What is a road fabric. Road canvas in context

Non-woven geotextiles Dorenit - domestic production is made from polypropylene with a need-floprimal method.

Today is ours geosynthetic materials with delivery in Russiaapplicable in road, hydraulic, railway, airfield, housing, industrial construction, landscape design and gardening. In particular, the needle geotextile Dornitit is made of polypropylene, pre-treated fibers. Thanks to the needle-free technology, the strongest, resistant to huge loads of the canvas.

The geotextile cannon is used in a variety of industries. But most often it is used during the construction of roads. In this case, it acts as a separation layer, with which crushed stone, gravel from the soil is separated. It is determined by the fact that the material is ideal for those difficult conditions in which work is usually carried out.

Description of material

The production of the road cannut is carried out from polyester, polypropylene fibers. In order to further strengthen them, manufacturers spend curls of fibers, as well as their thermal processing.

Obtained canvas steadily chemicals, acids, ultraviolet radiation. Geotextile can be in a wet environment for a long time, but it will not be formed on the surface rota, mold, bacteria.

The dense structure of the road leaf prevents germinating roots. Therefore, no additional actions to protect the road cover should be taken.

Why precisely geotextile Dornit?

Our environmentally friendly geosynthetic materials with delivery in Russia increase the strength of slopes, embankments, any other design. In addition, geotextiles Dorenit is often used as a layer between rubble and soil, excluding its sediment, preventing the formation of cracks in the road surface. The volume geogress is coping not only with the soil, but also by any embankments.

Geotextile Dorenit is suitable for:

  • creating effective filtration systems;
  • landscaping area;
  • construction of pools and artificial reservoirs;
  • preventing the appearance of weeds in place under seedlings;
  • strengthening the foundation and bearing walls.

Modern geosynthetic materials with delivery in Russia have many advantages over classical building materials:

  • geotextile Dorenit is a water permeable;
  • high construction strength;
  • excellent fixation of the upper layer due to the volume geogriness;
  • geotextile Dorenit is suitable for the formation of composition, ventilation and insulation;
  • increasing the strength of isolation;
  • geotextile Dorenit reduces the cost of construction work;
  • our geosynthetic materials with delivery in Russia retain resistance to ultraviolet and temperature drops.

In a word, geotextile Dorenit along with a volume geovel is a better solution for groundwork and construction.

OUR OFFER! Structure strength, high waterproof, minimum proportion, environmental purity and excellent filtering characteristics of geosynthetic materials with delivery in Russia and at a reasonable price. You can check an order by calling our consultant or filling out a special form on the site!

Road Dornit

Road cannon Dorenit has such advantages:

  • Due to the fact that the module of its elasticity is quite high, the coating can withstand really serious loads. Reinforcing coating properties are preserved even if its minimal deformation occurs.
  • Even if the coating is damaged, it will continue to effectively perform its own functions.
  • The level of water permeability material is high. That is why its presence eliminates the likelihood of condensation. Previously, it was a truly serious problem with which road builders could not cope.
  • Road canvas are quite difficult to damage. Even with a strong tension it does not break. By the way, this property allows you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe canvas.
  • The part of the road canvase does not include any additional impurities that can be destroyed under the action of certain factors. As for the polypropylene fibers, which are used in production, they normally transfer radiation.
  • The coating is quite simply mounted. It is enough to prepare it right, as well as pick up effective fasteners.

Geotextile Dornit: Price

In order for you to adequately appreciate the cost of the road cannut road, presented on our site, you need to take into account a few moments.

So, during the formation of the price, various indicators are taken into account. Some of them do not change. This category includes costs of raw materials, technology implementationOther. These indicators are taken into account by manufacturers. They set the initial cost.

There is also another category of indicators. It should be analyzed in obligatory. These include such indicators like shipping costs, batch volume, applied techniqueOther. It is the analysis that will allow you to understand that the rates proposed by us are most beneficial. You can personally make sure that the table is familiarized to the table.

Note that we currently acts unique program. Its essence is in encouraging regular customers, wholesale buyers. So, we provide discounts, carry out the accrual of bonuses. To familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of the formation of value, the possibility of obtaining a discount can be turning to our managers. To do this, in the relevant section, we posted our contacts.

Region applications

  • Geotextile Dorenit use for the formation of green roofs. This material serves as a drainage, and also protects the soil from the flushing of minerals and organic.
  • Dorenit material is used in the construction of roads as additional reinforcement.
  • Using Dornita gives additional protection from "Vizlva" soilsThereby reduces the need for post mills.
  • Dorenit is laid under concrete slabs on road slopes and slopes. He protects the ground from washing and reduces the stress of soils Under concrete structures.
  • Apply Material I. when arranging a belt foundation: A number of studies have shown that this geotextile reduces the stress on the design even when installing in specific geological conditions.
  • Also Dorenit can be used when organizing drainage systems - It protects drainage channels from mechanical impurities.

