Cherry - landing and care in the middle lane of Russia. Cherry feeding in the fall: organic and minerals

In order for the cherry to bear harvest for a long period, it is necessary to take care of the tree in all the rules and carry out the prevention of diseases. After the scene fees ended, it is impossible to forget about the plant. At this time, the tree does not less need full nutrition and care than in the peak of the season.


Culture grade and climatic conditions affect the time of fruiting. On average, the sweet cherry matures and fruits in June-July. It is important not to tighten with the harvest process. Collect from wood you need all fruits. Then you can proceed to the preparation of sweet cherry for the winter.

Proper trimming after harvest

After the end of fruiting, the flow of wood cherry juices slows down. The plant gradually stops in development, trimming becomes necessary.

Trees need autumn pruning no less than in the spring. Removal of unnecessary branches will extend the life of sweet cherries, it will save it from many diseases. The most optimal deadlines for trimming - from the end of August to October. In the southern regions, the procedure can be carried out later.

In the cold areas of Russia, it is impossible to delay the procedure. Immediately after the tree drops the leaves, you can start pruning. Treatment of wood during freezers will worsen his well-being. Slices made during frosts will heal painful.

Several tips from gardeners by pruning after harvest:

  • First, sanitary processing will be carried. The plant needs to be examined for the presence of dried, sick branches. They are definitely removed.
  • It should be followed so that there is no bunch of landings. It is necessary to break the shoots growing inside the crown.
  • Delivered branches growing under an acute angle to the central trunk. They must be removed completely.
  • At the end of the work, you need to shorten the branches of the age of 1 year. Crimping is made at a distance of one third of the length of the branch.
  • It is not recommended to carry out work. It hurts the plants, the sections are then healing for a long time.
  • Works can be carried out with a garden saw, a knife for garden work.
  • After trimming, it is necessary to inspect the trunk and large branches. Painted branches and fresh trims need to be smeared with drugs, such as garden var, rings.

After the trimming is completed, the tree must be cheered. Pumping in front of the winter is a mandatory procedure. I don't need to deeply drag the land. Weed grass growing near the priority circle should be removed from the site, or burned. Cherry cuts the same as a cherry.

Tip: In order for the young plant calmly survived the winter, it is necessary after harvesting to tie to the support. It can be a wooden amount or any other support.

Autumn food of cherry after harvest

A significant role in the development of the plant plays fertilizer in the fall. In the period when the tree fertile, it gave almost all the forces. With the help of feeding them must be restored.

In the spring, when the tree will revive, it will get all the necessary useful substances. To assimage the nutrient elements, the tree needs time, especially the root feeding. Fertilizers must be made evenly.

For proper subcode after harvesting, it is necessary to combine organic fertilizers and minerals. Directly under the root bring the body. It can be overloaded manure or compost. You can touch the tree peat.

The organic is needed to jumped at a distance from the stem circle, depending on the age of the tree. The cherries roots are growing deep into the ground, so there will be no less than 20 cm. The compost layer is necessary to sprinkle well. Permanent rains or melting water in spring should not flush the nutritious elements, oxygen should not have access to the organic.

Mineral fertilizers contribute to the ground next to the tree. Superphosphate and urea will be a good tool. Such a procedure can be significantly improved with cherry yields.

Fertilizers can simply scatter on loose soil around. It is necessary that the soil is wet. Popping minerals can not be taken close to the trunk. So you can burn a tree. In case the autumn is dry, the plant should be pouring. Before making mineral fertilizers, they must be dissolved in water. So nutrients will affect the roots directly.

When feeding a young seedling, it is necessary to make 100 g of urea and superphosphates. An adult tree will be enough for 1 sq.m. Mineral substances can not be added near the trunk. Roots that are maximally absorb useful substances, are around the circumference of the tree, and not in the center.

Tip: It is important to correctly verify the time to make fertilizers. If they are too early to make them, you can stimulate the growth of the branches.

Fertilizing green fertilizers

Siderats are universal assistance in fertilizing garden trees. Green assistants fight weeds, nourish, restore balance. It is enough to scatter seeds into a loose land around the tree, pour, and soon shoots will appear.

At the occurrence of cold, the green mass will fall around the tree. Siderates contain beneficial nitrogen and other nutrients. Natural components of such fertilizer will not harm neither man nor the tree. At the same time, such fertilizer is very well absorbed by trees.

Autumn watering after harvest

It is extremely important to regularly water before the onset of cold weather. The rains usually go in the fall regularly. However, exceptions are still. Therefore, if the fall is arid, an additional watering is needed. On the soils it is necessary to water necessarily, otherwise the tree will not have time to soak moisture.

When irrigation, it is important not to overdo it. Ten buckets on one young tree will be enough. To maximize moisture saving near the roots, you can make a layer of mulch. Speakers are well suited, hay. Experienced gardeners notice that if the winter is 1.5 m in depth to the winter, then its freezing is practically excluded.

Wood shelter

In addition to feeding and trimming, it is important to protect the tree from rodents after harvesting. Hares can cause strong harm to the young tree, it may not survive. Older cherries will hurt for a long time and do not give normal fruiting. Therefore, all trees need to be covered from the hares. For this suitable along plastic bottles, burlap. It is necessary to wind the trunk of the tree with protective materials. Also from rodents you can use special bait.

It must be remembered that the sun is very active in winter. The absence of foliage can lead to solar burns on the crust of a young seedling. Spanbond or burlap will be suitable for shelter. Good feeding and timely watering will be prevented by sun burns. Cracious frosts will not be terrible for a strong, healthy tree.

Tip: "Storm" or "Clean House" will help to protect against rodents, laid out near Norque.

Prevention from diseases after harvest

For sweet cherries the most dangerous diseases are the cockel and gray rot. Often the plant is striking a holey spotty. If the first signs of the disease are visible, it is necessary to urgently conduct therapeutic procedures. As prevention from infecting adjacent plants, it is necessary to urgently remove the affected shoots. It is impossible to leave them on the plot. They need to burn or remove from the site.

Sick plants need to be treated with burgundy liquid. She will help the cherry to recover. After harvesting, fruits may remain on the plant. You can not allow them to rot on Earth. Fallen fruits are necessarily assembled and destroyed. Rotary fruit leads to the emergence of fungal diseases.

