The better wash the dishes with what means. How to make washing dishes safe health? What wash dishes? Than dangerous means for washing dishes

On washing dishes spent an impressive amount of the time of modern person. On the shelves in stores abundance of bottles with liquid means, which make it easier for this work. To great joy, the owners now concerns not only the smell and price category of such funds, but also on health: human and our planet.

Than dangerous means for washing dishes

The main component of household chemicals for washing dishes is a variety of surfactants (surfactants), which determine their detergent properties. Pav is divided into:

  • cationic (CPAV)
  • anionic (APAV)
  • amphoter (ampav)
  • non-ionic (NPAV)

These chemical compounds are extremely difficult to wash off the surface of the dishes: one plate must be rinsed at least 15 times, fully immersed in clean water. Imagine how much water is needed? (But still in the lessons of environmental education in school, we were told how important to save water resources!) Even if the plate creaks after rinsing, this does not mean that substances are removed from the surface.

In the droplets of water on the dishes are dissolved surfactants. After drying, these substances still remain, forming the film on the surface. When we put food into this dishes, the surfactant join food and we have been eaten safely. There is an approval that for the year a person consumes half-liter liquid for washing dishes!

What consequences? Unpredictable. Surfaces in dishwashes are synthetic. When entering the body causes gradual poisoning. It all starts with allergic reactions, and it can end with the development of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract - the fact is that the decay products of many surfactants are carcinogens.

It is not enough that the protective barrier is destroyed with the skin with the skin with the skin, the compounds are absorbed into the blood and are spread throughout the body.

Damage the body is applied not only by surfactants, but also chemical flavors and preservatives. Aromatizers When washing dishes, a person actively inhales, which leads, according to scientists, to many diseases of the respiratory system, right up to asthma.

Waste domestic water with dissolved surfactant in them cause huge damage to ecology. Detergents with surfactants with a large decay period harm more. While the compounds are decomposed, they contribute to the watering of water bodies, oxygen starvation of their inhabitants, and later to the death of the latter. Therefore, the less period of the breakdown of Pav, the safer means for ecology. The trouble is that manufacturers do not write the names of the surfactant in the composition.

Anionic surfactants are the most aggressive, at least some of them have a good biodegradability (up to 90%). Non-ionic are completely decomposed, that is, they turn into carbon dioxide and water, so less harm is brought by an environment.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of detergents for dishes

Of course, the less chemistry comes into contact with the human body, the better for its health. No one calls readers to completely abandon detergents, but some tips can help reduce harmful effects.

When washing the dishes it would be remarkably to take care and ecology. To do this, select Safe Tools.

And also let's notice how much we spend water in the process of guiding cleanliness in the kitchen? The use of a special basin for washing and rinsing dishes will not only save your funds for water supply. This one of the ways to relate to the fact that we are given.

What detergent is better to wash the dishes
Since the dishes have to be washed at least three times a day, and not always with the help of a dishwasher, it is better to understand what and how launders fat from our plates. Moreover, today there is at least three most common dishwashing options with different detergents.

First of all, you should decide what exactly we are waiting for from such funds? Let's start with the main thing - with the so-called detergent. This is an indication of how effective means. Such data, as a rule, manufacturers do not indicate their products, therefore it is possible to navigate according to the composition, since the detergent depends on the set of included components. The main facilities are surfactant substances that dissolve dirt, they translate it into a weighted state and allow it to be washed together with the flow of water.

Household chemicals (how to choose a detergent for dishwasher)
In traditional detergents for dishes, anionic seals are used. However, recently, manufacturers are based on polyalkyl glycosides, which are less toxic on the effects, or amphoteric (generally non-toxic) cracks and their combinations. So if you are not too lazy to read a very small font on a package with a detergent (what, by the way, almost all manufacturers sreeus, if at all give information about the composition), you yourself can choose the most effective harmless tool already in the store.
Another indicator affecting the detergent is a pH factor - the level of activity of hydrogen ions. Natural pH for human skin ranges from 5, 5, our guest allows detergents for dishes to stay within 4 to 11, 5. It is clear that when proximity to maximum indicators, that from one thing, on the other hand, you should already wear Gloves. The most optimal close to the natural pH, possess the so-called balms that today appeared on our counters in a huge assortment. However, here it is necessary to understand: winning in one, we lose in the other. In this case, in efficiency.
In addition to the pavov, phosphates, salt acids, enzymes, natural bactericides and foam stabilizers, diethanolamine (chlorine) and chlorine (chlorine) and chlorine (chlorine) are included in the detergent for dishes. It is they who have a harmful effect on a person.

