Warming of production, industrial buildings. Warehouse wall insulation What material should be chosen for warehouse thermal insulation

To get rid of the so-called "warehouse bridges" in warehouses, it will be necessary not only to close all the gaps. Given the fact that such premises are distinguished by a large area, you need to warm all the walls well. You should get rid of such a phenomenon as a leakage of warm air.

What is the difficulty?

Today, during the construction of new warehouses are immediately used. But what if this is an old room and it needs to be placed in it, which in winter should be stored at the plus temperature? In this case, it is necessary to think about the performance of repair and finishing works using insulation. And first of all, it will be necessary to warm the walls. But whatever insulation is not used, it will bring little benefit if not resolving the issue with the gate.

The thing is that the gates of many warehouses open almost daily to produce the process of unloading-loading products from the cargo transport. Therefore, it is necessary to solve two questions at once:
- The gate must open for the lowest time;
- The process of loading-unloading of goods must be minimized in time.
In most cases, hangars and warehouses are distinguished by a large area. In addition, they are built on special framework technology. In the process of their construction, metal structures and steel sections are used, which are absolutely unable to keep heat. Therefore, they first need to warm.

Not every warehouse can suspend their activities so that finishing works on the insulation of walls from the inside were produced. Therefore, such work often has to do at night. When carrying out the insulation of the walls of the warehouse room, it is necessary to take into account a very important nuance: many work will have to be produced at the height, so additional equipment will be required in the form of a tour - mobile tower or comfortable stairs.

The main types of warehouse insulation are most often used materials:
- mineral wool;
- sprayed polyurethane foam;
- sandwich panels;
- Styrofoam.
Each of these insulation has their own advantages, also disadvantages. Therefore, they should be considered separately.

1. Mineral wool: It is a classic way of insulation of warehouse space. This method of insulation is cheap. In addition, mineral wool fireproofWhat is very important for such premises. But she has shortcomings. For example, it can absorb moisture. In addition, it is decent as for the insulation weight, which can be dangerous for thin walls of galvanized steel.

2. Polyurethan recently sprayed is very popular. He is able to close all the gaps, not afraid of fire, has a low thermal conductivity. Its very simple and quickly apply on the walls. But its drawback is a high cost. Yes, and the warehouse must be stopped at the time of such insulation.

3. Sandwich panels are very beautiful and strong enough. Their advantage lies in the fact that they will not require further finishes. But from the disadvantages of such a insulation, it is possible to highlight the complexity of work and their decent weight. And this means that the load is significantly increased not only on the walls, but also on the foundation.

4. Polyfoam is the cheapest insulation. When the walls are insulated, the warehouse can not even stop. It is different and what is very easy. But he also has drawbacks: it loves rodents and it is a highly abrupt material.

Therefore, how to insulate your warehouse - to solve its owner. In this case, it is necessary to take into account its size and from what material it is built.

In many regions, insulated warehouses are needed for storing products. They allow you to store products that require certain climatic requirements. Due to the presence of such premises, all works associated with long-term storage of agricultural products can be carried out even in severe frosts. Therefore, when designing a building, it is necessary to consider high-quality warehouse insulation. You can do this in several ways: choose the design of a two-layer hangar from a metal profile or to decide the design by one of the insulation materials. In each embodiment, there are advantages and disadvantages, so they must be considered when the construction is erected.

To save products in stock, it is necessary to perform the following conditions:

  • sufficient air conditioning;
  • stable temperature maintenance;
  • no conditions for the development of pathogenic bacteria.

A reliable warehouse warming will help. For this purpose, the following materials can be used: Polyurethane Foam and Tepopol. Also, an arched hangar technology can be used in the form of sandwich panels. Each of the materials used is modern, but has a number of features.

Polyurene Foolder

The insulation of polyurethane in the foamed form is considered a reliable and time-tested material. Its main feature - it can be applied both on the outer side of the structure and internal. Reliable wall processing with such a heater allows you to protect the warehouse from supercooling and dampness, prevent overheating of the structure. Due to the singularities of spraying, it can be applied to any type of surface.

Advantages of PPU

Among the main advantages of the insulation, it is worth noting the following:

  • affordable price in comparison with similar types of insulation;
  • high degree of thermal insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • noise insulation;
  • aesthetically attractive appearance;
  • the ability to perform any internal finish;
  • durability of the material (up to 30 years of service);
  • no joints and seams;
  • safety for man and food products placed on storage;
  • lack of weighting for design;
  • increased material elasticity makes it possible to prevent anti-strain.

