pressed profiles of constant cross section from aluminum alloy AD31 according to GOST 22233-83.
It is allowed to use other materials with a thickness of 5-6 mm from among those permitted by state sanitary supervision authorities, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
2.3.6. The support and fixing lining should be made of low pressure polyethylene of any variety according to GOST 16338-85, as well as from ozone-resistant rubber of increased hardness, wood impregnated with antiseptic, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
2.3.7. Sealing gaskets should be made of light-zonoose-resistant rubber or plastics from among the permitted state sanitary supervision authorities in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.
2.3.8. To seal joints in places of compounds of parts from aluminum alloys, the sealant of the UT-31 grade according to GOST 13489-79 or mastic on the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner, authorized by state sanitary supervision and non-corrosion of aluminum alloys should be applied.
2.3.9. Metric carving fasteners in all-in-point connections should be installed on glue brands BF-2, BF-4 according to GOST 12172-74, varnishes of grades PF-170, PF-171 according to GOST 15907-70; Marks AK113, AK113F according to GOST 23832-79 or other varnishes allowed by state sanitary supervision authorities.
2.3.10. Door devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 25979-83 and regulatory and technical documentation for specific types of instruments.
2.4. Completeness
2.4.1. The package of products is determined by the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.
Allowed devices, parts, protruding relative to the plane of the door, support and fixing lining, strokes, fastening designs are not installed, but supplied with products.
2.5. Marking
2.5.1. On the nonless surface of each product or on the tag must be applied:
trademark of the manufacturer;
brand of product;
manufacturing date;
Stamp OTV.
2.5.2. Cargo marking should be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14192-77.
2.5.3. The execution method and additional marking requirements are established in the regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.
2.6. Packaging
2.6.1. Each door with swollen canvas before packaging should be closed on the lock.
2.6.2. When laying in a container, each door or a group of doors should be wrapped in one layer of two-layer wrapping paper according to GOST 8828-75 or paraffinated paper according to GOST 9569-79 and linked with twine according to GOST 17308-88 with a pitch of 300-350 mm.
When laying in the packag of a group of doors between products, a layer of paper according to GOST 8273-75 should be laid.
2.6.3. Doors must be laid in container, protecting products from curvature and mechanical damage made on working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.
The number of products and methods for their laying in the container must ensure their safety during loading and unloading work and transportation by various types of transport.
2.6.4. Uninstalled devices or parts of instruments, headquarters and fasteners should be wrapped in a two-layer packaging paper according to GOST 8828-75 or laid in packets made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354-82 and packed in a container in conjunction with the design.
Laying parts of devices and fasteners in a separate container according to GOST 2991-85, and purchased products included in the package and not installed in the design, leave the manufacturer in packaging.
2.6.5. Each party must have an accompanying document, the form and form of which, as well as the procedure and timing of the direction of these documents to the consumer establish the terms of delivery or the contract.

3.1. Doors take parties. The party must consist of the doors of the same brand made according to one technological process. Batch volume no more than 200 pcs.
3.2. To check the compliance of products, the requirements of this standard and working drawings at the manufacturer should be carried out acceptance, periodic and typical tests.
3.3. During receiving tests, two-stage controls are used according to GOST 23616-79, for compliance with the requirements shown in PP. 2.2.4; 2.2.12-2.2.15; 2.2.18; 2.4; 2.6, for which the batch selects products to the sample in accordance with the table. 2.

table 2

3.4. Periodic tests should be subject to the product at least two years for compliance with the requirements of all clauses of this Standard, with the exception of PP. 2.2.1 and 2.2.2.
When laying doors on the production of tests, the requirements of all clauses of this standard are required.
3.5. When making changes to the design of doors or manufacturing technology, typical tests are carried out, the volume of which determines the developer of design and technological documentation.

4.1. Resistance to the heat transfer of doors (p. 2.2.1) is determined according to GOST 26254-84.
4.2. The resistance of the air permeability of the doors (p. 2.2.2) is determined according to GOST 25891-83.
4.3. Doors on static and wind loads (p. 2.2.3) are verified by the program and methods of tests approved in the prescribed manner.
4.4. The operation of moving connections (p. 2.2.3) check the control opening and closing of the doors.
4.5. Protective-decorative coating (p. 2.2.4) is checked according to GOST 9.302-79 and GOST 9.074-77.
4.6. Geometrical dimensions (PP. 2.2.7; 2.2.12-2.2.17) Check the SC-III caliper according to GOST 166-80, a tilter according to GOST 5378-66, a tape measure of the accuracy class according to GOST 7502-80, the dipstom 034-225-87 or a company template - a manufacturer approved in the prescribed manner.
4.7. The quality of the surfaces of mechanical processing profiles (clause 2.2.18) is checked by comparison with roughness standards according to GOST 9378-75.
4.8. The presence of sealing pads (clause 2.2.19) is verified visually.
4.9. The density of pressed sealing gaskets to the concaves (p. 2.2.20) is checked by the presence of a continuous trail left by the coloring agent applied to the surface of the seal.
As a dyeing substance, it should be applied chalk according to GOST 12085-73, Talc according to GOST 19729-74 or other substances that do not damaging design and easily removed after the control.
4.10. Matching brands and quality materials (PP. 2.3.1-2.3.10) are verified by certificates of manufacturers.

5.1. Transportation
5.1.1. Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the transport of goods acting in this type of transport.
5.1.2. The placement and fastening of freight locations on railway transport should be made in full compliance with the "technical conditions of loading and fastening of goods", approved by the Ministry of Sovieties of the USSR.
5.2. Storage
Products should be stored in dry ventilated rooms on wooden lining sorted by type and sizes. Between products laid in stacks should be wooden pads.

6.1. Elements of door designs and aluminum alloy fastening parts in places of adjustment to brickwork, concrete, plaster, steel, etc. Must be protected from corrosion as indicated by SNiP 2.03.11-85.
6.2. Operation of doors - according to the requirements of the passport and installation and operation instructions.

The warranty period is set in standards or regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

1 - reference lining; 2 - fixing lining; 3 - translucent filling;
4 - Nest-transparent filling

LLC "Technokom L.T.D."

"Agreed" Management of Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification of the Russian Federation Letter from "17" 10 1997 No. 13-653 "Approve"Director General "Technok L.T.D." ___________ V.V. Kovalev "20" 10 1997

Windows and doors from aluminum alloys

Technical conditions

TU 5270-001-44991977-97

Introduced for the first time

Validity period from 01.11.1997

Duration until 01/01/2000


Host Editor IPC "Publishing Standards" ___________ V.I. Cucumbers "01" October1997. Head engineer LLC "Technokom L.T.D." ___________ A.V. Khomichenko "" ______ 1997

Moscow, 1997

State Standard RussiaStandartTearsRegistered on 21.10.97 Land in the Register for
№ 200/016333

State Committee of the Russian Federation on Housing and Construction Policy

Gosstroy Russia

117987, GSP-1, Moscow, ul. Builders, 8, Corp. 2. 17.10.97 13-653 On No. F. AKS of 16.10.97 General Director of LLC "Technokom L.T." V.V. Kovalev, the management of standardization, technical rationing and certification considered presented for the purposes of certification of TU 5270-001-44991977-97 "Windows and doors from aluminum alloys" and coordinates them with a limitation of the term - 01/01/2000. Deputy Head of Technology Management V.V. Chepurkin Swedov N.V. 930-24-04 Industrial specifications apply to windows, doors and stained glass (hereinafter - products) from aluminum profile elements manufactured by LLC Technok L.T.D., ("INDINVEST", Italy), used in buildings, erected According to a typical or individual projects, and manufactured by the company. The use of products is established by the Customer (consumer), depending on the operating conditions and standards of operational characteristics in accordance with the current construction regulations and regulations, taking into account the requirements of these technical conditions and the manufacturer's recommendations. Indeed technical conditions do not apply Products working as supporting construction structures. Indeed technical conditions can be applied to certify products in the GOST R certification system in construction. Conditional designation (brand) of productsX xx x - x X / x xProduct Type: O - Window; B - balcony door; D - door; In - Stained glass window; Product Material: A - Aluminum Alloy "T" - Index Enterprise-manufacturer Module Size in height, Dumping size in width, DMNOMER ORDER / Product number in customization of the presentation of the present Supportation: Window from aluminum alloys, manufactured by Technok L.T.D. " 1620 mm high, 1580 mm wide, on request 17, the position of order 5, manufactured according to these technical conditions should be denoted: OA "T" 16-16 17/5 TU 5270-001-97

1. Technical requirements

1.1. Products must comply with the requirements of these technical conditions and manufactured by the technological regulations of the manufacturer, Type catalogs of the "INDINVEST" system and working drawings approved by the company's head. Requirements of these technical conditions comply with or exceed the requirements of GOST 21519-84 and GOST 23747-88.1. 2. Products consist of frame elements made of aluminum profiles connected by angular fasteners using screw connections and crimping the mortgage elements. The design of the products provides for a swing, suspended, folding and swivel-fold opening of the winning elements. Examples of product design schemes are given in the application. According to the consumer, other product opening systems are allowed. For glazing windows and balcony doors, one, two-chamber windows of various structures are used. Profile elements of external products for increasing thermal resistance should have a three-chamber design with thermal insulating breaks (thermal lays ). See fig. 1-4.1.3. The classification of products is accepted according to GOST 21519-84. 1.4. Main dimensions1.4.1. Overall dimensions and architectural drawing of products are established in the order (project) for the manufacture of products. Nonal dimensions of products and their elements, as well as other necessary dimensions indicate operating circuits for each specific product in accordance with the technical documentation of the "Indinvest" system. Nonal profile cross sections Must comply with the dimensions set in typical program catalogs. Maximum dimensional dimensions of windows of windows and door shells are established according to technical documentation, taking into account operational loads and requirements of construction standards and rules. 1.4.2. Limit deviations from the nominal dimensions of products should not exceed +2.0 mm. 1.4.3. The limit deviations from the nominal conjugated sizes of boxes and sash (cloths) in length and width, the size of the gaps in the grounds under the anthew, as well as the difference between the lengths of the diagonals of the sash (cloths) should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset in Table. one.