  • Do not drip directly on a plate, and add it to a sponge or water.
  • Carefully rinse the dishes. The synthetic detergent after a short disposable rinse is not washed off from its surface. Be sure to rinse the dishes for about 15 seconds in running water.
  • Wash dishes in gloves. Any tool, no matter how good it is, is intended to wash the dishes to well, rather than protect your hands from the toxic effect of chemistry.

Environmental detergents

In order for the dishes to be clean, and the human body was not poisoned, a sure way to use products consisting of organic substances and produced by environmental technologies from natural raw materials. These are funds of a new generation that do not have phosphates and other harmful components. Liquid detergents - highly concentrated potent means, quickly split fat and softening food residues, they form a foam that is easy to washed without a residue.
The composition of such funds usually include:

  • organic citric acid - it is completely biodegradable and dissolves even a resistant lime bloom. In addition, it adjusts the pH level in the liquid soap. In conventional detergents, chemically synthesized citric acid is used.
  • Alcohol (alcohol) - used to adjust viscosity. For technical purposes, alcohol must be denatured. Ecoproduks use alcohol, denatured with substances included in the detergent (castor oil and caustic potassium).
  • Sugar surfactant (sugar detergent) (Alkylpolyglucosides, APG). Alkylpolyglucosides are very careful to the skin, biochemically decompose, without causing harm to the environment. When they are produced, plant, coconut oil, sugar or starch are used.
  • Fat alcohol sulfate - produced from coconut oil. His cleaning force acts longer than the usual soap.
  • The soft formula of scarlet faith and coconut derivatives does not irritate the skin of the hands, does not contain phosphates. Decomposes with microorganisms.

Do not mix ecoproducts and household chemicals, it can provoke all sorts of chemical reactions that will harm health. Using the staff, it is better to have a number of funds in its arsenal, designed not only for washing dishes, but also for opposes, ovens, microwave ovens, silver and nickel-plated products, tiles, etc.

Babushkin "Chemistry"
The most popular safe and high-quality detergent is the usual dry mustard. It perfectly copes with any fat dishes, does not have an unpleasant smell, pleasant to the touch, easy to use and completely safe for health and environmental. You can easily find it on any bazaar or in a supermarket among spices. And it is not expensive at all.
The second good assistant when washing dishes and not only the food soda is. It easily copes with a raid and other non-fat pollution. Mustard and soda struggle with pollution no worse than any known and expensive detergents. Soda neutralizes the acidic taste of water and absorbs odors from the air. It can also be used as a soft non-abrasive cleaner for kitchen surfaces, shells.
No need to forget about such a simple and affordable cleaning agent, like a warm soap solution. In many household houses, which are already inconvenient to use, throw away. And you can do otherwise - the remnants of the soap collect into a plastic vessel from household chemicals. The bay of their hot water, you will get a jelly detergent for sink, bath, tile. Add food soda there - and at your disposal a good dishwashing detergent that does not contain abrasives and harmful chemicals. It is well washes and linoleum, plastic. By adding ammonia alcohol from the residues from the residues of soap, you will get an excellent tool for washing the painted floor, doors, window frames and other painted oil paint surfaces.

Economic (washing) soda. The chemical neighbor of food soda, economic soda (Sodium Carbonate) - stronger alkali, with a pH about 11. It highlights harmless pairs and is more secure than industrially produced mixtures, but when working with it you need to wear gloves, because it is caustic (caustic substance).
Economic soda removes fat, purifies oil, gasoline, as well as other substances, to get rid of which solvents are usually used; Wax, lipstick and neutralize odors, like the food soda. Do not use it on fiberglass, aluminum or waxes, unless you want to remove wax.
Vinegar is one of the most frequently used components in cleansing means manufactured by knowledgeable people. The main advantage is that it destroys bacteria, mold and viruses. Numerous studies suggest that 5% vinegar, which is sold in a regular store, kills 99% of bacteria, 82% mold and 80% of viruses. Therefore, store a spacker with 5% vinegar in the kitchen and process the cutting boards, surfaces of tables, washcloths, etc., and from time to time. It is not necessary to flush, you can even leave the surface treated with vinegar overnight. The sharp smell of vinegar will disappear within a few hours.

