Kitchen Design 13 meters with Erker. Kitchen Design with Erker

In the recent past, premises with non-standard sizes could only be found in the private residential sector. Over the past few years, a huge number of new buildings were commissioned, in the kitchens of which there is a comfortable protrusion near the window.

The design of the kitchen with the Erker is suitable for creative personalities who dream of moving away from classic repair methods.

Interior of the kitchen with the Erker in the apartment of the P-44T series

The kitchen with the Erker is most often found in the high-rise buildings of the P-44 series. The window zone is taken forward, forming some ledge. It is he who gives the owner the opportunity to invent a kitchen with an erker individual design with a variety of use options for an additional free area.
In the kitchens in the apartments of the P-44 T series prevailing a trapezoid erker. Much less often meet polygonal, triangular, oval, round, rectangular forms.

Tip! If your plans include the design of the kitchen with the Erker, preference is better to give to modern style.

Professional designers engaged in the repair of the kitchen with the Erker of P-44 T, try to repel from its shape, as well as from free square. With properly thinking of the project, you can not only use the original facade, but also to obtain a significant increase in the illumination of the kitchen space.

The main options for decorating the kitchen with the Erker P-44 T

There is a division of all options for decorating the kitchen with a bucket into two groups:

With zoning Erker in the kitchen, designers choose some interesting solutions. For example, they have on the spot of this erker in the kitchen dining area. Also, the erker in the kitchen is used to locate a workplace with washing, table, elements for storing small kitchenware.

Such space in the kitchen with the Erker is suitable for organizing a small work office, a handmade workshop, as well as areas for relaxation.

Depending on what purpose is chosen for the erker, the kitchen corner is selected, the curtains are selected for the kitchen.

Kitchen Planning Specifications with Erker for Election

The most common idea in the modern design of the kitchen zone stylists consider the location in this space of dining furniture.

This idea is explained not only to the possibility to the maximum degree functionally use the kitchen space, but also by low material costs. There is no need to endure communication, spending significant material tools for this, and in the remaining free space you can easily be located a small soft sofa or bar counter.

After the layout is selected, it is important to think about some nuances.

Tip! Professional interior stylists recommend when choosing a table for a kitchen with an erker, preference to give in such designs that will be reminded by the Erker.

When designing the surface of the ceiling in the kitchen with the erker, it is also necessary to take into account the Erker line to achieve optimal design in the kitchen space. If we think about the high-quality warming of window openings and floor surfaces, you can guarantee comfortable stay in the decorated space regardless of the year.

If there is a triangular form, interior designers advise to get away from classic rules, acquire a round dining table, which will allow visually smoothed nonstandarity of the kitchen plan.

For Erker, having a trapezoidal form, in the apartments of multi-storey houses of the P-44T series, stylists try to place a soft sofa, which in its external characteristics is absolutely identical to the bends of the speaker itself.

For the design of the remaining space, a modern modular headset is suitable, which has a P-shaped location.

A good look gives the use of a standard set of chairs and a table.

Attention! When selecting a kit, it is desirable to choose a M-shaped or linear headset.

In this case, you can arrange a modern comfortable sofa of small dimensions near the opposite protrusion of the wall of the kitchen room. If the kitchen owner does not plan to use a soft kit, a good look will give a two-row layout. For the allocation of the dining area, professionals strongly recommend picking up two-level plasterboard ceilings such a form that completely copied the erker.

In the triangular, the classic set consisting of a small table, as well as several chairs, will be appropriate. For spacious cuisine, it is possible to place one side of the angle for meals, and the second part of the space is to take a small soft sofa, a computer table. The hostess that loves plants, designers recommend organizing a winter garden on this space.

Tip! In order to increase the functionality of upholstered furniture in the kitchen space, professionals are advised to acquire such kits, under the seats of which there is a place to store kitchen items.

Among the main ways of zoning currently used by interior stylists, we highlight the installation of bar racks, open racks.

Important moments

If the kitchen with the Erker is located on the first floor of an apartment building, and the window opens away from the best landscape, it is better to equip the functional working area at the site. A similar version of the modern interior has its own positive and negative characteristics. Let's start with advantages. These include increased illumination of the dining area in the bright time of the day, as well as obtaining an individual interior.

