Aluminum radiators Sizes Width of one section. Sizes of bimetallic heating radiators

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are an important characteristic that affects the quality of heating premises.

What dimensions are released Battery for heating?

Do they have standard values Or are different from each manufacturer?

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are described by the following the main parameters: mounting height, depth and width.

Height and depth depend on the size of the section, and width - from their quantity.

Battery height Depends on the distance between vertical channels. It has standard values \u200b\u200bfor radiators of all manufacturers - 200, 350 and 500 mm.

Distance between vertical channels - Cut between the centers of the inlet and outlet holes. The final height, as well as the depth and width of the radiators are different (see Table 1).

Armor distance Most manufacturers are indicated in the model name. But the mounting height differs and is indicated in the specification to the radiator.

Radiator width Depends on the number of sections. So, for 8 sectional radiator, the parameter is 640 mm, for 10 sectional - 800 mm and for a 12-section - 960 mm (values \u200b\u200bfor batteries with a width of section 80 mm).

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

Thermal power of the radiator section It depends on its overall dimensions. When the distance between the vertical axes in 350 mm, the parameter ranges in the range of 0.12-0.14 kW, with a distance of 500 mm - in the range of 0.16-0.19 kW. According to the requirements of SNiP for the middle strip per 1 kV. Meters of the square requires a thermal capacity of at least 0.1 kW.

Considering this requirement, the formula is used. to calculate the number of sections:

where S is the area of \u200b\u200bheated room, q is the thermal power of the 1st section and N - the required number of sections.

For example, to the room square of 15 m 2 It is planned to install radiators with 140 W thermal power sections. Substitting the values \u200b\u200bin the formula, we get:

N \u003d 15 m 2 * 100/140 W \u003d 10.71.

Rounding It is carried out in the big face. Given the standard forms, you need to install a bimetallic 12-section radiator.

More accurate calculation They are obtained by determining the number of sections not on the room area, but its volume. According to the requirements of SNiP for heating one cubic meter of the room, a thermal power is required in 41 W. Given these norms, get:

where V is the volume of heated room, q is the thermal power of the 1st section, N is the desired number of sections.

For example, the calculation for the room is still the same square of 15 m 2and the height of the ceilings is 2.4 meters. Substitting the values \u200b\u200bin the formula, we get:

N \u003d 36 m 3 * 41/140 W \u003d 10.54.

Increased again in one way: A radiator with 12 sections is needed.

The choice of the width of the bimetallic radiator for a private house is different from the apartment. When calculating is counted coefficients of thermal conductivity Each material used in the construction of the roof, walls and gender.

When choosing sizes The requirements for the installation of batteries should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the top edge to the windowsill must be at least 10 cm;
  • the distance from the lower edge to the floor should be 8-12 cm.

For high-quality heating of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of the size of bimetallic radiators. Dimensions of the batteries of each manufacturer have minor differences, which take into account when buying. The correct calculation will allow avoid mistakes.

What should be the right dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators Find out of the video:


Terms used when choosing a radiator

Before consideration of types and types of radiators, it is necessary to deal with some technical terms and concepts to be able to correctly pick up and calculate heating radiators.

The following terms should be known:

Dimensions of standard radiators

Depending on the material from which radiators are made, their dimensions differ. The most commonly encountered sizes of heating devices are considered to be basic, belong to the mid-stage distance of 500 mm and happen:

Non-standard sizes of radiators

In addition to standard heating devices, radiators and other sizes are widely represented in the market. They are intended for use in inepar buildings or in order to make a special style room.

Distinguish the following types and dimensions of radiators

Low or small heating radiators are distinguished by high heat transfer per unit surface area, it is possible to be placed under low windows, or in buildings with stained glass windows. These include all heating devices with an inter-axis distance less than 400 mm. According to the material of execution, they can be both cast-iron and aluminum or bimetallic.

Cast iron heating radiators Low horizontal preferably have the dimensions of sections (W x x C) 93 x 140 x 388 mm, their heat transfer is 106 W at operating pressure of 9 atm.

Foreign manufacturers produce more compact models with an inter-axis distance of 200 and 350 mm. Bimetallic compact heating devices are available with a wide range of inter-axes, the width of this section starts with 40 mm, the height is in the range of 150-450 mm. The depth compensates for the compactness of the remaining dimensions and is 180 mm. Thermal power varies from 80 to 140 watts at operating pressure of 25-35 atmospheres.

Aluminum radiators have similar with bimetallic dimensions with connected distances from 150 to 400 mm with incapload of 500 mm, thermal power ranges from 50 to 160 W.

Normal working pressure for them - 16 atmospheres, which, with crimping, can be raised to 24 atm. It should be noted that such bimetallic and aluminum heating radiators narrow horizontal do not have water ducts by middle sections, they are heated only by thermal conductivity from collectors, the circulation is provided at the expense of the extreme running section.

The heating radiators are high and narrow, which are used in cases of need for large heat transfer when it is impossible for various reasons to occupy a significant length of the wall. Cast-iron high heating radiators are found only among products of foreign manufacturers, the width of their section is 76 mm. With a possible height in the boundaries 661-954 mm, the depth of such devices reaches 203 mm. The operating pressure is 10 atmospheres, and the most large-sized can not exceed 6 atm., The heat transfer as depending on the size of 270 to 433 watts.