Attentive and careful care for cherries after harvest is a prerequisite for obtaining new berries for the next year. Not the last role for the plant plays the quality of the Earth, climatic conditions. The fulfillment of the necessary rules for the care of the culture will be the key to a healthy and beautiful garden.

Trimming cherry after fruiting

Autumn trimming of bone crops is also important as spring. After completion of the fruiting, the trees go to the state of rest, preparing for the next season. Autumn trimming of cherries and sweet cherries will extend the life of trees, increase their yield and protect against many diseases.

Terms and features of cherry trimming after harvest

By the end of the summer, when the cherry was already replicated, the next stage comes - preparation for the winter. The active development of the plant ceases, and slows down the process of the Softness.

The optimal deadlines for trimming after harvesting: from the end of August to the beginning of November. In the northern regions, the procedure is carried out as early as possible, and in the southern - later. But you should not wait for frosts - it will negatively affect the health of the tree.

Before proceeding with trimming, it is necessary to find out how the bush cherry and the tree is formed correctly. Each of them has its own characteristics, therefore, the pruning procedure passes in different ways.

Common for bush and tree cherry is sanitary trimming. Upon completion of the fruiting, it is necessary to remove all dried, damaged or affected branches, and then burn them to avoid the spread of infection.

Rules trimming a bush cherry

Young plants landed this year do not cut. More adult cherries with autumn onset need thinning. You should remove all branches and shoots that thicken the crown:

  • growing in an unnecessary direction: inside the crown, down, under an acute angle;
  • running together;
  • cross-in-law.

Thus, the Kushni bush has already been prepared for the active development of annual shoots, on which fruiting occurs. Do not be afraid to remove all major branches, except skeletal, giving development smaller. All sections need to be treated with garden ward.

Rules trimming tree cherry

The formation of a tree cherry is different from the bush. Upon completion of fruiting, it is necessary to carry out.

During the formation, it should be borne in mind that the lowest skeletal branches should have an angle of inclination no more than 40 degrees from the conductor, since they can continue to break.

The tree stack should be at least 0.8 m, and not to have shoots, so all branches are removed below, like root piglers. The branches of the first tier should not have processes growing down, they also need to trim.

In the middle and upper tiers, the branches can grow horizontally - they begin to be fruitful, and give a rich harvest, but it is necessary to cut those shoots that claim the place of the central conductor (large and long).

Sylopal varieties of cherry in autumn should shorten the central conductor on one side branch.

In the case when the annual shooting of shoots was less than 30 cm, it is necessary to carry out a strong rejuvenating trimming - it will give a stimulus to the tree to develop a young piglery next year. All sections should be carried out with a sterile tool and process the garden harr.

Cushion trimming after fruiting

The autumn trimming of sweet cherries immediately come immediately after the tree reset the leaves. It is necessary to complete the procedure until the end of September, otherwise the sections will be exhausted longer and painful.

Like the cherry, the cherry is cut into several stages. First of all, the sanitary trimming is carried out, removing patients, dried and broken branches. Then they make breaking: shoots growing under an acute angle or inside the crowns are removed to the very base. The final stage is shortening: annual branches cut into one third of length.

Cushioning after fruiting should be carried out with garden saw. Use the secret is not recommended because the wounds applied to them longer are healing. In the autumn period, the plant maximize the nutrients for easier wintering, so the process of healing of cuts should not take a lot of forces in the plant.

Crimping the Xersum after harvest

Another name of this culture is "Duke" (from Eng. May Duck). Care of this hybrid is similar to cherries. The main task of autumn trimming trees at the end of the fruiting is to remove patients and damaged branches, to break the crown and shorten the annual growths per 1/5 of their length.

The main feature of the trimming of the side branches: the greater the angle of inclination from the conductor - the weaker the pruning. The branches that depart from the trunk at an angle of 90 degrees are not shortened at all, but only pinch, removing the top kidney. Due to this, biscuit branches will be actively developing in the next year.

All sections, even the most minor (on annual escapes) you need to process special paste: Rannet or garden var. You can also use oil paint based on olifa - this will prevent the ingress of pathogenic infections.

The soil is almost the most important thing that the success of the cultivation of certain herbal crops will depend on the cultivation. Cherries belong to trees that are easily carrying dryness, but even in this case, it is necessary to give a particular attention to the tree feeding. In order for the tree to give a stable and good harvest, did not hurt and bloomed everyone for joy, you need to perform the following types of feeding:

  • preparation of soil for planting of a tree;
  • feeding cherry spring;
  • feeding cherry in summer;
  • cherry feeding in autumn.
  • Separate attention should be paid to feeding cherries

    It is important to know that the presence of the above types of feeding does not mean constant feeding of trees and soil all year round. There are a few simple rules that are important to remember not to make procedures with soil too often.

  • Cherry feeding with organic fertilizers produced once every 2-3 years under the autumn soil resistance.
  • It is best to make it possible every 3 years.
  • Processing 3% nitrophenium solution (for disease prevention) produce every 3 years.
  • Preparation of soil for planting of a tree

    Soil under the bone trees should be kept under black ferry. This means that the Earth should be always possible in loose and clean from weeds. For this, shrubs and plants are also plants between the trees that prevent the appearance of weeds. Processing should be carried out early in spring, and then depending on the presence and number of weeds.

    Recent treatments fall at the end of summer, and after that time, any work with the Earth should be stopped, even if there are weeds, since new fruit plants can easily appear at loose land, which is extremely undesirable with the impending winter.

    After harvesting it is necessary to feed the tree by minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium

    Spring cherry feeding

    In the spring, it is necessary to make useful trace elements in the priority circles. This is done in the period before flowering, and it is this method that is, because at this time there are still little foliage on the trees, and usually it is through the leaves a tree gets the substances you need. We advise you to use urea as a feed - 50 g. The urea is 10 liters of water, or ammonium saltitour.

    If, for some reason, the previous stage is missed, while flowering can be filled with cherry. Such feeding is also made by nitrogen-containing products, but the root method. In addition to nitrogen-containing, you can use green fertilizers and chicken litter. Using litter Be careful - its excessive content in the soil can damage the root system of the tree.

