Decorative plaster on the border with the ceiling. Decorative plaster on the ceiling: Photo

Many people know that decorative plasters are used to finish the external and internal surfaces of the walls, but not everyone knows that they can also be applied to the ceiling. In this case, the works are more complex, but the result will be the original surface. Decorative plaster on the ceiling is applied about the same technology as on the walls, but requires other preparatory work.

This stage is mandatory, since the decorative plaster for the ceiling will not be able to hide all irregularities and other surface defects. First of all, it is necessary to carefully explore the ceiling for cracks, chosel or protruding fragments. It should also be checked for the flattering ceiling by the construction level. If there are no defects on its surface - you can safely begin decoration. Otherwise, you will have to resort to dry or wet alignment.

The first way implies the installation of metal profiles, which will subsequently be mounted (suspended ceiling). The second method is to apply to the surface of the starting aligning layer of finishing material.

Before starting work, it is necessary to equalize the ceiling

Important! If the drops are in the level exceed 5 cm, it is better to use a dry alignment method, since such a thick layer of plaster will not be able to stay on the ceiling and quickly occur.

If the differences are small, then you can use conventional plaster to level the surface. Most often used mixtures based on plaster or cement. The first option is distinguished by rapid drying, ease of installation, the lack of a large amount of dust in the process of work. Cement mixtures are more durable and not so afraid of moisture, as gypsum, in addition, their cost is significantly lower. However, for internal works, it is preferable to choose compounds based on plaster, and for external cement.

Popular Mixtures for Leveling Ceiling

Preparatory stage

First of all, from the surface you need to remove the old paint and plaster. If the ceiling was previously decorated with limestones, then it is swollen with simple water. It is necessary to add a little iodine to the water to remove water paint, and in the case of water-dispersion compositions, special solvents are used.

Removal of old paint and plaster

After that, it should be removed all the protruding fragments of the ceiling, molding plaster and so on. Most likely, cracks will be detected on the surface, which were previously close in putty. It should also be deleted. Then the surface must be treated with antiseptic composition to avoid the appearance of fungi and mold. The last step will apply the deep-rotating primer with a roller, and in hard-to-reach places - by means of a brush.

Protecting the ceiling roller

The ceiling decoration with decorative plaster lasts for quite a long time, so if the time for repair is limited, it is better to choose a different finish method. For complete drying of the composition and durability, it will take about 7 days. It is also important to decide in advance with the desired color and acquire the appropriate kel. Experts are also recommended before creating a coating to carry out test shockting on a small seating area or on a sheet of drywall.

Required tools and materials

Decorative ceiling plaster requires the following tools and materials:

  • capacity for mixing, drill with a nozzle mixer;
  • spatulas of different sizes;
  • halfury, Kelma;
  • roller, brush.

Applying structural plasters

Structural plaster on the ceiling looks very original

Such decorative plaster on the ceiling will look effectively at the expense of grooves, which are formed after drying the material and their paint tinting. The process is carried out as follows:

  1. The plaster is gaining on a wide spatula and transferred to the ceiling. At the same time, it is important to immediately stretch the material so that it does not fall. After that, the surface is rolled with a roller for moving. The thickness of the layer should be equal to the size of the grain of plaster. Then leaving the ceiling to push for about 12 hours.
  2. Upon expiration of this time, it should be proceeded to grouting the surface. For these purposes, the grater or celma is used. The tool is tightly pressed to the ceiling and spend it in different directions. The protruding fragments are then cut off, and the entire area is covered with primer.
  3. The last stage will be staining. It is carried out in two stages with an interval of about 8 hours. If materials that are pre-talked, the paint is not needed. At the end, the surface is rubbed or covered with varnish.

Coloring structural plaster

You should know! Most of these types of solutions dry out very quickly, so it is recommended to work with a partner. So far, one puts the plaster, the second smoothes or rubs.

Application of textured plastecrockers

This type of material requires the use of special tools or remedies for drawing pattern.

The first stage is the same as in the case of structural materials. After that you need to take a curly roller and roll them all over the surface. For the ceiling, it is also convenient to use a brush. More complex drawings create, having appropriate qualifications, and lasts this for quite a long time, so the home master is better to do with a roller and brush. 24 hours after application, the plaster is covered with primer, and then paint, if there is such a need.

The use of textured rollers allows you to achieve the desired drawing

Application of Venetian plaster

Among other decorative compositions, Venetian plaster takes first place when finishing the ceiling. The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Material is applied by a spatula, after which they roll up to cells.
  2. Without waiting for drying, handle the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling by Venetian Clavma for applying relief. The movements can be arbitrary. The main thing is to put pressure on the tool with the average force.
  3. The plaster is given 12 hours for drying, after which the subsequent layers are applied. Their amount is determined individually, but the total thickness should not exceed 5 mm.
  4. Conduct the "iron" procedure. Metallic cells pass on the surface, while he is very pressing on it, as a result of which the surface acquires a metal shine.
  5. The last step will be the surface treatment of fine-grained sandpaper and its fastener wax.

The procedure for applying decorative plaster on the ceiling is practically no different from the finishing of wall surfaces. Only in this case it is important to be careful, because we are talking about the works, albeit on a small but altitude. Also appropriate to work together.