Bimetallic heating radiators are narrow are basically designer structures with non-standard dimensions and are not intended for central heating systems, they are used in private houses with individual heating. As a rule, it is not sectional, but monolithic structures. If you take a section, then an example of its size can be (w x y yold) 80 x 95 x 880 mm. At operating pressure of 4 atmosphere. When crimping is not recommended to exceed this figure of more than 6 atm.

For those who wanted to most effectively use the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in the market, heating radiators are flat, characterized by a smaller depth. Their choice is not so great as the above heating devices. Sale thin heating radiators can only be aluminum. Their depth begins from 52 mm with thermal power from 105 to 161 W. Flat radiators include panels whose depth is 60 mm.

Calculation of heating radiators

In conclusion, it is necessary to focus on how to calculate the number of radiators of heating on the room or other premises.

The required number of sections can be defined in several ways:

As can be seen from the materials of this article, the choice of radiators of the required size and thermal power is an important event to ensure comfortable stay in the house. If you do not pay due attention to this procedure, then you can subsequently forget about the comfort.


  • Power and size
  • Watch the video on how to choose a heating radiator:

Types of heating radiators depending on the manufacturing material.

Aluminum radiatorsdifferent with good thermal conductivity and heat transfer. Pleasant appearance, ease, ability to withstand high working pressure - these are the pros. Minus: Aluminum, entering into a reaction with water, highlights hydrogen, which accumulates in the radiator. At first, the accumulated gas is needed daily from coolants, otherwise the heating system will not function.

Cast iron heating radiatorsthe old sample is absolutely not aesthetic. It is uncomfortable to paint them, but you can hide under special protective screens. Now there are more modern models of cast-iron radiators of an improved species. The undoubted plus of cast-iron radiators in their unpretentiousness. They are able to serve up to 50 years without replacement, they are not terrible or rusty water nor the presence of pollution. The minus the cast-iron radiator is low thermal conductivity compared to radiators made of modern materials.

Steel heating radiators are produced two types: panel, sectional and tubular. Panel radiators are inexpensive, unpretentious, the design of their proa hundred. Tubular radiators have very high heat transfer and long service life (up to 25 years). Designers work on their creation, which makes it possible to attribute this type of steel radiators to the premium class. Sectional They are a design of several sections of interconnected with spot welding. This significantly increases the service life and allows you to withstand pressure drops.

What you need to know about the size of heating batteries?

Heating radiators produce a different size, which allows you to choose an optimal place in the room to install them. Knowing the sizes of heating radiators, their power and room area where they are going to install them, it is easy to calculate the optimal amount of the necessary heating devices. The selection of height of the heating radiator depends on the intended installation site. Often, the heating batteries are installed under the window, so to calculate the height of the heating radiator, it is necessary to measure the distance from the floor to the windowsill. Also, all heating devices must be on the same level. In height, heating radiators are divided into three types:

  • Standard height.
  • Low heating radiators.
  • High heating radiators.

The radiator length depends on the number of sections.

Dimensions of cast iron heating radiators

  • Standard sizes of cast iron heating radiators: Section length 93 mm, depth - 140 mm, height 588 mm.
  • Low heating radiators Sizes: Height 388 mm, the remaining parameters are the same.
  • High cast iron heating batteries: height from 661 to 954 mm, sections length 76 mm, depth - 203 mm.

Sizes of aluminum heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of aluminum heating radiators: Height 575-585 mm, section length - 80 mm, depth - 80-100 mm.
  • Low: height from 200 to 400 mm, section length from 40 mm, depth up to 180 mm.
  • High: height 590 mm, depth 95 mm, length of section 80 mm.
  • Standard sizes of bimetallic heating radiators: height 550 - 580 mm, section length 80-82 mm, depth 75-100 mm.
  • Low: height 30 -500 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.
  • High: Height 880 mm, section length 80 mm, depth - 95 mm.

Sizes of steel heating radiators

  • Standard dimensions of sectional tubular radiators: height 600 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm.
  • Low: height 400-500 mm, radiator length 400-3000 mm
  • High: height 700- 900 mm, the length is the same.

Power and size

It depends on the size of the heating device. The average heating power of the chungy radiator section of the standard height is 160 Wwhereas the power of the section of aluminum and bimetallic heating radiators is 200 W. Therefore, for high-quality heating of the room, the size of the acquired pig-iron radiator should be greater than the size of the corresponding radiators from aluminum and bimetallic. Calculate the power of the heating radiator for your room as follows. First you need to find out the size of the room. For this, the width is multiplied by length and height. Length - 5m, width - 3 m, height -2.5. 5 * 3 * 2.5 \u003d 37.5 cubic meters for heating 1 cubic meters. In the standard building, 41 W thermal power is consumed. For the heating of the room with a volume of 37.5 cubic meters. 37.5 * 41 \u003d 1537.5 W, i.e. Approximately 1600 watts. In case of extreme cold weather, when calculating the resulting power is better increased by 15-20%. 1600 + 20% \u003d 1920W \u003d 1.92 kW knowing the power of the heating device, we calculate the number of sections of standard size radiators. The power of the selection of the cast-iron radiator is 160 W. 1920: 160 \u003d 11.25 i.e. 12 sections. Power section of the aluminum radiator 180W 1920: 180 \u003d 10,6 i.e. 11 sections. Power section of the bimetallic radiator 200 W 1920: 200 \u003d 9,6 i.e. 10 sections. Power section of the steel radiator 140 W 1800: 140 \u003d 13.7 Ie Approximately 14 sections. This is approximate data, much depends on the radiator model, its height, heat transfer. In principle, each self-respecting manufacturer on the package indicates what the power of one section of the radiator is. Knowing it, you can calculate the exact number of sections needed for the heating of your room.