    Next, you must definitely feed the tree with organic substances: it may be manure, compost or organic mixtures. This stage is carried out in the period after flowering. ATTENTION, this stage is very important, since it is when the development of fruits begins, a hardwater is needed and the yield of the tree will depend on this. The organic needs to be introduced in a liquid form, pumping the soil near the trunk and pouring a mixture / solution (the more dry the weather, the fat solution).

    Cherry feeding in summer

    In the summer, the cherry feed several times. For clarity, we have created the following table for you:

    How to protect the cherry from pests and disease

    Photo.4. Cherry cockel

    The main pests and diseases of Cherry:

  • Cherry bloss
  • Cherry Dumplings
  • Cherry Escape Mol
  • Monilion, gray rot
  • Klaasternosporiosis (holey spottedness of leaves)
  • Cherry cockel
  • Antraznosis cherry

    Cherry wave.

    Adult clock - black, shiny, up to 2 mm. Winter eggs on young branches. In the spring, at the beginning of the blooming of the kidneys, the larvae appear, which turn into a founder female, giving rise to new generations.

    On the tops of the shoots, the lower side of the leaves, the flowers appear entire colonies of floss, sucking plant juice. The leaves dry out, shoots deform. In the summer, some of the winged individuals flew to the root siblings of the cherries, weeds of therapy. In autumn, they return to the tree again.

    Fighting cherry tool. Cutting roasting rigs from cherry, the destruction of weeds, especially the podmarnik. In the period from the dissolution of the kidneys before the appearance of buds, the trees, dandelion, tobacco, garlic, yarrow or ash, effectively spraying the trees.

    With a high population of pests, it is necessary to use pesticides: an inta-vir or spark (1 tablet on 10 liters of water), or 0.1% decisum solution (1 ampoule on 10 liters of water). Spray trees need in the evening, in mad weather. The last term of treatment is 20 days before harvest.

    Cherry Dumplings

    Bronze-green beetle with a raspberry shade, about 1 cm long, winter in the soil. It appears on the trees during flowering and feeds on the kidneys, flowers, and then urins. At the end of June - the beginning of July, female tear off the flesh of green fruits and lay the eggs on the bone, of which the larvae are born in 7-14 days. They eaten the core of the bone.

    Damaged fruits are premature. With a mass reproduction of pests, the harvest can be completely destroyed.

    How and what to treat. To destroy the pests who have left for wintering in the fall, the soil loan is necessary under the trees. From the moment of dissolving the kidneys and before the start of the binding of fruits, early in the morning (at temperatures below 10 ° C) it is necessary to shake the beetles from the trees and destroy.

    If there are a lot of them, after flowering and re-in a week, the trees spray an int-virus (1 tablet on 10 liters of water) or carbofosomes (75 g on the waters).

    Of the new drugs are fufanon (10 ml on 10 liters of water) and kinmix (2.5 ml per 10 liters of water).

    Cherry Escape Mol

    In the summer, a small petty butterfly, in the spring and early June, a yellowish-green caterpillar. The extinguished spring caterpillars bite into the kidneys that dry out.

    In appearance, damaged gains seem victims from frosts. In the future, the caterpillars feed on young leaves, entangling their web. With the appearance of buds, the stamens stretch, then wound up. At the end of May - early June, caterpillars go into the soil to a depth of 3-5 cm for pounding. In early July, butterflies fly out, which near the kidneys lay eggs.

    How and what to lime? The loosening of the priority circles in early June, when the caterpillars go into the soil. Spraying the trees of an inta-virus (1 tablet on the waters), or 0.1% desisis (1 ampoule on the hive of water), or 0.1% act car (10 g per 10 liters of water) during swelling and dissolving kidney.

    Cherry mucous sawlist

    Small flying insects of black, larvae resemble small leeches. They winter in the soil at a depth of 10-15 cm, pound in late spring.

    In July, adult insects lay eggs into the pulp of the sheet. The extensive larvae eat leaves to the residences, scraping the pulp on the top side. Damaged leaves are pretended prematurely.

    How and what to lime? After harvesting, when the sawmologist is harmful, spraying your inta-virus trees or sparking (1 tablet on 10 liters of water), or 0.1% act (10 g per 10 liters of water).

    On the cherry moniliosis gray rot

    Monylize, monilial burn, or gray bone rot. Mushroom disease.

    The flowers affected by them, the leaves are fading and dry out, externally become very similar to the burnt. On the fruits are formed ash-gray pads. Sometimes rotten cherries acquire a dark leaful color and look lacquered (mummify).

    Most of them are falling, but some remain hanging until the spring of next year. Mushroom Winters in affected inflorescences, dried blinds, branches and dry fruits.

    How and what to treat. To get rid of sources of infection, you need to collect and destroy the fruit-affected disease. Sick branches are cut with a grip of a healthy tissue by 10-15 cm, and then burned.

    Early spring (before the dissolution of the kidneys) trees and the soil around them should be treated with 3% iron vigor (300 g of 10 liters of water) or 3% burglar liquid (300 g per 10 liters of water).

    Another recipe: in the spring before flowering (by buds), it is overpowering topxin-M (10 g per 10 liters of water) and immediately after flowering with 1% burglar liquid (100 g of 10 liters) or 0.4% copper chlorocation ( 40 g on 10 liters of water).

    On the cherry Klyasheporiosis (a holey spottedness of the leaves)

    Klaasternosporiosis (holey spotting leaves). Mushroom disease.

    I am striking the leaves, shoots and the fruits of bone crops. Patients in spring on the leaves appear red-brown spots.

    After one or two weeks, the cloth in their place falls (through holes are formed).

    On sick shoots, reddish spots appear, the cortex cracks, the gum stands out. Fruits dried up, become ugly. The disease develops more in wet, warm weather. The causative agent of the disease in the form of mushrooms on the annual growths and branches.

    How and what to treat? To localize sources of infection, the collection and destruction of fallen leaves and fruits is necessary. Sick branches must be cut, wounds with a gamoture to clean and smear the garden wrair or oil paint. Trees spray with the same drugs that are recommended for the treatment of moniliosis.

    What is cherry cockel

    Cockclock Mushroom disease. More often the leaves are affected, sometimes the fruits of cherries and sweet cherries. First on the surface of the leaves, reddish-brown dots appear. Then they merge and grow into spots.

