Warming of brusade houses. The house from the bar is better to insulate outside or from the inside

Buying a country house from a bar, some people believe that wood is warm, therefore, in additional insulation, the wooden house does not need. But it's not always the case. To in the winter frost, the microclimate in the room was normal for living, and did not have to spread huge amounts for heating, it is necessary that the walls are erected from the bar with a thickness of at least 40 cm. But the construction of such a building will be very expensive.

House from Bruus

Most of the houses outside the city have walls, the thickness of which is not sufficient to resist with a lightening frost. Even if you qualitatively compact all the slots of the cut - it will not make the house much warmer. In order for the log house to be freezed, and in the room there was a normal temperature even in the most severe winters it is necessary to high-quality insulation of the brusade house outside. It is not difficult to make a good thermal insulation system. Manufacturers offer customers a wide selection of a wide variety of thermal insulation materials, whose installation technologies are so simple, which can be made even inexperienced and unqualified masters. And in order to facilitate the task when installing thermal insulating materials, you can insulate the house from the bar outside the video to look at the Internet with detailed explanations of all stages of thermal insulation work.

Outdoor thermal insulation of the brusade house: Main advantages and useful recommendations

The outer insulation of the brusade house is performed using different materials, but they all must meet with such a requirement.

  • Do not keep burning.
  • Have a low thermal conductivity.
  • Do not highlight harmful substances, not to have toxicity.
  • Move from eco-friendly materials.
  • Well hold warm.
  • Do not accumulate moisture.
  • Skip from home outgoing evaporation.
  • Do not pass into atmospheric moisture.
  • Have noise insulating properties.

Among the advantages of external insulation, you can especially note:

  • The ability to change, transformation or update the facade of the house.
  • Reducing heat loss through fencing structures, reducing fuel costs.
  • Protection of bearing walls of the house from unfavorable natural factors.
  • Saving indoor space at home.

  • When performing installation work, you should not leave the thermal insulation material in the open air. If the insulation is wet, it dramatically loses heat-shielding properties.
  • When laying the bars of a horizontal crate with a step less than the width of the insulation by 15 mm, they can be put on the velocity, without fastening materials.
  • Working with the insulation, it is necessary to apply personal protective equipment (respirator, mittens, glasses).

Outdoor insulation technology

The outer insulation of the walls is performed most often in three ways:

  • Hinged ventilated facade.
  • By spraying polyurethane (the material is sprayed on the wall of the house using a special installation)
  • Wall insulation with foam.

The most efficient and convenient type of insulation, many experts consider hinged ventilated facade. In favor of this method, many of its advantages are also said to:

  • Quick installation.
  • Large selection of facing material (siding, lining, porcelain stoneware, wooden facade board, rack profile, composite, brick).
  • High heat protection and sound insulation.
  • Durability (service life up to 50 years).
  • Reducing cash flows for heating.
  • Protection of the facade from atmospheric influences.
  • The "dew point" is outside the bearing walls.

Materials for the insulation of the walls of the house from the bar

For insulation of the walls of a brusade house, you can use different modern thermal insulation materials. The house from the bar is instep:

  • Fiberglass
  • Plates of mineral wool
  • Basalt matami
  • Expanded polystyrene and other materials

Each of these insulation has its own distinctive properties. But when choosing a material for a wooden house for the thermal insulation system, you need to pay attention, whether this type of thermal insulator corresponds to basic requirements.

Insulation for outdoor insulation of houses from a bar must have:

  • High heat shield properties.
  • Non-hatching.
  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Non-hygroscopicity.
  • The ability to prevent heat exchange between the room and the external environment.
  • Environmental safety.

Excellent conditions for insulation and will not allow to accumulate condensate

What and how to insulate a house from a bar

The most popular material for the insulation of brusade houses is mineral wool. This material is quite easy to do not create an additional load on the structural elements of the building. The cost of Minvati is not high, it is well holding warmth in the house, but, which is especially important, mineral wool is not a combustible insulation. Due to its softness, elasticity, minvat is easily fit and does not forms cold bridges. In addition, it is resistant to thermal deformations of walls.

Warming can be performed under a block house, and you can see the walls of the house with plastic siding. Installation of the heat-insulating system using mineral wool consists of several stages:


Installation of the thermal insulation system of a wooden house begins with a pair insulation device. To do this, you can use aluminum foil, polyethylene film, special vapor polypoletor film and rubberoid. Steam barrier provides the facade ventilation under the film.

Vertical rails with a thickness of 2.5 cm are stuffed onto the walls, 1 meter is one from another. Next, a vapor insulating layer is stacked on the substrate rates on the entire surface of the wall. Between the basic rails at the top and bottom of the holes (20 mm diameter) for ventilation. The presence of a ventilated layer between vapor insulation and the wall will not give moisture to accumulate under the film, which might entail the rotting of the wooden wall. The vaporizoation of nails or brackets is fastened, the attachment places are sealed to protect them from water from entering water.

Installing a frame for thermal insulation

For the frame take a boards 100 mm wide and a thickness of 40-50 mm. On the wall of the board are stuffed vertically on the edge. The distance between the boards should be less than the width of the insulation on one or two centimeters.

Bar to the facade of the house is attached by self-drawing. When installing a bar, you need to control its position with a level or plumb. If the lamp is unevenly mounted, the installation of the facing material at the final stage of the heat-insulating work will be substantial.

To mount the system of heat insulation of the brusade house, you must install the frame

Laying thermal insulation

Between the board boards, the Minvati plates are installed as close as possible to each other so that there are no cracks. Mineral wool 50 mm thick is placed in two layers. Use semi-rigid, elastic, plates with a density of 80 - 120 kg / m3, they are easily held between the frameworks of the frame, not sliding without additional mounting.