Selection of dimensions of heating batteries

The dimensions of heating radiators are chosen based on the heat generated by them. If the heating radiators are placed, as recommended, under the windows, the following features should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the window sill to the top of the radiator should not be less than 100 mm;
  • the distance from the floor to the radiator is not less than 60 mm.


Choosing the size of the radiators for the house, remember that the calculation of thermal power should be made on the basis of the volume of the room as a whole, and considering the volume of each room separately. So, if you have several rooms, calculate the volume of them of them, and calculate how many radiators are required for heating the bedroom, how much - for the kitchen, how much - for the hall, for the bathroom, separately sharpening attention to the size of heating radiators. It should be borne in mind that when using the screen for a radiator or a decorative lattice, the reservoir of the radiator power should be produced in a large side.
It is allowed to install additional radiators along the deaf walls in the angular rooms, What prevents the freezing of the walls and protects against dampness. Make preliminary power calculations, assemble the necessary sizes of heating devices. In this case, you will not only acquire those heating devices that most meet your requests, but you can save considerable money.



Each of the types of radiators has its advantages. Pig-iron radiator durable, long holds heat, but has a not very attractive look. Aluminum looks aesthetic, has a high level of heat transfer, but is short-lived. Steel battery durable, but not worse than previous models keep heat and requires an additional decor if used in a residential room.

Among different types of batteries, bimetallic radiators have incomparable advantages. They are made of steel and aluminum. From steel they received strength and reliability, from aluminum - an attractive appearance. Due to the harmonious combination of the qualities of both metals, the bimetallic battery can be kept warm for a long time.

Design features

Water contains a large number of impurities. Contact with aluminum, they cause corrosion. For several years of use, these processes will lead to the flow of the device.

The design feature of these radiators is the presence of an internal stainless steel core, which is surrounded by an aluminum alloy outside. So water is not in contact with aluminum, which significantly extends the service life of the system.

There are two manufacturers:

  1. Pseudobimetal. In this case, the steel core is located only inside vertical channels. So aluminum is not fully protected, but only in the weakest places. These models are cheaper, their standard service life is up to 10 years, if they are used in systems with high water pressure (for example, in urban apartments).
  2. Bimetal. It has a solid inner case of steel, which is on top of poured by aluminum alloy under pressure. Aluminum is protected from all sides. This is a more expensive model and their service life under similar operating conditions is up to 30 years.

The device of the bimetallic battery Method of manufacture directly affects the volume of water in the section of the bimetallic radiator. If you compare with any other batteries, the volume of one section here will be significantly lower. The disadvantage is compensated by the presence of two alloys. As a result, the inner core of steel does not allow to quickly cool the aluminum shell.

There are different methods for connecting two metals. Preferably, if aluminum is flooded over steel under pressure. Such a battery model will last longer. There is an option when the metals are connected with the welding.

The technical type of design radiators can be:

  • Collapsible. This means that with a radiator key, you can unscrew any number of sections and fasten them to another radiator. This type is more often installed in private houses with an autonomous heating system, where there is no high water pressure.
  • Inseparable. The radiator is monolithic, it cannot be promoted, trimmed, attach to another. It is perfect for use in an urban apartment where there is always a high level of pressure.


The size of the sections of the bimetallic radiator is determined by the distance from the middle of the input, until the middle of the outlet holes. Today it makes batteries with a distance between the specified holes.:

  • 200 mm;
  • 350 mm;
  • 500 mm.

Sizes of bimetallic heating batteries

Before choosing the desired dimensions of the heating batteries, it should be remembered that from the floor to the bottom of the radiator should be at least 12 cm, and from its vertex to the serving part of the window sill - at least 10 cm. Otherwise there will be no sufficient air circulation, which will reduce the efficiency of the device.

The width of the section is in the range from 80 to 90 mm. Thickness - from 80 to 120 mm. Height, width and thickness affect the energy power of the battery.

Capacity section

The specific design of radiators causes their rather low capacity. This is simultaneously good and bad.

A small capacity does not require a large amount of coolant (hot water), which means it saves water and fuel to warm it. But the smaller the coolant, the faster the radiator cools. Here, fast cooling does not occur, since there is still a steel shell between water and an aluminum surface that does not cool for a long time.

Connection of two metals

Little capacity contributes to rapid pollution, clogging channels when using poor-quality water. To solve this problem in a private house, the cleaning system is installed. The minimum requirement is the installation of two filters: fine and coarse cleaning.

