The specific heat capacity of the brick produced. Density and specific brick heat capacity The heat capacity of the brick in comparison with other materials

In fact, choosing building materials for the construction of one or another building, it is mandatory to pay attention to their physical quantities. And the specific heating capacity of the brick in the question under consideration is no exception. But, of course, to understand what impact is the physical value on the brick, it is necessary to initially understand that it actually represents.

What are the indicators to pay attention when choosing a brick?

  1. The specific heat capacity is an indicator of what amount of heat is required to heat 1 kg of a substance per 1 ° C.
  2. Also, a huge importance for brick has a thermal conductivity. It indicates that in what amount the material can transmit heat both from the inner and from the outside at different temperature modes.
  3. What will be the heat transfer indicator, completely depends on which material you acquire for the construction of the building. In order to find out the final indicator for the wall with numerous layers, it is necessary to proceed from the thermal conductivity indicator for each individual layer.

How is the specific heat capacity?

Silicate brick is very popular. It is obtained in the process of mixing lime with sand.

Specific heat capacity is determined during laboratory studies. This indicator depends entirely on which temperature is material. The heat capacity parameter is necessary in order to ultimately be understood how heat-resistant the outer walls of the heated building will be. After all, the walls of structures need to be built from materials, the specific heat capacity of which is committed to the maximum.

In addition, this indicator is necessary for accurate calculations in the process of heating various kinds of solutions, as well as in a situation where the work is made at a minus temperature.

It is impossible not to say about full-scale bricks. It is this material that can boast a high thermal conductivity. Consequently, in order to save it, it is impossible to fit the hollow brick.

Types and nuances of brick blocks

In order to eventually build a fairly warm brick building, initially you need to understand which kind of type of this material is suitable for this to the greatest extent. Currently, the markets and construction stores present a huge range of bricks. So what exactly give preference?

In the territory of our country, silicate brick enjoys great popularity. This material is obtained during the mixing of lime with sand.

The demand for silicate brick is related to the fact that it is often used in everyday life and has a fairly acceptable price. If you touch the question of physical quantities, then this material, of course, is largely inferior to its fellows. Due to the low thermal conductivity indicator, build a truly warm house from silicate brick is unlikely to succeed.

But, of course, like any material, silicate brick has its advantages. For example, it has a high sound insulation. It is for this reason that it is very often used to build partitions and walls in urban apartments.

The second honorable place in the rating of demand is occupied by ceramic brick. It is obtained from the stirring of various types of clays, which are in the subsequent burn. This material is used to directly erect buildings and their cladding. The construction type is used to build buildings, and facing - for their finishing. It is worth saying about the fact that the ceramics-based brick is completely small by weight, so it is an ideal material for independent construction work.

A novelty of the construction market is a warm brick. It is nothing but an improved block of ceramics. This type in its size may exceed the standard for about fourteen times. But this in no way affects the total mass of the construction.

If you compare this material with ceramic bricks, then the first option in the matter of thermal insulation is two times better. The warm block has a large number of small emptiness, which look like channels located in the vertical plane.

And as it is known, the more the airspace is present in the material, the higher the thermal conductivity. The heat loss in this situation occurs in most cases on partitions inside or in the seams of masonry.

Thermal conductivity of bricks and foam blocks: features

This calculation is necessary in order to reflect the properties of the material that is expressed in relation to the material density indicator to its properties heat.

Heat engineering homogeneity is an indicator that is equal to the reverse ratio of the heat flow passing through the wall design, to the amount of heat passing through the conditional barrier and the equal total area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.

In fact, both the other calculation option is a rather complicated process. It is for this reason that if you have no experience in this issue, it is best to seek help from a specialist who can accurately produce all calculations.

So, summing up, we can say that physical quantities are very important when choosing a building material. As you could see, different, depending on their properties, have a number of advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you want to build a truly warm building, then you are best to give preference to a warm type of brick, which has a thermal insulation indicator at the maximum mark. If you are limited in money, then the optimal option for you will be the purchase of a silicate brick, which, although minimally saves heat, but perfectly eliminates the room from outside sounds.

The ability of the material to hold heat is rated its specific heat. The amount of heat (in KJ), which is necessary to increase the temperature of one kilogram of the material for one degree. For example, water has a specific heat capacity equal to 4.19 kJ / (kg * k). This means, for example, that to increase the temperature of 1 kg of water at 1 ° K, 4.19 kJ is required.