Table 1

The value of the limit deviations of the size

Nominal size in the size of the interval

Inner size of boxes

External size of sash

Diagonal length difference

Clearance in the focus under the outlook

from 500 to 1000

from 1000 to 2000

Note. The limit deviations from the nominal size of the gap in the peasant under the antimony are mounted depending on the nominal size of the length of the construct (graph 1). 1.4.4. Limit deviations from flatness of boxes, sash (cloths) should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in Table. 2.

table 2

1.4.5. The permissible limit deviations from the nominal sizes of the cross section of the profile elements are given in Table. 3.

Table 3.

Name of controlled size

Graduation of nominal sizes

The value of limit deviations

Width, height of the cross section of the sash profiles (boxes)
The thickness of the outer wall of the sash profiles and boxes
The size of the width of the groove under the sealing pads and the stroke
Other sizes
1.4.6. Defects form profile parts should not exceed the specified in Table. four.

Table 4.

1.5. Characteristics 1.5.1. The main performance characteristics of products are given in Table. five .

Table 5.

The name of indicators


The value of the indicator is not less

The reduced resistance to heat transfer:

sq.m ° C / W

with single-chamber double-glazed windows;
with a single-chamber windshirt with heat transfer coating;
with two-chamber double-glazed windows;
with a two-chamber windshirt with heat transfer coating;
Common Light Coefficient (Reference value)
Air permeability at d ro \u003d 10 pa

kg / sq.m × h

no more than 5.1


cycles opening-closing

40000 (for windows) 100000 (for doors) 300000 (for the doors of objects of high attendance)

The strength of the angular connections (reference value)
Tightness of glass packs (dew point)

not higher -45

Durability of glass packs

conditional years

Notes: 1. The values \u200b\u200bof the resistance of the heat transfer are shown for windows with the ratio of glazing area to the window area, equal to 0.7. 2. Filling a deaf part of the balcony doors should have a hermetic resistance at least 1.5 times higher than the thermal resistance of the translucent part of these products. 1.5.2. The resistance of the static load acting in the plane of the sash should be at least 1000 H.1.5.3. The resistance of the static load, acting perpendicular to the plane of the sash, should be at least 400 n, and the balcony canvas - 600 N. 1.5.4. The path of the facial surfaces (s) in the angular connections of the adjacent profiles of the boxes and the sash should not exceed 0.5 mm.1.5.5. The gaps in the fields of connection parts of the profiles should not be more than 0.2 mm. For the increase in the tightness of the seams of angular compounds is filled with sealants that do not cause corrosion of metal parts of compounds. 1.5.6. The sagging of opening elements in the assembled product should not exceed 0.5 mm per 1 M of the width. The permission of the size of the distance between the nippers of closed sash should not exceed 1 mm per 1 m length of the construct. 1.5.7. Folding profiles (cloths) must have holes for ventilation cavity between the edges of the glass accessories and the sash profiles. The diameter of the holes should be at least 5 mm. Night profiles of boxes and, if necessary, horizontal imposes should have the water-feling holes with a size of at least (5 '25) mm. Located and the location of the holes is set in the working drawings. 1.5.8. The strength of the connection of the thermal lady with aluminum parts of the profile should be not lower than the strength of the material thermal lady. 15.9. Double-glazed windows and glasses are mounted in products on rigid polymer lining. The lining structure must exclude the possibility of touching glass (double-glazing) aluminum surfaces and shift of lining during the operation of products. The lining installations must be given in the technological regulations or in working drawings. Examples of the installation of double-glazed lining depending on the opening schemes are shown in Appendix. 5.10. The installation of double-glazed windows (glass) in the framework elements of products and the sealing of the fabrics is made using elastic polymer sealing pads. The series of sealing gaskets in the outer products should be at least two. Running the gaskets should be dense, excluding water penetration.1.5.11. The angular and T-shaped connection of profiles is carried out with the help of angular and T-shaped metal fasteners connected on the tie screws. To increase the strength of the compounds, the use of weather-resistant adhesives is recommended. 15.12. The fastening steel parts coming into contact with aluminum elements should have a zinc or cadmium coating according to GOST 9.303-84 with a thickness of at least 15 μm.1. 5.13. Requirements for profile elements made of aluminum alloys should be not lower than those set in GOST 22233-94. Details of products should have an anodogue-oxide or paint-and-paint-decorative coating according to GOST 9.301-86, GOST 9.031-74. The absence of a coating in the inner planes of hollow profiles is allowed. The anodic coating mill must be at least 20 microns, and the paint coating is at least 60 μm. The focus should be resistant to the effects of climatic factors. 1.5.14. The manufacturer's enterprise must have a set of samples of standards of all types and colors of finishing coating, confirming the appearance of the appearance of the external types of products. The standard of the standard sample is coordinated by the consumer (customer) and is established in the contract (order) for the manufacture of windows.1.5.15. Locking devices should ensure reliable closing of opening items of products. Opening and closing must occur easily, smoothly, without jams. The devices and the deposits of the devices should not spontaneously move from the "open" or "closed" position .1.5.16. The design and fastening of locking devices should ensure the impossibility of opening products or dismantling items of products from the outside. 15.17. Type, quantity and location of loops and locking devices in the product are set using the estimated (computer) program of the manufacturer depending on the weight and size of opening elements, as well as the conditions of operation of a particular product. 15.18. Doors must meet the requirements for resistance to hacking set in GOST 30109- Resistance to the static load acting on shut-off devices and pens is at least 70 kgf.1.5.20. The effort applied to the flaps (canvas) of products for their opening should not exceed 5 (7.5) kgf.1.5.21. The durability of sealing pads and finishing coverage of products should be no lower than warranty period of the products. 0.5.22. The weight of opening elements of products (sash, cloths) should not exceed 90 kg. 1.6. Requirements for accessories1.6.1. Materials and components used for the manufacture of windows and doors must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence, delivery contracts approved in the prescribed manner. The quality of imported materials should be confirmed by quality certificates (compliance), technical evidence. 1.6.2. For glazing products, one-two-chamber glass windows according to GOST 24866-89 are used, glass according to GOST 111-90, as well as on the technical conditions approved in the prescribed manner. For the improvement of heat-shielding characteristics of double-glazed windows can be filled with inert gas, in the designs of double-glazed windows, it is recommended to use glass or glass Films with heat transfer coating.1.6.3. Double-glazed windows should be sealed.1.6.4. The sealant should be applied to a smooth layer without skipping and breaks.1.6.5. Thermal insulation liners should be made of structural polyamide reinforced with fiberglass.1.6.6. Internal cameras of flaps and boxes can be filled with rigid foamed polyurethane (without fluorocole) .1.6.7. For the manufacture of windows and doors, instruments and fastening parts are used, which have passed certification tests in test centers accredited in the system of the Russian State System.1.6.8. The opaque filling of the balcony doors should be made from three-layer panels consisting of aluminum or plastic facing sheets with a filling insulation. The thickness of the lining of aluminum alloys should be at least 1.5 mm.1.6.9. Sealing pads must be made of atmospheric-frost-resistant elastic polymeric materials.1.6.10. The support and fixing linings should be made of low pressure polyethylene according to GOST 16338-85E or other weather-resistant polymeric materials on NTD. 1.7. Completeness1.7.1. The package of products is determined by the terms of the contract (order) for the supply of products. The creating parts of the opening devices, nachets, plums, the mounting fasteners are allowed to be supplied in a separate package complete with products. 7.2. Finished products must be supplied in assembled, have a final finish, installed devices and sealing gaskets.1.7.3. Stained glass elements, as well as other large-scale products, can be supplied in the form of details or frames prepared for installation with devices, double-glazing and other components, 1.7.4. The package must include a document on the quality (passport, warranty card) and at the request of the consumer, installation and operation instructions. 1.8. MarkingEach product is marked with a label or waterproof paint on the non-line surface of the top of the boxes indicating the name (trademark) of the manufacturer, the order number for the manufacture and brand of the product. The elements of the showcases are packaged in packs that are marked with tags indicating the same data and with additional indication of the names. Elements in each specific bundle and their quantity. 1.9. PackagingPackaging of products should ensure the safety of products during storage, transportation and loading and unloading operations. Requirements for packaging products are set in the supply contract depending on the terms of transportation and storage of products. The opening items of products before packaging must be closed. On the product installed on the product, parts of the instruments or components should be wrapped in packaging paper according to GOST 8828-75 or packed in packages made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354-82 or other packaging materials.