In addition to the advantages of this type of design, during the implementation of the intended idea, certain difficulties may appear. For example, you will have to think about the possibility of transferring communications in advance, agree on such actions with representatives of utilities. Of course, such events not only take away a lot of free time at the owner of the residential premises, but will also be accompanied by significant material costs.

A novice that has no experience is difficult to implement such a project into reality on its own, so you have to include in the estimation estimates to draw up project documentation from a professional designer, as well as take into account the costs associated with the work of the workshops on the transfer of communications to another part of the kitchen space.

If the floor is raised indoors, it will negatively affect the height of the ceilings. In addition, when choosing redevelopment, an individual furniture project will be required, which also implies additional costs.

Attention! In the case of communicating, the location of the washing, will require an installation in a new ceiling exhaust place.

If there is centralized heating in the kitchen, the battery transfer will be very problematic, and when it is closed with furniture, high risk of mold occurs due to violation of air flow circulation.

If the windowsill performs the function of the countertop, professional designers advise to make several holes in it in order to avoid circulating air flow.

Original ideas

There are several alternative solutions, the use of which will allow you to use the ledge in the kitchen as a greenhouse, a working area, a place to relax. Additional tips for each option are presented here.

In order to distinguish the boundaries of the decorated space, you can arm the shelves for storing small items or use the bar counter.

Tip! The use of curtains for similar purposes stylists are considered irrational, since the light stream will be significantly reduced entering the inside of the kitchen space.

Depending on the taste preferences of the owner of the urban apartment, you can create a separate place to read in the erker, or organize a small working area in this space.

Principles of design

Whatever the option is chosen, it is desirable to choose finishing materials of pastel tones, which will create an effect of airiness of space. To carry out the visual separation of zones, all types of modern finishes will be suitable.

Depending on which form and dimensions have an erker, a type of decoration of window openings is selected. For example, for the working area, the bruises will be practical and the original option.

If a modern style is selected for the kitchen, for example, high-tech, windows can be left without textile design.

Roman and rolled curtains purchased for the window must be made of lightweight materials that have excellent protective properties that can be erased and cleaned without much effort.


The modern dining area design option allows the use of various decor options, including the use of tulle with porters, the use of Roman curtains, English curtains. In any case, it is important not to reduce the natural lighting of the kitchen with the original erker, try to keep the originality of the interior obtained.

If you are the owner of a similar kitchen, you can be considered a truly lucky. With the right approach, the existing protrusion can be beaten so that it helps in zoning space, has become a certain "chip" of the image created in this room.

Erker allows you to increase the area of \u200b\u200bkitchen space, increase its illumination, give the kitchen uniqueness and uniqueness. Depending on the project of the house, the protrusion may have a rectangular, multifaceted, rounded form. The P-44T series, P-44K, P-44M suggest a different version of the erker, therefore, differ in the location of furniture items, decorating the working area, window opening.

Among the finished solutions regarding the use of such a protrusion, the dining group with a soft sofa is of interest. For example, along the window you can position the compact sofa. Such a project is suitable for trapezoidal protrusion. The radiator is closed with a decorative screen, the pipes are placed in a special fold column, symmetry is created using an additional column. Plasterboard two-level ceiling will become an excellent decor element in this project.

Depending on the personal taste preferences of the owner of urban real estate, its material opportunities, you can pick up a ready-made option for a kitchen with a certain type of protrusion or to develop an individual project.

Erker is an architectural protrusion in the wall connected to the main premises. There is a semicircular, triangular, in the form of a trapezoid, polygonal and so on. Its presence gives an apartment to the maximum of light, but greatly complicate the decoration of this place. Modern trendy kitchen design with an erker is described in detail in the text of the article.

Erker is a kind of loggia, only much better insulated

Erker is, in fact, a well-insulated loggia, protruding the plane of the building. If it does not have a windowsill, close to the window you can arrange a built-in sofa for recreation or part of the dining area.

Erker is completely glazed like a flashlight, or only partially. It can be separated by a shirma, a curtain, a bar counter - it will turn out another room. Sometimes the eric space is isolated using a multi-level floor, ceiling.

