Care for strawberries after fruiting. Do I need to water strawberries late in summer and autumn? Nitrogen: When autumn strawberry care is dangerous

For the winter, the garden is mounted peat, straw, sawdust, or covered with fallen foliage. Under this warm "blanket" of the plants safely winter, and the next year part of the mulch moves into the bed of the garden in the form of pumping organic, saturating it with nitrogen.


The first processing is made after spring loosening when young leaves appear. Many dackets feed their strawberries during this period a strongly divorced bird litter, which in its composition is close to full mineral fertilizer, and the impact has practically the same. From it you can cook infusion. One piece of chicken excrement and 20 parts of water takes, all this is placed in a plastic container, mixed well and stored in a warm place. To reduce the unpleasant smell, you can add humat, for example, Baikal. The resulting solution is shed only aisle, avoiding entering the root space. Chicken litter - Organic fertilizer with a long period of the afternoon, so it is not desirable to use it than once a year, otherwise nitrates will accumulate in the soil, which will subsequently go into finished products.

The second feeding is carried out after the berry tying. For her use a divorced korovyan. Of all the types of organic, it is considered the best fertilizer for strawberries. Its composition has all the elements necessary for the plant - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and sometimes even magnesium.

From fresh underlining manure, liquid feeding is prepared as follows - a quarter fill the bucket with excrement, and poured with water to the top. Then they withstand in a warm place 2-3 days, so that the infusion went through, and ammonia came out of it, bringing urinary acid with him, which can burn roots.

But this is not yet all - the resulting mixture must be breeding again, so that 1 liter of the working solution accounted for 3-4 liters of water. Now this liquid can be pouring a garden, spending 10 liters per 1 mq.

For the winter, if the strawberry is completely transplanted from the garden, the land is starting to feed hard. To begin with, the Siderats are planted in September, which in October it is necessary to step along with the soil. It would be nice to pour the land a few days after this procedure, so that the rotation process is activated, and the soil is actively saturated with nitric fertilizers. Before the most frosts in the bed, horse or cow manure makes, and leave to relax until spring.

Spring makes ash, to saturate soil with potash fertilizers. The extract from this substrate can also be used for the extra-root feeding of strawberries, which is carried out during her flowering. It helps to make berries well, thanks to Kalia, which transforms the metabolic processes in the plant, helping to accumulate sucrose in berries. Also, this element, affecting the plant, prolongs the shelf life of berries.

If the strawberry remains wintering on the old garden, or it is planted under autumn, then it is necessary to climb the roasting zone and the space between the bushes. To do this, you can use humus.

Mineral and Finished Fertilizers Scheme

In autumn

Fingering strawberries start in early September, when there are still foliage on the bushes. At this time, you can make Kemiru Autumn, about 50 g per 1 mq. During the application of fertilizer for strawberries, it is impossible to paint it into the center of the socket, it burns, and the bush will die.

The second feeder is made in late October, after the leaves were cut. For her use humate potassium. After that, the garden is mounted, and do not touch until the end of March. Also at this time, you can deposit superphosphate - it refers to the discharge of fertilizers with a long period of dissolution in the soil of active elements, so it is always preferably desirable to be made in advance.


In the spring, strawberries can be filled with complex mineral fertilizer - ammonophos in combination with ammonium nitrate (2: 1), about 15 g. Per 1 mq. In a liquid solution with water, nitroammophos (especially clay soils), ready-made integrated fertilizer Ryazan, Kemio Luxury. We can not feed the urea in the spring, the urbobateria has not yet function, and this fertilizer does not absorb.

The next feeding is carried out in early June, it is possible to recommend Kemir Suite or Kemir a wagon, an ammonium saltpered, mixed with potassium sulfate, in proportion 1: 1, at the rate of 1 h. Spoon under the bush.

The most necessary substance at the stage of formation of berries is potassium, so the next summer feeding, produced during flowering, should necessarily contain it. For example, you can use potassium monophosphate - 1 tbsp. l. On 10 liters of water, this amount is enough for 5 plants. Facing a bush must be accompanied by abundant irrigation.

