What is suitable for the trimmer instead of a fishing line. How to replace the line in the trimmer with steel cable


If you have "no" trimmerHe will not break his neighbor ... So, paraphrasing the famous song, you can start a story about dilemmas with manual lawn electrocuses. Most of the models of the electrotrimmers brought from other countries (from the British word Trim - trimming, haircuts) are obviously not designed for the kit of Russian near-mandal cleans, and even more than the bungyan near fences. The 1st third-party object in the grass leads to the failure of the principal work part trimmer - Coils with a fishing line. I tried to find the best line for trimmer fishing fishing line can be used. Specifically, this problem occurred at my friend Nicholas. It is natural to stroll through shopping and purchase analog Chinese spare parts (as unique branded - expensive). But what's the point to waste funds and time to subsequent reinforcement in the grass!

There is another method of exiting the created position - to move the brains and find, so to speak, "bypass" option.

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Make reed, thick dry grass and small bushes with a fishing line, especially the most common - round in the section, is quite difficult. For such cases, two-component cords will be needed, consisting of different materials: a durable metal core, which is located inside the nylon fishing line.
However, among all types of cords, this is the most expensive, and on sale it happens infrequently, so finding it difficult. But there is an opportunity to make an analogue of such a working element of the trimmer with their own hands from quite affordable and inexpensive materials.


Everything you need to work can be found in the household or buy in the store, spending quite some money:
  • a segment of a two-millimeter steel cable (metal rope);
  • a puck with a slotted central hole and a flat washer;
  • a cup-shaped sleeve with a central smooth hole;
  • left-hand thread nut (included in the trimmer kit);
  • six nuts with rounded upper faces;
  • two bolts;
  • standard solder.

Tools that will be needed for us, can also be attributed to rare and increasing subjects:
  • pipes of plumbing;
  • core and hammer;
  • drill and manual file;
  • welding machine;
  • soldering iron and nippers;
  • socket key with side handle.

Production of cable cord holder

On the outer forming of the cup-shaped sleeve with the back side using a ruler and the marker, we conceal two marks on perpendicular to each other diameters.

Then, focusing on four first marks, we transfer them to the middle of the side surface of the cup-shaped bushing strictly vertically.
Click the cup-shaped sleeve into the locksmith vice and in the marked places using the core and the hammer we plan the points of drills that we do with a drill. There should be two opposite holes located on perpendicular diameters.

We clean the metal around all four holes, alternately process them with a manual file.
Over each of the four holes from the outside, we install and weld on the nut with a rounded riding.

We clamp sequentially two bolts in the vice and directly under the heads drill through holes with a diameter of a little more than two millimeters.

We retard the nuts on them and lay both bolts with screwed nuts into the annular deepening of a cup-shaped sleeve head inside symmetrically between two holes opposite each other.

The location of the bolts should be so that the nuts on them are freely twisted and unscrewed from the head and to the top of the holes drilled in them.
Making sure that the bolts are stored correctly, weld them to the sleeve on both sides.

We unwind a two-million meter cable and skip it with one end through any of the side holes in a cup of the bolt. We pass the rope hole in it and pull out the end of the rope to the outside through the hole in the sleeve on the other side of the bolt, helping himself with impositions.

We establish the desired length of the elongated Cord and, measuring the same size on the other hand, snatch the rope in the planned plaques.
We also do the same with the second "mustache", and tighten the nuts on the bolts using a horn key with an effort sufficient to reliably fix the "mustache" in the specified position.

Usually, the mustache-mustaches for large working turns quickly defectly, lose strength and start to break under the action of a huge centrifugal force. This worsens the work of the Trimmer, but what else is more dangerous, they can damage the legs of the operator or people located near.
Therefore, it is necessary to perform a shell from the solder using a soldering iron along the entire length of the "mustache" from the cable. Soft solder, which has a significant plasticity, while contacting the stems of grass and small bushes, quenches most of the strength of the blows and, thus, protects the cable from destruction. So, the homemade working body of the Trimmer is ready.

Installing the bushings with crooks-ropes on the trimmer

We remove the plastic coil with a fishing coil with a fishing line and instead we install the working trimmer body based on the steel two-million rope. We reliably tighten it with a left-hand thread nut with a side key with a side handle, strooping the drive with a screwdriver through a special hole.

We are convinced that none of the ends of the ropes hurt the protective casing, which is one of the conditions of safe operation by this tool. For this, each "ukkot" is alternately opposite the casing with an effort to stretch the hand and fix the presence of a completely noticeable gap between the ends of the mustache and the protective casing.

Self-timeline test in business

We leave with the tool to the place where weed grass and bushes grow, and turn on the trimmer, having previously closed the face with a transparent pick-up or at least protective glasses.

We are convinced that the work of trimmer with a self-made working body based on the steel rope has become much more efficient and more productive.

A warning

It is not necessary to get involved in the increase in the diameter used for the manufacture of the "beaches" of the rope. This will lead to rapid drive wear and even breakdown of the Trimmer engine, especially if it is electric, due to increased effort. Also, the likelihood of obtaining severe injuries increases, if it breaks around on the larger turnover of the "Ukil" from the cable.

How to change the fishing line in trimmer And what better to choose

Since the choice of the trimmer we saw in the previous article, now we will tell you how to correct the trimmer to the fishing line, and which it is better to choose from the criterion of work.

After you have acquired the trimmer and started to use it intensively, at some point the question of the line of the fishing line will rise, since this is the most wearing element in the instrument, then the saturated operation of the trimmer will lead to a frequent substitution of the consumable material.

What types of fishing racks

A common type of fishing line that is actually appropriate to all types of coils - round cord. This is a private fishing line, applicable to mowing juicy herb, but it will be much harder to mock it much harder, and even more so she does not cope with the shrub.

Usually, the diameter, which can be mounted with a young grass, does not exceed 1.6 mm. The thread thread, the more that it can overcome coarse herb.

There are logs with compulsive edges in the form of an asterisk or a square, such an option is more adapted to mudding dry grass just at the expense of the existing sharp faces, but it is larger than it is greater wear and, by strength, it is inferior to round Cord.

Read the same way

There are lines with advanced aerodynamics with appropriate dents, scales and notches, a similar product makes less noise, but use it only on benzokos, as the yield of such a coil from the coil is difficult to use it in most cases with discs in which the segments are inserted. The defects of this product is its fragility.

The bobbins of trimmers, the engine of which is located near the earth itself, have a different mounting to the axis of rotation, they have two buttons on the coil on the sides that need to be squeezed, otherwise replacement The threads are no different from other cassettes.

The principle of proper winding the fishing line is similar in all above listed Cases, therefore, for example, we consider a standard version with two mustache.

To remove the coil with a fishing line, it is necessary to unscrew, located in the center, screw, but consider the thread there left, so it will have to twist clockwise, it is done specifically that during operation it has not revealed under the influence of centrifugal force.

Next, using a screwdriver, disassemble the head and remove the coil on which the line is directly wound. Having measured the required length and having twice, you need fill line In the coil, withdrawal, in the end, its ends opposite each other (for this there are special slots for fixation).

After that, it is necessary to assemble the head in the reverse order, traveled the ends of the Cord to two corresponding holes.

Most inexpensive electrical and gasoline trimmers are used as a cutting tool. Split to high speeds, it easily cuts her grass. Instructions, how to wind the line on the trimmer coil, the manufacturer does not give.

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The trimmer purchased in the store is already ready for work - the standard categorous fishing forest is refilled in it. She cuts her grass, but the work copes badly - quickly fails and mows only young, thin plants. Old grass and weeds with the stalking stems, she does not take at all or cuts off with difficulty, quickly wearing. It is enough for a small time, after which you need to replace the fishing line in the trimmer.

It is not recommended to use a fishing line, it is better to take a special thread with a fiberglass core. It is sold in construction stores. Stop your choice on an option that has a square or triangle in cross section - their sharp edges will work as knives.

The flow rate for the trimmer when using a faceted and reinforced consumable material will decrease by 2-3 times, the performance increases in the same time compared with the row of round-section and a fishing line, not reinforced with fiberglass.

Material take the diameter that is not less recommended. If the diameter is unknown, you need to look at the size of the holes on the outer body of the mosiest head: the diameter of the working thread should be slightly less than the hole in order to freely pass through it.

Take a sufficient stock of the cutting thread (for 2-3 replaces), try to buy different options to compare which one will be best in work.

Having learned how much material is needed for one winding, focus on the length of the forests at the following purchases so that there are no too short for winding pieces.

To replace the forest on a mechanical braid with your own hands, you need to disassemble the mosiest head and get the coil to which the working thread is wound.

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How to remove the line

To replace the fishing line in the trimmer, remove the head cover. To do this, press the latches of the locks that are on both sides of the lid, and pull the cover up. Access to the coil opens. After that, pull it out by pulling up the axis on which the coil sits. If the ends of the fishing line stick out of the head holes, then lift the coil along the axis and pull out the residues of the fishing line out of the heads of the head. Now the item does not hold anything and it is easy to remove and remove the remaining working thread.

The coil is divided into two parts by a central partition with a cut. Different models of KPS parts differ in size, so you need to check how much the fishing line can be hounded. Its length fluctuates between 1 and 4 m.

How to fix the line in the trimmer coil

To replace the fishing line in the trimmer, cut the piece of material of the desired size, folding it twice. One of the half should be 5-10 cm longer second.

In order to cover the face of the coil, the middle of the thread, folded loop, must be placed in the groove of the central partition. One half of the forests are tightly wound on the top of the part, the second is on the bottom. A longer part is wound on the lower. Winding is made in the direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the head. On the cover or side of the head, the arrow should be drawn - it shows the direction of rotation. It is necessary to wind up the forest in the reverse arrow direction. Do the work gently, tightly pressing the coil to the turn.

The remaining ends 10-15 cm long insert in the rosters on the top side of the coil, it will fix them. With fixed ends, the coil will not operate.

If you do not have a fishing line, you can wipe the forest not with one piece, but two. In this case, the crochet bend the end of the forest and insert it into the slot of the central partition of the Bobbin. Just do with the second piece. Now wrap one piece first, and then the other on your half the coil against its direction of rotation.

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To refuel the line into the trimmer, insert her ends into the holes of the mosiest head and pull them out. Put the coil on the axis and push down so that it takes it to your place, and again pull out the ends of the cutting thread to pull them up for the entire length.

Ends bred outwards should almost get to protective casing. Exterior cut off. To do this, you can use the steel plate installed on the housing, which plays the role of a knife and automatically cutting an excessive length when promoting the head.

Bobbin is closed by a protective lid. Put it in place and press down until it clicks, which will be allowed, hitting the grooves. Always check whether the cover rose to the trimmer and whether the clamps snapped out, otherwise it can jump during work. In this case, the coil will throw the power of rotation.

Do not try to wind material as much as possible - in this case, the coil may not stand up and there will be problems with the installation and fixation of the lid. It is better if the coil is filled with forest so that it does not go to the dimensions of the part.

In addition to mechanical braids with two blades, there are also models with one. Their differences are that the cutting thread is displayed only on the one hand. The coil in such versions of the COP may not have a central partition, instead of installing the non-working end, the slot is used in the lower side, in the upper, there is also a slot for fixing the working end.

With replaced forest, you can start work. Do not mow thick weeds and branches of the shrub - this is not for the braid. In order to avoid injury and cliff, forests are watching stones and branches under the spit.

For mowing the lawn of one refueling coil with a reinforced fishing line, there is enough for an area of \u200b\u200b400-600 m2.

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After the cutting thread as a result of work is to turn off the braid and remove the lid on the mosiest head. Pull out the forest out of the slot, stretching it into the desired length, and insert it again in the slot. The amount of material wound on the coil is enough for 5-10 cycles of work, depending on the device model. When you install the cover in place, look carefully, whether the grooves were scored, where the clamps are inserted, if they are clogged, then clean them thoroughly.

When the fishing line is wear out, you need to disassemble the mosiest head again, pull out the coil and wind the working life line again.

  • Trimmer nozzle under the boat engine

The trimmer is the most common aggregate used for the shearing of grass and cutting small shrubs. This device is distinguished by its simplicity in maintenance, simple control during operation, and thanks to the small weight with it even women are coping with it. It is no secret that for high-quality execution of work on making grass, it requires the correct selection of the cutting tool. As the latter in trimmers, special cutting nozzles are used (discs, knives) or trimmer heads with a fishing line inside. The nozzles and the fishing line are a consumable tool, but if knives can be sharpened, then when spending the fishing line requires its replacement. In this article we will tell you as much as possible how to replace the fishing line.

The grass head is a cylindrical housing in which the coil (bobbin) is inserted with a fishing line (cord). This design can be installed both on gasoline and an electric trimmer. Heads differ in the method of refueling and feeding Cord and there are 3 types.

  1. Automatic. Court feed is performed after the user reduces the engine speed. Although the automatic feeding of the fishing line and is convenient if large volumes of work are performed, but there are one bobs in such bursts - a large filament consumption.
  2. Semi-automatic. The use of this type of heads does not require the user to perform complex manipulations. The principle of their work is designed so that the cord is lengthened automatically at a time when the device works on full revs. Sufficiently knocking the head of the trimmer about the ground (it removes the locking of the Cord), and the fishing line due to the centrifugal force is shown from the bobbin, after which it is cut to the desired length with a knife located on a protective cover.
  3. Manual. To lengthen the cord, stop the device, after which the fishing line is drawn by hand.

Based on the above, semi-automatic bobbins are the most optimal option. It should also be borne in mind that the trimmer coils are one-way (used only for hanging grass) and two-string, which are used to mow high grass and small, with thin stems of shrubs.

How to remove and disassemble the coil

Before proceeding with the process of replacing Cord, the users of trimmers have the need to remove and disassemble the coil. Consider how to do it.

The trimmer's mosiest head consists of several parts: casing, springs (not in all models), bobbins with a cord and lid.

Attention! Before you begin any actions to maintain an electric unit, it must be turned off from the network.

In trimmers, the 2 options for fastening the mosiest head are most often used.

Option number 1

To remove the head of the trimmer, it will be necessary full disassembly.

Option number 2.

In this embodiment, the head is spinning on the shaft of the gearbox. To remove it, this will need this. shaft fix. To do this, in such trimmers, for example, in the HUTER and CHAMPION devices, a hole is provided through which you can insert either a thin screwdriver or a metal rod.

So, to remove the bobble, do 2 simple steps.

  1. Insert the screwdriver into the hole and stroop the shaft.
  2. Grasp the head of the head and start turning it clockwise. Twist in this direction follows for the reason that the thread is sliced \u200b\u200bon the shaft, left.

Algorithm winding fishing line

Depending on which model of the trimmer is used, the type, thickness and length of the fishing line are selected. Cord diameter can be from 1.2 to 4 mm. It is not difficult to guess that the thicker you make the cord, the more tough and thick grass it is capable of cutting.

In most cases, a universal line with a diameter of 2 mm is used.

In order to find out which diameter of the fishing line can be used on your mower, there are 3 ways.

The fishing line wounds on the coil in a mosiest head. Therefore, at first it needs to be discovered (it was stated above). There are 2 ways to wind cord.

First method

To properly determine how many meters, the fishing line will be required for a particular coil, it is necessary to turn it on the bobbin in such a way that the motion does not exceed the diameter of the side. If the fishing line will look out for the edges of the coil, you will not be able to insert it into the casing. After you have determined with the length of the material, it must be fed into the bobbin, so do the following.

Second way

In some coils there is a second way to fix Cord: you can charge 2 thread segments, instead of one folded in half. Replacing the fishing line occurs according to the following algorithm.

For shtil Motocos Brand There is a very simple and fast way to replace the fishing line without disassembling a mosiest head, you can familiarize yourself with whom you can, looking at this video.

Korde's ends, sticking out of the holes in the casing, can be cut to the required length, already when the item will be installed in the trimmer. You can do this in two ways:

  • turning on the trimmer (when rotating the ends of the fishing line will brag about the knife, fixed for these purposes on the protective casing);
  • cutting the extra ends with scissors in such a way that they do not touch the housing.

The second method is applied if it was necessary to put the cord of the large diameter, and the edged knife cannot shorten it.

If the thread was charging into the mosic head, but the length of the protruding ends of the Kord is insufficient, then before starting the device, they need to be lengthened - this applies to the head with manual adjustment. However, there are cases and when using a semi-automatic mosiest head, when due to the insufficient length of the protruding ends of Cord, they do not extend automatically. In this case, it is necessary to disable the unit (on the electrical machine must need to pull the plug out of the outlet), manually press the button located at the bottom of the part, and pull out a little fishing line. After this procedure, the Court can again be advanced due to centrifugal strength, if you put the maximum spindle speed.

Whatever thickness of the fishing line you should be remembered: to constantly not interrupt the job and do not change the cord, areas should be avoided, where the working tool can relate to solid surfaces (stones, borders, thick dry branches, etc.).

What can be used instead of fishing

Many users of trimmers are wondering: how can I replace the cord, the default devices used in this kind of devices? It is starting to carry out unsafe experiments by installing a metal or copper wire, metal cables or strings, as well as an ordinary fishing line.

If installing instead of a fishing line metal cableThe trimmer turns into a dangerous device not only for the user, but also for others. This fact is explained by the fact that during the operation of the steel cable unit, it will be gradually triggered, its ends are sprawling, and small pieces of wire will fly away in different directions at high speed.

The similar occurs when using steel or copper wire, only with the difference that the separated pieces will be more larger, and can cause significant injury.

And if you accidentally hook your or someone's leg, working as an aggregate with a steel cable (wire), then a strong and deep cut of the tissues, and in some cases the amputate of the toes are provided to you. The manufacturer is not for nothing for these purposes uses nylon, since it is quite lightweight and durable, and during the separation it does not fly away and cannot cause injury.