Stone texture is always in fashion

One of the advantages of such a finishing of surfaces is the durability of the coating. And if you decide to do without the help of specialists, and make a job with your own hands, the question of choosing a material.

What to pay attention to the selection

Reading different names on labels, the unfair person will not always understand that this is often the same: decorative, structural, textured, plaster, cha. Just every manufacturer has its name.

Different types of decorative plaster

  • The difference between these compositions lies not in this. The instruction on the package must contain information about a binding basis, the minimum thickness of the texture layer, fillers fractions and the final form of the plastered surface.
  • The structure of the plaster layer is formed due to the large-disorded special filler in its composition. From its fraction hesitates the thickness of the layer - from one to six millimeters.
  • Creating a certain texture is achieved by multilayer material application. In this case, the surface of the plaster to the touch is smooth, and may have a thickness of no more than one and a half years.
  • But the relief on the surface is created due to the mechanical processing of the applied special tools. It is clearly visible on the photo presented in the gallery. In this case, the thickness of the applied layer may vary, reaching six to seven millimeters.

There is also a type of decorative plaster - variational. Basic mixture and fillers for it are sold separately. Flops, chips, quartz or marble crumbs can be used as filler. Thanks to them, there are so different, and incredibly beautiful textures.

Types of compositions and their use

The lowest price for mineral plaster options. The binder here is lime, cement or gypsum. These mixtures are well grapped, and each has its own applications.

  • For example, cement plaster will better tolerate moisture, but has a coarse texture. Not in every interior it will look good, therefore it is more used for walls and ceilings of rooms with high humidity.

Stuccoings on a cement basis are used to create the effect of "under concrete"

  • Gypsum textured plaster on the ceiling is more appropriate thanks to the natural whiteness of this material. As for the limestone mixture for decorative plastering, it is mainly used to finish the walls.
  • There are combined options. For example: a lime-cement mixture, which is called terrarasitic plaster. It has a white portland cement, a lime-puff, sand, mica, various pigments. This composition is usually used to finish facades of buildings.
  • The most persistent and durable are epoxy and polyurethane compositions. They are not afraid of any exposure to chemicals and high temperatures. Their main minus is a specific smell.
  • With a strong heating, the surface plastered with such a composition, extracts toxic substances. It is clear that for residential premises, these mixtures are not used. But for outdoor decoration, these are excellent options, despite their high cost.

Stylization of the texture of travertine on the kitchen ceiling using acrylic attacks and paints

The best option is the plaster textured for ceiling, the astringent base of which is acrylic or polyvinyl acetate. Such plasterers have the best plasticity. They are racks for moisture and exposure to ultraviolet and do not constitute any danger to human health.

How to work with decorative plaster

Zoning coating in golden colors

Before starting the finish, no special surface preparation is required. Everything as usual is a thorough sweep to the slab plate, and the coating concrete contact. Only if there are drops on the base ceiling, seams are seams between the plates - they need to sharpen or align them. How to do it, look at the video.

  • To knead the solution, you will need a twental tank; Construction mixer, or drill with a nozzle. To work with a finished solution, various tools are used - depending on which invoice should be obtained:

A set of tools for the formation of relief

  • First of all, it is a set of spatulas: it will also be narrow, and wide stainless metal, and necessarily rubber. Application of textured plaster on the ceiling, and its alignment is performed by the spatula.
  • Kelma is also used for this purpose, and also to create relief when forming patterns. In fact, for each type of plaster, you need your tool.
  • There is a popular texture "Coroed". Create it with a grater that needs to be moved along the layer of plaster in a certain direction. There are many versions of the Terc, using which you can get different pattern.

  • The same can be said about the rollers. The usual fur roller ground surfaces. There is a technology of applying such a roller of textural plaster. The patterned roller can be drawing even on a simple plaster, and not just on decorative.
  • If a solid drawing is applied with a patterned roller, then a stamp is used to create a separate image. It turns out neat and pretty quickly.
  • An interesting pattern on the surface can be obtained by winding on the roller mint polyethylene film or rope. Original reliefs and drawings can be created using a stencil.
  • For the formation of the relief by the spray method, a special pistol is needed. The solution is supplied to the compressor with a capacity of up to four atmospheres. Specialists work this method. It is unlikely that for independent plastering, someone will acquire such equipment.
  • Textured plaster ceiling with quartz filler requires a tool called rowing. It is used to create linear patterns on thick layers of the applied composition.

Types of textured tension structures

Speaking of textured ceilings, we mean some features of the surface of the film or tissue canvas, which make up their texture:

  • relief drawing (furrows, stripes, waves, protrusions);
  • the degree of smooth roughness;
  • the level of reflection of light.

The textured tension canvas looks great in combination with matte suspended structures.

For example, the minimum reflective characteristics are characteristic of matte film. The drawing most often imitates one of the natural surfaces - wood, stone, bamboo or natural fabric. A little more reflects the light rays of satin, especially light, and the maximum reflective properties in a gloss, the mirror of which serves as an excellent use of an increase in space.

To emphasize the features of the interior style, choose one of the popular types of tension textured ceiling:

  • silk - distinguished by light glitter, pastel shades and softness;
  • marble - Ideally copies a cold and smooth surface with a natural pattern;
  • metallic - has a wide palette of shades with a slight flicker, changes color with varying degrees of lighting;
  • pearl - transmits a luxurious pearl shine, looks great in any interior;
  • suede is an unusual solution for the ceiling, great for eclectic decoration.