The volume of one section depends on its size:

  • when the distance between the input and outlet openings 500 mm, the capacity of the section will be 0.2-0.3 liters;
  • at a distance of 350 mm, the capacity will be 0.15-0.2 liters;
  • the distance of 200 mm guarantees the volume of 0.1-0,16 liters.

Calculation of the number of sections

The volume and number of sections determines the thermal power of one radiator. Before making a purchase, it is important to make this power calculation to find the number of sections you need. For this, any of the two formulas is used:

  1. Total. When the calculation of the sections is made on the basis of the room area. On average, 10 m 2 requires at least 1 kW of energy. For calculation, the formula N \u003d S × 100 / Q is used. Where n is the number of sections for the room, S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe room in square meters, q is the energy power of the section. Energy power is indicated by the manufacturer on packaging or on related documents.
  2. Let's try to calculate the number of sections on the room 25 m 2, with the energy power of the section 180 W. It turns out: 25 × 100/180 \u003d 13.88. After rounding, we obtain 14 sections (rounding must be produced in the large direction). With 8 centimeters width, the overall width of the radiator will be 112 centimeters. In this case, you can install 2 radiator each in 7 sections.

  3. Detailed. This formula takes into account the size of the room in cubic metars (M 3). On average, 1 cubic meter of space requires 41 W energy. Next, use the formula n \u003d S × 41 / Q, where N is the number of sections for the room, V is the volume of the room in cubic meters, Q is the energy power of the section.

Size of radiators

Calculate the number of sections for heating the room with the following parameters: Length is 5 meters, 3 meters width, the ceilings height is 2.5 meters. First you need to find the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The length is multiplied by the width and get 15 m 2. The resulting indicator multiplies to the height of the ceilings - we get 37.5 m 3. For the power of one section, take 180 W, then 37.5 × 41/180 \u003d 8.54. We are rounded in the biggest and get 9 sections.

When the apartment is located on the first or last floors, in the corner apartment, in the room with large windows or in the house with a wall thickness of no more than 25 centimeters, it is necessary to add 10% to the resulting parameter.

Let's summarize. To implement the correct selection, you must pay attention to all indicated characteristics:

  • Design. For the urban apartment, a monolithic, fully bimetallic battery, which is capable of withstanding pressure up to 15 atmospheres and more (usually the pressure is used in the area 12 atmospheres in the apartment, while in a private house it is recommended to set pressure in just one atmosphere). Cheaper models are suitable autonomous heating systems, since they have no high pressure.
  • The size. If the distance between the floor and the windowsill is at least 80 centimeters, you should choose the highest model. Otherwise, you will have to take a smaller radiator, so that it is not less than 12 cm to the floor, and at least 10 cm to the windowsill.
  • Capacity. One of the main properties is quite narrow passages. If possible, ensure good quality water supplied to the heating system.
  • Calculation of sections. Before purchase, read the description of the model to clarify the energy power. The calculation of the number of sections is better to produce, using the second (detailed) formula, where the required amount of heat is determined based on the size of the room. Do not forget to add 10% in the case of significant heat loss due to external factors.

When designing a heating system in an urban apartment or private house, the owner is important three main parameters: the size of heating radiators, the heat transfer of one section and the maximum working pressure on which they are calculated. The scatter of these parameters among the products of the modern market, we are investigating.

In the photo - only three sizes of heating devices. However, in stores you can see a much wider choice.

Standard height

Let's start with the most common batteries with an inter-axis distance on loving 500 millimeters. It was their every one of us who had certainly seen in the apartment where his childhood passed.

Cast iron

The most typical representative is the cast iron radiator MS-140-500-0.9. Look at its specification.

  • Section length - 93 millimeters, depth - 140, height - 588. Calculate the dimensions of the multi-section radiator is easy; With a length of 7-10 sections, it is worth adding an approximately centimeter to the thickness of the paronite pads.

ATTENTION: When installing the radiator in a niche, do not forget about the length of the washing crane. Any cast iron heating radiators with side lining need flushing.

  • Heat flowwhich provides one section when delta temperatures between the coolant and the ambient air at 70c - 160 watts.
  • Maximum working pressure in megapascals is indicated in the product name - 0.9 MPaWhat corresponds to 9 atmospheres.


Here, with the same inter-axis, eyeliner, we observe a significant variation of the parameters, so we point out the most typical.

  • Typical dimensions of heating radiators from aluminum: length 80 millimeters, depth 80-100 mm, height - 575-585 millimeters.
  • The sectoral heat transfer depends on the root of the fins and the depth of the section. Usually it lies within 180 - 200 watts per section.
  • For most models, the working pressure is 16 atmospheres. At the same time, radiators are experiencing one and a half times with a large value - 24 kgf / cm2.

Curious: the volume of the coolant in one section of the aluminum radiator is 3-5 times less compared to cast iron. This is achieved due to the greater thermal conductivity of aluminum and the larger area of \u200b\u200bOrtem. The obvious result is a high speed of water and almost complete lack of hassle.


The steel core affects the appearance and dimensions of the heating radiator, but the maximum working pressure increases sharply.

