Device, principle of operation and purpose of homogenizers. Equipment for homogenization of milk Homogenizer for dairy products How to choose

Homogenizers are designed for crushing fat balls in milk, liquid dairy products and ice cream mixtures. They are used in various technological lines for milk and dairy products. For homogenization of milk, other equipment (emulsifiers, emulsors, vibrators, etc.) are also known, but it is less efficient.

The greatest use in the dairy industry was obtained by a valve-type valve-type homogenizers - 1.25; A1 - OGM 2.5 and A1 - OGM, are high-pressure multiporter pumps with a homogenizing head. Homogenizers consist of the following main nodes: a crank connecting mechanism with a system of lubrication and cooling, a plunger block with homogenizing and pressure heads and safety valve, beds. The drive is carried out from the electric motor using the clinorem transmission. The crank-connecting mechanism converts the rotational movement transmitted by the clinorem transmission from the electric motor to return - the translational movement of the plungers. The latter by means of clarity seals are included in the operating chambers of the plunger block and performing suction and injection moves, create the necessary pressure of the homogenizable fluid. The crank-connecting mechanism of the described homogenizers consists of a crankshaft installed on two conical roller bearings; Bearing covers; rods with lids and liners; sliders, hinged with rods with fingers; glasses; seals; Cover cover and slave pulley, console attached at the end of the crankshaft. The inner cavity of the crank connecting mechanism is the oil bath. The rear wall of the housing is mounted oil indicator and drain plug. In the Homogenizer K5 - OG2A - 1.25 Lubrication of rubbing parts of the crank---step mechanism is performed by spraying the oil with a rotating crankshaft. The design of the housing and the relatively small load on the crank-connecting mechanism of the Homogenizer K5 - OG2A - 1.25 allows you to cool the oil placed inside the case, due to heat transfer from the surface to the environment. Only plungers are cooled with tap water. In Homogenizers A1 - OGM - 2.5 and A1 - OGM, in combination with spraying oil in nutria of the housing, use a forced system for lubricating the most loaded driving steam, which increases the heat transfer. The oil in these homogenizers is cooled with heat-conducting water which enters the cooling device coil, laid on the bottom of the housing, and plungers by tap water supplied to them through the hole in the pipe. The system installed a duct relay to control the flow of water. A plunger block is attached to the CSM housing with two studs, which is attached to suck the product from the supply line and discharged it under high pressure into the homogenizing head. The plunger block includes a housing, plungers of lip seals, under, upper and front covers, suction and discharge valves, valve seats, gaskets, bushings, springs, flange, fitting, filter in the absorbing channel of the block. On the end plane of the plunger block has a homogenizing head designed to perform a two-stage homogenization of the product due to its high pressure pass through the slot between the valve and the valve seat in each stage of the stage. A pressure gauge head is fixed on the upper plane of the plunger block to control the hydrogenization pressure. The pressure gauge head has a throttling device with an opportunity to effectively reduce the amplitude of the pressure gauge oscillation. The manometer head consists of a housing, needles, seals, pressing nuts, washers and a pressure gauge with a membrane separator. In the end plane of the plunger block from the side opposite to attaching a homogenizing head, a safety valve is layered, which prevents the pressure of homogenization compared with the nominal. The safety valve includes screw, lock nut, heel, spring, valve and valve seat. On the maximum homogenization pressure, the safety valve is adjusted, rotating the clamping screw that affects the valve through the spring. The bed of the homogenizer is a littered or welded design of challers, lined with sheet steel. The top plane of the face is set by KSHM. Inside on two brackets, the stove with an email placed on it is fixed. Engine. In addition, the stove is supported by screws regulating wedge belts. The bed has four support-height support. The side windows of the beds are closed with removable lids. Milk or dairy product is supplied with a pump to the suction channel of the plunger block. From the working cavity of the block, the pressure under pressure falls through the discharge valve of the homogenizing head with high speed passes through the facial gap, which is formed between the proprietary surfaces of the homogenizing valve and its seat. In this case, dispersion of the liquid phase of the product. From the homogenizer, the product is sent by the milk pipeline for further recycling or pre-storage.

Homogenizing heads were subjected to those or other few existing changes, however, the principle of their device remaining still unchanged. The form of the valve working surface is usually flat, plate or taper with a small angle of taper. The homogenizer with flat valves with concentric rifles is located the same rifles on the surface of the saddle. Consequently, the form of passage for milk in the radial direction changes, which should contribute to better homogenization. The liquid product in the head can be charged by any pump with uniform feed and is able to create high pressure. Multi-vent, rotary and screw pumps are applicable for this purpose. High-pressure homogenizers with three permanent pumps found the greatest distribution.

The diagram of the valve plunger homogenizer device is shown in Fig. 3.

Milk During the plunger during the plunger, it passes through the suction valve 3 to the cylinder, and when the plunger is right, it is pushed through the valve 4 to the discharge chamber on which the pressure gauge 10 is installed to control pressure. Next, milk through the channel in the head 5, in which the valve 7 is pressed, pressed to the sadder 6 spring 8. The spring tension is adjustable with screw 11. The valve and saddle are fitted to each other. In a non-working position, the valve is tightly pressed to the saddle of the spring 8, which has become the adjusting screw 11, and in the working, when the fluid is injected, the valve will rise in the fluid pressure and is in the "floating" state. The characteristic of the homogenization regimes, which plays a major role when adjusting the machine, is the pressure of homogenization. The higher it is, the more effective the dispersion process. The pressure is controlled by screw 11, guided by the testimony of the pressure gauge 10. When screwing the pressure of the spring pressure on the valve increases consequently, the height of the valve slot increases. This leads to an increase in hydraulic resistance when the fluid movement through the valve, i.e., to an increase in the pressure necessary to push the amount of fluid.

The capacity of the plunger pump to create high pressure will threaten the safety of parts in cases where the channel is clogged in the valve seat. Therefore, the homogenizer is equipped with a safety valve 9, through which the fluid comes out when the pressure in the machine is higher than the installed one. Pressure pressure at which the safety valve opens, adjust, tightening the spider with a screw.

In fig. 4 shows a double throttling homogenizer in which the fluid passes sequentially through two working heads. In each head, the spring pressure on the valve is adjustable separately, its screw. In such heads, homogenization occurs in two steps.

The operating pressure in the discharge chamber is equal to the amount of both drops. The use of two-stage homogenization is predominantly due to the fact that in many emulsions after homogenization in the first stage, the reverse sticking of dispersed particles and the formation of "clodes" are observed, which worsen the dispersion effect.

The task of the second stage consists in fragmentation, dispersion of such relatively unstable formations.

For this, no significant mechanical effect is required, therefore the pressure drop in the second auxiliary stage of the homogenizer is significantly less than in the first, the degree of homogenization depends on the work.

Figure 4 - Scheme of two-stage homogenization

In general constructive design of modern homogenizers, the basic principles and regulations of technical aesthetics, sanitation and hygiene are applied. Following new trends in the development of milk enterprises equipment, the new designs of homogenizers perform the streamlined shape, we are lined and closed with stainless steel housings with a polished surface.

Based on the performance of the homogenizer and constructive considerations, the prototype is chosen by the Homogenizer of the A1 grade - OGM - 2.5.

This method of mechanical processing of milk and liquid dairy products is used to increase the dispersion of the fatty phase in them, which makes it possible to eliminate fat upholding during the storage of milk, the development of oxidative processes, destabilization and prebabing with intensive stirring and transportation.

Homogenization of raw materials contributes:

in the production of pasteurized milk and cream - the acquisition of homogeneity (taste, colors, fatness);

sterilized milk and cream - increase resistance during storage;

fermented milk products (sour cream, kefira, yogurt, etc.) - increased strength and improve the consistency of protein bunches and the exclusion of the formation of fat traffic on the product surface;

condensed milk canned food - preventing the discharge phase during long-term storage;

dry whole milk - a decrease in the amount of free dairy fat, not protected by protein shells, which leads to its rapid oxidation under the action of oxygen of atmospheric air;

reduced milk, cream and fermented milk drinks - the creation of the content of product taste and prevent the appearance of a watery lift;

milk with fillers (cocoa idr.) - improving taste, increase viscosity and reduce the likelihood of precipitation formation.

Dispersing fat balls, i.e. reduction of their size and uniform distribution in milk, is achieved by the effect on the milk of considerable external effort (pressure, ultrasound, high-frequency electrical processing IDR) in special machines - homogenizers.

The greatest distribution in the dairy industry received milk homogenization when it is melted through the ring valve gap of the homogenizing head of the machine. Fat balls, passing through this slit, dispersed. Required pressure is created by the pump. In the production of solid milk, the size of fat balls with 3--4 μm decreases to 0.7-10.8 microns.

The main node of modern valve homogenizers is a homogenizing head. It can be one or two-stage. The second stage is usually operating at a lower pressure than the first.

The use of one or two-stage homogenization depends on the type of dairy products produced.

Two-stage homogenization with a large pressure drop on both steps is used in the production of high-liquid dairy products (cream, ice cream mixture, etc.).

It allows you to dissipate (split) the resulting accumulations of fat balls. To generate other types of dairy products, including drinking milk, you can use single-stage homogenization.

Thermal processing of milk

Thermal processing is one of the main and necessary technological operations of processing milk conducted to disinfect. The effectiveness of thermal treatment is associated with the thermal resistance of milk caused by its protein, salt composition and acidity, which, in turn, depend on the time of year, the period of lactation, the physical condition and the breed of animal, modes and dieting diet, etc.

With heat treatment, milk and dairy products undergo complex changes in biochemical and physicochemical properties, as well as modifying the components of milk parts. The goal of thermal treatment is diverse, namely: a decrease in the total number of microorganisms and the destruction of pathogenic forms, inactivation (destruction) of milk enzymes to increase durability during long-term storage, provision of specific taste, smell, colors and consistency, creating favorable temperature conditions for conducting, evaporation, evaporation, storage, as well as machining processes, etc.

The heat treatment of milk is a combination of temperature (heating or cooling) modes and exposure duration at this temperature. Moreover, the length of exposure at a given temperature should be such that the necessary effect is obtained. In the dairy industry, heat treatment is carried out at temperatures up to 100 and more than 100 ° C.

When heated to 100 "with in milk, only vegetative forms die, and at a temperature of more than 100" C - vegetative and dispute shapes. The main processes of thermal processing of milk causing the suppression of the life of microorganisms are pasteurization and sterilization. As a coolant for pasteurization, hot water and water saturated steam are used, and for sterilization - water saturated pairs.

In addition, with heat treatment, milk is cooled, heated (heating), thermal pumping.

The heat treatment mode of milk to generate each type of product is defined by the technological instruction. At the same time, the milk is heated to the pasteurization temperature, and then maintained and quickly cooled to the desired temperature. Combining heating and cooling operations is dictated by technological and sanitary requirements, as well as the possibility of using hot product heat.

To do this, the hot product is sent to a special section of the apparatus (plate or tubular) for preheating of the cold product coming into pasteurization. This operation is called heat regeneration, and devices or their parts are regenerators or regeneration sections. The use of this operation allows you to obtain a certain savings of thermal energy spent on pasteurization.

The efficiency of the regenerator is characterized by the regeneration coefficient. It represents the ratio of the amount of heat returned by the regenerator, to the amount of heat required to heat the product from the initial to the final temperature, i.e. at which the product begins inverse movement through the regenerator.

Cooling and heating

Milk raw materials in enterprises are cooled in order to preserve its quality and limit growth in the number of microorganisms before processing. In tab. 4.1 shows the data showing the increase in the number of microorganisms in milk depending on the cooling temperature and the duration of storage.

Milk storage at temperatures above 4.5 ° C leads to an increase in the number of microorganisms. In practice, milk for short-term storage is cooled to 6--8 ° C. For long-term storage (10--14 hours), milk pasteurize, and then cooled. In order to increase the storage time, dairy products are cooled during the manufacturing process.

Heating (heated) does not play the main role, and most often performs auxiliary (preparatory) function in the process of milk processing. Heated milk is used before separation, homogenization, as well as in the production of various dairy products. When separating, the heating of milk reduces its viscosity properties, which positively affects the separation of fatty balls from the plasma of milk and the formation of cream.

Valve homogenizers, the main nodes of which are the high pressure pump and the homogenizing head are the highest propagation.

In fig. A two-stage homogenizing head, consisting of a housing 3 and a valve device, the main parts of which are the valve seat 1 and the valve 2. The valve is associated with a stem, the protrusion of the spring 6. The springs compression force is adjustable by moving a cape nut 5 with a helmet With a spring, a rod 7 and a glass 8 forms a pressure device 4.

Fig. Two-stage homogenizing head:

I - the first step; II - Second Stage

The liquid injected by the pump under the valve plate presses on the plate and moves the valve from the saddle, overcoming the resistance of the spring. In the resulting valve and saddle, the slot height from 0.05 to 2.5 mm passes at high speed liquid and at the same time homogenizes. In the next step, the process is repeated.

By type of homogenizing head, homogenizers can be divided into one-, two- and multistage. In practice, only one and two-stage applies, since multistage do not justify themselves, because they lead to the bulky of the design, inconvenience and insignificant improvement in the effect of homogenization compared to two-stage.

The main indicators of homogenizers are universal working and cavitation characteristics. The universal characteristic of the homogenizer represents the relationship between its capacity spent by power and efficiency. It gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe level of perfection of the design of the homogenizer and its technical condition.

Removing the cavitation characteristic requires the establishment of a manovacummeter on the suction side of the homogenizer. The start of cavitation is determined at the beginning of a decrease in supply by more than 2%.

Cavitational curve shows the features of the homogenizer's work on its suction side and allows you to solve the issue of improving the working conditions in a particular case.

Homogenizer A1-OGM(Fig.), designed to obtain a finely divided homogeneous product, consists of an electric motor 1, the bed 2, crank-connecting mechanism 3 with lubrication systems 7 and cooling, a plunger block 4 with homogenizing 6 and a pressure gauge 5 heads and a safety valve.

Fig. Homogenizer A1-OGM

The principle of operation of the homogenizer lies in the injection of the product through a narrow slit between the saddle and the valve of the homogenizing head. Product pressure in front of the valve 20 ... 25 MPa, after the valve - close to the atmospheric. With such a sharp pressure drop, along with a significant increase in speed, the product is crushed.

The homogenizer is a three-slot pump. Each of the three plungers, performing a reciprocating movement, sucks the fluid from the receiving channel, closed with a suction valve, and injected it through the injection valve into a homogenizing head under pressure 20 ... 25 MPa.

Homogenizing head is the most important and specific part of the homogenizer. It is a steel housing in which a cylindrical centerlable valve is located. Under the pressure of the fluid, the valve rises, forming a ring gap, through which the fluid passes at high speed and then output through the nozzle from the homogenizer.

The stove is hinged inside the bed, the position of which is regulated by screws. The electric motor 1 is installed on the stove, which leads to the movement of the crank-connecting mechanism 3 through the clinorem transmission. In the housing 2, which represents a tank with an inclined bottom, placed the crank-connecting mechanism 3, the cooling system and oil mesh filter. The cooling system is designed for the flow of cold water to the plunger. It includes a serpentine, laid on the bottom of the housing 2, perforated tube over plungers and pipes for supplying and removing water. The lubricant system serves to supply oil to crankshaft necks to reduce friction.

The technical characteristics of the Homogenizer A1 is given in Table.

Homogenizer K5 OGA-Yu (Fig.) Designed for crushing and uniform distribution of fat balls in milk and liquid dairy products, as well as in mixes for ice cream.

Fig. Homogenizer K5 OGA-Yu

It is a high-pressure five-gluer pump with a homogenizing head. It consists of a frame 1 with a drive, a crank-connecting rod mechanism 5 with lubrication and cooling systems, a plunger block 14 with homogenizing 13 and a pressure gauge 12 heads and a safety valve. Inside the plunger block 14, there is a plunter 15, connected to the slider 11. The drive of the homogenizer is carried out from the electric motor 17 through the lead 20 and the slave 21 pulleys and the clinorem. Inside the bed 1, the plate 18 is fixed, the position of which is regulated by screws 2. The bed is mounted on six sketches varying in height of supports 19.

The crank-connecting-connecting mechanism 5 consists of a cast iron case, a crankshaft 7 mounted on two roller bearings, rods 8 with lids 6 and liners 9, sliders 11, hinged with rods 8 using fingers 10, glasses and seals. The inner cavity of the crank crank mechanism is an oil bath. In the rear wall of the case, the oil level indicator 4 and the drain plug 3. in the housing representing the tank with the inclined bottom, the crank-connecting rod mechanism 5, the cooling system, oil mesh filter and the oil pump 22 are placed.

The homogenizer has a forced lubrication system of the most loaded rubbing pairs, which is used in combination with spraying oil inside the case. Cooling the oil is carried out by tap water by means of a cooler 16 of the cooling device laid on the bottom of the housing, and the plungers are cooled with tap water falling onto them through the holes in the pipe. The cooling system has a duct relay designed to control the flow of water.

The pressure control of the spring to the valve is achieved by the optimal homogenization mode for various products.

The technical characteristics of the Homogenizer K5-OGA-10 is given in Table.

Table. Technical characteristics of homogenizers


Performance, l / h

Working pressure, MPa

Product temperature coming on

homogenization, ° С

Electric motor:

power, kWt

rotation frequency, min "

Crankshaft rotation frequency, min

Number of plungers

Plunger's move, mm

Number of homogenization steps

Overall dimensions, mm

Mass, kg.

Homogenizer a1-og2-s (Fig.) Designed for mechanical processing of viscous dairy products such as creamy, melted and plastic cheeses to give homogeneity with product to improve its quality.

Fig. Homogenizer a1-og2-s

The homogenizer is a horizontally positioned high-pressure three-gluer pump with a homogenizing device 8.

The pump drive is carried out from the electric motor 4 using a clinorem transmission, driven 15 and the leading 16 pulleys. The homogenizer consists of the following main nodes: a crank-connecting rod mechanism 1, a drive, a plunger unit 9, a homogenizing device 8, a safety valve 7, bunker, casing, strivine 13.

The crank-connecting rod mechanism 1 includes cast iron housing, the crankshaft 14, mounted on two roller bearings, connecting rods with lids 2 and liners, slid 10, hinged with connecting rods 12 fingers 11, glasses and seal. The inner cavity of the crank crank mechanism is an oil bath.

In the rear wall of the case, an oil level pointer and a drain plug are installed. Lubrication of rubbing parts is carried out by splashing the oil. The housing of the crank-connecting mechanism is closed with a lid, in which there is a neck with a filter grid for the oil bay. The drive of the homogenizer is carried out from the electric motor 4, which is installed on the swinging inspection plate 3, reinforced on the housing of the crank-connecting mechanism 1. The tension of the wedge belts is provided with the help of stretch screws 5.

The crank-connecting mechanism is mounted using studs 13, which is a welded structure, lined with sheet steel. On the bed there is a removable cover 17, intended for the fencing of rotating and moving mechanisms. In the lower part of the bed 13 installed terminal box 18.

The bed is mounted on four adjustable supports 19. To the crooked-connecting mechanism housing, a plunger block 9 is mounted, which is designed to suck the product from the bunker and discharged it under high pressure to the homogenizing device 8. Plunger block 9 consists of a block, Plungers 6, hollow cylindrical glasses with holes in the walls. The suction valves and seals are absent, in the operating chambers of the plunger block, the product directly from the bunker is sucked through hollow cylindrical glasses.

The compaction of the plungers, given the small fluidity of the molten raw mass, is achieved by accurately manufactured with small tolerances of the conjugate surfaces of the plungers and holes of the glasses.

A homogenizing device is mounted to the plunger block using studs, designed to carry out the homogenization of the product by passing it at a high speed under high pressure through the gap between the valve and the saddle.

The homogenizing device 8 consists of a housing, gaskets, injection valves, valve saddles, springs, homogenizing valve with saddle, glass, handles.

To control the pressure of homogenization, it serves a pressure gauge, which is attached to the end of the housing of the homogenizing device. From above on a homogenizing device, a safety valve 7 is located, designed to limit the pressure increase above the specified one. It consists of a glass, flange, valve, valve seat, springs, pressure screw and cap. The safety valve is adjusted to the homogenization operating pressure using the screw.

The product to be homogenized is supplied to the homogenizer bunker, which is a stainless steel welded tank.

With a reciprocal movement of the plungers in the working cavity of the plunger unit, a vacuum is created and the product from the hopper is suused into the working cavity, and then the plungers pushed the product into a homogenizing device, where he under pressure 20 MPa with high speed passes through the ring gap formed between the proprietary surfaces of the homogenizing Valve and his seat. In this case, the product becomes more uniform. From the homogenizing device through the nozzle, it is heading through the pipeline for further processing. The homogenizer is installed an ammeter with which the testimony of the pressure gauge is controlled.

The technical characteristics of the Homogenizer A1-OG2-C is given in Table.

The homogenizer is intended: for multicomponent homogenization and dispersing insoluble (non-disheveled) media (which is unacceptable overheating), in order to obtain high-flowered non-declaid emulsions and suspensions in the food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries. In many ways, the best foreign samples of homogenizers are superior and do not have Russian analogues.

The principle of operation of the homogenizer. The medium pumped with a homogenizer is supplied to the suction pipe and is removed from the pressure pipe under the influence of the supporting pressure, coarse particles and mixtures, to be homogenization, fall on the impeller of the unit, then, having obtained acceleration, fall into a homogenizing node. In the homogenizing unit, their fragmentation occurs between the rotating and stationary calibration cylindrical knives of the rotor and the stator. Rotating and stationary calibration knives are performed in the form of rings with holes. The particles falling on the homogenizing assembly (for example, fat balls) are squeezed with an impeller under the influence of pressure created by centrifugal force, and pass through the holes. Since the frequency of rotation of the impeller and one of the rings 3000 rpm. (or regulated), there is gradual cutting (fragmentation) with a rolling part of the ring knife (each hole of the rotating part) of fat balls as they are promoted.


  • All parts of the homogenizer in contact with the product are made of
  • high-quality food stainless steel AISI 304, AISI 316
  • A facial seal has been established that has an increased resource and
  • excluding product loss.
  • Guaranteed operation at higher than existing analogues
  • temperature modes (up to 115 ° C).
  • Perfectly operates in acid and -shore-containing media.
  • Performance options with dry power protection and with
  • explosion-proof engine.
  • The ability to perform a homogenizer, with a "shirt" of cooling (heating).
  • Smooth adjustment of the degree of homogenization and performance is possible.
  • It has the ability to connect to a single-phase or three-phase network.

Benefit. Taking advantage of homogenizers produced by us:

You can:

  • Produce a consistently high quality product.
  • Achieve a high degree of dispersing.
  • Achieve a long-term preservation of a given product structure.
  • Apply any modern technologies.
  • Construct any technological lines combining with additional equipment from other manufacturers.
  • High quality, the resistance of the structure and the life of the product is largely dependent on the size of the particle dispersion.
  • The minimum particle size can be achieved only on modern homogenizers.

Homogenizer with cooling shirt (heating).

Designed for homogenization of environments that are unacceptable overheating. A coolant is supplied to the shirt, which circulates cools the layer in contact with the product. Heating the shirt is used in homogenization of media that freeze (or become more viscous) at room temperature. (chocolate, glaze, cream, pate, etc.). Also for those environments in which the growth (death) of bacteria is characterized while increasing (down) temperature and vice versa.

Scope of homogenizers

Homogenizer for the production of dairy products

creamy oil, milk, cream, sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, condensed milk, cheese, ice cream, reduction of dry milk, milk mixture, margarine, mayonnaise, light and combined oil, dairy products with a whipped structure

Line of production of condensed milk

Line of milk canned food

Homogenizer for the production of oil and fat products

margarine, Mayonnaise, Light and Combined Oil

Oil production line and margarine

Food pumps in the Maoneza production line

Installation for the production of mayonnaise

Milk Fat Production Line

Homogenizer for confectionery production

cream, stuffing, chocolate glaze, chocolate oil, chocolate, syrup

Food pumps in chocolate glaze lines

Homogenizer for the production of fruit and vegetation

jams, jam, confiture, puree, paste, ketchups, sauces, mustard, tomato paste, tomato juice, concentrates, cream, jelly

The line of preparation of fruit canned food, tomato paste, sauces and ketchups.

Line for the preparation of various sauces with pieces of vegetables (ketchups, jams, confitures and jumped)

Romor production line

Tomato Paste

The production line of the jam, jama, Cofitur of fruit fruits

Homogenizer for the production of meat products

meat and liver pates, various pastes and mixes, emulsions for sausages and sausages, meat and poultry dishes

Homogenizer for the production of cosmetic products

For the production of perfumery

cream, Shampoo, Balsam, Gel, Ointment, Pasta, Milk, Lotion

Line for the production of cosmetics, cosmetics.

Lines for the production of cosmetic creams

Installation to obtain homogeneous cosmetic products.

Homogenizer for the production of pharmaceutical products

ointment, emulsion, mixtures, viscous components, solutions

Line for the production of pharmaceuticals

Line for the preparation of sterile ointment (cream).

Line (installation) hydrodynamic extraction from vegetable raw materials

Homogenizer for the production of household chemicals

glue, detergents, household chemicals

Production line for washing dishes

Line for the production of synthetic detergents (pastes)

Homogenizer for the production of paints

paints, dyes, varnishes, coatings,

Water paint preparation line

Homogenizer for the production of chemical products and oil refining

chemical products, aggressive emulsions and suspensions, technical solutions, technical oils, lubrication, fuel

Chemical Production Production Line

Installation of carbon dispersing

Homogenizer for the production of beer-nonalcoholic products

Bathing line.

Line for the production of juices by recovery

Specifications Homogenizator

Model homogenizer Single-stage, shirtless

P 3.

P 5.5.

P 7.5.

P 11.

P 15.

P 30.
Single-stage, with a shirt

P 3P.

P 55p

P 7.5p

P 11p.

P 15p

P 30p.
Two-stage, shirtless

P 3-2.

P 5.5-2

P 7.5-2

P 11-2.

P 15-2.

P 30-2.
Two-stage, with a shirt

P 3-2p.

P 5.5-2p.

P 7.5-2p.

P 11-2p.

P 15-2p.

P 30-2p.
- - -
P 11m.

P 15m.

P 30m.
Performance, m3 / h 2 - 10 2 - 10 2 - 12 10 - 15
Number of engine speed
Pressure at the entrance, kg / cm2
Electric motor power, kW 3 5,5 7,5 11 15 30
Temperature, ° C MIN - MAX
Sound level, dB
Kinematic viscosity, no more, working
(without pump - Samotek)
Weight, kg 42 70 85 109 130 157

Sema devices homogenizator

Submersible Homogenizer PNG (dispersant).

Purpose. The PNG submersible homogenizer is intended for homogenization of liquid and viscous products in the food, cosmetic and chemical industry, for cooking, mayonnaise, meat, fruit, vegetable pastes, mashed potatoes, and syrups can also be used to prepare water-level paints and other similar environments.

Device. The submersible homogenizer is fastened to the lifting platform and using the control panel can be freely moved along the vertical guide.

The submersible homogenizer is completed with the gear motor, attached to the walls and is placed in the container.

The advantages of the submersible homogenizer are the absence of end seals and plotting pipelines, and as a result, the ability to operate at high temperatures, mobility, the possibility of immersion of the homogenizer in the container of any size.

The submersible homogenizer can be completed by the rotational speed converter, the installation of which allows you to achieve an increase in the speed of rotation.

Details in contact with the processed product are made of chromniel steel.

The scope of the submersible homogenizer:

  • Cosmetic industry
  • To obtain homogeneous cosmetic products (creams, gels), etc.
  • Chemical industry
  • Dairy industry
  • Fruit and vegetable industry

Specifications of the submersible homogenizer

Homogenizer (dispersant) vertical multistage.

Purpose. Designed for multicomponent homogenization of mixtures. Used in the dairy industry, and can also be used in cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical industries.

Device. It is a multistage homogenizer, up to 19 steps. The product is moving from stage to the step gradually crushed and mixed to the desired degree of homogenization (2 ... 5 μm). The effect of homogenization has a positive effect on the physical structure of milk, dairy products.

As a standard package, the rotor speed of up to 3000 rpm.
It may be completed by the rotational speed converter, the installation of which allows you to achieve an increase in the speed of rotation up to 6000 rpm.

Higher degree of protection against seals. It has the ability to connect to a single-phase or three-phase network.

Homogenizer allows you to achieve:

  • reduce the size of fat balls, which prevents sucks of cream,
  • more white and appetizing color
  • increased resistance to oil emulsion,
  • improving taste and aroma,
  • increased the shelf life of dairy and dairy products.

Reliability. All parts of the homogenizer in contact with the product are made of high-quality food stainless steel AISI 304, AISI 316, an imported end seal has an enlarged resource, the absence of high details (plunger sealing pairs).

In many respects exceeds foreign samples and does not have Russian analogues

Specifications of multistage homogenizer

Homogenizer rotary-cavitation

Designed for multicomponent homogenization of insoluble media in order to obtain emulsions and suspensions in food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and other industries, including viscous products.

The special design of the homogenizer, the special geometry of the housing and rotating working parts provides high performance. The materials used are hygienic, the design of the homogenizer is practical in operation.

Homogenizers rotary-cavitation

4-rotary homogenizers in their parameters have no analogues!


  • All parts of the homogenizer in contact with the product are made of high-quality food stainless steel.
  • A facial seal has been established, having an increased resource and excluding product loss.
  • Guaranteed work at higher than that of existing analogs, temperature modes (up to 115 ° C).
  • Excellent work in acid and -shore-containing environments.
  • Compactness, the ability to vertical location.
  • High degree of protection against seals (the lid of the homogenizer is separated from the engine cover).

Principle of operation

The processed product is supplied to the suction nozzle and is removed from the pressure pipe under the influence of the supporting pressure.

In the homogenizing unit, the product is fragged between rotating and stationary calibration cylindrical knives of the rotor and the stator. Rotating and stationary calibration knives are performed in the form of rings with holes.

Finding on a homogenizing unit of particles (for example, fat balls) are squeezed with an impeller under the influence of pressure created by centrifugal force, and pass through the holes where the gradual cutting (fragmentation) occurs the rolling part of the ring knife (each hole of the rotating part) of fat balls as they are promoted.

Specifications of a rotary-cavitation homogenizer *

Homogenizers (dispersants) analogue import

Intensification of processes 100-600%!

The homogenizer allows you to simultaneously produce dispersion, homogenization and pumping the product with an increase in outlet pressure.

The special design of the homogenizer (two operating chambers), the special geometry of the case (with the lack of "dead zones") and rotating working parts ensures high performance. The materials used are hygienic, the design of the homogenizer is practical in operation.

The homogenizer has high performance, allows to obtain highly stable emulsions and suspensions, provides a degree of homogenization of 80%, particle size up to 2 microns. It can be built into already existing lines.

Scope of application in industry:

  • Dairy - soft cottage cheese, kefir, condensed milk, melted cheese, restoration of dry milk, cream.
  • Oil and fat - combined oils, margarines, mayonnaise, pasta.
  • Fruit and vegetable - jam, jam, ketchups, sauces, confiture, mashed potatoes, paste.
  • Confectionery - cream, filling, chocolate and nut pastes, chocolate glaze.
  • Non-alcoholic - juices, nectars, drinks.
  • Cosmetic - cream, shampoos, balms, gels, ointments, toothpastes.
  • Pharmaceutical - ointment, emulsion, gels.
  • Chemical - detergents, adhesives, varnishes, polish, disinfectants.

Technical characteristics of the homogenizer *

* Specifications may vary at the request of the customer.

Vacuum mixer homogenizer.

Installation is a vacuum reactor, with a mixing device to which a homogenizer is connected to recycling. After loading the main components into the reactor capacity, air is pumped out of the system, and the installation is included in the recirculation mode, during which grinding and mixing loaded components occurs. The built-in funnel allows you to access the necessary components in the homogenization process.

The main advantage of this design is
That it allows you to mix with each other such components that, when mixing outdoors, harden in the mixing process.

Factory tests homogenizer

Efficiency products play an important role in the nutrition of people, especially children, elderly and patients. The dietary properties of fermented milk products are primarily in the fact that they improve the metabolism, stimulate the selection of gastric juice and excite appetite. The presence in their composition of microorganisms capable of pretending to be in the intestines and suppress the rotten microflora leads to the braking of reducing processes and the cessation of the formation of poisonous products of the disintegration of the protein entering the blood of a person.

An important stage in the development of fermented milk products is a mechanical impact on the feedstock, i.e. Homogenization. It not only prevents fat upholding, but also contributes to the preparation of high-quality milk products with improved consistency and taste properties, an increase in its digestibility and the more complete use of the fat and vitamins contained in it.