In many families cause sSOR. It becomes clarifying that someone's turn was washing this time, and they already end in words: "I didn't hire you in the maid to wash dirty dishes every time!". Experts counted that a woman spends 30-40 minutes of time daily on washing dishes. And not only time, but also health. Many detergents are harmful to our organism and so much stick to the surface of the dishes, which after use they need to rinse all 15 times and then wipe dry. And for this you need much more time and effort than we can assume.

To date, harm funds for washing dishes - One of the most worried questions for people taking care of their health. After all, I don't want to eat anyone from the dishes, on the surface of which the film of surfactants from the detergent remains the film. Experts claim that in the composition of surfactants, which form the basis of all detergents, there is a formaldehyde - toxic gas that has carcinogenic effect and contributing to the development of cancer. In addition, formaldehyde can cause genetic changes in the body and lead to the development of congenital defects in the child. After entering the body of formaldehyde, head and articular pains, shortness of breath, fatigue and insomnia are arising.

Rinse a thick foam from detergent We leave it remnants. They fall into our body with the next meal. At first it causes dermatitis and, and then gastritis, gastric ulcer and hypertension can develop. In addition, all detergents for dishes contain a foaming substance diethanolamine, which poisons liver. Also, in almost all detergents add chlorine. It penetrates blood through the respiratory tract and poisoning the body.

Many European countries It has long been abandoned using detergents containing harmful components. And in our country there are no hard control over the production of dishwashes, they can be sold even without a hygienic certificate. Currently, the testing center of household chemicals has put forward a proposal that all the washable funds sold in Russia have certificates, and the Synthesis Spring "requires for several years to ensure that all dishwashes are made from natural biologically decomplapable materials so that not Contamine our reservoirs chemicals.

Scientists Institute Environmental ecology and environmental hygiene recommend abandoning the use of dishwashing tools to pregnant women and those who dream of a child. Sale, falling into the human body, destroy and form peroxide, burning cell membranes. This can reduce the quality of sperm and lead to DNA mutation.

To protect yourself from negative The impact of detergents, of course, is best to completely abandon them. But if it is unacceptable for you, then you must wear special gloves with dishwashing tools. Any detergent destroys the surface protective layer of the skin and penetrates through the pores of the skin in the fabric. This can lead to redness of the skin, eczema, allergies and the development of oncological diseases. It is most safe to wash the dishes in the dishwashers, they allocate dishes many times and the remnants of poisonous substances are maximized. Now in stores you can buy products for washing dishes, which fully consist of their natural components. For example, the detergents of trademarks of Ecodoo, Almawin and Sonett. But they are expensive and not always effective.

Meanwhile there is a lot environmentally harmless toolswhich perfectly wash the dirty dishes. It is a household soap, soda, mustard and vinegar. Economic soap is made of organic substances, and not from oil refining products. It has no dyes, preservatives and fragrances. Soda is best suited for washing cups. It has an alkaline reaction and removes well. If you mix the soda with a mustard powder, then it turns out an excellent means for washing fatty dishes and kitchen tiles. You can simply dissolve the mustard powder in hot water and wash all the dishes in this water, and then rinse it in running water.

Remove unpleasant odors And the disinfection of the dishes will help vinegar, citric acid and lemon. For those who are accustomed to enjoy detergents, we propose to make a dishwashing solution yourself. Sutter on the grater of the soap, dissolve it in a small amount of boiling water and add some more soda.

If you are using cleaning products for dishes And we are confident that there are no remnants from her on the dishes, check it with a litmus paper. If, when applied to the newly washed utensil, it shines, it means that the remnants of the drug still remained on the surface of the dishes. In this case, you carefully wipe the dishes with a clean napkin so that PVA poisonous substances do not get into your body.

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Is it possible to wash the dishes with economic soap? Such a question arises not to the job, but when there are doubts about cleaning products. The stores present a wide range of household chemicals, which has already proved its effectiveness many times in practice. Is it worth refusing detergents?

Is it worth useing detergents?

  1. Cleaning products are actually very poorly frozen with dishes. Chemistry particles remain, and then fall to us in the body, which can entail a variety of consequences, but obviously not the best. It is possible to weaken the immune system, allergic reactions and the emergence of other diseases. Some even argue that the use of detergents can provoke cancer.
  2. There are substances that are called surfactants (surfactants). They are in an absolutely any detergent and can entail:
  • infertility.
  • an increase in cholesterol in the blood.
  • destruction of the immune system.
  • the occurrence of algae in the sewage.
  • water blossom.
  • worsening water quality.
  1. Phosphates are another component of the surfactant. They strengthen their action. Therefore, in some countries, they are prohibited for use in household chemicals.