Noble glossy marble visually increases the height of the room

The combinations of various textures look original. For example, the alternation of gloss and matte dark tones serve to create imitation of a multi-level design.

Features of textural paints

If you first decide to conduct an experiment and create a flat ceiling with your own hands, use special paints. The volume and relief occur due to the addition of fillers to the usual composition. The base consists of acrylic resins, water is used as a diluent. Due to the thick consistency, the paint is applied not with a brush or roller, but a spatula like plaster. The traditional tools are more often used to create a pattern or ornament.

With the help of decorative plaster, you can create an unusual stylized surface.

Pay attention to the benefits of paint:

  • efficiency (especially in comparison with tension structures);
  • the ability to hide small irregularities plates;
  • preservation of the height of the room;
  • operational and inexpensive repair.

Fair to fully note the disadvantages: the textured paint for the ceiling is well kept on wooden surfaces, has a high consumption and does not close the large defects - protrusions and cracks.

The use of decorative paints is the easiest way to make the surface texture

How to choose decorative plaster

Reaches a little in the appliance technique, you can use textured plaster for the ceiling, which in construction supermarkets is sometimes found and under other names - decorative plaster, plaster, pukko.

Finished compounds

Thanks to the new technological developments in the field of modern decorative plasters, there are several types of creating a relief structure of material, as well as several techniques of application:

  • the volume is created by adding a large filler, the thickness of the layer depends on the size of which - 2-5 mm;
  • the visual effect of irregularities occurs in the process of applying several layers, although in fact the treated surface remains smooth;
  • the structure is built under the influence of special tools.

Decorative plaster is most often applied by the usual spatula

Variation plaster We obtain mixing two components: the base and one of the fillers, the role of which are chips, quartz crumb, flops.

Composition and structure of decorative plaster

Depending on the use, the compositions of decorative plaster may differ in fillers and additives that give the finishing material for or other additional properties. Decorative plaster for the ceiling is not only a stylish element of the interior decor, but also a durable coating that protects the ceiling from excessive moisture, dampness and other adverse effects.

In building stores, you can purchase both structural and textured plaster for ceilings.

Structural plaster

Finishing the ceiling by structural plaster of different textures

The structural plaster mixture is a white mass, which during the finish process can be painted in any color. These mixtures allow using specialized plastering tools to give the surface of the ceiling by any texture stipulated by the interior design of the room.

The decorative ceiling plaster with the help of a structural plaster mixture requires certain skills in the construction and finishing work.

Textured plaster

Instrument plaster with marble crumb

This type of decorative plaster is very convenient to use, as it is completely ready for use.

All necessary components have already been added to the textured plasters, and the surface texture with applied is already due to the composition of the construction and finishing mixture.

The size of the grains of filler decorative plaster are divided into the following types:

  • Large textured decorative plaster has the size of the granules from three to five millimeters;
  • Average textured - the size of the granules from one and a half to two and a half millimeters;
  • Finely textured plaster - the size of the granules from 0.5 to 1 millimeter;
  • Sufficiently textured decorative plaster has the size of the granules less than 0.5 millimeters.

Council. Determinating with the choice of material for finishing the ceiling, it should be noted that for applying finishing plaster with shallow or thin texture, the ceiling must be perfectly even, since this material does not hide the surface defects.

Composition of decorative plaster

Decorative stucco on the ceiling has several compositions of the working mixture:

  • Stuccoings, which include acrylic or polymer, dissolved in water, are environmentally safe, but their wear resistance leaves much to be desired;
  • If epoxy resins or polyurethane are used as a binder in the composition of decorative plaster, then such a material is more durable, but can select evaporation, unsafe for human health when heated.

Council. These coatings are not used to finish the ceilings in bedrooms and children's rooms.

  • When used as a filler for a plaster mixture of granite or quartz crumbs, the surface of a smooth or rough invoice is resistant to abrasion;
  • If marble crumb is chosen as a filler, the treated surface will have an unstable to abrasion, rough texture;
  • To give a plaster mixture of waterproofing and antiseptic properties, special thickeners, preservatives and antiseptics are introduced into the composition, which should be indicated on the finished packaging.

Preparation options for ceilings with decorative plaster

Depending on the design of the design of the room and its features, the version of decorative plaster for the ceilings is also selected.

For example, the ceiling decoration with decorative plaster in the bathroom or hall will differ in composition and texture from the bedroom or dining room.

Decoration of bedrooms and children's rooms

Applying mineral plaster on the ceiling, a large selection of options and textures

As a finishing material for bedrooms and children's rooms, it is better to choose plaster mixes on a mineral lime-based basis - this is the safest environmentally friendly material that allows the surface of the ceiling "to breathe".

Thanks to the enormous choice of colors and textures of mineral decorative plasters, the ceiling can be decorated in a variety of styles and color combinations.

Council. Stuccoings on a water basis cannot be applied to the surface, swelling under the influence of moisture - DVP, drywall and wood.

Decoration of rooms with high humidity

Options for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom "under marble"

For decoration of rooms with high humidity - bathrooms, bathrooms and kitchens, decorative plaster for the ceiling on an acrylic basis, which have water-repellent properties.

There are a number of plaster mixtures for ceilings with a water-repellent effect, which is also defined on the package with a mixture. The application of decorative plaster on the ceiling does not require pre-alignment of the ceiling overlap, as the mixture is applied with a layer of at least five millimeters.

But still preliminary preparation of the ceiling and eliminate large surface defects, before applying a plaster mixture, it is necessary.

Advantages and disadvantages of plaster mixtures for ceilings

The merits of decorative plaster include the following factors:

  • Ease and simplicity to use;
  • Decorative plaster can be applied almost on any surface;
  • The stucco decorative for the ceiling does not require careful surface preparation, but large surface defects are preferably eliminated;
  • Decorative plaster remarkably masks small irregularities of the ceiling surface;
  • Decorative plaster - persistent, environmentally friendly and durable coating.

The lack of this construction and finishing material include the following:

  • Finishing work must be carried out by a specialist;
  • Finely textured plaster requires a perfectly smooth surface of the ceiling;
  • Stuccoings on a water basis can not be applied on the surface, unstable to the effects of moisture - plasterboard, chipboard and wood.

Properly selected decorative plaster on the ceiling will help to give the interior of the room the unique style and elegance. The main thing is that the material of the plastering mix is \u200b\u200bselected with all the technological requirements.

Features and sequence of installation

First you need to say that it is quite difficult to produce such a character. It is necessary not only to stand on a certain hill, but also constantly keep hands raised up to produce certain actions. Given this, most people prefer to hire workers for this operation, so as not to fulfill it.

It is quite difficult to produce work on the ceiling, because you have to continuously work with the arms raised


  • First of all, it is necessary to understand that when working with the ceiling, any little thing is important. In such work, it is impossible to make mistakes, since this not only may worsen the quality of the design, but also significantly reduce the service life.
  • Special attention is paid to the coverage. Usually, installation instructions recommends using additional lamps that should be installed in a special way to identify irregularities.

The wrong selection of the mixture can lead not only to the difficulties in the installation, but also reduce the service life

  • To the selection of mixtures for work, it is also necessary to approach responsibly. The fact is that large-grained materials should be used for alignment, and the finish finish is made with compositions with small particles and even on the other basis.
  • It is worth mentioning that some compounds for working with the ceiling are often called putty, although in fact they are plaster mixtures. Accordingly, the decorative plaster on the ceiling is the same mixture, the truth performed by special compositions. This can use special technologies that differ from each other.

Properly installed lighting can greatly facilitate work and identify installation defects

Preparation and lighthouses

  • First of all, it is necessary to completely remove the old coating from the ceiling. For this, the sharp spatula is well suited. It is also recommended to use a brush with a bristle made of metal.
  • After that, the surface is treated with primer. Professional masters recommend to apply several layers with an interval of 4 hours. The fact is that this will not only increase the level of adhesion, but also significantly reduce absorption.

Each individual operation needs to be applied to certain materials that perform strictly specified functions.

  • If it is planned to create a ceiling of decorative plaster, it is best to use the type of primer that is recommended along with the main material. (See also the primer article under putty do it yourself.)
  • At the next stage, you need to level the surface. For this, first of all, put markup. It is best to perform it with a laser level and threads that stretch through the area.

Installation scheme of lighthouses and marking

  • On the basis of marking and cords you need to make lighthouses. At the same time, professional masters recommend to reduce the planned layer level of plastering to a minimum. That is why they are trying to take a place on the surface, which is closest to the floor.
  • For the manufacture of beacons, the landing gypsum is best used. The fact is that this substance is very quickly freeing and it will be much easier to work with it. It should be noted that the beacons are made at a distance of 20 cm from the walls and between them leave the gap equal to the length of the rule minus 20 cm.

Installing gypsum beacons for subsequent pulling on them

  • After the design freezes, the entire surface is once again processed by primer.

If you do too large lighthouses, the thickness of the plaster layer will also be significant.
However, it must be remembered that it takes space and takes off the ceiling.

Some wizards use a water level tool to facilitate the measurement process.

Sketch and pulling

  • At this stage you need to use a mixture intended for surface leveling. Nobody uses ordinary cement solutions long ago, although the price of plaster compositions is significantly higher. This is due to the fact that it is much easier to work with them and faster, and the final surface will have very good quality indicators.
  • It must be said that the mixture must be prepared very carefully using a special nozzle on a drill. The consistency of the resulting mixture should be quite thick so that it can stick on the vertical plane.

Leveling ceilings using the rule

  • Apply a mixture to the surface with a spatula, trying to rub it with pressure. After that, the leveling process starts, pulling the composition of its rule or other long and smooth tool. If the solution turns out to be too dry, it can be additionally mixed.
  • At the next stage, the mixture is allowed to completely frozen and then it is processed by primer to strengthen the connection with the surface.

Some experts also advise apply a notch to increase the clutch level with the surface.

  • Next, decorative ceiling plaster with your own hands, taking into account the features of the selected material. Typically, a metal spatula or halfter is used for this. However, there are such compositions that suggest the use of special tools.
  • Given the features of the finishing finishing coating, professional masters strongly recommend in detail to study technological processes for working with specific types of material. At the same time, they are advised to listen to the mixtures manufacturers who advise the use of additional components of the same series and even the party.

Mandatory priming before each application of material on the surface will increase the strength of the connection of the layers of the mixture and will create a practically monolithic structure.

  • Final alignment, if there is no pattern or relief on the surface, made using a polyurethane grater. In this case, the surface can be moistened to create a polishing effect.

When working with the ceiling on the floor, the residues of the solution often fall.
That is why before the start of installation it needs to be seeded in order not to spoil.

Apply the simplest finish layer to the surface, which can later be painted or used as a basis for decorative design

The ceiling finish is paid very little attention. Often it is just whitewash and on this all work end. Sometimes fantasy is enough for pasting ceiling with wallpaper. For those whom these actions seems not enough, and the stretch ceilings do not inspire, this article is dedicated.

Why precisely decorative plaster?

Of course, you can always go on the least difficult path, in which the decorative plaster on the ceiling is not applied. You can use a classic whitewash, the Sovdeopian pasting with wallpaper or modern stretch ceilings. All options have the right to life. In the first case, in general, you can do on your own with minimal costs, which makes it very popular. However, back to the decorative qualification qualities, if you really want to transform your interior.

We will not argue that better, decorative plaster or stretch ceilings. Yet it is a matter of taste and wallet. Everyone chooses himself what it wants. It is worth noting that stretch ceilings offer a classic smooth version using one tone. In the case of decorative plaster, the choice of color gamut, textures and possible pictures is much wider. Yes, and the decorative plaster of the ceiling with their own hands is lighted, compared with the method of stretch ceilings. In the latter case, it is impossible to do on their own forces.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that there is a mass of decorative materials, but such a rich texture and a variety of colors as a decorative plaster has no one of them. By the way, with this material you can achieve an antiseptic, water-repellent and thermal insulation effect for the ceiling. And whitewashes, painting, stretch ceilings or pasting wallpapers are capable of so?

Positive and negative moments when working with the ceiling

The advantages of this decorative material when working with the ceiling include the following points:

  1. Can hide small defects and irregularities of the ceiling.
  2. The coating is persistent and environmentally friendly.
  3. With proper application, plaster serves dozens of years and does not appear.
  4. Despite the uncomfortable posture, the material is not harder to apply than glue wallpaper.
  5. Decorative plaster can be applied not only on the already plastered surface, but also on "naked" concrete slabs and other surfaces.

The ceiling decoration with decorative plaster has some drawbacks:

  1. Despite the easyness of the work, the very first time to make high-quality coverage will not be released (except for the most primitive).
  2. It is necessary to know exactly the composition of the material in order not to make mistakes, because of which it will begin to crack or turn.
  3. When working with fine-fucked plaster, the surface of the ceiling must be perfect smooth.

We study the composition and structure

Since you have already abandoned other, more primitive materials, for finishing the ceiling, then you need to go to the end and choose that plaster, which will differ fundamentally from them. It makes no sense to stop your choice on plaster white plaster, because externally, it will not differ from the blots. Also, I would not want you to stop your choice on something simple, like "Coroed" with the effect of "rain". If you decorate the ceiling that no one ever notices, then something worth it and spectacular, which will attract a look and attract. The ideal option will be the Venetian decorative plaster, but the choice is only for you.

All high-quality decorative plaster is sold in the form of a thick white paste (sometimes in the form of a light powder to be brewed with water). With special backers, the solution can be painted in any desired shade. Not very easy to use structural plaster due to the fact that when working with it you will need certain skills. With such material you work, like a sculptor with a piece of clay. You will have to with the help of certain techniques and working tools to finishing work. The standard set of tools is as follows:

  • Putty knife
  • Trowel
  • Brush
  • Roller
  • Grater
  • Halfter

Another thing is a textured decorative plaster on the ceiling. In this case, the finished solution has in its composition certain components, which will create the desired drawing on the ceiling. Looking into a decorative material, you need to pay attention to the grains used in it, if you want to create various "rough effects" on the ceiling. The size of the grains is also important, which depends the size of the grooves.

When choosing decorative plaster for the ceiling, you need to make sure that there are certain components in its composition. In particular, we are talking about polymer and acrylic binders dissolved in water. Such decorative plaster on the ceiling is environmentally friendly. However, she has problems with wear resistance. Nevertheless, this problem is not terrible to us, because in the ceiling no one will touch the plaster.

Also as part of plaster, granite, marble and quartz crumb is often used. This option also has the right to life, although plaster with a similar filler will be better looking at the wall, and not on the ceiling.

For each room, its plaster on the ceiling

There is no universal answer to the question of the most suitable decorative plaster for the ceiling finish. And the point here is not only in a variety of manufacturers and different compositions. Depending on the room discharge, you need to put forward various requirements with decorative materials.

The choice of decorative plaster on the ceiling should begin with an understanding that depending on the room, the requirements for the material are different. For children used the most eco-friendly solutions on a mineral lime-based basis. The same material is suitable for your bedroom. For a corridor and guest room, special requirements are not extended, and in the storeroom at all you can pay a minimum of attention to the ceiling.

Another thing is kitchen, bathroom and balcony. The ceiling in the kitchen is constantly exposed to hot air arising due to cooking. Also on it can settle small fat particles. In the case of a balcony, it is necessary to take into account not only greater humidity, but also dampness. However, these moments must be taken into account in the bathroom, where it is still worth thinking about the stability of the material to regular evaporation. You can learn more about the requirements and features of the work in these premises from the corresponding materials about the balcony, kitchen and bathroom.

Procedure for work

First, we are interested in preparatory work. Ceiling should be cleaned of previous finishing layers, and then align if necessary. Decorative plaster can hide small defects, and even then not every solution is even capable of it. Therefore, it is very important to align the ceiling so that it is as smooth and smooth as possible. You should also take care of the absence of cracks.

If the ceiling is in a terrible state, which is unrealistic to align it with a solution (or there is a significant height difference), then you can use to align plasterboard plates. Most plasters can be applied to plasterboard after certain procedures. However, in obligatory, it is necessary to insulate the self-tapping screws, which are screwed to the suspended ceiling system. If they are not processed by a special insulating solution, then over time, problems may arise in the form of a rust protruding on the surface of the rust.

At the next stage, we process the surface with special primers, which are recommended to use with your chosen decorative plaster. If you correctly pick up and apply a primer, then the clutch of the solution with the ceiling will be quite strong so that the decorative does not disappear. Decorative plaster on the ceiling is applied without problems, but it is not necessary to apply it on the paint layer. Such a coating will not be durable. Also, the primer needs to give enough time so that it is completely dried.

Special attention should be paid to the preparation for the work of a wooden ceiling. This is relevant for country houses. Here it is necessary to approach the question very carefully, especially in cases where the processed ceiling is the floor for the second floor, which will go. Therefore, most often the wooden ceiling is covered with a special (strengthening) grid. The grid is attached to the ceiling, it is fixed with a solution, and then the order of work will be ordinary. Then we already apply a decorative solution on the layer of plaster.

The procedure for applying decorative plaster on the ceiling very much resembles work with the wall, the truth is less convenience. However, the technique does not change from this and depends on the chosen variety of decorative. It is impossible to give a universal advice here, because depending on the selected variety and the brand of plaster, you need to work with certain differences. In particular, we are talking about the thickness of the layer, the number of layers, as well as the movements when applying the solution.

The same plaster with the effect of the "Coroed" is applied with one layer, thick with the filler granules, and then the finished layer is rubbed by a grater. The further surfaces of the surface. In the case of the Venetian plaster, the layers are made as thin as possible, and they are applied from five pieces. Moreover, after applying, polished is carried out with further varnishing or wax coating. These are two very popular options (they are not the only one), but you see well how they differ.

It is very important to make correct lighting while working so that you clearly see how the plaster lies and where what shades appear. In order not to pack the wall, in its very top, where the joint is going on with the ceiling, paste the painting ribbon. The whole surplus of the solution, which is smeared to the edges of the ceiling, will remain on the tape, which at the end of the work simply will be removed. So the walls will remain clean. You can not do that if you are then able to hide everything under the baguette. About applying decorative on the ceiling can learn from the video below (on the example of Venetian).

Not everyone can afford to make a fashionable renovation of an apartment or at home and at the same time consult specialists for help. Some wink on such a decoration for several years, postponing monthly to half of family income. And it is possible for such work to take himself, while spending the minimum of forces and funds. Recently, several ways of design of the ceiling appeared, namely, stretch and suspended options.

The decoration of the room with the help of decorative plaster will allow you to choose the desired color range and create a diverse type of decor.

But decorative plaster at the same time will never lose its relevance and popularity. Due to its high aesthetic and practical properties, decorative plaster has been in fairly high demand among the population. Using this type of finish, you can give an exclusive view of the rooms, while it is important that it is equally suitable for the coating both the ceiling and walls of the room.

Leveling ceiling

Before starting any work related to the ceiling finish with your own hands, it is required to spend it align. To do this, it is necessary to carefully explore the entire surface, note the presence of depressions, holes and cracks. As it is necessary to align the entire surface and only then you can proceed to decorative trim. There are several ways to align, and each wizard chooses it according to the surface used by materials and personal preferences.

Ceiling alignment methods:

  • dry;
  • wet.

The first method is based on the use of various plates, through which a smooth surface will be created. When using a "wet" option, various solutions and mixtures are used in operation. When choosing a surface alignment method, you should consider: if the differences are more than 5 cm, then the alignment is better carried out using plasterboard plates. Plastering in this case may later start peeling and there will be a certain danger to the life of people living or constantly conducting time in this room. If the surface is sufficiently smooth and the drops do not exceed 2 cm, then a simple plastering of the ceiling is possible for high-quality alignment of the entire surface.

For better leveling, plaster mixtures are used, which include plaster or cement. Mixtures with plaster content are environmentally friendly, they dry faster, and the process of working with this material itself is much cleaner than when using cement. The main advantage of cement is its cheap value compared to the plaster. Specialists are recommended for interior finishing work to use gypsum, and cement is ideal for external work.

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Preparatory work

Before starting the ceiling alignment, its entire surface should be prepared for applying a special mixture. The work begins with the removal with a spatula of old paint and plaster. To remove the lime uses conventional water, which is wetted surface. If the water-emulsion paint is removed, it is recommended to add iodine to the water, and special washes are used to remove water-dispersion paint.

Together with the paint, remove all protruding surfaces, any irregularities and falling pieces of plaster. From the seams it is necessary to remove the plaster extending without much effort. If the mushroom is seen on the surface, then such a ceiling should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate. At the end of the already purified and dry surface, primer deep penetration with roller is applied. And in hard-to-reach places, for example, joints of the slabs and where the pipes are laid, all work is carried out by means of a brush.

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Plaster ceiling

Preparation of the plaster mixture for the ceiling is carried out according to the instructions that are included in the package from the manufacturer. Typically, water is poured into the container, the dry mixture is falling asleep according to the specified proportions and everything is mixed with a drill with a nozzle. Upon receipt of the required denotomy, the mixture is left to uphold, then everything is repeatedly rejected. And only then you can finish the mixture to be applied to the surface with a spatula. After applying plaster, its leveling and rubbing is carried out. In this way, the ceiling surface is prepared under the usual color, but recently the use of decorative plaster has become fashionable.

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Decorative plaster

Before starting decorating the wall, put off with a large spatula.

Such a ceiling plaster is able to completely transform the interior and decorate any room. With the help of decorative trim, you can make volumetric drawings on the ceiling and walls, create a pearl effect or the entire surface to decorate with relief sculptures. Decorative plaster is an environmentally friendly, completely safe way of interior decoration, which is not afraid of ultraviolet rays.

The basis for its use is:

  • natural lime;
  • sand;
  • granite and marble crumbs.

Decorative plaster and finishing features:

  1. Having even small skills in finishing works, you can successfully make the ceiling with your own hands, the basis of which the method of decorative plaster will be laid. After the entire surface of the ceiling is primed and the first base is applied, put on a dry surface to put a putty with a fogenfuller. A finished mixture of putty on the ceiling surface in several layers is applied.
  2. Then, for the formation of a structure, a decorative roller is required along the entire surface. You can form a structure with light patches or, as if trying to press the mixture to the surface, then try to "tear" it. In this way, you can easily form your drawing on the layer of plaster.
  3. After a complete drying of the plaster, the entire surface should be lost to sandpaper and rebuilt the ceiling again.
  4. As soon as the primer layer is dry, you can proceed to painting the surface with a roller with a large pile. An hour later, it is possible to glaze the ceiling with a special sponge.
  5. If the color decorative plaster is planned, then in this case there will be another special color and glaze.

In principle, there is nothing difficult in applying such an original plaster, and this can be quickly learned even without special training.

Here the most important thing is to strictly follow the technology of this finish and distribute the building material as soon as possible over the entire surface being treated.

Materials and tools used:

  • cement;
  • gypsum;
  • copper sulphate;
  • primer;
  • putty;
  • fugenfuller;
  • large container for breeding plaster;
  • drill with a nozzle for mixing compositions;
  • putty knife;
  • master OK;
  • roller;
  • decorative roller;
  • brush;
  • rule;
  • sandpaper;
  • special sponge.

Decorative plaster when finishing the ceiling is used not only for aesthetics, but also to align the surface and small height adjustment. However, the latter is not too fundamentally - not a single person on the eye will understand the difference of 1-2 cm. Plastering the ceiling is quite troublesome and dirty, to this should be prepared. On average, the ceiling decoration in the room is about 16 m take two and a half days at a calm pace. So why is it all necessary, and is it worth the effort?

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Arguments for and against plaster on the ceiling

By tradition, it is worth starting with the advantages of plastering on the ceiling surface:

Cons Stucco ceiling finishes:

Starting stage: how to place and progress the ceiling

Marking is the first thing to do before starting the main work. Take into account the fact that the lighthouses need to be placed in the direction of light. In the corner room with two windows, ceiling beacons are installed along. What for? For example, you already put 3 rows and made a mistake somewhere, because of which the average came out lower than you need (the most popular problem). If the beacons are put in the direction of the rays, a small error will not be visible. If the beacons are raised across, the oversight will not be able to hide.

To calculate how many rows of lighthouses need to be installed, you need to know the width of the room. If it is less than 3 m, there are enough 2 rows exhibited at a distance of 60 cm from the walls. Thus, the ranks will be at a distance of each other in 180 cm, which will allow you to comfortably work with a 2-meter rule. In this case, the first row is placed, and then those that from the sides. If the width of the room is from 3 to 5 m, it will take 3 rows, and with a width of 5 m - all 4.

Primer ceiling professional

So, let's say, the ceiling width is 3.5 m, for the markup will have to install 3 rows of lighthouses. The central row is set exactly along the central axis of the ceiling, the rest should be at a distance of it in 1.55 m, or, if it is easier - 20 cm from the longitudinal walls. Places for self-tapping screws are marker or pencil, right there is better to immediately write the length of the lighthouses to constantly not check them. In the marked points, the holes are drilled where the dowels are stuck.

Self-tapping screws are screwed after the primer. It is necessary to primer the ceiling without regretting the material. When the primer is completely dry, you need to find the lowest point. Faster it is done with the help of a laser, but such a device is far from all. To identify the lowest point, you can use a simple bubble level, it is best to apply it along with the rule. The process is tedious and long, but this is one of the most important stages of the ceiling finishes by plaster. Take the rule and level to each other with the help of painting tape and start measuring the ceiling.

Does not play roles, from which corner you will start, the main thing - do not forget to mark the holes for the screws - which are above, and which are lower. This is very important not only in order to avoid the overrun of the material, but also for the convenience of work as such. Not so scary with the error to spend a mixture a little more, but what will you do if you rush into a draft base? Work will be spoiled.

As soon as the lowest plot is found, the screw is screwed into the hole, protruding the outside by 6-7 mm. The next self-tapping screw is inserted into the eye, then you need to attach the level to both self-plugs and see whether the horizontal agrees. The first time, of course, it is unlikely to succeed. Screw the second screw deeper or, on the contrary, unscrew it back until the horizon is perfectly smooth.

In the same method, install all other pairs of self-tapping screws, be sure to check with the level. If the rules have enough in length, you can verify several times the level of the 1st and 2nd and 1st and 5th - so there will be less chances for an error. Get ready to spend on all this matter with a bubble level at least 1.5 hours. With a laser, everything will go much faster - 15 minutes with due skill.

How to plaster

According to the technology of work, decorative plaster on the ceiling does not differ from the wall variant. You simply smear a thick solution of plaster with a spatula, and excessive removal using the rule. Everything is simple, but there are some small differences. Unlike the wall on the ceiling, the strength of gravity is much stronger than the plaster. If you knead the solution too thick, it closes worse with the ceiling. What is fraught, given the weight of the plaster and the laws of physics, it is not necessary to explain.

So, if the ceiling is not perfectly smooth, and there are differences in height, then in different parts it will take different thickness of the mixture. If the difference is less than 1.5 cm, the solution is quick and simply flashed with a metal spatula. Put the slide of the mixture on the spatula and smear the ceiling forward and up.

Thicker layers have their own characteristics. In this case, there is a risk that the plaster will go bubbles - empties arise in those places where the solution could not clutch with the ceiling and began to give. The most vulnerable places in this plan - angles. What to do to remove bubbles? There is a small trick. First apply a thin layer of plaster - it is sufficiently light and with 100% probability closes with the surface. Do not expect when the layer is drying, - do the next one on it. The plaster with the plaster is perfectly connected, and in the end nothing will be saved. You have only half an hour to use this technique - after that the thin layer will dry, and when applying a new one you can get dump. Well, if at this time no one will be in the place where the thick piece of plaster falls.

The fact is that raw stucco with dry does not fit at all. If bubbles have already appeared, you can proceed simply - squabble the plaster before the base and re-apply the mixture. To quickly scrape the unsuccessful coating, wait when the plaster is grabbing.

Much more convenient will work in the direction of the back to the window. So the sunlight will not make his eyes, and vice versa will help to see everything better. Surplus plaster are removed by movements on yourself, while finishing movements using the rule - in the opposite direction. In this way, you can easily notice if there is a lumen between the solution and the rule, and it will correct the assigned error in time until the mixture is dried.

Constantly check the plane along the lighthouses every time you are going to apply just mixed plaster. Ideally, such checks must be after each new kneading. So you immediately notice, if some of the layers came to another. If you do not fix the emboss right away, then it will be very difficult.

The latter is placed along the walls and in some cases - the central axes of self-sustaining.

These sites are embarrassed by plaster only after the central part of the ceiling will dry. Before work, remove all the screws. First, they can interfere with the movement of the rule, and secondly, they will be well noticeable after the ceiling is plastered and covered. The interior does not decorate it.
When the ceiling is completely aligned, it is necessary to remove all the beacons without missing any. In place of the beacon usually the furrows are usually left - they are also needed to carefully close up so that they are not visible.

Grouting process

The finishing of the ceiling is performed using a putty and a wide spatula. The mixture is applied in two thin layers (as drying), and then the surface is grouped. For grinding use a special coat, but if the ceiling is big, it will be a very long process. It is much faster to polish the ceiling with a grinding machine. In both cases, use the mask on the face and glasses to protect the eyes and respiratory tract from dust.

For the ceiling decoration, you can use beautiful Venetian plaster. Usually it covers the walls, but it will look very good at the top. Initially, the composition of the Venetian plaster mix was made of marble crumbs and natural wax. In our time, an acrylic resin is used, which is not inferior to the natural analogue, and more economical for the price. Such plaster imitates the marble pattern, but she has several drawbacks:

  • vulnerability for water, so it can not be used in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom and in the kitchen;
  • if the neighbors are flooded from above, the plaster will be sucking, further repair is impossible, because it will not be possible to choose the same tone - it will have to plaster from scratch.

Texture plaster for the ceiling, like Venetian, will not suit the kitchen. But the reason is not in humidity here, but in dust. Dust and dirt are tightly entrusted to decorative depressions and cracks, laundering such a ceiling will be incredibly difficult. To simplify the task, it is better to use a polymer mixture - it is easier to wash and is not so afraid of moisture. Different tools can achieve a variety of textures. Use painting rollers or grater to apply the required ornament on the ceiling.

If it happened so that bubbles appeared, the plaster will need to be tagged over the entire surface of the ceiling - so you immediately identify the availability of emptiness. All detected weak points must be considered before the base before applying the new layer of plaster. If cracks appeared, they need to be expanded with a knife or a spatula and primer to the primer, on top of which put shta.
If you want to paint the ceiling after they have shuffled it, apply an additional layer of primer. So the paint is better closed with the surface. In addition, you can save paint consumption, because the primer layer instead of the water exchange base will cost cheaper.