Laying the insulation between the frame bar


Having completed the laying of thermal insulation, it is necessary to put the waterproofing film, which should pass steam, but at the same time hold water. The film is placed on thermal insulation, navigating with brackets or carcass nails. When docking the film, 5-10 cm of the allen are left, the joints seal the self-adhesive tape.

Second layer of carcass

The framework of thermal insulation is stuffed over the waterproofing of the rail (50 mm width and 2.5 - 3 cm thick). It is necessary to ensure the free circulation of air between the trim and vaporizolation, which will dry the condensate appearing on the waterproofing layer. The resulting space from the bottom is closed with a metal thick grid, from the penetration of insects and rodents.

Outdoor sheathing

Outdoor casing performs mainly decorative function. Therefore, what is the facing material, it does not matter much. It may be wooden lining, and plastic siding or any other material.

Insulation for thermal insulation of walls from a bar

Recently, many effective insulation appeared, which are issued on the basis of advanced technologies. One of these modern materials is Penopelex, manufactured by the Russian company in the form of heat-insulating plates.

Penoplex is a type of foamed extruded polystyrene foam prepared by special technologies. Panels are distinguished by durability and high resistance to moisture. This material does not have the properties absorb moisture, not afraid of dampness, is not a medium for the development of bacteria, mold and other microorganizes.

Plates "Penoplax"

Plates of "Plenoplex", due to their high strength, can be stacked in vertical and horizontal position. The structure of their surface allows you to apply plaster.

Insulation "Penoplex" is a material having a uniform structure, which consists of small, closed cells (0.1-0.2 mm).

The main properties of Polyopelex plates are:

  • low thermal conductivity
  • low vapor permeability
  • lack of water absorption
  • high compression strength
  • resistance to burning and biological decomposition
  • environmental purity
  • simplicity and convenient installation
  • durability

When using Pain Point Plates, it should be aware that this material, like other types of extruded polystyrene foam, has low chemical resistance to substances such as:

  • Aldehydes (formaldehyde, formalin)
  • Aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene)
  • Ketones (acetone, methyl ethylket)
  • Esters (diethyl ether) cannot be used solvents with ethyl acetate, methyl acetate,
  • Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel
  • Polyester resins (it is impossible to use epoxy resins hardeners, as well as a coal tar),
  • Oil paints.

Penoplex resistant to the following chemicals:

  • Acid.
  • Salts solutions.
  • Caustic alkalis.
  • Chlorine lime.
  • To alcohol and alcohol dyes.
  • To water-based paints.
  • Ammonia, carbon dioxide, oxygen, acetylene, propane, butane.
  • Fluorinated hydrocarbons (freons)
  • To cement and concrete solutions.
  • Animals and vegetable oils, paraffin.

Important! Plates "Penopelex" must be used only in the temperature mode recommended by the manufacturer. If a long time to exceed the range of recommended operating temperatures, the plates may lose mechanical, thermal insulation properties and change their dimensions. With insulation, Penoplex, you need to use glue solutions allowed by the manufacturer. Means containing acetone, ethyl acetate, etc. They lead to softening, shrinkage extrudron polystyrene foam.

Another modern insulation - polyurethane foam is used to warm the walls of the brusade house by spraying.

The main advantages of this method are:

  • The thermal insulation system based on polyurethane foam is not susceptible to rotting and exposure to bacteria.
  • The material has a long service life, during which it retains its thermal insulation qualities.
  • Does not support combustion.
  • It has noise insulating properties.
  • A simple method of applying heat insulating material.
  • Does not need additional fasteners.
  • Ecology.

This method of insulation can be used for thermal insulation of walls, base, foundation.

It is easiest to insulate the brusade house by foam, but this material has low fire prevention properties. And since the wood itself is combustible material, use foam plates for insulation of wooden walls. Many specialists are not recommended.

Often the dreams of the construction of a fully wooden, for example, a brusade house, are encountered on a harsh reality in the form of unfavorable climatic conditions inherent in our country. Sigor winters, severe frosts, rainy autumn and spring make ways to look for ways, how to insulate and protect the facade of a wooden house from precipitation.

Construction practice shows that the walls stacked from a bar with a cross section of 150x150 or 200х200 mm, according to the norms of the heat resistance, is not enough for year-round residence. The house with the walls of such thickness can only be viewed as a structure for a seasonal "country" living (I do not take into account the south of Russia). Therefore, developers are looking for ways, as in the future to save on heating.

In this regard, the experience of the user Forumhouse with nickname Zlojgenij. The insulation of a brusade house stone cotton and further finish of the facade by metal.

From this article you will learn:

  • For what you need to warm the wooden house.
  • How to perform the heat engineering calculation of the walls of the brusade house.
  • What thermal insulation material it is necessary to warm the cottage from the bar.
  • Why it is impossible to insulate a wooden house with a steampaural material.
  • What are the features of the hinged ventilated facade.

Why you need to additionally insulate a wooden house

Tree, along with the usual full-scale ceramic brick, is considered to be general and universal material. It is difficult to find a house, even a stone, where the bar is not used. This promotes wide prevalence and relative (depending on the region of residence) the availability of wood.

But a person who decided to build a house from a bar for permanent residence should prepare for the fact that it will be necessary to insulate.

Zlojgenij. User forumhouse.

I built a brusade house in size around the perimeter of 8600x8600 mm. On the walls went sawn ram 150x150 mm. The house was built immediately under the additional and external trim, because Warming - For Russia, the thing is necessary, and I want to live in a comfortable environment, as well as save on heating.