In high-rise buildings, the Erker is most often found in the buildings of the P44T series

It can be placed in it a great place for the working area by making the windowsill a kind of continuation of the table top. It is convenient, because there is a lot of space for work, and the hostess most of the day will not need to include artificial light. If you put a built-in car wash there, then you can watch the view from the window. A little problematic in this case is only the water supply and its lead.

The cooking panel, the gas stove is not practical in the gas zone - the windows will constantly fade, polluted with drops of oil and fat. An interesting idea is the presence of a small winter garden, a place for gymnastics, yoga classes.

Beautiful, but to care for plants will be problematic

Kitchen Planning Features with Erker

An important role in the design of cuisines with the Erker plays the design of the working area, because it is an essential place in this room.

In typical houses, there are most often triangular and trapezoid erkers, sometimes occurs an angular semi-rounder

If the Erker is spacious enough, then there you can put a dining group, following the following rules:

The idea of \u200b\u200bdesign should be repelled from the square and the form of the Erker

For the design of the erker in the kitchen there are a large number of options - it all depends only on the fantasy of its owners and their prosperity.

For example, in Erker, you can make a podium for home parties and children's work

Several design options for erker in the kitchen

Kitchen Design with Erker P-44T, 13 meters square is very relevant for apartment owners in high-rise buildings, which began to build in 1979. These premises are characterized by high ceilings - up to 2.75 meters, relatively large kitchens - up to 13 meters, with an erker, most often having a trapezoid form.

When placed in the trapezoid aircraft of the dining group, the ideal solution will install a sofa repeating the form of protrusions

Heating pipes better hide into a false column

In the opposite corner, the headset of the G-shaped planning will be perfect

What should be taken care of such a kitchen.

The way of decorating windows is selected depending on the purpose of Erker

To beautifully issue the interior of the kitchen with the Erker P-44T, it is worth deciding with the geometry of this part of the room. If the Erker trapezoid, then the oval table is suitable for it, a soft sofa, according to an individual project. Built-in kitchen can also be custom made.

It also looks good option with a round dining table, a cozy sofa and soft chairs with a gentle-lilac upholstery

The arrangement of the triangular space is slightly difficult, due to its small area. It will fit well a round table or in the form of a circle sector, combined with a window sill.

Directly in the triangular erker itself, it turns out to place the small table for tea drinking

But if you wish, you can order a soft headset, as in the photo

The washing device can be complicated by an uncomfortable supply of communications. Without proper heating, this angle will be very cold, because it should make a warm floor or even warm walls.

The transfer of the slab to the Erker will have to be coordinated, it will also be necessary to install the ceiling hood

For a kitchen with a semi-rocker, an accommodation option at the dining room window

Eric kitchen design style selection

The accommodation can be prepared in two ways: to separate from the main premises by any way or be an important part, the semantic center. The color solution of the working area should be harmonized with the design of the dining area, the general design of the room.

Exquisitely looks comfortable sofa with soft pillows

Options for designing the interior of the kitchen with the Erker there are many. Here is some of them:

What can be placed in the kitchen with the Erker

For each zone, the corresponding lighting should be selected - the headsets can be highlighted with built-in point lights or a ribbon from LEDs, a resting place - a lamp, and the "working office" is a desktop lamp or sconce.

Pros and Cough Erker

Most of the erkers have about the same properties, positive and negative.

Pluses of Erkers

  1. An increase in the kitchen space, which allows you to embody many designer ideas.
  2. The ability to unite the erker with the kitchen adjacent to it or the separation from it complete from it using a partition, curtains, shirms.
  3. A lot of light penetrating the street will save on electricity and visually makes the room even more spacious.
  4. You can use any colors, because space and lighting it allows;
  5. The facade of the house looks beautiful.

In addition to the original design, the Erker provides good lighting


  1. High heat loss. Through the glass is lost quite a lot of heat, because heating costs will increase. Partially this issue is solved by installing double-glazed windows.
  2. Aquarium effect. The privacy of this room is dubious. Therefore, you can hang tight curtains, blinds or rolled carriers. An excellent solution will be the installation of glasses with a mirror outside - they create one-sided visibility.
  3. Difficulties with placement of furniture. Separate items will have to do under an individual order.

