Trend "Ekodisine". How to turn "green longing" into promising business

Ekodisine as a big and serious global business trend disintegrates two under-trend, one of which claims globality and greater seriousness, and the second one does not pretend to anything. We are talking about the ecodisane and, we would say about "eodizerness".

Let's figure out for a start with a "small" business trend - "eodizivery", which, as we said above, no matter what is special Do not pretend. And having understood with him, we will understand a lot about the big trend.

Nevertheless, the Trend "Small Ecology" is of interest, and in general - it benefits people and profits to merchants.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis "small" business trend - to give people illusion Nature. Well, or the illusion of "concern about nature." When you meet an advertising slogan type: "We care about nature, so we ...", then you often understand - these are only beautiful words - a game on fashionable trends.

Because the problems of human ecology and its livelihoods are so serious and global that they require joint system efforts of the most advanced scientists and large monetary support of both state and non-state funds. To admit sad, but serious concern for ecology, (and not "eco-friendly" product design) The thing in our modern world is unthinkable dear and very high-tech. Plus, as we have already said, requiring universal joint, synchronous - comprehensive efforts.

Today it is impossible to build a dacha log in the "great place" and at the same time be sure that this beautiful gesture you "ecology benefits". No, most likely, the "author of" cottage grazing "in an excellent place" ecology has harm and harm substantial.

Ekodisin is often only alas, Simulacro, the game of urban children in the "Indians" on the "uninhabited island". That is, everything is more than "Ponaroshka" ... Well, a modern man cannot do without everything, which surrounded himself over the past two hundred years!

Nevertheless, the world trend of this ("Ekodisin") asks us our lives and at least psychologically gives that natural comfort (connection with the land), which is deprived of a resident of the metropolis.

And in this sense, primitive "eodiziveness" can help a person very essentially, if it is worth it (knowing at least some simple laws of psychology and resortology) to ensure its loaded body and the consciousness of some kind of relaxation. So, simply reducing the noise level in its place, where you provide services or sell goods, you will significantly move and on the Niva "Ekodisina". Correctly organizing the leisure zone, placing the light psyche light - you will enjoy the ecologist. Remembering the benefits of green (chlorophyll and photosynthesis - glory to them - light on our planet!) You will help people to gain harmony isook in your space.

Therefore, it is not necessary to discount the benefit of a very simple (and not very high-tech) way to make your space "environmentally friendly" to a person. These approaches to the service studies ergonomics, some industries of medicine (hygienist), and the same - Feng Shui.

Another thing is like us to be "environmentally friendly" in relation to a person, but to nature itself. We have accumulated enough information about what badly affects us. But we do not know anything about what is badly affected by entire natural ecosystems - on the sea and stream, for soil and forest, atmosphere, plants, insects ...

This question was studied by us, people, little, since never was in demand. Before the era of industrial capitalism damage to nature by man, although it was applied, but not a catastrophic pace. In the era of the same industrial capitalism, the advanced science was engaged in the development and use of subsoil - that's all interest in nature. Other The same interest in nature is in the initial development stage exclusively today. Therefore, when we meet the true samples of the real "Ekodisina" (and not the game of businessmen in the "ecology"), all these examples, firstly, are single, and secondly, are developed exclusively in the "Golden Billion" countries, countries that are already They decided their pressing problems and can afford to allocate money and leisure on disinterested care of happiness and healthy as a separate person and the planet as a whole.

Here, for example, how many copies are broken in conversations to reduce the physical activity of a modern person. About the load of information that he is obliged to process every day.

Did you remember about the children who this "cargo of information" is forced not only to "recycle", but also to be physically worn on their fragile unformed vertices? ... I mean - of course - school textbooks!

Well, Sani, go to the forest yourself!

According to research, the weight of a backpack with textbooks, which has every day to wear children under 12 years old is more than 4 kg.

Naturally, this is not the best reflected on health - the spinal deformation occurs, scoliosis develops, problems with the muscles of the back, etc., and why only doctors do not beat the alarm?! An entrepreneur from Malaysia has developed a lightweight ergonomic multifunctional backpack for SMART BAG schoolchildren, which is made of eco-friendly materials. His feature is that this backpack can be used as ... scooter.

It is equipped with a comfortable handle, ergonomic straps on shoulders, and aluminum wheels with a diameter of 62 mm for riding.

The dishes are made of leaves and water on special technology with the help of steam and heat. Moreover, with its manufacture, no chemicals, dyes, plastic, wax, and the like are not used. An important feature of this dish is the possibility of using it in a microwave, oven and refrigerator.