We add that the user of the user is the Perm region. The house began to build back in 2009. In 2012, I drove on the 1st floor, and in 2015 - on the 2nd. Those. The situation is familiar to many independent developers who are built in gradually, depending on the receipt of funds.

During these years, the first floor had to be caught, and once - the second. According to Zlojgenij,he realized that it was impossible to postpone the insulation and the finish at home, when the water droplets began to rainy in one of the inner walls of the house.


This happened due to the fact that within two days in the wall sheltered horizontal rain. The troubles can be avoided if during the construction of the "box" to remove the upper edge of the bar of the Rubank. Thus, outside the upper timber will hang over the bottom, and the water will not get into the house, staining along the wall.

However, these are semi-dimensions. Therefore, in 2015, the user sat down for developing a warming plan. The task was to bring the heating resistance of the walls to the normalized value, and therefore the optimal and economically reasonable thickness of the insulation.

Heat engineering calculation of brusade walls

Closing ahead, let's say that Zlojgenij.it was considered sufficient to bring the coefficient of resistance of heat heat transfer to a value of 3.4 (m² * ° C) / W (for Perm, in a new SNiP, the necessary resistance of heat transfer of the enclosing structures should be 3.64 (m² * ° C) / W). For this, a ram with a thickness of 15 cm, the user decided to warm the stone cotton, 10 cm thick.

For clarity produce a simplified heat engineering calculationand find out which thickness of thermal insulation is required to a wooden house built from a bar sawing from pine or ate, for the Moscow region.

So, we specify the source values:

  • The thickness of the baster walls is 150 mm.
  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of pine or ate across the fibers 0.14 W / (M · ° C) (operating conditions A - "ordinary").
  • Required heat transfer resistance for the Moscow region - 3.28 (m² * ° C) / W.

Important nuances: In the tables, the coefficient of thermal conductivity for wood is indicated in two directions - along the fibers (along the length of the bar) and across the fibers. The thermal conductivity coefficient of pine / ate along the fibers is almost 2 times higher than the cross (0.29 W / (M · ° C), against 0.14 W / (M · ° C)). It must be considered when calculating, because the smaller the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material, the warmer wall.

In addition, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the wooden wall is affected by the amount of moisture contained in the material. Wood has a natural moisture caused by its structure. In freshly melted wood, the percentage of moisture is greater than in the dried. We also remember that during the operation of a wooden house, the walls are constantly being a negative impact of negative weather events - snow and rain. So - the thermal resistance of the walls is reduced.

And fluctuations in the coefficient of thermal conductivity of wood occur seasonally. For example, autumn tightening rains will lead to additional wrapping of unprotected walls of the brusade house, which directly affects the thermal insulation properties of the enclosing structure.

Output: Additional insulation and protection of wooden walls from atmospheric factors is required. For comparison, we give the coefficients of the thermal conductivity of pine / ate across the fibers for three states: (1) in dry, (2) normal operating conditions (we use them for calculation), (3) in the wedred state:

  1. 0.09 W / (M · ° C).
  2. 0.14 W / (M · ° C).
  3. 0.18 W / (M · ° C).

We carry out the heat engineering by the formula:

R \u003d D / λ, where:

  • d - material thickness;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the material.

RF \u003d 0.15 / 0.14 \u003d 1.071 (m² * ° C) / W

Recall that the necessary heat transfer resistance for the Moscow region is 3.28 (m² * ° C) / W.

Now we find the difference between the actual (RF) and normalized (RN) values \u200b\u200bof the heat resistance of the brusade house.

R \u003d 3.28 - 1.071 \u003d 2.209 (m² * ° C) / W

Those. Bruce "Cold" walls do not reach the norm by the value of the value found above. There are two options out of this position: do nothing and just pay more for heating, actually throwing money into the street, especially in the absence of a main gas. The second is to insulate the walls and mounted the mounted ventilated facade.

What material it is necessary to insulate a wooden house

Before we calculate the necessary insulation thickness, we will focus on the features of the woodcutting of a wooden house.

The tree is a vapor-permeable material. Due to the difference between the inner and outer pressure, due to the difference between the outdoor temperature of the cold air and the temperature inside the heated premises (especially in winter), water vapor from the house rushes out through the walls.

Do not confuse this phenomenon with the mythical "breathing" blowed by the wind of the walls.

If the wooden house is insulated outside with a steampaural material (for example, an EPPS, extrusion polystyrene foam) or, as some "specialists" do - wrapping at home outside, under the installation of siding, fooled isolon (foil is an excellent vapor polypoletor), a whole bouquet of problems is obtained at the output. Main these: Recycling Wooden Walls, because Moisture cannot get out, rushing into the outer vapor insulation layer, further rotting and destruction of wood, the appearance of mold and fungus indoors.

Conclusion: The brusade house should be insulated with a vapor-permeable insulation, for example, mineral wool.

What is the feature of the hinged ventilated facade

The second important point: not enough to simply insulate the brusade house with stone cotton. It is necessary to ensure ventilation, due to which the water vapor, which came from the inside to the insulation will be deleted by passing through parry-permeable vagism-proof membrane(Introducing water steam on the "Street", but not allowing atmospheric moisture outside to get into mineral wool, because water vapor molecules and water have different size), which the insulation should be protected from the outside. To do this, mounted hinged facade, for example, from siding, or imitation of timber and be sure to get a ventilation gapabout 40-50 mm. Thus, the moisture is weathering, besides this, the membrane protects the insulation from the wind and the removal of the material particles, and also prevents the blowing of the walls.