Wooden blinds protect the room from sunlight well

If you want to visually increase the erker, then around it you can set high cabinets or suspended lockers.


Kitchen designs with an erker can be very diverse, there is a lot of style options. He can become a highlight of even a simple interior, but creates some difficulties in design. Sunlight penetrating the street through large bay windows is very useful for the human body. The most important thing is that in such an interior it was warm at any time of the year, cozy, convenient to work and relax.

Video: Window design options in Erker

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The kitchen with the Erker is a unique opportunity to make the interior not like most others. We were lucky with such a layout to those who live in private or in a typical house of the series P-44T, P-44TM or P-44K. The design options for this zone may be several. Consider what types of erkers are and how beautiful to equip this zone.

Erker can be obtained by redeveloping. In many modern apartments, an archery loggia join the kitchen, thereby increasing the area and making the room very light.

Erkers can not only be perfectly symmetrical, but also angular, triangular, located not in the center of the room. This creates certain difficulties in the repair and placement of furniture.

Consider what molds may be.

  1. Triangular.
  2. Trapezoidal.
  3. Corner halferker.
  4. Round.
  5. Semicircular.
  6. Rectangular.
  7. Polygonal.

The first three options are most characteristic for standard houses P-44T. Their residents are lucky and because the kitchen area here is large enough on average Russian standards - about 13 sq.m.

Cuisine 13 sq. M in two-bed P-44T.

The perfect round, polygonal form meets mostly only in cottages or elite apartment buildings.

In a country house. Work designers television program "County answer".

See also the release of the TV show "Apartment question":

5 options for registration

The selection of a specific embodiment of the arrangement is greatly influenced by the form of the Erker. Here are some solutions for different forms.

Kitchen in Erker

In this case, the headset should be made to order, so that the lower cabinets perfectly reinforced the formation form.

This layout allows you to fulfill the dream of most owners - to equip the sink by the window.

If the windows are uninformed, and the aircraft part has a triangular shape, then you can close the lower part under the windows of the false-wall of plasterboard. It turns out something like the shelves, and the room will have more comfortable for the arrangement of furniture proportions.

Dining area or bar

One of the most common options. Recommendations for illumination and zoning are also performed here.

In a private house

It will be best to look a round dining table.

The dining area can serve as a bar counter. It needs to be made to order on the desired form and size.

Sofa or mini-living room

Rectangular, round, polygonal or trapezoid protrusion - an ideal place for a small sofa. You can make this part of a separate area of \u200b\u200brecreation or move a dining table here, aligning a living room and a dining room.

Under the sofa, you can equip additional storage space.

To equip a mini-living room or a place to rest, it is not necessary to order a sofa repeating the bends of the erker. You can one or two chairs (if the area allows).

Dresser, low servant or rack

Additional storage space in the kitchen will never interfere. If you found such a furniture, ideally suitable for the shape of the Erker, then you have another opportunity to beat this part of the room favorably.

And if you leave the Erker free?

You can generally do not place anything from the furniture in this zone if the layout of the room allows you to arrange it so ergonomically. It is most often possible to solve the issue in the case of an angular half-eurker.

An example in the photo below:

And you can do something like a garden by installing a rack for home plants.

What to choose curtains?

To successfully choose the curtains, it is necessary to determine the functionality of this part of the room.

Definitely need short, adjustable in height, if the kitchen works area is equipped in the erker. If there is a washing there, then preference is better to give the rolled curtains made of water-repellent material, blinds or short textile, not reaching the middle of the window.

If the sofa is installed in the erker, then long curtains can interfere. In this case, it is possible to do only with one lambrene without tulle if the design is close to the classic or traditional style, or Roman, rolled curtains.

Erker is part of the room, a multifaceted protrusion with three (less often - more) windows. It is often used to add minor rooms an additional useful area. Sometimes it is provided for by the initial layout of the house, sometimes in the erker turn a balcony or loggia.

Is there a bucket in the kitchen? It can be very interesting to beat!

The kitchen with the Erker is not only convenient and functionally, but also very beautiful. This layout of the room looks very effectively. In addition, in Erker, you can equip a separate dining area - it is often very difficult to do this.

Planning and Zoning Options

The presence in the kitchen of Erker is an excellent opportunity to give the room a non-standard appearance, while ensuring comfort and convenience. There are several typical options for planning a kitchen with a bucket.

The most popular option is to use the protruding zone as a dining room.

The dining room on the place of Erker is a traditional and very convenient move.

If you allow the arrangement of communications, you can turn the erker into the working area. However, there are nuances - it is not always possible to actually carry out water supply and sewage. If you want to install the gas stove, it is almost impossible to coordinate the redevelopment of pipes.

If you manage to coordinate redevelopment, you will get a very convenient working area.

Many use Erker as a recreation area with sofas, bookshelves and so on. It is convenient and practical, especially if there is no room for the living room in the apartment.

Recreation area in the kitchen? Why not!

Malopopular in Russia, but very spectacular reception - the use of erker under the winter garden.

Add nature to your kitchen.

At the same time, zoning may differ not only by functional purpose, but also by type. A kitchen with a clear separation erker is usually additionally completed with a shirma, curtain, folding partition. Sometimes thus in the erker design a room that is not related to kitchen topics - for example, a small office or a children's playing area.

Cuisine planning options with an erker there are many.

However, zoning is much more often drawn up conditionally - so that the Erker is a full part of the kitchen.

In a private house in Erker, a rather large dining room can be located.

Ideas for the kitchen with the Erker

As you can see, there are many options for designing a kitchen with an erker. We suggest considering the most interesting and functional ideas in more detail. However, remember that your fantasy is limited to the size and form of an extension. In addition, some elements of the planning will have to coordinate in the HSEK.

Such redevelopment will have to coordinate for a long time, but the result is worth it.

In order to transfer the working area into the Erker, you need to spend all the communications there. Some at home get permission is very difficult.

However, if you are able to approve the change plan, then the result will please you:

  • Such a kitchen looks very stylish and unusual;
  • The working surface is additionally illuminated by natural light;
  • Directly indoors can make a full-fledged dining area.

However, there are also cons. Such redevelopment will cost you a considerable amount. Also, consider that you will not be able to hang hinged cabinets over the table top, which means they will have to refuse or think of how to place them on the walls. In addition, this option is not suitable for small erkers.

For a small kitchen with an erker, it is better to choose another option. For example, a dining area.

Important: The headsets will most likely have to be made to order and non-standard form, which will significantly increase the budget for repairs.

A more popular solution is to arrange a dining area in Erker. Daylight, visual peopling from the workspace ... It is comfortable, and beautiful. You can set a standard kitchenette or put a sofa. In the latter case, the Erker can become a wonderful seating area.

Dining area with a sofa in the form of an erker.

Sometimes the erker is completely small. It is pointless to speak in this case about the dining room or the working area in the extension: they simply do not fit there. In this case, you can use it for a small recreation area. For example, with and.

Do not want a bar rack? Just put an additional wardrobe in the erker.

Sometimes the windowsill is reworked under the bar. It is convenient, functionally, stylish and inexpensive. In addition, in the windowsill niche, you can place the kitchen inventory and stocks. A good solution for a small kitchen with an erker.

Erker is an excellent functional supplement for the kitchen.

An unusual reception for the kitchen in the American style is to make a member of the kitchen island. It looks very unexpected. However, make sure that the sizes of the erker allow access to the island from all sides - otherwise you risk to face certain inconveniences during the work.

Become a combination of erker and kitchen island.

If you want to archer for unusual goals, think about its isolation. The winter garden looks good behind the sliding doors, and the office is better to exacerbate by opaque partitions.

The ability to hide the Erker is sometimes very convenient.

Well think out the design project of the room: you need the Erker to prevent the work in the kitchen.

Decor: Decorating Erker

What a decision you would not take, you will have to take care of the decoration of your erker.

Do not forget to choose the appropriate decor.

