What grows next to potatoes. What to plant next to tomatoes in the open ground

Future for joint landings, so it is important to know what you can plant on one bed.

Plants are a bit like people - next to one crops they feel perfectly, well develop, and in the neighborhood with others, they are accurate, although the conditions are the same.

So if you want to get a good harvest annually, plan landing, taking into account the effects of plants on each other.

What can be planted with a Bulgarian sweet pepper?

Bulgarian sweet pepper - culture of capricious. It gets around far from all cultures.

To avoid diseases of fungal origin, it should be removed from it a bed with Kohlrabi and Fennel.
The bushes will grow strong and without signs of the disease, if the onions fall out between the rows, and the carrots in the aisle.

Well protects the bushes of pepper from the scorching sun and the wind of the Bummy. On the bushes there will be no Tly, if adjacent to this culture are planted:

  • marigold
  • coriander
  • tansy
  • nasturtium
  • kotovnik

Perfectly fruit pepper next door to straight herbs:

  • majoram lined between bushes
  • lovely, if you plan it around the perimeter of the bed
  • basilicom, perfectly decorating the beds and disconnecting pests

But the beans is a bad companion. She has a common disease with pepper - anthracnose that manifests itself with black soft spots on the fruits.

What can plant tomatoes and what can be planted nearby?

Together with tomatoes, it feels well:

  • green onion
  • basil
  • melisa

Posseably act on tomatoes planted nearby:

  • spinach
  • carrot
  • schitt-Luk
  • parsley
  • garlic
  • calendula
  • celery
  • asparagus
  • chavis
  • cucumber
  • levka
  • marigold

Completely do not tolerate tomatoes Neighborhood:

  • ukrop
  • fennel
  • potatoes

Potatoes presents a special threat to tomatoes - both cultures are sick of phytoofluorosis, both loves the Colorado beetle, so these plants should be planted at different ends of the garden.

What can be squeezed with cabbage?

To get high-quality cabbage heads, you need to know what you can land

To get delicious and sweet cabbage cabbage to touch her to bed:

  • beetle
  • spinach
  • cucumbers
  • any green salad
  • bean bush

It is impossible not to note a special friendship of cabbage with potatoes. After emphasising potatoes between its ranks, plant the seedlings of late cabbage.

While the potato tops are developing hard, the tenant in its shadow behaves modestly. After the completion of the flowering of the main culture, put on the ground.

Cabbage will begin to intensively gain strength and go to growth. It will overtake in the development of a plant planted on a separate bed, and in the fall will delight unusually generous harvest.

There are plants, not just well coexist with cabbage, but protecting it from pests. Will not allow Capo Caterpillar Culture Caturers:

  • garlic
  • dill
  • borago
  • geranium
  • nasturtium
  • sage
  • nasturtium
  • tansy
  • peppermint
  • hyssop

Boiled cabbage mums planted next door:

  • marigold
  • basil
  • celery
  • garlic
  • wormwood
  • sage

Dill scares the cabbage mole, where there is a nearby salads and celery, an earthen flew will not appear. Grozny enemy cabbage - Cruciferous flea afraid:

  • pijmas
  • walinkles
  • sage
  • castbreet
  • luke green
  • garlic
  • sage

Capping Belyanka is not guided if the Grocery is surrounded by Tomatoes, Celery, Charker, Rosemary, Dill, Sage. True, tomatoes in such a neighbor will feel not very good.
Never plan the cabbage next to beans and garden strawberries, there will be no grow. Herbs are capable of drowning, therefore it is better to hang them around the edge of the garden, and if between the rows, it is very rare.

What can I plant a bitter pepper?

Bitter pepper - a peace-loving culture, gets along with many plants perfectly. In the greenhouse, it can be planted with tomatoes, hovering to them a bit of garlic and pests will not.

In an open garden, he will gladly let the basil on his territory, as well, and any other cultures, if only they did not shade it.

What can not be done in a greenhouse, nor in the open soil, so it is to admit the neighborhood of Gorky pepper with Bulgarian - all will turn out to be bitter.

Tip: Do not put pepper on the beds, where the beets or potatoes have grown before this. Good predecessors for him - onions, cucumbers, mudflows, legumes.

What can be planted eggplants?

With eggplants, hassle is always a lot, whether it is a greenhouse or an open soil. Few one right care, it is also important to choose a suitable place, and the neighbors choose successfully.

First, such cultures like tomatoes, bitter pepper, potatoes take the same nutrients from the soil as eggplants, so putting this plant after them, you will not be able to provide him with normal life.

As for the neighbors, place the Baklazhan beds where the peas, a chamber or beetle, who distinguishes the Colorado beetle growing near them.

Eggplants do not have anything against the neighborhood with pumpkin, watermelons, melon, sweet bell pepper. Petunia, velvets, basil and nasturtium along the contour of the garden will scare many pests.

Healthy eggplants grow next to a small number of semen. And in a rather extensive space between the bushes, salad is successfully grown.

Attention: Even with the right selection of neighborhood, keep the distance between cultures. They should not infringe each other.

What can satisfy cucumbers in a greenhouse?

The cucumbers love high humidity and stable temperature with a long-lasting lighting day. Such conditions can only be created in a greenhouse or greenhouse. At the same time, there are also other cultures next to them, correctly pick them up.

Only those plants that relate to one family or, in the extreme case, satisfy the contents of the content in one greenhouse.
To landing vegetables in one greenhouse, the value of both their types and varieties. If you want, get a crop and cucumbers, and eggplant, then take the seeds of hybrids. On a small area, cucumber neighbors can be:

  1. Sweet peppers, they also need high humidity.
  2. Eggplants, as well as cucumbers, loving heat and moisture
  3. White cabbage, preferring moisture and abundance of light
  4. Radish, landed along the contour of the garden
  5. Zucchini. They have identical requirements with cucumbers, but the zucchini need a lot of ventilation, therefore they grow them only with hybrids, more loyal to jumps of temperature and humidity.
  6. Melon. Growing together with cucumbers, give a lot of fruits.

If the greenhouse is spacious, then at the same time you can grow tomatoes, only the beds should be divided by light shirms, and between them plant zucchini, peppers or greens. The place for tomatoes allocate closer to the door there is cool.

What can be planted with dill?

Dill can be planted far from all cultures

Many believe that dill is to each other cultures. Often it is not even seized deliberately, he himself harsh and pour in beds. Meanwhile, the apparent harmless, dill oppresses growth, reduces the yield of carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, basilica, and salad cress.
He also has friends: cabbage from which he scares pests and improves her taste, cucumbers, well-growing in the shadow of his umbrellas, bean bush, onions, sunflower, fennel.

What can be planted with strawberries and what can be planted nearby?