2. Security and Environmental Protection Requirements

2.1. Products must have documents (certificates) of security provided for by the current legislation and decorated in the prescribed manner.2.2. The use of products in building structures with elevated (special) fire hazard requirements, environment aggressiveness and impact resistance is confirmed by the conclusion of relevant authorities in the prescribed manner. Safety requirements, environmental protection, as well as the procedure for their control should be established in a set of documentation for the production of products in accordance with the current NTD, construction regulations and regulations, as well as sanitary standards, methods and other documents approved by the health authorities.2.4. Outdoor products must withstand the wind load on SNIP 2.01.07-85. Take goods on loads should be made, taking into account the recommendations of profile supplier firms.

3. Rules of acceptance

3.1. Products should be accepted by the technical control of the manufacturer, for compliance with the requirements of these technical conditions, as well as conditions defined in the contract (order) for the manufacture and supply of products.3.2. Confirmation of the acceptance of products by technical control of the manufacturer is the marking of products and the design of the warranty coupon or other quality document.3.3. The consumer has the right to make a check check (acceptance) of the quality of products, following the rules of acceptance outlined in this section. Confirmation of acceptance by the consumer of finished products is the signature of the consumer on a document confirming the fact of acceptance of products. According to the agreement of the parties, the consumer acceptance can be carried out in the manufacturer's warehouse, in the consumer warehouse or in another specified in the supply contract, place.3.4. At the request of the consumer, the manufacturer must provide the consumer the results of certification tests of products. When detecting hidden defects that led to a violation of the operational characteristics of the product during the warranty period of operation, the consumer is entitled to demand the replacement or repair of defective products at the expense of the manufacturer or apply penalties to the manufacturer in the prescribed manner. 3.6. Requirements for the quality of finished products installed in these TU confirm acceptance tests. In the acceptance of the finished product of the product, the product is taken by the Plyukoy, using the method of continuous control. Items that have not passed acceptance tests at least one indicator, they are married. Prints of acceptance tests control the requirements established in the following paragraphs of these technical conditions - 1.4.2; 1.4.3; 1.5.4 - 1.5.7; Periodic tests conducted by the technological service (or laboratory) of the manufacturer's enterprise are produced once in shift as control tests confirming the stability of the technological process. When this is monitored by the indicators: - limit deviations from the nominal sizes; - the appearance of the products; - the density of the adjustment of the sealing gaskets ; - indicators controlled during receiving tests (p. 3.6). The flatness of the framework of the frameworks are monitored during the technological necessity, as well as at the request of external control bodies. If the periodic tests of any indicator have a negative result, control and subsequent parties. Products are subjected to (for this indicator) with solid control. With a positive result of continuous control, returned to periodic tests. 3.8. Requirements established in PP: 1.5.1 - 1.5.19; It is confirmed by the results of acceptance tests when producing products for production, certification tests of products, as well as when making changes to the design of products or the technology of their manufacture. 3.9. Testing doors on resistance to hacking is carried out at the request of the consumer.3.10. The procedure for conducting input control is established in Technological Regulations.3.11. In the event that the manufacturer's enterprise completes the products of the products of its own manufacture, the double-glazed windows should be tested for durability (typical tests), undergo receiving tests installed in GOST 24866-89, and periodic tests according to these Tu.3.12. In the case of applying profiles and double-glazed windows certified in the GOST R certification system, the order and scope of their quality control establishes in the technological regulations of the windows manufacturer (doors) .3.13. The party is considered to be the number of products shipped to a specific order, designed by one quality document (warranty card). The order of the product should reflect the specific type of product, its design and other requirements set out in the project, order or specifications and coordinated with the customer. At the same time, the glazing option is set, the type of profile, the option of pairing opening elements, the right or left version, the view (scheme) of the opening, the availability of accessories, the requirements for appearance and other information on the demand of the consumer (customer) .3.14. Each batch of products (or product) is accompanied by a document on quality (passport, warranty card) confirming the quality of the quality of products with the requirements of these technical conditions. The quality document indicates: - the name of the manufacturer, its address; - number of these technical conditions; - Number Order (contracts) on the manufacture of products; - product numbers and their number by order positions; - a brief description of the design of products; - date of dispatch; - signature of responsible person.3.15. In the acceptance of serial-produced typical products at the enterprise-manufacturer for the batch, the number of products of one brand, released within one shift, and in the case of the manufacture of customized products, the number of products for this order, but not more than 50 cells.3.16. For acceptance of products, it is recommended to use quality control plans installed in Table 6. At the same time, to significant and critical defects include: the loss of any of the functional characteristics of windows (for example, a broken glass, loss of tightness of the glass package, the impossibility of closing, breakdown fittings); Defects that make the functioning of windows (for example, a crack in the weld, a unreasonable closing defect) unreasonable damage to the profile, exceeding the dimensions of more than 1.5 permissed by this standard. Calculate defects include disposable defects: non-highlighted devices and loops, minor surface damage Excess dimensional tolerances less than 1.5 times higher than the norms of this standard. For parties with a volume of less than 51 pcs. Apply single-stage quality control, and for batches with a volume of over 50 - two-stage. When checking controls the integrity and package of products, as well as the requirements confirmed by acceptance tests of finished products. But the second level of control is projected in the event that the number of reserved products 1 steps Control is between the brave and acceptance numbers.

Table 6.

Volume of party

Sampling volume

Brave number for the 1st stage

Receiving number for the 1st stage

Brave number for the 2nd stage

Remote number for the 2nd stage

solid control

solid control

Abbreviations adopted in Table: A - insignificant defects; B - significant and critical defects. Notes: 1. The total number of defective products in the sample should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bset for products with insignificant defects 2. The size (volume) of the sample for the second level of control is taken equal to the size of the sample for 1 stage. 3.17. Elimination of insignificant defects are produced at the expense of the manufacturer (supplier) of products. 3.18. In the contract for the manufacture (supply) of products between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is allowed to establish other rules for accepting products. 3.19. The area of \u200b\u200bfinished products is determined by nominal overall dimensions and calculated (taken into account) with an accuracy of 0.01 m 2.

4. Monitoring methods

4.1. Methods of control during receiving test tests.4.1.1. The limiting deviations from the nominal dimensions are determined using a metallic measuring roulette according to GOST 502-89, the calibration of GOST 166-84 and the limit calibers.4.1.2. Limit deviations from the nominal size of gaps in the raids and gaps in angular compounds are checked by a set of probe on TU 2-034-225- The size of the distance between the nodes of closed sashs and the provisions of the opening elements is checked with a caliper. The residence in the conjugation of adjacent parts is determined by the dipstream as the distance from the rib of the metal line according to GOST 427-75, applied to the upper mate surface, to the bottom surface.4.1.4. The quality of the finishing and protective-decorative coating is visually checked by comparison with a reference model approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer. Draft coating, distinguished by the naked eye from a distance of 1 m with a light of 300 LCs, not allowed. 4.1.5. The presence and layout of the holes for removing water, fittings, linings, fasteners and other parts are checked visually.4.1.6. Checking the reliability of the work of the accessories is checked by five-volume opening-closing of the naval elements and locking devices.4.1.7. The tightness of the windows is determined 1 time in shift by immersing in a capacity with water and loading with a weight of 16 kg for 4 hours. After testing for 2 hours, the glass turns over and load the other side. Tests are carried out on two samples. The temperature of water 18 - 22 ° C.Shem tests are presented in Fig. 5. The glasswork of the glass package is checked according to the absence of air bubbles during the test and the presence of moisture inside the glass package after the end of the test. If at least one of the glass packs does not withstand the tests, the replacement of glass windows is subject to piece disorder.4.2. Control methods for periodic laboratory tests.4.2.1. The procedure for conducting control laboratory tests during input control of component materials and products is established in the technological regulation. 4.2.2. The limit deviations from the nominal sizes of assembly elements and the difference between the diagonals are tested by a metal tape measure. The blocking from the straightness and flatness of the sesters, boxes, profiles are determined by overlapping these elements on the reference surface and measuring the greatest gap between the reference surface and the surface of the test sample.4.2.3. To determine the density of the adjuncting of sealing gaskets in the guns on the gaskets, the coloring agent is caused (for example, color chalk). Opening items of products are tightly closed. After disclosure of products, check the continuity of the left trace. If there is at least one interruption of the trace, the test result is considered unsatisfactory. Tests are carried out on two samples of products at least once in shift. 4.2.4. Acceptance and periodic control laboratory tests are recorded in control logs.4.3. Monitoring methods for typical tests.4.3.1. The heat transfer resistance of the product is determined according to GOST 26602- Resistance to air permeal of products is determined according to GOST 25891- The level of reduction of sound noise is determined according to GOST 25891- The general coefficient of light source is determined by methods approved in the prescribed manner. 4.3.5. Reliability of products, resistance to static loads is determined according to GOST 23747- Determination of the tightness of double-glazed windows and the dew point inside the glass packs are produced according to GOST 24866- The durability of double-glazed windows and sealing pads, as well as indicators of the quality of instruments and loops, are determined by methods agreed by the Gosstroke of the Russian Federation.4.3.8. The strength of the angular compounds is determined according to GOST 23166-78.