Use fishing line In the trimmer, instead of standard, of course, it is possible, but it will add to you extra hassle, because it is rapidly wear out, it breaks, mocks slowly and not suitable for cutting with rigid grass. In addition, during the work, a lot of time is lost to replace the broken tool once.

In practice, installing an ordinary fishing line is justified if the user is going to mow the grass near the fence, especially if it is from the chain grid. In this case, to protect the standard, and sometimes expensive cord from wear, it changes to the fishing line, which is not sorry. Usually, to change the cord on the line, it needs to pick up the greatest thickness - 2-3 mm.

Replacing the fishing line on the disk or knife

When refrming a household plot, park zones and other places where it is required to make different kinds of plants, it is often necessary to change the cutting tool in the trimmer. It is dictated by the fact that the standard cord mounted in a mosiest head can only cope with herbs. But when a shrub or young peopling of trees appears on the path of the employee, then the fishing line cannot cope with such a task, and it takes its change to a more efficient cutting tool.

Manufacturers of trimmers have provided such situations, and supplemented their products weighing knives with several "petals" or in the form of discs similar to circular saws.

If you replace the line on a knife with several "petals", then such a tool can be mounted both high grass and plants with thick and dry stems. And by changing the fishing line on the disk, the user has the opportunity for motocos spool shrubs or small trees.

Knives and discs are installed according to the following algorithm.

For a better understanding of the process of changing the instrument, you can watch this video.

Problems with fishing line

In users of trimmers, both gasoline and electric, sometimes problems with cord arise. "Advanced" owners of mowers can easily cope in the difficulties that have arisen, understanding why this happens, and for beginners is a problem that does not have a rational explanation. But in fact, everything is solved quite simple. The most frequent problems that happen to the fishing line are as follows.

Cord cloths

If the fishing line is often breaking, it can cause the following reasons:

  • in the grass there are stones, small branches and other solid obstacles;
  • the user mows the grass back to the fence, and if it is a mesh, then it still turns the "mustache";
  • poor quality of Cord (it is recommended to purchase high-quality);
  • worn outlet holes in a mosiest head, because of which the fishing line is erased about sharp edges of the bushings and breaks down (it takes a complete substitution of the part).

Big Cord Consumption

Basically, the cord quickly ends if often knock on the ground semi-automatic head Or pull it down too much. There is unlocking the coil, and the fishing line, extending, is trimmed with a knife. Another reason that the cord quickly ends is the incorrect operation of the device with an automatic head: the user during a kob often drops the engine speed. But as we remember, the automatic head is arranged so that it is with each decrease in revolutions that a new portion of the fishing line is served, so it is rapidly spent.

Do not hold the thread

It happens that the thread is unwinding if in a semi-automatic head weakening Spring. The fishing line is constantly extended and clipped with a knife mounted on a housing, which increases its consumption. To check this, remove the casing and turn on the unit. If the fishing line "climbs", then the spring will be replaced.

Lesk crashes

The reason that the cord after the start of the unit is unwinding, can also be a weakening of the spring inside the head. In addition, there are cases when when the unit is turned on, a mosiest head is spilled, and the spring installed in it is lost. Inexperienced users do not notice the absence of a spring and collect this knot without it. Therefore, the cord does not hold, and under the influence of centrifugal force crashes.

Cord is not served, the coil does not spin

The automatic or semi-automatic head must feed the fishing line without stopping the unit. But if it does not go out, the reasons may be the following:

  • much wound in the coil, because of which the latter does not spin;
  • the cord is wound unevenly, and the thread can stack between the turns (the thread should be sweeping carefully, the turn to the twist, without distortion);
  • from the holes too short ends of the thread are out, as a result, there are not enough centrifugal force for their extraction, and the fishing line is not served (it is recommended before starting the unit to always adjust the length of the Cord, slightly pulling it up);
  • the fishing line wounded (it will be discussed below).

Thread sticks out

This trouble occurs most often due to use of poor quality cord. When the device is working, the trimmer head is heated, and the poor-quality line in it melts, bonding among themselves. Also sintering the threads occurs when the fishing line is met with a solid obstacle. In this case, there is a sharp braking of Cord, after which it delays it into the head, where he bakes. Some owners of the aggregates recommend lubricating cord with mineral oil or splashing on it with silicone sprays after winding on the bobbin. Others advise to wind less thread on the coil. But it is better to immediately buy a quality product, in the manufacture of which the manufacturer account for the head overheating factor, and the thread will not stick together.

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