Protection against pests

Strawberries have a lot of pests, and cope with them - a difficult task. Folk remedies will come to the rescue, the use of which will make the cultivation of strawberries better.

Folk ways to combat harmful insects were tested by centuries:

For example, ants who love to settle on berry beds, and eat ripe strawberries, helps an ordinary acetic essence, which watering places where insects are most. The smell of vinegar ants are not tolerated, and rushing to be returned as far as possible. The asna walker, which entered into the soil of the bed in the fall, protects the strawberries from many insects - pests, for example, tri, and from not friendly flora, fungus and mold. The distance to the base of the roots during dusting ashes should not exceed 10 cm, otherwise it will have a negative impact on the plants. From the weevil helps dubbing tooth powder (the price of one pack - from 9 p., It is enough for 5-7 sq..), Which must be repeated several times per season.

Very often in the aisle strawberry planting garlic. This plant allocates essential oils, the smell of which many insects are not transferred. Calendula medicinal (in the spacious marigold), also planted in the alarms for this purpose.

To protect against birds, as mentioned above, passionable materials with a cellular structure are often used. But there is another way, more convenient, since access to berries will not be overclocked. To implement it, they take a metal foil, cut it with strips and glued to long sticks that stick into bed.

Video: Seminar on the secretions of strawberry growing

Delicious vegetable garden

Victor Gardener comments ...

I think that you despair early! It all depends on how much your strawberries managed to prepare for winter.

Now you need to give a strawberry maximum attention, namely - September and October, if warm and dry, then regularly water and loose beds, delete the mustache.

And on the winter it is necessary to ensure the protection of strawberries from possible frosts. This is the most important thing, because the leaves are on themselves protection against frosts, and in their absence (and they will, of course, will no longer have time) the danger of freezogua increases many times.

I think the shelter with your problem is sure! I use a cheva, but you can apply everything you have at hand - straw, hay, sawdust leaves, etc. As I hide the strawberries - it is written in detail on this blog. You can find and see.

If winter is warm, then you can do without it. But in this case, the risk of loss of part of the crop and even the death of the bushes is large.

Victor, Hello! I read your site regularly. Thank you for all all the info. Helps a lot. Consult pliz about strawberries ... Now on my strawberry (leaves) there were spots of reddish color. There are not so many of them, but .. Maybe which whonver is eating Ali virus? What to do at this time of the year. Maybe than to spray? What do you think? And about the autumn watering. We have water in a barrel for irrigation stands in the garden. Swing there from the well. Since not summer, then the water is cold there. Water from abundantly cold water every time I in doubt and anxiety, and does it harm it to bushes? Although the rain logically is also cold? I'm not so an experienced gardener, a year ago we moved to live in the village)))))

Watering strawberries Agroflooraru.

Watering strawberries - sprinkle

Still exist System of sprinkler. Significant advantage - mobility. Such a system is either completely or partially, you can transfer from one land plot to another.

Composite parts of springs are called sprinklers. More productive watering will be in case of placement of them in a triangular checker order. With a square location, not all bushes of strawberries will be equally well political. The distance between the sprinklers should not exceed 12-15 m. If you increase this number of meters, you can no longer wait for the results of a positive nature.

The nozzles are most often used by 1.2 cm. At the same time, the spray pressure is 9 kg / cm2. Water consumption specifically in this case - 500 liters of water per minute per hectare. This will be 30 mm precipitation per hour.

When the air temperature is reached, the mark exceeding +27 ºС, additional watering will be required. Most often, this is July and August. In these months, precipitation falls less than moisture from the soil evaporates.

In such conditions, the loss of soil moisture in various regions range from 50 to 89 mm per day. A week from the soil leaves 355 to 635 mm of water. In addition, the soils of different granulometric composition are characterized by the ability to retain moisture. Worst of all hold sandy.