If you attach the siding close to the insulation, then the excess moisture will not be able to retire from the cake of the wall in a timely manner, which will lead to the need for expensive repair of the entire design.

Now we produce the final calculation and find the thickness of the mineral wool insulation, with which the difference between the actual and normalized heat resistance is compensated.

We take the formula:

d \u003d r * λ, where:

  • d - the thickness of the insulation;
  • RT - heat transfer resistance;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation.

For the insulation of the walls, we use a stone wool with a density of about 60-80 kg / m 3. (thermal conductivity coefficient 0.040 - 0.042 W / (M · ° C), operating conditions and "ordinary"). The less the density of the insulation (material), the "warmer"But use for insulation of external walls, under the mounted facade, stone cotton wool is too low, too, is also not worth it. With the material it is inconvenient to work, and it does not hold on the suspension.

The more rigid and expensive mineral wool insulation, with a density of 130 - 180 kg / m 3, with a higher thermal conductivity coefficient, is used for insulation using the "wet facade" technology. Those. We find the "golden middle" between the heat engineering characteristics and economic feasibility.


d \u003d 2.209 * 0.042 \u003d 0.092 m

We translate into CM and round to the whole value (given the nomenclature of the thickness of the heat insulation) and we obtain the required thermal insulating layer with a thickness of 10 cm.

So, for the insulation of a brusade house in the Moscow region it is required to mount a stone cotton with a thickness of 100 mm.

At the end of the first part of the article, we will describe the sensations of the user after he insulated the brusade house.


Of course, the brusade wall thickness is only 15 cm - it is very small for the Perm region. This year, winter was colder than the previous one, but gas to heating, after I insulated the house, went smaller. My observations: If earlier, before insulation, with minus 40 degrees on the street, the temperature of the wall did not rise above +18 ° C, while maintaining in the house + 24 ° C, then after warming it was smoothed less, and I decreased the temperature of the coolant from the previous 75 degrees (in frosts) to 60 ° C, and the temperature of the wall inside became +22 ° C. In the summer, the house also improved the microclimate, and the walls are heated less from the sun.

We will tell us about the technical nuances of the insulation of the stone car of the brusade house and the features of metal installation, we will talk in the second part of the article. Watch for updates on the portal!

New walls from the bar have good heat-saving characteristics. Their insulation lies in the cavity of the interventical seams. Additional thermal insulation is required in a few years when cracking and shrinkage of the building. During the construction of the house, first of all, attention should be paid to the insulation of the roof, floors, windows and doors.

What warm the house from the bar: materials

All insulation can be divided into vapor-permeable and playproof.

For insulation of wooden structures, vapor-permeable materials are required. Their use allows you to effectively remove excessive moisture from the walls.

A classic representative of vapor-permeable insulation for the house of a bar is Mineral Wool based on:

  • Fiberglass
  • Shag
  • Natural stone

The disadvantage of mineral wool is a large water absorption and decrease in the characteristics during wetting. The optimal choice for the insulation of wooden houses is stone wool - the most environmentally friendly material.

Playproof materials are used for the insulation of stone walls and cement floors. When used for heat insulation of wooden surfaces, measures should be taken to ventilating wood.

The steamproof insulation includes:

  • Styrofoam
  • Extruded expanded polystyrene foam
  • Sprayed thermal insulation
  • Folgoisol
  • Other leafy and rolled materials

A special type of heat insulating materials for wooden houses are interventical insulation.

These include:

  • Moss is a natural material with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.04 W / (m ºС) and antiseptic properties, protects wood from the formation of fungus and rot. Disadvantages - labor intensity of the workpiece and styling, the need for re-puncture after heel and fire hazard
  • The hemp and linen panel has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.047 W / (M ºС), comes in bales, used for insulation of slots between logs, around windows and doors. Paklya has the same shortcomings like moss
  • Ribbon insulation based on jute and flax have a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.034 W / (m ºС). Their use significantly speeds up work. Jute insulation has moisture resistance. The best features have a tape insulation consisting of jute and flax fibers in various proportions.

Thermal insulation of walls from a bar

Preference should be given to outer insulation, because at the same time:

  • The optimal conditions for the air ventilation are created.
  • Does not decrease the useful volume of the building
  • The likelihood of water drops of water on the inner surface of the walls is reduced.

Insulation facades

Works are performed as follows:

  1. Remove plots affected by rot and mold
  2. Cover the surface of the walls by antiseptic compositions
  3. Capatinate gaps between bars, around windows and doors
  4. From the width of the width equal to the thickness of the insulation, they perform a horizontal crate, while the distance between the rails take 2 cm less width widths of stone wool
  5. The insulation is inserted between the rails, the installation lead in a 2 -3 layer with a shift shift
  6. Close the insulation of the windproof membrane, the joints of the film seal with scotch
  7. To the bars of the horizontal crate begged the vertical, it serves as the basis for facing materials and provides a gap for airing the layer of thermal insulation
  8. Building facades building

When insulation, the following rules are followed:

  • The bars of the crates are impregnated with an antiseptic;
  • Stone wool plates insert the velocity, there must be no clearances between them
  • Windproof membrane is hosted by rough side inside
  • Galvanized nails or self-tapping screws are used for fastening finishing materials

Clapping, timber imitation, siding, house unit, OSB and other sheet materials can be used as finishing materials.

Simultaneously with the heat insulation of the walls, insulation of the building base should be insulated. To do this, it is appropriate to use PSB-35 foam. Its sheets are attached directly to the stone base with the help of cement-based adhesive and dowel-umbrellas.