    From the bottom side of the leaves, a white-pink flask appears - the spioning of the fungus, and they prematurely shook. The affected fruits are deformed, they remain unreasonable, not suitable for food. Wintering pathogen in fallen leaves.

    How and what to treat. To destroy the infection at the end of summer (immediately after harvesting), near sick trees need to collect leaves, and then burn. With the strong development of the disease in the fall, after leaffall, trees and soil are sprayed with a 4% urea solution (400 g per 10 liters of water). In spring, the green cone is carried out with a 3% burglar liquid (300 g per 10 liters of water). Immediately after flowering, the processing of 0.1% solution of topxin-M (10 g per 10 liters of water) is effective. If it is not at hand, you can repeat the spraying with a 1% burgundy liquid (100 g per 10 liters of water) or 0.4% copper chlorokis (40 g per 10 liters of water), or a drug of the speed (1 ampoule on 10 liters water).

    Antraznosis cherry

    Antraznosis cherry is a mushroom disease. From him in recent years, the cherry suffered more and more often. Fruits are mostly affected. During ripening, dull spots appear on them, then small dark tuberculk appear on which a pink color is subsequently formed. In dry weather, patients with cherries are mummified, it seems that they dried in the sun. During the years with a wet, rainy summer, the number of fruits affected by anthracnose can reach 80%.

    How and what to treat. To get rid of sources of infection, sore fruits are collected and destroyed. From the chemicals are effectively treatment with polyram. It is bred (20 g per 10 liters of water) and three times spray trees: the first time before flowing, the second - immediately after flowering and the third - 2 weeks after the second processing.

    Anatoly Mikheev, Candidate S.-H. Science

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    Features of care - how to grow cherry?

    The cherry does not need special courting, but for the constant preparation of excellent harvest, high-quality berries should be carefully caring for a tree, observing certain rules. Care includes many mandatory events.

    Cherry care rules in autumn and winter

    Watering. Waterproof irrigation is required at mandatory as:

  • helps autumn roots growth;
  • maintains heat soil;
  • prevents winter drainage;
  • protects the root system from frostbite.
  • Watering it is advisable for 2-3 weeks before the onset of frosts at the end of September or early October.

    The amount of water is calculated on the basis of weather phenomena. If in the summer months there was arid weather, then about 10 buckets of water, it is necessary to have a well-developed tree, but in the presence of rains, the waterproofing irrigation is not carried out, since it can provoke the direction of the root system.

    Making appropriate fertilizers. Autumn is the best time for feeding bone trees. It uses overwhelmed manure, compost, chicken litter, since these components contribute to stable fruiting, rapid growth, protect against all sorts of diseases.

    Also used complex mineral feeders that are combined specifically for fruit trees. But the organizing agent is characterized by a deficit of such substances necessary substances such as potassium and phosphorus that affect fruction and help to cope with winter cold and with fungal diseases.

    You can replace these substances of ordinary wood ash. The amount of nutrients depends on the age of the plant, the state of the soil and climatic conditions.

    It is necessary to know that the excess number of fertilizers can harm the tree.

    Conducting repeated or rejuvenating trimming. Cherry, like all fruiting trees requires trimming in the fall, as this event will allow:

  • shape a beautiful crown;
  • rejuvenate;
  • remove patients and dried branches;
  • improve harvest quality.
  • Terms of trimming are established in accordance with the climate, on average begin with mid-September and until the end of November. An important condition is to cut when the plant dropped the foliage and necessarily before the onset of cold and frost.

    The young trees do not cut, as they have not had time to form a crown, and the rapid twigs may die from the cold. Further trimming is carried out annually and provides for the removal of dry, sick branches. Once every three years need to be cut out of the whole major increase that overly thickens the crown.

  • Balance of the soil in the coil circle. In the fall, you should switch the soil to a depth of 15 cm, but not more, so as not to damage the roots and carefully dispel. This will contribute to improved growth, as well as air intake to the roots of the plant.
  • Cleaning fallen leaves. Padalitsa under the fruit tree must be removed and disposed of, and fallen leaves gather and burn, so as not to provoke the appearance, the development of many diseases whose pathogens remain on the leaves.
  • Maximum cortex protection. Young trees in winter can suffer from frosts, so in the fall, their roots and trunks from the freezing should be covered. For this, the strains of cherries older than two years need to be wrapped with such breathable material as burlap, fiberglass, and can also be tied with a spruce vegetable. The base of the trunk is better to wind up a plastic mesh, which will be a reliable protection against rodents.
  • It is also necessary to make the processing of cherry in the fall, using a whitewash. The trunks of adult plants need this event, as it protects the bark from the harmful effects of the scoring rays of the sun in winter, as well as the riguses of rodents, especially when adding iron sulphate. Only it is impossible to break the strains very early, since the rains will melt whiten.

    If it is properly caring for a plant in the fall, then in the spring it will delight with snow-white blossom, and in the summer will give an expected excellent harvest.

    Tips for professional gardeners Many of our readers for a rich crop actively apply effective biographer biographer. This fertilizer is suitable for any species and varieties of grown plants. Allows you to increase yield by 50% without hazardous chemicals. And all that for this you need - 2-3 times for the season to make bio-fobties into the soil.

    Tree in winter also requires attention. At this time, you need to follow the protective material, which plant was tied up and to bind a new one as needed. In order not to allow the twigs to rush in winter, it is necessary to remove snow.

    To ensure additional protection against cold weather, you can trust the trunk with a dense layer of the snow, and to the top decompose the sawdust or straw, after having grinding it. This contributes to the delay in flowering for a week, while reducing the likelihood of flowerflows under the spring frost.

    Spring and Summer Events

    In order for the cherry to be characterized by a strong, healthy and beautiful plant, properlyness should be given to care in the spring period, which will provide excellent fruiting and generous harvest. For this, after a long wintering, it is necessary to help her recover from frosts and begin the process of preparing for fruiting.

    For this, there are a number of events:

    Pruning damaged shoots, twigs and crown formation. It is important to do pruning correctly, as it will play a significant role in the development of the plant. Cutting, you should get rid of dried, extinct, weakened branches. This procedure is to make kidney swelling, so as not to weaken the plant and does not harm it.