Indeed, standing development is an eco-friendly product that does not pollute the environment and at the same time convenient to use, in the sense that it does not need to be washed. It costs 1 dollar per plate, sold by packages for 10 or 12 pieces.

I do not wear anyone ...

As you know, motto "I do not eat anyone" It was concerned in the vegetarian vocabulary of Russia, in the era of the povel of the intelligent population of the philosophy of the so-called "housing".

"The collection of shoes for Vegans was born due to my love for live animals and fashion- says the leading television channel Detroit, blogger and young mother Elizabeth Katsman, - Although usually these two components are mutually exclusive, I do not think that they cannot be combined".

His new collection of eco-friendly shoes for women called "Elizabeth's", which combined fashion trends and compassion for animals Liz Katrman promotes actively and competently.

Everyone would be so soft and tolerant (to someone else's opinion) by NewZekers!


Earn before
200 000 rubles. a month, having fun!

Trend 2019. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum attachments. No additional contributions and payments. Turnkey training.

Millennal Pink is a popular color in the fashion world, which is sometimes called the symbol of the so-called non-generation. And they rush to paint into this color today many brands, regardless of their niche.

The popularity of pixel design is not only extremes from the fans of the game "Minecraft". The pixels laid nostalgia in the last "holy" childhood of many people on our planet.

Trend "Avolayania". 33 examples how avocado helps to promote any business

Business covered real avocadovania. Today, on this trend fruit in the West does not earn only lazy. In this material we collected more than 30 examples of profitable avocado.

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    Ecological design:

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    global sociocultural space

    The original point of view on the process of globalization, which can become a catalyst for the integration of mankind in the development of a strategy for the design of socio-efficient planetary interaction is presented. The article is based on an understanding of the design phenomenon as the technology of designing the subject, real, spiritual and holistic medium of human being on the basis of the principles of "biospheric acid". This approach to the socio-cultural assessment of nature development projects is considered as a real design alternative to the modern environmental crisis.


    Keywords: globalization, societies, social responsibility, technical systems, eco-design, environmental education, axiological benchmarks, environmental culture, environmental competence.

    The complicating complex of modern processes of transboundary interactions of various levels, which includes the intensification of contacts between cultures and social formations in modern conditions, is made to denote the term "globalization". Under conditions of large-scale societary changes, this phenomenon is a kind of catalyst for the process of integrating humanity in the development of a strategy for designing socioex-safe planetary interaction. It became clear that the Cartesian model of knowledge of the world, a fragmentary, partial view of the world, obtaining information without understanding the meaning is the cause of the systemic socio-ecological crisis. The civilization "macrossvig" is possible only on the basis of changes in consciousness, correction of modern culture, the formation of an ecological culture, the formation of environmental consciousness, new rationalism, an expanded look at the world. The limit compliance of the ONTOS (essentially) in all activities in nature, society, culture, spiritual production, education is the "general business philosophy", which is in demand by the modern sociocultural and spiritual and moral development of civilization. The time of reunification of the logic of thinking and morality of the senses as the conditions of human self-preservation by preserving the lives of life is occurring. Based on the deep transformation of pedagogical science and educational practice, the ideas about the nature of the formation and education of a person are completely different to implement its essential forces and abilities.

    In relation to the environmental education system as the most promising approach, most researchers today consider the definition of strategic guidelines, objectives, objectives, environmental education and education in the framework of the UNECE Strategy for Sustainable Development Strategy, which was developed by the European Economic Policy Committee Commissions and adopted at a high-level meeting of representatives of the Ministries of Environment and Education. As a leading approach to learning in the strategy, a competence approach is considered, which is intended to expand the possibilities of people to conduct life in harmony with nature and take care of social values \u200b\u200band cultural diversity. In this way,

    the modern stage of social development makes all new, higher requirements for man as a professional and a citizen as a person. According to a number of scientists, the XXI century. It is designed to become a century of human qualities (Pechesi A.), an age of humanitarian (Levi-Strauss K.), the beginning of the environmental era in the development of mankind (Girus E.V., Lisew IK).

    Approve the new algorithm of knowledge, understanding and transformation and the world - "Consciousness determines being", we come to the need for ontological, essential understanding, reflection of the world, realizing that the essence of a person is not his bodily biological form and a social organization, but possession of spiritual mind. The limit compliance of the ONTOS (essentially) in nature, peace and society and the person is the methodological base, on which understanding, understanding and correction of modern culture is possible. Moral philosophy, in nature, its cycles, naturalness, biosphere-space - those new axiological benchmarks that can help humanity adequately respond to global challenges of modernity.