  • The surface is putty, blending the reinforced mesh in the putty and plaster
  • On top of the insulation make a vertical crate to which plates of artificial or natural stone fasten, siding panels under stone or brick

Inner insulation of walls

With the insulation of wooden walls, the inside arises difficulties associated with their ventilation.

One way to solve the problem is to create a lumen between the wall and insulation using the crate.

At the same time, conditions for air movement in the resulting space should be created. In this case, materials with any steam resistance can be used for the insulation of the walls.

When internal insulation is appropriate to apply materials coated with a foil-based heat transfer film.

Foil reflects infrared rays, smoothly penetrating through any other insulation. Therefore, such thermal insulation is particularly effective near heaters, for example, between heating radiators and a wall.

Heat float

The heat insulation of wooden floors is performed by plates of mineral wool with a density of 120 kg / cubic meters or foam of PSB 25, inserted between lags. Pre-insulating the waterproofing film under lags.

For insulation of floors under cement screed, PSB-35 foam is used. A layer of waterproofing is laid on the base, foam plates are placed and the cement screed is performed. Outdoor coating on top. When heating on a warm floor method in a layer of cement screed, pipes are placed.

Hearth roofing

The heat insulation of the roof houses from the insulated timber is usually performed by stained wool plates located between the rafters. From the roof side, the insulation protect the membrane, on the side of the attic - a vapor barrier film.

During the construction of the roof from SIP panels, the need for insulation disappears.

The roofing SIP panel is two OSB sheets, between which the foam of 200 mm thick is laid. The panels are placed on a wooden base and combine the bars inserted into the grooves available on their ends.

If the attic room does not heal, inter-storey overlaps are insulated. To do this, the overlap is placed by vapor insulation materials, and from above, between beams - insulation. The type of thermal insulation can be any, including - bulk.

So, the house from the bar externally issued, proceed to the inner design. You can get acquainted with popular materials for registration inside the house you can.

Video about wood house insulation

In our country, the climate is enough, harsh and in the winter season it happens that strong cold comes. So at this time in the houses it was comfortable, many citizens insulate their dwellings with thermal insulation materials. And the house built from the bar must be insulated, because only so you will get a pleasant microclimate in it, when the winter frosts occur outside the window. To insulate the house from the bar outside, it is not necessary to hire specialists, all the necessary steps can be performed independently.

Preparation of walls of the house (cacopat)

Before laying the selected heat insulating layer, the walls of the house must be carefully prepared. To do this, perform treatment with antiseptic and pantry. This process is used in homes that were made of wood. This allows:

  • reinforce the tightness of the wooden log cabin;
  • reduce the process of rotting the tree;
  • prevent damage to the outdoor material;
  • remove condensate formation;
  • moisture do not penetrate the tree.

The purpose of processing a wooden house is to remove the gaps and slots between the bars. Due to this, in the winter time it will not be seized in it, and in the summer, on the contrary, it will be cool. Panting is performed twice, sometimes they make it three times. For the first time, the material is placed between the crowns, and then it is driven into the seams between the bars. This is the second time - a year later, when the raw material, which was used for the process came into disrepair, and also there was a small shrinkage at home. The material is placed on each other. If the house insulation uses polyurethane foam and materials similar to it, then it is no longer necessary to careen. In the future, the procedure must be repeated once every five years.

If you neglect the execution of this stage, then the comfortable environment in the house gradually disappears, since the wooden bars over time are susceptible to drying and gaps are formed between them, which are becoming more and more and wider over time.

Choosing material insulation houses from a bar outside

The material used to create a brusade house insulation from the outside must comply with such qualities: be environmentally friendly, non-combustible and possess durability. For this purpose, foam plastic, mineral wool, folation, foamed polyethylene, isoplate, extruded polystyrene foam, interventic insulation, sprayed polyurethane foam, SIP panels are used. Also very effectively insulate the walls of the penplex and basalt insulation. They are considered one of the best materials.

Each of them has its own unique features. Before you begin the housing warming, you need to get acquainted in more detail with the properties of the heat insulator. In the selection, such characteristics should be taken into account: frost resistance, thermal conductivity coefficient, strength, elasticity, material thickness and its quality. It is also necessary to take into account the installation conditions necessary to use exactly the type of insulation. Often, at the insulation of the house, at the same time several types of insulation are used.

Mineral wool and its analogues

This insulation has such qualities:

  • is breathable;
  • it does not form mold;
  • not subject to destruction insects and rodents;
  • ease;
  • soundproofing;
  • environmental purity;
  • not high worth.

But, despite a number of advantages, it has a disadvantage. If it gets wet, then its characteristics are reduced and so that they restore it is necessary to dry. And this process lasts for a long time and not always this material dries in full.

There are three types of mineral wool: slag, basalt or stone, glass. They have similar properties, such as fire resistance, non-combustible material, resistance to biological and chemical exposure.


It is possible to install the heat insulating layer with this material only if the cladding of the house walls is made by the technology of the ventilated facade.


It is one of the cheapest insulation. It has good insulation and it is characterized by low hygroscopicity. But his main disadvantage is that it is fuel and in this process allocates toxic substances. It is also very fragile, brittle and exposed to ultraviolet. When choosing this material, you need to pay special attention to density. What is the property higher, the lower the thermal conductivity parameter.