    Mandatory in the cultivation of seedlings is the timely formation of the crown, in order to avoid thickening, creating an appropriate form. You should remove the shoots that grow inward, to ensure the light and maturity of berries, thereby increasing their taste, as well as for the convenience of harvesting.

  • Processing of bark damage. It is also worth viewing the bark and sections that are damaged, carefully clean and treat special means. Excellent prophylactic action gives treatment with a solution of copper sulfate and whitewashes. The limestral solution is used, processing the soil next to the tree, which will help to protect from all kinds of diseases and pests.
  • The loosening of the priority circle under the tree. Early spring soil is dripping to:

  • protect roots from overheating;
  • keep moisture in the soil;
  • radd from the crust appeared on the surface of the earth, which prevents oxygen penetration.
  • Making feeding.

    This is one of the main treatment procedures in the spring, from which health and stable fruiting cherry will depend on. The feeding should be done before the start of flowering. To do this, add nitrogen fertilizers, saltra, urea to the ground near the village.

    The best feeding is manure mixed with ash. Spring watering is needed in the process of adding fertilizers and when the first fruit is formed. In arid weather, watering must be strengthened.

  • At this time, a plant should be controlled, as in the spring it can easily become infected with diseases, such as diseases such as cokkkomikosis and moniliosis. Pest prevention includes spring processing of plants using biopreparations and insecticides. The most favorable time of work in April, until the juice moves.

    In order to protect the cherry, you need to spray using a burglar mixture or azophos. To achieve maximum effect, you need to combine the use of these drugs by alternating them.

    In June, when the grays and the end of the growth of shoots, it is necessary to harrow and cultivate soil, remove weeds. To tie a significant amount of fruit and the best bookmark of fruit renal, liquid root feeders should be repeated using organic and mineral fertilizers and with arid weather to water with subsequent soil.

    In June, at the end of the growth of shoots and the ripening of fruits, the following works are required: the cultivation of the soil, carrying out measures to scare birds, eyepiece.

    Critting for the plant in August includes the careful collection of ripe berries, as well as the treatment of cherries by means against diseases such as a holey spotty and cocci.

    You should not neglect the care of the fruit tree.

    Before starting to carry out all the necessary care events, you need to get an answer to the question of how to care for the cherries correctly and in the process of work to follow all recommendations.

    All efforts will certainly be rewarded, the plant will definitely delight with delicious fruits, which are sources of many useful substances, and also possess healing properties.

    The cherry belongs to the most popular garden culture, which is comparable to some berries. The cherry is a rather capricious and demanding church for which regular feeding needs. To quickly get sweet fruits, from which you can subsequently prepare fragrant jam and compote, it is important to comply with the following recommendations:

  • The most ideal location of the trees is if the apiary is nearby. You can attract bees to the cherry with the help of jam jams suspended to the trunk or you can simply splash with sugar syrup.
  • The first feeding must be carried out before flowering, when the kidneys did not appear. To do this, produce root incubation of nutrients. For these purposes, an ammonia nitra will become indispensable. After fertilizing, the tree is plentifully water.

    So that the plant does not throw off the marking during flowering, it is also recommended to feed it. Organic fertilizers and a chicken litter solution will not be possible by the way. Be sure to see the concentration, because high doses can have a negative impact on the root system.

    Of course, it is possible and fertilize the plant after flowering, but here you need to rely on the state of the soil. If the soil is wet from rain, then phosphorous-potash fertilizers are introduced in a dry form, and if the weather is arid, they fertilize the divorced compositions.

    Facely the cherry after harvest

    Cherry cockel. When and how to process?

    How things are in your areas, I do not know, but judging by the information from the Internet and the media, it can be assumed that throughout the middle lane, and in the south and north-west of the European part of Russia, the Cherry Cherry Coccosis is approximately the same. Cherry gardens disappear simply before the eyes. All old varieties, Town, Turgenevka, Lyubovaya, Vladimirskaya, etc. Strongly exposed and do not have a tangible stability to the cockclock. What to do gardeners, is it worth it to grow in our difficult time the cherry in the garden plot, or refuse her in favor of other fruit trees and shrubs? But what about the charming cloud of snow-white blooming cherries? How is the spoon-other than the cooked fragrant, with sourness, cherry jam? How. Finally, a cherry leaf in a jar with salty cucumbers.

    I think that it's no need to delay the intrigue in such an exciting gardener. Let's say clearly and clear - you can cope with COFCKOR Cherry to such a position when the cultivation of cherry makes sense. Fully overcome this fungus and relax - it is unlikely possible.

    What is worth paying attention to when landing the cherries in the European part of Russia (I heard that the Siberia is not so sad in Siberia) ... first. Cherry varieties. Until you heard about stable and even tolerant cherry varieties to the cockclock. The maximum that we can count today is average stability. Although the work on the removal of cherry-resistant cocvirosis are not stopped.

    Plots of leaves affected by the mushroom, after the use of fungicides, dry out. But the spread of the disease is terminated.

    What kind of cherry varieties should be planted?

    Nord Star. (USA). It is considered to be resistant to the cockclock variety, but again, is amazed by moniliosis. The village of small growth, but the fruits are acidic, but are suitable for compotes and jarry.

    Robin. Mattering trees (about 3.m.). The variety is relatively resistant to the cockclock. Fruits are large, sour-sweet taste.

    Dessert frost. Delicious, winter hardy. Berries are large. The trees are average, distinguished by increased resistance to the cockclock.

    Memory of Vavilov. Increased cockclock resistance. Tall trees, fruit large, light burgundy. The taste is good, it is suitable for use and fresh. Unfortunately, it is amazed by moniliosis.

    Of course, this is not a complete list. There are still dozen or more relative to stable varieties, but we are mainly selling these. I would recommend that you pay attention to the lowest or average grade, they are much easier to handle ...

    About processing.

    Without the processing of fungicides, growing the cherry becomes almost unreal. If only your site is distinguished from other cherries, plums and other bone a few kilometers, then can something happen. But in ordinary country conditions - processing are the guarantor of the crop and the life of the tree. And before dealing, when processing. Let's take a short look at the biology of the mushroom itself.