    The exacerbation of the environmental crisis caused a critical analysis of technical forms and structures from the point of view of their environmental impact on the criteria for non-sanation harm to natural ecosystems, "enjoyment" into natural ecosystems. In ecological philosophy, the concept of "biosphere preparation" as the approach to the socio-cultural assessment of the Nature Technical Development Projects is substantiated by us. Ascending attention to the system "Nature - Man - Society" led to the emergence of a number of "border" areas of identification and activities: social ecology, anthropoecology, geoecology, environmental consciousness, ecological culture, ecological design.

    The concept of "ecological culture" actively approves in cultural studies. We share the opinion of Anisimova O.S., Kozlova O.N. And a number of other authors that environmental culture is a culture of a new quality, in which the essential forces of a person are being implemented, his spiritualized mind, the harmonizing attitude of the spirit, consciousness and human being. The researchers are unanimous in that environmental culture is a way to self-realization of a person in certain - environmental - framework, which is an internal determinant of any human activity, including the designer.

    One of the most important tasks of environmental education is the formation of future specialists, regardless of their professional orientation, skills, relationships, values, motivation


    Environmental culture in the context of sustainable development

    to personal participation in solving environmental problems to improve the quality of vital activity. A targeted scientific analysis of objective and subjective factors, conditions and means of building an educational process in higher educational institutions is also due to the sociocultural need for the development of students' abilities, in their education of environmental orientated life values \u200b\u200band the installations of humanistic orientation. A special role in this sense belongs to the modern phenomenon of design and directly designer. Upon understanding the design phenomenon, as the design of the subject, real, spiritual and holistic medium of the human being, it is extremely increasing its importance in the design of the quality of human life. Thus, the preparation of designers, their professional formation and environmental competence are extended to the head of the pedagogical science and educational practice. In this regard, and against the background of an increasing environmental crisis, environmental, psychologists, teachers, sociologists conduct a joint search for methodological, theoretical, technological and methodological foundations of the system of environmental education of future specialist designs, which should allow the hope of the real practical embodiment of fundamental development in the field of innovative educational technologies.

    One of the leading contradictions in design education is associated with the insufficient theoretical design of the design of the design as a culture phenomena, opposition of science and design. Design Method C. Jones, arguing that the design can not be mixed with any art or science, it emphasizes that in finding an optimal solution inside the perfect model, an abstract image, the designer sometimes has to reformulate and the problem itself. In fact, the designer implements the problem of hermeneutic methods in comprehending the problem, seeks to understand the meaning of the problem, and not just the incarnation of knowledge, information about the subject in the project. Summarizing, you can say: Science explores the existence, the design designs due, which will agree with a aphorist statement "Science analytic, design constructive". The design gives impetus to the creation of new forms. Therefore, it is unlikely that the opposition of design and science is productive. With all the specifics of creativity, knowledge in art, design, science should not forget that all this is only different languages \u200b\u200bof culture, different ways to reflect nature. Design creativity is distinguished by the embodiment of the idea, idea. But the science that generates ideas is introducing them, implements in the practical sphere. Sometimes the ideas of science feed design projects: progress in the philosophy of knowledge,

    gnosheology influenced the development of design. At the same time, artistic creativity, figurative, personal, subjective perception of phenomena, subjects contributed to the emergence of the need for science and education not only analysis, but also synthesis, figurative, and not just the "knowledgeable" approach. You can confidently assert, relying on the study of the classics of design K. Kantor, K.I. Christmas - |

    , V. L. Glazicheva, etc., that the design cannot successfully develop and

    outside the culture of its time, culture that is becoming more and more ecological. At the same time, the design enriches modern culture. A figurative, metaphorical understanding of the phenomena, subject, things, including not yet existing, as presented their detailed understanding, align the ratio of analysis and synthesis in the knowledge of the world.

    So the ecology and design are closely closed, intertwined, but at the same time a certain hierarchy is preserved, a vertex of which is an ecological culture, understood as a corresponding ONTOS (existing) in its limit. Nanioned harm to nature, living, society, to itself, culture - criteria for environmental friendliness. An ordinary "measure" act from the point of view of ecological culture is a dilemma: a threat - compliance. The absence of a person's actions in the actions of the personality is defined as an ecologiable (cultural). From these positions, ecological culture is a universal measure of any activity - the principle of biosphy-spubble as an axiological landmark of development is substantiated in philosophy.