Plants, joint fit with which are beneficial on strawberries, little:

  • parsley
  • spinach
  • beans.

Nothing has nothing against this vitamin berry from the neighborhood with cucumber grass, radish, garlic, beet, bow, salads, cabbage, sage.
Crichet for strawberries should be chosen after radish, spinach, parsley, legumes, dill, hyacinths, daffodils, tulips, corn, carrots.

What can be planted with garlic?

Many cultures like the place next to Chkekom

Garlic - natural fungicide, successfully used in combating fungal infections. Most garlic neighbors this quality likes:

  1. Potato, surrounded by garlic, easier to cope with phytoofluorosis
  2. From strawberries he distinguishes harmful insects
  3. Carrots will get rid of leafoblishes and carrot flies

A good companion is garlic for greenery and such vegetables like tomatoes and cucumbers. He is an excellent partner for raspberries, roses, tulips, currants, gladiolus.
Despite the many useful properties, not all cultures love garlic. These include all legumes. He suppresses them so much that they stop growing.

As the predecessor, garlic is universal, after him everything grows, he himself gives a good harvest after pumpkins, potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage. Bad predecessors for him:

  • carrot
  • radish
  • coriander
  • celery
  • basil

What can be planted with beets?

Favorite neighbor beet is potatoes, they with him mutually stimulate the development of each other. Also beneficially affects the yields of beet Neighborhood with beans, tomatoes, spinach, radish, radish, salad, onion.
Positively refers to beets to cucumbers, celery, garlic. No need to wait for a good yield beet, if it is planted next to the corn.

There is an assumption that the roots of beets are distinguished by substances close to antibiotics, therefore it acts on some cultures, in particular for carrots.

Well grows beets after potatoes, cabbage, legumes, cucumbers. The beets are powerful tops, so hagging it together with other cultures, follow the distance.

What can be squeezed with carrots?

The ensemble of carrots and bow - just perfect. The main pest of carrots - carrot flies does not tolerate onions, and Lukova's fly is afraid to approach carrots.

To stimulate the growth of carrots, the beds are attached to a chamomile, a chamber, tobacco, rosemary. Gives a good result with a joint landing with tomatoes, garlic, radish, mangold, salads.
Negatively includes culture for parsley, dill.
Predecessors desirable for her - potatoes, tomato, onions, cucumber, legumes, greens.

What can be planted with watermelons and melons?

Good watermelons planted near greens

Experienced gardeners do not advise not to land these 2 cultures on one bed due to mutual recovery. But if the billet of seeds is not an important point, then their joint landing is permissible, especially since they treat the neighborhood with other cultures equally.

You can land them next to spinach, radish, another greens besides parsley, corn. They need a lot of sun, so you can not post them next to shrubs and trees. It does not fit the close presence of related crops: zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers.
The worst predecessors are they themselves.

What can be planted with zucchini and pumpkin?

Pumpkin - Cross-polished plant. Consequently, its various varieties can overstate and lose their characteristic features. Therefore, to save the grade, sit apart each one away. The same rule concerns also zucchini.

The pumpkin grows late and before this moment the peas will be angry, spinach, curly beans, leeks. But next to potatoes, tomatoes, radish, her presence is extremely undesirable - and herself will not grow normally, and the neighbors will crush.

Pumpkin and zucchini rolls grow well. The radish pest scares from them, landed around the wells or nasturtium. In the quality of the predecessors, the best are different herbs, corn, winter and vegetables.

What can be satisfied with peas, beans?

Peas can be planted between rows of cucumbers, carrots, turnips. It is not bad, it is combined with parsley, radishes, a salad of knocked. Onions garlic and tomatoes for accommodation on one bed are not suitable with him.

Beans gets along with celery in small quantities. Good to her with corn and in bed with carrots.
It is best to plant these cultures after a bow, cucumbers, tomatoes, strawberries, beets, carrots, potatoes, radish.

What can be planted with basil?

Plant Basil next to pepper - good idea

Basil is interesting with aesthetic, and from a culinary point of view. It gets along well with tomatoes and corn, scaring from them a common pest - a horned worm. At the place where basil grows, ants will not lead. Successful duet - basil and sweet pepper.

From spicy herbs, the Basil does not carry root.

What can plant potatoes with?

Potatoes develop well in mixed landings, almost does not ill and grows on one area for a long time, without reducing the yield.
Useful company for potatoes:

  • bean bush.
  • cabbage
  • radish
  • coriander
  • nasturtium
  • beet
  • marigold

Inhibits sunflower potatoes and such weeds like a loy and slaughter bitter. Like this culture, the neighborhood of grapes. Increases yields close neighborhood with corn.
Under no circumstances, potatoes with celery, sunflower, pumpkin are seated.

Exchange crop will give potatoes after legumes, cabbage, especially Kohlrabi and color, radish oilseeds. After the last culture from the garden will leave all the pathogens of the disease.

What can be planted next to the bow?

Onion loves the company of cabbage, as well as tomatoes, strawberries, lettuce, petunia. Leek a long-term, landed in a circle, well affects rose bushes.

As the neighbors, the onions are pretty carrot, cucumber, potatoes. Does not tolerate gladiolus, legumes.
Suitable precursors are cucumbers, zucchini, greens, tomatoes, legumes.

What can be planted with parsley?

Petrushka improves the taste of tomatoes. A good company for her - leek. By doing her, the neighborhood with calendula, carrots, radishes.

She is not welcomed with a cress of salad, nasturtium, coriander. As the predecessors are good early potatoes and cabbage, cucumbers.

What can be planted with celery?

Interjection are co-planting celery and white cabbage. He scares from the neighbor of Beyanka butterflies, and she stimulates his growth. Good results gives celery in combination:

  • with cucumbers
  • becks
  • spinach
  • becks
  • bush beans

Unsuccessful neighbors:

  • carrot
  • potatoes
  • parsley
  • corn

Acceptable precursors - cucumbers, onions, cabbage, potatoes.

What can be sued tobacco?

Tobacco, whose leaves allocate many volatile substances is a good satellite for many plants. This is a protector plant.
It is planted on the bed together with eggplants, tomatoes. He dries away from beds with radishes and kohlrabi earthy flea. If you put it with carrots, then the latter is not terrible carrot fly.

What can be planted with grapes?

A strawberry feels greatly between rows of grape vines. Improve its taste of rye, beans, corn, radishes, soy. It is well affected at its condition neighborhood with oilseeds. Cabbage, bow, barley are negative.

Sometimes weeds are also useful, such as mocities, a shepherd bag, but in small quantities. And it would seem useful medicinal plants: Pijm, yarrow, isastor, on the contrary, inhibit growth.

What can be planted next to currants?

A real defender for ferrous currant is onions, it destroys the budding tick. Lotting currants and with the honeysuckle, but with his relative - the currant red is not friendly. Bad neighbor for her and raspberries, like the gooseberry, in one area with which she does not look healthy.

Issop and Fennel do not like almost all plants. Therefore, disembark them separately and in the distinct corner.

Plant companies can be interesting and the most diverse, the main thing is that the result is pleased.

Video: About mixed landings

What and with whom

For each gardener and garden, the question remains the question of which plants should be planted nearby. The author of the book "Melange Garden" Russian agronomist B. V. Bublik and the American farmer D. Jevans in the book "How to grow more vegetables ..." described in detail the interaction of various cultivated plants that are most often grown in the middle lane of Russia. Of course, to get a good harvest, it is necessary not only to choose the right plants for adjacent beds, but also to ensure good care for them. Then all cultures will be successfully fruitful and the crop will be guaranteed.

➣ High production of allolyopathic substances are characterized by ash, wormwood and drinking. Where these plants appear, they immediately cease to grow all the others, especially cultural. Do not leave the listed weeds between the beds or around the perimeter of the garden.

Scientific experiments with labeled atoms are proved that substances secreted by the roots of mustard increases the growth of such a culture as peas. Bean, in turn, highlight a large amount of nitrogenous substances into the soil, which is not acceptable for all plants. However, a bush beans grows next to the bean.

Pea is also a good neighbor for many vegetable crops (tomatoes, potatoes, corn, carrots, cucumbers, radish, turnips, beans) and spicy herbs (mustard). Peas are planted in the aisles of these crops. Next to this representative of the bean family, you can successfully grow salad, eggplants, spinach, celery. If you put a cappist or other vegetables in the pea with a cappist or other vegetables, its roots will be protected from rotting. Which family includes the most common cultural cultures in the middle lane, you can learn from the table.

The beans grow well next to the cucumbers. They can be planted around cucumber beds. Also, this culture is favorable with potatoes, corn of sweet varieties, mustard, radish, radish, spinach. Beans are recommended to plant between these plants. Good neighbors for beans are souls, a bug, yarrow and rosemary.

Table. Distribution of popular garden and flower species of plants by families


Peas, beans, beans, soy, clover


Okucchnik (Borago)


Buckwheat, rhubarb, sorrel


Basil, Melissa, Mint, Smeaker, Issop, Majora, Owin, Sage, Charker, Chabret


Corn, Oats, Wheat, Rye, Barley


Bruce, Cabbage (Red and White, Kohlrabi, Color, Brussels, Beijing, Broccoli, etc.), radishes, radish, turnip, horseradish, spinach, mustard


Garlic, onions (stock, sometimes, chalot, Schitt, etc.)

Beet, Mangold

Ending table.

Representatives of the plants of the Lily Plant (various types of onions and garlic) grow very well next to the plants of the paradise (carrots, radishes, celery, parsley and parsnom) and cruciferous (cabbage).

Positive yes I am also a neighborhood with tomatoes, salad, strawberry, potatoes, cucumbers. From flowers, you can land a petunia, chamomile. It is helpful to plant a charker and chamomile around the beds with a bow in a small amount.

Various vegetable cultures successfully neighboring beds with white and black radish.

For many plants, the location is favorable near spinach. Its roots are isolated in the soil of saponins, which increase the growth of many cultures (potatoes, tomatoes, beets, beans). Also spinach creates a special microclimate around him. Its leaves cover the soil and retain it with a wet and loose. In this regard, Spinach is often used as an accompanying plant. It is planted between rows of plants with a slower growth, and while the main cultures only ride, the spinach has time to grow up and creates favorable conditions for them.

Next to the bush beans, such a root plant is growing well as Radish. This neighborhood has a positive effect on its taste and sizes, and also protects against the defeat with worms and cabbage flies. The landing of the radisle is recommended to be carried out 2 weeks before landing the bush beans.

Cress and nasturtium will also help grow large radishes.

For beans, it will be useful if you put some celery nearby. Beans grows well with cucumbers, corn, cabbage, strawberry, pumpkin, beet, carrots. The taste of the beans is positively affected by the growing charker.

Good neighbors for vegetable plants are sometimes spicy herbs and flowers. For example, amarants are positively affected by eggplants. Between eggplants you can plant a salad, and around them basil.

For watermelons, they will be useful to be located nearby sites with potatoes, oats, corn and peas. For melon, only radish is a good neighbor.

Cabbage is distinguished by the numerous species. The most popular of them are white, color, Brussels, Broccoli, Kohlrabi. They grow better next to the bow (any), beans, spicy herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, dill). Positive to the taste of cabbage affects potatoes, so these plants are suitable for a mixed planting.

Dill sown between rows of cabbage significantly improves its taste.

For the most common type of cabbage, white, the best plants - neighbors are onions, potatoes, salad, celery, radishes, bush beans and dill.

Broccoli grows well next to the bow, a coastal salad, beet and celery.

For potatoes, good care neighbors are eggplants, beans, cabbage (especially color), corn, carrots, beets, salad, radishes, beans, horseradish, garlic, and from herbs and flowers - amarants, nasturtium, pyrhyme, coriander, spinach. With a mixed landing, potatoes turn out to be more resistant to diseases.

Corn creates a shadow next to him, in which cucumbers, watermelons, pumpkin grow well. For the corn itself, brush and curly beans, potatoes, soybeans are favorable neighbor.

Beans enrich the soil with nitrogen, which is very necessary to the corn, which brings, in turn, with these curly plants benefit as a support. Also near the corn can be planted tomatoes, salad, sunflower.

Peppers favorably neighboring the basil. These plants help each other to grow.

The place next to the cucumbers is suitable for peas, white and cauliflower, collar, radish, bow, salad, celery, beets, parsley, sunflower and beans. Also on the cucumbers are positively affected by the Pijm and Osay. Dill, sown among cucumbers, prolongs the period of their fruiting, and therefore increases the harvest.

For Pasternak, it will be a useful place next to bean and radish.

Next to Celery's beds, you can plant tomatoes, cabbage, leek, bush beans. In the shade of these plants, celery grows more fragrant.

Salad plant such cultures as legumes, carrots, cucumbers and radishes.

Tomatoes have a good combination of beds next to the bow, garlic, carrots, parsley and many floral plants. If nettle is nettle next to tomatoes, then they will have a more pronounced taste. Also the growth of this favorite vegetable culture and the improvement of its taste characteristics contributes to the Tubular monard.

To obtain a good harvest, beets is helpful to plant a carrot, cabbage (except color), radishes, salad, parsley and dill.

For pumpkins, you can choose such neighbors like corn, nasturtiums. It may be useful to be a growing number of Osay.

The place next to the radish is suitable for carrots, cucumbers, parsnips, beets, tomatoes, pumpkins, and spinach.

Spicy herbs are isolated to the outer medium a large number of aromatic substances having volatile properties. Thus, they affect those plants that are planted nearby. Spicy herbs are widely used in cooking and medicine and are often found on vegetables among vegetables and berry plants. It is also necessary to choose them correctly for joint landings.

Most of the vegetables are favorably affected by the growing parsley, a bug, lavender, Majoran, Mediev, Cherwell, Chamomile, Charker, Chabret, Sage, Dill. Dandelion helps grow vegetables and apple trees. This plant allocates substance to the environment (ethylene), which speeds up the ripening of fruits.

Many spicy herbs allocate substances into the environment that have a beneficial effect on other plants (scared pests, the air is disinfected, increase growth). Such plants are called plants. These include Anis, Basil, Sheet Mustard, Coriander, Issop, Mint, Major, Melissa, Tmin, Dill.

Some herbs are able to strengthen the aromatic properties of each other. For example, if you put a mile on next to the nettle, it will be more odorous, and if mint - it will increase the content of essential oils by 2 times.

➣ If you put the oak, birch, a lamp or poplar next to the garden, then fruit trees will be in comfortable conditions and will hurt less and well fruit. These trees can be placed on the household site or at the edges of the garden.

Oreman and Majorana positively affect the growth and taste of many cultivated plants.

The snake (Turkish mint) creates a shadow in which cucumbers feel well, which is reflected in their yields.

Coriander is a good neighbor for Anisa, Cumin and many vegetables. It has a positive effect on the structure of the soil, and therefore vegetables can be planted next to the overwhelming Coriander, not picked up the garden.

Issop is useful to plant near grapes, it significantly increases the yield of the latter.

Lovers can be planted in the garden anywhere. It is a useful neighbor for many vegetables and improves their taste, increases disease resistance.

Mint is found on many gardens. This plant is useful to plant next to tomatoes and cabbage. The crop will be more abundant, and the taste of vegetables will improve. Mint grows well among sorrel. The main thing is to ensure that the mint is not too much.

Next to the cucumber grass (Borago) is better grown strawberries. It is important not to give it to grow and trimmed bushes in a timely manner. Also, the cucumber increases the stability of other plants to various diseases. It enhances the growth of pea, cabbage, bow, beans, many spicy herbs.

Parsley has a positive effect on the taste of tomatoes. You can plant it around rose bushes. Good neighborhood - parsley and onions. First, they sow the seeds of parsley in the spring rows, and after 2 weeks between them, the seedlings of the onion sowing are planted. Both cultures will grow well.

Next to the celery, the following cultures are growing well: onions, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, spinach.

Such a plant, as the root, is well combined on a plot with vegetable and floral cultures, as well as fruit trees and shrubs.

Dill on many gods grows by self-sowing. It does not always have a positive effect on the crop. The roots of this plant are distinguished by substances that do not go for all vegetables. Therefore, it is better to plant dill specifically next to salad, cabbage, onions, cucumbers.

Sage is a useful neighbor for all types of cabbage and carrots, as well as strawberries.

The chabret has favorably affects the growing vegetables and improves their taste. It is especially suitable for tomatoes, eggplants and potatoes. Charker improves eggplant growth.

Some weeds may be useful neighbors for cultivated plants. The Japanese Fermer-scientist Masanoba Fukuoka, the founder of one of the directions in organic agriculture, came to the conclusion that it does not need to be carried out on the fields and vegetables a continuous ass or apply herbicidal preparations. He believes that weighing plants contribute their share in maintaining the fertility of the soil and balance in biogeocenosis. M. Fukuoka recommends not to destroy completely weighing plants, but to periodically scroll or limit in growth by mulching. He also advises to create herbal cover in the gardens on the soil of the useful weed plants or siters. It has become a common phenomenon in Japan and meet there in the gardens naked land can be extremely rare. With insufficient moisture of the soil in the arid areas, the rich circles around the trees are left free for watering and care, and the rest of the territory in the gardens are planted with soil sidewers. This principle can be applied in small private gardens. On the free extensive areas among the soil plants, you can place the beds with cultural plants (vegetables, spicy herbs). For example, small islands of odds in the garden contribute to the growth of onions, corn and tomatoes. The main thing is not to allow this weed to grow.

Use various herbs for landing in the aisle on the vineyards. Plants useful for grapes additionally protect the soil from watering with water when watering and driving. The greatest benefit for grape growth brings corn. For him, good neighbors are also auxiliary vegetable cultures - oilseed radiation and radishes. Real impact on vineyards has Parsley. Promotes grape growth peas, onions, cauliflower, cress salad, beet. Less significant to increase the yield of grapes are beans, strawberries, carrots, cucumbers, melon, dill.

From trees and shrubs for grapes compatible are a pear, a chinese and actinidium lemongrass. These plants can be planted next to each other. You can also plant grapes and actinidia around the fence or gazebo.

Floral plants, such as Astra, Geranium, forget-me-not, phlox can increase the yield of grapes. Do not benefit, but also not harm this plant planted by nearby irises.

From plants you can create a live elevation around the garden or garden. At the same time, shrubs for it need to be selected, taking into account not only decorativeness or height, but also of compatibility with grown plants. Beautiful and useful for harvesting alive hedges from turquish, elderberry, spires, rosehip. These shrubs have a healing effect on the garden. Garden significantly increases the harvest of cultivation in the neighborhood of cherries and raspberries. Apple tree and raspberries are healing each other. Raspberries accumulates nitrogen and increases the content in the soil of oxygen, which turns out to be useful for the apple tree. It is recommended to plant these cultures close to each other, but ensure that Raspberry does not grow much.

A positive effect on the crop combination in the Barbaris Garden with a plum or honeysuckle.

Under the sea buckthorn, strawberries are growing well and some medicinal plants (oregano, chamomile). Between the currant bushes it is useful to plant onions and leave it in the winter.

At a distance of 4 m from cherries and sweet cherries, a hawthorn grows well. If these trees put closer, then the hawthorn will turn out to be in the shade and will inhabit.

Good neighbors are an apple tree with a pear. It is withstanding a distance of at least 3.5-4 m, otherwise when the trees grow up, they will be closely and the effect will turn back.

Dogwood is safely growing and fruiting next to Apricot. You can even plant these plants close to each other, they will still be compatible. Kizil can grow even with walnut, which is a single plant. Next to him all other cultural plants grow badly.

At a distance of 5 m from each other, it is permissible to plant a plum and a cherry. They will be good fruit. It is impossible to allow drain to be between cherries and sweets. In such conditions, the tree will die.

For strawberries, there are useful parsley, bush beans, spinach located nearby. Also next to it, you can land onion, cabbage, radishes, radish, salad, beets and garlic.

If the land plot is zoned to the garden and the garden, there are spicy herbs (anise, basil, Melissa, Coriander, Parsley, Thyme and Estragon) between fruit trees and vegetable crops.

In order to navigate in the choice of cultural plants for cultivation, as well as the timing of their landing and location on the site, it is recommended to draw the heat-hard circuit in advance. This will help to properly arrange a bed with different plants, outline mixed landings, check the compatibility of all plant growing next to each other. The following year, this scheme must be changed according to the rules of crop rotation. This requires additionally to take into account the compatibility of plants with predecessors.

When selecting plants for nearby beds, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that some plants are defenders from any diseases or pests (animals, insects, worms).

Compatibility of plants can be used to increase the overall harvest and in other ways. Plants for compacted landings are also selected taking into account the height and volume they occupy. Correctly picking plants, you can make compacted beds.

The plants planted nearby will not interfere with each other, but on the contrary, to mutually strengthen growth. The care is almost the same, so they grow comfortably on one bed.

Sealing landings can be done simultaneously, i.e. Saw gardening immediately selected cultures, or in stages. You can remove the harvest of some crops and set others on the freed place. Such an approach allows not only to grow healthy and well-fruiting plants, but also save land.

On compacted beds, the main plant is distinguished and sealing. Usually the latter differs in a shorter achievement of technical ripeness.

Eggplants, carrots, corn, zucchini, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, patissons, cucumbers, beets, celery are often used as essential crops. Sealing crops are onions, color and Beijing cabbage, salad, radishes, beans, pumpkin, garlic, dill. Usually, compact and low-spirited plants are used as sealing crops. It is important to correctly arrange the main and sealing cultures on one bed. For example, the central part of the bed can be taken beet, and on the edges of the rows to plant radishes, salad, dill.

Sealing crops quickly give a harvest and they are cleaned with the beds, and the main culture continues to grow until the end of summer or autumn.

➣ The living ingreders can include berry shrubs. In this case, the barrier is obtained more dense and even barbed. From berry shrubs, gooseberry, raspberry, black currant are suitable for this. Next to each other they are good fruit.

Plants like a tomato, cabbage occupy a lot of space in beds and combined with small vegetables - onions, carrots, radishes. Cultures with quick returns (Beijing cabbage, salad, spinach) are conveniently planted as sealing plants or after harvesting the main crops. For long growing crops (carrots, parses), it is recommended to plant plants that quickly achieve technical ripeness.

Optimal for compacted beds are combinations of tomato and pepper with basil; cabbage and tomatoes with mint; parsley with tomatoes, peas or strawberries; Luke, cucumbers, lettuce or cabbage with dill.

To form a plan for the garden and the garden is better in winter, in order to raise the seedlings of the necessary vegetable and green crops in a timely manner, prepare on the garden section and successfully land on the planned places (Fig. 1.2).

Figure 1. Sealing bed with bow, spinach and carrots

In order for plants on one bed to do not interfere with the growth of each other, it is necessary to take into account not only their allelopathic properties. It is not recommended to plant a number of culture related to one species, as they will consume some of the same nutrients from the soil. It is necessary to consider that tall plants create a shadow for lower plants, which is not always useful. Also necessary with combined landings to take into account the peculiarities of the root system of plants. If they have roots in the soil at one level, the impact of colin will be more significant, and competition for nutrients and moisture will increase.

Figure 2. Sealing bed with beet and salad

Plant compatibility table in bed. Who comfortably grow together? Is it possible to plant tomatoes next to garlic?

Compatibility of cultural plants. This table was compiled, taking into account the analysis of several sources on the mutual influence of cultures. That is, the principle acted: those data on compatibility, which turned out to be the same, common in several authors - were made to the table. Data that differed or were contradictory, there were no data in the table. So, the entire table represents a conclusion or a result of several sources on this topic. We present you a table of compatibility of vegetables, rootpodes and herbs.


- Carrot Does not like anise, dill, cabbage. It is unacceptable to her neighborhood with apple trees: if you put a carrot under the tree, and apples, and the root corrupts will be impatient.
- Onion does not grow with beans, peas, sage.
- Tomati Not the best satellites of potatoes, they have a common illness (phytoofluorosis) and one pest (Colorado Beetle).
- Pepper Does not endure fennel, do not put it with beans, since these cultures are subject to one disease.
- Rope and Pumpkin Do not get along with potatoes.
- Apple and pears Do not like the neighborhood with alcohol, cherries, cherries, plum and apricot



- Eggplant They grow well next to the beans, it protects against the Colorad beetle.
- Cabbage Do not suffer from an earthen flew, if in the neighborhood to plant celery. Dill saves it from caterpillars and tri, and chamomile and mint - from the cabbage butterfly.
- Potatoes It gets well with spinach, cabbage and radish. From the Colorado Beetle, the velvets and nasturtium are defended, and from phytoofluorosis - garlic.
- Strawberry Loves the bush beans, garlic, salad, onions, radishes, radish and beet. To scare from the berries of the smears, a parsley plant between the beds.
- Onion Combined with carrots. These cultures protect each other from pests. Onions with beets, salad, cucumbers, spinach, radishes, cress and salad grows well.
- Carrot "Friends" with peas, radish, garlic, salad and radish.
- Cucumbers Fuckily adjacent to the beans, celery, beet. Good satellites are both salad, cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, spinach.
- K. tomatoes You can pick up onions, but only for greens - the tops of tomatoes quickly grow up and the neighbor shads greatly.
- Beet Friendly to Luka, Beans, Salat.
- Carrot, rEPU and cucumbers You can combine with peas, it enriches soil with nitrogen.






Tomatoes, horseradish, cabbage


Corn, carrots, onions, parsley, celery

Tomatoes, beans, horseradish


Asparagus, Tomatoes


Green, Onions, Beans, Potatoes, Peppers

Beans, peas, cucumbers, aromatic herbs


Strawberries, Roses, Tulips, Gladiolus


Potatoes, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Sunflower

Onions, garlic, celery, fennel


Celery, sage, beets, onions, potatoes, cucumbers

Tomatoes, beans, strawberries


Salad, Spinach, Carrot, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Pumpkin, Beet, Tomatoes

Brussels sprouts

Celery, potatoes, beets, onions, cucumbers

Tomatoes, beans, strawberries


The smell of cabbage, laurel worsens the taste. Elm, Oshness


Carrots, tours, radish, potatoes, cucumbers, beans, velvets, calendula, fragrant herbs

Onion garlic


Cabbage, Turnip, Peas


Like radishes, radish - beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, pumpkin and zucchini

Peas, strawberries, cabbage

Fragrant herbs

Peas, Kohlrabi.