    What is a kokkkomikosis? This is a fungal disease of the bone, mainly cherries, but drain, apricot, etc. is also affected. Caused by Blumeriella Jaapii fungi (Soslais Hiemalis). On the territory of Russia there are 4 races of pathogenic fungus. The disease begins with small, reddish points on the top surface of the sheet. Red, however, quickly replaces with red on brown, brown. After 6-8 weeks, the affected sections of the sheet often fall, forming holes. If the cutters are affected - leaves the sheet entirely. In any case, the affected leaf will soon turn yellow and falls much earlier than the term.

    In the spring, on time, roughly coinciding with the flowering of cherries, or a little later, the disputes awaken from the winter hook, and the wind and small droplets of the rain, spread to the leaves of the trees standing nearby. If you have just appearing leaves, and with favorable weather conditions (raw, dew, rain), the disputes germinate and are introduced into the leaf tissue. At this time, the flow of leaves is not very active, firstly the leaves themselves are still small, there are few of them, and secondly, the disputes need to rise from the ground to the leaves I.T.P. Therefore, the leaves on the lower branches are affected first.

    After a couple of weeks, when the disease will develop on the affected leaves, from the bottom side, begins to form confidium mushrooms. And already with the help of these conidium, healthy leaves are infected during the rain on the sick tree or neighboring trees. This happens quickly and massively. If summer is raw, then untreated trees are amazed entirely.

    In the end, the leaves fall out, in severe cases, at the end of June, trees are naked. It is clear that such a tree does not have time to accumulate enough nutrients for the winter, and dies from the cold even in a relatively warm winter.

    What we can do? It is necessary to stop the development of the disease at the earliest stage.

    The first processing is carried out "on the green cone" - when the kidney is swollen and are about to dissolve. Why do it do? After all, we know that the disputes of mushrooms are sleeping on fallen leaves? Rather, just in case to avoid randomly single infections.

    It is advisable to spend the second processing at the time of flowering, closer to the end of flowering. This treatment will also protect the cherries and from moniliosis. On time it coincides with the mass "fly", the argument of the dispute.

    Third processing is carried out depending on the situation. If you all have done qualitatively and the disease does not raise - then proceed immediately after harvesting. And if signs of kokkomicosis, in the form of red specks, still appeared, then the third time you need to process 2-3 weeks after flowering. Why at this time? Because it was then that the mushrooms embraced in the tissue begin to produce offspring - Conidia.

    The last processing is carried out after the leaffall, according to fallen leaves, so as not to give to the disputes.

    The main thing is to remember when processing - own security. This is especially true of systemic fungicides with mankuccy in composition. It is not permissible inhalation of the sprayed substance when spraying, the skin getting into the skin is also not allowed. At a minimum, buy a respirator and work in closed clothes.

    I will add a whitewash. It would seem - where does the whitewashes and the cokkkomikosis? I believe that there is a connection. If we take the old, good, lime blotch, with the addition of copper or iron mood, and paint the whitewash the whole tree, from the legs to the head. Naturally, we are talking about young seedlings or low grades.

    It follows in the fall, after leaffall. Such whitewashing will not only protect the village from Morozoboin, but also destroy the spores stuck in cracks.

    Well, we will spray and bleve, waiting for sustainable varieties of cherry. Good yields to us. Write comments about your ways and methods of combating cherry disease.

    In the fall, when the last leaves are flying out with sweet cherries and the tree is preparing for the winter peace, she is worth forgetting the gardener. After all, it is exactly the time when the tree requires a lot of care, soil processing, trimming branches and protection against approaching winter frosts.

    Below are concrete instructions for treating sweets in the autumn period, guided by which you can easily and quickly give your garden in order.

    The soil is the main environment, from the state and the fertility of which depends on the growth and development of the tree, the formation of fruits. Therefore, the jumping and fertilizer of the soil around the cherry trunk should occur with a certain frequency, but regularly. Many people think that since the tree does not bloom in winter and does not be fruit, then there is no need to care for soil.

    In fact, even in winter, the root system of wood should have a sufficient number of both air and water. After all, a tree is a living organism, which, although it flows into the conditional "winter hibernation", but still to maintain vital activity, should have power supplies with the necessary substances.

    Proper fertilizer of soil in the autumn period

    In most cases, gardeners believe that it is necessary to fertilize the sneaker in the spring. After all, it is in the spring that she needs many nutrients that will be favorable to affect the growth of the tree and on other vegetative processes.

    All this is right, but one very important nuance is not taken into account - the fertilizer-contributed in the spring will only be degraded in the soil and only slowly and gradually go to the roots, when the tree is already blooming, and the berries will have time for it. So that the tree had a good feeding at the time of flowering - put fertilizer in autumn.

    However, it is also important not to guess with a suitable time period when you need to make feeding. After all, if you make fertilizers too early and they, thanks to the good moisture of autumn soil, will begin to decompose, it may be stimulated by the growth of cherry shoots, which is very dangerous for wood (in front of winter with harsh frosts). Therefore, fertilizers need to be made before the most frosts..

    If you live in the Seven region, it can be October or the second half of it. If in a more central part of the country - the beginning of November. South if frosts did not get to the territory of this region, fertilize the sinner can even in winter.

    Cherry feeding can be carried out in the fall both using mineral fertilizers and organic. Best is the combination of both those and others.

    Organic fertilizers in particular are humus and compost, best to pin underground. At the same time, the soil layer, which should cover them, should be at least 20 centimeters. It is necessary in order to even in the absence of snow, fertilizers did not roll animals or they did not blown to the winds.

    Also, at such a depth, they will begin to decompose faster and will rather get to the roots of cherry. If you do not have the above fertilizers, a good replacement can be peat. After all, it is also a natural substance consisting of the accumulated semi-pressed remnants of plants connected to mineral impurities.

    Among the mineral fertilizers in the fall it is best to make in the soil around cherry superphosphates and ureawhich is a nitrogen carrier. Very often using dry mineral fertilizers, gardeners are simply sprinkled with a diverse soil. However, in dry areas of natural moisture, the soil may not be enough to dissolve the crystals of fertilizers.

    Therefore, it is better not to risk and dissolve the fertilizer in water, and then it is already pouring them a cherry. It is categorically impossible to use too much mineral fertilizers, because they can burn the root system. Their quantity will depend on the fertility of the soil, but to make more than 200 grams of each fertilizer on 1m2 is not recommended.