Alas, the price increases with increasing strength and price: the bimetallic section will cost the buyer in 400-700 rubles.

  • Typical section sizes: Length - 80-82 mm, depth - 75 - 100, height - 550 - 580.
  • The heat transfer slightly decreases due to lower heat thermal conductivity. In general, bimetallic sections are inferior to the aluminum only 10-20 watts per section, which are reciprocated by the larger area of \u200b\u200bfins. The averaged thermal flux values \u200b\u200b- 160-200 watts.
  • But the working pressure due to steel inside is much higher: most of the representatives of the family it reaches 25-35 atmospheres during tests at 30-50. The radiator of the monolith from the Russian company RIFAR and is at all able to continuously work at 100 kgf / cm2, and is tested at 150.

Important: When installing the heating system with your own hands, the main instruction is to use pipes, not inferior to the radiator. Otherwise, the use of particularly durable heating devices is devoid of any meaning: removing one weak link from the contour, we replacing it with others. Bimetallic radiators are supplied only with steel eyeliner.


Radiators with a small mid-scene there are two pleasant features:

  1. They can accommodate under the low window sill.
  2. The heat transfer per unit area of \u200b\u200bthe surface is maximal. The higher the radiator - the more warm air contacts with its upper part and the smaller the thermal flow from the surface of this part of the fin.

What options can we find here?

Cast iron

Referred to the radiators of the MS of Belarus.

  • MS-140M-300-0.9 radiator has a length of section in the same 93 millimeters with a height of 388 mm and depth 140.
  • The heat flux with the change in dimensions, it is clear, decreased and is now 106 watts per section.
  • The operating pressure has not changed: the same 9 kgf / cm2.

However: among imported products you can find cast-iron radiators with an inter-axis distance on appliances and 200, and 350 millimeters.


Ratio of inter-axes in domestic and imported low radiators is more than large. Presented sizes 150, 200, 250, 300, 350 and 400 millimeters.

What does this mean in terms of the characteristics interesting us?

  • The length of the section begins from 40 millimeters, which makes the battery unusually compact. Height - from 200, the depth of many models compensates for the lack of the remaining two sizes and reaches 180 mm.
  • Thermal power varies from the funny 50 to quite solid 160 watts per section. The determining point is the area of \u200b\u200bthe fins of the section.
  • On the working pressure, the change in the dimensions was influenced slightly: most of the radiators are calculated on, the same, 16 atmospheres with tests on the 24th.


How will the size of heating radiators change if inside the aluminum fins to place a steel core? And none. Absolutely all sizes characteristic of aluminum structures, we can see among bimetallic heating devices.

Thermal power also remains under the same limits: you can find low radiators with heat transfer and 80, and at 140 watts per section.

Working pressure, understandable, remains great: still the material is different. Typical the same 25-35 atmospheres.

There are two curious nuances:

  1. Among bimetallic can be found radiators not with solid cores of steel, but with steel tubes inserted between aluminum collectors. In this case, the manufacturer is usually cautious with the claimed parameters, and the bimetallic radiator can see the stated 16 and even 12 atmospheres.
  2. Low radiators made of aluminum and bimetal often do not have vertical channels and during lateral connections are heated from collectors only due to the thermal conductivity of aluminum. Circulation is provided by the last section: it is done flowing.


Large height radiators are put in cases where the need for thermal power is high, but the room layout does not allow a large length of the wall. Accordingly, at high altitude, these products have limited width.

Cast iron

If domestic cast iron radiators mainly remain purely utilitarian products and are manufactured standard dimensions, then among imported products there are very stylish products unusual for cast iron.

As an example, take a look at the line of Demrad Retro:

  • With a standard width of 76 millimeters, the section height varies from 661 to 954 mm. Depth in all cases is 203 mm.
  • The operating pressure is 10 atmospheres, radiators are tested at 13.
  • Thermal power of the most overall sections reaches 270 watts.
  • The size of the heating radiator can reach 2400 millimeters in height.
  • Working pressure is often limited to 6 atmospheres, but it is easy to find and stronger products.
  • Due to the high height, a solid heat transfer is achieved: when temperatures in 70s, it can reach 433 watts (OSCAR 2000 from Global) and even more.


Often, high radiators are connected from below. The goal is to hide the pipes.


The essential part of high bimetallic radiators is designer structures that do not have to talk about standard sizes and any unification. In addition, it is often not sectional, but monolithic products.

As a sample, however, we will take the serial representative of the family - the SIRA RS-800 Bimetall radiator.

  • Section dimensions: Height 880 mm, length 80 and depth 95 mm.
  • Heat output - 280 watts per section.
  • The operating pressure is suddenly 4 kgf / cm2 during tests by 6. The radiator is clearly not intended for central heating and is equipped with cores only in vertical channels.


Let's hope that you will be able to pick up precisely those products that suit you in all respects. In the video at the end of the article you will find additional information on the subject of interest. Warm winters!

Apartments in houses with a centralized heating type have been waiting for a long time when manufacturers will create batteries that can withstand all its disadvantages: high pressure, low quality coolant and powerful hydrowoods that can destroy weak aluminum or steel radiators.