In large industrial complexes, it is customary to wait for the moment when the percentage of evaporation reaches a mark of 60. To accurately determine the moisture indicator uses a tensiometer. It must be placed at the level of the root system of the bush and remove the indicators.

The amount of water consumed to one watering must exceed the lost soil moisture by 25%.

Immediately after planting, the measured soil humidity in the strawberry root layer should be 20-30 centibar.

We will repeat that it is necessary to water the strawberry throughout the growing season, special attention is paid to the time of flowering and fuel pouring.

Watering better in the morning warm water. But the use of excessive amounts of water can cause massive infection of various sorts diseases.

Before flowering, strawberries are watered around the leaves, you can use sprinkle systems. In other phases, the development is poured specifically under the root. At the same time, it is important not to fall on the plants.

Positive will affect the process of laying floral kidney watering watering strawberries after harvest.

The amount of water depends, first of all, from weather conditions. If there are no rains, it is necessary to water once every 10 days. In the case of frequent rains, the bushes are covered with an agro-tree. This, again, will not give to develop mushroom diseases.

In any case, after irrigation, the soil should be loosened and mulch.

During the period of fruiting plants, the plants are watered solely as necessary. Alive only the soil, leaving the drunker himself. It happens in the morning, in order to give a strawberry in the evening to dry.

With an average air temperature, the amount of irrigation per week is approximately 1-2 times. The norm is between 15 to 20 l / m2. It should be known that frequent watering with a small amount of water is very bad. It is better to water less often, but use more water.

If the strawberry gives a few yields per season, before using irrigation, it is necessary to collect all ripe berries. Otherwise, you risk getting a rotten harvest. It is not worthwhile to fill the beds - the uncooked fruits from contact with wet earth and moisture will be rotable.

When the berries begin to pour, the amount of water increases. What, watered rows, not watered bushes. After, on the soil you can put a straw. It will produce an antibacterial and sorption effect - strawberry will not be exposed to pathogens of mushroom origin. Plus, the berries will be clean, ill-defined land.

In the process of irrigation, the probability of infection is very large. In order to avoid this, experts recommend every 10 days to water the plants with a solution of the preparation of phytoosporin M.

By applying the line, make conclusions. So, the most frequent strawberry watering is carried out in the first 14 days after landing. Water consumption is 3 liters per square meter.

After, the frequency of this process is reduced to 2-3 times a week at high temperatures and up to 1 time in moderate warm weather.

Watering must be carried out in the morning, for complete drying of plants in the evening.

How to water strawberries

Articles on the topic

Strawberry Gianthala

Weevil on a strawberry

Standard strawberry

How to water strawberries

Strawberry is one of the most delicious berries in our garden. In addition to the taste, strawberries has amazing useful properties - it contains a whole cluster of vitamins. Watering strawberries is a very important point of care. Many gardeners are wondering, and How to water strawberries? In this article we will try to answer this common question in detail.

Immediately it should be noted that the strawberry is a moisture-loving plant, and in no case cannot be allowed water stagnation. If this happens, the roots and mustache can bend. Let's talk a little about the structure of strawberry roots. She has small roots and are located in the upper layer of the Earth, accordingly, to take moisture from deep layers, it is not able. You can make such a conclusion - we need to water the strawberry as the soil is drying.

The frequency and abundance of watering is very dependent on the soil composition. Suglinic soils should be watered in more often, compared with the chernozem. Strawberry irrigation rates when growing on chernozem are 10-13 liters per square meter.

The best time is early morning. Thus, you are fighting the berry from burns, as well as moisture will completely dry in the evening, which will insure away from posting.

When watering should take into account - strawberry does not like cold water very much. It affects the roots of the plant very badly. Therefore, it must be heated, at least up to 20 degrees.

Watering strawberries start from the end of April-mid-May, depending on the presence of precipitation. May, June, July Strawberry watered, as a rule three times a month, and in August and September 1-2 times a month. October no more than once. In the spring it is desirable to exercise sprinkling.