Phosphates in detergents are very harmful to the body

Harmful substances are everywhere, they are not going anywhere, but there are several tips that will help reduce the amount of harmful chemistry in the body:

  1. Read the composition carefully. There are safe detergents, however, they are not so much, and they will cost much more than ordinary.
  2. The use of special sponges that can wash more detergent than ordinary.
  3. Application of harmless substances (soda or mustard powder).
  4. Production of detergents. The process is not so complicated, it is simply necessary to ensure that phosphates and surfactants do not get into the composition.

You can wash the dishes of soda

One of the safest substances is an economic soap, it can be used for washing the dishes.

So that such a sink was effective, and well washed well from the dishes everything is necessary to do everything in warm water. But everything is not as simple as I would like. There may be several problems.

The problem can be solved quite simply:

  1. Get a small basin for dishes.
  2. Fill it with water and add soda there.
  3. In this pelase, wash the dishes with the household soap.
  4. After, rinse the dishes under the crane and put it dry. Divorces will not remain.

Shopping soap and soda sounds good dishes

Soda, by the way, by itself, can also act as a cleaning agent.

As for oily utensils, on which there are drops of fat. At first they will need to be removed with a napkin, but only then begin to wash. Why it is impossible to just increase the amount of detergent? And why once again harm the environment?

If the food strongly stuck to the dishes, then soda on the cooler in her household soap, add soda and pour some water. Mix, put on fire and wait for boiling. Turn off the fire and wait for cooling. After such a procedure, the food pieces will be misunderstood and will be good to read well.

You probably noticed interest on the economic soap. They denote the content of fatty acids. Usually this figure is equal to 64, and the maximum allowed according to the standards of Russia - 72.

Economic soap, the corresponding GOST does not cause such strong harm to the environment and man as ordinary detergents.

Economic soap - does not cause severe harm to the body

Be careful! There is an economic soap of white on the market. It smells a pleasant brown, but they do not wash the dishes, since its color and smell are the result of whitening and applying fragrances. In addition, it has an artificially synthesized preservative, CNT, which may entail unpleasant consequences after entering the digestive tract.

Do not use a white household soap for washing dishes!

As in total, the household soap has its drawbacks.

  1. The most significant of them is a high content of insoluble particles, because of this, it is necessary to wash the dishes after the washing very well.
  2. If you have hard water, then it can fame badly, for this you have to add soda.
  3. Economic soap can be healthy to dry the skin, so after washing the dishes you need to smear the hands with cream. There is another option, add glycerin to soap (it is sold in the pharmacy, do not confuse with glycine).

It is necessary to wash the dishes after washing very thoroughly.

Preparing improved economic soap with your own hands

You will need:

  • a saucepan, which is not very sorry;
  • soda;
  • glycerol;
  • the spoon;
  • grater;
  • ordinary household soap (not white);
  • molds;
  • essential oil on your choice.

Now let's get to cooking:

  1. Sattail on the righteous soap and place it in a saucepan.
  2. Add a little more water so that it was 5 times less than the chips (by the way, do not spin them).
  3. Put the saucepan on the slow fire and periodically stir the contents. Do not move away from the stove.
  4. As soon as the saucepan is homogeneous with liquid mass, add soda and mix to uniformity.
  5. At the very end, add glycerin (no more tablespoon) and essential oil (it acts as a fragrance, only natural).
  6. Mix everything and slightly hold on fire. As notice that the mixture begins to start and become viscous, turn off the fire.
  7. Do not wait until the mixture is very viscous and its cooling, too, place in the molds (they must be silicone or special for soap, otherwise do not pull it out from there).
  8. As soon as the soap finds it easy, pull it out gently from the molds and put on the litter to dry. Drying should occur in a well-ventilated room.
  9. As soon as the soap is completely dried, it can be applied.

Now I will explain a little why this is an improved economic soap. After adding soda, soap should be better to scale even in rigid water. Glycerin performs the same function, but is also a good moisturizer, so soap will not heat the skin so much. Essential oils interrupt the unpleasant odors of ordinary economic soap. It is recommended to use odors:

  • orange;
  • pines;
  • juniper;
  • lavender.

For lovers, others can be approached, but the above are like everyone.

So, let's sum up. The household soap is perfect for washing dishes, it is much safer than ordinary detergents, both for nature and for a person. At first, some inconvenience may arise from unusual, but health is more expensive, so you can quickly get used to it.