The combination of these two metals made it possible to produce completely unique in its technical characteristics of bimetallic radiators.

Feature of bimetallic devices

When the steel coil was placed inside the aluminum corps, securing the entire design of tightly welding, several problems were decided immediately:

Consumers who have already experienced bimetallic structures in their apartments, say that their only drawback is a high cost. But, as a rule, quality, safety, beauty and efficiency are just those properties for which it is not a pity to pay any money.

Types of aluminum-steel radiators

Manufacturers, going on consumers, try to reduce the production of bimetallic structures without changing their devices in general. Now in the market you can meet several types of batteries of this type:

If the installation of radiators is supposed to be indoors with an autonomous heating system, it makes no sense to invest big money in expensive models. In this case, it suffices to make power calculation and determine the optimal dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators (10 sections are a standard type, although you can choose another type of device).

Types of radiators

Unlike the Soviet era, when the batteries had the same standard type of "accordion", today there are different types of radiators, and bimetallic in this regard is no exception.

Monolithic models are a one-piece section consisting of steel pipes that are not subject to disassembly. Such a design cannot be changed in size, increase or reduce the number of sections. If the required power is calculated correctly, the best and more reliable "friend" for the system with strong pressure drops is not found. Molded bimetallic radiators are able to withstand on-100 atmospheres and are the most expensive on the market.

Collapsible or, as they are also called, sectional models, allow you to independently determine which size of the sections of the bimetallic heating radiator is necessary for each particular room.

So that in the apartment it is truly warm, it should be determined in advance which power must have a radiator with regard to all heat loss. Its container depends on the size of the device, and how it is less, the more economical it works.

Standard dimensions batteries

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are exactly the same as other types of heaters. They are determined by the mid-sieve distance between the lower and the upper horizontal collectors. You should not consider these parameters of the size of the whole design. To calculate what is the height of the bimetallic radiator, follows to the inter-axis indicator specified on the product, add 80. There are three round-range distances - 200, 350 and 500 mm, but these are not the only parameters of these devices.

  • the length of the standard section is 80 mm;
  • depth - from 75 to 100 mm;
  • height - 550-580 mm.

To calculate what height, for example, standard bimetallic radiators are 500 mm, it is necessary to add 80 to this indicator, and the 580 mm received is its true size that should be considered, determining the place where it will stand.

In addition to standard models, there are so-called designer variants of bimetallic radiators.

High designs

When the interior of an apartment or office requires a special approach to arrangement, then heaters should fit harmoniously into it. So, if there is panoramic windows in the room, then bimetallic radiators can be installed, the dimensions of which are 880 mm or more, with a length of 80 mm sections and a depth of 95 mm.

As a rule, these are cast reliable devices that can be fixed on the walls. They can not only heat the room, but also to decorate it, as they are produced in a fairly rich color scheme. As a last resort, you can order the manufacturer model of the required shade or with a specific pattern.

Low batteries

Another designer solution is low bimetallic heating radiators. They can be installed under large windows, where standard models do not fit in height. The minimum in the mid-stage distance bimetallic radiators have 200 mm, while their characteristic feature is the same strength, reliability, the ability to resist high pressure and the level of heat transfer as standard models.

This is due to the fact that the design of these heaters does not change depending on the size. True, there are manufacturers who "chat", saying that the price of their products is lower due to their size. In this case, in fact, bimetallic radiators (300 mm, 400 mm or 200 mm does not matter) have a different structure. The steel horizontal core is missing, and only vertical collectors are made of this metal. It is possible to determine the fake on the vehocupus, in which the level of pressure in 20-40 atmospheres is not familiar to the "real" bimetallic heaters, and only 12-15 that these devices are unusual.

Buying a similar product in an apartment with a centralized type of heating is not worth it, but in the autonomous system they will be to the place.

Power ratio and radiators

As the long-term practice of using heating devices, the width of the bimetallic radiator sections (as well as any other), its length and the height are reflected in the power, and this is understandable: the greater the area of \u200b\u200bthe radiator, the higher its heat transfer.

If you compare the heat transfer, mass, capacity, size and level of pressure of the bimetallic design with an aluminum analogue, then it will be seen that the difference between them.

  • Bimetallic radiators 350 mm (mid-scene distance):
  • Heat transfer 136 W (aluminum - 139)
  • Pressure level (worker) 20 bar (15 bar in aluminum)
  • Crossing indicator 30 bar (20-25 bar, respectively).
  • Section capacity 0.18 l (0.19 l)
  • The weight of one section is 1.36 kg (aluminum - 1.2 kg).
  • Bimetallic radiators 500 (80 depth):
  • The heat transfer from one section 204 W (180 W aluminum with similar dimensions).
  • Working pressure 30 bar (20, respectively).
  • Pressing pressure 40-50 bar (30 bar).
  • Capacity section 0.2 l (0.27 l).
  • The weight of one element of 1.90 kg (1.45 kg).

As can be seen from the above parameters, the power varies depending on the size of the radiator, as well as the level of its pressure, and weight, and volume.

Choosing, what type of batteries install, you need to repel from the real needs of the room in the amount of heat, and not from the style and quality of interior design. Fortunately, modern manufacturers produce models of any level - low bimetallic heating radiators are in stores near high analogues.