It is the opinion that the foam is distinguished by such a substance as styrene in large concentrations. But each material for environmental safety is investigated in laboratory conditions. Sanitano-epidological conclusion suggests that the foam can be used to insulate the house without harm to their health.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPPS)

This product is released in the form of plates. It has a porous structure. The polystyrene foam is similar to foam, but its thermal conductivity is slightly lower and it is more durable. The material can well tolerate low temperatures, is not subject to moisture absorbing and unsuitable for microorganisms. His disadvantage is that he is a fuel and allocates toxic couples. The cost of this product is satisfied, high compared with the insulation described above.

When working with foam and polystyrene foam, it is not recommended to use glue compositions that contain substances in themselves:

  • any solvents;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • petroleum tool.

Also, water-based mixtures cannot be used.

Polyethylene foamed

Foamed polyethylene is divided into two subspecies: low pressure and high pressure. And also it meets with bilateral or one-sided foil. It has such features as low thermal conductivity, ease, elasticity and low cost. This insulation does not require the arrangement of such layers as a paro and waterproofing, because it is absolutely non-associate.

Sprayed polyurethane foam

This material has such positive properties as environmental safety for the environment, low thermal conductivity coefficient, high sound insulation capacity. When applied, it forms a solid insulating layer. Also, when it is used, it is not necessary to install additional fasteners, as it is very firmly sticking to the walls of any house.

Many specialists consider this material as the best insulation. But he is expensive. And when working with it, you need to have a certain experience, so you will pay not only for the material, but also for the services of workers.

Wood Fiber Based Isoplat

Such an insulating material is completely natural, because it is made of coniferous trees. In the production of plates, no additional chemicals are used. Benefits of isoplast before other similar materials:

  • long service life;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • tightness;
  • resistant to atmospheric precipitation;
  • steamproof;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • speed installation.

Warm plaster

This insulation is a mixture of cement, glass and hydrophobic additives. It is able to protect the facade of the house from moisture well, and is also not subject to long-term effects of ultraviolet rays and does not ignite.


Foil isolon is a polyethylene foam with a closed cellular structure and having elastic properties. It has a high warmth and sound insulation. It is also completely environmentally friendly. This material has two varieties: stitched and unstable polyethylene.

In the first case, the molecules are firmly involved in each other, forming strong chemical bonds. Due to this, the life of the material can be very long. In the second embodiment there are less chemical bonds, so it is inferior to the first in its reliability.

SIP - panels

Structural and insulated panels were invented so that there were no drafts in the houses, the walls were not cooled, and also to be a comfortable temperature in the residential premises. They are made in such a way on OSB plates are glued with polystyrene foam plast, and on top it all covers the OSB slab. Sometimes it is permissible to use polyurethane foam or polyoysianorate. On top of the plate are also covered with galvania.

The sandwich panels possess such positive parties:

  • energy efficiency;
  • ecology;
  • easy installation.

Basic rules of insulation of a wooden house outside

The bars absorb moisture well, therefore, over time, they are subject to severe deformation. Therefore, when insulating the facade of the house so that he breathe should take into account that in this case you need to make a gap for ventilation. So moisture will go out and do not accumulate. Above the insulation will also need to lay a facing layer. Many builders are similar in the opinion that for the house of wooden bars is best for insulation to use technology on the device of the ventilated facade of the building.

It includes installation of materials in such a sequence: the frame is installed on the wall. Next, the selected heat insulator is installed, the vapor insulation membrane is mounted and the hole is made for ventilation, and the veneer material is covered on top.

Not depending on the type of thermal insulation material, the sequence of actions remains unchanged.

Step-by-step guide to insulation houses from a bar

Wall insulation is a very important stage of arrangement of the house from a profiled bar for a comfortable location of the whole family. To insulate the facade quickly and inexpensively, you need to perform a number of the following actions described below. It should also be considered that before work it is necessary to calculate the required amount of material to make the full heat insulation of the house and the insulation of the angles.

Installation of remote plankov

For insulation of a bar of a log, boards, having a cross-section of 20 cm, can also use a cutting board having a thickness of 20-25 cm. To attach wood to use conventional nails or self-tapping screws. The boards are stuffed to the wall vertically and the distance between them should correspond to 1-2 cm less than the width of the thermal insulation material. When installing the slats, you need to control their position using a plumb or level. If the boards are attached not exactly, then work on the heat insulation will be produced poorly.


To improve the steamer system, you can apply runneroid, polyethylene film, foil, a special film intended for vapor barrier. This system will provide ventilation of the facade of the house.

For its installation, the rails are naked, the thickness of which is 2.5 cm. The distance between the rails should correspond to 1 m. Then they are placed in a layer of vapor barrier material. And there are small holes for the creation of ventilation, with a diameter of 20 cm from above and below. This will not be offended under thermal insulation. Systems or nails are used for fastening the system. The places of their attachment are glued at the top of the tape, so that the moisture does not fall into the resulting cracks. The material is placed on each other. If polyurethane foam and similar products are used for insulation, then in this case there is no need to carry out thermal insulation.


For the crates, the same material is used as to create remote slats, only the boards width from 5 to 10 cm, that is, it corresponds to the width of the heat insulator. They are attached to the facade of the building vertically and it is necessary that the step between corresponds to the parameters of the insulation.

To prevent cracks between the crate and materials for thermal insulation, you need to choose the distance between the bars, so that it is a little less than the width of the heat insulator.

Heat insulation

Between the mounted frame racks produce laying of insulating material. To properly insulate the house, laying the material should be done very tight. It is attached to the walls of the housing with a dowel with a wide hat.

Windproof membrane

Installing the windproof membrane is similar to the installation process of a vapor polypoletor. It is reliably fixed by counterbours. Over it makes the installation of siding.