    Wherein, watering is needed by the abnormal circle, that is, where there is the largest number of roots capable of sucking the received fertilizers.

    Very important advice - in no case should the fertilizer should be made directly under the cherry barrel.

    After all, directly under the strab are large roots, which only tolerate nutrients to the tree, but are not able to absorb them. Therefore, both organic fertilizers and minerals are better to bring along the periphery of the near-break circle, at a distance of 0.7-1 meters from the tree trunk.

    Soil looser - benefits and basic instructions

    The main task that gardeners pursue, jumping around the soil around the cherry in the fall, is the saturation of it as necessary for the root system by air. Also, thanks to the rescope soil can more effectively pass through itselfAnd it does not compact too much during the winter season under the influence of the severity of snow.

    Soil treatment can be carried out both around the perimeter of the near-break circle, and contain all the soil on the area under the black ferry. In the first embodiment, the diameter of the near-break circle for the second year after it should be at least 1 meter. Every year in place with rising sweet cherry, this circle should be increased, stretching it for another 0.5 meter. At the edges of the nearby circle, it is necessary to make a shower of about 5 centimeters to use it for watering and making mineral fertilizers.

    At the step of pinching shovel in the soil, it is necessary to depth, about 6-8 centimeters. But in the event that more severe soils dominate on your site, it is necessary to jump up the soil by 8-11 centimeters. After that, it is very important to meditate all the durable soil. Due to this, the soil will be much longer to remain moistened.

    The abnormal soil can be constantly kept under black ferry. However, this method has both its advantages and disadvantages.

    The whole essence is that basin of the soil around the cherry is carried out throughout its growing seasonIn addition to loosening, the soil is carefully cleaned from all weeds. Due to this, moisture in the soil will be preserved much longer. Thus, it will be possible to water the cherry. In addition, this method allows you to constantly maintain the required amount of air in the soil and will benefitly affect the activities of microorganisms.

    But still, using a black pair method, it is important and consider those flaws that it can cause. Permanent content in such a state of the soil around the cherry can cause a cessation of arable horizon. In the consequence of constant removal of weeds, changes in the water-physical characteristics of the soil may occur, as well as to reduce its fertility.

    To prevent this, it is recommended at a period of 2-3 years to abandon it and sailing ground-haul soil cropsand to make reproduction on her weeds. Bean crops can be used as a sederal crops, as they saturate the soil with a large amount of nitrogen (replace about 4 kilograms of humidiation or manure). Good affects the soil growing mustard, torn rape, oats.

    Rules and deadlines for autumn watering

    If autumn goes into the second decade and does not make it rains at all, the soil in the garden can dry. However, we have already indicated above how negatively it can affect the cherry.

    Therefore, promination Polv. in this case must be mandatory. After all, as gardeners and agronomists indicate, if the soil is carefully moistened to a depth of 1.5-2 meters - then its freezing in winter is actually excluded, which will allow you to maintain the intact tree roots. Thus, even despite the abundance of rainfall, it is possible to simply check how deeply soil is deeply moistened, and it's independently correcting the situation.

    If you have no opportunity or soil did not need regular irons in the summer, then in the fall on 1m2 of the rolling circle of cherry, you need to use up to 100 liters of water. (that is, up to 10 buckets).

    If after the summer the soil dried only to a depth of 0.6-0.7 meters, then the water is needed much less. At the same time, during the winter period, the cherry will not be able to use all the moisture deposited into the soil, so in the spring watering can not even carry out - the tree will be enough water for effective entry into the vegetative period.

    Water with a sneaker before the onset of winter, you can only on certain types of soil. In favor of the tree, such water will go if the cherry is growing on forest, samp or podzolic soils. If the soil contains a lot of clay, and it is also located in the lowland - it is better to abandon such a part of the care of cherries.

    It is very important that such a type of irrigation is carried out along with cherry feeding. If, after applying fertilizers, you are pollying the soil, then nutrients will be able to get directly to the root system of the tree. Also, do not forget to mulch the soil. This should not be done immediately, but 2-4 days after watering.

    Autumn trimming of a cherry tree

    At various Internet forums of gardeners and in special editions dedicated to the peculiarities of cultivation and care of cherries, very different opinions are expressed about whether it is possible to trust this tree autumn.

    Opponents argue that such a late trimming before the onset of frosts can only damage the cherry. After all, this tree is not able to quickly delay their wounds, and in the absence of the necessary conditions will be sick.

    In particular, tree fabrics can freezethat in turn causes the cracking of the crust, and later - fruit rot. Even if the robots on the removal of branches are conducted, then the sections of the sections must be cleaned with the help of a garden knife, and then treat Gardened Wara.

    On the other hand, it is in the fall, you can effectively remove all damaged and affected branchesBy reducing, thus, the likelihood of the dissemination of the disease throughout the wood. After, in this case, all remote branches should be burned along with fallen leaves.

    Formation of the crown of a young tree

    Alone crooh cherry can form bad. This is especially true of the main conductor. It is especially important that the remaining branks in the growth of the remaining branks to 20 centimeters. Therefore, it is very important to constantly control its length, as well as adjust the length of the remaining branches. The longest should be the lower branches, and the shortest - the most upper (naturally, everything except the conductor).

    As in the fall, protect the sneaker from diseases and rodents

    In the fall, it is especially important to be taken for combating various pests and diseases that the tree suffers. Thus, you will not damage and do not affect the growth of the fruit of wood, and you will also not interfere in the natural vegetative period of cherry.

    In addition, various rodents, which are capable of making a lot of damages with a cherry garden begin to be activated at this time. If there are other trees in the garden that are affected by diseases, it is very important to carry out similar procedures and with them, since these diseases can be distributed on cherries.

    We protect the snesh from sunburn

    In order for the cherish bark not damaged by sunlight during the winter, when the internal trees are practically stopped and occur very slowly, certain measures should be taken. If we are talking about a small sapling sweet cherry - his the trunk can be covered with various thin boards.. Like a large and small tree, they are swept away with a whitewash, diluted with water. With this, the tree will not only be protected from the Sun, but also from different pests.

    Autumn frosts - how to protect the cherry?