Corn, beans, radish, tomatoes

Potatoes, cucumbers, cabbage


Eggplant, Tomatoes


Beans, spinach, salad, onions, garlic, velvets, calendula

Undesirable to grow after potatoes, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, cucumber, asters, lilies, glades (so as not to infected with their diseases)




Corn, beans, beans, salad, onions, celery



Celery, cucumbers, beets, mustard, spinach, dill, salad, onions, potatoes, nasturtium (with all cabbage), calendula, tobacco

Strawberries, tomatoes, beans

Cabbage Brusselskaya

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage

Brussels, cauliflower

Cabbage leaf

With many. Dill, celery, bow

Tomatoes, beans, strawberries


Celery, Chinese cabbage, beans, parsley, sage

Tomatoes. Strawberry


Watermelon, broccoli, cabbage, corn, peas, beans, beans, horseradish, eggplant, onions, nasturtium, carrots, salad, dill, coriander

Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Sunflower, Raspberry, Cherry, Apple


Cucumbers, onions, beets, salad, fragrant herbs

Strawberry, Tomatoes

Cress Salad.


Artichoke, peas, beans, melon, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, potatoes, barley, lupine, mustard


Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Broccoli, Potatoes, Beets, Carrots, Tomatoes, Eggplants, Salad, Chicory, Leek, Garlic, Strawberry, Calendula, Charker, Tobacco

Peas, beans. Aggressive to bean and cabbage


Celery, Onions, Carrots, Tomatoes



Peas. Leek, Bow, Salad Sheet, Parsley, Radish, Beans, Tomatoes, Majorran, Sage

Beets, celery, horseradish


Naturery, Dolphinium


Peas, corn, beans, radish, tomatoes, cabbage, kolrabi, salad, dill

Potatoes, fragrant herbs


Salad, Onion (Feather), Tomatoes, Eggplant

Beans, peas, cucumbers, fennel, celery



(Carrots), asparagus, tomatoes, peas, beans, beans, bow, salad

Carrots, beets, celery, horseradish


The plant is loner (except for the long-term bow, horseradish)



Spinach, Dill, Cress Salad, Beet, Carrot, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Zucchini and Pumpkin, Fragrant Grass

Peas, beans, strawberries


zucchini, cucumbers, beets, spinach, carrots, parsnips, pumpkin, melon, tomatoes, salad

Peas, beans, strawberries, cabbage


Spinach, Dill, Salad, Carrot, Cabbage, Cucumbers, Beet, Pumpkin, Tomatoes

Beans, peas, horseradish, celery


Strawberries, cabbage, Kohlrabi, carrots, beets, radish, onions, cucumbers

Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Beans

Salad chicory (vitlug)

Strawberries, cucumbers, carrots, radish, cabbage

Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Beans


onions, radish, salad, collar, broccoli, most cabbage

Mustard, Fascol


Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, leek, radish, carrots, beets

Tomatoes, peas, beans

Schorter (black root)

Onions, cabbage, radish, carrots, beets

Tomatoes, beans, horseradish, peas


Parsley, Basil, Tomatoes


Onions, leek, carrots, radish, celery, parsley, asparagus, cabbage, greens, garlic, calendula, left, apple tree, eggplant, peppers, basil

Kohlrabi, Tall Vegetables, Beans, Peas, Cucumbers


Peas, mustard


Corn, beans, radish, bow, salad

Potatoes, cabbage


Garlic, Calendula


Turnip, radishes, kochan cabbage, apple tree


Eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, beets, carrots, cauliflower, peas, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon, strawberries, charker, gladiolus

Onions, garlic, broccoli, fennel


Everyone oppresses


Tomatoes, Salad, Onion (Feather), Pepper

Beans, peas, cucumbers, fragrant herbs


Potatoes, fragrant herbs

Tomatoes, beans


Bulb onions


Roses, tulips, gladiolus, currant, strawberry, onions, peas (?), Tomatoes

Peas (?), Beans


Broccolley, carrots


Strawberries, turnips, radish, radishes, kochan cabbage, cucumbers, carrots

Pumpkin, Tomatoes, Beans


Strawberry, Carrot, Radish, Cabbage

Tomatoes, peas, beans, sage and other fragrant

Is it possible to plant a cabbage and tomatoes? "," Can you plant potatoes and cucumbers nearby? "," Shed nearby tomatoes and corn? "," Louk with garlic to plant together? ", Etc.

Visual plants sign "enemies" and "friends" for you.

If you can not guess with the neighbors of plants, you can get not just a small harvest, but also to stay without it. After all, the enemies plants take away from each other with useful minerals from the ground, as well as they sick with similar diseases and the risk of infection will be more than 50%!

Tomatoes will be against the neighborhood with carrots, cauliflower, potatoes, fennel, beet and cucumbers. Beans will not like it if there will be onions, peas, garlic, fennel or leek next to it. Not the best neighbors for beans and beans, colrab or sunflower.

Plants - enemies Plants - friends
And cabbage and tomatoes need space and light. They will just turn each other. And also they need the same nutrients from the soil, so that they need to be abandoned from landing nearby, otherwise there is a risk just stopping the growth of plants. Zucchini, pumpkin, corn and beans (and other legumes) can be planted together.
Asparagus is poorly growing next to the bow, as well as garlic. All because asparagus is a close relative of Luke, Sun, garlic, as well as hyacinths and lilies. Tomato and basil can be planted together. The taste of tomatoes will be improved, the smell of basil and other spicy herbs will scare the pest. Squeeze them nearby, but not on one bed. All the same tomatoam need space. As well as tomato + garlic - wonderful neighbors.

It is not only about competition for space and nutrients, the neighborhood of dill, fennel, kolrabi and pepper can lead to the death of plants orto severe growth in growth But the main thing is that they need different conditions of cultivation.

Carrots and radishes can be planted nearby, they have the depth of the roots of them, watering is required the same, and carrots will scare pests from radishes leaves.
Poor neighbors cucumber, potatoes and salad. And also pretty against cucumbers, fragrant herbs should not. Exception - dill. Cucumber with dill is well neighboring. For the same reasons (see above), carrots can be squeezed near the salad.

Do not plant corn next to tomatoes - these cultures are prone to equal fungal diseases. Bad neighbors for tomatoes potatoes, cucumber, carrots and beets.

Cucumber grows well next to onions, garlic, peas, and others. Bean, cabbage and beet.

However, note that if you use automatic watering (splashing), then when the onions need to stop watering, the cucumbers just need watering more than ever! Yet it is better to sit the cucumbers next to beans, beets or cabbage. They definitely do not give up watering!