All sorts of gels and powders smell, of course, wonderful. Yes, and the dishes seem to be laundered not bad. But they are made from oil refining products, and almost all household chemicals that we sell are toxic. It pollutes the environment, and besides, it is not flushed completely from the plates and a saucepan, no matter how much dishes are rushing.

Surface-active substances contained in detergents fall into our stomachs, and there behave the same way as on the surface of the dishes that you need to wash - eat everything. Outcome: Gastritis, ulcers, allergies and a lot of other diseases.

Now there are eco-friendly dishwashing agents in the shops, but they are not always effective, and they are expensive. Meanwhile, there are natural remedies that can be perfectly wash the mountain dishes. Most of them are in any kitchen, take and use.


She perfectly draws all fat. Therefore, it is the best means for washing fatty plates and a saucepan. You can act in different ways: to inceapted into a saucer with a mustard wet sponge, apply it on the dishes, wipe the dishes of pastries from mustard and water. And you can score hot water into the sink or pelvis, add a couple of teaspoons of mustard and washed in this solution to the dishes of a regular sponge - everything is finewiched.

By the way, the mustard can collect and non-plated chemicals from the dishes. At least she will wash them much more effectively than just water. Therefore, some hostesses are melted with a small amount of detergent, and then chasso with mustard.


It purifies frying pan and trays, flushes fat, deodoriates and neutralizes the acidic taste of water. Soda can clean teapots, wash the plates, like pasta, rub the cutlery. But the soda can scratch special coatings on the dishes, for example, Teflon. Therefore, it is necessary to use it selectively.

Soda can be added to the soap solution (made from the economic soap). It will additionally increase the tool.

In addition to food soda, there is still economic. She is caustic, albeit a harmless substance, so when working with economic soda, it is better to use gloves. This soda is stronger alkali than the soda is food. In addition, its abrasive properties are higher. To wash the wrapped frying pan, it is necessary to pour a glass of soda in a bucket, put into a solution of dishes and leave for the night.


With a fat, he will not cope with alone, but it will help to disinfect the dishes, destroy mold and viruses. It is for the purpose of disinfection that can be sprayed with a vinegar of a washcloth and a sponge for washing dishes, add it to cleaning paste.

The vinegar copes well with pollution of glassware, for example, you can wipe glasses with it.

Laundry soap

Especially favorite housewives universal means. In women's forums, he even dedicates individual branches consisting of recognition in love and transfer of advantages. Economic soap can really replace a huge battery of household chemicals. Including a means for washing dishes.

His advantage is that such a soap is made of organic substances, this is not an oil refining product, so it does not pollute the environment. It does not add dyes, preservatives, fragrances.

Soap is well flushed off the plates, leaves no smell. It makes homemade liquids for washing dishes or are used in the usual, solid form. In any case, the economic soap perfectly removes fat and other pollution.

Bamboo Nappet.

Such napkins are quite expensive, they are difficult to buy. But they perfectly remove fat and pollution from the plates, even without any detergents, both eco-friendly and not very. In the use of napkins simple - you only need to wash them periodically, and they will serve for quite a long time.


Remedy, unless you are in the country or hike. From a fire or in the stove, you can get any excitement of a great detergent. The ash absorbs fat, and also has a light abrasive effect, so it can be used to clean the baking sheets or forms for baking. But, of course, it is not worth using it for Teflon coating.

Method of use is simple: pour a little ash to the washed surface, add a few drops of water and the resulting paste washing the dishes.

By the way, the ash can help if you darkened an enameled kettle or pan. We must fill the dishes on 1/3 water, pour water and boil all this hour. Then rinse the dishes.

Paste for cleaning a saucepan, pan and other highly polluted dishes

¼ bar of economic soap (or kneading)

1 cup of hot water

1.5 tbsp. soda

1.5 tbsp. Mustard

2 tbsp. Summer Alcohol (4 ampoules)

Step 1. Economic soap rubbing on a grater and pour half water. Put on a water bath (or in the microwave).

Step 2.While soap melts, adding the remaining water into it. It is necessary to obtain a consistency of sour cream or gel.

Step 3. After the soap is dissolved, it must be cold and add to the soda and mustard. Mix.

Step 4.. Add ammonia alcohol. When working with alcohol, put on the gloves and open the window.

Step 5. Quickly beat the whole mixture with a mixer. Foam formed - Delete.

Step 6.. Pour the resulting mass in tanks with a wide throat and covers. This is done very quickly, that the volatile ammonia alcohol does not evaporate. Wait a few hours while the gel thickens.