5. Transportation and storage

5.1. Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules of transportation of goods acting in this type of transport. 5.2. When transporting products by rail, the direction of glazing should coincide with the direction of traffic. 5.3. Products should be stored in indoor dry rooms in a vertical position at an angle of 10 - 15 ° C on wooden lining, sorted by type and sizes. Menu products must be laid the pads of the same thickness. 5.4. Storage conditions, transportation, as well as loading and unloading products should ensure their complete safety.

6. Operating Instructions

Operation of products - according to the requirements of the installation and operation instructions.

7. Manufacturer's guarantees

The manufacturer's enterprise guarantees the compliance of products with the requirements of these technical conditions while complying with the consumer of the terms of transportation, storage, installation and operation of products. The market life of products is 3 years from the date of product shipment by the manufacturer.

Measurement of residual deformation with the help of calibration

Options for fastening the sample using a bolted connection through the hole pre-drilled in the sample

Diagram of laboratory tests of corner connections of sash and boxes

1 - support / Schweller /, 2 - focus-counterpoint; 3-sample; 4 - point of application load; 5-removable sample mounting clamps

Double glazing tests for tightness

1 - Capacity; 2 - a sample of a glass package; 3 - Lining from solid rubber; 4 - steel plate 200 '300 mm

Diagram of definition of deviations from the form of profile elements

a - the size of deviations from transverse straightness; b - the size of deviation from longitudinal straightness; D h \u003d H 1 - H 2 - the size of deviations from flatness; 1 - control sample; 2 - reference surface; 3 - metal line

Diagram of definition of deviations from the form of the window elements

D s i - the size of the deviations from straightness; D S - the size of deviations from flatness; 1 - control sample; 2 - reference surface; 3 - metal line


Sign + marked non-opening flaps


Examples of architectural drawings of windows


Types of windows depending on the opening options and examples of the installation of linings when installing double-glazed windows

1 - carrier lining; 2 - remote lining

2 * When swinging sash, lining data will be carriers


Examples of installation of linings when mounting double-glazed windows


Examples of installation of linings when mounting double-glazed windows

Window with crossbar windows with cross

(regulating linings are not installed)

Entrance doors entrance doors with sidewall

Main types and designs of single-chamber double-glazed windows

(*) - depending on the interchangeal distance

1 - glass; 2 - low-emission heat transfer coating; 3 - separation frame; 4 - dryer; 5 - internal chamber; 6 - butyl sealant; 7 - polysulfide sealant; 8 - Protective anti-skip film.

Main types and designs of two-chamber glass windows

1 type of glass package

2 Resistance heat transfer sq.m ° C / W

3; 3 N Air Noise Isolation, DBA

1 - filling - air; argon

0,45 - 0,50; 0,50 - 0,55

2; 2 n - low-emission coating; same + argon

0,60 - 0,65; 0,68 - 0,72

3, 3 n - low-emission coating film; same + argon

0,62 - 0,70; 0,75 - 0,85

Note. The range of values \u200b\u200bis associated with the size of the interconnect distances.

1 - glass; 2 - air chamber; 3 - separation frame; 4 - dryer; 5 - polysulfide sealant; 6 - heat transfer coating; 7 - film with heat transfer coating; 8 - Butyl sealant.


Scheme Placing Support Lining

1 - reference bearing lining; 2 - remote locking lining; 3 - Translucent Filling

List of standards to which references are given in the present technical specifications.

GOST 111-90. Glass leafy. Technical conditions.
GOST 166-89 Schunciterkuli. Technical conditions.
GOST 427-75 Metal measuring rules. Technical conditions.
GOST 7502-89 Roulets measuring metal. Technical conditions.
GOST 8828-89 Paper base and two-layer waterproof paper packaging.
GOST 10354-82 Polyethylene film. Technical conditions.
GOST 16338-85E. Low-pressure polyethylene. Technical conditions.
GOST 21519-87 Windows and balcony doors of aluminum alloys. General specifications.
GOST 22233-94 Profiles pressed from aluminum alloys for enclosing building structures. Technical conditions.
GOST 23166-78. Windows and balcony doors wooden. General specifications.
GOST 23747-88 Doors from aluminum alloys. General specifications.
GOST 24866-89 Glumber glazed glazed. Technical conditions.
GOST 25891-83 Buildings and constructions. Methods for determining the resistance to air permeation of enclosing structures.
GOST 26602-85 Window. Method for determining heat transfer resistance.
GOST 27296-87 Soundproofing of enclosing structures. Test methods.
GOST 30109-94 Doors wooden. Test methods for hacking resistance.
GOST 9.031-74 ESEKS. Coatings of anodogne-oxide semi-finished products from aluminum and its alloys. General requirements and control methods.
GOST 9.301-86 ESEKS. Metal coatings and not metallic inorganic. General requirements.
GOST 9.303-84 ESEKS. Metal coatings and not metallic inorganic. General requirements for choosing.

Registration sheet of changes

Rooms of sheets (pages)

Total sheets (pages) in the Doc.

Document Number

Incoming accompanying document number and date




30. Products Products Product Operational Product Features:

Name characteristics


1. The reduced resistance to heat transfer, m 2 × ° C / W:
- with a single-chamber glass
- The same, with heat reflecting
- with two-chamber double-glazed windows
- The same, with heat reflecting
2. Sound insulation index, dBA
3. Overall light coefficient
4. Air permeability, kg × m 2 × h

Catalog leaf of products

Code CSM 01 200 Group KGS / OX 02-Ж34 Registration number 03-016333

OKP code 527000
Name of product Windows and doors from aluminum alloys
Product Designation -
Designation of regulatory or technical. document / instead / TU 5270-001-44991977-97
Name of a regulatory or technical document Windows and doors made of aluminum alloys. Technical conditions
OKPO manufacturer code 44991977
Name of the manufacturer LLC "Technok Ltd"
Address of the manufacturer / index, city, ul., House /
Telephone /095/917-29-64
Telefax /095/917-23-05
Telex -
Teletype -
Name of the Holder of the original LLC "Technok Ltd"
Handler address / index, city, ul., House / 103062, Moscow, Lyalin Per., House 7/2, Office 9
Date of compensation 01.11.97
Date of enforcement of norms. or tech. document
  • GOST 11214-86 windows and balcony doors wooden with double glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, Design and Dimensions
  • GOST 16289-86 windows and balcony doors wooden with triple glazing for residential and public buildings. Types, Design and Dimensions

  • p. 1.

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    Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

    Interstate Council for Standardization. Metrology and Certification



    Door blocks from aluminum alloys

    General technical conditions

    (EN 14351-1: 2006, NEQ)

    EN 1191: 2012, NEQ)

    EN 1192: 1999, NEQ)

    Official edition



    Objectives, basic principles and the main procedure for working on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0 - 92 "Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions "and GOST 1.2-2009" Interstate standardization system. Standards interstate, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for the development, adoption, applications, updates and cancellations »

    Information about standard

    1 Developed by a private institution - Center for Certification of Window and Door Technology<ЦС ОДТ)

    2 Submitted by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

    3 Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol of December 05, 2014 No. 46-2014)

    4 Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology of December 12, 2014 N9 2037-ST Interesting Standard GOST 23747-2014 was enacted as the National Standard of the Russian Federation from July 01, 2015

    5 In this standard, the main regulations of the following European regional standards are taken into account:

    EN 14351-1: 2006 + A1: 2010 Windows and Doors. Product Standard, Performance Characteristics -Windows and External Pedestrian Doorsets Without Resistance to Fire And / or Smoke Leakage Characteristics (Windows and Doors. Standard for products, Specifications. Part 1. Windows and external ground doorways without fire resistance and / or smoke-resistance)

    EN 1191: 2012 Windows and Doors - Resistance to Repeated Opening and Closing - Testmethod (windows, doors. Resistance to re-opening and closing. Test method)

    EN 1192: 1999 Doors - Classification of Strength Requirements (Doors. Classification according to the requirements for mechanical strength)

    Translation from English (EP).

    The degree of conformity is non-equivalent (NEQ)

    Information about the changes to this standard is published in the annual information indicator "National Standards". And the text of the changes and amendments - in the monthly information indicator "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Standard, the appropriate notification will be published in the National Standards Monthly Information Index. Relevant information, dvdoglloniv and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

    © Standinform, 2015

    In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without the permission of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

    Door units with open opening with complex facilities

    Support lining:

    Remote lining:

    Door hinge

    Figure 1 - Schemes for the arrangement of support and remote linings when mounting double glazing and possible location of the loop

    4.7 Door instrument requirements

    4.7.1 In the manufacture of door blocks, door devices and loops are used, specially intended for use in door systems from aluminum profiles.

    A type. The number, location and method of fastening locking devices and loops are installed in the working documentation, taking into account the size and mass of opening items of door blocks, as well as the conditions of their operation. Possible locations of the loop are shown in Figure 1. The door blocks can be found on two hinges. Exterior door blocks are recommended to equip multi-dealer locks with a locking at least three points.