    So, it can be noted that the metaphoricity of understanding is peculiar to both design art and environmental culture. However, the measurement problem will certainly arise both in the evaluation of the design product and the level of formation of environmental culture as the basis of environmental competence. The design is an assessment of experts, customer, consumer. To assess the formation of environmental competence, a matrix of structural levels of environmental competence of a specialist was developed. At the same time, under the "environmental competence" we understand the personal phenomenon, the essence of which is the ability and readiness of a person to subject to the surrounding reality in the unity of natural and sociocultural components in the awareness of the responsibility for professional activities. So far, the environmental criteria for competence are not included in the process of preparing designers, as well as the ideas of cult-debrity, environmental conformity does not act as one of the components of the assessment of designer activities. "Ecology of design" does not "directly" through standard standards.


    Environmental culture in the context of sustainable development

    Environmental culture affects design indirectly: through the formation of aesthetic preferences and flavors, through the environmental consciousness of consumers, experts. A special role in this process belongs to the highest professional education in the field of design, designed to ensure the formation of the environmental competence of a specialist.

    The problems presented are far from solving and exhaustive understanding. However, they demonstrate the fruitful nature of the environmental culture metaphoricity for the study of complex dynamic contradictory realities of the modern era of change. The verdict "competent - Nompepetenten" can be submitted by the criterion of "threat - compliance" of life, the life of biological, social, cultural. So environmental competence acquires basic meaning in the concept of a person: it is over-economic, over-ethnic, above-obstended. This is a universal characteristic of a person.

    So, in modern conditions, the ecologization of science, technology, culture and education, all spheres of life of society can be added with a complete basis - the successful work of the designer is impossible outside the environmental culture of its time. The modern design product must respond not only to aesthetic and technical, but also environmental requirements. We attempted to consider design in the ecology mirror in relation to the conditions of globalization.

    The English word "Design" is most often translated as design, modeling (used other concepts of design-project, model, idea, drawing, drawing). In Russia, the design as activity is understood most often in a narrow sense - as artistic design. However, in recent decades in the world, an increasing number of specialists are called the design (design) of the third culture, which organically unites humanitarian and artistic and scientific and technical cultures. The third culture is the project - English experts figuratively called "design with a capital letter", characterizing it as a cumulative experience of material culture and a cumulative array of experience, skills and understanding, embodied in the art of planning, invention, creation and execution.

    The sociocultural role of the design is manifested in the functions of the goal setting, reflecting the connection of humanitarian and technical culture in the formation of the appearance of the subject and spiritual environment. From this point of view, the borders of the design research in the field of design should be expanded from narrowly specialized to the fundamental - socio-philosophical and cultural. Note that the aesthetic and environmental ideals are historically

    changeable, dynamic. Industrial landscape with steaming pipes and powerful reinforced concrete buildings of plants and factories fully fitted in the aesthetics of "conquering nature". It did not cause it and environmental concerns - it was believed that nature resources are endless, the regenerative forces are huge. Everything was subordinate to the goal of achieving social well-being due to industrial power. |

    Now such or similar landscape causes a huge environmental and

    concern and aesthetic rejection, rejection. In the design, along with the principle of goal-setting (according to K. Marx - a conscious goal), the principle of value orientations is increasingly actively involved. The axiological component gradually becomes the center of project activities, determines the aesthetic preferences and benchmarks, participates in the formation of artistic taste. Design as one of the ways of spiritual and subject reflection and mastering the world is forced to take into account environmental values.

    With the discovery of the theory of relativity, the laws of thermodynamics are rethinking the ideas about the picture of the world. It is fundamentally changing the role of a learning entity in the knowledge and reflection of reality.

    According to J. Appdajka, "the world of such as we imagine it." Take the courage to argue that in the era of globalization design is an expressive of the basic values \u200b\u200band norms of a certain culture, the core of culture, since, according to K. Kantor, each culture occupies a special place in the "cultural field of the Earth". Minds of fundamentally new requirements arose in relation to the production environment (ergonomics), and the environment of the environment. Naturality as a requirement to take into account "Human qualities" in the design of technical systems is complemented by the requirement of the culturalism - compliance with the environmental criteria of the enjoyment into the surrounding world on the basis of a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bit. The embodiment in the design of the ideas of art, moral philosophy, environmental culture and, on this basis, the transformation of the spiritual and objective environment of the world, the design of a new holistic picture of the modern world - high design design.

    The philosophers argue that the humanitarian transition from the era of the docological to the ecological era is performed, humanity holds an exam on spiritualized intelligence, and modern technogenic civilization - for biospheric acid. Thus, the ideas of the holistic perception of the world, nature appearance, cultural imagination penetrate into the actual process of higher professional education, training of specialists. Let us show this on the example of an environmental study


    Environmental culture in the context of sustainable development

    preparation of future designers to professional activities. With all the variety of design definitions, the rod is a project activity that organically unites humanitarian and artistic and scientific and technical crops. This is an activity on the transformation of the surrounding person of the subject and spiritual environment. Design education is designed to ensure the readiness of a graduate of the university to activities on such a transformation-design environment that does not create threats or minimizes the effects of the impact of the design project to socio-natural systems. In other words, he must have environmental competence. The scale of tasks to be solved in connection with environmental requirements for professionalism in any sphere, allow you to determine environmental competence as a key one. It can be formed at the global level - as an ideological, on general education - as a mandatory component of education and professional - as an integral part of any activity. The idea of \u200b\u200ba holistic objective environment is fairly considered in Russia and all over the world as a real design alternative to the modern environmental crisis. With these positions, the ecodesign becomes a rod, the core of the nature of the designer, the measure of the ecological culture of design projects.

    The analysis allows us to conclude that modern Ekodesign takes into account the theoretical and methodological principle of the ecologization of all project activities, an understanding of the integrity of the subject and spiritual medium, naturalness and culturality, the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning a holistic object environment. A holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, ecological culture, a holistic worldview, the environmental consciousness of the individual - mastering the specialist with these categories in the process of design education - a new, demanded task of the task of pedagogy of higher education.

    The axiological meaning of Ekodisine Education is to form value environmental settings, which is based on the holistic perception of the world, recognition is not utilitarian, but the general value of nature as the basis of life, responsible attitude towards all human manifestations. This implies the definition: the environmental competence of the designer, this ability and willingness to implement environmental value installations and benchmarks in professional activity, design a holistic substitution environment.

    Of course, the pluralism of opinions on the definition of the deep essence of the ecological approach to the design has the right to exist - this is one of the views of the view. We, in turn, it seems

    what genuine origins of environmental design should be sought in the works of domestic philosophers, cultural scientists, nature researchers and people - psychologists and teachers. Based on the analysis of the relevant theoretical sources, we can talk about the fact that the modern understanding of the design should include harmonization

    man and Nature, Design, Environmental Optimization, |

    reduced contradictions between human's uniqueness, human communities and the standard of artificial world.

    To date, there are many sectors of artistic design (design): technical design (aesthetic and ergonomic design of production spaces), art design (one of the development lines of modern design, in which there are no differences between the functional design, which makes up the basis of professional design, and clean, high art) and the design of the environment that includes various directions of artistic and design activities related to the development of the subject's interconnection, visual communication systems, organization of life and human activity on functional and rational principles (interior design, furniture design, graphic design and etc.) The main focus of the designer's activities is the production of a beautiful, convenient and understandable product to the consumer, "second nature", based on artistic and shaped models, functional analysis, stylization and layout, studying the psychology of the masses, as well as on modern knowledge of culture, the environment and its protection . Thus, a modern design understanding includes a wide range of design disciplines covering all areas of human life, its cultural, moral and social aspects. But first of all, the design is the harmonization of the environment, the path to the holistic worldview, the perception of the world and the awareness of its place in it (Fig. 1).

    In the process of expert assessment of the current state in the field of environmental education and the upbringing of future designers, it was noted that the specialist's environmental competence in modern conditions of global environmental problems is one of the most important competencies that is carrying interprofessional and prototypes that the professional activity of a specialist of any professional orientation today should take into account the environmental aspect, for which a specialist should have such personality qualities that will contribute to the implementation


    Environmental culture in the context of sustainable development

    professional activities from the standpoint of its environmental expediency.

    The rating of environmental orientate values \u200b\u200bshowed that in the first place in future specialists - the values \u200b\u200bof an ecological and aesthetic nature, which do not require significant volitional costs: enjoying the beauty of nature. This may be due to the fact that students are rarely attracted to practical environmental-oriented activities, explained by others, in particular, organizational and pedagogical reasons. The results of the rating of socioproductive eco-oriented activities as values \u200b\u200bconfirmed this provision: the greatest indicator refers to gaming and leisure activities. The high indicator is characteristic of a number of universal eco-oriented values \u200b\u200bon the background of a fairly low indicator reflecting the attitude towards environmental orientated sciences; As well as for the ecological and humanistic value of "man as an integral part of nature" and personal characterizing environmental friendliness of life position.

    reflection of humanitarian and technical culture communication in the formation of the appearance of the subject and spiritual environment


    Environmental optimization

    human and Nature Harmonization

    Formation of a holistic human worldview

    Problem field:

    The uniqueness of human society contradictions the standard of artificial world

    Fig.1. Ecosocyural design phenomenon

    Thus, a breakthrough is needed for a cardinal change of the current situation, which is possible only on the basis of a scientific analysis of social reality and training in new thinking people through socio-humanitarian education.

