Wooden table for arbor do it yourself - reality, not myth. Country table with your own hands: Available design options and step-by-step making wooden table in a gazebo do it yourself

No matter how beautiful the gazebo, located in the site, without good and comfortable furniture will not benefit from it. The choice of suitable tables, chairs and other things is an important task, so it is necessary to approach it.

Types of furniture

In fact, it is not necessary much to arrange a comfortable arbor. The required minimum is a table and chairs or benches. They can be both combined and separate. Always selected that option that is suitable in parameters.

It is also desirable to buy in a gazebo comfortable furniture items.It can be chaise lounges, hammocks or ordinary chairs.

In some cases, the room is intended not only for rest, but also for gatherings for delicious food. In this case, there is a place for the manga, a mini-stove and a locker for kitchen accessories.

All country furniture should be functional and practical.It is also desirable that things be unpretentious in care. The fact is that the furniture is in the gazebo where there are often bad weather conditions, sharp temperatures and increased humidity.

Often, people buy no huge massive kits, and compact folding furniture. She has many advantages. First of all, it is worth noting that it is compact in itself, and if it is also folded, then shops, chairs and mini-tables will take a very little place in the gazebo. They are also convenient to store anywhere.

If the building is not planned luxurious and stylized under baroque, for example, it is really more rational to take the folding furniture and not buy huge sofas or shops for the arbor.

Materials and forms

Furniture purchased for a country area can be made of both cheap materials that resist weather conditions well and from durable and more expensive.


One of the most practical and expensive materials is a natural tree. Wooden tables, chairs and shops are durable, environmentally friendly and capable of listening for more than one year. From such a convenient and easy-to-handing material in the processing of the material you can create things of some kind of shape and size. Therefore, for your summer cottage, the furniture from wood can not only buy, but also get to order or even make it yourself.


Profit attention deserves rattan. These are rods that are used for weaving seats, sofas of other products. The material is expensive, and the process of creating furniture from it takes a lot of time due to its complexity. The base of the rathana rod is attached on a metal frame. After the weaving process is completed, the thing is additionally processed by a layer of varnish, wax or rug protective impregnation.

Such an approach may mean two things.

  • Similar furniture created by hand and with love decorated, looks beautiful and long retains attractiveness. Chairs, sofas and rattan tables are not covered with paint, but only transparent varnish, which allows furniture to maintain a natural shade of wood.
  • Such furniture simply can't cost cheap. True, you can find a cheaper option from artificial rattan. But he will no longer have the advantages of a truly quality product.

The advantages of rotangling furniture, in addition to an attractive appearance, one more signs can be attributed. This is functionality, and low weight, and simplicity in care. Chairs and sofas are very easy to clean from dust and pollution. To do this, it is enough to rub a wicker product with a wet or moistened in a soap solution of the veil. It is also worth noting the fact that the rathanes can have a different form. Classic round tables, and original chairs, and asymmetric sofas are found.


The cheapest material from which the furniture is made for the gazebo is plastic. Plastic tables and chairs are especially loved by dackets, which are either rarely in their possessions, or just want to save.

Rectangular, round and square chairs and plastic tables can be very bright. There are a huge variety of colors, so it is easy to add bright colors to the interior.

Plastic furniture is also very easy and compact. It is convenient to store and move through the territory of the site. In addition, such things are easy to wash, because this material is not afraid of moisture. And to get rid of the pollution of ordinary water, it will be enough, and there will be no cleaning agent.


The most beautifully described furniture made of metal. The best option is exquisite forged products. They look truly luxurious and able to become a real decoration of the site.

In addition to aesthetic attractiveness, metal tables, chairs and shops have other advantages. Metal is rather durable. Especially in the event that the surface of the furniture is coated with an additional layer of a protective agent. It will save the thing from corrosion and will allow her to preserve the attractiveness longer.

In addition, metal products are more durable than any other. They are withstanding a lot of weight, as well as attacks of favorite pets or fascinated by the game of children.

The disadvantages of such furniture include its high cost, massiveness and heavy weight. Compared to other more compact items, metal products or metal inserts are less convenient and compact.

Wood table

Products from natural wood make it simple enough. No special skills need to create the table. And the attached efforts are definitely worth it, because the furniture turns out beautiful and unique.

For the manufacture of the table, first of all, you need to decide on what size is needed furniture.At the table should be convenient to sit all family members, but at the same time it should not fill out all the space of the arbor. The optimal parameters are considered optimal: 1200x700x750 mm.

Deciding with the size and making the drawings of the future product, you can go to work. It will take a standard set of tools: drill, plans, logsik, chisels, self-tapping screws and grooves, and a grinding machine for finishing. Also need and wood from which the future table will be performed. To extend the service life of the furniture and improving its appearance, you also need a varnish or paint, which you can work on a tree.

The manufacture of a country table begins with a tabletop finish. It is created from large boards, which are processed before smoothness, polished and covered with a protective layer. After that, the table support is assembled, connected by jumpers. Then the base is attached to the support. The final stage is a wooden table finishing with a protective agent.

Finish and design

Furniture is now not only a functional addition of the plot, but also to his decoration. Street furniture design is now quite diverse, and if the purchased thing does not like it, it can always be decorated on your own.

Stylization under ancient

Now the furniture stylized under ancient is very popular. You can either buy antiques, or decorate the one that is available.

Wood, treated with demonstrative negligence, looks very good. It can be processed by a special brush or covered with varnish, which cracks immediately after applying. You can decorate this way almost any thing.

Forged inserts

It looks good and furniture decorated with forged inserts. As a rule, they complement the basis of the tables, chairs and shops. Forged elements may be present on the backs, and on the basis of furniture. This is the easiest way to add a notch of luxury into the interior of the arbor.


Wooden furniture can decorate not only a layer of varnish, but also a thread. Such a designer solution will like fans of exquisite classics or vintage. You can even decorate tables and chairs from natural wood, with your own hands, picking up suitable patterns.

There are other ways to decorate furniture for the arbor.But, choosing some of them, it is worth always thinking whether it will suit the decoration of street furniture that is influenced by negative weather conditions.

How to post?

Furniture for a gazebo can be placed at the discretion of the owners. In fact, there are no rules, the main thing is that the whole family and guests are comfortable in nature.

Little gazebo

On the territory of a small area has to post compact buildings. Little gazebo should not be lit by a large number of furniture and decorative parts. As a rule, in this case you need to do some minimum. For example, the table in the center of the arbor, around which benches or chairs are standing.


If there is enough free space, you can show more fantasy. In the gazebo, you can put not only a table, but also a stove or barbell. In this case, the table is located in the center, and at the edges there are all accessories for cooking.

Show phone

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Removal by handover descent, plastic bags and loading, cleaning of garbage, construction, domestic, trash, old household appliances, windows, sofas, washing machines and refrigerators, bricks, drywall, paper, boards, iron, removal of scrap metal, concrete, putty, glasses , Old doors, chairs of tables and cabinet, earth, soil from trenches after kokka septic, export or moving from a private house, garage, from an apartment after repair, warehouse, office, shop, streets, basements, dismantling work of any category of complexity, disassembling And the destructive work is a big experience in this area there is a brigade and any special equipment, a layer and analysis of building export and disposal! Disassembly and repair of apartments with export and any species of building materials! Cleaning of areas of territories from old buildings Irroachering Stumps, Ipened tree branches, logs, export of old Roofs, buildings of various types, cleaning snow with export and utilization is not expensive!
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The sphere calls necessarily agree! - - Demolition of houses (disassembly of buildings) may be required when purchasing a site with unnecessary buildings available on it and in many other cases.
- dismantling of old wooden (village) houses;
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At its cottage recently built a wooden gazebo, which in the plan is a hexagon. At first I thought to set a round table inside the structure. But later I decided that it would be more convenient if the countertop is hexagon. The tabletop allows sitting people at the table on a bench more freely and independently. Option, how to make your own hands the hex table in the gazebo, chose from several samples of furniture on the Internet. Having made the drawings, started the selection of the desired tool and buy the necessary materials.


Since the design should be made of wood, the tool will mostly be needed for woodworking. That's what I used in the manufacture of my hands hexagon:

  • electrolovik;
  • saw;
  • screwdriver;
  • chisels;
  • a hammer;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • roulette;
  • dumping;
  • brushes;
  • tie straps;
  • clamps.


In the construction supermarket acquired all the necessary materials. Purchases made according to this list:

  • lining 12.5 x 96 x 3900 - 2.6 m 2;
  • board 600 x 600 x12,5 mm - 1 pc ;;
  • bar 40 x 40 mm - 12 m;
  • building plywood 600 x 600 x 18 mm, 0.36 m 2 - 1 pc.;
  • wooden dowels Ø 5 mm - 4 pcs.;
  • morilka - 0.5 l.;

  • pF 170 varnish - 0.5 l.;

  • metal corners - 24 pcs.;
  • carpentry glue;
  • screws, nails;
  • cord ǿ 4mm - 6 m.

Step-by-step instruction how to make a hexagonal table

Build a table, whose table top represents a wooden hexagon, decided, following the items of this Instruction. Manufacturing with their own hands of the hexagon table consisted of two stages: Tabevet's assemblies and countertops.

Assembling the support structure

  1. The timing of 40 x 40 mm cut the saw on the parts for the legs and for the crusades under the lining.
  2. From a piece of construction plywood, licked a square of 600 x 600 mm. The square will be the lid of the supporting tobupere.
  3. The electric bolt cut off the board 12, 5 x 600 x 600 mm in the form of a hex german with a face of 450 mm. It turned out the central element of the tabletop.
  4. From the board began to make across the feet of the table.
  5. At the bottom of the legs made the grooves with the help of the chisels and drill to fix the strut.
  6. The struts inserted into the grooves of the legs, pre-smeared with the joinery glue.

  1. The square of plywood installed on the top ends of the legs. The trickle cover secured with screws.
  2. The lower belt of the reference design pulled the belt and left alone for 1 day.

Making countertops

  1. On the cluster cover secured the segments of a bar of 40 x 40 mm steel corners on the screws. The figure in the form of the stars, the rays of which were formed by 6 sectors.

  1. In the center of the table installed hexagon from a 12.5 x 600 x 600 mm board. In it, he made a shallow side of the drill with the back side.
  2. The same holes performed in a bar.
  3. The hexagon installed on wooden dowels, lubricated with carpentry glue.
  4. The lining saw the jigsaw on the segments and cut the edge at an angle of 30 0.
  5. Starting from the center to the edges of the table, filled the sectors with sections of the lining. The bands fucked by carnations through the protruding chamfer to Brus.

  1. The entire surface of the furniture was polished by an abrasive circle.
  2. On the lining brush there is a veil.
  3. After the simulator dried, the countertop covered the furniture lacquer PF 170. After 24 hours, the second layer of varnish.

  1. The grinder polished the table until the perfect smooth surface is obtained.
  2. Feed 3 layer of varnish.
  3. On the external perimeter of the table in the grooves of the wall tag invested. Then covered it with varnish.

The tabletop treated in such a way, even under pergola, will retain its qualities during the year, despite negative atmospheric phenomena.

Cost of materials

  • board 12.5 mm - 0.3 m 2 \u003d 20 rub.;
  • lining 12.5 x 96 x 3900 mm (210 rubles. x 2.6 m 2) \u003d 546 rubles;
  • bar 40 x 40 x 3000mm - 4 pieces \u003d 160 rubles;
  • building plywood 18 mm - 0.4 m \u003d 20 rub.;
  • morilka - 0.5 liters. \u003d 100 rubles;
  • pF varnish - 170 0.5 l. \u003d 50 rubles;
  • steel corners - 24 pcs. x 2 rub. \u003d 48 rubles;
  • joinery glue 250 g \u003d 160 rubles;
  • screws, nails, wooden dowels, cord - in stock.

Total costs amounted to: 1104 rubles.

Labor costs

The time spent on the manufacture of furniture according to the drawings, combined in the following table.

In total, the assembly with their own hands of the hexagon took 13 hours. In general, the table collected in 2 days.

The cottage furniture made is an interesting option, how to make a hex table with minimal money and labor costs. For the wizard, this work does not cause special difficulties. Newbie, viewing a video instrument handling master class, cope with the task of how to make a hex table. We must not forget about the observance of the safety rules and use personal protective equipment.

The table is one of the most fundamental elements anywhere in holiday. This is especially true of summer gazebo. At the table you can collect a large company, have fun and tasty eat. It can be easily assembled with your own hands. Many homemade wooden tables for a gazebo differ little from purchased models. Often they even exceed the store analogs in terms of designer thought.

To save on the construction, it is worth knowing several basic rules for its facilities. It is also necessary to represent the features of such design and possible installation errors. You should also consider the variety of types of tables for the arbor.

Differences in design

The tabletop for the arbor from the tree can have many original forms. What will be the construction, depends on the owner of the site. To determine the type of the future table in the arbor from the tree, you should see some interesting photos.

There are several basic types of worktops. The most common rectangular options. Such a product is a very simple design, which can be found in most traditional arbors. Such a table is usually built of wood. Advantages of rectangular design:

  • It is easy to enter into any interior, is perfectly complemented by various decorative elements.
  • Great capacity. Usually rectangular products are performed for simultaneous recreation 8 people, however, it can be done more.
  • Claws are located on both sides of the table. In length, they are equal to him.

Round table also represents one of the popular options. It is placed in the center of the arbor. Benches are usually set in a circle. Chairs are often prepared for guests. This design is convenient enough to increase the number of places.

You can locate benamers around the perimeter of the arbor. With a small number of seats, there will be a simple folding table. With a hexagonal form of the gazebo, it is better to place benches throughout the perimeter.

The table can also be made of metal. However, in the absence of the necessary skills and experience, the work of professionals should be entrusted. You can also make a combined option - frame from metal elements, and the part on which will sit, make a wooden.

If you buy the finished design there is no desire, it is better to stop your product about the product from the tree. Such a table for the arbor will be affordable and easy to perform, and its appearance will be very attractive.

In the process of selecting the design, look at the numerous photos of finished products. This will help choose the most suitable option.

Tools and materials

As for the choice of materials, it is best to pay attention to new, thick boards. They should not be traces of rot or fungus. Also check their strength. The design of soft wood will quickly lose its original appearance. This is due to the fact that regular mechanical impact will affect the surface state.

Boards must be thick, because the bars of greater thickness will be nailed to them. Table supports are performed from massive bars. All elements are fixed on nails or self-tapping screws. The thickness of each part is determined at the stage of drawing up the drawing.

Once all the tools and materials are prepared, you can proceed to the construction of the table in the gazebo. Before starting work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the main stages of the construction.

Stages of the building

How to make the table in the gazebo? First you need to draw a scheme. The drawing indicates dimensions as well as the materials that will be used. In addition, each mount must be reflected in the scheme. Before that, you need to learn the dimensions of the arbor. This will make the table with the required number of people to which the construction will be designed. Properly selected dimensions will allow you to leave enough space to accommodate benches. You can also move them without any problems.

Performing drawing

In addition, the table shape, as well as benches, should be reflected in the drawing. The shop is better to make a width of at least 0.4 m. The edge of the product must be at a distance of 10 cm. Optimal is considered height of 80 cm.

When planning round items, it should be borne in mind that such designs are suitable for large arbors. Round geometry products occupy a lot of space. By accurate drawing, you can understand which area will be highlighted under the table. Based on these parameters, it is worth choosing the type and size of the product.


After creating the drawing, you can start work. The elementary option is to build a macaw countertop. However, before you think about his supports. There are several options. One of the most common - structures on one leg. Also, 3 or 4 supports are often performed for the table. It is often installed on 8 faces.

Products on 4 legs are highly resistant. They are easy to install and therefore are used in most cases. Before creating supports, it should be fixed on the back of the bars guide bars. This will increase the stability of the table.

Brucks for the legs need to be maximized in length. In this case, the table will not stick, the legs should also have enough thickness to cope with large loads. Fastenings are carried out by self-draws or nails.

When performing work, it is worth looking into the drawing so that all the elements sizes indicated in the drawing. If the floor in the gazebo is not planned, the legs must first be reliably concrete in the soil. Only after that install a worktop.

With a smooth floor covering, the legs are not required. The table can also be portable. In this case, the convenience of using it is repeatedly rising.

Table top

It will be logical to make the table round, if the gazebo has such geometry. If the tabletop is square, the space of the circular arbor will be used irrational. It is better to build a small design.

Tip! The easiest way to perform a round table with a layer on one bar. It should be located strictly centered.

Sometimes when performing a round table, they first produce support, then a worktop. Then parts are connected, and all the excess side of the table top is cut. Bar for support should not be chosen too thin, because it will not be able to withstand the mass of the table and the load that the design will be experienced.

Other features of the table constructions for the arbor:

  • If there is still no floor in the house for rest, or it is not planned at all. You can use a single support, both for benches and for the table.
  • When building an open-type gazebo, the legs for the table and benches are usually welded directly to the frame.
  • When creating a design, you must first prepare a framework. For it, metal pipes are used.
  • When creating a tabletop with 4 legs, you should predeter the corners to them, to which the countertop will be attached.

As soon as the works are completed, you can proceed to the finish finish. She is designed to decorate the design and make a gazebo more attractive.

Finish finish

An excellent solution for decorating the table is a thread. It is usually done at the edges of the table top. Also, it can be covered with thick glass. This will preserve the aesthetic species of wood. When creating tables for the arbor, the stages of the construction of structures of different types are largely coincided.

As you can see, build a table in the gazebo with your own hands it is easy enough. For this, it will take several hours of free time, as well as the exact drawing and correctly selected materials. It is also necessary to get acquainted with several features of the facilities of the table top and legs under it.

A special place in the process of construction of the table occupies its decorative finish. Depending on the tastes of the landlord, it can be equipped with various elements. To cover wooden elements it is better to choose varnish. It will retain the texture of the tree.