As a cladding, metal siding, vinyl siding, lining and face-cement chip panels are used. After performing the actions described above, the house of the log will be insulated. And for its inhabitants, no ferocious frosts and strong winds outside the window are not terrible. Reliable and high-quality execution of the insulation of a wooden house of 150x150 can create a comfortable environment in the dwelling.

Reduce the cost of heating at home and prevent its premature deformation due to the impact of harsh environmental conditions. The above is described in more detail how to create a reliable exterior warming of a wooden house. Applying such a scheme of action, it is possible to make thermal insulation not only at home, but at the same time insulation and a wooden bath, which is often built together with the house.


Construction of private houses from a profiled timber, ordinary or glue, is popular thanks to the available value of the material and the possibility of making a cutting of a chub on its own. But the issue of thermal insulation arises, if you stay in the house all year round. With a timber thickness, less than 200 mm, heating at home without insulation will require increased costs in regions with cold winters, as the walls will freeze. Let's figure out how to insulate the house from the bar outside, picking the heat insulator with suitable properties.

Internal or outdoor insulation?

A house for winter accommodation, assembled from a bar, is recommended to warm independently of the thickness of the walls. This is due to the installation technology - angles are mounted "without residue", and such a design is prone to high heat loss. Washing corners of the house are sent, the wood begins to heat and over time the wooden log house is destroyed.

It is possible to separately decide how to insulate the corners of the construction outside, using the heat insulator and mounted on the lining of wide boards. But such partial insulation is not effective enough and does not adorganize the house.

Heat insulation Houses from a bar outside

Taking over how to insulate a house from a bar, you should pay attention to the key advantages of the outer insulation before inner:

  1. Installation of internal insulation leads to displacement of the dew point inside wall structures. This means that condensate falls on the heat border and cold and it happens in a wooden wall. As a result, the gradual destruction of wood due to constant high humidity.
  2. The heat insulator, fixed on the walls inside the room, is either a steamproof (slab or rolled material from the foamed polymer, including foil), or absorbs moisture, losing thermal insulation properties, and therefore needs high-quality vapor barrier (basalt wool, glass gamble). In both cases, the internal warming system fully deprives the dwelling of all the advantages of the construction of natural wood and requires the arrangement of high-quality ventilation for steam removal.

So, to the question, which side is better to warm the walls, the answer is simple. A wooden bar is a breathable material for which the constant humidity is dedicated, so it is impractical to mount the thermal insulator from the inside, not to mention the fact that it will noticeably reduce the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises.

The advantages of arranging the heat insulating layer from the facade of a wooden house from a bar:

  • formation of the dew point outside the walls from the bar - they will be protected from freezing and referring during the cold season;
  • conducting work without interfering in the inner finish (you can leave the walls in the premises of wood, do not fix additional trim);
  • the ability to provide natural air circulation through the walls, which contributes to a favorable microclimate in a wooden house (but provided that the appropriate method of installation of the heat insulator is selected);
  • reliable protection of walls from atmospheric influences.

The insulation of the brusade house outside is not deprived of some drawbacks to which can be attributed:

  • binding work for the season and weather conditions (prepared walls and mounted thermal insulation in warm dry weather);
  • the complexity of the work at the height of the outside with their own hands, the need for the construction of reliable forests;
  • the need to arrange external house cladding (covering siding, block house, etc.).

Thermal insulation of outdoor walls of the Ministry of Service

Preparation of walls

Before heating the brusade house, it is necessary to properly prepare wooden structures. To do this, carefully inspect the walls of the construction from the outside to identify possible foci of rotting, the slots between the bars, deep cracks in the crashing timber.

Note! The insulation of the house from the bar outside needs to be done only after a year-one and a half after the construction of a fragment from a solid bar, since such a design is prone to shrinkage. At the same time, the insulation of the house from the glued bar is allowed immediately after the construction, since the material consisting of glued lamellas from the dried wood, almost does not change its geometric dimensions.

At the stage of preparation of walls, wooden structures should be carefully treated - to impregnate them with antiseptic means. This will help protect the tree from rotting, damage to insects and microorganisms, will extend the service life of the house. The processing of impregnating compositions is recommended to perform in two navigation, with intermediate drying.

If there are serious cracks and gaps between the crowns during the inspection of the facade, they must be processed. You can use the same type of insulation as when assembling a log house, or other natural material - jute, pass, flanutin.


The insulation technology primarily depends on the selected heat insulator. If a rolled or slab material is selected, then the ventilated facade for the house from the bar in the form of a multilayer system is shuting up with ventilation gaps. In the case of applying sprayed materials, the technology is simplified.

Sprayed thermal insulation

Sprayed polyurethane foam and eco-eco-plane are applied directly onto the walls, which does not allow the ventilation gap between the wooden structure and the heat insulator. In the case of an eco-art, this is not fundamentally - such a paramptile insulation. But if the house outside under siding is covered with a layer of PPU, the walls stop "breathing", and it is necessary to take very carefully to the ventilation arrangement to avoid dampness in the premises and the appearance of mold.

Thermal insulation of the outer walls sprayed polyurethane

Before spraying the material, the walls are cleaned and the vertical crate, forming cells for filling with a heat insulator. The size of the rivers is selected in accordance with the calculated thickness of the heat insulating layer.

PPU using special equipment is sprayed into open cells, and in case of use, the technology depends on the layer thickness. If the size exceeds 70 mm, a vapor-permeable windproof membrane is attached to the crate. Holes are done in it (one by a cell), through which the gaps between the slats are filled. Holes are sealed.