    Note - Application of more than two loops should be recommended by loops manufacturers, while the third loop should not be installed in the lock zone.

    When using hidden loops in the input doors in the building, additional tests should be carried out to determine the heat transfer resistance to exclude the freezing in the loop zone.

    4.7.2 Outdoor and entrance to the apartment door blocks are recommended to complete the locks not lower than the 3rd class according to GOST 5089. Hacked-resistant door blocks must be completed with hack resistant locking devices according to GOST 31462. castles of the 4th grade according to GOST 5089.

    Depending on the purpose of the door blocks in the project documentation, as well as when placing orders, it is necessary to provide a complete set of products by closers (door closing devices), opening angle limiters (stops), eyes, etc.

    4.7.3 In the external and input, the door blocks are recommended to use hinges adjustable in three planes.

    4.7.4 Locking devices should ensure reliable locking of opening items of door blocks. Opening and closing must occur easily, smoothly, without jamming.

    4.7.5 The designs of locking devices and loops should provide a dense and uniform crimping of the gaskets of the entire contour of the seal in the rifles.

    4.7.6 Door instruments, loops and fasteners must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and have a protective-decorative (or protective) coating on regulatory documents. To configure the door blocks of groups A and B, the instrument coating should be resistant to corrosion and correspond to GOST 538.

    4.8 Completeness, marking and packaging

    4.8.1 The completeness of the door blocks when they are delivered to the consumer must match

    Interstate standard

    Aluminum alloys door blocks Specifications

    Door Blocks of Aluminium Profiles. Specifications.

    Date of introduction - 2015-07-01

    1 area of \u200b\u200buse

    This standard applies to the door blocks made of aluminum profiles with frame structures (hereinafter - door blocks) for buildings and structures of various purposes.

    The scope of specific types of door blocks is established depending on the operating conditions in accordance with the current building standards and the rules, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

    This standard does not apply to balcony door blocks, as well as on special purpose blocks in terms of additional fire safety requirements, etc. This standard can be applied to product certification purposes.

    2 Regulatory references

    This standard provides regulatory references to the following interstate standards:

    3.1.4 In terms of finishing profiles (NE 4) Door blocks divided into door blocks:

    Painted with paints or powder enamels;

    With the anode-oxidic protective and decorative coatings;

    3.1.5 According to the opening method (MI 5), door blocks divide:

    On swinging;

    Pendulum (carousel with rotation around their own axis);



    3.2 for door blocks take the following notation;

    Purpose of the product:

    Dan is the door block from aluminum profiles outer (group A).

    Paving a door block made of aluminum profiles internal (group b);

    Type of door leaf filling:

    G - deaf

    O - glazed.

    Km - combined;

    Options for a constructive solution:

    P - with the threshold,

    BLR - without a threshold.

    F - with Framuga,

    OP - single-section.

    DV - double.

    DVZ - hack resistant.

    L - left opening,

    Pr - right opening;

    Door opening methods:

    P - swing.

    Ma - pendulum,


    SC - folding.

    Note - It is allowed for the designation of the door unit for the purpose to additionally enter the lettering designation, which clarifies their purpose: to - apartment (for entering the apartment), t - tambourous.

    U - reinforced etc.

    3.3 The conventional designation of door blocks should include in height and width in millimeters.

    Notes e - allowed in the designation of the sizes to enter the size of the width of the box in millimeters.

    3.4 For door blocks take the following conditional design structure.

    An example of the conventional designation of the outdoor door block from an aluminum profile, combined, single-section, right-hand, without a threshold, with a height of 2100 mm, 900 mm wide:

    The conditional designation of the door blocks is allowed to supplement data on the strength classes by dynamic and other loads.

    When making an agreement (order) for the manufacture (supply) of individual products, it is recommended to indicate a design version of the constructive solution, including the design of the profiles and filling the door leaf, drawing with an indication of the opening scheme, such as door instruments, as well as the requirements for appearance and other manufacturer's coordination requirements with the customer.

    4 Technical requirements

    4.1 Door blocks must comply with the requirements of this standard, sample

    standard and manufactured by the design and technological documentation of the manufacturer.

    4.2 Design Requirements

    4.2.1 Door blocks are a single design from frame elements collected from aluminum profiles according to GOST 22233 on angular fasteners using screw connections or two-component glue with subsequent oligarovka. It is possible to use a combined method of fastening or other methods for assembling angular compounds, by strength of the relevant requirements shown in Table 3.

    The design of the door blocks can be with a threshold and without a threshold. The thresholds have a solid contour in the lower horizontal section and are attached using mechanical connections.

    4.2.2 Thresholds are made of aluminum profiles with a corrosion-resistant coating and drainage holes for water removal.

    4.2.3 The height of the threshold should not be an obstacle for a barrier-free passage. The recommended threshold height is not more than 20 mm.

    4.2.4 Door blocks installed on evacuation paths can be single and double, swing, with a required opening along the evacuation.

    For the unimpeded leaving of buildings and premises, door blocks must be equipped with the devices of emergency door to the doors of the "Atypanic" according to GOST 31471. Door blocks are not recommended for evacuation paths to set by thresholds.

    4.2.5 Sliding and folding door blocks can be internal groups b and outdoor groups A (for example, in private housekeeping as the doors of winter gardens, terraces and other architectural solutions). The pendulum door blocks of the group A are recommended for installation as entrance for buildings with a large passability of people. These designs of door blocks can be completely glazed or with a deaf opaque part. Sliding and folding functions of the door blocks provide appropriate devices according to GOST 30777.

    4.2.6 The door blocks of the group A can be made in a hacking version using a multi-resistant-resistant locking system with the castles of the 4th grade according to GOST 5089.

    4.2.7 The design of the outer door blocks should include a system of functional holes for drying off the cavity between the edges of the glass package (fillets) and folding profiles.

    4.2.8 Door blocks must be safe to operate and maintain. The safety conditions for the use of products of various designs are installed in project documentation (for example, door blocks used in children's institutions should be glazed with hardened, multilayer or other types of safe glass).

    Door blocks of group A should be designed for operational loads in accordance with the current rules.

    4.2.9 The installation of products should be carried out according to the requirements of GOST 30971.

    General requirements for the installation of products are given in Appendix A.

    4.3 Estabs and valid deviations

    4.3.1 Nominal overall dimensions and architectural patterns of door blocks are installed in the project work documentation (order, contract).

    The nominal dimensions of the nodes of products, cross sections of profiles, profile combinations are set in technical documentation for their manufacture.

    4.3.2 Recommended dimensions of door cloths in a width of 900 mm. Height of 2300 mm. The mass of door blocks should not exceed 120 kg. The use of products with light weights and sizes should be confirmed by calculating strength. The largest dimensions of the door blocks depending on the resistance of the cross section of profiles, the opening schemes, types of applicable loops, calculated wind loads (for the doors of the group A), the masses of glazing elements should be given in the design documentation of the manufacturer.

    4.3.3 The limit deviations of the nominal dimensions of the door blocks should not exceed +2.0; -1.0 mm.

    4.3.4 Limit deviations of the nominal sizes of the elements of door blocks, gaps under the outlook, the size of the location of the door instruments and the loops should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bshown in Table 1.

    Table 1 - limit deviations in millimeters


    1 The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations are installed for the temperature inter-shaft of the measurement 16 "C-24" C.

    2 The values \u200b\u200bof the limit deviations of the size of the gaps under the outlook are given for closed canvases with the sealing gaskets installed.

    The difference between the lengths of the diagonals of rectangular cloths with an area of \u200b\u200b1.5 m 'and less should not exceed 2.0 mm. Square over 1.5 m '- 3.0 mm.

    4.3.5 Path of facial surfaces in angular and T-shaped connections of adjacent parts of boxes and canvas should not exceed 1.0 mm. Clauses in the places of angular and t-shaped profiles should not exceed 0.5 mm.

    4.3.6 Schedules The cavers in the assembled door block with the threshold should not exceed 1.5 mm to the height of the door block web.

    4.3.7 The limit deviation of the nominal size of the distance between the nodes of adjacent closed shells (wastes and fraumug) should not exceed 1.5 mm per 1 m length of the construment.

    4.3.8 The limit deviation from the straightness of the edges of the parts of the frame elements should not exceed 1.0 mm per 1 m length of the profile

    4.4 Characteristics

    4.4.1 The main operational characteristics of the door blocks are shown in Table 2.

    Table 2 - Operating Characteristics of Door Blocks

    Name of the indicator




    The resistance to heat transfer of the shells of door blocks from combined and insulated profiles M G - * C / W. no less

    For groups A. B

    Soundproofing. DBA. no less

    Air permeability at DR, \u003d 100 Pa. M '/ (h m :). no more

    For group A.

    Requesting, opening cycles - closing, not less: - for swing blocks

    For group A.

    Pendulum (carousel) door blocks

    Door blocks of group B. Not less

    Entrance indoors inside buildings, including entrance to apartments, offices

    For group B.

    Interior dispensers




    1 The value of the resistance of the heat transfer is reference. In the necessary cases, this indicator is confirmed by calculations or laboratory tests. For door blocks from hollows

    profiles The heat transfer resistance is allowed not to be determined.