How to water strawberries during flowering

It is most important to pour strawberry right during flowering. Berry very acute reacts to the lack of moisture during this period of growth. At this time, it will be better to organize a drip watering. If there is no such possibility, it should be remembered that in no case can be used cold water. Norms during this period are 15-25 liters of water for 1 square meter. It is necessary that the soil be moistened to 25 centimeters in depth.

To preserve moisture, the soil around the plant can be meditated with straw.

How to water strawberries during fruiting

During fruiting, it is also very important to water properly. During the formation of fruits, the plant requires more moisture. The irrigation rate is 13-15 liters per square meter. The fruction of strawberries occurs during the strong heat, so to preserve moisture, it is necessary to climb the plants with the help of straw, hay or needles. Thus, you will prevent the growth of weeds.

How to water strawberry video

A little about leaving:

The topic is immense, read the same way:

Undercalinking Strawberry Dolligus on Gianatela Strawberry

As soon as the dacms above the poor strawberry in the fall: it is cut "under zero", they are stolen, dried, they are covered with film ... All this leads to extinction and reduced yield. Proper care for strawberry in the fall is simple, but requires certain knowledge.

It would seem that we all know how to care for strawberries in the fall - crop her leaves, and the case with the end. However, experienced gardeners will say that such an approach is erroneous and will be right. After all, for a full-fledged harvest next year, the preparation of strawberries for winter stands from mid-summer.

Standard strawberry autumn

You need to feed strawberries three times a year: before flowering, after fruiting and in September before the mandrel for the wintering.

Each gardener has its own answer to the question. Someone uses a 10% solution of a cowboat mixed with ash, someone insists a bird litter, and someone prefers specially designed comprehensive fertilizers.

After collecting a strawberry berry, as before, needs to be careful. Therefore, never think about whether to water strawberries in the fall. Of course, and watering, and the removal of the mustache must continue.

The latest moisture profitable facilities are held in October with a frequency once every seven days, provided that it is dry weather. If rain and soil are saturated with moisture to the very roots, then pour strawberry.

In September-October, signs of all diseases that struck your plantation are noticeable on strawberry bushes. This is a suitable period for treating planting drugs from pests and diseases. But, before you treat the strawberry in the fall, you need to save it from weeds that interfere with the ventilation of bushes and take part of the power.
There is a nuance in it: it is not recommended to glow strawberries in the fall, since it is possible to damage the root system of plants, which will not have time to recover to frosts. The optimal option will be a weeding at the end of summer or the treatment with Lenatil (herbicide intended for strawberry landings).

After the garden for strawberries remained in the fall without unauthorized settlers, you can proceed to the expulsion of pests and diseases.

The dispute about whether it is necessary to cut the leaves of strawberries in the fall, lasts not one decade lasts and is still not over. From the point of view of supporters of trimming, diseases and flowers develop diseases, there may be harmful insects and disputes of fungal diseases, so it is better to remove them, leaving only low stems. Opponents of this position believe that the bush cut off for winter will spend all the forces on the formation of a new greenery and go under the snow weakened, which will negatively affect the fruction of the next season.

In our opinion, truth, as always, in the middle: You can either trim the strawberry immediately after fruiting, so that she managed to form a new magnificent greens before winter, or engage in trimming in the fall, but remove only dried and sick leaves.

IMPORTANT! The main protection of the bush from frosts and winds is lush leaves, so it is impossible to leave strawberries without foliage.

If you are gathered to trim the leaves of strawberries in the fall, then take sharp garden scissors or a secateur, you must certainly put the gloves and prepare the container for the leaves - you should not leave them on the garden and do not stand it.

FACT! The repair strawberry is not cut in the fall, only remove patients and damaged leaves with the onset of cold weather. Do it very carefully so as not to damage the root system.

Mulching strawberries in autumn

The best shelter for the winter strawberry is snow. It is he who is able to securely cover the bushes and protect them from the cracking of the soil, sparing, freezing and other misfortunes. But how to be if snow in your edges in winter does not happen?