Table 1. Comparison of some heat accumulating materials
Material Density, kg / m 3 Heat capacity, KJ / (kg * k) Coefficient of thermal conductivity, W / (m * k) Mass there for heat accumulating 1 GJ heat change at δ \u003d 20 k, kg Relative mass there in relation to the mass of water, kg / kg Volume there for heat accumulating 1 GJ heat type at δ \u003d 20 k, m 3 Relative volume there in relation to the volume of water, m 3 / m 3
Granite, Galka 1600 0,84 0,45 59500 5 49,6 4,2
Water 1000 4,2 0,6 11900 1 11,9 1
Glauberova Salt (sodium sulfate decahydrate) 14600
3300 0,28 2,26 0,19
Paraffin 786 2,89 0,498 3750 0,32 4,77 0,4

For water heating plants and liquid heating systems, water is best used as a heat accumulating material, and for air heliums - pebbles, gravel, etc. It should be borne in mind that the pebble heatacumulator with the same energy intensity compared to the water heatacumulator has 3 times a larger volume and takes 1.6 times large area. For example, a water heat acceumator with a diameter of 1.5 m and a height of 1.4 m has a volume of 4.3 m 3, while a pebble heataccumulator in the form of a cube with a side of 2.4 m has a volume of 13.8 m 3.

The recycling density of heat is largely depends on the accumulation method and the kind of heat accumulating material. It can be accumulated in a chemically associated form in fuel. At the same time, the accumulation density corresponds to the heat of the combustion, kW * h / kg:

  • oil - 11.3;
  • coal (conditional fuel) - 8.1;
  • hydrogen - 33.6;
  • wood - 4.2.

With thermochemical accumulation of heat in the zeolite (adsorption processes - desorption), 286 W can accumulate 26 W * h / kg of heat when the temperature difference is 55 ° C. The recycling of heat in solid materials (rock rock, pebble, granite, concrete, brick) with a temperature difference of 60 ° C is 14 ... 17 W * h / kg, and in water - 70 W * h / kg. With phase transitions of the substance (melting - hardening) accumulation density is significantly higher, W * h / kg:

  • ice (melting) - 93;
  • paraffin - 47;
  • hydrates of inorganic acid salts - 40 ... 130.

Unfortunately, the best building materials contained in Table 2 - concrete, the specific heat capacity of which is 1.1 kJ / (kg * k), holds only the ¼ of the amount of heat that stores the water of the same weight. However, the density of concrete (kg / m 3) significantly exceeds the density of water. In the second column of Table 2 shows the densities of these materials. Multiplying the specific heat capacity on the density of the material, we obtain the heat capacity for the cubic meter. These values \u200b\u200bare given in the third column of Table 2. It should be noted that water, despite the fact that it has the smallest density of all the above materials, has a heat capacity of 1 m 3 above (2328,8 kJ / m 3) than the remaining table materials, By virtue of its significantly greater specific heat capacity. The low specific heat capacity of concrete is largely compensated by its large mass, due to which it holds a significant amount of heat (1415.9 kJ / m 3).

Selecting the appropriate material for a particular type of construction work, special attention should be paid to its technical characteristics. This also applies to the specific heat capacity of the brick, from which the need for the house in subsequent thermal insulation and additional decoration of the walls largely depends.

Characteristics of bricks that affect its application:

  • Specific heat. The amount determining the amount of thermal energy required for heating 1 kg per 1 degree.
  • Thermal conductivity. Very important characteristic for brick products, allowing to determine the amount of transmitted heat from the side of the room to the street.
  • The heat transfer level of the brick wall is directly affected by the characteristics of the material used for its construction. In cases where it comes to a multilayer masonry, it will be necessary to take into account the thermal conductivity coefficient of each layer separately.


Helpful information:

Based on the production technology, the brick is classified on ceramic and silicate groups. At the same time, both species have significant material, specific heat and thermal conductivity coefficient. The raw material for the manufacture of ceramic brick is also called red, the clay is in which a number of components add a number of components. Formed raw blanks are subjected to burning in special furnaces. The specific heat capacity may vary in the range of 0.7-0.9 kJ / (kg · k). As for medium density, it is usually at the level of 1,400 kg / m3.

Among the strengths of ceramic bricks can be allocated:

1. Smoothness surface. It increases its external aesthetics and convenience of laying.
2. Frost resistance and moisture. Under normal conditions, the walls do not need additional moisture and thermal insulation.
3. The ability to transfer high temperatures. This allows the use of ceramic brick to build furnaces, mangals, heat-resistant partitions.
4. Density 700-2100 kg / m3. This characteristic directly affects the presence of internal pores. As the material porosity increases, its density decreases, and heat-insulating characteristics increase.