Knowing what power there should be a device, it is enough to look at the table that either sellers or manufacturers to each product and find the corresponding size indicator. By installing a sectional model, it can always be increasing to increase power, but if the radiator does not fit under the window, then the designer options for heaters should be selected.

Most often, bimetallic heating radiators are installed in apartments and country houses. This variety of batteries is distinguished by a low cost, has excellent performance and looks aesthetic. Sometimes residential premises are heated and using pig-iron, steel or aluminum models. Heating is one of their key factors, paying attention to which when purchased should be necessary.

Advantages of bimetallic heating radiators

The popularity of batteries of this type is explained very simply. Cast iron radiators are quite reliable, but they look not too aesthetic. In addition, they are difficult to mount. Aluminum batteries look modern and attractive. However, this metal does not tolerate contact with oxygen in the coolant. Therefore, aluminum radiators quickly fail and begin to leak. Steel batteries serve longer. However, at the same time, they look not so aesthetic.

Bimetallic models combine the benefits of aluminum and steel radiators. In the modern interior, such batteries fit simply perfect. Sections in them are made of aluminum. At the same time, they serve for a long time, since the pipes through which the coolant flows through them is made of steel.

What should be considered when choosing a battery size

Install the radiators of heating usually under the windows. This location allows you to spend the energy of the coolant as rationally as possible. Taking into account this, the size of heating radiators is usually chosen.

The battery is mounted in such a way that the distance from its top edge to the protrusion of the windowsill is at least 10 cm. At the same time, the radiator should be located at an altitude of about 8-12 cm. When you violate these requirements in the area of \u200b\u200bthe battery sections, there is no efficient air exchange. And therefore, the radiator potential is not completely used. Thus, choosing the battery, first of all you must look at the height. It must be less than about 20 cm than the distance from the windowsill before the floor.

Sizes of bimetallic heating radiators: height

In the manufacture of any other equipment, of course, certain standards are followed. Bimetallic radiators (depending on the modification) on the passport may have a height of 200, 350 and 500 mm. All these options are pretty popular, and you can buy them if necessary without any problems. However, the figures 200, 350 and 500 mM of the actual height of the radiator are not, but indicate only the distance between the centers of the input and output pipes. But the battery sections themselves usually have a little longer. What sizes of height radiators in height are most convenient, you can find out if you add 8 cm. Thus, the battery with marking 350 will take about 430 mm under the windowsill, model 500 mm - 580 mm, 200 - 280 mm.

Width of radiators

According to this indicator, the battery should be chosen as carefully. The width of the radiator on the number of sections that can be different is depends. The required number of such elements for one battery is calculated according to the special formula. It is believed that for heating 10 m 2 rooms requires 1 kW of radiator power. The formula for calculating the required number of sections, thus, looks like this: n \u003d s x 100 / q. In place s need to substitute the indicator of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room in which the radiator will be installed. The value Q is the power of one section. The last indicator is easy to determine. The manufacturer usually indicates the power of one section in a technical passport. This indicator may be different, but most often its value is approximately 180 W (for models 500 mm). 8 cm is the width, which in most cases has one section of the heating radiator. The size of the battery is thus directly affected by its power.

For example, we will make calculation of the heating radiator for the room at 30 m 2. In this case, the formula will be like this: 30 x 100/180 \u003d number of sections. That is, 16-17 pieces. The width of the radiator will be large - 16 x 8 \u003d 128 cm. Radiators under the windowsill are usually in a special niche. Such a wide radiator can not fit into it. In this case, you just need to purchase two batteries for 8 sections. Each width will be 64 cm. When choosing the number of sections, among other things, it should be taken into account that the radiator length should cover at least 70-75% of the window opening.

Battery thickness

The heating of bimetallic, therefore, can be different. The depth is usually 80 or 100 mm. Sometimes there are also options for 90 mm. In this case, the choice depends solely on the personal preferences of the owners of the house. If a niche under the deep battery, you can purchase the radiator thoroughly. If the wall is in the same plane with the edge of the window sill, it is worth it, of course, to buy a radiator for 80 mm. In this case, if necessary, it will be easier to disguise.

Dimensions of cast iron radiators

Standard Soviet batteries of this type had a height of 580 mm, the width of the rib - 94 mm and a thickness of 140 mm. Many owners of houses and apartments still consider such models the most reliable. Therefore, cast-iron radiators and today are in demand. The manufacturers, of course, noticed this and began to supply to the market including cast iron radiators in retro-style, characterized by a very attractive design. If you wish for a home, you can buy, of course, such batteries. Their sizes may be different. There are low, standard and high models of this type. The approximate dimensions of cast-iron heating radiators of different types can be viewed in the table below.

Very often, stylish cast iron retro radiators have small legs. In this case, the height is calculated, of course, with their accounting.

What are the sizes of steel heating radiators

Structurally, such batteries differ from iron, and from bimetallic. Present steel radiators a single rectangular panel. Inside it there are channels intended for the coolant. Also available steel radiators are also on sale. In appearance, they resemble cast-iron models. In turn, tubular batteries can be sectional or solid.