It not only protects the room from the cold, but also allows you to prevent the design overheating. Polyurethane sheathing is not only fast, but also economically beneficial.


Of the disadvantages, you can allocate the need to use special equipment for applying sprayed polyurethane foam. At the same time, at the time of installation work in the hangar, no work can be carried out.

Violation of PPU laying technology can lead to the appearance of moisture between the wall and the insulation. Over time, this can provoke the destruction of the wall and, accordingly, the entire design.


Thermal insulator Thermophol is available in various kinds. Allocate two key categories:

  • coated with foil;
  • with metallized spraying.

This is a modern insulation with a variety of useful characteristics. By its structure, it resembles foamed polyethylene. Its thickness can vary from 2 to 10 mm.


The insulation has the following positive features:

  • environmental safety due to the absence of harmful evaporation;
  • ease of material;
  • reflective abilities reaching 97%;
  • resistance to rotting, the appearance of mold and malicious fungus;
  • lack of threat from rodents and insects.

Due to the porous structure, the material absorbs sounds, while the surface "breathes".

The foil version of thermophol has the following advantages:

  • preservation of the initial form;
  • mechanical strength;
  • hydrophobicity;
  • safety for human health;
  • good absorption of noise;
  • long-term service life;
  • resistance to corrosion destruction;
  • easy installation.

Also distinguish the following types of insulation:

  1. Type Ahephol is available in a roll consisting of a one-sided coating of a metallized film. Perfect for insulation ceiling, walls and pitched roofs. It is perfect for thermal insulation of pipelines.
  2. The thermophole of the type B consists of two-sided reflective aluminum foil and foamed polyethylene between the layers. It is this structure that completely eliminates all types of heat loss: from heat radiation to convection.
  3. The type Cheophol consists of 4 layers: metallized film, foamed polyethylene, adhesive layer and protective film. It protects against moisture and noise and does not require additional laying of vapor barrier material.

Any type of heat phol can be used in the regions with a temperature of -60 to +100 degrees.


The disadvantage of the insulation can be called its vulnerability to mechanical damage. Even a slight damage to the film can lead to the breaking of the entire layer. In this case, the total substitution of the material will be required.

Two-layer hangar

The optimal option is considered the construction of a warmed version of the hangar for a warehouse. This design resembles a sandwich panel: two sets of arches are erected, one over the other, and between them is the insulation material.


The advantages of a two-layer hangar are:

  • higher degree of protection against winds and frosts;
  • fire safety;
  • protection of the insulation material both outside and from the inside;
  • the ability to select color solutions for the arches;
  • a variety of filling space between the arches of the material.

For insulation of the warehouse of this type, foamed polyurethane, mineral wool and expanded polystyrene are suitable.


The main disadvantage of this embodiment of the warehouse is a high cost of construction. In fact, instead of one, two almost the same hangar are erected.

It is also worth noting that the violation of installation technology can lead to icing in the winter period. And mechanical damage to the insulation material will require dismantling and completely replacing the insulation. In the absence of the possibility of heat exchange can occur condensation.

And if the slab exceeds a length of 7 m, it will not be able to withstand additional load.

Floor insulation warehouse

For reliable protection against cold and frosts, take care of the reliable insulation of the floor of the warehouse. It can reduce the volume of heat loss, maintain the temperature at the required level, improve the soundproofing characteristics of the warehouse, as well as avoid drafts and humidity.

Most often in such arched hangars, the floor is concrete. Therefore, insulation is carried out by foam or penplex. In the process of construction, these works suggest the following sequence:

  1. Purification area from construction waste, dust and dirt.
  2. Soil alignment. If necessary, sand can be used.
  3. Laying the plates of the insulation and their fixing.
  4. Creating a frame of fittings.
  5. Pour a layer of concrete.

If the insulation of the floor is carried out after the end of construction work, such a manipulation will require large financial investments, as laying of layers will be reinstal. At the same time, in places where transport will function (loaders or cars) will be required to additionally fill the floor with concrete.

The optimal option for insulation of the floor of the warehouse is precisely leaf insulation. They are more dense and create an additional basis for fittings framework. For these purposes are used.

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For the development of industrial production, wholesale trade, logistics business always requires decent warehouse space. In addition, warehouses and shopping sites are increasingly obtaining their distribution, which do not have separate areas for the sale of goods.