As for silicate brick, it happens full, hollow and paired. Based on the size, distinguish between single, one-time and double bricks. On average, silicate brick has a density of 1600 kg / m3. The noise absorbing characteristics of silicate masonry are especially valued: even if we are talking about the wall of a small thickness, its sound insulation will be an order of magnitude higher than in the case of the use of other types of masonry material.


Separately, it is worth saying a facing brick, which with the same success with the water and water increase. The indicator of the specific heat capacity of this material is at the level of 0.88 kJ / (kg · k), with a density of up to 2700 kg / m3. Facing bricks are presented in a large variety of shades. They are suitable for both cladding and laying.


Presents dynasy, carborund, magnesite and chammed bricks. Mass of one brick is quite large, due to a significant density (2700 kg / m3). The lowest heat capacity when heated in carborund brick 0.779 kJ / (kg · k) for a temperature of +1000 degrees. The heating rate of the furnace laid from this brick significantly exceeds the heating of chammed masonry, but cooling comes faster.

From refractory bricks are equipped with furnaces involving heating to +1500 degrees. The temperature of the heating temperature has a great effect on the specific heat capacity of this material. For example, the same chamotte brick at +100 degrees has a heat capacity of 0.83 kJ / (kg · k). However, if he is heated to +1500 degrees, it will provoke the height of heat capacity up to 1.25 kJ / (kg · k).

Dependence on use temperature

The technical indicators of bricks greatly affects the temperature regime:

  • Trepal. At temperatures from -20 to + 20, the density changes in the range of 700-1300 kg / m3. The heat capacity indicator is at the stable level of 0.712 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Silicate. Similar temperature -20 - +20 degrees and density from 1000 to 2200 kg / m3 provides for the possibility of different specific heat capacity 0.754-0.837 kJ / (kg · k).
  • SAMED. When the temperature identity is identical to the previous type, there is a stable heat capacity of 0.753 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Red. It can be applied at a temperature of 0-100 degrees. Its density may vary from 1600-2070 kg / m3, and heat capacity - from 0.849 to 0.872 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Yellow. Temperature oscillations from -20 to +20 degrees and stable density of 1817 kg / m3 gives the same stable heat capacity 0.728 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Building. At a temperature of +20 degrees and density 800-1500 kg / m3, the heat capacity is at the level of 0.8 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Facing. The same temperature mode is +20, with a material density in 1800 kg / m3 determines the heat capacity of 0.88 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Dynasy. Operation in high temperature mode from +20 to +1500 and density 1500-1900 kg / m3 implies consistent increase in heat capacity from 0.842 to 1.243 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Carborundum. As it heated from +20 to +100 degrees, the material with a density of 1000-1300 kg / m3 gradually increases its heat capacity from 0.7 to 0.841 kJ / (kg · k). However, if the heating of carborund brick continue, then its heat capacity begins to decrease. At a temperature of +1000 degrees, it will be 0.779 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Magnezite. The material with a density of 2700 kg / m3 with an increase in temperature from +100 to +1500 degrees gradually increases its heat capacity 0.93-1.239 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Chromite. Heating the product with a density of 3050 kg / m3 from +100 to +1000 degrees provokes a gradual increase in its heat capacity from 0.712 to 0.912 kJ / (kg · k).
  • Chamotnoe. It has a density of 1850 kg / m3. When heated from +100 to +1500 degrees, the heat capacity of the material from 0.833 to 1.251 kJ / (kg · k) occurs.

Pick bricks correctly, depending on the tasks set by the construction site.

The scope of the material is determined by its operational characteristics. The complex of the properties under consideration must comply with the requirements of the construction brick in the construction of external walls, overlap, foundation. The construction of structures implies the choice of products for various purposes:

  • Silicate - ordinary, facial, hollow, full-length.
  • Ceramic - heat-resistant and all varieties of the previous species.
  • Clinker - for facing facades.

Indicators determine the power consumption of the house, the cost of heating the premises. Designing structures, calculations of enclosing structures take into account these parameters.

Coefficient of thermal conductivity

Materials have the properties to carry out heat from the heated surface in a colder area. The process occurs as a result of electromagnetic interaction of atoms, electrons and quasiparticles (phonons). The main indicator of the value is the coefficient of thermal conductivity (λ, W /), defined as the amount of heat passing through the unit of the cross section of the time interval. A small value has a positive effect on the conservation of the thermal regime.

According to GOST 530-2012, the efficiency of masonry in a dry state is characterized by a thermal conductivity coefficient:

  • ≤ 0.20 - high;
  • 0.2 < λ ≤ 0.24 – повышенная;
  • 0.24 - 0.36 - effective;
  • 0.36 - 0.46 - Conditionally effective;
  • ˃ 0.46 - ordinary (ineffective).