In order to collect a rich harvest, save fertilizers and not spend all your free time on the fight against pests, to choose suitable seeds and seedlings, plant them in a good one. It is important to know what vegetables can be planted with each other, and which cannot be, as well as what vegetables after which is better to plant. After all, vegetables inevitably affect their "neighbors": some "get along well" and even help each other to fight pests, others, on the contrary, "harm" to their surroundings. Before boarding any vegetable, it is also necessary to analyze, representatives of which family have grown in this place before. If from year to year in the same place to place representatives of a single family, then the soil will quickly deplete. In addition, the pests of this type of plants can be broken in this place. In connection with the foregoing, the planning of the country area is needed on the eve of the sowing, it is necessary to analyze everything in advance and decide which placement of vegetables on the beds will be the most successful.

"Good-neighborly" relations in the world of vegetables

We propose to study information which vegetables can be planted nearby, and which will not be able to "make friends."

  • Bakhchy cultures "Friend" with bean, as well as with corn, beet, radish and sunflower. But with representatives of the family of pumpkin, they can not share the garden, especially poorly they have a relationship with cucumbers.
  • Eggplants feel great if the beans, basil or tarragon grow nearby.
  • Peas does not get along, perhaps, only with bow and garlic, as well as with beans.
  • Zucchini should not be planted near the potatoes, but next to the beans, radishes and corn will be comfortable. You can plant nearby and nasturtium. This flower zucchini by moral.
  • Cabbage does not get along with tomatoes, the stretched relationships are folded from her and with strawberries. But in the company with beetroot, celery and potatoes, she will feel "in its plate."
  • Next door to potatoes, it is best to plant cabbage, beets or corn. You can plant a salad and radish nearby. He also "will delight" the proximity of some decorative plants, for example, velvetsev. But with tomatoes and representatives of the Pumpkin family, he is not "friendly."
  • Onions can not be planted only with bean.
  • Carrot illictively perceives dill and anise.
  • Cucumbers are well located near the cabbage, tomatoes, celery. It is impossible to plant fragrant herbs next to them, such as sage, fennel, mint.
  • Pepper does not like legumes and Kohlrabi, but loves carrot and basil.
  • Tomatoes are not planted with potatoes and beets, but next to garlic, onions, parsley, basil and spinach they feel unmatched.
  • Redishes are not picky to the neighbors, but still most of all he will "be glad" by the neighborhood with pumpkin and bean.
  • Salad can be planted with radishes, beet, cabbage, tomatoes, but it is impossible - with parsley.
  • Beets and cabbage can be planted nearby, including with Kohlrabi, but it is impossible to allow tomatoes, beans in the neighborhood.
  • Celery does not have a "sworn enemies", but he has its own "preferences" - legumes, tomatoes, onions.
  • Pumpkin can not be planted near the potatoes, they will "burn out each other."
  • Garlic and legumes are anyway that montextures and cabins. Garlic can be planted next to cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and eggplants.

If we take into account the neighborhood of vegetables, then the chances of getting a high yield increase significantly.

"Circling inheritance", or what vegetables after which

Do not make it important to take into account the predecessor vegetables. If the garden of a vegetable "inherits" from the representative of his family - do not wait. It is worth considering the following recommendations, which vegetables after which you can plant:

  • pea will feel free to feel in the garden, the remaining "inheritance" from garlic, potatoes, cabbage, onions, zucchini, potatoes, and so beans are not planted only after legumes;
  • green boldly squeeze after legumes, onions and garlic, tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers;
  • zucchini can be planted after any other vegetables with the exception of pumpkin;
  • grokeka is suitable for potatoes, where the onions, Česk, cabbage, beets, cucumbers were grew up, not suitable beds after carrots, peppers, tomatoes;
  • cabbage squeeze after legumes, onions and carrots, but radishes and turnips for her bad predecessors;
  • onions are unacceptable only after garlic;
  • carrots will fit the beds after tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, garlic, bow, cabbage, zucchini, do not fit - after greens and potatoes;
  • the cucumbers will be happy to "settle" on the garden after tomatoes, legumes, peppers, cabbage, potatoes, but in the garden after pumpkin and garlic, they will not begone;
  • "Bad" predecessors of garlic - onions, carrots and cucumbers, the rest of the vegetables are good or neutral;
  • peppers do not "populate" in the garden, which remained after potatoes or tomatoes, after the rest of the vegetables - it is possible;
  • radishes, turnips and radish can not be planted after each other;
  • celery does not plant only after greens;
  • beetle should not be planted in beds, where celery, cabbage and carrots grew earlier;
  • tomatoes are poorly growing after pepper and potatoes.

Knowing the "bad" and "good" predecessors of each vegetable, you can "settle" them correctly, having received a good harvest and at the same time saving on fertilizers.

Fresh vegetables, just torn from beds, rich in vitamins important for life and especially fragrant. Each gardener is proud of a crop grown. However, it is important for obtaining a healthy and rich harvest in a timely manner to plan a sequence and a combination of various vegetables. Let's try to figure it out.

Choose neighbors on vegetable beds. © WoodleywonderWorks. Content:

Plan landing

To plan landing, it is better to use the winter months, because it is necessary to think about the following: the distribution of the beds. It is optimally divided by a section of 2 or 3 parts with different powers of nutrients. So, on the one hand, it is possible to change the places of strengths and weak consumers, on the other hand, various types of vegetables.

The sequence of cultures during the year: This means planning short early crops, then the main culture, so that the garden is used for the whole year optimally. Mixed cultures: It is also worth thinking about what vegetables can be combined, and which cannot be.

The need of vegetables in nutrients

The need for nutrients of certain types of vegetables differs significantly.

Regarding the need for nitrogen vegetables can be divided into strong, medium and weak consumers. These needs must be considered when preparing the beds and making fertilizers

  • Strong consumers (big need for nitrogen): green, white and red cabbage, chinese cabbage, curly cabbage, brussels and cauliflower, broccoli, celery, bow, mangold, tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper, zucchini, pumpkin.
  • Middle Consumers (Middle need for nitrogen): carrots, red beets, radish, coil, kolrabi, onions, potatoes, fennel, eggplants, spinach, field salad, cooked salad, chicory.
  • Weak consumers (Small nitrogen need): peas, beans, radishes, nasturtium (lug), greens and spices.

Vegetable beds. © Social Geek.

What and with what to combine

Landing several types of vegetables in the garden will allow you to significantly increase the harvest. The correct combination of several types of vegetables contributes to full growth, reduces the likelihood of diseases, creates a favorable habitat for beneficial insects and scares different pests.