On top of the PPU layer, as is the eco-powered applied by the open method, the windproof film is mounted, they are stuffed and fasten the external finish. If it is made of wood, the counterclaim will provide a ventilation clearance that warns the rotation of the material.

Arrangement of traditional ventfasada

If there is a task to keep the unique microclimate of a wooden building, it is important to figure out how to warm the house from the bar outside. In the heat insulation of the outer walls, they often neglect the arrangement of the ventilation gap between the wooden wall design and insulation. This leads to the fact that the wooden house through the walls does not remove excess moisture and wood accumulates moisture. The result is the development of mold, rotting the walls of the house.

To avoid negative consequences, it is impossible to install polymer warming materials or a vaporizolation membrane for a mineral wool insulator directly on the wall.

Brous house thermal insulation scheme outside

First stage. For the proper insulation of the house from the bar, first of all, the vertical cutting of the edged board with a thickness of 40-50 mm is stuffed onto the walls. Parosolation is attached to it. The resulting gap allows air to circulate, removing the excess moisture. From above, it is necessary to leave the ventilation gap, covering it with a visor from a wooden rail to eliminate the penetration of precipitation.

The crate is recommended to align to obtain a strictly vertical plane to insulate the brusade house outside it was easier. The entire sawn timber used in the "Pie" is pre-treated with antiseptic and antipiren.

Second phase. On the boards of the installed crate during the insulation of the brusade house, rakes of the crate under the slab insulation are fixed. The width of the rails should correspond to the thickness of the heat insulator. Extreme racks must accounted for the corner of the wall. The installation step depends on what material it is decided to warm the house:

  • if the foam or leaf extruded polystyrene, then the gap between the rails should be equal to the width of the sheet;
  • if the construction is insulated outside the mining, then the gap must be 10-15 mm less than the width of the plate material.

Third stage. Thermal insulation of walls outside requires proper laying of the insulation:

  • polymer plates are inserted into the cells, all joints are poured by mounting foam;
  • stone Wool plates are mounted by Mosports.

Additional insulation of angles are usually not done, but when installing the heat insulator on the edges of the walls, it is necessary to monitor so that the cold bridges do not occur.

Fourth stage. A windproof film is fixed on top of the crate. If the thermal insulator serves a polymeric material, you can use a conventional film, but better if it is a material that protects against UV rays. When the walls of the brusade house are insulated with a fibrous heat insulator (mineral wool), the use of membranes, which allow a couple to go out, but do not let moisture inside.

Fifth stage. The facade finish can be performed using siding, lining, block house and other materials that have a relatively small weight. Sew walls should be stamped with a thickness of 40 mm thick on top of the windproof barrier. This will provide ventilation of the system.

Choose thermal insulator

To know how to warm the house from the bar outside, you need to decide on the type of insulation. The functional properties of thermal insulators, their value and complexity are estimated.

Mineral wool

The insulation of the House of Minvata outside has a number of advantages: high thermal insulating and noise insulating properties, non-health, environmental safety, simple installation. Material is gas permeable, if you use it for insulation of the house from a bar in a set with membranes - vaporizolation and windproof. This allows the walls to "breathe".

Lack of minvati - hygroscopicity. When the moisture set is dramatically reduced thermal insulation properties. It should be noted and quite high cost of material and membranes. Attempting to reduce the insulation of the facade of Minvata due to the use of a regular film will reduce the service life of the house and worsen the microclimate in the premises.

Thermal insulation facade house mineral wool


Benefits include affordable cost and high thermal insulation qualities (at least 35 kg / m3 density), easy installation, low weight, hydrophobicity.

Disadvantages: flammable, destruction under the action of ultraviolet and damage rodents. The material is gasproof and with the wrong installation of the most cheap material of the wall of a wooden building will not "breathe".

Heat insulation of brusade house with foam

Extruded expanded polystyrenex (Penoplex)

Wall insulation outside expanded polystyrene makes it possible to reliably protect the designs from the freezing. At the same time, the material has a low tendency to fire, is not damaged by rodents.

Thermal insulation outside the penplex will cost more than when using foam, while problems remain the same - disturbed air exchange in insulated structures, if the material is glued directly onto the walls.

Thermal insulation facade of penplex

Polyethylene foamed

Polyethylene foamed high or low pressure may have a foil surface with one or both sides. Thin rolled material is characterized by high thermal insulation indicators.

Using it for external insulation, you can save on vapor barrier and windproof - the foamed polyethylene does not need them. The roll material is mounted with a solid web on top of the crate, naked to create a ventilation gap. The joints of the strips are punctured by aluminum scotch. Then the counterclaim is attached to sew walls by siding or decorative panels.

Thermal insulation of the outer walls of the house with polyethylene

Sprayed PPU

The main advantage of sprayed polyurethane foam is the ability to create a seamless heat insulating layer on the surfaces of any configuration. The material is durable, environmentally safe.

But with such an outer thermal insulation, wooden structures are susceptible to rot, since the insulation does not miss steam, and it is impossible to create a ventilation clearance.

Thermal insulation of the facade house polyurethane foam


A good option for the insulation of the facade. Material is resistant to fire, environmentally friendly, vapor permanent. Such thermal insulation does not disturb the microclimate in a wooden house.

Only two minuses can be noted: high cost and need to use professional equipment for competent installation.

Thermal insulation of the walls of the brusade house Eco


To build a long time, it is important to choose the right thing than to warm the house, and comply with the installation technology. Without insulation, the construction of the bar differs with high heat lines, it is difficult to warm it well. Considering, the better to warm the house from the bar outside, stop your choice on the insulation scheme at which the wooden house will be able to "breathe".