    Autumn frosts are especially scary for young trees, which in the spring only were planted. Therefore, in the fall, immediately after the fallout leaves is recommended reinforcethat tree with burlap. The trunk of a tree is very important to inspire that it will not only keep water in the soil, but will keep it from freezing.

    If you have time to pour a cherry in time - this will also help the life-resistant tree in its own way, since it will be more resistant to such adverse weather conditions.

    Saplings will damage the tree less if the place for its landing was chosen correctly. In particular, in the absence of cold winds, if the tree is in a cozy and not thought out the place, the probability of damage to its frosts is automatically reduced.

    Protection of sweet cherries from pests and diseases

    To protect the sneaker from pests in spring, first of all it is important remove all damaged branches and brancheswhich were damaged by diseases or pests. If they burn them - the further distribution of disease will be stopped.

    But the greatest danger to sweet cherry in this period are mice and other rodents, who are happy to strive to enjoy her delicious bark. Therefore, as immediately after harvesting from all over the garden, it is in the fall, it is recommended to see the whole territory of the garden with the aim of finding the mink of these pests.

    Minks unfold the poisons capable of destroying them. In particular, in the gardens, such baits like "clean house" and "storm" are most often used.

    Consume a cherry for winter

    In fact, all of the above events and procedures are held not only to improve the growth of cherry and its livelihoods, but also to prepare a tree by winter. After all, most have relatively not high resistance to frosts, and can suffer greatly from them.

    Therefore, before the onset of winter, the tree must be well politically, the soil is loosened and carefully inspired. Young tree is important to tie to specially covered near him Kola. Due to this, it will be possible not to worry that the tree will break from the frosty winter wind, or under the influence of the snow burned in the spring.

    After the snow falls on the ground, it is very important to plunge the trunk of a tree and screw it as much as possible on the rolling circle. This will not freeze the soil even at very low temperatures.

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    175 once already

    At the end of May-early June, cherry season begins on store shelves and market traders. She is loved for a juicy flesh and a pleasant sweet taste. Compote, juices, wine, jams, marmalade and jam are prepared from sweet cherries, but it is best to use fruit in a fresh form. In addition to the amazing fine taste and aroma, nature endowed a cherry with a lot of useful substances, vitamins and trace elements, including iron, iodine, calcium, magnesium, potassium and others.

    For a couple of decades, the cherry was considered a tree of warm regions. Her natural range includes West Asia, Ukraine, North Africa, European countries with a temperate climate, as well as the Caucasus. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, a large number of varietal crops with high winter hardiness are derived, which are withstanding frost to -30 ° C. If the tree is frozen in the winter cold, it is later restored afterwards. This allows you to successfully grow culture and collect a good harvest in the regions of the middle strip, in the Leningrad region and the Moscow region.

    Deciding to grow fruit tree on the homestead or summer site, it is worth learn how to plant a cherry and how to care for her.

    Compliance with the basic rules for the cultivation of this culture will help prevent errors and wait for a generous harvest of juicy fragrant fruits.

    Time and landing place, seedliness

    First you need to decide when to plant a cherry. Gardeners recommend that it takes an early spring to swelling. In the southern regions it is possible to plant a sweet cherry in the fall in 2-3 weeks before the fruit of the soil. Therefore, when it is better to plant a cherry, each dacket determines independently based on its capabilities and a region of residence.

    It is necessary to approach the choice of space, because the cherry is best growing where the site meets the following requirements:

    Important! The cherry tree belongs to self-visible, so single planted tree will not give the expected harvest. In order for the tree well fertile, it is also necessary to plant a cherry next to it, the flowering time of which coincides in order for it to be a pollinator.

    In addition, Cherry can also be suitable as a neighbor, the nearest relative of cherry.

    How to grow a cherry on your site? To do this, choose high-quality planting material. You can buy seedlings in the garden center, online store or local nursery, and the third option is preferable. Saplings sold in nurseries are zoned and fit perfectly for cultivation in the conditions of this region.

    When choosing a seedling, several factors should be considered:

    Before boarding the open ground, the seedlock will have to additionally prepare - cut dry and damaged roots and put for 2 hours in the tank of a suitable size filled with water. If the root system is dried, swelling time must be increased to 8-10 hours.


    Whatever the landing time - in spring or autumn - the landing point is digging in advance. With a spring landing, this is done on the eve of winter, when landing in the fall - in 2 weeks. The optimal size of the landing pit is 0.8x0.8 m, the depth of 0.6-0.8 m.

    The soil is mixed with humus (1-2 buckets) and wood ash (1 kg). When laying a landing pit in the sandy soil, 1-2 clay buckets are added, in clay soil - the same amount of river coarse sand.

    In the spring, 0.2-0.3 kg of superphosphate is added to the prepared pit and stirred from the ground. It is not worth learning with mineral fertilizers, otherwise the plant forms strong increments that will not be caused by winter and freezed.

    How to plant a cherry to get the first harvest in 2-3 years? The procedure for actions is not very different from landing other species of trees, but has its own nuances:

    Knowing how to plant a cherry, it is easy to implement. But the cultivation of cherries, as well as any other culture, does not end the planting.

    Care and subordinate

    Care care includes traditional garden work:

    Caring for a cherry should not be ended in the ripening period of fruits. After harvesting, it is also necessary to take care of the tree - follow his health, to fight diseases and pests at the first signs of defeat. Insecticidal or fungicidal drugs will help - when the berries are removed from the tree, chemicals are not able to harm human health.

    How to care for cherries to get a strong and plentiful fruit tree? Any gardener will answer that in this matter can not do without feeding.

    Fruit trees quickly deplete fertile soil. To resume nutrient reserves, you need to regularly make fertilizers. The fertilization scheme can be divided into several stages:

    Do not neglect the advice of specialists, because the additional introduction of mineral and organic substances will give cherry for growth.

    Planting cherries and care for it is not as complicated, as it may seem at first glance. It is enough to buy a zoned seedling, choose an optimal place for him, put in accordance with the recommendations and care, as for other garden trees. After 2-3 years, a young cherry will delight the first harvest of sweet and juicy berries, the number of which will increase from year to year. But for this you need to plant on the site not one, but at once 2-3 wood with blossoms in the same period.