If you are interested in our favorable prices, you want to buy geotextiles, you initially need to determine which brand it comes up. To do this, you should explore the technical characteristics of various roads, features of their use.

Next you can go. It is done very simple. You need to click a button that is located under the selected brand. The monitor will display the form. Will need to make it contact details. It is necessary for our specialists to contact you.

It is in the telephone mode that you can specify how much of the goods you plan to order. You can also make adjustments to the prepared order, learn more information about discounts, bonuses. Together with the manager who will oversee your order, you can choose an acceptable form of payment.

As for the delivery process, there are also their nuances here. For transporting material Various techniques can be used. Therefore, you must decide what will be more acceptable for you. You must also specify the exact address to which delivery will be performed as well as time.

    Roadbed - Earth strip designed for travel. (Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Plugs V.I., 1995) ... Architectural dictionary

    Mi 3114-2008: Recommendation. GS Automatic weight measurement devices for weighing motor vehicles in motion and determining axial loads on the road leaf. Technique verification - Terminology Mi 3114 2008: Recommendation. GS Automatic weight measurement devices for weighing motor vehicles in motion and determining axial loads on the road leaf. Tailing technique: Car check: Car with ... ...

    Value Valid load on the road canvas created by a single axis of the car. - Valid load on the road canvas created by a single axis of the car. The value of the load on the road canvas created by single axis of a two-axis car on a spring suspension defined in static weighing mode ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    The largest measurement limit (NPI) of the axial load on the road leaf - The largest measurement limit (NPI) of the axial load on the roadbed: the greatest load on the load-receiving platform for which weighing scales are designed in motion without summation. A source … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    The smallest limit of measuring the axial load on the roadbed (IPI) - The smallest limit for measuring the axial load on the roadbed (IMPI): the load is below which the result of weighing in motion to summation may contain an unacceptably high error. A source … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Building a construction, construction, construction, repair and maintenance of automotive road roads, access roads and urban streets. This concept, as a rule, includes management, organization of work and supervision ... ... Encyclopedia Color

    blights - but/; MN. Polo / TNA, Ten, TNAM; cf. See the TZH. linen 1) a) smooth linen or cotton fabric, which has every thread of the bases intertwined with each tread thread; Artificial or silk fabric of such a weave weave, whiten, ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    BUT; MN. canvas, ten, TNAM; cf. 1. Smooth linen or cotton fabric, which has each filament of the bases intertwined with each thread of the duck; Artificial or silk fabric of such interlacing. Weave, whiten, spread n. P. for sails ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Frames of the automotive road - Earth canvas structural element that serves as a basis for placement of road clothing, as well as technical means of organizing road traffic and arrangement of a highway; ... Source: Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union from ... ... Official terminology

    earth belt - a construction that serves as the basis of the upper structure of the railway track, which perceives the load from the upper structure of the path and railway rolling stock, evenly distributes it to the underlying natural soil, aligns the nerves ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    road base - The lower carrier part of the road clothing, consisting of one or more layers of road materials and ensuring the transfer of loads to the Earth's canvas [Terminological dictionary on construction in 12 languages \u200b\u200b(VNIIIS Gosstroita USSR)] Themes ... ... Technical translator directory


  • Game "Flexible Avtotek. Fire Team" (340 parts) (BB 2769) ,. Help the fire truck get to the scene of the incident. Collect one of the proposed route options or invent your own. Create slides and bridges, Ogniba obstacles from the head of the road canvas ...


Earth strip designed to travel.

(Terms of Russian architectural heritage. Plugnikov V.I., 1995)

Dictionary of architectural terms.. Edwart. 2011.

Watch what is a "road canvas" in other dictionaries:

    Mi 3114-2008: Recommendation. GS Automatic weight measurement devices for weighing motor vehicles in motion and determining axial loads on the road leaf. Technique verification - Terminology Mi 3114 2008: Recommendation. GS Automatic weight measurement devices for weighing motor vehicles in motion and determining axial loads on the road leaf. Tailing technique: Car check: Car with ... ...