    Bibliographic list

    1. Kohsheva A. O. Cultural origins and formation of environmental design\u003e 3 // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2008. No. 12. P. 156-162.

    2. Kohsheva A.O. Axiological guidelines for the formation of the environmental competence of the future designer // Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Education. 2009. No. 3. P. 126-129.

    3. Kohsheva A.O. Ecological design: in search of sense // Social humanitarian knowledge. 2009. No. 4. P. 327-333.

    4. Kohcheva A.O. The axiological aspect of Ekodisa region // Environmental problems of the global world: Materials of the International Conference, Moscow, October 26-27, 2009 M., 2009. P. 134-136.

    5. Kohchev S.N., Perfilova O.E. Environmental competence: formation, problems, perspectives: studies. benefit. M., 2008.

    6. Laslo E. Macroc Vig. By the stability of the world with a change rate. M., 2004.

    7. Moiseev N.N. Modern rationalism. M., 1995.

    8. Perfilova O.E. Safety of ecosocial interaction in the context of globalization // Bulletin of the International Academy of Sciences (Russian Section). 2009. Special edition. P. 206-209.

    9. Fedorov N.F. Philosophy of shared business. M., 1982.

    10. Glazacheva A. EcodeSign: Projection of the Environment // Ecology and Forests for Public Health: Proceedings of the International Conference. OSLO, NORWAY, SEPTEMBER 18-20, 2009. OSLO, 2009. P. 22.

    11. Kofler W. Sustainability and Some Arguments for an Additional Approach for Science for Survival // International Conference On "Environment: SURVIVAL AND SUSTAINABILITY": abstracts. Nicosia-Northern Cyprus, 2007. P. 773-774.

    12. Tellness G. How Can Nature and Culture Promote Health? // Scandinavian Journal for Public Health. 2009. № 37. P. 559-561.

    Modern eco-Design In the interior (Greek. Eikos is a house, habitat) - "Ecological" style ", made of natural materials, which gives a feeling of freshness and unity with nature. To date, one of the most sought-after modern styles.

    What is eco-design

    Eco Design - This is an attempt to recreate the natural environment in human habitats. The meaning of eco-design is the title - the interior, made in this veneer, is optimally harmonized with the environment. It is in the "eco-friendly" premises a person may feel all the advantages of natural materials and really relax from a stuffy city.

    Eco-design or Naturel is expressed only at the expense of its idea, natural principle, the naturalness of materials, colors, the correctness of the forms.

    Basic Eco-Design Style Elements:

    • main materials: tree, stone, clay, glass, fabrics from natural materials;
    • the main colors: beige, brown, white (in contrast with black or dark wood), gentle pastel tones. More often use natural colors: pale green, pale blue, grass, water, stone, tree, soil;
    • proximity to nature or sensation of intimacy, in this interior it is easy to breathe, a lot of light.

    Eco-Design History

    This style has no turbulent development history, as well as famous architectural monuments. The style is difficult to name unique, by borrowing forms and methods in other styles.

    Appeal to Eco, one way or another occurs, but it is only eco-design mixing with others. For example, Architect Alvar Aalto - "Father of Modernism" designed houses with germinating trees and spuning tops.

    Eco-design spoke at the end of the 20th century, when people were tired of the problems of ecology and decided to create their own "clean" world in an apartment or house. This design is interesting in that is dictated by nature itself. Man as part of the world and nature, is in no hurry to give up her, seeks to keep it, reproduce it on a country site or an apartment, as in eco-design.

    Of course, the appeal to nature was encountered before in other styles. It was expressed in painting, painting, textures, architectural elements and sculptures. The most bright natural theme affected modern. But if modern, relies on the elements of classic styles, then eco-design on modern, not one of the presence of equipment and electronics, there is no way natural.

    Also, Partly Country is an eco-design, not counting his care from modernity. The "progenitors" of eco-design consider the Scandinavian designers who gave the basis in combining the naturalness of the material and innovative form, as well as Japanese traditionalists.