    2 for outdoor door blocks as an indicator of water permeability can be installed

    waterproof limit according to GOST 26602.2.

    4.4.2 For the door blocks of the group A, we set resistance to the effects of wind loads in accordance with (1j.

    Wind load should include the following parameters:

    Changing pressure from 400 to 1800 Pa;

    Changing the magnitude of the deflection of bars from 1/150 to 1/300 of the length of the bar.

    4.4.3 Door blocks must be resistant to static loads. Static loads and strength of welded angular compounds during tests according to the scheme A (see Figure 2) are shown in Table 3.

    When testing under the scheme used, welded angular compounds must withstand the exposure to the load, doubled.

    Table 3 - The strength of welded angular compounds and static loads

    4.4.4 Door blocks must withstand operational dynamic loads when opening (imitation of the slope on the slope) and when it is closed with a strike of an extraneous object in the focus created by freely incident cargo (solid), shown in Table 4.

    Table4 - Dynamic loads created by freely falling cargo

    4.4.5 Door blocks When determining the strength (reliability) of the construction of the structure in the openings and fastenings (fixation) of the facilitation of the canvas must withstand shock loads created by the load (inelastic soft body), shown in Table 5. Tests expose door canvases on both sides.

    Table 5 - shock loads created by cargo (inelastic soft body)

    4.4.6 Door blocks When determining the resistance of the design and material of the web to breakage must withstand shock loads created by cargo (solid) shown in Table 6.

    Table 6 - Impact loads created by cargo (solid)

    4.4.7 Static load acting on movement elements (rollers, rollers, hinges, etc.) of sliding doors, there must be no more than 1000 N.

    4.4.8 Static load acting on the top corner (90 °) of folded cloths of folding door blocks must be no more than 1000 N.

    4.4.9 Hacker-resistant door blocks of groups A and B must withstand static loads in the plane of the sash at least 1300 H and load from the impact of an inelastic soft body of at least 250 J.

    4.4.10 Operational indicators of the door blocks of a particular purpose are recommended to be installed in the design work documentation for the construction (reconstruction, repair) of buildings and confirm the results of tests in test centers accredited to the right of them.

    4.4.11 The force applied to the door blocks of the door blocks of groups A and B when closing to the desired compression of sealing pads, should not exceed 75 N. The force required for opening the door web should not exceed 50 H (ergonomic requirements).

    Note - When assessing opening and closing efforts, it should be borne in mind that when testing the doors of the group, factors such as the difference in air pressures between rooms or sudden wind load, as well as the presence of built-in locking devices and door closing devices (closers) are not taken into account. These factors can lead to higher opening and closing loads. It is also necessary to take into account that for door blocks intended for the passage of people with disabilities, the opening force must be no more than 2.5 N.

    4.4.12 The appearance of door blocks: color, gloss, permissible surface defects of aluminum profiles (risks, scratches, shrinkage sinks, etc.) must comply with standard samples approved by the manufacturer of the manufacturer.

    The difference in color, gloss and surface defects visible to the naked eye from a distance of 0.6-0.8 m with a lighting of at least 300 LCs are not allowed.

    4.4.13 Materials and component parts used for the manufacture of door blocks must comply with the requirements of standards, technical conditions, technical evidence approved in the prescribed manner.

    4.5 Requirements for aluminum profiles

    4.5.1 For the manufacture of products, profiles from aluminum alloys according to GOST 22233 are used.

    By type of section, aluminum profiles can be solid, hollow, combined

    and filled foam materials.

    4.5.2 Thermal insulating inserts used in combined profiles should be made of glass-filled polyamide according to GOST 31014.

    Thermal insulating inserts can be filled with rigid foam foam plants (for example, polyurethane foam) or other heat-insulating materials.

    4.5.3 Connection of a thermal insulation insert with an aluminum profile should be durable, resistant to climatic influences and correspond to GOST 22233.

    4.5.4 Door blocks (including entrance to buildings) intended for operation in heated rooms should be made of combined profiles. The durability of the combined profiles must be at least 40 conditional years.

    4.5.5 The thickness of the alcoholic coating layer should be at least 20 microns, paints and varnish polymer - at least 60 μm.

    4.5.6 The appearance of the coating must correspond to GOST 9.301.

    4.6 Requirements for the filling of door canvases and sealing gaskets

    4.6.1 Opaque filling of door blocks (fillets) is recommended to be made of three-layer panels consisting of plastic or aluminum facing sheets with filling insulation or single-layer panels from foamed rigid polyvinyl chloride. The thickness of the facing sheets should be at least 15 mm

    As panels, the canvases intended for interior door blocks are allowed to use leaf, rolled or tiled facing materials.

    4.6.2 Constructive solutions for fastening nodes of the details of the filling of the canvas locking doors should exclude the possibility of dismantling from the outside.

    4.6.3 As a translucent filling of cloths, the following types of strengthened glasses are recommended: tempered glass according to GOST 30698, multilayer glass according to GOST 30826. Reinforced glass and glass with anti-skid films on regulatory documents, double-glazed windows according to GOST 24866. Sheet glass according to GOST 111. As well as special types of glasses according to regulatory documents (patterned, tinted, etc.).

    Types of glasses used should be installed in working documentation for the construction (reconstruction, repair) of buildings and structures. The use of unoppage glasses with dimensions at a height of more than 1250 mm. By width of more than 650 mm and a thickness of less than 4 mm is not allowed.

    4.6.4 To increase the architectural expressiveness and hardening of the design in the framework of door canvons, sposters are installed (horsepower plates). It is allowed to use double-glazed windows with an inner decorative frame or an installation on a glue of decorative layouts along the outer surfaces of the filling of the canvas.

    4.6.5 The depth of pinching the double-glazing (glass) or panels in profile folds, as well as the depth of pinching by the strokes are recommended within 14-18 mm.

    4.6.6 Double-glazed windows (glasses) are installed in the folds of the sash or boxes on linings that exclude the touch of the edges of the glass (glass) of the internal surfaces of the folding profiles.

    Depending on the functional, the lining is divided into basic, reference

    and remote.

    Basic linings are used to align the folds of the fold and are installed under supporting and remote linings. The width of the basic linings should be equal to the width of the fold, and the length is not less than the length of the support and remote linings. Support and remote lining can combine basic functions.

    Support lining is used to ensure optimal conditions for the mass transfer of the glass package on the design of the door block, remote lining - to ensure the nominal size of the gap between the edge of the glass package and the folding sash.

    The length of the support and remote linings should be from 80 to 100 mm. Width - not less than 2 mm more thickness thickness.

    The distance from the linings to the corners should be 50-80 mm.

    Requirements for the installation of opaque filling of canvases (fillets) are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation, taking into account the mass and design of the door block.

    4.6.7 Lining is made of rigid weatherproof polymeric materials. Recommended value of the hardness of the support lining 75-90 units. By Shore A.

    4.6.8 Methods of installation and / or lining design should exclude the possibility of their displacement during transportation and operation of the door blocks.

    4.6.9 The lining design should not prevent air circulation over the inner surface of the glazing fold.

    4.6.10 Basic layout location and remote lining schemes When mounting double-glazed windows, depending on the method of opening the door blocks, shown in Figure 1. On any side of the glass package, it is recommended to install no more than two support linings. The blocking of lining during installation is not allowed. In products with enhanced locking devices, the installation of additional remote linings in location places is recommended.

    4.6.11 Sealing the fabrics of the canvas and the filling installation of the canvas are carried out using sealing gaskets from elastomeric materials according to GOST 30778 or other regulatory documents.

    4.6.12 Sealing gaskets for external door blocks must be resistant to climatic and atmospheric influences.

    4.6.13 The adjacent of sealing pads should be dense, preventing the penetration of water.

    4.6.14 The number of contours of sealing gaskets in the door blocks and the requirements for their installation around the perimeter of the Contract are installed in the manufacturer's technical documentation, depending on the purpose and design of the door blocks. For door blocks of groups A and B, at least two sealing contours is recommended.

    Angle beggars and welded joints of sealing gaskets for double-glazed windows (glass) should not have protrusions (discovered), causing focused loads on double-glazed windows (glass).

    Door block with unpaved opening

    Unopened element of the door block

    Aluminum is a metal with amazing qualities. It is easy, durable, is not afraid of corrosion, and therefore durable. This explains his widespread distribution in various fields, including in construction. Here, another one of his feature was completely revealed - a small expansion coefficient when heated. Therefore, architects often use metal to design facades. Entrance doors of it have high wear resistance and good thermal insulation. Thanks to natural beauty, they do not require additional processing and easily fit into any design. True, it's all right only when the aluminum doors are made according to GOST, in compliance with all its rules.

    What requirements makes this document to doors? GOST norms are written for professionals and some of them require detailed explanations. But first about the appointment, design and varieties of aluminum doors.

    Unlike metal or wooden doors, aluminum is rarely solid. In this case, attracting designers will disappear - visual ease of construction. Moreover, the product will be unsightly and very expensive. Therefore, only the frame is made of aluminum, only the framework is manufactured, and glass, plastic, panel sandwich, etc. are used for internal filling. Due to the high strength of the profile, the door can consist of a glass of glass by 90%. As a result - the complete illusion of the transparency of the design.