The greater the density, the higher the thermal conductivity - is not quite the right statement. The structure contains closed pores and cavities (hollow), filled with air with a coefficient ≈ 0.026. Due to this, the products with slit holes better maintain thermal regime inside the structures. In engineering calculations, it is necessary to consider the thermal conductivity of the masonry mixture, the value of the indicator is selected from 0.47 and higher, depending on the composition.

The thermal conductivity of the red product is lower than that of silicate.

Physical heating and heat retention processes can be characterized by the values:

  • The heat transfer coefficient is heat exchange at the border of the solid and air environment. This is the power of the heat flux, which comes to the plane of 1 m², inversely proportional to the difference in body temperatures and coolant (air). The higher the thermal conductivity, the more heat transfer.
  • Full thermal resistance - the ability to resist heat transfer. The value is inversely proportional to the heat transfer coefficient. Based on the calculated formula R \u003d L / λ, it is easy to calculate the optimal thickness of the masonry. λ is a permanent parameter, R - thermal resistance is indicated in Table 4 SP 131.13330.22 for the climatic zones of Russia.

Heat capacity

The required amount of heat supplied to the body to increase the temperature by 1 Kelvin - the definition of the concept of "full heat capacity". Unit of measurement: J / K or J / ° C. The larger the volume and mass of the body (the thickness of the walls and overlaps), the higher the heat capacity of the material, the favorable temperature mode is better supported. The most accurately this property confirms the characteristics:

  • The specific heat capacity of the brick is the amount of heat required to heat the unit mass of the substance per unit interval of time. Unit of measurement: J / kg * to or j / kg * ° C. Used for engineering calculations.
  • Volumetric heat capacity - the amount of heat consumed by the body of a single volume for heating per unit of time. Measured in j / m³ * to or j / kg * ° C.

Thermal convection is continuous: radiators are heated by air, which transmits heat to the walls. When the temperature decreases in the rooms there is a reverse process. An increase in the specific heat capacity, a decrease in the coefficient of thermal conductivity of walls ensure a reduction in the cost of heating at home. The thickness of the masonry can be optimized by a number of actions:

  • The use of thermal insulation.
  • Apply plaster.
  • The use of a wetty brick or stone (excluded for the foundation of the building).
  • Masonry solution with optimal thermal parameters.

Table with characteristics of various types of masonry. Used data SP 50.13330.2012:

Density, kg / m³ Specific heat, KJ / kg * ° C Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / m * ° C

Ordinary clay brick on a different masonry solution

Cement-sand 1800 0.88 0.56
Cement-perlite 1600 0.88 0.47


Cement-sand 1800 0.88 0.7

Empty red different density (kg / m³) on the CPS

1400 1600 0.88 0.47
1300 1400 0.88 0.41
1000 1200 0.88 0.35

Frost resistance of brick masonry

Resistance to the effects of negative temperatures is an indicator that affects the strength and durability of the structure. Laying in the process of operation is saturated with moisture. In winter, water penetrating into the pores turns into ice, increases in volume and breaks the cavity in which it is destruction. Frost resistance, as a rule, low, water absorption should not exceed 20%.

The determination of the number of cycles of freezing and thawing without losing the strength of each type of product allows you to identify frost resistance (F). The value is obtained by an experimental way. In the laboratory, a multiple frost is carried out in refrigeration chambers and a natural thawing of samples.

The coefficient of frost resistance is the ratio of strength to compress the experimental and source element. Changing the indicator more than 5%, the presence of cracks, the openings sign on the end of the test. Product brands contain characteristics of frost resistance: F15 (20, 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 150). The digital parameter indicates the number of cycles: the higher the number, the more reliable the erected system.

The acquisition of a high brand of frost resistance will empty the budget laid on construction. Measures to improve the properties of structures, extending the period of operation in cold climate zones without increasing costs:

  • The use of vapor and waterproofing.
  • Masonry treatment with hydrophobic compositions.
  • Control, timely correction of defects.
  • Reliable waterproofing foundation.

From the selection of material for masonry, its specific heat, thermal conductivity, frost resistance depends on the period and comfort of operation of the house. Complex calculations, drawing up cost estimates better entrust experienced specialists who have experience in building and designing.

Before answering the main question - there is a harmful chamotte brick, it is necessary to understand what kind of building material, in which areas and structures are used and from which components is made.

Most often, chamotal brick is used when equipped with furnaces and fireplaces.