    At the expense of its positive energy, promoting relaxing, paying attention to the health and correctness of life, eco-design in the interior quickly found fans and continues to remain popular in modern homes and apartments.

    Today, it is very often possible to meet the mixture of other styles with the eco-design, in other words, Eco stylization of the interior.

    Features of eco-design

    Creating eco-design in the interior cannot be subordinate to any axioms, of course, in addition to the rule, which states that only harmless and natural materials can be used. Your character, addiction, habits, age and even the status can be reflected in the interior created, while its belonging to eco-design will be indisputable.
    Eco-design in the interior is very popular and wide in application. For arrangement, it is suitable for apartments, cottage, and chilout in the office (place for recreation) and even negotiating. The main principle of eco-design is natural in everything. Therefore, no chipboard, plastic and chrome metal in furniture and decor items.

    One of the most significant eco-design advantages is great opportunities for the embodiment of your fantasies, you can use any colors and any natural materials in finishing and furnishing. Great materials such as reed or other deciduous wallpapers, river stones, which can be used as wall cladding.

    In environmental style, the content determines the form: everything consists of natural materials. This style offers us to evaluate the nine clean beauty of the tree, stone, vines, cotton, flax, wool, burned clay. It is not necessary to overload these natural textures with various patterns, reliefs, bright colors and original structures. Let everything be simple and natural.

    Elements of style

    Eco-design walls: Wooden panels, cork coating, simple paper wallpapers with barely noticeable vegetable pattern, and better without a picture, or wallpaper from natural vegetable materials, you can add ceramic tiles (monophonic, or also with vegetable pattern), finishing stone, Use white plaster.

    Eco-design ceiling: Wooden panels, or a combination of wooden beams with a light ceiling (tension, or seminal) - excellent solutions for the interior of eco-design.
    Floor eco-design: Eco-style is laid out of a stone or terracotta tile of a natural shade. No less in demand in Eco-style wooden parquet, with both European breeds and exotic, bamboo or corks. An additional intake can be the combination of wood dark and light breeds.

    Eco-design furniture: from a natural tree, better array. Tables and stools from sleeps and a solid tree trunk and table tops from natural stone or marble. Threads should not be much, yet the interior is modern, and therefore the form is straightforward, the figures are simple. Easy array, rattan furniture. It is worth mentioning that the furniture in eco-design is not cheap. In addition to the fact that the furniture made of natural wood is worth an order of magnitude more expensive than her artificial fellow, so in eco-style more preference is given to furniture from the massif (solid wood without compounds). This will only come to terms with this, if only to change salons with similar furniture you will not find a "private carpenter", which is extremely difficult. Cheaper alternative can be the furniture in the Scandinavian style.

    For doorways, lightweight doors made of array or wooden veneer doors are desirable. You can add glass interior doors in a wooden frame, curtains from "Bus" made of natural materials (shells, bamboo sticks).

    Eco-design fabrics never belonged to the category of "rich", traditionally they symbolized common rural life. Today, curtains from the chokes and mats are considered the rude of refinement. Ecological style adherents assure that natural unpacked fabrics even have the other energy. Choose for curtains and fabric finishes Things from flax, sither, canvas, cargo, from coarse wool. In art salons at a very affordable price, gray non-heated canvas are sold. This is a very spectacular cloth for designing an ecological interior. From it you can make curtains, tablecloths, upholstery for furniture. In addition, it makes sense to look after wicker blinds: they are suitable for designing windows and simply as wall mats or dividing shirms.

    Decor objects in eco-design: glass vases (more often than green) or clay, live flowers, wicker baskets, chests, trees branches, simple textiles made of flax or cotton, decorative fountains, wooden or straw fruit and straws. In the kitchen in eco-design, a special comfort give the bundles of dried grass and bunds. Each subject in the interior of Eco-Disa should maintain a feeling of natural touch, be it a picture or composition of dried flowers.

    The dishes in the eco-design should be simple and monophonic soft colors. Difficult drawings are not allowed, the pattern is best suitable in ethnic style. The rays will be ceramics or stained glass. Good will be wooden accessories, as well as cotton napkins.

    It is closer to nature, which means that eco-design, you will help you do not just have several colors in pots, but the created winter garden or his mini version, when the colors are made up only one zone. You can even decorated with stones, separately lying or in the form of a garden of stones in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Also decorate the interior of aquarium, a terrarium or a cage with birds.

    The room made in the eco-design should be well lit, it's not easy in it, it feels their weather, frowning or solar - everything depends on your mood. To achieve such a high result, fluorescent lamps are used as light sources, which in addition to the fulfillment of the main function (lighting) also saved electricity.