What's difficulty

Of course, it does not make much difficulty build a small warehouse building from materials already possessing heat-saving properties. But if we are talking about areas and volumes to organize storage products, raw materials or goods, calculated by hundreds and thousands of square and cubic meters, then traditional construction methods will not be economically justified.

Hangars and warehouses of large areas are most often built on frame technology or using prefabricated structures. An example is the known arched metal structures collected from steel sections of a wave-shaped form.

Steel sections absolutely does not preserve heat in winter and does not protect the inner volume from heating in the sun in summer. There are also structures of warehouses from concrete slabs, also needing thermal insulation. What methods and materials are applied to the improvement of hangars and other volumetric rooms?

Methods of insulation of metal and concrete structures

Among the variety of ways to preserve heat in stock, we deserve attention to several basic and acceptable in terms of efficiency.

Method 1: Creating an Internal Contour

The method of insulation with the construction of an internal contour lies in the erection of a light, insulated, non-bearing frame construction inside the hangar.

Installation can be produced by various technologies - with the help of wooden robes or metal profile frames with the installation of foam or slab insulation and the facing are then panels.

Significant methods of method are the reduction of the useful warehouse area and the high-cost design.

Method 2: Isolation Basalt Plates and Glasswater

Warming with a slab, basalt or glass material as a method is effectively in terms of heat conservation, but inconvenient in implementation. In fact, it is the same option as with the inner contour, but the frame is mounted directly on the warehouse walls.

This additionally loads the hangar sections and can affect its stability. In addition, a certain difficulty can represent the fastening of rails or profiles on steel walls. Another disadvantage of this method is inevitably accumulating in the thickness of the insulation and without outgoing moisture.

Method 3: foam as insulation

The insulation of polyurethane foam is popular. This material exists in two forms - in the form of plates and in the form of a liquid mixture, which after applying independently foams. Plates insulate the outer surfaces of wooden or concrete walls, and the walls are treated indoors. Liquid polyurethane is probably the most suitable insulation for steel structures.

Construction foam has good adhesion to any surface. Its heat-conducting properties do not depend on the shape of the walls, and the degree of insulation can be adjusted by the layer thickness. The disadvantage can be considered the impossibility of processing at negative temperatures of air and walls.

Materials: Properties and Comparison

Consider several basic characteristics that are essential for insulation of warehouses and hangars:

  • thermal conductivity, i.e. the degree of insulation of the layer of a certain thickness;
  • flavoring or ability to maintain burning. This parameter depends on the protection of the premises from the fire;
  • the proportion or the load that the building construction will incur from insulation will incur.

This insulator has the following indicators:

  • specific thermal conductivity: about 0.030 W / m * to. This digit is characterized by both glass gamble and basalt materials;
  • flavoring: Do not burn and do not support burning. Plates made of glass windows withstand without loss of properties The temperature is up to 400 ° C, and the plates from the basalt fiber - up to 1000 ° C. The walls of a warehouse covered with basalt fiber can withstand open fire for a long time;
  • the proportion: depends on the density of the plate and ranges from 35 kg / m3 to 180 kg / m3. For the insulation of the steel wall, it is enough 15 cm layer with a density of 100 kg / m3. Thus, on a plot of 1 m2, the load will be 15 kg.

Polyfoam and expanded polystyrene

Polyfoam or polystyrene foam in solid, slab versions have the following qualities:

  • thermal conductivity: for foam - 0.037 kg / m3, for polystyrene foam - 0.027 kg / m3, which is quite comparable to the characteristics of mineral watts;
  • the degree of flammability: foam and expanded polystyrene can burn, but in modern production they add anti-epires, which makes it possible to assign the gramifications class of G1 to these materials and call not supporting combustion. The heat resistance of foams is low - they do not withstand heating even up to 250-270 ° C, and during combustion, hazardous gases are distinguished;
  • specific weight: Polyfoam - 100 kg / m3, expanded polystyrene - 40 kg / m3, polyurethane foam (mounting foam) - 40-80 kg / m3. 1 m2 foam layer in 15 cm will have a weight of 15 kg, expanded polystyrene - only 6 kg, and polyurethane foam - from 6 to 12 kg.

Insulation of the type of installation or construction foam possess the same characteristics as slab polyurethane foam materials.

Comparative analysis

Elementary comparison of characteristics shows that the degree of insulation of all materials is almost the same, the minimum weight has polystyrene foam and foamed polyurethane. Moreover, it was not possible to calculate the weight of a frame structure, which is necessary if mineral wool or solid foamy material is used. How protection from fire is more reliable to use stone cotton wool. However, in the installation is easier than all liquid polyurethane.

Another important characteristic is the cost of materials. Most more - stone insulation, the cheapest - foam plates. The selection of thermal insulation for the warehouse depends on the characteristics of the structures, the material of the walls and financial capabilities.

Mounting work

Warming technology with fibrous and slab materials can be described in the following steps.

The frame is assembled from wooden plates (usually for foam) or metal profiles.

The fastening of the frame to the walls is carried out either by self-drawing screws, or with the help of dowels, metal profiles can be fixed to steel structures with wire and welding. The thickness of the framework elements should correspond to the thickness of the insulation sheets.

To prevent the accumulation within the mineral wet moisture, it is advisable to place vaporizolation on both sides, and if the installation is carried out outside the walls - windproof vapor-permeable membrane. Films should be fixed with the slack so that the thermal oscillation of the dimensions of the hangar structures did not damage them.

The frame is posted, as a rule, inside the building. However, to preserve useful volumes, it is possible to insulate the outside, followed by cladding.

Plate laying

Plates, sheets or rolls are stacked between the slats or frame profiles and are fixed. Possible joints are carefully closed by cropping the same material or mounting foam.


It is carried out not only to make the appearance more presentable, but also to prevent damage to the insulation. Other technology is used to apply a polyurethane layer on the walls. The liquid composition is applied by spraying from special sprayers. Works should be carried out in protective clothing, ventilation organizes indoors.

After applying the composition, some time independently expands and fills all the irregularities and slots in the walls. Throwing time is about 1 hour. As a result, a textured surface appears, which can be subsequently painted with water paints.

Warming of various types of hangars sprayed polyurethane foam in the agro-complex

In this article we will try to reasonably substantiate the thesis that claims that today one of the most effective, inexpensive and rapid ways of thermal insulation of large non-residential premises is insulation sprayed polyurethane foam Density PPU from 45-60kg / m3on freon basis.

Probably, none of anyone will not be a revelation statement that the structure of a huge area and height, which does not have high-quality thermal insulation, is able to go bankrupt its owner in one winter due to the astronomical cost of heating. No need to possess knowledge in the field of higher mathematics to calculate what the heating of volumes that are measured by tens of thousands of cubic meters will cost.

If such a building is not in the subtropical climatic belt and the average winter temperature behind its walls fluctuates below the zero mark of the thermometer scale, the only solution to the problem of maintaining the required temperature inside is high-quality thermal insulation. No one will argue with this axiomatic statement. Another question is a choice of the type of heat insulation and material, on the basis of which it will be implemented. We will make a brief analysis of the main heat insulating materials and impartially compare their advantages and disadvantages.

The main types of thermal insulation materials for insulation of the hangar

First of all, it should be noted that all thermal insulation materials are divided into two main groups - inorganic and organic.

Inorganic thermal insulation materials

The most common inorganic heat-insulating materials include the following:

mineral wool;

glass fiber (glass gamble);


We will not go into the subtleties of the production technology of these materials, as it is a little interesting to the end consumer. Let us dwell on their properties.

All the above materials are distinguished by refractory, low thermal conductivity and resistance to chemical and biological (mold, pests) impacts. However, despite the aforementioned advantages, they possess a number of serious flaws. Mineral wooland fiberglass Different with high hygroscopicity, which leads to the fact that the data of thermal insulation materials have come into full dissent in a few years, if they are not soaked in their special hydrophobic (giving water-repellent properties) compositions, and mineral wool requires more and mandatory waterproofing.

The above flaws are devoid of such insulation As a foam glass, however, it has a high rigidity, which limits its use under conditions where the surface has a complex form.

For the most part, the aforementioned insulation are supplied in the form of blocks that are fixed with the help of fasteners of one or another type on the walls of the insulated room. This inevitably leads to the fact that the integrity of the design is damaged, which, in turn, is more or less reduces its service life. A variant is also possible with the fastening of these materials by glue, but this method has its drawbacks: the glue is not so firmly, and the temperature difference may occur as a result of the temperature difference. In both ways of fastening, due to the fact that the heat insulating coating is not monolithic, the so-called cold bridges will inevitably take place, which reduces the overall efficiency of the heat insulating layer.

Can be mentioned in this section more such material as foam concrete, which is not just t.there is an e-insulating material, and a low thermal conductivity building material. But this is still building material, and not insulation.

Organic heat-insulating materials

The most common organic heat-insulating materials include the following:

polystyrene or Styrofoam;


polyurene Foolder.

With the first type of above-mentioned organic insulation, we are all familiar with childhood: which of us did not take away your favorite parents, watering a piece foamflast on glass? This light material is 90% from the air, and the air, as is known, is a good thermal insulator. The insulation of polystyrene foam has long been and widely used, but this material has one significant drawback - it is very fragile.

Polyeneetylene - One of the most promising modern materials, possessing almost all the advantages of polyurethane foam, which will be discussed slightly lower. But he also has a significant drawback - like any polyethylene, it is not heat reduction.

Now let's turn to the consideration of the properties of polyurethane foam - material combining all the positive qualities of the above-mentioned thermal insulators and practically having their disadvantages.

One of the main advantages of polyurethane foam is the possibility of spraying the surface of any size and shape, due to which the uniform layer of the heat insulator is obtained without any joints or gaps. As a result, the complete absence of cold bridges.

Due to the fact that the polyurethane foam has an exceptionally high adhesion to the surfaces of almost any type completely excludes the possibility of detachable of the heat insulating layer. In addition, deposition technology significantly reduces the timing of work on the insulation of various buildings.

Polyurene Fooldervery effective and lung: The ten-grantimeter layer of this substance is equivalent in its heat insulating properties of brickwork with a thickness of two and a half meters. The essence of the material under consideration is due to the fact that it is 85% 97% (depending on the density) consists of air or gases.

Polyurethane foam of thermosetics and frost, which allows you to use it in all climatic zones. It does not require any additional waterproofing, and even moreover, its hard specification itself can serve as an excellent waterproofer and is widely used in construction in this capacity.

To another advantage of this material include excellent noise insulating properties.

Taking into account the foregoing, it can be safely argued that precisely the polyurethane foam is most suitable for the insulation of type metal structures angars. The ease of polyurethane foam allows not too loading the structure from a metal sheet of a thickness of a little more than 1 mm; heat resistance will need in the hot summer months when metal It is raised to very high temperatures; Frost resistance allows not to be afraid of the strength of the thermo-insulating layer even in tall frosts, and the absence of cracks ensures that no drop of precious heat leaving outside. If adding to this speed with which insulation is produced by polyurethane foam, it becomes clear that fast-free hangars And this insulation is simply created for each other.

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Warming warehouse PPU profitable

Many shopping complexes, manufacturing companies, shops and firms require their own warehouses. The key task of such structures is to ensure proper storage conditions for various goods. The warehouse must comply with the installed storage standards in order to avoid damage to the cargo and changes to its parameters. Maintaining a certain temperature humidity regime in the warehouse is a priority for each business owner. A radiated warehouse leads to a set of trouble. There is a problem to maintain the desired temperature, as a result of which the conditions for the storage of goods are disturbed, the work of equipment and people is hampered. Condensate is formed, leading to the appearance of rust on the technique, rotting overlaps and referring to the stored products. As a result, the costs of electricity increase and the company's losses are increasing. It is possible to avoid this kind of consequences only by competent.

The insulation of the warehouse of polyurethane foam effectively solves a number of problems. This option is considered to be one of the best from technological and economic positions. The spraying of the PPU has a mass of positive sides, beneficially distinguished him among other obsolete alternatives: foam plastic, fiberglass, plates from basalt wool.

Storage room before and after applying PPU

Warehouse insulation is a rather complicated and cost-consuming process. The complexity of thermal insulation of storage facilities is due to their constructive features. Typically, such structures are based on quick-scale framework structures with arched dome form. Standard ways of thermal insulation of the room applicable to residential buildings are unprofitable here. In many cases, they do not allow to obtain the desired result. Highly efficient modern techniques come to the rescue - the insulation of the warehouse is polyurethane.

Warming of warehouses indicated way provides a lot of advantages. The material is easy to apply. The composition, which is the components of which the liquid polyol and isocyanate are sprayed to the surface under high pressure. When applied, it increases in the amount of many times and almost instantly frozen. Therefore, the insulation of warehouses of a significant area can be made for the day of all two people. The material has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient compared to other building materials - 0.019 W / m * to.

Apply the PPU can be on non-prepared surfaces of iron, concrete, brick. The frame for this is not required, as well as the use of special fasteners. It does not matter the shape of such surfaces - the material perfectly falls into all the deposits, filling them. Complicated warehouse geometry will not be a problem for this polymer. It fits tightly to all surface irregularities.

The insulation of the PPU warehouse is beneficial from an economic point of view in view of the fact that the material minimizes the loss of heat and energy consumption. The resulting coating does not have seams, gaps, butts. The polymer layer is equivalent to brick masonry 500 mm thick. At the same time, it is quite enough to cover the warehouses with a thickness of 50-80 mm. Thus, it is ensured by saving the useful area necessary for storing products, cargo, etc.

The advantages of polyurethane foam are obvious:

    He is not terrible moisture, which eliminates the need for waterproofing.

    Incombustible. The material does not apply to the number easily flammable and does not support the combustion process. Garage insulation polyurethane foam provides fire safety design.

    It is able to effectively fill out all existing emptiness.

    Provides good sound insulation.

    Protects the metal design of the garage from the appearance and distribution of corrosion processes.

The thermal insulation is completely moisture-proof, it does not form the formation of gas condensate, the development of fungus and plaque. Low material density leads to a decrease in the total load on the supporting structures. The cellular structure of the material ensures the proper vapor permeability of the heat insulator. This is a guarantee of the lack of dampness and mold, which is especially important when storing food in stock.

PPU does not react with water and chemicals. The excellent adhesion of the polymer provides an excellent bundle of the heat insulator with any kinds of walls.

PPU is environmentally friendly and safe for health. Its composition does not contain harmful impurities. It can be freely used for the insulation of food warehouses. It is resistant to burning and temperature differences, successfully copes both frost and heat. The combustibility class of the GZ material ensures that it is not capable of becoming a focus of fire and does not support the process of burning. The created thermal insulation is capable of listening to 30-50 years without any repair.

The specified material organically combines wonderful heat, noise, waterproofing. The insulation of the PPU warehouse is a great way to ensure high-quality thermal insulation of this type of industrial facilities at the maximum production rate on significant areas.

If you are doing business, we do not tell us how important the reliability of warehouses is. Just imagine that they hit frosts and all your goods suffered from it. Such situations need to be thought out in advance. This will avoid damages.

Warming warehouses will help keep the product view of your products all year round. A similar procedure also saves, since after thermal insulation you can damn your warehouse is not as intense as previously. After all, insulated walls retain heat indoors.

What material should be chosen for warehouse thermal insulation?

If you decide to warm your warehouse, it is best to choose polyurethane foam for these purposes. It has a lot of advantages:

Easy installation. Warming work with this material will take no more than 1 day. Agree that such dates are quite attractive;

Saving. In addition to the fact that your product will always be in preservation, you can save on heating. Warming of warehouses polyurethane foam reduces energy consumption by 50%. Disposable investment in thermal insulation will help you save long years;

Durability. Polyurethane foam as a heater will be able to serve several decades.

Why warm the warehouse costs with our help?

You decided to make the heat meal of our own storage facilities, but do not know who to trust this work? Contact "Masterplane".

For more than 7 years we have been providing services for the insulation of objects with the help of polyurethane foam. Our specialists have rich experience in this area and use modern equipment.

Masterpene is taken for the facilities of any complexity. And the result of its work and the materials used gives a guarantee up to 50 years. We use only certified polyurethane foam.

All work is carried out in the shortest possible time - up to 1 day. At the same time, the cost of our work is very accessible. In fact, it is necessary to pay only the material itself. His delivery, installation and counting of the cost of all works are performed absolutely free.

Warehouses are designed to store various materials and goods. Often, special conditions are required for storing certain groups of goods, including a certain temperature, humidity, in general microclimate. To create these conditions, the room is necessary to make the most insulated from the effects of the conditions of the external environment, that is, for sealing and heat insulating the conditions of the cold climate of the facades of houses is not able to keep heat inside the premises by themselves. As a result - large heating costs, the small efficiency of which is due to the high thermal conductivity of building materials.

Polyurethane Foolder - Best Warehouse Solution

To date, many modern insulation are used for thermal insulation of premises of any type, which are designed to solve various tasks. However, for insulation of warehouses is best suited for polyurethane foam, or PPU. This thermal insulator has unique characteristics, while unattainable for other materials. In particular, the PPU has the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient, which allows you to emphasize the investments on heat insulation in just two seasons, and subsequently save on energy to 50% of the means for even a long time.

learn the cost of thermal insulation is your premises.

We will call you back at a convenient time for you.

Properties of polyurethane foam, so necessary when warehouse insulation

The only disadvantage of the PPU can be called exposure to ultraviolet rays. However, this problem is solved by simple staining of thermal insulation of any paint, which will protect the surface.

Naturally, only the insulation of the room cannot be created the necessary microclimate in stock. Therefore, in the complex with the insulation, it is necessary to take care of the quality, well-designed ventilation. Such a complex will help make your warehouse premises an ideal place to store any goods.


Preface. In this article, we will consider an important question for companies whose activities are related to the rental and operation of warehouses. To reduce the costs of organizing the heating of warehouse premises and create a comfortable climate for the work of employees, it is necessary to warm the walls of the warehouse, the roof, floors and the gate of the hangar. That is what we decided to pay attention to this material.

Warming with foil insulation

A feature of storage facilities is a huge space with concrete floors and a large gate, such warehouses are often impossible to drop to a comfortable temperature for a person. In order for the bills for the electricity of the warehouse owner, it is necessary to warm the warehouse for the winter: get rid of "cold bridges" and close the leakage of warm air.

First of all, it is necessary to think through the loading and unloading process, which would occupy the minimum possible time to open the gate. It is also necessary to pay attention to the insulation of the roof, concrete floors and walls from the inside in the warehouse. Let us then consider the question, the better to warm the warehouse for the winter and with some ways of insulation of warehouses from the inside.

How to insulate the storage room from the inside

The insulation of storage facilities and hangars differs from the thermal insulation of a residential building, as the processing of huge spaces, structures and work at height is required. In addition, often the stop of the warehouse activity is impossible even for a while, therefore, all repair work will have to be carried out by builders inside at night or during the enterprise.

What can be insulated the warehouse from the inside for the winter:

1. Mineral Vata. (glass wool) - classic and fairly cheap material. The Ministry of Service is fireproof (this is a significant plus for a warehouse, where easily ignited substances or goods are often stored), the material is not susceptible to rotting and decomposition. The lack of basalt wool is the ability to absorb moisture and a small plate density - this requires a framework device, where mineral wool plates will be laid, and the heat-insulation protection of the vapor insulation membrane from wetting.

2. Foam or Penoplex - The maximum cheap insulation, the slabs are easy to install and no stop of work is required. Extruded polystyrene foam features have the best and perfectly suitable for the insulation of concrete floor in stock, roofs and walls, as the material is very durable, while easy and not afraid of high humidity. Polyfoam is less durable, in addition, the insulation is easily ignorant, and it distinguishes harmful substances when burning, which is unacceptable by fire safety.

Angara arches insulated polyurethane

3. Sprayed polyurethane foam - A very popular way of insulation of the roof and walls in industrial premises and warehouses. Spraying polyurethane foam (PPU) - light and durable material, does not ignite and has low thermal conductivity.

PPU is rapidly applied and forms a seamless coating, resistant to moisture and without "cold bridges".

The material can be applied to any surfaces: wood, concrete, metal. The disadvantage of this insulation is the high cost, as well as the impossibility of carrying out all the work when working warehouse.

How to insulate cold warehouse in winter

How to insulate the gate in stock

For insulation of the gate in the storage room, a polystyrene foam or penplex can be used. The material is lightweight, durable, not afraid of atmospheric precipitation. You can use 50 mm thick sheets, which are inserted into the frame of the tree bars of 50x50 mm. The bar is pre-treated with an antiseptic, and all the remaining seams between the sheets of foam are sealed by mounting foam.

When the entire gate area is insulated, the moisture resistant plywood or OSB is mounted. All technology is no different from the warming of the garage gate. Also, the gate can be insulated with mineral or glass wool, which also places in a frame of wood bars. The width of the timber must correspond to the thickness of the heat insulation layer, which can be calculated on the calculator.

Before laying basalt cotton wool, the entire frame and the gate are closed with a moisture insulating membrane. After laying the insulation, the frame is again closed with moisture insulation, so that the Minvat is protected from wetting from all sides. Next, the frames are attached to the frame to create a ventilation gap so that moisture evaporated from the surface of the film, and the gate is sewn plywood or OSB.

How to insulate the roof in stock

The insulation of the hangar roof is difficult often significant tall design and its lightness because of which it is often impossible to use heavy structures. The simpler, but expensive way of insulation of the roof in stock is to hire specialists who will quickly make PPU sputtering on the design. Polyurethane foam will create a solid layer without seams and does not load the roof of the hangar.

Cheaper, but the laborious way is the creation and insulation of the ceiling overlap. This method in many cases is simply impossible to implement due to the preparation of significant loads on the light design of the walls and the roof of the hangar. If the warehouse has concrete walls and overlaps, there should be no problems. You can use for this any rolled and slab insulation.

Plates of mineral wool or polystyrene foaming should be laid in a pre-designed frame frame. The distance between the bars should be made by 1-1.5 cm smaller than the width of the sheets of minvati or glass wives so that the insulation makes the insulation as much as possible to the bars. Additionally, thermal insulation should be fixed with a dowel - fungi and close with vapor barrier to protect against moisture.

How to insulate concrete floor in stock

The scheme of insulation of concrete floors on the ground

Concrete floor should be insulated at the end of the hangar. Thermal insulation is produced by the method of insulation of the earth floor by foam or penplex. On pre-aligned soil (for this, it is necessary to squeeze the foundation from the inside with soil or sand) plates of the insulation. Caracas from fittings, and the floor in the hangar is poured with a thick layer of concrete.

If you need to warm the floor in the hangar after the end of construction, this work will require significant financial costs. Since it is necessary to re-lay the insulation and pour concrete where cars and loaders will ride. In those rooms where there will be no significant load, you can insulate the floors by lags using foam or minvatu as a heat insulator.

This field insulation technology has been described in detail earlier in the article "In the Heal for Floor in a wooden house, which is better" and will not be a lot of work. All work on the warming of the hangar for the winter from the inside can be produced in stages not to complete the work of the organization.

The question of insulation of warehouse premises is also sharp, as is the problem of reducing heat loss in winter at an open gate. Sometimes there are tambura for these purposes, which significantly complicates the process of unloading. Another popular option is to use heat guns that are able to quickly warm the air in the room after its cooling at an open gate.

A feature of any warehouse is a huge space that is often simply impossible to heat up to comfortable for temperature staff. Or perhaps, but then electricity bills will simply be overwhelmed. Therefore, first of all, the warehouse must be insulated, get rid of any "cold bridges", close all the cracks, think over such a loading and unloading system, which will occupy the minimum time to open-closing the gate.

Warming warehouse

Warehouse warehouse differs from the insulation of an ordinary residential house: it is huge spaces, and work at the height. In addition, not all companies can afford to suspend the warehouse activity for a while, and, consequently, the work on the insulation of the premises should be carried out at night or directly during the functioning of the enterprise.

Consider some types of warehouse insulation:

  1. Mineral wool. This is a classic way, sufficiently cheap and therefore popular. Mineral wool fireproof and is not subjected to rotting. Its disadvantages are high ability to absorb moisture and high weight plates, which can be dangerous for walls organized from fine galvanized steel (hangars).
  2. Sprayed polyurethane foam. Recently, this is a very popular method of warehouse insulation. Polyurethane foam is not a fuel, it has a low thermal conductivity and high vapor insulation, it is easy and quickly applied, it forms a dense seamless coating without any "cold bridges". Its disadvantage is quite high cost, and the impossibility of working with a functioning warehouse.
  3. Sandwich panels. The finished factory panels are very beautiful, strong enough and do not require additional processing. The minus sandwich panels is the complexity of their installation and high weight, which can create an additional load on the walls and foundation.
  4. Foam. Very cheap way, foam plates are easy to install even with a warehouse. The disadvantage is a highly burning material.

An example of how the warehouse is insulated with polyurethane foam:

For some more examples of such insulation, see.

Additionally: - "narrow" moment.

Warehouse Heating

After the warehouse is insulated, you can consider the heating system. What we need to know:

  1. Warehouse Parameters: Width, Height, Length.
  2. The desired temperature. It is very important to know in combination with an outdoor temperature - to calculate the delta on which we need to warm the warehouse.
  3. The heat dissipation ratio is how the room is insulated.

Warehouse heating systems can be divided into water, steam, air and their combinations (steaming, water-air, etc.). Consider them in more detail.

  1. Water heating. A complex and expensive system in the installation, consisting of a thermal point connected to its highways and individual risers with heating devices. The advantage of this method is a uniform and low heating, normal humidity indoor air humidity.
  2. Steam heating. Provides quick heating of the room, requires a smaller area of \u200b\u200bheating devices. Disadvantages - complex installation, a short service life of the system.
  3. Air heating. High efficiency, easy installation, low cost. Disadvantages - a large diameter of air ducts.
  4. Thermal curtains. Help to separate warm air indoors from the cold outside when the warehouse is opened or the door doors. Air-thermal curtains prevent the movement of air masses and allow you to maintain the temperature regime inside the storage.

When heating, it is usually worth choosing a fuel. Cheaper than gas, but also use diesel, gasoline, electricity. Electrical heating, as a rule, the safest option with