But at the same time, the simultaneous landing of several types of vegetables together has its own drawbacks, because not all plants can get along with each other. Several ordinary tips will introduce you to the most common possible combinations when growing vegetables:

  • Asparagus gets along well with many vegetables, but she is more suitable tomatoes, parsley and basil.
  • Bush beans get along well with potatoes, cucumbers, corn, strawberry and celery, but does not tolerate onions. On the contrary, the beans usual more capricious - it is successfully growing, being close to corn and radish, and does not get along with beet and bow at all.
  • Representatives of the Kochan Family (Broccoli, Brussels Cabbage, White Cabbage, Cauliflower, Garden Cabbage, etc.) Perfectly get along with many other vegetables. Their "neighbors" can be made beets, celery, cucumbers, lettuce, bulk, onion, potatoes and spinach. But there are unwanted plants, such as ordinary beans, strawberries, tomatoes, etc.
  • Carrots can be grown adjacent to many vegetables: beans, lettuce latch, rosemary, onion, sage and tomatoes. However, you should not land carrots next to dill.
  • Celery is also unpretentious with respect to other vegetables planted nearby. It can be planted next to the bow, representatives of the family of jams, tomatoes and bush beans. As well as asparagus, there are no specific vegetables for celery that can have a negative impact on its growth.
  • Corn must be planted away from tomatoes, but next to potatoes, beans, peas, pumpkin, cucumbers, etc.
  • The cucumbers do not like to grow near the aromatic herbs and potatoes, but the landing is extremely favorable next to beans, corn and peas.
  • Latuke salad - an extremely unpretentious plant capable of growing next to any vegetables. But it is best to plant it next to carrots, strawberries and cucumbers.
  • The bow is better to plant close to beets, carrots, lathouse salad and representatives of the Kochan family. However, it is better not to plant it next to beans and peas, if you want to subsequently collect a good harvest.
  • Peas are best planted next to carrots, repo, cucumbers, corn and beans, but in no case next to the bow or potatoes.
  • Speaking of potatoes, it is better to plant nearby beans, corn and representatives of the Kochan family to achieve good results. Potatoes should not be seated next to the pumpkin, tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Finally, tomatoes are one of the most common vegetables grown in the summer season. For a better result, tomatoes need to be planted near onions, asparagus, carrots, parsley or cucumbers, but away from potatoes and various representatives of the Kochan family.

The above is far from a complete list. Undoubtedly, a lot of other vegetables can be grown in the garden, and this article would be twice or even three times if everything was described in detail. But the vegetables described in this article are the most common. It will help you correctly plan and organize your garden for the next year.

Try to plant vegetables with various combinations. You will understand that at the same time they will be much more useful, which, in turn, will provide you and members of your family tasty and healthy food.

Vegetables. © Little Dog Laughted

Plants that can not be planted nearby

Among the garden plants, the relationship of mutual assistance is much more often than the relationship of hostility. Bad compatibility of plants is most often due to their root or sheet discharges that can slow down the growth of neighboring crops. Selection of some plants have a specific depressing effect only on any one or two other types. For example, Sage does not get along with onions, the turnip suffers from the neighborhood of the walkway and the Highlander of Avia (Speech), the velvets act badly on the beans, wormwoods are bitter - on peas and beans, the Pijm is on the cabbage leaf, the winch is on potatoes.

There are types of plants that distinguish substances poorly carryable by most of other species. An example is the black walnut that emitting the substance Yuglon, the inhibitory growth of the majority of vegetables, azaleas, rhododendrons, blackberries, peonies, apple trees.

Close Neighborhood Bitter is also undesirable for most vegetables.

Among the vegetable plants there is also an inconsivered, or, as they say, the "asocial" species that does not act on many cultural plants. This is Fennel. It damages tomatoes, beans, cumin, peas, beans and spinach.

Some weeds of field crops do not just compete with them for water and nutrition, but also oppress them with their own discharge. Wheat is oppressing a large number of plants of poppy and chamomile, rapesee - walking and mustard fields. Rye, on the contrary, herself slows down the growth of weeds, and if you sewed two years in a row in one place, the field will disappear on this field. Other cultural plants are also capable of slowing down the growth of weeds. Of these, they are trying to allocate substances responsible for this action in order to create environmentally harmless herbicides based on them.

A vivid example of negative interaction can be the relationship between clover and all plants from the Lutikov family. The radunculin substance is formed in their roots, even in extremely low concentrations, the inhibitory growth of nodule bacteria and therefore making the soil unsuitable for clover. If a buttercup appeared on the perennial herbs field, then the clover here soon will completely disappear.

The American biologist R. B. Gregg in his book about herbs gives such a destroying characteristics of the Lutikov family. "Dolphinium, Peony, acronitis and some other garden flowers belong to the family of iltike, very strong and viable, but alive only for themselves. They require a large number of organic fertilizers, and after themselves leaving lifeless humus. Neighboring plants will not grow well without a large amount of compost. "

In the kingdom of trees, according to the same author, a spruce is distinguished by its aggressive character. It is hostile to all other trees, the adverse effect of Elutes is manifested in the soil for 15 years after her deforestation.

There are many examples and such relationships when in large quantities of plants act on some culture in depressingly, and in small - favorable for its growth. Such plants are recommended to land around the edges of the beds with vegetable crops, but only in small quantities. This refers to the clarotum of white (deaf nettle), Esparcet, Valerian, Yarrow. Chamomile in large quantities is harmful to wheat, and in a 1: 100 ratio contributes to better grain performance.

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic herbs whose leaves highlight a large number of volatile substances, for many garden plants are good satellites. Their volatile discharges have a favorable on growing vegetables: make them healthier, and in some cases significantly affect the taste. For example, a soul basil improves the taste of tomatoes, and dill - cabbage.

Famous dandelion allocates a large amount of ethylene gas, accelerating the ripening of fruits. Therefore, his neighborhood is favorable for apple trees and many vegetable crops. Most of the aromatic herbs are lavender, a bug, sage, sage, sage, parsley, dill, charker, mayor, chamomile, Crevel - are well acting on almost all vegetables. Claw-plated in the edges of the Groatok or Clasp Delion (deaf nettle), Valerian, Yarrow Make vegetable plants are healthier and resistant to disease.

Dynamic plants - those that at all and all well affect, supporting the total tone: nettle, chamomile, Valerian, dandelion, yarrow.

  • "Tirana", oppressing all the "neighbors" without exception: Fennel and wormwood. Around Fennel, really, everything suffers. His - to the fence.
  • "Assistants" for all - salad and spinach. They identify substances that enhance the activity of roots and plants and shall cause the soil. So everyone is fed!
  • "Quarrel" with each other all umbrellas, except for carrots: parsley, celery, parsnik, listeners, dill, kinza. These are better to plant apart.

It is useful to plant the barchats around the bed with greens: they will be great pest protection.

To get rid of the wireman (larva Zhuk Nutcaln), squeeze near the carrots of the beans. For whatever part of your site, you have landed your favorite roots, never carrots are corrupted by these pests.