Sizes in height and width may have a different one. When choosing such radiators, first of all pay attention to the thickness. The more this indicator, the more powerful battery. The thickness of steel radiators on the number of panels and orders of fins depends on the number of panels and rows. The last indicator may vary from 0 to 3. Thus, the thickness of the radiator from steel is most often 61-170 mm.

The width depends on the number of sections used in them. The models of this type due to special design are usually installed only in offices or administrative premises.

Aluminum models

There are aluminum heating radiators, size in height and length having significant or small. But the most common option is such batteries with an inter-axis distance of 350 and 500 mm. Approximately 80% of all aluminum models in the market have exactly such height. But sometimes there are also radiators with an inter-axis distance of 20-80 cm.

Recently, manufacturers have begun to produce very interesting plinth models of aluminum batteries. Visually, the size of the heating radiators of this variety is very small. It's all about their insignificant altitude. However, the length of such models can be pretty big. If desired on the market today you can find very interesting vertical aluminum radiators. In such models, the height can reach 2-2.5 m, and the width is to be insignificant.

The depth of radiators of this type, as well as bimetallic, can be equal to 8 or 10 cm. The width of the aluminum battery section is in most cases 8 cm.


The dimensions of bimetallic radiators of heating, as well as cast iron or aluminum, thus, should be selected as closely as possible. Whatever dimensions, however, have a battery, install it, of course, need correctly. The heating radiators are usually attached to the brackets. Before installing them, markup is mandatory. Mount radiators or strictly horizontally, or with a slight bias in the direction of the coolant current. In the latter case, the sections easier to remove air traffic jams. Connect to battery highways can three ways: from the bottom, diagonally and side. In any case, an individual valve should be put on each radiator. This allows you to repair the battery without the need to turn off the entire heating system as a whole. Also for each radiator, Maevsky's crane (or some modern analogue) is installed.

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are an important characteristic that affects the quality of heating premises.

What dimensions are released Battery for heating?

Do they have standard values Or are different from each manufacturer?

The dimensions of bimetallic radiators are described by the following the main parameters: mounting height, depth and width.

Height and depth depend on the size of the section, and width - from their quantity.

Battery height Depends on the distance between vertical channels. It has standard values \u200b\u200bfor radiators of all manufacturers - 200, 350 and 500 mm.

Distance between vertical channels - Cut between the centers of the inlet and outlet holes. The final height, as well as the depth and width of the radiators are different (see Table 1).

Armor distance Most manufacturers are indicated in the model name. But the mounting height differs and is indicated in the specification to the radiator.

Radiator width Depends on the number of sections. So, for 8 sectional radiator, the parameter is 640 mm, for 10 sectional - 800 mm and for a 12-section - 960 mm (values \u200b\u200bfor batteries with a width of section 80 mm).

Calculation of the number of radiator sections

Thermal power of the radiator section It depends on its overall dimensions. When the distance between the vertical axes in 350 mm, the parameter ranges in the range of 0.12-0.14 kW, with a distance of 500 mm - in the range of 0.16-0.19 kW. According to the requirements of SNiP for the middle strip per 1 kV. Meters of the square requires a thermal capacity of at least 0.1 kW.

Considering this requirement, the formula is used. to calculate the number of sections:

where S is the area of \u200b\u200bheated room, q is the thermal power of the 1st section and N - the required number of sections.

For example, to the room square of 15 m 2 It is planned to install radiators with 140 W thermal power sections. Substitting the values \u200b\u200bin the formula, we get:

N \u003d 15 m 2 * 100/140 W \u003d 10.71.

Rounding It is carried out in the big face. Given the standard forms, you need to install a bimetallic 12-section radiator.

Important: When calculating bimetallic radiators, the factors affecting heat loss indoors take into account the factors. The resulting result is increased by 10% in the cases of the apartment located on the first or last floor, in the angular premises, in rooms with large windows, with a small wall thickness (no more than 250 mm).

More accurate calculation They are obtained by determining the number of sections not on the room area, but its volume. According to the requirements of SNiP for heating one cubic meter of the room, a thermal power is required in 41 W. Given these norms, get:

where V is the volume of heated room, q is the thermal power of the 1st section, N is the desired number of sections.

For example, the calculation for the room is still the same square of 15 m 2and the height of the ceilings is 2.4 meters. Substitting the values \u200b\u200bin the formula, we get:

N \u003d 36 m 3 * 41/140 W \u003d 10.54.

Increased again in one way: A radiator with 12 sections is needed.

The choice of the width of the bimetallic radiator for a private house is different from the apartment. When calculating is counted coefficients of thermal conductivity Each material used in the construction of the roof, walls and gender.

When choosing sizes The requirements for the installation of batteries should be taken into account:

  • the distance from the top edge to the windowsill must be at least 10 cm;
  • the distance from the lower edge to the floor should be 8-12 cm.

For high-quality heating of the room, it is necessary to pay attention to the selection of the size of bimetallic radiators. Dimensions of the batteries of each manufacturer have minor differences, which take into account when buying. The correct calculation will allow avoid mistakes.

What should be the right dimensions of bimetallic heating radiators Find out of the video: