Select tiles for the floor. How to choose Floor Tile: Master Tips

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You decide that on your balcony, on the floor will lie tile. Bought tiles, put. But in a year it turned out that all the beauty you created on the balcony turned into garbage. And everyone will have to start first. Unfortunately, it happens often. And the tile in this is absolutely not to blame. You just purchased not the tile. Most people are very surprised when they find out that the floor tile there is different. And how to choose a floor tile - you should know. In principle, the choice of floor tiles is an easy procedure. Just need to know what it is different.

Outdoor bathroom tiles

Getting Started with the selection of floor tiles for the bathroom, first of all pay attention not to the appearance of the product, but on its characteristics. After all, it is very often that there is a tile that looks outwardly does not suit your properties. And its properties should be such: resistance to the effect of water and steam, resistance to salts and other aggressive elements. In order to understand how high the water permeability of the product should be viewed on it on the reverse side. The more porosity, the higher its water permeability and below the tile grade. Porosity also affects the hardness and tile strength.

Outdoor kitchen tiles

Since the kitchen is constantly cooking, which means there are splashes of fat, and the hosts are forced to use a lot of detergents. Therefore, the gender tile for the kitchen is better to choose a very resistant to the effects of different chemicals. The tile class must be a or aa.

Also for kitchen flooring a very important indicator is a sliding resistance. This is determined by the most important characteristic of the friction coefficient.

There are four security categories:

  • 0 - 0.19 - DANGER;
  • 0.2 - 0.39 - on the verge of dangerous;
  • 0.4 -0.74 - satisfactory;
  • more 0.75 - excellent.

Naturally, it follows to the kitchen to choose such a gender tile, in which the friction coefficient is greater than 0.75.

Outdoor tile for balcony

When choosing a ceramic tile for the balcony, the main criterion is wear resistance. When marking a tile, this parameter has an international PEI designation. There are 5 wear resistance groups in total. Than the index is higher, the more wear-resistant is the tile. For the balcony, it will be enough for the floor tile to have a PEI coefficient equal to 3.

It is very important that the floor tile for the balcony had high frost resistance rates, and the water absorption indicators were, on the contrary, low. Even if you have a glazed balcony, here in any case there will be large temperature differences. Yes, and the humidity will always be slightly higher than indoors.

Another factor affecting the selection of sex tiles for the balcony is the weight of the product. After all, the smaller the load on the balcony, the better. Therefore, you should choose a tile of a small thickness.

Ideally, all requirements are consistent with porcelain stoneware. Holding all the required parameters and rough surface.

Group of sexual tiles in abrasion resistance, and in what place it can be laid:

  • PEI - I - Tile for rooms with low attendance and absence of contamination. It is placed in bathrooms and bedrooms;
  • PEI - II - can be used in all residential premises, except the corridor and kitchen;
  • PEI - III - used on loggias, in corridors and kitchens;
  • PEI - IV - used in the front entrances, offices and trading halls;
  • PEI - V - used in restaurants, shops and other places where attendance is very high.

Outdoor tile in a bath

Bath - special room. It is especially its part that is called the Paril. In the steam room, temperature modes change dramatically that no tile will endure this. Such drops can only withstand wood. Here and put it on the floor.

In the rest of the premises laid tiles with good moisture resistance and rough surface. Remember that where water is always slightly there. The tile in the bath is placed under a small angle so that the water is easy to flow from it.

The ceramic tile is one of the most popular materials for the design of the floor in the hallway, the kitchen and, of course, the bathroom and the toilet. By making a decision, some tile to select on the floor, it is necessary to study a rich assortment and the main characteristics of each type of tiled flooring.

Features of ceramic tile

How do ceramic tiles produce? The principle is simple: crushed kaolin, mica, quartz, sand and various mineral oxides are baked under pressure or press.

The tile produced in this way has a whole complex of useful qualities:

  • has a high degree of wear resistance and resistance to abrasion;
  • has a long service life - up to 20 years;
  • durable;
  • some types of tiled coating have additional properties, such as frost resistance, resistance to high temperatures and chemicals.

On a note! Ceramic tile is easily mounted, it looks beautiful, it is undemanding in care, so this type of flooring is used in many areas, ranging from residential premises and ending with industrial.

Distinctive properties of floor tiles

Determining which tile to select on the floor, it is worth considering the following indicators:

  • thickness - for floorboards, it is increased and is at least 0.9-1.2 cm in order to withstand the dynamic load (for example, a drop in a heavy item);
  • dimensions - they are also increased to simplify the installation process and reduce the weight load;
  • wear resistance must have the highest Rei 4 or Rei 5 indicator;
  • if high moisture resistance is required, the index of moisture resistance should not exceed 3%;
  • - antihimical protection of tiles is marked with indicators A and B, which allows to clean the floor, applying various substances of household chemicals;
  • the presence of additional processing against sliding in the marking is noted by either R10-11 coefficients, or a drawn shoe with numbers from 1 to 4 (the smaller the number, the more slippery tile).

For the floor use clinker tile or porcelain stoneware. These are especially strong types of tiled coverage, created using special technologies.

Different rooms - different tiles

The functional purpose of the premises in the house or apartment determines which tile to select on the floor. For a kitchen or bathroom, you need to pick up differently on the operational characteristics, sizes and color Tile floor.

When choosing a tile style, you need to come from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room: with a large sweatshop, you can put a tile of large sizes, whereas with a small one tile will cut off: the amount of waste is large, and therefore unprofitable. Ideal when the size of the tile is proportional to the dimensions of the room - then the waste will be not enough.

In addition, an aesthetics of an outdoor pattern is important: large patterns look beautiful only on large sizes tiles, but small tiles can be combined in the patchwork style. Interestingly, ceramic tiles of hexagonal shape or with original inserts stipulated by the design. You can put the tile not only in geometric order, but also wave, diagonally, a Christmas tree, creating a visual separation of space.

The design of the room determines the stylistic solution of the flooring, its color. Monochrome walls can be diluted with a color stain on the floor using a bright tile.

Manufacturers offer tiles, imitating wooden floor, marble, leather.


The first thing that meets in the house is the hallway zone. Whatever the hallway: narrow or spacious, small or huge, - flooring should be not only beautiful, but also functional. Due to unpretentiousness in care, the tile coating leads as a floor in the hallway.

What tile to choose on the floor to the hallway? She must answer a number of requirements:

  1. Safety is extremely important, so to avoid injury, it is important to use a non-slip tile. Such a tile matte, rough to the touch or covered with thin grooves. Before buying, it is necessary to study the label - there should be a sign of anti-slip R 10 or R
  2. For the hallway, a ceramic tile with a class of wear resistance is 4, it is suitable for rooms with a high level of passability.
  3. Tile should not be very porous, because It affects moisture resistance and hardness.

On a note! For hallways, the dark colors tiles are most often picking up: chocolate, coffee, gray, so that the dirt is less noticeable.

Beautifully looks like a tile, imitating parquet.


To choose which tile on the floor to the kitchen to put, it is necessary to remember that the kitchen is a place where there is fire, water, there are often people there, chairs are moving, sometimes there is a dishes ...

Thus, in the kitchen, the tile must possess such characteristics:

  • wear resistance 4;
  • increased hardness;
  • anti-slip coefficient 4.

Determining which tile to choose into the kitchen to the floor, you can use ready-made design seals of ceramics so that the floor looks harmoniously with all rooms and furniture. The kitchen more often use tiles for marble or natural stone.


Solving what tile to choose on the floor to the bathroom, we must proceed from the fact that the bathroom is a room with an increased moisture content. Therefore, the floor must necessarily have increased moisture resistance.

In addition, the larger the size of the plates used, the smaller the interlocking seams are required, in which moisture gets into, with time corroding the grout. Therefore, if the size of the bathroom allows, it is better to choose outdoor tiles of large sizes.

For bathrooms, designer ceramic series usually choose. These include outdoor and wall coverings, narrow and wide borders, plinth, corners, separate decorative elements, color grout.

Traditional tile colors in bathrooms: blue, turquoise, green, salad, beige, coral.


When the bath arrangement, the right floor has a great value. The ceramic tile has high heat transfer, it is quickly heated, besides, it is easy to mount on a warm floor of any design, it is indispensable in the recreation area, wetting and steam room.

What tile to choose on the floor to the bath?

Tile must have the following characteristics:

  • matte rough surface;
  • water absorption coefficient is 3-10%;
  • resistance to abrasion PEI2-PEI4;
  • increased frost resistance.

Warm floor and ceramic tile

What warm floor to choose under the tile in the residential premises to walk on the floor was comfortable at any time of the year? There are 2 types of heating of floors:

  • water system;
  • electric (cable or film floors).

What better to choose a warm floor under the tile is determined by the assignment of the room. In the bathroom, it is more common to use water heating of the floor, while in the kitchen or lobby can use electrical.

Water floors are economically beneficial when it is used on an area of \u200b\u200bat least 30-40 sq.m. And works from the autonomous boiler. In apartment buildings with central heating, the installation of water heating systems is prohibited, this is due to the peculiarities of water supply and need to make a large concrete tie, which weights the inter-weltering overlaps.

Attention! Having equipped the electric floor, it is necessary to do good water insulation, as well as connect the power of the entire network through the RCD.

Film electric floor is a special film consisting of carbon strips. Such floors due to the fact that heating elements are illuminated, provide a high degree of fire safety and waterproofability. They can be used in bathrooms and other rooms with high humidity or temperature drops. However, they are beneficial on large areas.

Electric floor, acting on the basis of the laid self-regulating cable as a heating element, is completely safe. In addition, the tile can be laid at such a system without fear that over time the seams will begin to crack and turn.

Now you can conclude which electric warm floor to choose under the tile is more profitable and more reliable.

Features of laying tiles on the "Warm floor" system

By making the decision, what a warm floor to choose under the tile, it is necessary to properly put all the layers of the warm floor, because In technological disorders, the finish coating will suffer first: they will begin to turn the seams, the tile will become fragile and brittle.

Waste floor laying sequence:

  1. Alignment of the base, the differences are larger than 1 cm per 1 sq. M, are not allowed.
  2. Waterproofing.
  3. Heat insulation.
  4. Heating element.
  5. Screed or adhesive solution.
  6. Tile.

It doesn't matter what tile to choose on the warm floor, the main thing is to choose the right tile glue.

The glue for the tile placed on the "Warm floor" system should be heat-resistant thanks to special additives.

Beautiful warm floor will help make the house with cozy and beautiful no time from the time of year!

Ceramic tile is one of the most comfortable finishing materials, it is distinguished by practicality and is suitable for finishing various rooms, besides, it can be used for both internal and external work. Other advantages of ceramic tiles are its qualities such as durability, versatility, simplicity in care and, of course, aesthetic appearance. Today, companies producing tile, a great set, also a variety of collections of ceramic tiles, so the choice and purchase turns into a complex task. How not to be mistaken in choosing this finishing material? And for what criteria to choose it?

Criteria for which choose ceramic tiles

1) One of the main criteria are climatic conditions, especially if the tile is designed for outdoor robot or finishing of the facade of buildings. It is necessary to understand what the degree of its frost resistance.

2) Another criterion is a place of use. The tile should be chosen depending on which the room should be lined with ceramic tiles - the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, etc., as well as the floor or walls in these rooms. To determine the purpose of ceramic tiles there is a special marking. The tile is also divided into groups depending on the degree of wear, resistance and resistance to the effects of various chemicals. Marking is a pictogram that is applied to the package.

3) The tile is also chosen in color palette, texture and drawing. For example, there is a ceramic tile under a tree that mimic the parquet, or a ceramic tile under the stone. Of course, these are secondary criteria, and to this step transition only when the first two are taken into account.

4) The latter is the size of the tile, for example, the tile of large sizes are selected on the floor, and the size is suitable for a more compact size or a small one.

Consider some values \u200b\u200bof pictograms

  1. There are pictograms in the form of a human foot. This means that the ceramic tile for the floor, and that it is intended for floor cladding, and if the background under the feet is shaded, the tile has increased abrasion resistance, such an applied in the stores of offices and other rooms that are susceptible to elevated wear.
  2. If the pathographs of the human hand are drawn on the icon, then this tile is designed for cladding walls and other surfaces that do not take any load.
  3. Snowflake pictogram indicates the frost resistance of this tile and its resistance to low temperatures.
  4. There is also a symbol of fire with different numbers. This is the number of roasts through which this tile has passed.
  5. The symbol A denotes that the ceramic tile is made with more modern methods with a more accurate way of cutting.
  6. The symbol of B, testifies to the worst quality, but it stands cheaper.
  7. If the marking consists immediately of several identical icons, then this tile has an increased quality.

With labels A and C, other additional designations can be used.
AI, BI, which means that this tile is designed for the outer decoration. Basically, the ceramic facade tile is indicated by this marker.

Tile with AII marking, BII is also suitable for outdoor facing, although it has low moisture resistance.

And those tiles that are marked by the AIII sign, BIII can be applied only for interior finishing works.

But according to the degree of resistance to wear, all types of ceramic tiles intended for floor cladding can be divided into five main groups. Floor ceramic tile is indicated by PEI characters.

Group 1. This is a tile that can be applied in the bedroom or in the bath.

Group 2. Tiles of this group are used for cladding of cabinets and living rooms.

Group 3. This group is suitable for kitchen finishing or hallway.

Group 4 and 5. Since the tiles of these groups are most resistant to abrasion, it is advisable to apply in public places with a high degree of movement, as well as the effects of chemical and abrasive substances.

When choosing a ceramic tile, it is also necessary to pay attention to its packaging in order to find out the information about the brand, the country-producer, square meters and the number of tiles in the package, as well as about color and grade. On the package, the above-mentioned pictograms and designations of groups to which this tile belongs to.

It is necessary to consider that the floor tile for the bathroom or hallway in no case should be slippery, as it can be a moisture traumaous as it gets into it. The best choice of tiles for these premises is a tile with a rough or matte surface. But for the walls of the bathroom, a tile with great resistance to chemicals is better suitable, as the walls of the baths are most often exposed to various cleaning, detergent and cosmetics. The same can be said about the kitchen tile, both outdoor and walls. But here they are exposed to more aggressive funds, so the requirements for them should be tougher than for bathrooms.

Choosing a color gamut suitable to a specific room

And only after deciding with the purpose and quality characteristics of the ceramic tile, you can do the aesthetic side: design, pattern, color gamut and tile sizes. It is also important to carefully analyze the conditions of the room for which the tile is purchased. Especially you need to pay attention to such characteristics as lighting, a common color palette, the size of the room itself, its style. For example, a tile with a large pattern or large sizes does not fit for a small room. Or the tile in bright colors can visually expand a small space, and the vertical pattern will increase the walls in height. On the other hand, on a light tile, scratches or trees will be more noticeable, so for the floor in the hallway it is better to choose a tile of dark tones.

How to calculate the required amount of ceramic tile

In order to calculate the required amount of tiles, it is necessary to measure the exact area of \u200b\u200bthe surface of the surface, and also take into account the tile will be stacked with which tool. Do not forget about the figure, sometimes to achieve symmetry have to take a little more than it comes to calculations. For a lot of confidence, it is better to buy 10% more than the required amount, because in any party, even the highest quality ceramic tiles, let's say a certain percentage of marriage, besides this, do not forget about a possible spider when the material is trimmed to the desired size.

1) The reverse side of the tile must be smooth, without any cracks. The general geometry of the right shape, without convexities and sticking. Smooth surface can be checked by typing two tiles to each other, while there should be no gaps between them.

2) To avoid the inconsistency of the color or pattern for the entire purchased batch, do not be lazy and compare them by taking from different packages on one tile.

3) Before using ceramic tiles for cladding, you need to check it on waterproof, this is done as follows: Put the tile into the water for 10-12 hours, and if microcracks are formed on it, then such a tile is better returned to the seller.

Luxury ceramic tile manufacturers

Today there are many domestic and foreign companies producing ceramic tiles. However, the Italian ceramic tile, as before, is considered the best of both high-quality and aesthetic side. The most beautiful houses of the world are separated by ceramic tiles of Italian manufacturers. At the same time, there are many Italian firms that have long become brands and produce only elite ceramic tiles. Versace, Viva Ceramica, Caesar, Capri, Casabella and others.

A little story of the Italian tile

The history of Italian ceramics has several centuries. The origins of its production lead to the beginning of the tenth century. The first Italian factories for the production of ceramic tiles were on the island of Mallorca, since high-quality raw materials were produced here - a special grade of clay, with which they produced a highly phased ceramic tile.

For the first time, this tile was intended only for cladding churches and temples, later it began to be used among the nobility. The most wealthy citizens of Italian cities began to use tiles for finishing their locks. But the modern Italian tile began to be made at the beginning of the 20th century. Experienced Italian Ceramics Masters do not forget about the traditions of the past, but at the same time they are constantly looking for new design and technological solutions. All this leads to the fact that hearing the words "ceramic tile from Italy", immediately imagine the tile of the highest quality.

Thanks to the merits of the ancestors, Italy is a fashion legislator in the world of ceramics. The new ceramic tile of Italian masters, presented in brilliant collections, is striking by its sophistication and unexpected flight of designer fantasy, sometimes we forget that it is just a ceramic tile, so it resembles paintings or live natural landscapes. Warm ceramic tile, imitating the sand of the desert, can be transferred you to MYG for many kilometers in distant and sultry sugar. Give yourself a comfort and a fairy tale, choosing a better quality tile for your home.

Ceramic tile Ceracasa Damore - a wide range of Spanish tiles, high quality.

On the question of which tile is suitable for the kitchen on the floor to give an unequivocal answer not easy. When choosing a facing material in any room, it is important to take into account a number of factors starting from the overall stylist and ending with the properties of the tile.

Interior with an emphasis on the floor

Room features

Solving how to choose a tile in the kitchen, namely to the floor, it is important to take into account the specifics of the room.

Several defining features isolated:

  • constant temperature differences;
  • frequent contact of surfaces with pollution, fat and water;
  • fast abrasion of outdoor cladding;
  • use of household chemicals in care;
  • the possibility of mechanical damage to the coating.

Since the surfaces in the kitchen are constantly in contact with water, it is important for the floor to choose such a material that will not pass it and does not slide.

Focusing on these factors it is clear that the floor tile should be wear-resistant, durable and have the appropriate exterior coating. The optimal option will be the 3 class tile and above.

When choosing ceramics into the kitchen, the room features take into account

Types of materials

Floor coatings are characterized by higher strength, wear resistance and have a greater thickness. You can not use the same tile for the floor as on the walls. The facing materials market highlighted a separate category of goods for finishing the floor and surfaces with a large load.

Types of floor tiles:

  • Ceramic. It may be any color, glazed glossy or matte, with a smooth surface or embossed.
  • Porcelain stoneware. This more perfect material has a low-pore structure, and therefore does not pass water and is famous for unique strength. Ideal for gender.
  • A natural stone. Often purchasing marble. It is expensive and also a slippery material, so it is placed in homes where the kitchen is rarely used.

Varieties of outdoor tel

Usually the choice is limited to the usual ceramic tiles. It is available and has a wide range. In terms of characteristics, the porcelain stoneware wins, but it is more expensive and heavy.

Specificity of stylistics and colors

To determine which tile it is better to put on the floor in the kitchen initially it is necessary to consider the design project of the room. A basic feature in this case is the style and color palette. Already after selecting the direction, it will be possible to proceed to the search for the material corresponding to certain specifications and the selected style:

  • Classic. Tone tanks are restrained, close to natural: white, beige, brown. It will face imitation of wood texture, stone and marble.
  • Modern. Restrictions are removed, any cladding is used. These are mainly monophonic coatings from achromatic to bright neon colors. The floor is selected by the surrounding interior.
  • Minimalism and High Tech. Minimum details, a simple tile without unnecessary decor and color enclosures. Achromatic palette is suitable here: white, gray, black.
  • Country Rustic style, flooring requirements in some plane are similar to classics. It is better to give preference to light shades.

Kitchen interior design options

The color of the floor should stand out, but not to rush into the eyes. Given the fact that the floor is constantly exposed in the kitchen, put a tile with divorces, crumbs and another similar texture. At the same time, we note that water drops will be noticeable on glossy tiles, and the matte and embossed are harder to repay.

Optimal dimensions

Another nuance is the size of the tile. To select the appropriate, rate the area and reveal the surface areas available for view. If there is enough space, you use any type of material. In order not to create a ripple effect better to consider larger options.

Nevertheless, in most apartments and houses, the area of \u200b\u200bthis room is limited, so it is better to choose the average floor tile. These include the size of the tile from 20x20 to 35x35. The deficiency of the square will be less noticeable.

Kitchen dimensions affect the shape of the coating

With the help of a properly selected tile, you can visually expand the room and change the perception of individual zones.

No less important factor than the size of the tile shape and laying scheme. Simple option for square fragments is "seam in seam". But if you put them diagonally, the room will look more interesting and spacious. A rectangular tile has a big effect, it is imitated with a laminate coating with it.

Other features

In addition to the above, in order to correctly pick up the tile on the floor it is important to take into account other indicators, first of all, it is:

  • Strength class and wear resistance. The kitchen is exposed to heavy loads and abrasion of surfaces, no matter what types of materials are used. The minimum class of the tile should be 3, and the optimal - 4.
  • Thickness. Complies with the stated category. The thin tile will quickly collapse, and too cumbersive spoil interior.
  • Top coating. More preferable is a glossy glaze. Check out the presence of an additional processing layer that prevents sliding over the surface.
  • Manufacturer. Choose a company with a good reputation, as the quality of the raw materials used and the overall technology is important.

Thoroughly work each of the above factors. This will advantageously beat the interior of the room and at the same time comply with the requirements of the surface quality.

"For sale a lot of outdoor tiles, each seller praises his goods. There are very beautiful samples that are perfect for the interior. But I want the tile not only beautiful, but also durable. How to choose a tile on the floor over all the rules to serve for many years? ". Our expert shares experience.

Outdoor tiles are subjected to colossal loads, including mechanical, impact and abrasion.

Therefore, it is very important to choose tile elements with appropriate physicomechanical characteristics, that is, strong enough, wear-resistant, practical and durable. So how to choose a tile on the floor? We'll figure out.

How to choose the floor tile

As a rule, all major specifications are indicated on the package. As already mentioned, the most interesting criteria are wear resistance and strength.

In this case, there are other parameters that do not less affect the durability and practicality.

Wear resistance

Resistance to wear of the glazed floor tile is the ability of the upper layer to resist abrasive effects. Experiments are carried out with the help of abrasive composition, water and a device resembling millstone.

Depending on the number of rotations (revolutions), which can withstand the surface, all floor tiles are classified for five classes of wear resistance:

PEI I (cl. 1)

Ceramic floor tiles with low load exposure. You can move over the surface only in soft shoes or without shoes. Suitable for rarely used premises - storerooms, toilet rooms, etc. The maximum number of revolutions does not exceed 150.