In this case, to play the role of caring nature to the gardener itself. For the winter, strawberries need to be hidden, and there are enough methods and materials for this. The simplest thing you can do is mulch the bushes of strawberries in the fall using plant components.

The ideal shelter for the garden strawberries is the needle - it does not wind, does not stick out and does not attract mice. If you cannot use coniferous opead or husknik, you cannot choose another suitable material - straw, compost, humid, dry leaves, etc.

Remember that if you have chosen the spunbond to cover, it is impossible to put it directly on the leaves - this will lead to the freezing of strawberries in the places of contact with the material. Such curable materials require an arc installation.

IMPORTANT! Mulch and strengthen the strawberry bed in the fall after the first frosts. The bush, passed by minus temperatures, will become more hardened and easier will take the wintering.

Autumnal care for strawberries does not require serious temporary or financial costs, but with its simplicity it gives tangible results. In the spring, your bushes do not spend time on recovery and immediately actively go into growth, fruiting longer and more active than usual.

Strawberry, a large-scale garden strawberry, a hybrid zemlik - related berry cultures, which are commonly called the overall name "garden strawberry". The rules of care for them in general terms are the same.

These strawberry varieties that are not removable, the fruit kidney of the future season is formed in august-September. previous year. That is why this period is so important for the coming harvest.

The crop of strawberry next year largely depends on the autumn works.

Autumn events

Here is a beauty! Strawberry on a plot of one of our editors!

When the berry pleased, on the strawberry plantation it is necessary to take several important agrotechnical events:

This is an exemplary list of cases for those gardens, where the garden surface is not closed with a special film or agrovolok. If the strawberry is planted in the cuts of a special mulching material, some items will not be relevant. The overall concept (protection and feeding) is preserved.

Undercaming and mustache

Mustache removed!

Over the next week, before the onset of cold weather ,. You can give another feeding. For better plants preservation. It must be done.

Strawberry care immediately after harvest

When the beds with strawberries are operated for several years, the bushes are growing old and the yield decreases sharply.

Strawberry should transplant about once every 4 years.

Productive terms from different grades of strawberries may differ, but it is usually recommended to update the landings every 3-5 years. In this case, obsolete landings are cleaned, the beds are dripped under other cultures. But if the plants have not yet stepped over the critical age line, ready to please the harvest next season, they need a worthy care.

The earlier the gardener starts to process strawberry beds, better bushes will restore strength Successful will be successful, abundantly will dissolve for the next year. Specific deadlines depend on the region and varietal features of the berries. As soon as the latest fruits are collected, it is desirable to immediately begin trimming the leaves.

Mustache for breeding

If with the same fruiting plantation is taken, treatment can be a little postponed. We must not forget that the plants are depleted by fruiting.

If you need seedlings for breeding, the mustache is not deleted, but give them to root and grow a good outlet.

Therefore, for the speedy rustling of the mustache, the beds spill abundantly, carry liquid feeding. or the organic: infusion of cowboat or nettle (dissolved in tenfold water volume), chicken lips (water in the infusion of 1:20).

In order for the mustache to be healthier, it is possible to embryo the beds from diseases (biopreparation Phitosporin or chemicals Forecast, Propy Plus, Chifflor ), from pests (Yadochimikati Spark M, Fufanon ).

Trimming foliage and mustache

The removal of leaves on the strawberry is sometimes called mud. But this does not mean that it is necessary to mow oblique or lawn mower. Use garden scissors, a secateur, a knife or a small sickle.

If plants are only one year or the host confident in the absolute health of the plantation, then only the oldest, lower leaves are removed. In other cases, the entire sheet apparatus eliminate. It is cut, crushed, removed from the bed and burn. So many diseases and pests leave.

Simultaneously with foliage cut off and unnecessary mustache. On the bushes, there are only pets from the leaves with a length of about 5 cm. With a shorter trimming, there is a risk of infection and damage to the kidneys (heart).

After trimming in August, the autumn of the strawberry will be ready for wintering!