    Value Valid load on the road canvas created by a single axis of the car. - Valid load on the road canvas created by a single axis of the car. The value of the load on the road canvas created by single axis of a two-axis car on a spring suspension defined in static weighing mode ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    The largest measurement limit (NPI) of the axial load on the road leaf - The largest measurement limit (NPI) of the axial load on the roadbed: the greatest load on the load-receiving platform for which weighing scales are designed in motion without summation. A source … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    The smallest limit of measuring the axial load on the roadbed (IPI) - The smallest limit for measuring the axial load on the roadbed (IMPI): the load is below which the result of weighing in motion to summation may contain an unacceptably high error. A source … Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Road construction - construction industry, construction, construction, repair and maintenance of automotive road roads, access roads and urban streets. This concept, as a rule, includes management, organization of work and supervision ... ... Encyclopedia Color

    blights - but/; MN. Polo / TNA, Ten, TNAM; cf. See the TZH. linen 1) a) smooth linen or cotton fabric, which has every thread of the bases intertwined with each tread thread; Artificial or silk fabric of such a weave weave, whiten, ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    blights - but; MN. canvas, ten, TNAM; cf. 1. Smooth linen or cotton fabric, which has each filament of the bases intertwined with each thread of the duck; Artificial or silk fabric of such interlacing. Weave, whiten, spread n. P. for sails ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Frames of the automotive road - Earth canvas structural element that serves as a basis for placement of road clothing, as well as technical means of organizing road traffic and arrangement of a highway; ... Source: Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union from ... ... Official terminology

    earth belt - a construction that serves as the basis of the upper structure of the railway track, which perceives the load from the upper structure of the path and railway rolling stock, evenly distributes it to the underlying natural soil, aligns the nerves ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    road base - The lower carrier part of the road clothing, consisting of one or more layers of road materials and ensuring the transfer of loads to the Earth's canvas [Terminological dictionary on construction in 12 languages \u200b\u200b(VNIIIS Gosstroita USSR)] Themes ... ... Technical translator directory


  • Game "Flexible Avtotek. Fire Team" (340 parts) (BB 2769) ,. Help the fire truck get to the scene of the incident. Collect one of the proposed route options or invent your own. Create slides and bridges, Ogniba obstacles from the head of the road canvas ...
  • Types of roads
  • Road construction includes design, construction, as well as repair and maintenance of roads, access roads, streets. Road construction work is carried out using special technologies and attracting equipment, road equipment.

    Types of roads

    The road is an extended high-quality road having a high bandwidth. Among the roads, depending on the conditions of movement, they allocate:

    • Motorway With divided movement stripes, junction, providing a direct transport message between settlements.
    • High-speed expensivewith controlled access and separated movement strips, as well as junction.
    • Ordinary expensive- They may not have a separation strip.

    The device of the roadbed

    The road is a complex engineering structure. The following structural elements are distinguished in the organization of the road leaf:

    • Driving part- The main element of the road to which motor vehicles moves.
    • Separating strip- limits the movement in each direction.
    • Ochina- Supports the canvas, is also designed to stop cars, movement of pedestrians.
    • Ditch- It is a reinforced trench and is designed to remove water.

    The strength of the roadway must correspond to the loads that it is experiencing. In addition, it is necessary to provide a convenient and safe movement of transport.

    The automotive road is occurring taking into account the terrain. Earthworks carried out at the very beginning ensure the stable position of the bulk part of the road - road clothing. Drainage open and open structures in the form of a canvas, tranches serve to remove water.

    Stages of construction

    The construction of the road can be divided into steps:

    • Preparatory stage.
    • Construction of an earth canvas. At this stage, the fertile layer is removed from the ground and the road base is prepared, arranging the mound, sealing soil and strengthening the slopes.
    • INTRODUCTION OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS IN EARTH WATER. These activities are based on the features of the relief and soil, improve the frost resistance, draining properties and other parameters of the embankment.
    • Construction of road clothes: coatings, bases and intermediate layers.
    • Asphalting.
    Road clothing

    Roadwear consists of several layers and is intended to take on the load of moving vehicles. Types of travel clothes are combined on the basis of combinations of road-building materials, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

    Roadwear consists of:

    • bottom part - base layers and
    • tops - layers of coating.

    On the upper coating layers there is a major load. For this reason, they are subject to destruction - such as:

    • cracks,
    • breaks and potholes
    • beacon
    • wavely deformations.

    Based on the road clothing, the voltage is quenched. If necessary, it builds additional layers with sand, soil, binders and various additives. They can increase the frost and hydraulic characteristics of the road, to give it special strength.

    Roads are the country's business card, many sectors of the economy depend on the development of the road network. Financing the road industry, we contribute to the development of the economy as a whole. The road to relate to complex technical objects, characterized by a special history of its development and strong technological heredity. To improve its condition in our country, it is necessary to rely on the modern methods of road construction and take into account the existing technologies of our regions and territories. Only with this approach, the roads will meet all the increasing needs of society, to withstand the ever-increasing increase in motor vehicles, the growing intensity of movement and increasing loads. After designing the road coatings, first of all, the basic requirements for such a complex engineering construction should be taken into account Namely: ensuring the uninterrupted and continuous, year-round and secure movement of motor vehicles with the design load and strictly installed speed mode under any weather conditions.