An ordinary brick used in construction is not suitable for structures that are constantly exposed to high temperatures. For such conditions, bricks from refractory materials are used, the most popular of which is chamoten brick. Without its use, it is difficult to present private and industrial construction.

Specific sandy yellow color and coarse structure make chamotal brick easily recognizable. Unusual properties of the material gives the manufacturing technology, during which the initial raw material is molded and burned at high temperatures. Moreover, their level at each stage is necessarily monitored.

A shadow brick is made of a special grade of clay.

High rates (heat capacity and fire resistance) are achieved by a special composition of the feedstock. Chamotte brick is made of special clay brands (which are called "Shamot") with the use of some additives, in particular, aluminum oxide. It is he "replies" for the strength and resistance of the building material and, most importantly, the porosity, from which the heat capacity of chamotte brick depends directly.

It is clear that the larger the aluminum oxide is added, the higher the porosity of the material and, accordingly, below the strength. Find the balance between these two indicators is the most important thing in the production of chamotte brick, and the heat capacity of this also depends.


Based on the foregoing, it is possible to make an unequivocal conclusion - the myth of the harmfulness of chamotte brick does not have any actual substantiation. Moreover, it is difficult to just just explain the cause of its occurrence. It is possible that the material involuntarily "suffered" due to the fact that the production of chamotte bricks, as well as most of other building materials, especially before the arrival of modern technologies, was often not a model for imitating environmental advocates.

Be that as it may, the experience of long-term exploitation of material allows one to unequivocally assert that when exposed to high temperatures (even highly high), absolutely no harmful substances are allocated. It is difficult to expect otherwise, especially considering that the production of chamotte brick is used, in the ecological purity of which it is difficult to doubt, namely the clay. You can even spend a parallel with clay dishes, which accompanies a person many hundreds of years.

Does this mean that chammed brick does not have drawbacks? Of course not. You can mark several basic:

  1. Chamotte brick blocks are difficult to process and cut due to high strength. This minus is partially leveled by the variety of forms of chamotte brick blocks, allowing to achieve almost any designer sings without cutting material.
  2. Even in one batch, the product is noticeable deviations in the sizes of bricks, and to achieve greater unification of blocks is problematic due to the features of production technology.
  3. Material high cost in comparison with ordinary brick. It is also impossible to avoid this disadvantage: the operating conditions require the use of a suitable material. The use of the usual, non-refractory brick sharply reduces the life of the structure or requires the use of additional means of processing.


Chamotte brick simply indispensable in the field of private construction when erecting furnaces and fireplaces. But in order for the design to be operated for many years, high-quality material is needed. This is especially true for private owners, as large industrial enterprises have more opportunities to control the materials used in the construction of materials.

And for high strength, chamotte brick is difficult to cut and process.

All indicators of chamotte brick - from strength to frost resistance, from porosity to density are strictly regulated by state standards. It is worth noting that in recent years, part of the manufacturers in the production of chamotte brick is guided by its own specifications. As a result, some discrepancies are possible for a number of parameters. Therefore, when acquiring a material, it is necessary to check the certificate of compliance with the quality of products.

Special attention should be paid on the weight of bricks. What it is less, the higher the thermal conductivity and, accordingly, below the heat capacity. The optimal mass of the refractory block is determined by GOST within 3.7 kg.

Types and labeling

Modern manufacturers offer a large number of various types of chamotte bricks that differ in mass and form, production technology and the degree of porosity.

Standard in the form of direct and arched blocks a variety of forms of chamotte brick does not end.

Large distribution was trapezoidal and wedge, capable of satisfying any requirements for constructive elements.

Depending on the rate of porosity, chamoten brick may vary from particularly dense (less than 3% porosity) to ultrawork (porosity - 85% or more).

The main characteristics are very easy to determine on the labeling of refractory brick, which is necessarily applied to each block. The following stamps are currently produced:

  1. Shv, Shus.

The thermal conductivity of chamotte brick of these species allows them to be used in industry - for lining of walls of particle generators and convective mines.

  1. Sha, SB, Shack.

The most universal and because of this popular refractory blocks used for most part of private traders. Apply especially often when laying fireplaces and furnaces. Can be used at temperatures up to 1690 degrees. In addition, they have high strength.

Used in the construction of coke production aggregates.

A lightweight variety of material used for lining of furnaces with a relatively low heating temperature is no more than 1,300 degrees. The small weight of refractory blocks is achieved by an increase in porosity.


It is the markings when acquiring a material, it is necessary to study first of all, which will allow any builder to choose exactly the type of chamotte brick that is most suitable for design features. And having examined the information provided, anyone can be sure that the chamoten brick is no danger for a person, and even more so mythical harm.