There are general rules here:

  • Do not overload the extension with a large number of decorative elements. Often, erkers do not too spacious, so the massive decor will simply spoil them.
  • The main advantage of any erker is large windows providing additional light. Therefore, refuse dense curtains with multi-layered structures and. Your choice - or blinds with translucent or wooden lamellas.
  • If you want to visually separate the erker from the rest of the room, but do not plan to do full zoning, think about the drywall. They emphasize the separation of zones. In addition, such arches can be ordered any size and shape, so they are easy to enter into any style of interior design.
  • By the way, about style. You can how to withstand the general atmosphere in the kitchen, and play it with different combinations.
  • Erker with a contrasting main room with wallpaper looks very impressive. In this case, the ceiling and the floor is better to do one-photon.
  • Very often, the erker is lifted over the overall floor level. It is stylish and convenient, however, consider that you take up to 30 centimeters of the height of the walls. For low kitchens, this reception is not suitable.

As for the rest of the jewelry, here you are free to choose. Pictures, flowers, decorative chandeliers - all this can decorate your erker if it comes to the style of the room.

Decor elements will give the erker completion.

However, manifest a sense of measure: As we have already written, you should not overload the Erker with plenty of decor.

Choose style

Initially, Erkers were designed ... as defensive structures in the fortresses. However, now they serve as a full part of the city apartments and private houses. And they draw them completely differently: depending on the design and stylistics of the kitchen.

Do not be afraid to experiment with the design of Erker.

Let's see what the erkers look in different interior styles.

Orders can be issued in different ways.

For a kitchen with an erker, light tones and natural materials are characteristic. Choose lungs, air curtains and elegant textures. It is better not to experiment with the appointment of Erker - the beautiful dining area will fit perfectly.

For the kitchen in the classic style it will be better to stay on the dining area.

But in the kitchen in the style of Provence, the Erker is more commonly reworn under the work area with a stove and sink. This approach fully corresponds to the traditions of style: as much light and space as possible.

Color and materials characteristic of Provence in Erker.

In the American style kitchen, the Erker can be beat to successfully place a kitchen island. Try to experiment. For example, choose a non-standard location. Put the table of symmetrically working surfaces transferred to the Erker. In addition, it can be turned into a bar. This is an example of the most efficient use of the room.

It is worth playing with the location of the island.

Important nuance: Make sure the kitchen dimensions allow a similar approach. If the area is less than 14 square meters, it is better to search other options.

For kitchen in style is characterized by non-standard receptions of erkers. We like this option: the dark work area separates the bright territory of Erker. Due to the contrast of colors and textures, the room looks very stylish.

Modern allows experiments.

However, for the kitchen in the modern style you can find many interesting solutions.

How at the expense of such a corner in the erker?

Neoclassic style kitchen also gives great scope for fantasy. Use modern materials, experiment with a combination of textures. We recommend issuing a lounge zone in the erker - in such a style it looks flawlessly.

Lounge Zone for Kitchen with Erker.

Note! If you do not want to overload the room with a large number of cabinets, use hidden furniture reserves. For example, order a sofa with mounted retractable cabinets.

Do you make a kitchen with a small erker in style? It's time to turn the windowsill of plating windows in a bar counter. It perfectly matches the spirit of the loft.

In the Lofte, the Erker can be played in different ways.

Pros and cons

As you can see, the design possibilities of design of the kitchen with the Erker are almost limitless. However, they love them not only for this: such a layout has many advantages. However, and without flaws did not cost.

Even the little Erker will decorate the kitchen.

The advantages of such premises include:

  • The ability to arrange any, even the most non-standard location of furniture and household appliances.
  • An increase in the useful area.
  • Additional natural lighting, as a result, saving on light accounts.
  • Redeveloping a kitchen with an erker, especially if you want to transfer the work area into it, it will cost quite expensive.
  • Since there are many windows in the room, you will have to pay more for heating.
  • In fact, competently organize space in such a kitchen is not too simple. Most likely you will need to resort to the designer services.

Do not be afraid to look for interesting solutions.

Kitchens having an erker are distinguished by an interesting appearance. Such a planning option allows you to create many original ideas. But to issue competent It is difficult. It is important at the initial stage to take into account the existing nuances and features of the room. This will help to avoid problems in the future.