    The advantages of aluminum doors (most of them are regulated by GOST) are determined by the properties of the material. The main ones are:

    • Durability. Metal contact with the environment causes an oxide formation that does not affect the appearance, but is good anti-corrosion protection;
    • Resistance to external influences. Due to the low thermal expansion of aluminum, the products from it are not susceptible to cracking and deformation. Rodents and insects are not able to cause damage to them;
    • Fire resistance;
    • Minimum care and environmental friendliness. The material does not require coloring and protective impregnation. Harmless to human health.
    • High wear resistance. Aluminum doors are able to withstand up to 100,000 opening and closing cycles.
    • Excellent load characteristics. Products have low weight, but allow you to withstand large static loads.

    The design of aluminum doors and main characteristics determine their purpose. Most often, they are used as an entrance, in places where there is no need to put more reliable structures, and with great passability. Usually these offices, administrative buildings, shops. In residential premises, aluminum doors are installed on balconies and terraces. As interior, they do not apply, although GOST it does not prohibit.


    Aluminum doors differ in thermal insulation and by type of opening. Depending on the purpose, the products can be made from a warm or cold profile. In the first case, the insulation is used. GOST strictly regulates the parameters that it must provide. Cold structures do not have sufficient thermal insulation and are used mainly for the terraces and arbors.

    According to the specific design of the design, much more varied:

    • Swing. The most common option. Open inside or out;
    • Sliding. Equipped with a special device, thanks to which the canvas moves along the wall;
    • Pendulum. Able to open in both directions;
    • Revolving. Rotating doors consisting, as a rule, from 4 sash. Most often installed in shopping centers.

    GOST regulates some door opening parameters, for example, the maximum allowable effort, but about it a little later.

    Requirements Standard

    GOST, which is currently guided by all manufacturers, is valid since 1995. But this does not mean that he is outdated. The standard is constantly updated in accordance with the changes in the technology of release. Most of the requirements that must be respected in the manufacture of aluminum doors, GOST conventionally combines in 5 main groups:

    • Characteristics;
    • Materials and components;
    • Completeness;
    • Marking;
    • Packaging.

    It should be noted that the requirements of GOS will not be given by the "dry" language of the quotation, but in the form of an ordinary person available to an ordinary person, without distorting the basic meaning.


    • Doors should have the strength sufficient not to damage in the process of transportation and installation. Each resource should be at least 100 thousand cycles of opening and closing;
    • The product must have an anodic oxide or paintwork. In the second case, its thickness is at least 70 microns.
    • The coating is applied to each item separately. Painting in the assembled form of GOST does not allow;
    • The door of the aluminum profile, installed in the fields of intensive movement and having a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing and not equipped with automatic opening must be equipped with protective lattices;
    • The height of the opaque bottom of the door canvase should not exceed 1000mm.;
    • The effort required to open the door is not more than 50 N;
    • The door must be made in such a way that it cannot be disturbed from the outside;
    • Shut-off devices are also protected from interference outside;
    • Diagonal boxes should not be different by more than 3 mm;
    • The door cannot perform from the box on the front side by more than 2 mm;
    • The lizards on the front side should not be greater than 0.3 mm;
    • The size of the maximum roughness of GOST sets no more than 6 μm. This applies only to the outside.

    Materials and components

    • Aluminum profiles curvature is not allowed. The profile itself must correspond to GOST;
    • In production, the fasteners from steel 20x13 or 12x13 should be used;
    • Glasses used for transparent surfaces are manufactured according to the regulatory and technical documentation. Their thickness can not be less than 5 mm., If the double-glazed windows are used - 15mm.;
    • To designate fully glass doors, special signs are applied at an altitude;
    • The product must have rubber or plastic seals, the quality of which is determined by GOST;
    • The joints between the profiles are filled with a special sealant;
    • All threaded compounds are fixed by glue type BF - 2 or other, allowed GOST.


    • The package is determined individually for each specific case, but should not contradict the technical requirements;
    • GOST allows transportation of protruding parts not on the design itself, but in the delivery kit.


    On the back of the packaging or at its end there should be a sign of a manufacturer, which includes: the date of release; brand of product; Technical control stamp.


    • Before transporting, each product closes on the castle;
    • Before packing, the doors are wrapped with two-layer paper;
    • Tara is tied with twine;
    • Transportation packaging should ensure the safety of the product from damage;
    • During transportation is allowed to lay several products in one container, their number should not exceed the permissible;
    • Speakers and fasteners are wrapped with wrapping paper and are transported in one container with a product. In some cases, their transportation is allowed in a separate box according to GOST;
    • Each batch is supplied with accompanying documentation.


    It should be noted that, unfortunately, not all doors are manufactured according to GOST. Some negligent manufacturers are guided by their requirements, not always coincide with generally accepted. Therefore, in conclusion, several tips, to pay attention to:

    • The design must be made from the door profile, and not from the window. The latter will not endure such loads;
    • The quality of the door can be defined on painting. Smooth layer of paint without flutters and peeling, speaks of good pretreatment and expensive equipment;
    • The outer door should be made of a warm profile;
    • Frame joints must be filled with sealant or glue. If this is not the case - the manufacturer reacted to work unfair;
    • Seals must be rubber or silicone. Despite the fact that GOST allows plastic, it can get used to frost.

    And last. The door is not only a cloth and profile. Much depends on the fittings. When buying, it is necessary to check its quality, and not just completeness.

    2.6.2; 2.6.4

    Input part

    2.2.15; 2.3.1; 2.3.5

    SNIP II.3-79 *

    * Probably the error of the original. You should read: SNIP II-3-79. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. Snip 23-02-2003, here and then in the text. - Note database manufacturer.

    TU 2-034-225-87

    6. Reprint. October 2006

    This standard applies to the door of aluminum alloys (hereinafter referred to as the door) of the climatic execution Uhl of any category of placement, except for the fifth, according to GOST 15150, any group of operating conditions for products with paint and varnish coating UHL according to GOST 9.104. Doors are designed for installation in outdoor and internal vertical construction enclosing structures.

    The standard does not apply to the doors in which aluminum alloys are not the main structural material, as well as on special purpose doors (with elevated fire safety requirements, smoke, sound and thermal insulation and tightness).

    1. Basic parameters and sizes

    1.1. Types, dimensions, design and conditional doors set by regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

    2. Technical requirements

    2.1. Doors must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard, regulatory and technical documentation for the doors of specific types and on working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.2. Characteristics

    2.2.1. Resistance to the heat transfer of doors - on SNIP II-3 *.
    * On the territory of the Russian Federation, the document does not work. Snip 23-02-2003. - Note database manufacturer.

    2.2.2. Resistance to air permeal doors - according to GOST 31167 (see Appendix 1).

    2.2.3. Doors must have sufficient strength and stability in terms of transportation, installation and operation.

    At the same time, they must withstand 100,000 opening and closing cycles, as well as the wind load on Snip 2.01.07 and static loads in accordance with Annex 1 of this standard.

    2.2.4. Details of the door designs, with the exception of the liners, should have anorthic oxide or paint-and-painted decorative coating.

    The color of the coating is coordinated with the manufacturer and choose on the standards approved in the prescribed manner.

    The appearance and the thickness of the anode-oxide coating - respectively, according to GOST 9.301 and GOST 9.031.

    The paintwork must comply with the III class according to GOST 9.032. The layer thickness is at least 70 microns.

    There is a lack of anodogue-oxide and paint coatings in places of mechanical processing of parts on non-personal surfaces of structures and in the inner planes of parts from a hollow profile.

    2.2.5. It is not allowed to apply an onoxy, zinc or cadmium coatings on the product assembled.

    2.2.6. Fasteners and carbon steel parts, contacting with aluminum elements, should have a zinc or cadmium coating according to GOST 9.303 with a thickness of at least 9 μm.

    2.2.7. The size at the height of the non-abroad bottom of the door web must be no more than 1000 mm.

    2.2.8. Doors with fully glazed canvas without automatic opening, installed in places with intense human streams (train stations, airports, etc.) equipped with lattices that protect the glazing from damage.

    2.2.9. The force applied to the door cannon for its opening should not exceed 50 N.

    2.2.10. Fixing locking devices should ensure the impossibility of dismantling them from the outside.

    2.2.11. The design of the door should exclude the possibility of dismantling the canvas or filling it from the outside.

    2.2.12. The limit deviations of the sizes of frames of boxes and door shells in the assembled form should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bindicated in Table 1.

    Table 1

    Nominal sizes

    Value values, mm

    internal sizes of frame boxes

    outdoor sizes of frames of cloths

    2.2.13. The path of the front surfaces of the box and the door canvas relative to each other, the installation of which is provided in the same plane, should not be more than 2.0 mm.

    2.2.14. The difference between the lengths of the diagonals of the boxes and the canvas should not be more than 3 mm.

    2.2.15. The difference in the facial surfaces of the conjugated aluminum profiles should not exceed GOST 22233 installed, tolerances for the size of the connected side of the profile.

    2.2.16. The gaps on the front surfaces of the structures in the locations of the details should not be more than 0.3 mm. An increase in the gap is allowed to 1.0 mm, but with subsequent sealing of the joint. The gaps in the connecting places of the linear elements of filling filling (strokes) are allowed not to be sealed.