In the middle lane of Russia, in the North-West region, in Siberia, the pruning of strawberry leaves is not produced later mid august. Fresh green mass should have time to increase well before the onset of cold weather. If the deadlines are missed, only the lowest leaves are later removed - spotted, old.

Fighting weeds

The weeds growing next to the bush are pulling their hands, trying not to damage the bush.

Wearing grass, especially multi-year, is able to strongly drown out strawberry plants and significantly reduce the yield of plantation. Weeds need to be removed along with roots.

Weeding and loosening

In the aisle, the weeding is performed using a shovel or a narrow long scope.

Weeding and loosening of strawberry landings are always conducted together.

So you can even extract the deepest rhizomes. Immediately close to bushes to operate with a subtle root dealer, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the tender surface roots of strawberry plants. Simultaneously with the weeding, the soil is also produced.

The use of herbicide

Proceed with gerbecides Large plantations of garden strawberries are more convenient with a won sprayer.

Sometimes, to get rid of the Zasille of many years of weeds on strawberry plantations, recommend using a special herbicide called Lontrail 300-D .

Spraying by this drug leads to the death of perennial weeds (except for cereals of a dusty type), and strawberries remain alive. Lontrail is an aggressive chemical, and it is only necessary to apply it in case of extreme need, strictly according to the instructions.


If they come (or recently passed) heavy rains, then the additional watering is not needed.

But in dry weather it is necessary to ensure the flow of water to the roots of strawberries. So faster young foliage will grow, flower kidneys laid successfully. Watering must be very abundant - Better in science or sprinkling. If from the watering can be at least 30-40 liters per square meter of landing. Soil moisturizing is also a preparatory measure before feeding and mulching.


Earth is breaking before making fertilizers, then the granules are scattered and close in the soil, and the peat is added from above.

Fertilizers are introduced in two ways:

  • sweep under the bushes humid and ash;
  • conduct a helpful watering.

Both reception can be combined.

Processing strawberries from diseases and pests

Protective spraying is carried out after mowing of foliage, watering and liquid feeding, but before being added to the compost and mulching. Each gardener decides whether to apply gentle eco-friendly tools or chemicals (if the situation with the infections is critical).

Chemical protection

For the prevention of spotting bushes, strawberries are processed after harvesting burgundy liquid.

  1. Need to regularly remove the growing mustache - They strongly weaken the plants, worsen the bookmark of the fruit kidneys.
  2. In dry weather you need periodic abundant watering .
  3. At the end of August or in September, one more feeding is carried out with the predominance of potash phosphoric components . To do this, use aqueous solution of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate (on a tablespoon on a bucket of water), comprehensive autumn fertilizers, wood ash.

Shelter strawberry plantation for the winter

Fir snapper is a good material for the shelter of strawberries in case of a long lack of snow cover.

  • If all the events are carried out correctly and on time, healthy and strong bushes are formed by the middle of autumn. As a rule, they successfully winter. But it is still better to reinforce and hide the plantation of strawberries for the winter. This is especially necessary in cases where foreign varieties are planted, new items, the endurance of which still have to experience. In the regions where the harsh winters and the problem offseason, protection works on the principle of "Berezhoy God".
  • Shelter should not be too early and dense - it threatens while having heated bushes. At first, strawberry plants must undergo quenching the first autumn cold. When the upper layer of soil jershoot, the daily temperatures will go into a small minus - only then they are covered with strawberries. In the conditions of the middle strip and similar climate of the regions, this time usually comes closer to the end of October or even in November. If at this time there is no longer the opportunity to come to the garden, the procedure can be spent and early, just not too tight.

Winter shelter options for strawberries

Dry foliage is the most popular version of the winter shelter of strawberries.

  • napnik (branches of coniferous trees);
  • needles or dry foliage;
  • reed, stems of corn and sunflower;
  • white agrofiber ():, Loutrasil, Agrotex, etc. It is advisable to throw it not on the bushes themselves the bushes of strawberries, but for small arcs so that the air layer remains.
  • Many gardeners do not advise the use of sawdust: they watered, tear, are fatal.