Erker is a protrusion on the facade of the building, allowing to increase the space space.

How to develop perfect kitchen design with Erker P44T

Kitchen Design with Erker P44T It has a number of features. The room is equipped with a special protrusion in the form of a trapezoid in the window. Available extra area is worth using the most useful as possible.

Most often in modern multi-storey houses of the P-44T series, the Erker is located in the kitchen.

The layout includes the following advantages:

  1. Erker helps to increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room;
  2. Additional window openings admire more natural lighting, so that the kitchen will become lighter;
  3. The facade of the house looks original;
  4. There is an opportunity to realize interesting design ideas that are not suitable for typical rooms.

The window-rendered zone of the window forms a protrusion, the use of which gives the owner a chance to create an individual design of the kitchen with various variations of an additional area.

Some homes there are protrusions in the form of a rectangle, an oval, triangle. But the layout of P44T is distinguished by trapezoidal. You can archer in several ways.

  1. Make a separate zone. You can separate from the kitchen of shirma and arrange as a balcony.
  2. The area included in the kitchen area. Theninterior kitchen P44T. It is necessary to develop, considering the features of the room and the protrusion as a whole.

Modern design ideas are repelled from the form of the Erker and the area provided.

Key design principles in the Erker zone

There are a number of specific principles that should be followed regardless of the planning.

In addition to the interesting facade and the ability to organize the original interior, the Erker contributes to a significant increase in illumination.

  1. It is recommended to choose a pastel gamut that advantageously emphasizing the presence of a large amount of light.
  2. For separating zones, use not only the screen, but also design options. You can use various gamut and finishing materials.
  3. The lighting organization must be carefully thought out. Watch that the light penetrates all corners.
  4. When separating the protrusions from the main premises, it is important that the design does not have cardinal differences from each other. The transition should not cut the eye.

Depending on the purpose of the Erker, the rest of the kitchen interior is planned.

Several practical options for the design of Erker in the kitchen

  • Organization of the working segment. The lower part of the headset can fully fill the protrusion.

  • Election zone. The decision is most often the rest. The headsets are located linearly, in several rows. Next to the window opening on the free plot the table is installed.

The table must coincide in shape with a protrusion.

  • Territory for recreation. You must add a sofa or a few soft chairs. You can choose the model of the type of bed, which will become a good combination with the erker.

Install the compact table to make an ideal place for relax.

  • Garden. Can be placed in this area of \u200b\u200bhouseplants. Thanks to the use of various racks, you can create an attractive ensemble.

Sometimes the archer is left without filling, decorating only with curtains.

Kitchen with Erker: Modern Design Ideas

If the room is distinguished by different ceiling heights or there is a partition that has an arch, it is recommended to use wood panels for decorating and spectacular underlining the transition between the sections. With an open layout, allocate the flow of one zone to another will be more difficult.

The most popular idea of \u200b\u200bmodern design in the plating zone is the installation of furniture of the dining group.

The use of bright textiles in the form of a curtain or upholstery of furniture becomes optimal, as well as the design of the walls with expressive finishing materials. To emphasize the original view of the room will help the lunch segment, equipped with a spectacular chandelier.

The idea of \u200b\u200bfloor insulation and windows for the winter will provide a comfortable pastime in the kitchen in any weather.

Interior of the kitchen with the Erker in the apartment of the P-44T series

More often there is a trapezoidal version of the protrusion in such apartments. Designers are recommended to give preference to modern interior directions. It follows the number of free meters, the shape of the erker. It is worth perceive it as an opportunity to increase the kitchen space, make the room more practical and functional.

Trapezoid Erker, prevailing in the apartments of the P-44T series, is optimally suitable for accommodating the sofa, completely repeating the bends of the protrusion.

Features of the dining area planning

It has already been noted that more often in the field of protrusions place a dining group. This meets the functional and aesthetic requirements. No need to transfer communications, increasing costs of expenses, and more space will remain for the workspace.

The idea of \u200b\u200bdesign with a standard set of tables and chairs looks successfully.