    2.2.17. The limit deviation of the cut angle with the size of the profile side of the profile up to 50 mm should not be more than ± 20, with the size of the profile side of over 50 mm - more than ± 15.

    2.2.18. The roughness of the surfaces of profiles overlooking the facial side of products and mechanically processed should be 6.3 microns according to GOST 2789.

    2.2.19. In places pairing the frame frame with elements of filling, as well as in the coarse, the sealing gaskets without the use of glue must be installed.

    Sealing gaskets must be continuous within each side of the perimeter. At the request of the consumer, it is allowed in places of filling instead of sealing gaskets to apply sealant.

    2.2.20. With the closed position of the web, the sealing gaskets in the ribs should be pressed without the gap.

    2.2.21. Filling the frame of the door webcase should be installed on supporting and fixing lining, having a width of no less thickness of the filling used, a height of at least 3 mm and a length of at least 80 mm. The schemes for placing support and fixing linings under the glass are given in Appendix 2.

    2.3. Requirements for materials and components

    2.3.1. Door frames should be made of aluminum pressed profiles according to GOST 22233. To fulfill the requirements of this standard, profiles must be exposed to reducing the longitudinal curvature and twisting angle.

    2.3.2. Fastening products (bolts, screws, nuts, washers) and hinge axis should be made from steel grades 20x13 and 12x13 according to GOST 5632 or other stainless steel stainless steel stamps according to GOST 5632.

    In coordination of the manufacturer with the consumer, the manufacture of fasteners and axes of loops made of steel grades 08kp, 10kp, 20kp, 10, 20, 40 according to GOST 1050.

    2.3.3. The steel parts included in the design of the doors must be made of steel grade C235 according to GOST 27772 (from 01.01.89) or ST3CP2-1, welded according to GOST 535, as well as from steel of other brands, whose physicomechanical properties are not lower than specified .

    2.3.4. For translucent filling of the door canal frame, glass and double-glazed windows, manufactured by regulatory and technical documentation, approved in the prescribed manner should be used. In this case, the thickness of the glass should be 5-6 mm, double-glazed windows 15-28 mm.

    On the shelves with solid translucent filling directly on the glazing, special decorative signs should be applied, located at an altitude of not lower than 1 m.

    2.3.5. For non-transparent filling of the door cauldly frame, apply:

    sheets manufactured from aluminum brands of AMG2, ATS according to GOST 21631;

    pressed profiles of constant cross section from aluminum alloy AD31 according to GOST 22233.

    It is allowed to use other materials with a thickness of 5-6 mm from among those permitted by state sanitary supervision authorities, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.3.6. The support and fixing lining should be made of low pressure polyethylene of any variety according to GOST 16338, as well as from ozone-resistant rubber of increased hardness, wood impregnated with an antiseptic, in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.3.7. Sealing gaskets should be made of light-zonoose-resistant rubber or plastics from among the permitted state sanitary supervision authorities in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner.

    2.3.8. To seal joints in places of connection of parts from aluminum alloys, the sealant of the UT-31 grade according to GOST 13489 or mastic on the regulatory and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner allowed by state sanitary supervision bodies and non-corrosive aluminum alloys should be used.

    2.3.9. Metric thread fasteners in all-in-point connections should be installed on the brands of brands BF-2, BF-4 according to GOST 12172, varnishes of stamps PF-170, PF-171 according to GOST 15907; Marks AK113, AK113F according to GOST 23832 or other varnishes allowed by state sanitary supervisory authorities.

    2.3.10. Door devices must comply with the requirements of GOST 538 and regulatory and technical documentation for specific types of instruments.

    2.4. Completeness

    2.4.1. The package of products is determined by the requirements of the regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

    Allowed devices, parts, protruding relative to the plane of the door, support and fixing lining, strokes, fastening designs are not installed, but supplied with products.

    2.5. Marking

    2.5.1. On the nonless surface of each product or on the tag must be applied:

    trademark of the manufacturer;

    brand of product;

    manufacturing date;

    stamp OTV.

    2.5.2. Cargo marking should be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 14192.

    2.5.3. The execution method and additional marking requirements are established in the regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

    2.6. Packaging

    2.6.1. Each door with swollen canvas before packaging should be closed on the lock.

    2.6.2. When laying in a container, each door or a group of doors should be wrapped in one layer of two-layer wrapping paper according to GOST 8828 or paraffinated paper according to GOST 9569 and linked with twine according to GOST 17308 with a turn of 300-350 mm.

    When laying in the container, the door group between the products must be laid a layer of paper according to GOST 8273.

    2.6.3. Doors must be laid in container, protecting products from curvature and mechanical damage made on working drawings approved in the prescribed manner.

    The number of products and methods for their laying in the container must ensure their safety during loading and unloading work and transportation by various types of transport.

    2.6.4. Non-installed devices or parts of instruments, headquarters and fasteners should be wrapped in a two-layer packaging paper according to GOST 8828 or laid in packets made of polyethylene film according to GOST 10354 and packed in a container together with the design.

    Laying parts of devices and fasteners in a separate container according to GOST 2991, and purchased goods included and not installed in the design, leave the manufacturer in packaging.

    2.6.5. Each party must have an accompanying document, the form and form of which, as well as the procedure and timing of the direction of these documents to the consumer establish the terms of delivery or the contract.

    3. Acceptance

    3.1. Doors take parties. The party must consist of the doors of the same brand made according to one technological process. Batch volume no more than 200 pcs.

    3.2. To verify the compliance of products, the requirements of this standard and working drawings at the manufacturer should be carried out by receiving, periodic and typical tests.

    3.3. In case of receiving tests, two-stage controls are used according to GOST 23616, for compliance with the requirements given in paragraphs.2.2.4; 2.2.12-2.2.15; 2.2.18; 2.4; 2.6, for which the batch selects products to the sample in accordance with Table 2.

    table 2

    Volume of party

    Sampling number

    Sampling volume

    Remote number

    Brave number

    3.4. Periodic tests should be subject to the product at least two years for compliance with the requirements of all clauses of this Standard, with the exception of PP.2.2.1 and 2.2.2.

    When laying doors on the production of tests, the requirements of all clauses of this standard are required.

    3.5. When making changes to the design of doors or manufacturing technology, typical tests are carried out, the volume of which determines the developer of design and technological documentation.

    4. Monitoring methods

    4.1. Resistance to the heat transfer of doors (clause 2.2.1) is determined according to GOST 26254.

    4.2. The resistance of the air permeability of the doors (p.2.2.2) is determined according to GOST 31167.

    4.3. The static and wind load doors (clause 2.2.3) verify the program and methods of tests approved in the prescribed manner.

    4.4. The operation of moving connections (clause 2.2.3) is checked by the control opening and closing of the doors.

    4.5. Protective-decorative coating (p.2.2.4) is checked according to GOST 9.302 and GOST 9.401.

    4.6. Geometrical dimensions (PP.2.2.7; 2.2.12-2.2.17) Check the SHC-III cord in accordance with GOST 166, a tilter according to GOST 5378, a tape measure of the accuracy class according to GOST 7502, the dipstoma by TU 2-034-225 or the enterprise template - Preceiver approved in the prescribed manner.

    4.7. The quality of the surfaces of the mechanical processing profiles (clause 2.2.18) is checked by a comparison method with routing standards according to GOST 9378.

    4.8. The presence of sealing pads (p.2.2.19) is verified visually.

    4.9. The density of pressed sealing gaskets to the concaves (p.2.2.20) is checked by the presence of a continuous trail left by the color substance applied to the surface of the seal.

    As a dyeing substance, the chalk according to GOST 12085 should be applied, Talc according to GOST 19729 or other substances that do not damaging design and easily removed after the control.

    4.10. Compliance of brands and quality materials (PP.2.3.1-2.3.10) check on certificates of manufacturers.

    5. Transportation and storage

    5.1. Transportation

    5.1.1. Products are transported by all types of transport in accordance with the rules for the transport of goods acting in this type of transport.

    5.1.2. The placement and fastening of freight locations on railway transport should be made in full compliance with the "technical conditions of loading and fastening of goods", approved by the Ministry of Sovieties of the USSR.

    5.2. Storage

    Products should be stored in dry ventilated rooms on wooden lining sorted by type and sizes. Between products laid in stacks should be wooden pads.

    6. Operating Instructions

    6.1. Door design elements and details of aluminum alloy mounting in places of brickwork, concrete, plaster, steel, etc. Must be protected from corrosion as indicated by SNiP 2.03.11-85.

    6.2. Operation of doors - according to the requirements of the passport and installation and operation instructions.

    7. Manufacturer's guarantees

    The warranty period is set in standards or regulatory and technical documentation on the design of specific types.

    Appendix 1 (mandatory). Load application schemes

    Attachment 1

    Appendix 2 (mandatory). Schemes for placing lining under the glass

    Appendix 2.

    Door with swing and rocking canvas

    The door with sliding canvas

    Door with folding canvases

    1 - reference lining; 2 - fixing lining; 3 - translucent filling; 4 - Nest-transparent filling

    Electronic document text
    prepared CJSC Codex and drilled by:
    official edition
    M.: Standinform, 2006