Sometimes it is practicing the installation of shields in the form of a fence near the beds - for better snowdown.

If earlier there were cases of damage to strawberry bushes with mice, then the plants lay down the poisoned baits from rodents.

Video about the correct preparation of strawberries to wintering

In the fall, gardeners and gardeners rightfully enjoy the results of their works. And although most of the species (strawberries) brought himself back in the first half of summer, lovers of repairing grades and in September they collect a fragrant ripe berry that absorbed the warmth of August.

Strawberry garden autumn. Photo

The main seasonal work in the garden by the end of September is already fulfilled, but the rest time has not yet come. Your care for strawberry beds will now turn a good harvest next year.

Clean and order in bed

First of all it is important to remove old leaves. Of course, their first trimming should be carried out after harvesting. As is known, the life of the strawberry sheet is about 3 months, therefore, by the time of the berries, a significant part of the green mass of the bush is already aging. But in the autumn you need to pay attention to the pruning.

So, we remove the old foliage, as well as the newly formed mustache. You can leave only 3-4 fresh leafs, but you should not delete all green mass. It is extremely undesirable to tear your hands, because the bush is damaged in general, even if it is not noticeable. Good use a secateur or garden scissors. At the same time we hold a weeding.

Old leaves and mustache should be removed. Photo

Cropped leaves and mustache remove with beds and burn. Thus, we get rid of a large number that are arranged or already settled on the winter.

At the same time carry out the audit of bushes. If something went wrong with some copies, they look bad or completely disappeared, now it's time to replace them. To do this, we remove the old roots and put the pre-prepared rather rooted seedlings.

Such a plant must be replaced. Photo

You can grow young plants alone from seeds, mustache or sharing an adult bush. How to get your own seedlings with the help of a mustache or division of the bush, you can read in publication. And in the next video, the entire process of creating a new bed of garden strawberries is demonstrated, ranging from the preparation of soil, growing its own seedlings and to planting it at a permanent place.

If you failed to grow your eases, you can choose it in our market, combining large online stores. Look into the selection.

Watering is needed by a garden strawberry almost until the end of the growing season. Of course, no regular and abundant soil moisturizing is as they do in a hot period, as well as during pouring berries. But if the autumn is warm and dry weather, it is necessary to water the garden from time to time. Special attention is paid to newly planted bushes: if there is no rain, then they need to water them so that the soil around them is always moderately humid.

Protection from cold weather

With the onset of the cold, garden strawberries should be protected from frosts, and it is necessary to take care of it before falling out of the snow. It is necessary to hide such that passes the air. It can be a special covering material (Loutrasil, Spanbond), a trust (desirable to take from non-uniform trees), pure straw, husknik. The latter will scare from your strawberries, and the fallen needles will subsequently be a good mulch for the next year.

It is especially important to high-quality shelter for the winter for repairing varieties. It often happens that their fruiting is stretched to the coldests and weakened plants do not have time to prepare for the winter. In addition, the root system is still closer to the surface of the soil, rather than the usual. Therefore, it is desirable to fasten the bushes with straw and sketch up with a neuropriety so that it does not break it with the wind.

Very useful installation of special shields for snowstand. Snow protects plants well and their root system from freezing. Personally, my experience suggests that with a large number of snow in the climatic conditions of the Samara region (and in the winter we have below -30 ° C) there is no need to arrange an additional warming of garden strawberries. But I live in a private house and I have the opportunity to plunge the snow in a timely manner.

Groans in February. Photo

What will be the harvest of garden strawberries next year to a large extent depends on what we will do now, in the fall. Many believe that the cultivation of this berry is one of the most labor processes. But no one will argue that his own strawberry is incomparably tastier and the fragrant of the one in the supermarket. Therefore, it is worth paying strawberry beds a little bit of attention, and next year she will reward it a good harvest.

But those gardeners who cease to pay due attention to this miracle beyond the fall of proper attention are very mistaken. Care for yourself Strawberry at this time requires no less than in spring and summer time. Winter is not far off, and it is now that strawberry accumulates the strength to safely survive harsh frosts and meet the arrival of the future summer in full health and magnificence.