    To arrange a house in the style of Naturel, it is not at all necessary to deviate the whole apartment of wood. It is enough to make something one thing from the tree - the floor, walls, doors or windows. You can also purchase unprocessed, and therefore cheaper wood and bring it to perfection yourself. This, of course, will take longer, but work with natural wood is also to some extent communication with nature and the sore tribute to the chosen environmental style.

    The main mistake is the representation of eco-design in the form of a country, with its large number of decorative elements, thread, lace, painting, and the like. Do not forget the eco-design reflects the modern interior, its minimalism, simplicity and functionality, do not litter it and do not turn it into a house in the village.

    Eco-design - embodiment of nature and healing rest

    Eco-Design The interior is perfect for personalities that feel their responsibility for the environment in which they live: eco-design is not just a stylish and beautiful interior, but also the expression of a certain position of protest against the limitless consumer instinct and pollution of nature.

    Stone, tree and naturalness in the interior have always been and will be relevant. If we open the European Journal, we will see the abundance of such natural materials, natural colors and textures, which indicates that Eco style in the interior is now in trend.

    Eco-style in the interior is becoming increasingly popular, especially among the inhabitants of megacities, since finding among natural materials faster relieves stress, soothes and contributes to the speedy restoration of forces after the working day. Eco Style Today is not only a healthy eco-friendly interior, this is an interior, which, and from aesthetic point of view, looks stylish, beautiful and expensive.

    Now a certain boom on and stone is traced in the finish. What is it connected with?

    If we consider, say, English Classics - we are accustomed that in this interior there is a lot of wood, many surfaces, details, reliefs and sometimes threads.

    In the modern world, the tree in the interior turned into a smooth homogeneous surface, and the decorative element is the wood texture itself. In addition to its beautiful texture that adds interesting color accents to the interior, furniture, flooring or some wooden decor items added to the interior heat and comfort.

    Why eco-style in the interior is relevant now?

    In our opinion, life indoors with natural materials is better and better. You feel differently. I say a little that the tree in the interior of the apartment and the stone give comfort to the room. The fact is that we are surrounded everywhere during the day. In the big city we are busy and run somewhere around us there are a lot of breasts of metal and plastic (cars, phones, metro wagons). Question: Why do we need all this in the place where we live?

    Design living room in modern and eco styles: project

    Apartments and private houses should be a place where people are resting, spending leisure, meet with friends, someone even works, and it is very important to create the right atmosphere, due to natural materials.

    Apartment in modern and eco-style: Project "Izmailovo"

    Ekodisine is not a greens and combinations of shades of nature. Not at all. The eco-friendly interior in our understanding is the creation of an interior in which materials, furniture and decor made of natural materials that do not distinguish harmful substances for the human body and the environment. At the same time, the interior itself is absolutely modern and as functional as possible.

    Natural materials, furniture and decor, which is an ecodesign is expensive. This is true! A smooth account, as not natural materials, can also be expensive.

    We can say with confidence that natural than the interior of non-natural materials:

    After all, you can buy a tile from the European manufacturer for 3000 rubles / m2, and you can buy a natural slate for 2300 rubles / m2. You can buy a glass Italian table for 2-3 thousand dollars, or for the same money to bring a spice of a solid trunk of an exotic tree from Indonesia. Only the fact that you will have a table of solid drink - will make your eco-interior look at a million dollars, and no one will not be surprised by the Italian table.

    Features Eco-style in the interior

    It is important to correctly distribute the budget, use natural materials, furniture and decor, winning to highlight certain natural materials, the rest is made by the background so that this material looks expensive.

    As a rule, the background in our projects is concrete walls or homogeneous paint surfaces, natural wallpapers from fabric without excessive parts and textures - whether the walls of the apartment or smooth facades of cabinets.

    Ecodesign in the interior is to use such materials as:

    • natural wallpapers in the interior;
    • finishing the interior tree;
    • natural fabrics;
    • stone finish;
    • interior decoration with wood (sleepers, furniture made of array and other);
    • natural fabrics, wood, stone, around which the eco interinitioners are built.

    Turning to the workshop of the design, you get Eco Design an apartment or a house with a finish with natural wood and a stone, an interior design in a modern style, while competently distribute the budget in order not to spend colossal money on Eco style in the interior.

    You can order an eco-friendly design in St. Petersburg, Ekodisine Moscow, or being in any other city - we will be able to help you in the implementation of the project of your dreams.