  1. Use furniture models with high functionality. You can buy a sliding table. Then there will always be a large company in the kitchen.
  2. The table must repeat the geometry of the erker. This will create a harmonious interior.
  3. Ceiling should be drawn up by relying on the protrusion line. Then you can effectively emphasize the zoning of the room.
  4. It is necessary to insulate the windows and the floor in the kitchen. Then in the winter period, it will be comfortable and cozy there.

Do not forget to emphasize the dining area in the kitchen with a modern two-tier ceiling of plasterboard with lines approximately copying the shape of the erker.

If the Erker is triangular, choose a round table for it. He visually smoothes the corners and soften the non-standard form of planning.

Arctication in Harker Working Square

If the view from the window does not please or speech about the apartment on the first floor, it is necessary to place in the field of the protrusion is not a dining segment, but a working area.

An individual interior is beneficial from standard apartment design layouts.

The solution has its advantages.

  • Countertops will be better high in the afternoon.
  • You can, when cooking, observe what is happening outside the window.
  • The embodiment of non-standard, individual design.

Inquisitive images open space for observation during home trouble.

There are a number of difficulties that may arise in the process of implementing the idea. About them should be known in advance and take into account.

  • The need to transfer communications, which will affect the costs.
  • It is necessary to coordinate the project.
  • The ceilings will become lower due to the increase in floor level.
  • It is required to install furniture made to order, which will become an additional consumption.
  • The stove and sink installed next to the windows can be polluted much more often.
  • To install the drawing, a special approach will be required.
  • It is impossible to transfer batteries. The headset can close them, which provokes air circulation disorders. This can lead to the appearance of mold.

These factors should be taken into account at the design planning stage. This will help reduce the risk of listed problems.

The ideas of the original corner for recreation or work

It is possible to select the border between the zones using the bar counter, the shelves where the little things are stored. You can use curtains or racks, but this solution is not distinguished by practicality.

This will significantly reduce the level of natural lighting in the room.

You can organize in the area of \u200b\u200bsites for recreation or work. Place the sofa or chairs with soft pillows and a compact coffee table.

It will look exquisite and cozy.

Kitchen design in the houses of the P44 series

In the houses of this series, in addition to the presence of Erker there is a problem in the form of a ventilation box. It is impossible to remove or transfer it. Therefore, it is worth thinking how to beat everything competently. The box becomes an obstacle to install the refrigerator.

There are options for angular kitchens. Then it is worth placing the headset in the form of the letter G, adding the entire original cabinet made to order. The refrigerator should be placed next to the box. If square meters are sufficient, the placement is suitable in the form of the letter P or linear option.

Significantly reduce the difficulties of placing the working surface in the Erker zone will allow their offset to side.

Choose interior style

Suitable interior styles are reflected in the table.

Exquisitely looks like a modern idea of \u200b\u200bcomfortable places with soft pillows.

Style Description
Classic The palette must be restrained, the line is strict. A wooden headset is installed in the erker. Used furniture should be made of natural materials. Colors are predominantly bright.
Modern Lines smooth. A wide range of materials used. Suitable metal, plastic.
Minimalism Suitable for profitable underlining the level of natural lighting. Gives room lightness and freedom. A feature is the maximum amount of light and lack of decor.
High tech Placing surfaces from glass, plastic and metal. Technique only high-tech. Differs in high functionality.

Do not forget about the decor

When choosing a decor, pay attention to the following details.

Depending on the purpose of the erker and its sizes, the windows are decorated in various ways.

  • Textile. Curtains are suitable straight light shade. Must freely and easily move. For small openings, the Roman model is suitable.
  • Palette. Must match the overall style. If possible, it is not worth using dark tones that reduce the area.
  • Lighting. When organizing a working area, add symmetric scaves. If it is a dinner segment, choose the lamps fixed on the walls with a soft light.

Kitchen with Erker: interior features

The erker allows you to add free square and use it practical. Before the start of the embodiment of ideas, it is worth considering the location of the heating system. This will help to avoid dampness and mold formation.

The protrusion allows you to place not only the working, dining area, but also a segment for rest, which only increases the originality and comfort of the room.

Video: Kitchen with Erker: 50 cozy designer solutions for home.