Strawberry bushes in September continue to actively develop, a sheet apparatus is formed, the root system is increasing, and the most important thing for us is, at this autumn time is already beginning to appear. future of flower kidneyFrom which the following year also depends on the next year, and the quality of the fed berries. Therefore, in September behind the strawberry, I continue to care with the same regularity as, for example, in May and June.

First of all, I continue to water the strawberry is still one or twice a week. Moreover, watering I carry out the method of filling the beds, i.e. also abundantly, as in the summer. Even if it freshes a small autumn rain, then the strawberry is not enough, she needs a good, deep watering. Only after it, the roots will begin to actually function truly, and the bush will feel comfortable. My neighbors were already stopped surprised in the country area, when I water strawberries after such a rain, and sometimes even during the Morossa (the water is served as scheduled). Seeing both beneficial waters for strawberries, now they try to water just.

After each irrigation necessarily need groans to drink. For this, I use a special hug, the beds neatly loose between the rows, so as not to touch the strawberry bushes. This is especially true to the powerful growing mature (two-year-old) strawberry bushes. Weeds due to the mulch of the needles on the strawberry beds a little, but those that still appear, immediately deleted. At the same time cutting the reproduction season appearing all season - mustache. In order not to damage the bushes to cut them with scissors. Tightening with it should not, the mustache take a lot of strength from strawberries, and they will be very useful for other purposes.

By September on the bushes of some strawberry varieties (for example,"Lord" ) who are partly removable, autumn flowers may appear. Berries, of course, with our climate, not to wait for them, and they also remove them regularly.

All his small strawberry plantation constantly examine. It sometimes happens that after the summer season some bushes get sick and begin to obviously lag in development from the rest. This happens rarely, and in this case, I will shortly thinking, just digging a barebrained bush and send it to the compost, deepen on his place to the hole and transplant a healthy bush from the small strawberry reserve for this purpose. When notching with a big room transplanted strawberry does not hurt at all And he feels at a new place no worse than their neighbor bushes.

At the beginning of autumn, I begin to prepare a garden for planting winter onions and garlic, I put, sand, ash humus, etc. Onion and garlic - good precursors for strawberries. Therefore, I choose places for these cultures so that the next year after harvesting on these beds it would be convenient to place a young strawberry. At the same time, depending on the state of the landing, approximately pretending to which beds of strawberries for the next year after fruiting will have to harde. In order not to be confused, in a special notebook draw simple schemes of strawberries and other vegetables for every year.

Having such data for several years at hand, planned under the planting, taking into account the most rational cultural work, all of my small plot is easy. In the spring, of course, adjustments are possible, but the approximate plan is usually observed.

In the same autumn, while in memory before the eyes of a recent harvest of magnificent strawberry berries, slowly thinking and pretending - how many bushes of strawberries grow in the near future and what kind of grades to take as a basis. From some varieties that did not hold the inspection by the harsh conditions of our area, it is necessary to refuse, and others, new varieties for me, on the contrary, I plan to plant on a sample in a small number.

Now I have two main varieties - "Lord" and "Julia", and the replacement has not yet been foreseen. This year, nicely shown himself landed in small quantities and " Solar Polyanka" But the final opinion towards it and to the variety " Idun."Not yet happened. There is nowhere to hurry to me, I'll look at them for another year, and there will be visible.

In September, work in the country area is already a bit, mostly collecting vegetables, so it is at this time that I make chofa reserves for the subsequent shelter of the entire strawberry plantation for the winter. My pine forest is only 300 meters from the plot, and go to heat the old needles is easy, you can even get the mushrooms in the same way. Consumption of needles on the basis of experience I know well - this about one bag of beds of strawberries in 5 sq m. For convenience, the brought mulch immediately pour into the passages between the strawberry beds - it will be more convenient to use it. To care for strawberries In September, these bugs of needles do not particularly interfere and calmly lie until their application (the end of October).