    The base for asphalt concrete coating

    For a start, let's decide that the base itself is understood under the term itself - this is the so-called carrier part of any road "clothes", which allows evenly (subject to all technologies), distribute loads on other layers, but below lying in uniform quantities. The very basis may consist of a certain "cake" of the layers developed in each case. It is necessary to understand that there is, both the main and an additional basis, under the additional grounds understand - frost-protective, draining layers.

    So, what type can be the basis?

    Can be divided into the following subgroups:

    • Rubble.
    • Gravel.
    • Concrete.

    Each of the subgroup has its own scope of application, as well as certain technologies, however, in general, there is no discrepancies in the laying of the road surface.


    Sand-of-step is used in virtually all known types of bases, it serves to maintain a sufficient level of drainage.

    Sand serves to maintain good depreciation and drainage of the roadbed, and therefore road builders are very carefully suited to his choice. Often use the sand river, with grains of 1.7 -2.3 mm, which is considered as a medium in size. The purity of the material is very important, i.e., the maximum of clay impurities are excluded. The sandy pillow is carefully compacted and make geocan, which will divide it with a layer of rubble and gravel.

    Keep the form that the use of even small clay impurities will adversely affect the work of the entire sand cushion. Since clay properties are completely opposite to the sand. The form of what will be observed with a light or even strong wetlastin and the height of the road section, not only after sediments, but also in the spring-autumn period.

    When the device of some road highways, with an increased vehicle flow, a decision is made to use the combined type "pillows" - gravel-rubble. During the device of the same sidewalks, use some one of the layers to reduce costs and accordingly costs.

    The base on which the layers of rubble or gravel are laid is carrying (or the main) layer of "road clothing", since he has the most responsible role - it perceives the transport load and distributes it to the earthen canvas. His role is great, and work on the device of a chicken base is the most laborious. Smelling rubble produce layers with subsequent seal. Apply only strictly assorted crushed stone or gravel various fractions.

    The technological cycle consists of the following steps:

    • Laysid of large-scale rubble (H 0.15-0.25 m).
    • Frader layout.
    • Careful seal.
    • Rosser small-scale rubble (H 0.1 - 0.2 m).
    • Equalization of the automotive drive.
    • Seal with a spray.
    • Finish placer, sealing and spilling with an arguing fraction.

    Technology coating

    For many years, the technology of the coating device does not change. After preparing the ground, regardless of the appointment of the future road network, is produced, the so-called finish finish.

    The finishing finish is a "black" base, the main purpose of which is to level operational loads. Special mineral material with high strength properties is widely used, which is specially processed by a binding element.

    The asphalt concrete consists of: rubble, sand, mineral additives (enveloped bitumen) and binder (high molecular weight organic compound). Asphalt concrete mixtures are used for laying with a wide temperature run - from hot to cold cycles. The stacking process is carried out using the "tracking" system (laser) of the treadmaker. The ABS is laid on the surface pre-printed emulsion, after which it is carefully compacted.

    Steps of the Road Coating Device

    To the steps of the roadway device, the following processes can be attributed:

    • Processing "Pillows" with a special projected emulsion.
    • Pouring the finished asphalt mixture on the prepared base with the help of automotive vehicles is either manually, depending on the tasks.
    • Running the asphalt mixture and its further tamping with the help of construction rollers.
    • The last step can be attributed to the markup and the establishment of fences.

    Laying of reinforced concrete slabs for base

    Choosing the reinforced concrete plates as "road clothes", it is necessary to understand that the durability use of the road depends on the overall technology. But it is worth noting that the plates are often used for temporary roads. So, the laying technology itself includes the following steps:

    • The upper layer of the soil is cut, the surface being processed is aligned.
    • A trench of a depth of 250 to 500 mm is rotated.
    • On the bottom of the trench, it is necessary to lay a layer of geotextile. Laying this material will avoid germination of plants.
    • One layer of rubble is stacked on geotextiles (up to 12 cm), as well as a sand layer (on average up to 20 cm). This will serve as a sand base.

    It follows before laying the plates, thoroughly shedding with water "pillow". The plates are then stacked, as a rule, the laying technology depends on the characteristics of the material itself. Often the plates are stacked consistently, aligned and trambed using special equipment or manually.

    The device of road clothes from gravel and crushed stone materials

    Gravel and crushed stone roads guarantee year-round use, as well as the possibility of holding construction work in all weather conditions.

    Such roads are arranged at a pre-prepared portion of the soil, if the earthen cover is equipped with a sickle profile. On soils with a high drainage system, it is recommended to install a semi-open profile.

    But, the most propagation was obtained by roads with a completely unscrewed base, that is, the sandy cushion is prepared from the beginning above the ground level, then the sideline is being sweeping, thereby forming, the so-called truck profile. This type of construction is most optimal in the absence of building materials.

    Gravel and rubble roads are poured into one layer, if the thickness is no more than 20 cm. If the height of the clothes is more than 20 cm. It is arranged two layers, with a thorough traam of each.